


Many different McDowell family groups inhabit North Carolina prior to and after the Revolutionary War. We document several of those family units in other files at this website. Herein, we focus on the McDowells of Eastern and Central North Carolina not otherwise covered in other files and the migration of their descendants into Kentucky and Tennessee. Other family trees at this website can be accessed in the Table of Contents.
For a review of abbreviations and legal terms appearing in this file, click here.
We begin with a hyperlinked Descendants Table which permits one both to jump to the people and county of interest or to view the genealogical structure of families. Hyperlinks to other McDowell family are included as appropriate.

Descendants Table


James McDowell - Margaret MNU
Stephen McDowell - Judah MNU
Stephen McDowell - Sarah (Perry)
Mary McDowell - Hughes Harrell - Timothy Mizzel
Lucretia Harrell
Perry Mizell
Rachel Mizell
Miles Mizell
Miles McDowell - Elizabeth Holley
Winefred McDowell - William Layton - William Baines
Lydia McDowell - Unknown Jones
Stephen Jones
Reddin Jones
Sarah McDowell - Nicholas Newbern - Stephen Dolby
Rachel McDowell - Charlton Leary


William McDowell - Ann MNU
William McDowell


Charles McDowell - Elizabeth MNU


Eleanor McDowell
Mary McDowell - (Peter) Conway
Katherine McDowell - Unknown Hory

John McDowell - Mary Elizabeth Savage
Nancy McDowell - Leavin Causey
Alexander Causey - Angeline Bone
William Causey
George Causey
Phillip Causey
Jane Causey - William Beasley
Julia Causey - Unknown Manning
Susan Causey
Patrick McDowell - Mary S. Cromwell
John W. McDowell
Elizabeth O. McDowell - John W. Knight
William B. McDowell - Mary Ann Farrer Cook
Elisah C. McDowell - Mary Ann MNU
Mary L. McDowell - Brisco Howell
Pattie McDowell
Margaret L. McDowell - Joseph P. Sugg
Penina McDowell
Martha McDowell - Newsom Cromwell - James Ellinor
Margaret Ann Cromwell - Elisha Cromwell
William McDowell - Elizabeth Hardcastle

Joseph McDowell - Nancy Jane Holbrooks
William McDowell
Elizabeth McDowell - UNK Duff
Jane McDowell - Thomas Morgan Paisley
Robert Paisley
Martha Paisley
Margaret Paisley - Samuel Stout - Shadrack Williams
Joseph McDowell Paisley - Jane Hodson
Jane Paisley
Thomas Major Paisley
James Harris Paisley - Mary MNU
Elizabeth B. Paisley
Joseph McDowell - Elizabeth Thomas
Lucinda McGee McDowell
Jane Barnett McDowell - Thomas Jacob Poe
John White McDowell - Eleanor Clark
Elizabeth Harriet McDowell - Andrew J. Babb
James Lewis McDowell - Margaret Sophronia Simons
Abner Chapman McDowell - Lucinda R. Veatch
Martha Lowry McDowell
Martha McDowell - Aaron Orendorff
James McDowell - Catherine Ann Rawlings
Margaret Elizabeth McDowell - Milas Hobson
Abner C. McDowell
Martha Jane McDowell - Michael E. Pomfret
Edward Rawlings McDowell - Louisa C. Davis
Joseph White McDowell
Lucy Leah McDowell - Jacob M. Boucher
Emma McDowell
Elizabeth McDowell
Abner McDowell - Nancy S. Grider
Hannah McDowell - UNK Fergusson
Mary McDowell
John McDowell
Alexander McDowell - Delilah Orndorff
James McDowell - Sarah Russell

John McDowell - Sarah MNU
John Baptist McDowell
William McDowell - Joannah MNU

John McDowell - Sarah MNU
John McDowell - Hannah McAllister - Mary Francis Stuart
Wiley McDowell - Margaret Williams - Nancy Bassett
James McDowell - Lucinda Beasley
John Wesley McDowell - Rachel Isabelle Williams
Henry McDowell - Margaret Hinton - Georgie Ann Johnson
Nancy C. McDowell - J. B. Lewis - Joel Clemmons - Ralph Hughs
William M. McDowell - Mary Elizabeth Brown
Thomas Ephraim McDowell
Mary Francis McDowell - William T. Bell
Julia Ann McDowell - William Dudley Cardwell
Hampton McDowell - Elizabeth Almeda Peden
Thomas Wesley McDowell - Julia Brizendine
Melvina Jane McDowell - Jessee Cummings
King Daniel - Janie E. Jenkins
Nancy McDowell - Sherwood Massey
William McDowell - Sarah Covington
Elizabeth McDowell - Jesse Colther
Mary McDowell
Nancy McDowell

John McDowell - Isabella MNU
Mary McDowell - Jesse Day
Joseph McDowell - Nancy Close
William S. McDowell
Eleanor G. McDowell
Thomas Crawford McDowell
Kinsey S. McDowell
Hiram A. McDowell
Joseph McDowell
Lucy J.E. McDowell
Martha E. McDowell
Jesse F. McDowell
James A. McDowell
William McDowell - Jane Hankins
Joseph McDowell
William B. McDowell - Margaret Smith
James F. McDowell
Mary McDowell
Sarah McDowell
Hannah McDowell - James Franklin Worthington
Isabella McDowell
Thomas McDowell
Jesse C. McDowell - Sarah E. Green
Nancy Loretta McDowell - John W. Worthington

Thomas McDowell - Mary MNU
Frederick McDowell - Hannah Hassell
Thomas McDowell - Mary MNU
Foreman McDowell
Lovey Elizabeth McDowell - John Boyd
James McDowell - Sabrina Hyman
James McDowell - Mourning Hassell
Simeon McDowell
Nancy McDowell


James McDowell
Parents: Unknown

James McDowell [Unknown - 1752] married Margaret MNU. Her Christian name is found in BertieDBF:356. No records have been found to indicate any children.
Beginning in 1742, James appeared in the Chowan County General Court Docket (ChowanGCD) as shown in the following table.

Table: Chowan Docket for James McDowell

July 1742 - 134 Thos Clark vs James McDowell, Case, Ordr __, Non assumpset, ChowanGCD35
July 1742 - 18 James McDowell vs Eundom, Case, Levyed upon Pettiauger, Discontinued by Mr Anderson, ChowanGCD35
July 1742 - 43 James McDowell vs John Warburton, Case, Exd __, Mr Vernon appeared for the Deft &C, ChowanGCD35
October 1742 - 98 Thos Clark vs James McDowell, Case, Non assumpset, Mr. Anderson appd for the Deft: Confest Judgment for £92.10.0 with stay of Execution till next Court for the Debt, ChowanGCD38
October 1742 - 219 James McDowell vs John Warburton, Case, Mr. Vernon appeared for the Deft &C, Non assumpset by Mr. Vernon, ChowanGCD35
October 1742 - 221 James McDowell vs John Hilton, Case, Default ordr, Discontnd by Mr. Anderson, ChowanGD35
July 1743 - 163 James McDowell vs John Warburton, Case, Non Assumpset Contind, ChowanGCD39
March 1743 - 242 James McDowell vs Eundam, Case, Copy left, Att achment, ChowanGCD39
October 1743 - 128 James McDowell vs John Warburton, Case, Non Assumpset of since Cont., Contind by Consent, ChowanGCD40
October 1743 - 186 James McDowel vs John Hollbrook, Case, Attachment, abated by the Death of the Deft, ChowanGCD40
October 1743 - 39 Idem vs James McDowell, Indictmt for an assault, Deft appd & pleaded not guilty, Deft appd Jury sworn &C __ of the Jury do find for the Deft guilty fine one shilling proclamation money, ChowanGCD40
March 1744 - 5 Idem vs James McDowell, Indictmt for an assault, Saml Ormr, Billa Verathe Deft Ent into Recogniee in £5.0.0 proclamation money & _ Wallace, Andrew Oliver each in the sum of £2.10.0 P Money as Securites, ChowanGCD41
March 1745 - 115 Saml Ormes vs James McDowell, Trespass, Not guilty, Discontnd the Deft paying costs, ChowanGCD43
March 1745 - 182 James McDowell vs Roger Anell, Case, Plus, another writ, ChowanGCD43
March 1745 - 187 Thos Ryan vs Jas McDowell, Trespass, Refered to Blackhall, Hall, Bayne, Campbell & Herron & their or any three of their awards to be a Rule of Court, Refered to the same persons, ChowanGCD43
March 1745 - 283 James McDowell adr vs Robt McGee, Debt, Alis pled to Bertie, ChowanGCD43

James participated in the inventory of an estate in 1743.

In Inventory of the Estate of John Hoolbrook dec'd taken by Robt West & James McDowall in the presence of Roger Snell & Joseph Andrews Nor 5th 1743.
[List of inventory items]
Jas McDowall
Robert Wise
Bertie County Probate Estate Folder: John Holebrook

As the Sheriff of Bertie County, James is named in Edgecombe County NC court records.

North Carolina } George the Second by the grace of God King of Great Britain &C
To the Sheriff of Bertie County Greeting
We command you to summons or cause to be summoned James Castalaw, Josiah Johnson, Richd, Robt Laurence, Thos Hackman, Thos: Ashburn all of the County & province afsd personally to be & appear before our Chief Justice & his assistants at our next General Court to be held for our said Province at the Court house in Edenton on the last Tuesday in this Instant July then & there to testifie all singular those things which they or each of them shall know relating to the Sale of certain Lands sold at Vandue by James McDowell Esqr late Sheriff of Bertie by virtue of an Execution issued out of the General Court at the Suit of one Thomas Amory against Thomas Lovich Execur of the last Will & Testament of Lawrance Sarson on the part & behalf of the Deft & to tryed on the 2 Day of the said Court & this they & each of them are in no wise to omit under the penalty of one hundred Pounds each herein fail not & make due return of this Writ. Witness Enoch Han Esqr our Chief Justice of our said Province at Edenton this 1st Day of July anno Dom 1745.
Jas Craven Clk Genl Court
Edgecombe County Estate Folder: Lawrence Sarson

Amory vs Lovick, Exr of Laurence Sarsone } In fur Gnate. The Deposition of James Castellaw being of full age & sworn on the Holy Evangelists deposeth and saith that this Deponent being at the House of Richard Tomlinson near Bertie County Court with Arthur Williams was asked by James McDowell then Sheriff of the said County to go with him to see him put up an advertisement for the sale of Jno Reddit & Archibald Bells Lands & that this Deponent & the said Arthur Williams went with the said McDowell and saw him put up an advertisement for the sale of the above named Lands on the Back part of Bertie Court house. This Deponent further saith that he went to the house where Archibald Bell lived and that in the morning of the Day of the Sale, James McDowell & John Reddit went out and called this Deponent to them, who when come to them heard the said James McDowell tell the said John Reddit that his fee was forty or fifty Pounds upon which the said John Reddit gave this Deponent some money and this Deponent [hold] out fifty Pounds which the said John Reddit tendered to the said James McDowell, but the said James McDowell told the said John Reddit that he would not take it from him it being possible he might be called upon his oath but that if he would give it to this Deponent he would take it from him for then he could safely swear he had received no money from the said John Reddit upon which the said John Reddit gave the money to this Deponent who gave it to the said James McDowell directly and further this Deponent saith not.
Jas Castalow
Sworn before me Novr ye 4th 1746.
E. Hall C:J:
Edgecombe County Estate Folder: Lawrence Sarson

James appeared in several Bertie County Civil Action Papers.

John Lett Bond with James McDowell for security dated 28 October 1745 with obligation that Lett appear in Court to answer Christian Pratt administrator of last Will and Testament of John Pratt for plea of trespass with damage £3. Signed: Jh. Lett, Jas McDowa. Witnesses: James Lagett, Edwd (E his mark) Harrell.[KM Abstract]

North Carolina, Bertie County Ss May Court 1746
James Motun late of Bertie County afsd planter was attached to answer James McDowell of a plea of Trespass on the Case &C whereupon the said James McDowell by Thomas Barker his attorney complains that whereas the said James Motun on the Twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & forty five at Bertie County afsd made his certain promissory note in writing signed with the proper hand & name of the said James Mohun by which said promissory note the said James Mohun promised to pay to __ said James McDowell or order Twenty six pounds seven shillings & six pence bills of North Carolina when he should be & thereto required by reason whereof the said James Mohun [became] & yet is liable to pay to the said James McDowell the afsd sum of Twenty six pounds seven shillings & six pence according to the [terms to that] of the said promissory note. And being so liable he the said James Mohun in consideration thereof afterwards (to wit) on the day & year afsd at Bertie County afsd assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the said James McDowall the sum of Twenty six pounds seven shillings & six pence whe he should be therto required yet the said James Mohun his promises & assumptions afsd not regarding but contriving & intending the said James McDowell to defraud & deceive the afsd sum of money or any penny thereof tho often since thereto required hath not yet paid but the same to pay hitherto hath refused & doth yet refuse to the Damage of the said James McDowell of four pounds Lawful money of Great Britain & thereof he brings his Suit &C.
Barker Att Plt } Pledges seal

Bertie County } Ss
George the Second by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain &C
To the Sheriff of our County. Greeting.
We command you to take the body of Abraham Jordine late of the said County planter if to be found in your Bailiwick and him safely keep so that you have him before our Justices at our next Court to be held for our said County at the Court House at Cashy on the second Tuesday in November next, then and there to answer James McDowall of a plea of Trespass on the case, Damage four pounds sterling money of Great Britain. Herein fail not, and have you there this writ. Dated at the Clerks office in Bertie this 11th Day of Septmr 1749.
John Lovick CC
McDowall vs Jordine } Writ
Executed Oct.
Jno Salis Dy Sher

James was involved in a number of land transactions as abstracted below. We note that a pocosin is a type of wetland bog with deep, acidic, sandy, peat soils and woody shrubs.

Joseph Sciteltharp of Bertie County to James McDowall, mariner, for £100, 50 acres in Bertie County bounded by John Board and Branch that Morris Life now on and running to the river Pocoson. Signed: Joseph Scitletharp, Mary Scitlethrarp. Witnesses: John Ray, James Mclaughlin, Henry King. Registered November Court 1742.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBF:437-438 22 September 1741

John Byrd, planter, to James McDowall of Bertie County, merchant, for £90, 50 acres in Bertie County on north side of Cashy/Casia River bounded on a Branch running out of the main branch to a Poplar marked on the East side with two notches from thence right across to Robt Byrds line for breadth & running out for Length Easterly to the utter end of their said line & from thence to the line of Thos Ryan or Else John Morris's so along to the first station. Signed: John Byrd. Witnesses: Robert West, Jno Hill. Registered November Court 1742.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBF:443-444 16 November 1741

Roger Snell of Bertie County to James McDowall, merchant, for £400, 200 acres in Bertie County butted and bounded upon Henry King & Coll Robt West & Robt Bell Decd, likewise joining upon __ Mitchell Decd. Signed: Roger Snell. Witnesses: Jno, Andw: Thomson, Wm Ball. Registered August Court 1742.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBF:375-376 August 1742

Bond: Captain James McDowall of Bertie County bound to John Bradley for £4,000, obligation is such that if McDowall do by Deed of Gift make over in open Court the plantation in Cashook where he lives with furnishings, 5 negroes, Dick, Ceaser, Glasgow, Denis, Lucinda and their issue to John Bradley for the use of Margarett, James McDowall wife, then obligation void. Signed: James McDowall. Wit: Charles Mitchell, James Campbell. Acknowledged August Court 1743.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBF:356 11 May 1743

James Castellaw, treasurer of Bertie County, to James McDowall, merchant, for £150. Based on £40,000 bills of credit and other acts of assembly and land mortgaged by John Holbrook Sr. to treasurer and subsequent non payment, sold Holbrook land in public auction to James McDowall the highest bidder. No metes and bounds given. Signed: Jas Castellaw. Witnesses: James Thomson, John Powers. Registered 6 April 1747.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBG:10-11 27 September 1746

James McDowal to Thomas Oliver, taken from abstract because the original could not be read - James McDowal to Thomas Oliver marriner on April 20, 1747 for £50 for 140 acres of land named by Ratcliff Plantation on Popular Run adjacent to Ephraim Loverton land - original mentions King George the Second - Wit: Dan’l Grandin, John Campbell, Thomas Lucas.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBH:120 20 April 1747

To all peoples to whom these present shall come gretting. Know ye that we – Richard Odom and Susannah Odom widow of Jacob Odom for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds current money of the Colony of Virginia to us in hand paid by James McDowall of the aforesaid Province Merchant the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and ourselves fully satisfied and contented for every part and parcel therefor do **** acquitt and discharge the said James McDowall his heirs (and assigns) forever. And by these present have given, granted, bargained, sold, allienated, conveyed and confirmed And by these present do fully and absolutely give, grant, bargain, and sell unto him the said James McDowall his heirs and assigns forever one tract of land situated and lying on Connanrikit Swamp butting and binding on Nathanial Williams and James Row and being the land left me by my father Jacob Odom and containing by estimation one hundred acres more or less to have and to hold The said granted and bargained premises with all the appertainces , privileges, and considerations to the same belonging to him the said James McDowall his heirs and assigns forever And we the said Richard and Susannah Odom widow of Jacob Odom for us our heirs executors administrators or assigns do covenant promise and agree to and with the said James McDowall his heirs and assigns that before the enscaling (?) hereof we are the lawful owners of the above bargained premises And am lawfully seized and possessed of the above bargained premises in our own proper right. And have in ourselves full power and authority lawfully to grant bargain, sell, convey and confirm the said bargained premises in manner aforesaid to the said Jas McDowall his heirs and assigns forever by force of virtue of these present. Lawfully and peaceably have and hold and occupy possess and enjoy the said demised (?) and bargained premises and freely and clearly acquitted from all manner and former and other gifts, grants, bargains, sales and encumbrances whatsoever Furthermore we the said Richard Odom and Susannah Odom widow of Jacob Odom do covenant and engage the above demised premises to him the said James McDowall his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims of all person or persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant and defend the said demised premises.
In witness we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 7th day of October 1747.
Richard Odom his mark and seal
Susannah Odom her mark and seal
Witnesses: Thomas Ashley
Richard Ashley
John Hendricks
Bertie County November Court 1747
The above deed of sale was duly proved in open court by the oath of Thomas Ashley an evidence thereto and ordered to be recorded.
BertieDBG:84-85 7 October 1747

James McDowall to Joseph Hardy, £48.12.6 paid by Joseph Hardy - land on North side of Cashy River and North side Buckelsburg Swamp - Robert Lawrence - 400 acres - oath of John Cricket, Benjamin Hynns.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBG:69 10 November 1747

Philip Walston Sr, planter of Bertie County, to James McDowall for £50, 400 acres land on Walstons Creek on the one side and Beaver Dam Swamp on the other side, the plantation where Walston lives butting & bounding on the upper side of Henry Walstons lines. Signed: Philip Walston Senr Witnesses: John Barris Junr, William King, John Barnes. Recorded August Court 1848[KM Abstract]
BertieDBG:146-147 28 November 1747

Hill to McDowall – North Carolina To all to whom these presence shall come, I Michael Hill of the precinct of Bertie in the province aforesaid send greeting know ye that I, Michael Hill for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds of sterling money of Great Britain to me in hand paid by James McDowall of the County and Province aforesaid **** before the ensealing (?) and deliver of these present consented and payed have bargained sold conveyed confirmed assigned and set over and these present do freely fully and absolutely give bargain sell convey confirm assign and set over unto the said James McDowall his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land lying on Bucklesbury Swamp joining to John Williams lines of the one side and on the other side on a certain parcel of land of Abraham Herrings, containing one hundred acres square (? Spelled sqwair) from the said Williams line – to have and to hold the parcel of land to the said James McDowall his heirs and assigns forever with all houses fencing and timber trees thereon with all woods water and all profits commodities and herein named to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said James McDowall, his heirs and assigns forever and I, the said Michael Hill for myself my heirs executors administrators or assigns do covenant promise and grant to and with the said James McDowell his heirs and assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the true and lawful owner of the above bargained premises named as above and have in myself good right full power and lawful authority to bargain sell convey and confirm the above premises and lawfully seized and possessed of the same in mine own proper right as perfect estate of inheritance in fee simple – furthermore, I the said Michael Hill do covenant promise and grant to and with the said James McDowall the quiet possession of the above demised premises from the lawful claims or demands of all persons whatsoever to warrant secure and forever defend. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 28th day of May Anno Dom 1748.
Michael Hill
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of John Sallis and Arnal Hopkins
Bertie County February Court 1749 The above deed of sale was ….[missing words]
Bertie County May 28th 1749
Received of James McDowall ten pounds sterling in full consideration for this within parcel of land. Signed sealed and deliver in the presence of us John Sallis per me.
Michael Hill
BertieDBG:262 28 May 1748

He witnessed a deed in Tyrrell County.

James Sharp of Tyrrell County to Richard Woods for £30. Witnesses: Wm Markey, James McDowell. Registered 24 October 1751.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB2:95-96 9 July 1751

Two deeds in Bertie County relate to the administration of the estate of James McDowell.

John Brickell, Sheriff of Bertie Co., to John Hill, £11. Sale of lands of James McDowell (McDowall). See next transaction. Land sold by Charles Hardy to James McDowell on February 18, 1745. Adj. John Gray at Licking Branch, Henry Edmond at Turkey Swamp cont. 240 A. Also 240 A adj. John Edwards, dec’d. Wit. Benj. Wynns, Burrill Bell, J. Edwards. January Court 1757. Benj Wynns C/C.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBH:374 10 May 1755

John Brickell, Sheriff of Bertie Co., to Thomas Whitmell, £2.5 for 100 A. Ordered to sell lands of James McDowall, held by John Smith Late of Edgecomb, executor of last will and testament of James McDowall. By order of a judgement at New Berne to James Hogan and wife Ruth in the amount of £33.6.9 against Thomas Norfleet, dec’d. Due to the obligations of Norfleet and McDowall in their life times. Thomas Whitmell appeared at sale and bought within land. In Bucklesberry Swamp adj. John Williams, Abraham Herring. Parcel sold by Michael Hill to James McDowall by deed May 28, 1748. Wit: Benj. Wynns, Burrell Bell. January Court 1757. Benj Wynns C/C.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBH:372 26 January 1757

Bertie Sheriff John Brickell to Thomas Whitwell. On 28 March 1755 via writ to Sheriff:
We have before commanded you that of its goods & chattles, lands and tenements which were of James McDowall dec'd in the hands of John Smith Late of the County of Edgecombe … executor of the last will and testament of the s'd James McDowall dec'd you cause to be made the sum of £33.6.8, general court at Newberne adjudged to James Hogan and Ruth his wife administrators of Thomas Norfleet dece'd for damages by reason of certain promises and assumptions by the said James McDowall to Norfleet. Sheriff to bring money to the Hogans at court.
Tract taken into possession, sold to Whitwell 0n 10 May 1755 for £2.5, 100 acres on Bucklesberry swamp joining John Williams's line of the one side, and on the other side on a certain parcell of land of Abraham Herrings, being square from the said Willliams line.
[KM Abstract]
BertieDBH:372-374 26 January 1757

Bertie Sheriff John Brickell to John Hill Writ of 28 March 1755.
Property of James McDowell deceased in hands of John Smith late of Edgecombe, executor, sum of £33.6.18 adjudged for James Hogan and wife Ruth administrators of Thomas Norfleet for promises and assumptions McDowell to Norfleet in their lifetimes. Also £5.4.8 for costs of suit. 10 May 1755 sold to John Hill for £11. Tract sold by Charles Hardy to James McDowell 18 February 1745: the first tract containing 200 acres beginning at a Sweet Gum Jas Gray's line in the Licking Branch, from thence, running along a line of marked trees the center of three White Oaks on the head line, thence along the head line to a Pine, Henry Edmond's corner, thence down Turkey swamp and up Licking Branch to its first station. Second, 240 acres beginning at a Pine in John Edward deced line, then North 264 poles to a Pine, then Wt 176 poles to a Pine, then a line of marked trees S. to a corner tree of John Edward's deced, then along his line to the first station. Test: Benjamin Wynns, Clem Cur.
[KM Abstract]
BertieDBH:374 26 January 1755

A Bertie County probate estate folder labeled James McDowell exists and contains numerous court records about court cases resulting from his death. We bundle these records together by case and present them in an approximate chronological order.

Butler Case 1

North Carolina, Bertie County May Court 1752
William Butler late of Bertie County aforesaid Laborer was attached to answer to John Smith Executor of the last Will & Testament of James McDowall deceased of a plea of trespass on the case &C and whereupon the said John by Thomas Barker his attorney complained that whereas the said William in the lifetime of the sd James on the first day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifty two at Bertie County afsd was indebted to the sd James in the sum eleven pounds fourteen shillings & four pence current money of the Colony of Virginia as to four sundry goods wares & merchandize by the sd James in his lifetime to the said William at his special instance & request before that time sold & delivered as for sundry sums of money by the said James in his lifetime & before that time to the sd William at his like instance & requested lent paid laid out & expended & being so indebted he the sd William in consideration thereof afterwards (to wit) on __ Day & year of in the lifetime of the sd James at Bertie County aforesd assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the sd James the said eleven pounds fourteen shillings & four pence & then __ required and whereas [after] he [lost] on the Day & year afsd in the lifetime of the sd James & in consideration that the sd James had before that time sold & deld to the said William divers other goods wares & merchandize at his like special instance & request to the sd William assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the sd James when thereto required all such sum or sums of money as the sd last mentioned goods wares & merchandize at the time of the sale & delivery thereof were reasonably worth and the said John in fact avers that the sd last mentioned goods wares & merchandizes at the time of the sale & delivery thereof were reasonably worth other eleven pounds fourteen shillings and four pence of like Lawfull money of which the sd James in his lifetime then & there gave notice to the sd William __ the said William his several promises & assumptions aforesd in no wise regarding but contriving & intending the sd James in his lifetime & the sd John since his death to deceive & defraud the sd sevl sums of money or any part thereof to the sd James in his lifetime or to the sd John since his death tho' often required by the sd James in his lifetime & by the sd John since his death hath no__ paid but the same to pay hath hitherto refused & doth yet refuse to pay the same to the sd John wherefore he saith up he is worse & Damages hath to the value of twelve pounds ten Shillings Proclamation money & therefore he brings this Suit &C and brings hereinto Court the Letters Testamentoary &C.
T. Barker att for Pltf
Smith Exor of McDowall vs Butler } Case Decl

Butler Case 2

Numerous Bertie County Sheriff Writs exist for William Butler, all commanding the Sheriff to bring Butler to the Bertie County Court House to answer John Smith, Executor of the last Will and Testament of James McDowall deceased, on a plea of trespass on the case with damage &12.10 Proclamation Money. We summarize the dates of those writs in the following list.

28 January 1752
28 April 1752
29 July 1752
28 October 1752
28 January 1753
10 May 1753
16 August 1753
16 November 1753
13 February 1754
17 May 1754
15 August 1754
14 November 1754
24 April 1755
4 July 1755
31 October 1755
30 January 1756
24 February 1757

Ball Case 1

George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &C. To the Sheriff of Bertie County, Greeting. We command you to take William Ball late of our sd County, planter, (if to be found in your Baliwick) and him safely keep, so as to have his Body before the Justices of our Court of Common Pleas for the said County, at the next Court to be held at the Court-house in Bertie afsd on the second Tuesday in May next; to answer John Smith Executor of the last Will & Testament of James McDowall late of the sd County decd of a plea of trespass on the case damage twelve pounds ten shillings Proclamation money. Herein fail not and have you then there this Writ. Witness Samuel Ormes Clerk of our said Court at Bertie C: afsd the twentieth Day of April in the Twenty fifth Year of our Reign, Anno Dom. 1752
Saml Ormes Cl Cor.
Smith Exor vs Ball } Writ
Did not come to hand in him so says.
Jno Hill Shef

Ball Case 2

North Carolina } May Court 1752
Willam Ball late of Bertie County aforesaid Planter was attached to answer to John Smith Executor of the last Will & Testament of James McDowall late of the said County deceased of a Plea of Trespass on the Case &C and whereupon the said John by Thomas Barker his attorney complains that whereas the said Wiliam in the lifetime of the said James on the first day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifty two at Bertie County af: was indebted to the said James in the sum of eleven pounds fourteen shillings & four pence current money of the Colony of Virginia as well for sundry goods wares & merchandizes by the said James in his lifetime to the said William at his special Instance & request before that time sold and delivered, as for sundry sums of money by the said James in his lifetime before that time to the said William at his like Instance & request lent paid laid out & expended & being so indebted he the said William in consideration thereof afterwds to [last] on the Day & year aforesd in the lifetime of the said James at Bertie County afsd assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the said James the said eleven pounds fourteen shillings & four pence when thereunto required and whereas afterwards (to wit) on the Day & year aforesd in the lifetime of the sd James in consideration that the sd James had before that time sold & delivered to the sd William divers other goods wares & merchandizes at his like special Instance & request he the sd William assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the sd James when thereto required all such sum & sums of money as the said last mentioned goods wares & merchandizes at the time of the sale & delivery thereof were reasonably worth and the said John in fact avers that the said last mentioned goods wares & merchandizes at the time of the sale & delivery thereof were reasonably worth other eleven pounds fourteen shillings & four pence of like Lawfull money of which the said James in his lifetime then & there gave notice to the sd William yet the said William his several promises & assumptions af: in no wise regarding but contriving & intending the said James in his life & the sd John since his death to deceive & defraud the sd sevl sums of money or any part thereof to the sd James in his lifetime, or to the said JOhn since his death tho' often therto required by the sd James in his lifetime, and he the sd John since his death hath not yet paid, but the same to pay hath hitherto refused & doth yet refuse to pay the same to the sd John wherefore he saith that he is worse & Damage hath to the value of twelve pounds ten shillings Proclamation money & therefore he brings this suit &C and brings hereinto Court the Letters Testamentary by which &C.
T. Barker att for the Plt
Pledges &C John Doe, Richd Roe
Smith Exor of McDowall vs Ball } Case Decl
May Court 1752

Ball Case 3

Sheriff Writ for William Ball 10 May 1753. Benjamin Wynns Clk.[KM Abstract]

Boswell Case 1

James McDowall, April 20, 1752
George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. To the Sheriff of Bertie County, Greeting.
We command you to take Thomas Boswell late of the sd County glover of Patrick Boswell late the sd County Cordwainer (if to be in your Bailiwick) and them safety keep, so as to have their Bodies before the Justice of our Court of Common Pleas for the said County, at the next Court to be held at the Court-house in Bertie afsd on the second Tuesday in May next; to answer John Smith Executor of the last Will and Testament of James McDowall Decd of Plea of Trespass on the Case Damage Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings Proclamation Money. Herein fail not and have you then there this Writ. Witness Samuel Onnes, Clerk of our Said Court at Bertie afsd the Twentieth Day of April in the Twenty fifth Year of our Reign. Anno Dom. 1752
Saml Onnes CC
Smith vs Boswells } Writ. Did not come John in time. So says.
Jno Hill Shr

Boswell Case 2

North Carolina, Bertie County } May Court 1752
Thomas Boswell late of Bertie County afsd [Glocer] and Patrick Boswell late of the said County cordwainer were attached to answer to John Smith Executor of the last Will and Testament of James McDowall deceased of a plea of trespass on the case &C and whereupon the said John by Thomas Barker his attorney complained that whereas the same Thomas & Patrick in the lifetime of the sd James on the first day of February one thousand seven hundred and fifty two at Bertie County aforesd were indebted to the said James in the sum of eleven pounds fourteen shillings and four pence current money of the Colony of Virginia as well for sundry goods wares & merchandizes by the said James in his lifetime to the said Thomas and Patrick at their special instance & request before that time sold & delivered as for sundry sums of money by the said James in his lifetime before that time to the said Thomas and Patrick at their like instance & request lent paid out & expended and being so indebted they the said Thomas and Patrick in consideration thereof on the day and year aforesaid & place aforesaid in the lifetime of the said James assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the said James the said sum of money abovesaid when thereto required and to here(as) afterwards (to wit) on the Day & year aforesaid in the lifetime of the said James in consideration that the said James had before that time sold & delivered to ye sd Thomas and Patrick divers other goods, wares & merchandizes at their like instance and request they the said Thomas and Patrick assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the sd James when thereunto requireed all such sum and sums of money as the said last mentioned goods wares & merchandize at the time of the sale and delivery thereof were reasonably worth, and the said John in fact avers that the said last mentioned goods wares & merchandize at the time of the sale & delivery thereof were reasonably worth other eleven pounds fourteen shillings and four pence like money of which the said James in his lifetime then others gave Notice to the said Thomas and Patrick yet the said Thomas & Patrick their promises & assumptions aforesaid in no wise regarding but intending the said James in his lifetime and the sd John since his death to deceive the sd several sums of money, or any part thereof, to the sd James in his lifetime, or to the said John since his death after required by the sd James in his lifetime & by the said John since his death have not nor hath either of them paid but the same to pay have & each of them hath refused & still refuse so to do to the Damage of the said John twelve pounds ten shillings proclamation money and therefore he brings suit &C. And the said John brings into Court the Letters Testamentary by which &C.
T. Barker att for the Plt
Pledges &C John Doe, Richard Roe
Smith Extor of McDowall vs Boswell et al } Case Decl
To Bertie May Court 1752

Andrews Case

James McDowall, 1752
North Carolina } May Court 1752
Elizabeth Andrews late of Bertie County widow was attached to answer to John Smith Exor of the Last Will and Testament of James McDowll deceased of a plea of trespass upon the Case and whereupon the said John by Thomas Barker his attorney complains that whereas the sd Elizabeth in the Life Time of the said James on the first day of February one thousand seven hundred and fifty two at Bertie County aforesd was indebted to the said James in the Sum of Eleven pounds Fourteen Shillings and four pence Current money of the Colony of Virginia as well for sundry Goods wares and merchandize by the said James in his Life Time to the Sd Elizabeth at her special instance & request before that time sold and delivered as for sundry Sums of money by the said James in his Life Time before that Time to the sd Elizabeth at her like Instance & request last paid laid out and expended & being so indebted she the sd Elizabeth in consideration thereof afsd to wit on the Day & year afsd in the Life Time of the sd James & at the ____ afsd affirmed & faithfully promised to pay to the sd James the sd Eleven pounds & fourteen Shillings & four pence when thereunto required and whereas aforesd to wit on the Day & year aforesd in the Life Time of the said James in Consideration that the said James had before that Time sold & delivered to the said Eliz___ other goods wares & merchandize at her like special Instance & request Jho the sd Elizh aforesd & faithfully promised to pay to the said James is how thereto required All such Sums and Sums of Money as the sd last mentioned good wares & merchandize at the Time of the sd Sale and Delivery therof was reasonably worth and ___ John in Fact avers that the said last mentioned goods wares & merchandize at the Time of the Sale & Delivery thereof was reasonably worth offer Eleven pounds Fourteen Shillings and four pence of like money of which the said James in his Life Time then & thereof gave Notice to the sd Elizabeth yet the said Elizabeth her Promises & assumptions aforesd in no wise regarding but intending the sd James in his Life & the sd John since his Death to deceive & defraud the sd sum & sums of money or any part thereof to the sd James in his Life Time or the sd John Since his Death thereoften required by the said James in his Life Time & the said John since his Death hath not paid. But the same to pay hath wholly refused & still refuses to the Damage of the said John Twelve pounds ten Shillings Proclamation Money and therefore he brings this Such Ct and brings her into Court the Letters Testamentary by which & so.
T. Barker
att for the Plt
Richd Doe
Pledges Ct John Doe

Smith Exor of McDowall vs Eliz. Andres } Case. Decl
Smith Exr vs Andrews } Case Narr
To Bertie May Court 1752

Bowen Case

North Carolina, Bertie County } May Court 1752
John Bowen late of Bertie County aforesaid planter was attached to answer to John Smith Executor of the last Will and Testament of James McDowall deceased of a plea of trespass upon the case &C. And whereupon the said John Smith by Thomas Barker his attorney complains that whereas the said John Bowen in the lifetime of the sd James on the first day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & fifty two at Bertie County aforesd was indebted to the sd James in the sum of nine pounds seven shillings & eight pence current money of the Colony of Virginia as well for sundry goods wares and merchandizes by the sd James in his lifetime to ye sd John Bowen at his special instance & request before that time sold & delivered as for sundry sums of money by the sd James in his lifetime before that time to the sd John Smith [Sic: Bowen] at his like instance & request lent paid laid out expended & being so indebted he the sd John Bowen in consideration thereof afterwards to wit on the Day & year afsd in the lifetime of the sd James at Bertie County aforesd assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the sd James the said nine pounds seven shillings & eight pence when thereunto required and whereas aforesd (to wit) on the Day & years aforesd in the lifetime of ye sd James in consideration that sd James had before that time sold & delivered to the sd John Bowen divers other goods wares & merchandizes at his like special Instance & request he the sd John Bowen assumed & faithfully promised to pay to the said James when thereunto required all such sum or sums of money the sd last mentioned goods wares & merchandizes at the time of the sale & delivery thereof were reasonably worth, and the said John in fact avers that the sd last mentioned good wares & merchandizes at the time of the sale & delivery thereof were reasonably worth other nine pounds seven shillings & eight pence of like Lawfull money of wch the sd James in his lifetime then & there gave Notice to ye sd John Bowen yet the sd John Bowen his promise & assumption in no wise regardaing but contriving & intending the sd James in his lifetime & the sd John Smith since his death to deceive & defraud the sd Decl sums of money or any part thereof to the sd James in his lifetime or to the sd John Smith since his death tho' often required by ye sd James in his lifetime & the sd John since his death hath not as yet paid but the same to pay hath hitherto refused & doth refuse to the sd John Smith wherefore he saith he is worse & damages hath to the value of ten pounds Proclamation Money & therefore he brings this suit &C and brings here into Court the Letters Testamentary by which &C.
T. Barker Att of Pltf
Smith Exor of McDowall vs Bowen Case Decl

Snell Case

North Carolina, Bertie County } Ss
John Smith late of the County of Bertie in the province of North Carolina Executor of the last Will and Testament of James McDowell Deceased was attached to answer Joseph Snell in a plea of trepass upon the case &C. And whereupon the said James McDowall in his lifetime to wit on the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one at Bertie aforesaid and within the jurisdiction of this Court, was indebted to the said Joseph in the sum of two pounds ten shillings current money of the Colony of Virgina to wit of the value of two pounds thirteen shillngs and a penny half penny proclamation money for divers sums of money lent laid out and expended for the use of the said James in his lifetime at his special instance and request, and being so indebted the said James afterwards to wit, the same day and year above mentioned at Bertie aforesd and within the jurisdiction aforesaid assumed upon himself and to the same Joseph then and there faithfully promised that he the said James the aforesd sum of two pounds ten shillings current money of the Colony aforesd to wit of the value of two pounds thirteen shillings and a penny half penny proclamation money whensoever afterwards he should be requested would well and truly pay and content. And whereas also the said James in his lifetime the same day and year above mentioned at Bertie aforesaid and within the jurisdiction aforesaid in consideration that the said Joseph had at the like special instance and request of him the said James lent out paid and expended divers other sums of money for the said James in his lifetime, and the said James in consideration thereof then and there faithfully promised he would well and truly pay and content the said Joseph whenever he should be afterwards thereunto requested, and whereas the said Joseph afterwards (this to say) the same day and year above mentioned at Bertie aforesaid and within the jurisdiction aforesaid hath assented with the said James in his lifetime of and concerning divers sums of money by the said James to the said Joseph before that time due and owing and then being in arrears and unpaid and upon that assent the aforesaid was then and there found in arrearage towards the said Joseph in other sum of two pounds ten shillings current money of the Colony aforesaid, to wit, of the value of two pounds thirteen shillings and a penny half penny proclamation money and being so found in arrear the said James in his lifetime in consideration thereof did afterwards to wit, the same day and year above mentioned at Bertie aforesaid and with the jurisdiction aforesaid take upon himself and to the said Joseph then and there faithfully that he the said James in his lifetime the aforesaid sum of two pounds ten shillings current money of the Colony aforesaid to wit, of the value of two pounds thirteen shillings and a penny half penny proclamation money whenever afterwards he should thereunto requested would well and truly pay and content. Yet the said James in his lifetime &C in no wise regarding his sworn promises and assumptions in form aforesaid did not pay the said Joseph the said sum of money or any part thereof nor the said John since his decease hath not paid the same or any part thereof but contriving and fraudulently intending the said Joseph in this behalf craftily and subtilly to deceive and defraud the aforesaid several sums of money & any part thereof to the same Joseph hath not paid but hath alltogether denied and still doth deny to pay or in any wise to content him for the same. Whereupon the said Joseph saith he is worse and hath damages to the value of five pounds Lawfull money of Great Britain and thereupon he brings Suit and so forth.
Chas Read Plt atty } Pledges &C
Bertie County August Court 1753
Joseph Snell agst James McDowall & John Smith } Decln

Collins Case 1

North Carolina, Bertie County Ss August Court 1753
John Smith of Bertie County & province afsd Gentl Executor of the last Will & Testament of James McDowell late of Bertie County deceased was attached to answer to William Collins sadler of a plea of trespass on the case &C. And whereupon the same William by Blake Baker his attorney complains that whereas the afsd William on the fifteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty two at Bertie County afsd was possessed of a certain boat called a peteaugue of the value of seven pounds ten shillings current money of the Colony of Virginia, then lying & floating in Cashy River (to wit) in the County afsd so of his own proper peteaugue and the afsd William being so thereof possessed he the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime the same day & year abovesd at the County afsd borrowed of the afsd William the afsd peteaugue & thereupon the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime to wit the same day & year abovesd at the County in consideration thereof undertook & to the same William then & there faithfully promised that he the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime the same peteaugue to the afsd William (when he should be thereto required) would well & truly return & deliver in good order. Nevertheless the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime nor the afsd John Exor afsd after the death of him the sd James (although often thereto required) hath not returned or delivered the afsd peteaugue to the afsd William according to the promise and undertaking of the sd James the Testator afsd but that to him the afsd William the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime or the afsd John Exor Afsd after the death of him the afsd James hath altogether refused to return or him for the same in any manner hath contented & still doth refuse to the Damage of him the sd William of ten pounds Lawfull money of Great Britain & thereupon he brings his Suit.
B. Baker for the Plt } Pledges &C
Collins vs Smith } Case
Bertie Augt Cot 1753

Collins Case 2

North Carolina, Bertie County } Ss
George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &C
To the Sheriff of our sd County Greeting
We command you to take the body of John Smith late of this County, Executor of the last Will & Testamet of James McDowell late of your County Decd (if to be found in your Bailiwick) & him safely keep so that you have his Body before our Justices at our next Court of Common pleas to be held for the sd County at the Court House in Bertie County afsd on the Second Tuesday in February next then & there to answer to William Collins of a plea of Trespass on the case &C to the Damage of the said William of three pounds Lawfull money of Great Britain. Herein fail not & have you then & there this Writ.
Witness Samuel Ormes Clerk of our sd Court at Bertie County afsd this fifteen Day of November in the XXVIIth year of our Reign Anno Dom. 1753
Saml Ormes ClCur
B. Baker Att
Collins vs Smith Exor &C } Writ
Bertie to February Cot 1754
Executed by Jno Hill Shef

Collins Case 3

North Carolina, Bertie County Ss February Court 1754
John Smith late of Bertie County & Province afsd Executor of the last Will & Testament of James McDowell late of Bertie County Deceased was attached to answer to Wiliam Collins of a plea of Trespass on the case &C and whereupon the same William by Blake Baker his attorney complains that whereas the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime (to wit) on the [blank] Day of [blank[ in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifty [blank] at Bertie County afsd had borrowed & received of the afsd William a certain boat or Petteaugue of the value of seven pounds ten shillings current money of the Colony of Virginia then & there lying and floating in Cashy River (to wit) in Bertie County afsd, he the sd James the Testator in his lifetime to wit on the same day & year above said at the County afsd in consideration thereof undertook and to the same William then and there faithfully promised that he the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime the same boat or Peteaugue to the same William when afterwards he should be thereto required would well and faithfully return and deliver in good order. Nevertheless the afsd James the Testator in his lieftime nor the afst John Exor: afsd after the death of him the said James (altho: the afsd James in his lifetime and the afsd John Exor afsd after the death of him the sd James were after thereto required) have not returned the afsd boat or Peteaugue in good order which the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime ought to have according to his promise and undertaking afsd but that do the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime and the afsd John Exor: afsd after the death of him the sd James or have altogether refused or him for the same in any manner hath contented & still doth refuse to the Damage of him the sd William of seven pounds Lawfull money of Great Britain &C therefore he sues.
E. Pledges
B. Baker att for Pltff
Jnos Divers J. McDowell
If returned to Collins, __ __ would never offer'd to made him any reparation
If party Bon__ money shall be ncecssary
Mr Lockhart sd that Smith the Exor promis'd to repair her and return her
Laboured with the oars
81 Collins vs Smith Exors &C } Novr Case
Bertie February Cot 1754

Collins Case 4

North Carolina, Bertie County Ss February Court 1754
John Smith late of Bertie County & Province afsd Executor of the last Will & Testament of James McDowell late of Bertie County Deceased was attached to answer to William Collins of a plea of Trespass on the case &C And whereupon the same William by Blake Baker his Attorney complains that whereas the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime (to wit) on the [blank] day of [blank] in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & fifty [blank] at Bertie County in the Province afsd was Indebted to him the sd William in two pounds eight shillings & six pence current money of the Colony of Virginia for sundry sums of money by the sd William to the sd James in his lifetime and at his special Instance & Request before that time lent paid laid out & Expended & thereupon being so indebted the afsd James in his lifetime in consideration thereof afterwards to wit on the same day & year above sd at the County afsd assumed upon himself & to the same William then & there faithfully promised that he the same James the Testator in his lifetime the same two pounds eight shillings & six pence the same William when afterwards he should be thereto required would well & faithfully pay & content. And also whereas the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime (to wit) on the same day & year abovesd at the County afsd was indebted to him the sd William in other sum of two pounds eight shillings & six pence of like current money of the Colony of Virginia as well for sundry sums of money by the sd William to the same James in his lifetime & at his special Instance & request before that time lent paid laid out & Expended as for sundry services & work & Labour by the sd William to for & to the use of the sd James the Testator in his lifetime before that time done & performed and thereupon being so indebted the afsd James in his lifetime afterwards to wit on the same day & year abovesd at the County afsd assumed upon himself and to the same William then & there faithfully promised that he the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime the same two pounds eight shilling & six pence last mentioned to the same William when afterwards he should be thereto required would well & faithfully pay and content. Nevertheless the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime nor the afsd John Executor afsd after the death of him the sd James (altho' they & each of them were often thereto requested) have not paid the afsd several sums of money to the afsd William or any part thereof or him for the same in any manner hath contented, but that to do the afsd James the Testator in his lifetime and the said JOhn Exor afsd after the death of him hath altogether refused & still doth refuse to the damage of him the sd William of three pounds Lawfull money of Great Britain therefore he sues.
B. Baker Att fo Pltf } Pledges &C
35 Collins vs Smith Exor &C } Nov Case
Bertie February Cot 1754
B. Baker

McKeihan Case 1

North Carolina Bertie County November Cot 1753
John Smith of Bertie County & province afsd Executor of the last will and Testament of James McDowell late of Bertie County Deceased was attached to answer to Alexander McGee & Mary Mckeithen Exors of the last will and Testament of Dougald Mckeithen of a plea of Trespass on the __ &C and whereupon the same Pltfs by Thomas Barker their attorney complain that whereas the sd James McDowell in his lifetime to wit on the twenty fifth __ _ary in the year of our Lord one thousand seven __orty Eight old Stile at Bertie County in the __ was indebted to the said Dougald Mckeithen in __ in Sixty two pounds Eighteen shillings late __ money of the province afsd for sundry goods __chandizes by the sd Dougald Mckeithen in his ___ has James McDowell in his lifetime and at his __ & request before that time sold and delivered and thereupon being so indebted the afsd James McDowell in his lifetime in consideration thereof afterward to wit on the same day & year abovesd at the County & province afsd assumed upon himself & to the same Dougald Mckeithen in his lifetime then & there faithfully promised that he the sd James McDowell in his lifetime the same sixty two pounds Eighteen shillings when afterwards he should be thence requested would well & faithfully pay & content &C. Nevertheless the sd James McDowell in ___ at all regarding his promise & assumption afsd made but contriving & fradulently intending the same Dougald Mckeithen in his lifetime craftily & subtilly to deceive & defraud has not paid in his lifetime nor the afsd John Smith Exor afsd after the death of him the sd James (altho often thereupon requested to paid the afsd sixty two pounds Eighteen shillings to the sd Dougald Mckeithen in his lifetime nor to the sd Alexander & Mary Exors afsd after the death of the sd Dougald but that to him the afsd Dougald in his lifetime or to the sd Alexander & Mary Exors afsd after the death of the sd Dougald the sd James McDowell in his lifetime & the afsd John Smith Exor afsd after the death of the sd James hath altogether refused & still doth refuse to the damage of the sd Plts by ten pounds Lawfull money of Great Britain & therefore they sue &C.
H. Farher Att for Pltfs.
Exors of Mckeithen vs Exors of McDowell
Nov case
Bertie Nover Cot 1753

McKeihan Case 2

Bertie County }
George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &C
To the Sheriff of our sd County Greeting
We command you as we have before commanded you to take John Smith Exr of the last Will & Testament of James McDowall late of the sd County Deceased (if to be found in your Bailiwick) & him safely keep so that you have his Body before our Justices of the our Court of Common Pleas to be held for the sd County at the Court House thereof on the Second Tuesday in February next then & there to answer Alexander Mckeikan & Mary Mckeikan Executor & Executrix of the last Will & Testament of Dougald Mckeikan Deceased of a Plea of Trespass on the Case Damage ten pounds Lawfull money of Great Britain. Herein fail not & have you then & there this Writ.
Witness Samuel Ormes Clerk of our sd Court at Bertie County afsd this sixteenth day of November in the XXVIIth year of our Reign Anno Dom. 1753.
Saml Ormes ClCur
Exrs of McKeikin vs Exr of McDowell } Als
Executed by Jno Hill Sher

McKeihan Case 3

North Carolina, Bertie County } Ss
Whereas in the Suit brought by the Exors of Dugald Mckeikan Deced against the Exor of James McDowall Deced now in the County Court of Bertie Depending.
At a Court begun and holden for the said County at the Court House thereof on the 28th Day of October Anno Dom. 1755.
It was then and there (by consent of the Parties) ordered and refered to the Arbitrasment Examination and Settlement of John Harrell, John Harrell Junr and William Williams Esquire And that their award or the award of any two of them returned to our Court should be a Rule thereof.
Copy Benjn Wynns ClCur
Exors of Mckeikan vs Exor of McDowall }
Order of Rule of Court for Settlement
John Harrell
John Harrell Junr
William Williams Esqr

McKeihan Case 4

James McDowall, 11 April 1757
North Carolina, Bertie County
George the Second by the Grace of God King of Great Britain To the Sheriff of Northampton County Greeting
We command you that of the Goods and Chattels of Dugald McKeihan Late of Bertie County aforesaid Decd now in the hands of Mary McKeihan Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of the said Dugald McKeihan (if to be found in your Bailiwick) you Cause to be made the sum of Three Pound Seven Shillings and Sevenpence Proclamation money Which Sum John Smith Exor of the Last Will and Testament of James McDowall Deced Lately in our County Court of Bertie aforesaid hath Recovered against her about his Defence in a Suit brought by the said Mary McKeihan against the said John Smith Exor. As also your own Fee for Servie hereof Which Sum hath been Taxed in our said Court for Costs in this behalf expended whereof she is Convicted as to us of Record appears. And that you have the said Sum at our next Court to beholden for Bertie County at the Court House thereof on the fourth Tuesday in July next to Render to this said John Smith the above Costs as Taxed to Pay and Satisfy the Several officers of our said Court. Herein fail not And have there this Writ.
Witness Benjamin Wynns Clerk of our said Court at Bertie the ___ 11th Day of April Anno Dom. MDCCLVII in the ___ year of Our Reign.
Benjn Wynns Clerk of Court
McDowall Exor vs Mckeihan Extx } Fifa and Bill Costs to Nohampton County to be Returned to Bertie July Court 1757
Nulla Bona
John Jones Shr
A Plantation on Rocquis which of Exx Dos___ may be Disposed of to answer Ye All? Fifa Issued

McKeihan Case 5

Bertie County
Exors of Dugald McKeihan
Exors of James McDowall
Bill of Costs
£0.3.8 – cnt g Accon, Writ nar. Cot & fd g – Novr. Ct 1753
£0.1.1 – Motion & order for & All Int g fd g & Continuance – Febr Ct 1754
£0.1.6 –Continuance – Febr Ct
£s;0.1.5 – motion & order & Ent g Def. motion for ___? and Continuance – May Ct 1754
£0.3.9 – motion & order for & Int g & record of Plea & Conted – Augt Ct 1754
£0.3 – Continuance – Novr Ct 1754 - 1755 Febry Ct the same
£0.3 – The same 1/6. July the same 1/6 – Apl Ct 1755
£0.6.2 – motion & order for & Continuance; motion & order for & Rule of Ct to Referrals & Copy & Ent g Cos Nar & fd g – Oct Ct 1755
£0.6.2 – The same as above – Jany Ct 1756
£0.4.2 – motion & order for & Discontinuance Am___& Tax of Costs – Apl Ct 1756
£0.3.9 – Motion & order for & Exo fd g Docket g of it g Bill og Costs – Apl Ct 1757
£0.1.9 – ent g 2 attorney & Satisfacr when made – Apl Ct 1757
£2.5.4 – Clk
£0.15 – Atto
£0.6.8 – J. Hill Sher
£0.0.8 – [Cnien]
Sheriff for Service hereof ---------

McKeihan Case 6

Bertie County Ss
Exor of Dugald Mckeithen vs Exors of James McDowall } Bill of Costs
[List of costs dated November 1753; February, May, August and November 1754; Feburary, July, and October 1755; January and April 1757; and January 1758]
Total £3.14.11.[KM Abstract]
[Attached Bertie County Sheriff Writ]
Commanded to obtain £3.14.11 from goods & chattles of Dugald Mckeithan in hands of Mary Mckeithan Executrix of his Will payable to John Smith Exor of James McDowell deceased. Writ dated 28 January 1758.
McDowalls Exor vs Mckeithans Exor
Als Fifa
Executed Satisfyd
John Baker
Dugald McKeithan Folder and James McDowell Folder

1752 Will of James McDowall

Source: Secretary of State of NC Papers p. 45 # 857

In the name of God Amen, I James McDowall of Bertie County in the Province of North Carolina being sick and weak of body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, thanks be to almighty God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following. That is to say, principally and first, I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like of ____, manner at the discretion of my executor hereafter named, and in touching such world by estate herewith it hath pleased almighty God to bless me within this life, I give and dispose of the same in manner following. Viz; first my will is that all my just debts of funeral charges be satisfied and paid;
Item - I give and bequeath to my loving brother-in-law John Smith, son of Wigtown in Galloway in N.C., 25 pounds current money of Virginia to buy a suit of mourning;
Item - I give and bequeath to my sister Christian McDowell 25 pounds like current money of Virginia to buy mourning.
Item - I give and bequeath to my loving nephew John Smith, all the residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal wheresoever to be found.
Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my nephew John Smith to be whole or Sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby disannulling and making void all former and other will or wills or any gifts of legacy of what nature or kind soever; hereby allowing this and no other to be and contain my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this 10th day of February in the year of our Lord 1752.
James McDowall

We note that James' sister Christina McDowell [Bf 1735 - ] married John Smith Senior Bf 1752.

Stephen McDowell
Parents: Unknown

Stephen McDowell [Unknown - c1771] married Judah MNU. He appeared as a witness in several deeds.

Joseph Gullen of Beaufort County to Uriah Langley of Hyde County. Witnesses: John Newman, Stephen McDowell. Registered December 1760.[KM Abstract]
BeaufortDB3:486-487 23 April 1760

No. 514. Samuel Caswell and wife Catherine of Tyrrell on the West side of Scupplemary River, planter, to Samuel Spruill Senr for £5, 50 acres. Witnesses: Joseph Spruill, Stephen Mackdowell, (D)archam Mackdowell. Proved March Term 1765. Registered 14 September 1765[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB4.1:475 24 January 1765

Robert Thompson to John Newman. Witnesses: Stephen McDowell, Robert Boyd. Registered October Term 1768.[KM Abstract]
BeaufortDB4:207 13 February 1767

In 1766, Stephen purchased a 270-acre tract of land.

William Batchelor Denmark of Pitt County, planter, & wife Mary to Stephen MacKDowell of Hyde County for £20, 270 acres in Hyde County on the north side of Matchapungoa Creek of the south side of Broad Creek beginning at a Pine on Broad Creek [percoson] a little above the Cowpens, thence S49W 240 poles to a Pine, thence S20E 300 poles to a Pine on the side of the Branch on the Head of Hencocks Creek, thence the winding of the said branch & Creek and Broad Creek to the first Station. Patented by Henry Hepburn 5 October 1730 and by his Will left to son Littleton Hepbern and purchased from Hepbern by William Denmark blacksmith who died and land descinded to William Batchelor Denmark. Witnesses: Wyriott Ormond, John Brookes. Registered September Inferior Court 1766.[KM Abstract]
HydeDBB:194-194 27 August 1766

This 270-acre tract is sold in two pieces: 260 acres and 10 acres.

Stephen MackDowell of Hyde County and wife Judah to Benjamin Hollowell for £50, 260 acres in Hyde County on the north side of Matchapungo Creek on the south side of Broad Creek Beginning at a Pine on the south side of Gar Gutt Branch thence S49W 240 pole to a Pine, thence S10E 200 pole to a Pine on the side of the branch on the head of Henchoch Creek, thence the windings of the said Branch and Creek and of Broad Creek to the first station. Signed: Stephen McDowell, Judah (x her mark) McDowell. Witnesses: Samuel Topping, Thomas Topping, Martha (M her mark) Cresten. Registered March Inferior Court 1767.[KM Abstract]
HydeDBB:209 26 January 1767

Stephen McDowell Turner of Hyde County to Rothear Latham for £5, 10-acre tract beginning at the mouth of Gar Gut running up the Gut and Branch to the Line of the Land that formerly belonged to William Price. Signed: Stephen McDowell. Witnesses: Benjn Hollowell, John (X his mark) Davis, John Newall. Registered 12 June 1768.[KM Abstract]
HydeDBB:259 16 June 1767

The following deed mentions the sale to Hollowell.

Fenner B. Satterthwaite of Pitt County NC to William B. Rodman of Beufort County NC … One other part was conveyed by Stephen McDowell to Benjamin Hollowell on or about 26 January 1767 …. Acknowledged 30 May 1869.[KM Abstract]
BeaufortDB34:69-70 30 May 1869

The estate records for Stephen McDowell exist and we provide the following transcripts.[17] We note that no other McDowells are named which likely indicates no male heirs.

Record 1

Stephen McDowel Estate Dr to Benj Hallowell by accounts proved against the Estate and paid
1771 and in 1772
0.12.0 – To Cash paid Joseph Cary
5.0.0 – To __ Mu_y accompt Settled
0.8.10 4/7 – To Cash paid Francis Galaway
0.19.7 – To Cash paid Pheneas Latham Sheriff
0.2.0 – To Cash paid Robert Thomson
2.14.4 – To Cash paid John Scoot for his barrel charge
0.5.4 – To Cash paid Benjn Flinn
0.10.0 – To Cash paid Robert Hinfeald
0.16.4 – To Cash paid Abraham Satterthwaite Senior
0.8.2 – To Cash paid Abraham Satterthwaite Juner
0.14.4 – To Cash paid Alpheas Gurganus
0.6.4 – To Cash paid Sary Harris by acct by her Husband
0.11.4 – To Cash paid Jacob Durden
0.9.2 – To Cash paid Israel Wilkison
7.9.0 – To Cash paid Thos. Galord
0.2.0 – To Cash paid Joel Gurganus
0.8.0 – To Cash paid John Scoot
0.4.0 – To Cash paid Joshua Foreman
0.11.8 – To Cash paid Samuel Davis
1.5.4 – To my one decd that was Due when he Died
0.11.4 – Due by Note of hands paid Peams Eborn
0.8.0 – a balance due on Note of Abraham Flinn and paid
0.6.8 – To Cash pd Wm. Hollowell
0.17.4 – Clerks Fees
25.17.1 – Carried over
Benjn Hollowell

Record 2

Stephen McDuell Estate Dr to Benjamin Hollowell administrator for his own trouble & Expenses
£0.10.0 – To 2 days attending March Ct for administation
0.5.0 – To 1 Day Taking a Inventory
0.5.0 – To 1 Day Tending June Court to return the Inventory and get an order of Court for the sales of the Estate
0.5.0 – To 1 Day Going up to Wyatt Ormond for to try to get Letters
0.7.0 – To 1 Day I & another moving his goods
0.5.0 – To 1 Day ___nduing his Estate
0.10.0 – To Rum & Shugar at the Vandue
1.6.8 – To Cash pd Wyroitt Ormond for Letters
0.8.0 – To Cash pd Jno Scott for to gather Belonging to the Estate
1.10.0 – To my Commissions for Receiving & Paying
25.17.1 – To the Clerk Fees
31.8.7 – To part of a Note Lost By
Credit to the Estate
£29.4.2 – By the whole Amount of Sales Sold According to Law
0.16.0 – By Cash Recd Since the Order of Sales of Handy Slocombe
1.0.0 – By Cash paid by Thos. Wilkins Due to McDowel
Benjn Hollowell adminr
Acct of Benjn Hollowell of the Estate of Stephn McDowell Decd
Hyde Septr Term 1772
This acct was rendered into Court on Oaths by Benj Hollowell Admor
Test Geo. Barrow Clk
Recorded the 17th of Novr 1772 in Book A page 90
__ Geo. Barrow Clk

Record 3

A true and just accompt of goods sold at Publick vandue the 26th Day of July 1771 Belonging to the Estate of Stephen McDuell Deceset Benjamin Hollowell Administrator to the Estate.
£0.3.2 – Phineas Latham Junior to the over __ of a wheel
1.5.0 – __ Laisleys Sinmer wheel
1.3.0 – Joshua Foreman 1 Do
1.5.9 – Robt Barnet 1 Do
1.5.1 – [Thos] Gaylord Senr 1 Do
1.5.4 – Thomas Gaylord Do of Do
1.0.0 – _lijha Slade 1 Do
1.4.0 – Thomas Gayloard Senr 1 Do
1.4.4 – Thomas Gaylord Do of Do
1.5.2 – _ziah Murray 1 Do
1.3.4 – _os Gaylord Senr
1.4.2 – _aphrim Eborn 1 Do
1.6.8 – __dy Hocomb 1 Joiner saw
0.14.4 – _ Flinn 1 Carpander Do
1.17.1 – __ Gaylord a parcel of Sinmer Tules
0.4.0 – __lowell 1 Beading Iron &C
0.4.1 – _miah Gaylord 3 Chisels
0.2.1 – _emiah Gaylord Suncry of Irons
0.7.4 – _andey Slocomb __ Commissioner of [Being Basion]
0.4.4 – _emiah Gaylord 1 Hammer
0.1.2 – Gurganus 1 Hammer
0.3.2 – Toppin 1 Leather apron
0.1.0 – _min Alen 1 Broad ax
0.4.0 – _ry Collins 1 Jacket
0.6._ – Toppin 1 Pr Breathers
0.16.8 – Toppin 1 Jacket
0.4.4 – _mer Conner 1 Do
0.0.8 – Gurgaine 1 Do
0.1.2 – Robert Thomsons Pr Stockines
0.7.10 – Fredrick Eacoles 1 Pr Do
0.6.10 – _lijah Slade 1 Pr Do
0.7.0 – _nry Collins 1 Shirt
0.2.0 – _nry Collins 1 Do
0.6.0 – _bert Thomsaon 1 Do
£20.13.10 – Carried Over
£20.13.10 – Brought over
0.3._ – Wm Hollowell 1 shirt
0.9._ – Saml Toppin 1 Do
0.4._ – Saml Toppin 1 Pr Trousers
0.4._ – Saml Toppin 1 Do
0.2._ – Saml Toppin 1 Do
0.3._ – Henry Collins 1 Hankercheff
0.11._ – Samo Peadock 1 Hone & Raizer
0.1._ – Handy Hocomb 1 file
0.14._ – Henry Collins 1 Hatt
4.6._ – _ah Muray 1 Horse
1.8._ – Francis Gallaway 1 sadle
0.4._ – Francis Gallaway 1 Dearskin
0.19._ – The above Estate is Indebted to Phinehas Latham Sheriff for commissiones selling the said Estate
Test Phinehas Latham Sheriff
Returned by [Jame] Benjn Hollowell administrator of the Estate of Stephen McDuel deceased.
Acct of the Sales of Stephen McDuell Estate Decest
Exhibited into Septr Court 1772 on Oath by Benjn Hollowell Admr
Test George Barrow Clk
Recorded in Book A, Page 66
Test George Barrow Clk

Stephen McDowell

Stephen McDowell [Bf 1756 - c1815] married Sarah Perry [Bf 1756 - c1823 (See Below)], the daughter of Isaac Perry and Rachel MNU. They had the following children as proven by a combination of numerous records transcribed below and his 1815 Will.

Mary McDowell [c1772 - c1816]
Miles McDowell [c1770 - c1809]
Winefred McDowell [c1777 - c1845] married first to William Layton on 29 December 1798 in Bertie County with witness Thomas Newborn and had Stephen [c1800 - Bf 1850]; Sarah P. Layton [c1814 - Bf 1870]; Rachel Layton [Unknown - Bf 1843]; and Martha Ann Layton [Unknown - Bf 1844]. She married second to William Baines about 1817 in Bertie County.
Lydia McDowell [c1783 - Unknown] married a Jones.
Sarah McDowell [c1784 - Bf 1824] married first to Nicholas Newbern about 1804 and second to Stephen Dolby [c1796 - 1858 Chowan County NC] in 1818 in Bertie County NC.
Rachel McDowell [c1795 - 1839] married Charlton Leary.

Stephen and Sarah appeared in the following census records.

1800 Census Bertie County NC
Stevens McDuel

1 Male 45 over: [Stephen]
1 Female 0-9:
2 Females 16-25:
1 Female 45 over: [Sarah]

1810 Census Bertie County NC

2 Males 0-10:
1 Male 45 over: [Stephen]
1 Female 10-16: [Rachel]
1 Female 16-26:
1 Female 45 over: [Sarah]

Of interest to genealogists is the fact that Stephen fathered two bastard children with Isabell Lassiter as shown by the following Bastard Bond. Their identity is not known to the authors.

Stephen McDowell Bastard Bond Nov 1813
State of North Carolina
Know all men by these presents that we Stephen McDowell, Timo Mizell & Jas Freeman are held & firmly bound to the Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of Bertie County, in the sum of two hundred pounds, to the which payment well & truly to be made we bind ourselves, our heirs Executors & administrators jointly & severally firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals & dated this 10th day of November AD 1813.
The condition of this obligation is such that whereas the above bounden Stephen McDowell hath begotten two bastard childen on the body of Ezebell Lassiter single woman, now in case the said Stephen shall well & truly keep the County of Bertie harmless from the maintenance of the said children and shall pay to the said Ezebell Lassiter the sum of ninety four pounds for the maintenance of the said children or the same shall become due agreeable to an order of the said County Court of Bertie then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force & virtue.
Stephen McDowell
Timothy Mizell
Jas Freeman
Signed sealed & acknowledged in presence of Jos. Blount
2 years next Feby
Bertie Bastardy Bonds(1806-1810)

Stephen appeared on the following tax lists of Bertie County NC. The second white poll from 1791 to 1796 is his son Miles who is listed separately after 1797.

Table: Tax Listings of Stephen McDowell

1790 - 275 A, 1 WP
1791 - 275 A, 2 WP, 1 TB
1792 - 275 A, 2 WP, 1 TB
1793 - 275 A, 2 WP, 1 TB
1796 - 275 A, 2 WP, 3 TB
1797 - [blank]
1798 - 325 A, 1 WP, 4 TB
1799 - 325 A, 1 WP, 4 TB
1800 - 375 A, 5 TB, John Ashens Dist.
1801 - 375 A, 4 TB
1802 - 375 A, 4 TB Capt. Hardy Fleetwoods Dist.
1803 - 375 A, 4 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist
1804 - 600 A, 5 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1805 - 735 A, 5 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1806 - 735 A, 6 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1807 - 743 A, 1 WP, 8 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1808 - 743 A, 8 TB Capt. Jacob Outlaw Dist.
1809 - 743 A, 10 TB
1810 - 1083 A, 10 TB Capt. Peter White Dist.
1811 - 1083 A, 12 TB Capt. James S. Hunter Dist.
1812 - 1083 A, 11 TB Capt. James S. Hunter Dist.
1813 - 1348 A, 1 WP, 12 TB Capt. James S. Hunter Dist.
1814 - 1348 A, 12 TB Capt. James S. Hunter Dist.
1815 - 1453 A, 12 TB, Value $3931 Capt. James Hunter
1816 - Rachel McDowell, 340 A, 4 TB, $1000 Capt. Wilson Dist. (believe same as Hunter Dist.)

We display in the following table the land transactions of Stephen with links to deed abstracts and obtain a partial match with the tax listings.

Table: Land Transactions of Stephen McDowell

1787 – 200 – 0 – BertieDBO:71
1787 – 275 – 75 – BertieDBO:76
1788 – 425 – 150 – BertieDBO:277
1789 – 275 – (150) – BertieDBO:364
1799 – 375 – 100 – BertieDBS:189
1804 – ** – ** – HydeDBT:100
1804 – ** – ** – HydeDBT:105
1807 – 743
1809 – 1083 – 340 – BertieDBV:214
1812 – 1423 – 340 – BertieDBW:31
1812 – 1348 – (75) – BertieDBW:27
1815 – ** – 10 – BertieDBW:371
1815 – ** – 5½ – BertieDBW:370

These known land transactions of Stephen are summarized in the following abstracts.

George Williams of Bertie County to Stephen McDowell of Bertie County for £105, 200 acres on the East side of Cypress Swamp beginning at a Pine standing in the said Cypress Swamp Moses Freemans line, thence along the said Moses Freemans line to the center of two White Oaks and a Red Oak Luke White line, thence along the said Luke Whites line to Timothy Hunter line, thence along that said Timothy Hunters line to the run of the said swamp, then down the said run to the first station. Signed: George Williams, Witnesses: James Boon Wynns and Issac Perry. Recorded May Term 1787[KM Abstract]
BertieDBO:71-72 19 February 1787

Issac Perry of Bertie County to Stephen McDowell of Bertie County for £80, 75 acres in Bertie County beginning at a Cypress tree at the run of the swamp, thence along Capt Benjamin Browns line to a Pine Josuah Freemans, thence along Freemans line to a Pine Frank Browns line, thence along the said Browns line to a Black Gum at the run of the said Cypress Swamp, thence down the run of the swamp to the first station. Signed: Issac Perry. Witnesses: Timothy Hunter, Soloman (X his mark) Hughs. Proven May Term 1787.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBO:76-77 12 May 1787

Moses Freeman of Bertie County to Stephen McDowell of Bertie County for £5.18, 150 acres in Bertie County on east side of Cypress Swamp beginning at a Sweet Gum at the run of the said Swamp Aaron Freemans line to a corner in tumbling branch, thence up the said branch to Luke Whites line to a corner tree in tar kill branch, thence up the said Tarkill branch so far as to take in the above mentioned quantity, thence running down the said Cypress Swamp to the first station. Signed: Moses Freeman. Witness: George Green. Proven November Term 1788.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBO:277-278 18 October 1788

Stephen McDowell to David Askew for £36, 150 acres on the east side of Cypress Swamp beginning at a Sweet Gum at the run of said Swamp Aaron Freemans line, thence along the said Aaron Freemans line to a corner in Tumbling branch, thence up the sd Tumbling Branch to Luke Whites line to a corner tree in Tar Kill Branch, thence up the said Tarkill branch so far as to take in the above mentioned quantity, thence running down the sd Cypress Swamp to the first station. Signed: Stephen McDowell. Proven May Term 1789.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBO:364 17 April 1789

Luke White and Winnefred of Bertie County to Stephen McDowell for £100, 100 acres in Bertie County beginning at the center of three oaks, thence a western course 104 poles to a Sweet Gum in Tarkill branch, thence down said branch 154 pole to Water Oak, then East 60 pole to the center of a Black Gum and Holly in Tumbling branch, thence up the said branch to a Poplar and thence to the first station. Signed: Luke White and Winnefred White. Witnesses: Miles McDowell, Etheldred (X his mark) Perry. Proved in open court by Miles McDowell.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBS:189 24 December 1799

Samuel Williams Johnson & John Johnson to Stephen McDowell for $1,250, on west side of Chowan River beginning at a Poplar in the mouth of Reedy branch, thence S78½W 100 poles to a Pine John Hales corner tree, thence along his line N78½E 320 poles to a White Oak on the River, thence along the River to the first station. Signed: Saml W. Johnson, John Johnson. Witnesses: Arnold Milburn, Samuel Carswell Junr. Registered August Term 1804.[KM Abstract]
HydeDBT:100-101 5 March 1804

Samuel Williams Johnston & John Johnson to Stephen McDowell for £10,000. Whereas a bargain hath been this day concluded between Samuel W. Johnston & John Johnson of the one part & Stephen McDowell of the other for a certain tract or parcel of land lying on Chowan River, formerly the property of John Johnson Senr decd which he purchased of William Rascoe Earle & bequeathed in his last Will & Testament to his daughter Anne Seymsour Johnston now decd & by her death descended to Samuel Williams Johnson, John Johnson, William Williams Johnston, Henry Johnston & Alexander Seymsour Johnston her surviving Brothers. Also to Elizabeth Whitmell Johnston her surviving sister. And whereas Henry Johnston & Alexander S. Johnston are infants under the age of twenty one years & the aforesaid Samuel W. Johnston & John Johnston, being desirous that the before mentioned Stephen McDowell should have a good & sufficient deed in law for the aforesaid tract or parcel of Land. Now the condition of the above obligation is that if the aforesaid Saml W. Johnston their or either of their heirs executors or administrators do & shall cause the aforesaid infants Henry Johnston & Alexander Johnston, also William Williams Johnston & Elizabeth W. Johnston at present Elizabeth W. Alston their heirs executors or administrators to make the said Stephen McDowell a good & sufficient Deed then obligation to be void.[KM Abstract]
HydeDBT:102 5 March 1804

In Equity - Bertie Superior Court
Henry Johnston's administrators Complainant vs Samuel W. Johnston's Executor Defendant }
… contained all the evidence relative to this cause, except the one sixth part of the sales of a tract of Land sold to Stephen McDowell for $1,250 Intestate was justly entitled to the said one sixth part of $1,250 Dollars which is charged in the report at £62.10 Virginia currency. …
Bertie Equity Office Windsor
26 September 1814.
[KM Abstract]

William W. Johnston to Stephen McDowell for £250, one third part & also two fifths of one sixth part of tract in Bertie County on Chowan River beginning at a Poplar in the mouth of Reedy branch, thence S78½W 320 poles to a Pine, then N11½W 100 poles to a Pine John Hales corner tree, thence along his line N78½E 320 poles to a White Oak on the River, thence along the River to the first station. Signed: William W. Johnston. Witnesses: Kenneth Clark, Jacob Garrott. Registered August Term 1804.[KM Abstract]
HydeDBT:105-106 August 1804

Josiah & Thomas Holley & William Sparkman & William Rayner to Stephen McDowell for $1,250, 340 acres in Bertie County beginning on the west side of Chowan River the said Stephen McDowells line, running thence along his line a westerly course to the land that was formerly Johnstons (now William Copelands), thence by various lines to the line on the south side of Mountgold tract, thence by the Mountgold line to said Chowan River, thence down the various courses of said River to the first station. Signed: Josiah & Thos Holley, Will Sparkman, M. Rayner. Witnesses: D. Gaskins, Timothy Mizell. Registered February Term 1810.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBV:214-216 9 August 1809

Josiah Holley to Stephen McDowell for $2,000, 340 acres beginning at the run of Flat Swamp, then S2E 189 pole to Peter Whites line, then S11W 69 pole to said Whites line, then S85W 146 pole to a Pine, then N89W 20½ poles to a Red Oak, N36W 96 pole to a Pine Sumners and Holleys corner, then along Holleys line to a Pine a corner, then along sd Holleys line to William Evans line, then along sd Evans line to Flat Swamp, then up the run of sd swamp to the first station. Signed: Josiah Holley. Witnesses: John Williams, William (W his mark) Perry. Registered May Term 1813.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBW:31 17 November 1812

Stephen McDowell to Samuel Sessoms for $350, 75 acres in Bertie beginning at a Cypress at the run of the Cypres Swamp, thence along Francis Williams line to a Pine Samuel Sessoms line, thence along Sessoms line to a Pine, thence along the said Sessoms line to a Black Gum at the run of the said Cypress Swamp, thence down the run of said swamp to the first station. Signed: Stephen McDowell. Witnesses: Jno V. Williams, Wm (W his mark) Perry. Registered May Term 1813.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBW:27 30 November 1812

Henry Hunter to Stephen McDowell for £20, 10 acres in Bertie County on east side of Cypress Swamp beginning at a Post Oak in McDowells line, thence along said line N75W 37 pole to a marsh Pine standing in a small branch, thence up said Branch S2W 17 pole to a Red Oak in sd branch, thence S27E 26 pole to a Pine a corner, thence East 15 pole to a Red Oak a corner, thence South 40 poles to Halifax Road, thence along said road 11 pole, thence North 70 pole along a line of marked trees to the first station. Signed: Henry Hunter. Witnesses: B.B. Williams, Frederick McDowell, Absolem (X his mark) Barns. Registered August Term 1815.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBW:371 8 March 1815

Henry Hunter to Stephen McDowell for £20, 5½ acres in Bertie County on east side of Cypress Swamp beginning at a persimmon tree standing on the north side of Halifax road, running thence N10E 60 poles to Red Oak standing in a small branch, thence S37E 26 poles to a Marsh Pine, thence East 15 poles to a Black Oak, thence S3W 37 poles to said road, thence along said road to the first N87W 35 poles. Signed: Henry Hunter. Witnesses: B.B. Williams, Absm H. Pretchard. Registered August Term 1815.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBW:370-371 6 June 1815

In his 1815 Will, Stephen McDowell bequeathed land to his grandsons Stephen and Reddin Jones using the following language: the land and plantation whereon I now live and one Negroe name Jerry after the death of my wife to be equally divided between them. The land was divided in 1823 which presumably indicates the year of their grandmother Sarah's death. Absent other evidence, we assign 1823 as her approximate date of death. In any case, the home tract contained 203 acres.

Land Division of Stephen McDowell devised to Stephen & Reddin Jones. Plat shown. Commissioners appointed: Benjamin Williams, James Freeman, William Perry, Joshua Mizzle, Silas Williams. Lot No. 1 101½ acres valued at $304 dollars to Stephen Jones. Lot No. 2 101½ acres valued at $304 to Reddin Jones. CC Silas Wilson, Jas. Freeman. Signed: B.B. Williams, William Perry (P his mark), Joshua Mizells.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBBB:98 2 May 1823

Stephen subsequently sold his share.

Stephen Jones to William Perry for $200, 101 acres, it being the land willed to him by Stephen McDowell. Signed: Stephen Jones. Witnesses: Edwd Hardy, Jno Holley. Registered February Term 1826.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBBB:460 23 December 1825

In the same 1815 Will, Stephen bequeathed Third part of my River land to his grandsons Perry and Miles Mizels, the sons of Mary Mizell, with the stipulation that the land shall be the property of their mother as long as she lives. In the following deed of Dempsey White, this one-third part is assigned to Mary instead of her two sons.
As per the 1815 Will, Stephen bequeathed two thirds of my River land to his other two daughters Winefred and Sarah, thereby bequeathing the entire River-land property to his three daughters. It appears that the "River land" was possibly never divided since Dempsey White purchased a one-third interest (metes and bounds not specified in the deed) and then in another deed Miles sold his one-half of one-third interest (metes and bounds also not specified). On the other hand in 1828, Perry Mizell sells his bequeathed property as a 182-acre tract with metes and bounds given. Since this is his one-half share of one-third part of the River land, then the total acreage bequeathed to the three daughters must be 1,092 acres. We add to this acreage the 203 acres bequeathed to the Jones family and obtain 1,295 acres. Stephen also bequeathed to his daughter Rachel my berry place tract which she apparently pays the taxes for in 1816 as 340 acres. When added to 1,295 acres, we obtain a total of 1,635 acres of land possessed by Stephen at his death. In his final tax listing of 1815, he pays for 1,453 acres of land. While not a perfect match between the tax listing and the bequeathed acerage, it's close enough to explain the various land transactions.

Dempsey White to David Outlaw for $75, in Bertie County on east side of the Road called the Old Jolds Road being one third part of the land that Stephen McDowell Willed to daughter Mary Mizells, daughter Sarah Newbourn and daughter Winefred Layton. Signed: D. White. Witnesses: William (W his mark) White Jun, William Corbet. Registered May Term 1824.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBBB:326 22 January 1824

James Freeman of Madison County TN to Heirs of Robert Henry of Bertie County for $150, tract in Bertie County on Chowan River it being the entire Interest of the said bequeathed to Miles Mizell by Stephen McDowell late of Bertie County NC. Signed: Jas Freeman. Witnesses: Jno B. Acnee, Calvin Spivey. Registered Fall Term 1839 of Superior Court.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBEE:438-439 14 August 1837

Perry Mizell of Bertie County NC to George W. Outlaw of same for $200, 182 acres on west side of Chowan River beginning at a supposed corner on the west side of the Road running thence N70E 206 pole to Chowan River, thence down the various courses of the said River to a forked Gum shipped on the south side, thence on a line of marked trees 71W 105 poles S72W 131 poles to the Road, thence S75W 56 poles to a dead oak a corner in Millers line, thence N53E 13 poles N67E 14 poles to a Red Oak an elbow, thence N2½W 40 poles to a Pine, thence N10E 63 poles to the first station with a deduction of one acre to Thomas Holley. It being the land given Perry by grandfather Stephen McDowell Decd by his Will and Testatment. Signed: Perry Mizell (X his mark). Witnesses Edwd Hardy, Ann Barnes. Registered February Term 1833.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBDD:16 7 March 1828

The property of Stephen McDowell is mentioned in the following deed.

Aaron Outlaw of Bertie County to Levy Outlaw of same for love and affection, 100 acres in Bertie County on the east side of tumbling branch, bound by the Lands & lines of Stephen McDowell, Lewis Belcher, John Askew & the heirs of David Garrett. Signed: Aaron Outlaw. Witnesses: Jno Askew, Jas Freeman. Registered November Term 1811.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBV:569-570 6 October 1811

Stephen witnessed a deed in 1786.

Christopher Overtun to John Perry. Witnesses: Isaac Perry, Stephen McDowell. Signed: Christopher Overntun. Registered May Term 1787[KM Abstract]
BertieDBO:69 17 March 1786

Two of Stephen's deed records are the bill of sales for the purchase of slaves.

Hincher Gilliam and Steven McDowell of Bertie County to James Rascoe for £130, a Negro named George. Witnesses: Johorender Wood, Ephraim Mitchell. Proven August Term 1794.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBQ:112-113 25 April 1794

Issac Hill Ward to Stephen McDowell, $350 for one negro man named Sam. Witnesses: Miles McDowell, Elizabeth McDowell.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBS:189 17 April 1799

We turn now to the other records for Stephen McDowell and note that he served as a juror at the Chowan County Superior Court.

Tuesday 10 April 1792, Juror #9, ChowanSupCt(1788-1793):None
Wednesday 11 April 1792, Juror #9, ChowanSupCt(1788-1793):None
Monday 17 April 1806, Venire Juror next term, ChowanSupCt(1800-1810):None

Stephen appeared in several estate records beginning with Nathaniel Holley, then George Harnage, and William Ward.

Bertie County } We the subscribers have met agreeable to order of Court and have made a true and perfect Inquire between Estate of Nathanial Holley deceast and his Executors and we find the accompt as follows Vise
[List of disbursements]
To paying Stephen McDowell acompt £2.8.6¾
To the worshipful Court held at Winsor from the auditors. Signed: Timy Hunter, Robert Hendry, Thos Ward.
[KM Abstract]

The accompt of Sale of the Estate of George Harnage Decd sold Novr 26th 1791.
[Lost of articles]
1 Chest to Stephen McDowell £0.12.7.[KM Abstract]
BertieInventoriesSalesEstates(1790-1793):251-252 26 November 1791

Stephen McDowell, Cader Mizell, Zadock Morris, Hezekiah Mizell & Francis Williams appointed commissioners to partition land of William Ward. Division done 11 December 1813. Signed: Stephen McDowell. Registered February Term 1814.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBW:160- 161 11 December 1813

State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court } November Term 1813
Joshua Ward Junr to The Court } Petition for Division of Land
Ordered that Stephen McDowell Cader Mizell, Zadock Morris, Hezekiah Mizell & Francis Williams be & they are hereby appointed Commissioners to divide the Lands of William Ward decd and that they make return to next Court.
Test Jos Blount DClk
Agreeable to the annexed order of the worshipfull count of Bertie, We the subscribers have met and divided the Land of William War amongst his legal Representatives, this is to say, Lot No. 1 to Joshua Ward and Lot No. 2 to Winneford Mizell and Lot No. 3 to Reddick Ward as the above plot will more playinger shew. We also say that Lot No. 1 and 2 shall pay to Lot No. 3 Twenty five Dollars each this December the 11 1813.
Stephen McDowell
Cader (C his mark) Mizel
Zadock Morris
Hezekiah Mizel
Francis Williams
State of North Carolina Bertie County Court } Feby Term 1814
This Division of the Land of William Ward decd was returned to this Court by the commissioners appointed to divide the same and was ordered to be registered.
Test Sol Cherry Jun Clk
Wm Wards Land Division
Feby 1814
Registered in the Bertie Register Office Book W, page 160. Test B. Nicholls PR
Folder: William Ward

In 1788, Stephen was a defendant with Sarah Brown as the plaintiff.

State of No Carolina } To the Sheriff of Bertie County Greeting. You are hereby commanded to summon Stephen Howard, Elizabeth Belch & Anne Brown personally to be and appear before the Justices of the County Court of pleas and quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Bertie at the Court House in Windsor on the third Monday of May then & there to testify and the truth to say in behalf of Stephen McDowell in a certain matter of controversy in the said Court depending and then and there to be tried between Sarah Brown plaintif and Stephen McDowell Defendant and this you shall in no wise omit under the penalty by law enjoined. Witness Stevens Gray Clerk of the said Court at Windsor the XIXthe day of February 1788.
Stevens Gray Clk

Stephen McDowell Bond with Timothy Walton & Peter vanPelt dated 18 February 1788 to appear at Bertie P&QS Court House in Windsor to answer to Sarah Brown of a plea of £250.

A list of Suits issued since the return which was made at Nov Term 1787 to the 1st Decr 1788 in the County of Bertie
14 Sarah Brown vs Stephen McDowell.

Several other court records involve Stephen.

Bertie County Sheriff's summons for Jonathan Buckell & John Stallings to appear at Bertie P&QS on first Monday in November next to answer unto Stephen McDowell of a plea that they render unto him £36 which they owe and unjustly detain to his damage £24. Dated first Monday August 1793. Issued 22 October 1793. Issued by Solomon Cherry Sheriff.[KM Abstract]

Bertie County Sheriff summons for Abraham Jenkins & Jacob Outlaw to appear at Bertie P&QS on second Monday in February next to answer unto Stephen McDowell of a plea that they render to him £29.3.3 which they owe him and unjustly detain to his damage £30. Dated XIIIth day of November 1794. Issued 14 November 1794.

Saml Caswell vs Willm Copeland. Appeal to Bertie April Term 1807
[List of costs]
Stephen McDowell Writ £2.9.2
[KM Abstract]

In 1806, Stephen petitions for a road and it appears that he operates a ferry service across the Chowan River.

State of North Carolina, Bertie County } Novem. Term 1806
Stephen McDowell To the Court } Petition for a Road
Ordered that the Sheriff summon a Jury who shall view the Land immediately adjacent to the Landing of the petitioner on Chowan River, and mark out a convenient Road to the said Landing of Ferry, either across the Land of the late John Oxley decd or across the Petitioner's own Land and make Report of the Proceedings to the next Term. Also assess what Damages the owner of the said Land may sustain in having the said Road established. It is further ordered that this order be publickly advertised in the neighbourhood of said Ferry for the Term of Twenty Days.
Test Jas Blount
In obediance to the annexed order of Court we the subscribers after being qualified proceeded to lay off the Road (Viz) beginning at Cricketts Ferry road thence on a line of stakes through Mrs. Oxleys field to her fence adjoining Mr. McDowels line, thence down to the River by some marked trees &C.
We have also assessed the Damage due the Estate of John Oxley heirs by running the aforesaid Road through the Land of said heirs the sum of fifty shillings as witness our hand and seals this 15th day of Decr 1806.
[Signed list of subscribers]

The road is likely mentioned in the following record.

George Pollok of Halifax County NC to Thomas Holley. Beginning at the fork of the Colerain & McDowell road. Proven February Term 1833[KM Abstract]
BertieDBDD:17 6 April 1814

Stephen is involved in a dispute with the Oxley family, potentially as a result of the above creation of a road through the Oxley property via Stephen's petition. We transcribe the various documents in chronological order.

Oxley 1

State of North Carolina
At a Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions held before the Justices of the County of Bertie on the second Monday of August in the 32d year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and seven
Be it remembered that heretofore (viz) May Term in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hudnred seven came Elizabeth Oxley by William Slade Esquire her Attorney and brought here into Court a certain Bill against Stephen McDowell in a plea of Trespass Vi et armis &C to her damage one hundred and fifty Pounds (no declaration filed see copy annexed) and at the same term (viz) May 1806 aforesaid came the said Stephen McDowell by William Drew Esquire and pleaded Not Guilty, Libr Ten: Licence general & special (no plea in writing) whereupon it was ordered that the said Issue be here tried by a Jury to be summoned agreeable to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided, and now at this Term the second Monday of August 1807 aforesaid came the said Parties by their attornies aforesaid, before the Justices aforesaid, when a lawful jury was impannelled & sworn to speak the Truth of the aforesaid Complaint, who say upon their oaths that the Defendant is not guilty. Therefore it is considered that the said Defendant recovered from the Plaintiff aforesaid the sum of thirty four pounds two shillings & nine pence, being the cost & charges in said suit expended. From which Judgment the Plaintiff aforesaid prayed an appeal to the Superior Court to be held for the County of Bertie at the Court House in Windsor on the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, and having entered into Bond by her attorney William Cherry Esquire, with Anthony Copeland & William Wilson securities in the sum of five hundred pounds, it is ordered that all proceedings herein before mentioned be stayed &C.
Witness Joseph Blount, Deputy Clerk of the said Court under his hand at Windsor.
Jos Blount DyClk
(Copy) State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Bertie County, Greeting.
You are hereby commanded to take the body of Stephen McDowell, if to be found in your Bailewick, and him safely keep so that you have him before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions at the next Court to be held for the County of Bertie, at the Court House in Windsor on the second Monday of May next, then and there to answer unto Eliza Oxley of a pleas of Trespass vi et armis &C to her damage one hundred & fifty pounds. Herein fail not, and have you then and there this Writ. Witness George Gray Clerk of the said Court at Windsor, the second Monday of Feby in the 30th year of our Independence Anno Domini 1806.
George Gray
Issued the 13th day of Feby 1806 WS
I promise to be security for the costs of the within Writ 13 Feby 1806
Hardy Oxley
Wm Watford

Oxley 2

State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Bertie County, Greeting:
Whereas Stephen McDowell lately recovered in the county Court of Pleas and Quarter-Sessions, of Bertie county against John Oxley's Exors the sum of forty nine pounds fourteen shillngs & 6 as also the further sum of £7.13.10 for costs of said suit by him in that behalf expended, and it being made appear to the Justices of the said court, that the said John Oxley's Executors as aforesaid hath not, nor had on the day when the writ of the said Stephen was issued out, any goods or chattels which were of the said John deceased at the time of his death, in their hands to be administered, and it being suggested by the said Stephen that the said John died, seized and possessed of lands and tenements, in the county of Bertie which by his last will & Testament he bequeathed to John Oxley, Hardy Oxley & Elizabeth Oxley, Sally Reddy, George Ward & Nancy Ward, Quilly Oxley, whereupon the said Stephen hath prayed the Justices of the said court to provide him a proper remedy in that behalf, and because we are willing that those things which are right and just have in due execution, do command you, that you make it known to John Oxley, Hardy Oxley, Elisabeth Oxley, Sally Reddy, George Ward & Nancy Ward & Quilly Oxley that they be and appear before the Justices of the said county court of Pleas & Quarter-Sessions, to be held for the said county, at the Court-House in Windsor, on the second Monday of August next, then and there to shew cause if any they hath or knoweth of, why the said damages and costs ought not to be levied of the said lands and tenements, and to be rendered to the said Stephen McDowell according to the force, form and effect of the said recovery, and agreeable to the directions of the act of the general assembly in such case made and provided; if they shall think it expedient for them so to do, and further to do and abide by all those things which the said Court shall then and there judge concerning them in that behalf, and have you then and there this writ. Witness Joseph Blount Deputy Clerk of our said Court, at Windsor, the second Monday of May 1806. Issd 11 June.
Jos Blount DyClk
Stephen McDowell vs (Fi Fa) Jno Oxley's heirs
To Bertie Augt Term 1806
Executed by Tim. Walton for Solomon Cherry Shf
W.Drew Atto
Judgd £49.14.6
Clk 0.7.6
GGrary late Clke & Tax 1.3.6
Atto WDrew 2.0.0
Shff 0.16.6
Miles McDowell Writ 3.6.4
Costs £7.13.10.

Oxley 3

State of North Carolina.
To the Sheriff of Bertie County, Greeting:
You are hereby commanded, that of the lands and tenements of John Oxley deceased (if to be found in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of forty nine pounds fourteen Shillings & six pence which lately in the County Court of Pleas and Quarter-Sessions held for Bertie County, Stephen McDowell recovered against the said John's Heirs for Debt and also the sum of £13.4.7 for the costs and charges by him in his suit expended, whereof the said John's heirs are convicted and liable as to us appears of record. And have you the said monies before the Justice of the said Court, to be held for the said County, at the Court-House in Windsor, on the second Monday in February next, then and there to render to the said Stephen his Debt, costs and charges aforesaid. And have you then and there this writ. Witness Solomon Cherry, the younger, Clerk of the said Court, at Windsor, the second Monday of November in the XXXIII year of the Independence of the said State, Anno Dom. 1808.
Sol. Cherry Jnr Clk
Issue the 20th day of Decr
Stephen McDowell vs (Fi Fa) John Oxley's heirs
To Bertie Feby Term 1809
Satisfyed __ __ Watford
£49.14.6 – Judgt
0.18.0 – Sci Fac &C 12/ & a Tax Exors 6/
1.1.6 &ndsh; 8 Cont 24/ Det 7/
0.3.9 – Exor
£2.3.3 – Clk
2.0.0 – Drew Atto
1.7.6 – Cherry Shf
7.13.6 – Former Costs as below
£13.4.7 – Costs
0.7.6 – Clk
1.3.6 – G/Gray
2.0.0 – Drew Atto
0.16.6 – Cherry Shff
3.6.4Miles McDowell Witness
£7.13.10 – Former costs

Oxley 4

Bertie Sheriff William H. Green to Josiah and Thomas Holley for £280 via execution of court order for Stephen McDowell against heirs of John Oxley. 340 acres beginning on the west side of Chowan River at Stephen McDowells line, running up his line a westerly course to the land that was formerly Johnsons (and sold to Copeland), thence by various lines to the line on the south side of the Mountgold Tract, thence by the Mountgold line to said Chowan River, thence down the various courses of the said River to the first station. Signed: Wm H. Green. Witnesses: Solo Cherry Jr, Lacheus Champion. Registered February Term 1809.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBV:58 14 February 1809

Oxley 5

Sheriff William H. Green to William Sparkman via execution of April Term court order against Elizabeth Oxley for cost expended in her suit against Stephen McDowell sells tract of land in Bertie County on Chowan River adjoining the lands of Stephen McDowell & William Copeland. Signed: Wm H. Green. Witnesses: Wm Walton, Wm Watford. Regiestered November Term 1809.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBV:172 10 August 1809

Oxley 6

The State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
May Term 1822
Be it remembered that heretofore (viz) At Augt Term 1821 a writ of Error was sent back from the Superior Court to the County Court in the following words (viz)
State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May term 1819
Be it remembered that heretofore (viz) February Term 1819 Aquilla Oxley brought here into Court by his attorney Gavin Hogg Esquire a certain action against Stephen McDowell Exrs & others in the following words, to wit:
Whereas at November Term 1807 of Bertie County Court a Judgment was rendered in favor of Stephen McDowell against John Oxley, Hardy Oxley, Sally Reddy, George Ward & Nancy Ward and Aquilla Oxley on a Scire Facias and whereas at the time of serving said Scire Facias and also at rendering said Judgment the said Aquilla or Quilla Oxley was an Infant & defended the said suit either by his own person or by attorney and not by Guardian whereby the said Judgment was as to him erroneous, now notice is hereby given that at the next of said Court held on the 2nd Monday in February a writ of Error to rescind said Judgment will be moved for
Novemr 24h 1818 (signed) Aquilla Oxley
I David Walford certify that I served a copy of the within on James Freeman Exr of Stephen McDowell decd the 29th day of Decr 1818, on William Perry Exor of Stephen McDowell the 16th day of Jany 1819, on Thomas Mizells Guardian to Perry, Rachel & Miles Mizzles 16th day of January 1819, Nicholas Newbern & wife not found & not at this term (to wit, May 1819 the said Defendants appeared by their attorney James Indell and the said suit was taken to the Superior Court by consent. It is therefore ordered that all further proceedings in this County be stayed [for].
Test E.A. Rhodes Clerk
(Bill Costs)
£1.5.7 – Ent 2/ deb 7/6 Transcript 8/ Tax 8/ EAR Clk
5.0.0 – GH atto for Plf
0.12.0 – DW DyShf of Bertie
0.0.6 – DW T. Ruffin Shf
(Signed) E.A. Rhodes Clk
State of No Carolina, Bertie Cournty } Ss Superior Court of Law. Spring term 1821 No. 16
Aquilla Oxley vs Stephen McDowells exor et al } Motion for a Writ of Error. Ordered to be put back to the County Court.
Signed H. Reynolds Clk of Supr Court
And at Nov Term 1821 "Writ of Error allowed returnable to the next Supr Court" but said suit continued on the Docket until the present Term May 1822. It is ordered that all further proceedings in this Court be stayed &C &C
Test E.A. Rhodes Clk
(Bill Costs)
$3.45 – ent 2/ 3 Cont 9/ deb 7/6 Transcript 8/ Tax 8/
10.00 – GH atto for Plt
0.20 – Ruffins Shf
E.A. Rhodes Clerk
11/9 – Fin1-½ det 3/9 ½ Trans 4/ ½ Tax 4/
11/9 – ½ det 3/9 ½ do 4/ ½ do 4/
1.30 – Other costs
3.65 – Oxleys
2.35 – Executors & Clk
20. – Hogg Plfs atty $10 Indell defts atty $10
1.45 – Ruffin Sheriff
[Back of Document]
33 Aquilla Oxley vs (appl) Stephen McDowells Exors et al
To Fall Term 1822
Delivered to Clk of Sept Court 10th Augt 1822
E.A. Rhodes Clk
By Jon. T. Taylor
Recd & filed Augs 10th 1822
H. Reynolds Clk
[Written sideways] Fi Fa to Plf for costs to Mar 1824 Novr 124
Fi Fa pd 100 & 101
To Sept 1824
We do hereby bind ourselves jointly & severally to pay according to act of assembly to the defendant in this suit all such damages costs & charges as shall be awarded against the Plaintiff. Witness our hands & seals this [blank] day of [blank] 182[blank]
Witness [blank]

Oxley 7

16 Aquilla Oxley vs (motion for a writ of error) Stephen McDowalls Exor et al } Bertie Superior Court Spring term 1824. This was an appl fi fa Court Ordered to be sent back to the County Court. Transcript sent back to the Clk office Court Aug. 2d 1821. Bill of Costs in Supr Court Reynolds Clk.
£2.4.3 – Procss appl 10/ entering suit & security 4/ Tax on appl 10/ 3 Cont 9/1 Det 7/6 Fi Fa 3/9
2.0.6 – Jas Indell Defts atty 40/ Ruffin Shf /6
2 – Tax no attys fee, as the appl is by consent therefore deduct J. Indell att's fee 40/
1.2.4½ – Aquilla Oxley Plf pays half
0.11.2¼ – James Freeman & Wm Perry Exor of Stephen MacDowall pay ¼
0.11.2¼ – Thos. Mizells Grdn of Perry, Rachel & Miles Mizells pay ¼
12 Aquilla Oxley vs (Bill of Costs) S. McDowall's Exors et al
Transcript sent back to the County Court
Aug. 2 1821

The 1815 Will of Stephen names some of his children and grandchildren. His Bertie County Estate Folder contains numerous documents which further reveal the identity of his children and relatives. We provide transcriptions in chronological order except for those documents cited above related to the Oxley issue.

Document 1

Account of Sale of the Estate of Stephen McDowell Decsd sold March the 13th 1816
[Lost of articles with Purchaser]
[List of Purchasers: Rachel McDowell (many items); James Vandith; Peter White; George Wilson; Joshua Outlow; George Davidson; Cader Hunter; Levy Outlaw; David Watford; Benjamin Perry, Samuel S. Sessoms; John Mizell; John Leary; John Askew; James Lawrence, Elijah Rayner; Demsey White; John Hunter; Media Evins; Edward C. Outlaw; Luke van Dith; Redick Hunter; Issac Moore; Henry Hunter; Elisha Miller; William Perry; Jacob Outlaw; Winneford Layton; Nicholas Newbern; Edward Byrd; John Perry; Isaac Mizell; Absolem Carnes; John Haste; Noah Green; Champain Word; Jonah Holley; Charles Freeman; William Sparkman; Charlton Leary; Thos. Holley; Charlton Hebbs; Henry Rea; William Hollaman; Ezekial Lowes; John Wyans; Asten Byrd; William Watford; Joshua Word; Moore Holley
A true Inventory of the Estate of Stephen McDowell Decsd besides what is entered on the account of Sales
21 Negroes
Cash found in the house to amt of $385.60
1 note of Hand of Henry Hunter to the amt of $51.10 bearing Date from the 28th of June 1815
Thos. Laytons note to the amt of $25 bearing date form 12th of May 1812
Saml Sessoms note to the amt of $150 bearing date from the 30th of Novr 1814
Thos Leary note to the amt of £4.14.3
Amt recov from Different places to the amt of $138.
Some small accounts but very doubtfull
Jas Freeman
William Perry } Exrs
Stephen McDowell Iny of Sales
Recorded in Book P [or L]

Document 2

Division of Stephen McDowels land &C Copy
State of North Carolina, Bertie County Winefred Layton & al & So To the Court } August Term 1816. Petition for Partition
Ordered that William Sparkman, Thomas Holley, Cadar Hunter, Robert Henry and William Worley be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners to divide the Lands of devised by Stephen McDowel to the Petitioners agreeable to the Will of the said Stephen McDowel and that they make return to next Court.
Test Sol. Cherry Clk
State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court } November Term 1816. The Division of the land of Stephen McDowel decd was Returned to Court by the Commissioners appointed to divide the same and ordered to be Registered.
Test Sol.Cherry Clk
Division of Stephen McDowels Land
Agreeable to the annexed order of the Worshipful Court of Bertie, we the subscribers have met and divided the Land devised by Stephen McDowell decd to the Petitioners as follows, to wit. Lot No. 1 to the heirs of Mary Mizzels, lot No. 2 to Sarah Newbern & lot No. 3 to Winefred Layton with Reference to the above Plot for boundaries. We also say that lot No. 2 shall pay one hundred dollars to lot No. 1, also one hundred dollars to lot No. 3. We also say that the land in dispute adjoining lot No. 3 if recovered each heir shall be entitled to an equal part, and if any lost out of No. 3 they shall loose in proportion.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 6th day of November 1816.
William Sparkman
Thomas Holley
Robert Henry
Cadar Hunter
W. Worley
Book X page 191 No. 33

Document 3

Order of Court to Settle McDowell Estate
State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court } August Term 1817
Ordered that Samuel Sessoms, Benjam Williams, Timothy Walton, Hardy Freeman and An Askew or any three of them audit and settle the accounts of James Freeman & William Perry Exors of Stephen McDowell deceased & make return to next Court.
Test Sol. Cherry Clk
Dr. The Estate of Stephen McDowell In a/c with James Freeman & Wm Perry Ex
[Long list of Cash paid items]
$2,855.62 – By amt of a/c Sales
$273.22 – Interest on Dr
$843.49 – By amt of Sundry
$633.79 – By the Hire of negroes &C Interest included
In obedience to the annexed order we have examined the a/c of James Freeman & William Perry Extrs of the Estate of Stephen McDowell Decsd and find a ballance due the Estate of three thousand nine Hundred & thirty Eight Dollars and Thirty three cents which we submit to the Worshipful Court for their approbation.
B.B. Williams
Sml W. Sessom
Timo Walton
Stephen McDowell Settlement
Recorded in Book 2, Page 473

Document 4

To the Honorable the Judge of the Court of Equity for Bertie. The Petition of Charlton Leary & Rachel his wife, Stephen Dolby and Sally his wife, William Baines & Wennifred his wife, Lucretia Harrell & Perry, Rachel & Miles Mizle by infants under the age of twenty one years by their Guardian James Freeman humbly sheweth that they are seized in fee simple as tenants in common of a tract of land of 100 acres in this County joining the lands of Louis Belch, John Askew & Stephen & Redding Jones and one tract of 30 acres joining the land of George Mizel and Stephen and Redding Jones which lands descended to them from Stephen McDowell who died in the year -- Your petitioners are desirous of having the lands divided among them but an actual division of the premises would greatly diminish the value of each share & would thereby injure your petitioners as your petitioners are ready to make appear to your Honor in any manner you may direct. Your Petitioners pray that your Honor would decree a sale of the premises on such terms as to you may seem fit and that you would direct the proceeds to be divided unto five equal parts and one part to be paid to Charlton Leary & wife & secured so as to descend to the Heirs at Law of the wife on her death, one to Stephen Dolby & wife & secured to the Heirs at Law of the wife, one to William Baines & wife & secured to the Heirs at Law of the wife, one part to William Baines & wife & secured to the Heirs at Law of the wife, one part to Lucretia Harrell & the other part to be paid to James Freeman the Guardian of Perry, Miles and Rachel Mizle to descend to their real representatives according to the acts of assembly in such cases made & provided & your petitioner will ever pray.
Gavin Hogg atto for Petrs
William Watford maketh oath that he is acquainted with the lands described in the above petition and that he believes an actual devision would injure all interested.
Wm Watford
Sworn to before me on the 17th March 1819
B. Nicholls CME
[Back of Document]
Charlton Leary et al to The Court
Pet. to sell Lands
filed 17th March 1819
Sept 1819

Document 5

In obedience to orders of Bertie Court of Equity will be sold in Windsor on the 5th day of May next the following parcells of Lands.
One Tract of about 170 acres joining the Lands of William L. Gray, Peter Rascoe, and John Watson belonging to the Devisees of Edward C. Watson.
One tract of 150 acres in Huffs Island on Roanoke and Middle River belonging to the Heirs at Law of Henry K. Benton.
Two Tracts, one of 100 acres and the other 30 acres adjoining the lands of Lewis Belch, Redding Jones and others belonging to heirs of Stephen McDowell
Six and Twelve months credit will be given in each case for approved notes except the cost which must be paid in cash.
B. Nicholls C&ME
March 19th 1819
I certify that a copy of the within advertisements was put up at Jonah Holley Esqr store down Colerain March 24th 1819
Edw. C. Hardy

Document 6

Charlon Leary et al. to The Court } Pt. to Sell Land
The master who was ordered to sell the tracts of Land mentioned & described in the above petition begs leave to submit the following Report. That after giving the notices of Sale as required by the order of Court, he offered the tracts of Land for sale at auction at the Court House in Windsor on the 5th day of May 1819 and Mr. Joseph B. Roalhac appeared among others & bid the sum of sixty Dollars for the tract of 100 acres twenty five dollars for the tract of thirty acres and no person being present that was acquainted with the land or that was interested in the sale, Mr Roulhac agreed with the master to postpone the sale on his bids until the 10th day of May and on the said 10th day of May the lands were severally offered for sale on the bids of Mr. Roulhac and among others Charlton Leary came up & bid, and having bid the sum of Eighty dollars for the tract of 100 acres & thirty two dollars for the tract of 30 acres was the last and highest bidder & so became the purchaser and complyed with the terms of sale by giving his notes with James Freeman security payable in six & twelve months from the said 10th May 1819, and received a Deed.
Respectfully submitted B. Nicholls CME
Equity Office 17th Sept. 1819
Charlton Leary et al to The Court

Document 7

Charlton Leary & al to The Court } Pt. to sell Land. Order of Sale at March Term 1819
Account Sale of two tracts Land sold in pursuance of the above order on 10 [or 19] May 1819 at 6 & 12 Mo credit
One tract of 100 acres, more or less, to Charlton Leary for $80
One tract of 30 acres, more or less, to Charlton Leary for $32
0.44 deduct bill of costs
$111.68 bal due the Petitioners
to be divided as follows (Viz) Division
To Charlton Leary & Rachel his wife $13.60
To Stephen Dolby & Sally his wife $13.60
To Wm Bains & Winifred his wife $13.60
To Lucretia Harrell $13.60
To Rachel, Perry & Miles Mizell by their Guardian James Freeman $13.60
We do hereby certify that we have severally received from Benjak Nickolls Clerk & Master of the Court of Equity of the County of Bertie, our respective shares (or partitions) of the above mentioned sales as per the above division. Witness our hands this 10 day of May A.D. 1820

Document 8

State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court } Feby Term 1823
Stephen Jones et al to The Court } Petition for Partition
Ordered that Benjamin B. Williams, James Freeman, William Perry, Joshua Mizells & Silas Wilson be appointed Commissioners to divide a Tract of Land devised to the petitioners by Stephen McDowell decd and that they make return to next Court.
E.A. Rhodes Clk
Pursuant to the annexed Order we the undersigned have met & Divided the Land Devised by Stephen McDowell Decd to Stephen & Reddin Jones in the following manner (Viz)
Lot No. 1 containing one hundred & one & a half Acres, Valued at three Hundred & four Dollars & 50/100 allotted unto Stephen Jones making his share equal to three Hundred & four Dollars & 50/100.
Lot No. 2 containing one Hundred one & a half Acres Valued at three Hundred & four Dollars 50/100 allotted unto Reddin Jones making his share Equal to three Hundred & four Dollars & 50/100. The course and Distance will fully appear by Reference being had to the annexed Plan which we submit for your worships further approbation this the 2nd Day of May 1823. Silas Wilson, Jas Freeman, B.B. Williams, William (X his mark) Perry, Joshua Mizell
[Plat drawn]
The above Plan represents a track of Land surveyed for Stephen & Reddin Jones Beginning at Cypress Swamp Cobbs corner thence S66E 100 poles S71E 146 po E to a Pine on the Brandy Road, thence S65E 75 poles to a Pine Belches & Cobbs corner, thence N25E 130 poles to a Pine Learys corner, thence N77W 315 poles to Cypress Swamp, thence down the various courses of sd Swamp to the first station containing two Hundred & three Acres. Given under my hand this the 2d day of May 1823.
Benj. Hill Sur
Moses Ward & M. Ward C.C.
State of No Carolina, Bertie County Court } May Term 1823
The persons appointed to divide the Lands of Stephen McDowell decd made return to this Court ordered that the same be registered.
E.A. Rhodes Clk
June 5 1823 Registered Book B.B page 98
Wm Clearter Regt
By Theo. G. Peters Dty Regr
31 Stephen McDowells Land Division
Plan of Land for Stephen & Reddin Jones
203 Acres

1815 Will of Stephen McDowell

Source: Bertie Original Wills Folder: McDowell, Stephen 1816 and BertieWBF:332-333

In the name of God Amen I, Stephen McDowell of the State of North Carolina & County of Bertie being of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God, do this the first day of November 1815 make this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say
First I lend to my loving wife Sarah McDowell my land & plantation whereon I now live and four negroes Say yellow Sam, Pen, black Sam & Robbin, one bed and furniture, one chest, one horse, three Cattle her choice, two Sows and pigs, one table, three chairs her choice, the Bofat and furniture, one iron pot, one tub & one water pail During her widowhood.
2nd I give & bequeath to my two grandsons say Perry Mizzels & Miles Mizzels Sons of Timothy Mizzels Third part of my River land and two negroes name Jim & Nelson to them and their Heirs forever equally divided.
3d I give and bequeath to my grandaughter Rachel Mizzels one negro name Rhoda to she and her heirs forever.
4th My Will and Desire is that the property I give to my grandchildren Perry Mizzels, Miles Mizzels and Rachel Mizzels shall be the property of their mother as long as she lives.
5th I give and bequeath to my two daughters Winefred Layton and Sarah Newbern two thirds of my River land and six negroes Say Simon Caswell, Hagar, Arthur, Peter, Moses & Esther to them and their Heirs forever.
6th I give and bequeath to my loving Daughter Rachel McDowell my berry place tract of land & seven negroes namely Sime, Moll, Hannah, yellow Sam, Pen, black Sam & Robbin to her and her heirs forever.
7th I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Lurancy Harrel one negro name Jack to her & her heirs forever.
8th I give and bequeath to Elizabeth McDowell three Negroes name Phillis, Dave, the other name unknown, which she has now in possession to her & her heirs forever.
9th I give and bequeath to Hughes Harrel ten shillings to him his heirs forever.
10th I give and bequeath to Stephen and Reddin Jones, sons of Lyddia Jones the land and plantation whereon I now live and one Negroe name Jerry after the death of my wife to be equally divided between them and their heirs forever and hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friend James Freeman and William Perry, Executors of this my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand seal this day & year above written.
Signed: Stephen McDowell
Signed, Sealed in presence of
George Mizzels
Lawrence Mizzels
State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court } May Term 1816
This last will and Testament of Stephen McDowell decd was proven in open Court by the Oath of George Mizzells one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded.
Test Solomon Cherry Clk
A true copy from the Records of Bertie County Court.
48 Stephen McDowell's Will
Recorded in Book F Page 332
S. Cherry Clk

Mary McDowell

Parents: Stephen McDowell and Sarah (Perry)

Mary McDowell [c1772 - c1816 (See Below)] married first to Hughs Harrel on 17 December 1792 in Bertie County NC with bondsman Nathan Smit and witness Stevens. They had a daughter.

Lucretia Harrell [Bf 1798 - Bf 1850]

After the death of Hughs, Mary married Timothy Mizell in March 1805 in Chowan County NC and had the following children.

Perry Mizell [c1806 - Bf 1870] married Nancy MNU [c1811 - ].
Rachel Mizell [c1808 - Unknown]
Miles Mizell

Mary and Timothy appeared in the following census record.

1810 Census Bertie County NC
Timothy Mierle (at Ancestry)

1 Male 0-9: [Perry]
1 Male 26-44: [Timothy]
1 Female 0-9: [Rachel]
1 Female 26-44: [Mary]

In the 1815 Will of her father dated 1 November 1815, the following phrase is recorded about Mary: shall be the property of their mother as long as she lives. According the following record in her Bertie County Estate Folder, she is dead by June of 1816. We therefore assign her date of death as 1816. Her share of her father's estate is undivided as of 14 June 1816; namely, the one-third part of the River land.

Acct of Sale and Inventory of the Estate of Mary Mizell Decsd Sold June the 14th 1816.
[List of articles, sales price and purchaser]
To an undivided share of the Estate of Stephen McDowell Decd the amt unknown.
Ja. Freeman Admr
Acct of Sale & Inventory of the Estate of Mary Mizell Decsd
Mary Mizell's Invy & Sales
Recorded in Book P
Sol. Cherry Clk
Folder: Mary Mizell

We include our abstract of the Will of John Mizell since Mary's father Stephen is a witness.

Will of John Misell of Bertie County 1 December 1801.
Item 1: Son Henry Misell
Item 2: Son Cador Misell
Item 3: Daughter Bersheba/Bershaba Misell
Item 4: Daughter Hannah Misell
Item 5: Daughter Leah Misell
Item 6: Wife Wineford Misell, Son Larrence Misell, Son Joshua Misell. Daughter Amilesent Misell.
Executors: Cador Misell and Lewis Miller.
Witnesses: Stephen McDowell, Saml Rayner.
BertieWBE:222 1 December 1801 and Folder: Mizell, John 1803

Miles McDowell

Parents: Stephen McDowell and Sarah (Perry)

Miles McDowell [c1770 - c1809] married Elizabeth Holley on 19 May 1797 in Bertie County with bondsman Jacob Outlaw and witness George Gray. Miles first appeared on the tax lists with his father in 1791 indicating a birth year of about 1770. He continued to appear with his father through 1796 and then appeared under his own listing in 1798 as shown below. His age in the following 1800 Census is consistent with this birth year.

1800 Census Bertie County NC
Miles McDuel

1 Male 10-15:
1 Male 26-45: [Miles]
1 Female 16-25: [Elizabeth]

Miles McDowell appeared in the following tax lists of Bertie County NC.

Table: Tax Listings of Miles McDowell

1798 - 1 WP (no land) Capt. Moore Dist
1799 - 1 WP
1800 - 1 WP, John Ashens Dist.
1801 - 1 WP, 4 TB
1802 - 1 WP Capt. Hardy Fleetwoods Dist.
1803 - 1 WP Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist
1804 - 1 WP, 1 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1805 - 1 WP, 1 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1806 - 1 WP, 1 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1807 - 1 WP, 1 TB Capt. Timothy Hunter Dist.
1808 - 1 WP, 1 TB Capt. Jacob Outlaw Dist.

Miles witnessed the Will of John Oxley dated 8 January 1805 in Bertie County. He sold crop, stock and a slave to his father in 1808. Note that Robbin is bequeathed to his sister Rachel in his father's 1815 Will.

Myles McDowell to Stephen McDowell for £200, assortment of crop and stock includng slave boy named Robbin. Signed: Myles McDowell. Witnesses: William (W his mark) Perry, Benjamin (P his mark) Perry. Registered Febuary Term 1809.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBV:63-64 6 August 1808

Elizabeth executed a deed in 1846 that reports her brother as Josiah Holley in agreement with her maiden name and that she is the widow of Miles McDowell.

Elizabeth McDowell to David Askew and Augustus Holley for $5 paid by David Askew & Augustus Holley Exs of Josiah Holley decd for legacy bequeathed to her by her brother Josiah Holley for them to pay debts owing to Josiah's estate. Signed: Elizabeth McDowell. Witness: S.B. [Spruill]. Registered 17 July 1847.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBHH:21 8 June 1846

1849 Will of Elizabeth McDowell

Source: Bertie Original Wills Folder: McDowell, Elizabeth 1849

I Elizabeth McDowell being of sound & disposing mind & memory but being feeble in body do make this my last will & Testament.
Item 1st. I give & bequeath unto Augustus Holley & Daniel V. Etheridge all of my negroes (except Dave & Christpher) in Trust for the following purposes, to wit: I wish them to hire out the said negroes privately to some good & kind person or persons until my niece Mary Holley's (wife of Wm J. Holley) children shall arrive at lawful age or marries, then to convey unto such child an equal share of the said negroes, & so on to each child of the said Mary Holley, as I intend said negroes for the children of said Mary, but not subject to the control of the said Wm Holley. But in case the said Mary Holley's children should die before they arrive at lawful age or marries, then I wish the said negroes to be sold to good & kind owners in families by my executors & the money arising from their sale to be equally divided between the children of my niece Mary Parker (wife of Job Parker) & the children of my Brother James.
Item 2d. I give & bequeath unto my beloved niece Mary H. Cherry my negro named Henry, to her heirs.
Item 3d. I give & bequeath unto my great niece Mary E. Askew, daughter of my niece Martha Askew, three hundred dollars to be paid her by my executors at my decease & I wish her father David O. Askew, or guardian to purchase a negro girl with the money for said Mary E. Askew, her heirs.
Item 4th. I give & bequeath unto my great niece Josephine Simons one hundred dollars to her heirs, to be paid by my executors at my decease to her or guardian.
Item 5th. I give & bequeath unto John Nowell Senr one hundred dollars to him & his heirs.
Item 6th. I give & bequeath unto Isabel Parker, daughter of my niece Mary Parker one hundred & fifty dollars to her heirs to be paid her or guardian by my executors at my decease.
Item 7th. I give & bequeath unto Joseph Etheridge, son of Daniel V. Etheridge, one hundred dollars to be paid to him or heirs or to his father for him by my executors at my decease.
Item 8th. I wish my executors to sell my negro man Dave to some good & kind owner & I give the amount he may sell for to my nephew Jesse Garrett's four children, to them & their heirs. And if I should sell said Dave before I die, I then give the money for which he may sell to said four children.
Item 9th. I give & bequeath unto my brother Henry Ward the amount that my negro man Christofer may sell for, as I wish my executors to sell the said negro to some good & kind person & pay the amt. he sells for to my said brother Henry Ward, and if I should sell said negro before I die, then I give the money for which he sells to him said Henry Ward. I also desire & bequeath unto said Henry Ward all my right & interest in "Light House" tract of land & all other rights & interests to him his heirs forever.
And lastly I do nominate, constitute & appoint Daniel V. Etheridge & Augustus Holley my Executors to this my last Will & Testament this the 30th of March AD one thousand eight hundred & forty-nine.
Elizabeth McDowell
William D. Hayes
J.H. Etheridge
State of North Carolina, Bertie County Court May term 1849
This last will and testament of Elizabeth McDowell decd was proved in open court by the oath of Jas H Etheridge one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded. At the same time Augustus Holly one of the Executors therein named qualified as Executor thereto
Jon S. Taylor Clk
Elizabeth McDowell Will
March 30th 1849
Recorded in Book G, Page 444

John McDowell

John McDowell married Temperance Jinkins, the daughter of Robert Jenkins and Mary Williford, on 8 December 1797 in Bertie County with bondsman George Andrew.


William McDowell
Parents: Unknown

William McDowell [Unknown - c1789] married Ann MNU and had a son.

William McDowell

Ann appeared in the 1790 Census with son William.

1790 Census Camden County NC
Ann McDowel

1 Male 0-15: [William]
1 Female: [Ann]

We have assigned the name William to their son based on the following deed in which Wiliam McDowell Senior purchases land.

William Gregory to William McDowell Sr. for £25, 20 acres in Camden County in Sandy Hook beginning at A. Gregory's corner, a Pine, then along Willis Wilsons line to a certain distance to marked Gum standing in the Creek made for a corner, made by William Gregory and William McDowell for a division line made between them, and along the said line of marked trees Southward to a corner holly standing in A. Gregory's line, then along said Asail Gregory's line Easterly to the first station. Signed: William Gregory. Witnesses: Thomas Sanderlin, Abner (x his mark) Gregory. Registered 9 February 1781.[KM Abstract]
CamdenDBA-B:294144 6 December 1780

Subsequently, William appeared in the following deeds.

John Berry to William McDowell for £10 & 8 silver dollars, 10 acres in Camden County Sandy Hook beginning at corner Pine made between William Gregory and Willis Wilson, & then running about a North course to a corner Pine standing in the Indian line, then by a line of marked trees to a corner Lorrel about a West course, then along the line that was made between William Gregory to Willis Wilson to the first station. Signed: John Berry. Witnesses: John Mercer, Thos Howard. Registered 5 February 1782.[KM Abstract]
CamdenDBB:208 27 December 1781

Asail/Asall Gregory to William McDowell for £5, 5 acres of woodland Sandy Hook beginning at a corner Pine made between William McDowal & Asail Gregory, standing in Noah James's line, then along the said line of marked trees to a corner Maple, about an South course, then running about a North course to a corner marked Water Oak, then to the first station Eastwardly. Signed: Asail Gregory. Witnesses: John Berry, John Mercen. Registered 5 February 1782.[KM Abstract]
CamdenDBB:359209 24 January 1781

Cornelius Wright to William McDowell for £4, 1 acre lying on the mouth of Ramand Creek Pasquotank River in Camden County formerly belonging to Thomas Wright binding Green place at Holly and the Swamp to Moses Cartright Land and then binding the road. Signed: Cornelius Wright. Witnesses: Gamiel Wright, John Burgess Junr. Registered 11 August 1785.[KM Abstract]
CamdenDBC:264 27 January 1785

George Carson of Carratuck County to Thomas Wilson of Camden County for £30, list of goods and chattles, crop and stock. Witnesses: Wm McDowell, Caleb (x his mark) Wilson. Registered 2 December 1785.[KM Abstract]
CamdenDBD:7-8 [No Date]

William McDowell to Frances Mitchell, 1 acre lying on the mouth of Ramands Creek Pasquotank River in Camden County formerly belonging to Thomas Wright and to Cornelius Wright beginning at a Holly binding the road to Moses Cartright lines and binding the Swamp to the first station. Signed: William McDowell. Witnesses: John Burgess, Joseph Mitchel.Registered 14 December 1786.[KM Abstract]
CamdenDBD:116 20 June 1786

Ann witnessed a deed in 1792.

Isaac Godfrey of Camden County to Isaac Harrison for £50, beginning at a Water Oak at Nathan Bells corner, thence running down a line of marked trees to Frances Mitchels line to a Gum, thence along Frances Mitchells line to a Walnut tree, thence running to the swamp, thence binding on the swamp to Nathan Bells line, thence running along Nathan Bells line to the first station. Witnesses: Jacob (x his mark) Godfrey, Ann McDowell, Mitchel McLaughten. Registered 16 August 1793.[KM Abstract]
CamdenDBF:43-44 15 August 1792


Charles McDowell
Parents: Unknown

Charles McDowell [Unknown - 1740] married Elizabeth MNU. No children have been identified.
Beginning in 1730, Charles sued Richard Grills as recounted in the following court records.

Grill 1

North Carolina Ss
Whereas complaint upon oath hath been made this Day unto me by Charles McDowall that Richard Grills of the province aforesd (File)maker is Indebted unto him the sum of nineteen pounds three shillings and six pence the same being due by accot Dated the 30th Day of [Febry] 1730, and that he verily believes that the said Richard Grills is Departed the Government or so absconded that other process cannot be served on him and therefore hath prayed an attachment against the Estate of the said Richard Grills having given Security as the Law Directs.
These are therefore to require and command you to attach the goods and chattles of the said Richard Grills if to be found in this Government to the value of the said sum of nineteen pounds three shillings and six pence with charges that may thereupon ensue and safely to secure the same untill delivered by due course of Law (repleviable upon good & sufficient security) to answer the said debt & costs at the next General Court on the last Tuesday afsd this Instant July, and you are to make the same of your due Execution of this attachmt to the said Court, as you will answer the contrary at your peril. Given under my hand and seal at Edenton this 5th day of July Anno Dom. 1731.
Geo. Martin
To the provost marshal of the said province or his Deputy.
December ye 20 1730 Richard Grills Dr
5.9.0 – To 6½ yds drogot at __ 18/8 per yd
2.7.0 – To 7¾ Shaloun 10/sh per ye
0.7.6 &ndsh; to 1½ Juzon buttons
1.7.6 – To [Cuilsommandding] moy hair [chroad] and Tick and lining
8.0.0 – To a great coat
6.0.0 – To a hat
7.0.0 – to money cont
Charles McDowell
Errores on oftd yow me

Grill 2

Bond of Charles McDowall with security James Trotter, both of Edenton, dated 5 July 1731 with obligation that Charles McDowell obtained attachment against Richard Grills for £19.3.6. Charles is bound to pay all cost and damages that Court shall award in case he fails to prosecute his suit or shall be cast thereon, otherwise, bond void.[KM Abstract]
Charles McDowall, James Trotter
Sealed & Delivered in the presence of
Edmd Gale
Jas: Anderson

Grill 3

North Carolina Ss
George the Second by the grace of God, King of great Britain &C
To the provost marshall of the said province Greeting
We require and command you to summon John Cortes of Bertie precinct filemaker & John Ogilby personally to be and appear at our next General Court to be held for ye Government at the Court House in Edenton the last Tuesday of ye Instant July then and there to testify the truth to the best of his their knowledge in an action now depending and then and there to be tryed between Charles McDowall Plt and Richd Grils Deft on the part & behalf of the Pltff herein fail not. Subpoena one hundred pounds dated & sealed at the General Court office in Edenton this 14th day of July Anno Dom. 1731. Pr Order __ Anderson Cler: Cor: Gen:

Grill 4

North Carolina Ss __ 1731
Richard Grills of the province aforesaid was attached to answer Charles McDowall of a plea of trespass upon the case &C Whereupon the said Charles McDowall complains for that the said Richard being indebted to the sd Charles in the sum of nineteen pounds three shillings & six pence was ___ by [ballance] of __ for sundry goods sold & delivered & having __ to the said Richd in December in the year 1730 & at several other times in the sd year at Edenton in Chowan precinct as by the __ here in Court produced may more fully appear to the sd Richard in consideration thereof did on the first day of May last __ to assume & faithfully promise to pay to the sd Charles ye sd sum when required and yet he the said __ Richard his promise aforesaid not regarding hath not paid to ye said Charles the said nineteen pounds three shillings & six pence or any part thereof altho often thereto by the fact required but to pay the same originally __ to his damage of thirty pounds & thereupon he brings the said &C.
J. Montgomery

In April of 1736, Charles was fined for failure to appear at court.

Ordered by the Justices of the said Court that William Walton and Charles McDowel be assessed the sum of one pound each for not appearance according to summons and likewise ordered that the Marshall levy the same by vertue hereof.
ChowanP&QS(1735-1738):None Third Friday April 1736

A summons dated 20 August 1736 was issued for Charles to spend time in jail until he paid some court costs.

North Carolina Ss George the Second by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain &C
To the Provost Marshal of our Province. Greeting.
Whereas at our General Court holden for the sd Province in Edenton on the last Tuesday in July last Charles McDowal having discontinued his Suit against Will: Abell, it was by the consideration of the Justices of our sd Court considered & ordered that he pay costs, which costs for Office fees have been taxed at one pound ten shills & 7½ Proclamation money which have not yet been paid or satisfied, & to the end that execution thereof be done, we command you to take the Body of the sd Charles McDowall (if to be found in your Bailiwick) & him safely keep in Goal without Bail or mainserize until he hath fully paid & satisfied the afsd costs, together with eleven shillings & three pence like money, accrueing on this Execution, also your own fees. Herein fail not & make due return. Witness Wm Smith Esqr our Chief Justice of our sd Province, at Edenton the 20th day of August 1736.
Wm Smith CJ

In 1738, Charles was deposed in the suit of Barker versus White.

The Deposition of Charles McDowel
This Deponent being duely sworn on Ye holy Evangelist of Almighty God, deposeth that about five or six weeks after Luke Whites Boat overset with Mr. Barkers horses, he at the request of Luke White searched ye sd boat with his knife & to the best o f his knowledge he believed the was sound up that at that time & he did not leak, tho' she went over the River with four horses, rowed by Luke Whites negroes & further that the said boat did not appear to have any new timber put into her, & that at that time the weather was moderate.
Charles McDowall
Barker vs White } Case 3 August 1738

Charles filed a complaint at the January 1738 Perquimans County Court.

Be it remembered that at January Court 1738 came Charles McDowell in his own proper person & brought into Court then and there his certain Bill against Jesse Newby in a plea of Trespass on the case which said Bill follows in these words, vizt: Charles McDowell complains of Jesse Newby of Perquimans precinct in the province aforesaid planter in custody of the Marshall &C of a plea of Trespass on the case for that the aforesaid Deft on the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & thirty seven at Perquimans hath promised & ordered made __ certain note in writing called a promisary note bearing Dates the day and year aforesaid with his own proper hand thereto __ __ thereby promised to pay to one Marke Weeks __ ten pounds Lawful money for value received and the afsd ten pounds being __ paid here__ afsd Marke Weeks afterwards __ the [tenth] day of March 1737 at Perquimans aforesd endorsed that same note with his proper hand thereto subscribed & thereby appointed the contents of the said note to be paid to the Pltf by reason of which said premises and also by force of the statute &C but hath hitherto denyed and still doth deny the same to pay to the Pltf &C Damages twenty pounds and therefore he brings this suit &C. And the said Jesse Newby being solemnly required comes in his own proper person and confest &C for the sum of ten pounds with stay of &C for three months whereupon it is hereby the Court considered & ordered that the Pltf have and recover of the said Deft the sum of ten pounds and costs with stay of Execution for three months wherewith the Pltf was content &C.
The aforesaid orders & Judgment was duly read and examined by the following Gentn Justices of the Court adjourned till Court in Course.

PerquimanCM:4 January 1738

Charles served on a jury on three separate occasions: 1731, July 1735, and 4 July 1740.
The following deed appears twice on the same page and possibly indicates the sell of two lots.

Israel Shelden to Charles McDowell for £50, half-acre lot. Signed: Israel Shelden (his mark). Witnesses: Jno Hannah, Robert Hicks. Registered 5 November 1733.[KM Abstract]
ChowanDB(partial 1733-1739):None 30 October 1733

No. 47: John Lovick, Edward Moseley, William Little, Edmond Gale Esqr, Commissioners to sell lots in Edenton. 30 Shillings paid by Israel Shelden. Half-acre lot number 125.
Israel sells the lot to Charles McDowell for £50 on 30 October 1733. Signed Israel Shelden (his mark). Witnesses: John Hanna, Rt Hicks. Registered 5 November 1733. Deed and assignment registered 29 March 1742.
[KM Abstract]
No. 48: [Similar deed but for lot 126]
ChowanDBA:64-65 and ChowanDBW:225 30 October 1733

John Hanna to Charles McDowell for £60, half-acre lot in Edenton. Signed: John Hanna. Witnesses: William Mathes, John Mathers. Registered July Term 1736.[KM Abstract]
ChowanDBW:325 2 March 1735/36

Charles McDowell, taylor, and wife Elizabeth of Edenton to James Craven of Edenton for £200, lots 125 and 126 in Edenton. Signed: Charles McDowell, Eliza McDowell (her mark). Witnesses: J. Hodgson, William Hoskins. Feme covert 20 April 1738 and registered.[KM Abstract]
ChowanDBA:8 20 April 1739

Charles McDowall of Chowan precinct and Albemarle County to Samuel Allen of Bertie for £35, 132 acres in Bertie bounded by Cashy River beginning at River to Thompson’s Landing - Elizabeth McDowell, wife of Charles McDowall - seal of Charles and Elizabeth McDowall, James Bradley, Richard Allen Jr, Bertie County.[KM Abstract]
BertieDBF:21 August 1739

Land transactions of Charles are mentioned in the following deed.

Thomas Gregory of Edenton to Samuel Bunscombe. Lot I of /10/ sold by Richard Everard to Charles McDowell then by the said Charles to Sarah Catherine Ismay … .[KM Abstract]
ChowanDBG:234 1 June 1754

The above described sell of property by Everard to McDowell and his sale to the Ismay family is found in deed indices, but the original deeds have not been found.

Richard Everard to Charles McDowell 1731 C:106 Assignment
Charles McDowell to John Ismay Page 79 Lot I & 10

Another deed found in indices has also not been found; namely, Elzabeth Matthews to Charles McDowell in Book C, Page 23.
The property of Charles is described in the following deed.

John Harrell of Nansemond County VA, planter, to Jacob Ellis of Chowan County NC for £10, 100 acres beginning at Zacharish Nixon & John Persons corner tree, thence Nixon's line westerly course to John Bunn's line, so along Bunn's line South course to the said John Harrell's line, so along the sid Harrell's line a South East course to Richard Skinner's line, so along the said Skinner's line a due East course to Charles McDowell's line, so along the said Charles McDowell's line North East course to the said Person's line, so along Persons line to the first station. Witnesses: Thomas (T his mark) Miens Jurt, Caleb Elliott. Registered 4 May 1750.[KM Abstract]
ChowanDBF:222-224 27 February 1749/50

Charles witnessed the sale of several slaves. Note that William Rhoads becomes the administrator of the estate of Charles while William Collins is likely the same person who sues James McDowell of Bertie County.

William Rhoads Senior of Tyrrell County to his daughter Margaret Collins, wife of William Collins in Bertie County, gifts a parcel of negroes. Signed: Willm Rhoads Senr. Witnesses: John Rhoads, William Rhoads Junr, Charles McDowell. Registered 27 November 1753.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB3:19-20 14 August 1753

The death of Charles in late 1740 is reported in the following court record of his estate.

William Rhoads moved to expose to sale a negro boy belonging to the Estate of Charles McDowell on the third day of the next General Court which is granted he returning amount of the sale thereof &C.
Account of Sales of the goods and chattles of Charles McDowel late of the County Deceased is proved in due form of Law by the oath of William Rhoads which his account of sale follows in these words Vizt:
November the 24th 1740

[List of articles with total sale: £254.8.10].
ChowanCM:18 Third Thursday April 1741

An undated estate sales from Tyrrell County for Charles McDowell exists. Note again the appearance of William Collins which ties this document to the Charles of this section.

[List of purchasers: John Rhodes, Wm Collins, Joseph Dwight, Jos. Little, Jon: Brownisin, Jas: Blount.]
Account of sales in the estate of Charles McDowell pr me John Hardison Sheriff.
Account of Sales of the Estate of Charles McDowell Decd
Tyrrell Folder: McDowell, Charles n.d. [Sic: no date]


Eleanor McDowell

Eleanor McDowell [Unknown - c1774]. Two daughters have been identified.

Mary McDowell married (Peter) Conway.
Katherine McDowell married a Hory.

Eleanor is first mentioned in a 1758 land grant. Subsequently, she received three more grants.

Land Grant 700 to Eleanor McDowell dated 1 July 1758 and entered 8 March 1758, 100 acres on Slocum’s Creek in Craven County. Book 2, p. 198.
To Surveyor-General: Upon the head of Slocombe Creek at the mouth of Black Swamp being the land formerly __ by Jacob Taylor. At Wilmington 8 March 1758.
Craven County June 19th 1758. This plan reps a tract of land contg 100 acres. Surveyed for Elenor McDole a tract of Land containing 100 acres lying on Slocombes Creek Begg at a Holle on the Creek side and at the mouth of Black Swamp then N22W 126 Po up the Swamp to a Pine, thence N62E 140 po to a Litewood stump, thence S20E 104 to a Cypress, thence up the Creek to the first station. By me Aoth: Mackay D.S:

Land Grant 1969 to Eleanor McDowell dated 26 November 1760, 300 acres On Oneats Creek or branch in Craven County. No metes and bounds given. Book 15, p. 317.

Land Grant 1632 to Eleanor McDowell dated 29 November 1760, 300 acres on Oneats Creek in Craven County. Book 13, p. 245.
This Plan Represts 300 Acres of Land in Craven County On Onests Creek (or branch __ at a White Oak near __ branch above & Road, thence Runs S68E 55 Chns to a Pine, S22W 55 Chns to a Pine, N85W 55 Chns to Centre of 3 Pines & N22E 55 Chns to the first station. Surveyed for Eleanor McDowell 30th of May 1759. Pr J. Skibbon D.S:

NC Grant to Eleanor McDowell (Widow) of New Hanover County for £10, 640 acres in Anson County NC beginning at Red Oak the beginning tree of Michael Patton's land on Buffaloe Creek a branch of Rocky or Johnston's River and running thence S70W 138 poles along Patton's line to a stake, then N57W 187 poles to a Pine, thence North 234 poles to a stake, then N57E 169 poles to Moses Whites corner, then S73E 240 poles along Whites line to a Hickory White's corner tree and from thence in a straight line to the first station.
AnsonDB6:273-274 18 May 1762

In 1759, she purchased a half-acre lot in the Town of New Bern.

Longfield Cox and wife Anne to Eleanor McDowell for £20, one half acre in New Bern of Craven County.[KM Abstract]
CravenDB2:204 25 December 1759

Several documents relate to a transactions involving a Peter Conway, likely the husband of Mary McDowell and Eleanor's son-in-law.

Ordered that a Commission issue to the Major recorder and engianer of the Aldermans of the Burrough of Wilmington to take the Examination of Thomas McGuire Esqr relative to the Execution of a certain Indenture alledged by the said Peter Conway to be made to Mrs. Eleanar McDowell by the said Alice Williams, and that the Commission with their doings thereon be returned to the next inferior Court.
CravenCM:None Wednesday 2 July 1766

Robert Orme and Thomas Webber, merchant, to Eleanor McDowell, widow, for £79.11, list of household items conveyed to them by Peter Conway for £79.11 by conditional Bill of Sale dated 18 April 1766 and forfeited to them 10 November 1766 and sold to Eleanor by consent of Peter Conway. Registered January Court 1767.[KM Abstract]
CravenDB12,13:544-545 3 December 1766 and CravenInventoriesSalesDeeds(1763-1767):283-284

A Bill of Sale from Robert Orme and Thomas Webber to Eleanor McDowell for sundry household furniture &C was proved in open Court by the Oath of John Rees evidence thereto agreeable to Law and ordered to be registered.
CravenCM:None Friday 9 January 1767

In the following deed, the term "coparcenors" is derivative of the legal term coparcenary which is a species of estate, or tenancy, which exists where lands of inheritance descend from the ancestor to two or more persons.

Mary Conway & Catherine Hory, heirs at law coparcenors all and singular the real and personal property of Eloner McDowell deceased of Craven Co. NC. to Matthew Lock of Rowan for £80, 640 acres in Mecklenburg County late Anson County Buffaloe Creek and Rocky River, Wit: Alex Martin (Jurat) Joseph Rutherford
Beginning at a R.O., the beginning tree of Michell Patten's land on Buffalo Creek Branch of Rocky River or Johnstons River & running thence S70W 138 poles along Patton's line to a stake, thence N57W 187 poles to a Pine, thence North 234 poles to a stake, thence N57E 169 poles to Moses Whites line, thence along Whites line S3W 50 poles to a stake Whites Corner, thence S73E 240 poles along Whites line to a Hickory Whites corner tree & from then in a straight line to a stake the first station being conveyed to the sd Eleanor Dowell by Governor Dobbs on 18 May 1762.
[KM Abstract]
MeckDB10:144-147 16 March 1774

The next deed reveals again the identity of her daughters.

John Fowler of Bath Town in Beaufort County to Joseph Leech of New Bern for £10, 100 acres in Craven County on Hocombs Creek. Beginning at a Holley on the Creek side by the mouth of Black Swamp running N2(0)W 126 poles up the swamp to a Pine, thence N62E 140 poles to a litewood stump, then S20E 104 pole to a Cypress , thence up Creek to the first station. Tract was granted by Pattent dated 1_ July 1758 to Eleanor McDowell and was afterwards sold and conveyed by Mary Conway and Katherine Hoy Daughters of the said Eleanor McDowell to the said John Fowler as by deed dated 11 April 1774. Registered 13 December 1775.[KM Abstract]
CravenDB22:278 6 December 1775

Her property is mentioned in the following two deeds.

Bazell Smith of Craven County to Joseph Leech of New Bern, merchant, for £20; on south side of Neuse River and on the West Branch of Slocomb's Creek, between the lines of John Bishop and Mrs. McDowell's patent now the said Leech's land in the head of Grave Neck beginning at a White Oak near the Creek side John Bishops corner, thence along his line N30W 127 poles, then S60W 127 poles to a stake in or near the said Eleanor McDowell's patent line, then S30E 127 poles to a Pine, thence N60E 127 poles to the first station. Register June Term 1783.[KM Abstract]
CravenDB24:306-307 13 June 1783

Joseph Leech to Richard Dobbs Spraight for £20, 100 acres in Craven County on south side of Neus River and west branch of Slocombs Creek between the lines of John Bishops and E. McDowell's patent in the Head of Grave Neck. Begining at a White Oak near the Creek side John Bishops corner, thence running along his line N30W 127 poles, thence S60W 127 poles to a stake in or near said Eleanor McDowell's pattent line, then S30E 127 poles to a Pine, thence N60E 127 poles to the first station. Registered December Term 1799.[KM Abstract]
CravenDB29:433 13 December 1797

James McDowell

James McDowell [Unknown - 1795] appeared in the 1790 Census.

1790 Census Craven County NC
James McDowal
New Bern

2 Males 0-15: [Frederick Pinder]
2 Males over 16: [James, William Bryant]
2 Females:

He was assigned several boys as apprentices to the learn the trade of a house carpenter and joiner.

Ordered that James Dornald an orphan lad aged 18 years the 2d day of this Inst be bound apprentice to James McDowell to learn the trade of a House Carpenter and Joiner.
CravenCM:None Monday 13 March 1786

Ordered that William Bryan an orphan lad aged 16 years the 18th of Feby last be bound Apprentie to James McDowell to learn the mastry of a carpenter & joiner.
CravenCM:None Friday 17 *** 1787

Ordered that Fredrick Pinder an orphan lad aged 14 years the 18th Feby last be bound appt to James McDowell to learn the trade of a joiner &C.
CravenCM:None Wednesday 13 *** 1787

He witnessed a deed in 1790.

David Witherspoon of New Bern to Abner Nash of same for £250, Lot 68 in Town of New Bern. Witnesses: Joe Trelick, James McDowell. Registered September Term 1791.[KM Abstract]
CravenDB29:233 18 August 1790

In 1795, a settlement of his estate was filed at the county court by his administrator Spyers Singleton.

An Acct Sales Inventory and Account Settled by Spyers Singleton Esqr Admr of James McDowell decd was returned and ordered to be filed.
CravenCM: Monday 8 June 1795

The following abstracted documents appear in the Craven County Probate Estate Folder labeled McDowell, James 1795.

James 1

Craven County Administrator Bond of Spyres Singleton with securities David Witherspoon and John Blanks dated 10 March 1795 to administer estate of James McDowall.

James 2

Inventory of the Estate of James McDowell deceased taken this 18 April 1795.
[List of articles]
Taken the day above written by Spyers Singleton administrator

James 3

Account of Sales of the Estate of James McDowell Decd &C this 18th day of April 1795
[No McDowells appear as purchaser]
Errors Excepted this 18th day of April 1795 by Spyers Singleton Administrator
Returned June Term 1795

James 4

The Estate of James McDowell in accot with Spyers Singleton
£150.0.0 – 1791 To 4 yrs rent of Lot No. 106 @£35 pr yr
0.5.0 – To 1000 feet prime plank
0.0.10 – 1795 To Cash pd for administration
0.3.3 – To Do pd Paxtons accot for funeral, Charges & collecting his property
£20 – 1792 By Building a small piazza
1.0.0 – By mending a Beadstead
2.0.0 – By make 40 Sash lights
38.12.0 – 1796 By accot of sales of his Estate
97.1.0 – Ballance due S. Singleton
Erros excepted by Spyers Singleton
Returned June Term 1795

Two other estate records contain information about him.

William McClure Executor to Mrs. Gordon's Estate
To James McDowel Dr
£18.17.4 – Feby1787 To making most part of a Piazza & two pair of steps entirely new, raising shingling, lathing & repairing many places on the roof of said Piazza
Feby 27 1787 Recd the above eighteen pounds 17/4 in full from William McClure.
By me James Dowell
Acct & Recd James McDowell £18.17.4 (No. 4)
Craven County Probate Estate Folder: Gordan, Mary Duff 1808

Inventory of the Estate of William Wood Deceased taken 17 Decembr 1789.
one pare of horse Mill Stones taken back from James McDowell which were not paid for the same being frozen and spayled.
Craven County Probate Estate Folder: Wood, William 1789


Patrick McDowell
Parents: Unknown

Patrick McDowell [Unknown - 1785/1786] first appeared in Edgecombe County in 1762 as shown below. We believe that he was married and sired a son named "John" as shown in the following record of his death in the County Court and by his son's subsequent appearance in Edgecombe County records with a son named Patrick. Note that the name of his son, John McDowall, has been "erased" but is visible in the image of the court record.

On motion, administration is granted to [Removed/Erased John McDowall] Daniel Southerland on the Estate of Patrick McDowall accordingly entered Bond of £1000 with Chas Fort Esqr & Ben Fort Surety.
EdgecombeCM(1784-1790):None Friday 10 February 1786

From the Wake County Court Minutes (1793-1796), a receipt from Rebeccah Sims, Exr. of Thomas Sims, deceased, exists which was proven by the oath of a John McDowell, a witness thereto, and ordered to be recorded. We believe that this John McDowell is the son of Patrick McDowell of Edgecombe County and furthermore that it reveals the existence of a second son for Patrick; namely, a William McDowell. In a 1794 tax list of Capt. Jones District in Wake County, the name William McDowell appears paying a white pole tax and he is listed with members of the Sims family, thus making a circumstantial connection between the John McDowell who witnessed the Wake County Sims receipt and a William McDowell who lived in Wake County. But is there evidence that William is connected to Edgecombe County?
In the 1820 February term of the Wake County Court Minutes we find the following:[13]

The Last will and Testament of Henry Finch decd was exhibited in open court for probate and duly proven by the Oath of Joshua Sugg & William McDowell certified thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Etheldred Finch One of the Executor thierin named came into open court & qualified according to Law.
Ordered that the perchable [sic, probably perishable] Estate of the testator, Henry Finch decd be sold on credit of not less than six months.

William McDowell's name is signed with an "x" but no reference to him is made in the document itself.[14] However, the family name of "Sugg" appears repeatedly in the records and familial relationships of John McDowell of Edgecombe County thus establishing a circumstantial connection between William McDowell of Wake County and Edgecombe County. We assign this William McDowell as a son of Patrick McDowell.
Thus, Patrick McDowell is assigned the following two sons.

John McDowall [Bf 1765 - 1829]
William McDowell [1760s - Bf 1840]

Patrick first appeared in a 1762 Edgecombe County deed where he purchased a lot in the Town of Tarboro, likely for his use as a store.

William Mace & wife Keziah of Pitt County to Patrick McDowall of Edgecombe County for £20, one lot No. 70 in Tarborough on Saint George's Street containing one half acre. Registered 1763 April Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDBC:37 17 July 1762

A Deed of Sale from William Mace & wife to Patrick McDowall acknowledged.
EdgecombeCM(1759-1764): Thursday 28 April 1763

He sold the lot in 1768.

Patrick McDowall to Henry Irwin, both of Edgecombe County, for £136, one lot half acre No. 70 in Tarborough. Witnesses: Wm Haywood, Isaac Wilson. Filed 1769 May Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDBD:129 27 August 1768

A Deed of Sale from Patrick McDowall to Henry Lewis proved by the oath of Sherd Haywood.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Tuesday 22 August 1769

In the same time frame, he purchased 563 acres of land in 1763 from Bengamin Hart.

Benjamin Hart & wife Ann of Edgecombe County to Patrick McDowall for £220. 563 Acres of three tracts of land, metes and bounds not specified. Registered 1763 Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDB1:507 13 January 1763

Benjamin Hart & Wife to Patrick McDowall acknowledged & Feme relinguished before Joseph Moore Esqr.
EdgecombeCM(1759-1764): Wednesday 26 January 1763

Patrick was a merchant who apparently became endebted to John Gibson of Philadelphia as shown in the following Deed of Trust dated 1766 and the subsequent court actions between Gibson and McDowell involving a mortgage on the Hart tract of land.

Patrick McDowall to John Gibson. Patrick is a merchant - deed of trust.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDBD:97 3 September 1766

John Gibson of Philadelphia PA. John Gibson appointed Samuel Johnston, Esq. as his attorney in North Carolina to demand and recover all money and merchandize due and owing to him by Patrick McDowall of the town of Tarborough, merchant - Wit: Robert Smith, Sam’l Bunting.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDB2:45 19 June 1767

Patrick McDowall of Edgecombe County, merchant, appoint William McClellan of Edgecombe, merchant, as his lawful attorney, Wit: Joseph Moore, George Meek. Proved at November Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDBD:383 31 May 1771

A letter of attorney from Patrick McDowall to William McClellan proved by Joseph Moore.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Friday November 1771

John Gibson merchant of Philadelphia, by Samuel Johnston through power of atorney, for Patrick McDowal “late” of Edgecombe Co., merchant, but “now of the Island of Nevis," June 23, 1773, whereas Said McDowell was indebted to said Gibson for £340 current money of Pennsylvania and had conveyed to said Gibson a tract of 650 acres in Edgecombe Co. on Sept. 3, 1766 as security and had failed to redeem the same, now for £340 Pennsylvania currency said Gibson recovered this tract to said Patrick McDowall. Wit: James Hill, Chas. Bonofield.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB2:46 23 June 1773

The "Island of Nevis" mentioned above is the smaller of two islands comprising the modern nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies in the Caribbean.
Patrick apparently succeeded in redeeming the tract of land and sold it to William Holt in 1773.

Patrick McDowall of Tarborough in Edgecombe County to William Holt for £300. 563 acres being the whole of three tracts purchased by McDowell of Benjamin Hart in 1763, the land first mortgaged and then redeemed by McDowell of John Gibson of Philadelphia in deed dated 23 June 1773. Witnesses: William McClellan, James Hill, James Wallace. Registered 1774 April Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB2:59-60 28 October 1773

A Deed of Sale from Patrick McDowall to William Hold proved by the oath of James Hill.
EdgecombeCM(1772-1784):None Wednesday 20 April 1774

William Holt to William Bellamy, both of Edgecombe County, for £170, 282 acres of land and plantation on north side of Tar River. Beginning at a Pine & Red Oak, thence S65W 110 poles to a Gum in a small Branch & in Robert Braswell's line, then along his line S10W 160 poles to a Turkey Oak on the bank of Tar River, then down the various courses of the River to a Gum, then along a line of mark'd trees to the beginning. One other parcel of land: Beginning at a Spanish Oak on Tar River bank, then S47E 140 poles to a Pine, then S8E 12 poles to a White Oak, then S19W 60 poles to a Turkey Oak on the said River bank, then up the various courses of the said river to the beginning and is part of the land which the said William Holt purchased of Patrick McDowell and the sd McDowell purchased of Benjn Hart. Filed October Court 1775.[KM Abstract] EdgecombeDB3:60 28 August 1775

Patrick appeared on two road records, the first referring to his store.

Ordered that the River Road that lead from Fords Mill be joyned to the head of Kings Street in Tar Co (the street that McDowall keeps store on) that the sd Road be cont along the sd street to & so to the present Landing on the River of William Pinnel be overseer of the sd Street & that the hands in Tarborough work on the same & that they likewise keep in repair the Banks of the River at the Landing.
EdgecombeCM(1759-1764): Thursday 28 April 1763

Ordered that Richard Bell be appointed overseer of the road from Bryans Road across Tarr River to James Braswells Road and that the following hands work thereon, Thomas Bryants, Frederick Bryan, Patrick McDowall Esqr hands, William Bell Junr hands, George Taylor, Richard Bells hands, William Williams & hands, Emory Davis & hands.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Thursday 1 March 1771

Patrick served as a Justice of the Peace beginning in 1764.

A new Commission of the Peace and Dedimus Potestatem from under the great Seal of this Provence, to the Members of his Majesty's Honourable Council and to [List of names] Patrick McDougal … Esquires directed, was published, And Thereupon [List] Patrick McDowall, Esqrs of the persons named in the said Commission appeared and took the Oaths & subscribed the Test directed by Law for their qualification & took the Oath of a Justice of the Peace.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772): Tuesday April 1764

A new Commission of the Peace and Dedimus Potestatem from under the seal of this Province to the Members of his Majesty's honorable Council and to [List of names] Patrick McDowall … Esquires direct was published and thereupon [List] Esqrs of the persons named in the Commission were qualified accordingly by taking the usual Oaths & subscribing the Test.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):27 8 January 1765

Patrick McDowall Esqr one of the gentleman named in the Commission of the Peace came into Court & took the necessary Oaths for his qualification and accordingly took his place on the Bench.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):34 Friday 12 April 1765

A new Commission of Peace and Dedimus Potestatem from under the Great Seal of this Province to the Members of his Majestys Honorable Council and to [List] Patrick McDowall … Esqrs of the persons named in the Commission and took the Oaths & subscribed the Test by Law directed for their qualification & accordingly took their place on the Bench.
Elish Battle and Patrick McDowall Esqrs two the persons named in the Commission of Peace apppeared and took the necessary Oaths for their qualification and subscribed the Test and accordingly took their places on the Bench.

EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Tuesday January 1767

A new Commission of Peace and Dedimus Potestatem to the Members of his Majestys Honourable Councel and to [List] Patrick McDowall … Esqrs directed was published and thereupon [List] of the persons named in the said Commission appeared & took the necessary Oaths for their qualification, subscribed the test and accordingly took their seats on the Bench.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Tuesday February 1769

Patrick McDowall Esqr one of the gentleman named in the Commission of Peace for this County appeared and took the necessry oaths for his qualification and accordingly took his place on the Bench.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Friday February 1769

His appearance as a Justice on the Bench of the County Court is captured in the following table.

Table: Patrick McDowall Service as Justice

Tuesday April 1764, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):1
Friday April 1764, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):12
Saturday April 1764, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):14
Friday 12 April 1765, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):35
Wednesday 9 October 1765, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):40
Friday 11 October 1765, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):41
Saturday 12 October 1765, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):42
Tuesday 8 April 1766, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):43
Friday January 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Tuesday 11 April 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Thursday 13 April 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Saturday 15 April 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Tuesday 17 July 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Wednesday 18 July 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Friday 20 July 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Friday October 1767, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Wednesday 24 November 1768, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Thursday May 1769, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Saturday May 1769, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Saturday 26 August 1769, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Tuesday February 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Saturday February 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Tuesday May 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Friday May 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Tuesday August 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Wednesday August 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Thursday August 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Friday November 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Saturday November 1770, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Tuesday 27 February 1771, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Thursday 1 March 1771, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Friday 2 March 1771, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Saturday 3 March 1771, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None
Friday May 1771, EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None

During his time as a Justice of the Peace, he was involved with recommendations for Sheriff and was himself recommended in 1771.

This being the Court appointed by Act of Assembly for the Recommendation to his Excellency the Governor of Gentleman properly qualified to be appointed and to act as Sheriff of said County for the ensuing year the said Gentleman voted for the following persons, to wit: [List] 2 Patrick McDowall … so that [List with results of vote] Therefore the said Court do recommend to his Excellency the Govoernor as person amply qualified to execute the office of Sheriff of said County for the ensuing year the following Gentlemen, to wit: Samuel Ruffin, Sherod Haywood, Duncan Lancos, Esqrs.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Saturday May 1769

This being the Court appointed by Act of Assembly for the Recommendation to his Excellencey the Governour of Gentlemen properly qualified to be appointed and to act as Sheriff of this County for the ensuing year. The Magestrates above mentioned voted in the following order for the following persons, to wit [List] Patrick McDowall [List of votes] Therefore the Court do recommend to his Excellency the Governor as persons amply qualified to execute the office of Sheriff for sd County for the ensuing year the following Gentleman, to wit, Sherwood Haywood, Duncan Lamon, Josia Hare, Esqrs.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Tuesday May 1770

This being the Court appointed by Law for the Recommendation of three persons to His Execelency the Governour for His appointment of Sheriff of this County the Court do unanimously recommend Sherrod Haywood, William Haywood, & Patrick McDowell as persons amply qualified to fill the sd office of Sheriff &C.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Friday May 1771

He appeared on several other court records.

John Barber a person suspected of Felony & being brot before the Court by virtue of a Warrant from Joseph Howell Esqr one of the Justices of the Peace for this County and being charged with the sd Felony denied the fact. Whereupon William Alexander being produced as an Evidence and being asked to look on the Prisoner after having done so he declared on oath that he saw that man pointing at the prisoner something take like a Pocket Book out of Capt Sugg pocket on Sunday in time of divine service. Whereupon & on oral evidence __ called on behalf of the Prisoner Robert Bignal, Patrick McDowall, and Thos Snell being sworn say that they were in the house where the Sermon was preached & that they saw the prisoner the whole time of service & that the Prisoner never was within twelve or fifteen foot of Capt Sugg the person from whom the Pocket Book was stolen.
EdgecombeCM(1759-1764): Tuesday September 1762

Upon examining of Taxables while Joseph Moore Esqr was Sheriff it appears that the number of Taxables are as follows, to wit, [List] the following Magestrates being present, to wit: [List] Patrick McDowall … .[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Thursday February 1770

Joseph Moore, Patrick McDowall and James Hall or any two of them are appointed to divide the estate of George Glover decd and report thereof make return to the next Court.
EdgecombeCM(1764-1772):None Friday May 1770

His Edgecombe County Estate Folder exists with the label "McDowell, Patrick 1786." Three documents are present in the folder.

Edgecombe County Bond of John Larkey and Sarah Larkey with security Thomas Foxhall dated 9 October 1785 to appear at court to answer David Sutherland.[KM Abstract]

Edgecombe County Sheriff summons to John Lakey & Sarah Lakey Admors of Geo. Bryant decd for them to appear first Monday in November next to answer Daniel Sutherland admr of Patrick McDowall decd of a plea of trespass on the case, damage twenty five pounds.
Signed Edward Hall CC and dated 7 August 1786.
[KM Abstract]

Edgecombe County Bond of John Larkey & Sarah Larkey with Thomas Foxhall dated 9 October 1786 to appear before Justices of Edgecombe County in Tarborough to answer Daniel Sutherland Admr of Patrick McDowell Decd

He is also mentioned in the estate folder of George Bryant along with the same John Lakey.

State of North Carolinea, To the Sheriff of Edgecombe County Greeting: You are hereby commanded, that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of John Lakey admor. &C of George Bryant decd you cause to be made the sum of fifteen pounds & seven pence which lately in our County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, held for the county aforesaid, Daniel Sutherland admor &C of Patrick McDowall deceased recovered against him as also forty two shillings & three pence like money, for costs and charges in said suit expended; whereof the said John Lakey convicted and liable as appears of record; and have the said monies before the said court, at Tarborough on the 1st Monday in August next, then and there to render Daniel Sutherland his debt and costs aforesaid. Herein fail not and have you there this Writ. Witness Edward Hall Clerk of said Court, the fifth day of May A.D. 1788. Edward Hall CC.
Edgecombe County Estate Folder: Bryant, George 1785

State of North Carolina, Edgecombe County. To the Sheriff Greeting. You are hereby commanded, that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of John Lakey admor of George Bryant decd you cause to be made the sum of [blank] which lately, in our County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, held for the county aforesaid Daniel Sutherland admor &C of Patrick McDowall recovered against him. as also like money, for costs and charges in said suit expended; whereof the said John Lakey is convicted, and liable, as appears of record; and have the said monies before the said court, at Tarborought on the 1st Monday in February next, then and there to render the said Sutherland his debt and costs aforesaid. Herein fail not and have you there this Writ. Witness Edward Hall Clerk of said Court, the 4th day of Novr A.D. 1788. Edward Hall.
Edgecombe County Estate Folder: Bryant, George 1785

John McDowell

John McDowell [Bf 1765 - 1829] married Mary Elizabeth Savage [Bf 1775 - 1835], the daughter of Absolem Savage [1744 - 27 November 1815] and Martha Lawrence. They had the following children.

Nancy McDowell [1790 - 18 July 1860 PMT]
Patrick McDowell [1800 - 23 February 1857]
Martha McDowell [c1800s - 1844]

The three children and their grandfather are mentioned in the following deeds.

Absalom Savage to granddaughter Nancy McDowell for natural love and affection a sequence of notes, animals, and slaves. Signed: Absalom Savidge. Witnesses: Rd Harrison, Jacob Sessums. Registered November 1815.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB15:304-305 27 November 1815

Absalom Savage to Patrick McDowell, both of Edgecombe County, for natural love and affection for his grandson Patrick, land bought at Richard Sessums sale and bought at James Andersons sale, 608 acres on south side of Moors Swamp. No metes and bounds provided. Signed: Absalem Savidge. Witnesses: Rd Harrison, Martha Harrison.
Be it understood that I do hereby lend to my loving wife Martha Savige the whole of the within mentioned old tract of Land whereon she now lives during her natural life, and no longer. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 23d November 1815. Signed: Absalem Savidge. Witnesses: D. Coffield, Rd Harrison. Registered November 1815.
[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB15:315 22 June 1815

Absalom Savage to granddaughter Martha McDowell for natural love and affection a sequence of notes. Signed: Absalom Savidge. Witnesses: D. Coffield, Rd Harrison. Registered November 1815.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB15:316 23 November 1815

John and Mary Elizabeth appeared in the following census records.

1790 Census Edgecomb County NC
John McDowell

3 Males 0-16:
1 Male 16 over: [John]
4 Females: [Elizabeth, Nancy]

1800 Census Edgecombe County NC
John Mackdowel

1 Male 0-9: [Patrick]
1 Male 26-44: [John]
1 Male 45 over: [Absolem Savage?]
1 Female 0-9: [Nancy]
1 Female 26-44: [Elizabeth]

We suspect that elderly man over 45 in the 1800 Census is Absolem Savage since he is not listed elsewhere in the census records.

1810 Census Edgecomb County NC
John McDowell

1 Male 10-16: [Patrick]
1 Male 45 over: [John]
1 Female 10-16: [Nancy]
1 Female 26-45: [Elizabeth]

1820 Census Edgecomb County NC
John McDowell

1 Male 16-26: [Patrick]
1 Male 45 over: [John]
1 Female 10-16: [Martha]
1 Female 45 over: [Elizabeth]

1830 Census Edgecomb County NC
Elizabeth McDowell

1 Female 20-29:
1 Female 40-49:
1 Female 60-69: [Elizabeth]

In 1795, John was charged with support of a bastard child sired by him.

Ordered that John McDowall pay Mary Penny seven pounds for the first year & three pounds a year for six years for the support & maintain of her child begotten by the said John McDowall
EdgecombeCM(1795-1797):5 Tuesday 25 February 1795

He appeared only twice in court records for jury service.

John Macdowell, Adam J. Haywood and John Jones Davidson are ordered to be fined for not attending as Jurors.
EdgecombeP&QS(1797-1800): Tuesday 29 May 1798

Ordered that the Sheriff summon the following Jurors to attend at the Superior Court at March Term Next, Viz: [List] John McDowell … .[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeCM(1807-1811):110 Friday 2 December 1808

John appeared as either grantee or grantor in the following Edgecombe County deeds.

David Hyatt of Edgecomb to John McDowall for £40, 100-acre plantation on Moor’s Swamp in Edgecombe County. Beginning at a cypress a corner in the said Swamp, thence out to a corner White Oak, thence along a line of marked trees to a corner Pine, then along another line to a corner White Oak, thence along the other line to a corner Pine which is the dividing tree, thence in the swamp thence down the various courses of the swamp to the beginning. Part of tract granted to Francis Firth patent dated 24 July 1760. Witnesses: Alexander Bassford, David Coker. Filed 1779 August Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB3:458-459 19 October 1777

Land Grant 1861 (entry #123) to John McDowell. 250 acres on S. Side of Fishing Creek.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDB31:67 1 July 1779

Arthur Weeks to John McDowell, both of Edgecombe, for £53, 119 acres in Edgecombe County on No side of Maple Swamp, beginning at a Gum in Perritts line running N35W 194 poles to a Poplar standing on a branch Cross's corner, thence up the said branch N8W 31½ po, then N30W 27 po, then N10W 36 po to a Black Oak Robertsons corner, then N60W 66 po to a Hickory Jorden's corner, thence S30W 72 po to a White Oak Jorden's & Ward's corner tree, then S31E 166 po to a Pine the South side of the Maple Swamp in Coker's line Ward's corner tree, then S62E to the first station. Witnesses: Absolum Savedge, Alexander Bassford. Registered 1797 February Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB8:681 3 October 1795

A deed of sale from Arthur Weeks to John McDowall proved by Absalom Savage.
EdgecombeCM(1795-1797):None Monday 27 February 1797

William Horten of Bertie County to John McDowell of Edgecombe County for £50, 54 acres in Edgecombe on north side of Maple Swamp. Beginning at a White Oak in a branch Ben. Jordens corner tree running thence S31E 166 poles to a Pine in David Cokers line, thence along the said Cokers line West 58 poles to a Pine, then N6W 26 poles to a Gum, thence West 14 poles to a Gum a corner tree in the sd swamp of Benjamin Jordens, thence N25E 50 poles to the mouth of a branch, thence N57E 34 poles to the beginning White Oak. Signed: Wm Horten. Witness: S. Savage. Recorded February 1798.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB8:891-892 6 December 1797

William Horten to John McDowell for £100, 90 acres on north side of the Maple Swamp in Edgecombe County. Beginning at a Gum in the Maple Swamp and running N85E 148 poles to a Pine, then S10W 53 poles to a Hickory, then S30W 66 poles to a White Oak in a branch, then S57W 34 poles to the mouth of the sd branch, then S25W 50 poles to the run of sd Maple Swamp, then up the run of the sd Swamp to the first station. Signed: Wm Horten. Witnesses: Absolom Savadge, Hardy Boyd. Recorded February 1799.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB9:163 10 February 1798

John McDowell to Sherwood Savage, both of Edgecombe County, for £75, 125 acres in two tracts on south side and north side of Moores Swamp, the largest 100 acres and the other 25 acres. The largest tract beginning at a corner Cypress in the sd Moores swamp, thence out to a White Oak, thence along a line of marked trees to a corner __, then along another line to a corner White Oak, then along the other line to a corner Pine, which is the dividing tree, thence in the swamp to a corner Gum, thence down the various courses of the sd swamp to the beginning.
Twenty five acre tract: Beginning at the sd McDowells own corner a Pine, then along the sd line East 92 poles to Jacob Sessums corner a Hickory, then along another line No 43 poles to a Black Jack, then West 92 poles to a White Oak in Joshua Sobrels line, then along his line to the beginning. Signed: John McDowell. Witness: John Savage. Registered 1798 February Court.
[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB8:913 22 February 1798

A deed of Sale from John McDowall to Sherrod Savage proved by John Savage.
EdgecombeCM(1797-1800):None Wednesday 28 February 1798

State Grant No. 697 to John McDowell, 153 acres in Edgecombe County on south side of Fishing Creek and north side of the Maple Swamp joining lands of William Dancy, Cross, Jordan, and Robertson. Beginning at a Black Gum formerly Perretts corner but at present Dancy's corner standing in said Swamp, then N35W 106 poles to a Poplar in a branch, then up the said branch North 79 poles to a White Oak or Post Oak Cross's corner, then West 162 poles to a Black Gum Cross's other corner standing in the said Swamp, then down the various courses of sd Swamp to a Black Gum in said Swamp, then S20E 41 poles to a Pine Josiah Bullocks corner, then to the first station. Recorded August 1801.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB10:115-116 1 August 1801

William Price to John McDowell, both of Edgecombe County, for $300, 150 acres in Edgecombe County. Beginning at a Gum on the run of the Maple Swamp, thence along David Perrets line South 198 poles to a Pine Elisha O'Neals corner, thence along his line West 162 poles to a White Oak, then No turn to back line of mark trees to a Pine, then running to a Gum the said swamp, then down the various courses of the said swamp to the first station. Signed: William Price. Witnesses: Absolem Savage, John Savage, Isham [ONeal]. Recorded February 1811.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB13:428 14 June 1810

William Dancy Senr to John McDowell, both of Edgecombe County, for £158.15.0, 127 acres in Edgecombe County. Beginning at a Post Oak Jesse McKenney and said Dancy's corner running North along the patent line to a Pine on agreed corner between Soloman Perret & David Coker, then along a line of marked trees to a Gum in the Maple Swamp Cokers line corner tree agreed by persons aforesaid, then down the run of the said swamp to a Water Oak a corner between Jesse McKinney & said Dancy, then S78W 187 poles along a line of marked trees to the beginning, part of a tract granted to Thomas Price dated 13 June 1760. Signed: William Dancy. Witnesses: A. Cotten, Nancy McDowell. Recorded August 1813.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB14:423-424 21 October 1812

A deed of sale from William Dancy Senr to John McDowell ackd.
EdgecombeCM(1811-1813): Thursday 26 August 1813

His property is mentioned in the following deed.

Alexander Bassford of Edgecombe County to Joshua Sobrell of same. 179 acres in Edgecombe County on Moor's Swamp. Beginning at a Hickory in John McDowall's line the same being Jacob Sessums's corner, running from thence along the sd Sessums's line No 120 poles to a Pine in William Prices line, then along the sd Prices line Wt 152 poles to a corner Pine in Richard Bradleys line, then So 20 poles to a corner Pine, then West, along the said Bradleys line across the north prong, and to the middle prong of the aforesaid Moors Swamp, then down the varous courses of the said middle prong of the said Moor's Swamp to a White Oak, Isham Oneals corner, then East along the line of the sd Joshua Sobrell & John McDowell to the first station. Alexander Blassford. Proven and registered 1787 April Court.
EdgecombeDB4:506 10 July 1786

John witnessed the following deeds.

Richard Bradley to Stephen Bradley. Witnesses: John McDowall, Isham Oneal.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDB3:196-197 14 October 1776

Isham Oneal of Edgecombe County to Alexander Bassford of same. Witnesses: Aaron Coleman, John McDowell.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB4:247 5 February 1785

Moses Barrow to Benjamin Batts, both of Edgecombe County. Witness: James Irwin, John McDowell. Proved and recorded 1787 July Court.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombDB4:540-541 18 February 1785

John's 1825 Will was probated in May 1829 and we use that year as his death date. Elizabeth's Will was dated 2 September 1831 and probated in August 1835.

1825 Will of John McDowell

Source: EdgecombeWBF:98

In the Name of God Amen I John McDowell of the County of Edgecombe & State of North Carolina do make this my last Will and Testament in manner & form following- Being weak in body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be to god for the Same.
First I Recommend my Soul to God who Gave it to me and my body to the Earth from whence it Came, to be Decently Buried by my Executor And as for my Small Estate it has pleased God to bless me with I Give and Dispose of in the following manner.
Imprimas I Lend to my beloved Wife Elizabeth McDowell All of my Land on the North Side of the Maple Swamp Also my negroe man Daniel two head of Horses and one half of my Stock of all kinds, two Feather Beads & Furniture, the Riding Chair & harness, one Side Saddle & Bridle, all of my household & Kitchen Furniture, Corn & Fodder, my Brandy Still, my Cider Casks, Apple mill & (prepis) During her Natural life & no longer. My Daughter Martha McDowell is to be supported by my Wife untill she marries. My will & Desire is that after the death of my wife that all of the property Both real and personal that I have loaned her should be the property of my Daughter Martha McDowell, one negroe Boy by the name of Ellick, But if She Dies before She arrives to the Age of twenty one years or Marries then and in that Case my will & Desire that is all of the property which I have Loaned my wife & Given to my Daughter Martha McDowell Should be the property of my Son Patrick McDowell.
Item I Give unto my Daughter Nancy McDowell at this time Nancy Causey wife of Leven Causey Ten Shillings in full of her part of my Estate.
Item I Given & Bequeath unto my Son Patrick McDowell all of my Land on the South Side of the Maple Swamp, Also one negroe Girl by the name of Grace, two feather beads & furniture, all of my plantation utensils together with the other half of my Stock of Every kind, and all of the money in the House, all of my Debts due me of all kinds, And all property which I have not Loaned or Given Away heretofore & that which I may make hereafter or be possessed of at my Death, I Give it unto my Son Patrick McDowell to him and his heirs for Ever & Lastly I leave my Son Patrick McDowell my only & Sole Executor to this my last will & Testament.
John McDowell Seal
Signed Sealed & declared this the tenth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred & twenty Five in the presence of us
Ben Dicken
William Dancy senr
Edgecomb County, May Court 1829. The within last Will and Testament of John McDowell decd was exhibited in open Court for Probate and was proven by the oath of Benjamin Dicken one of the subscribing witnesses thereto - And Patrick McDowell the Executor named in the said Will at the same time qualified thereto- Ordered that the same be certified and the will recorded.
Test Mich Heam CC

1831 Will of Elizabeth McDowell

Source: EdgecombeWBF:177

In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth McDowell of the County of Edgecombe and State of North Carolina do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form as following being in good health sense and memory thanks be to almightly God for the same first and principally I recommend my soul to God who give it me and body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in such a decent manner as my executor shall think fit and as for what small estate it has pleased God to bless me with I give & dispose of in manner following.
Imprimis - I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Causey one dollar in full for her part of my estate.
Item I given and bequeath to my son Patrick McDowell one dollar in full for his part of my estate.
Item I given and bequeath unto my daughter Martha Cromwell all the money in the house and all debts due me of all kinds and all property I may have or be possest of to her and her heirs for ever I appoint my son in law Newsom Cromwell Executor to this my last will and Testament.
Elizabeth (X her mark) McDowell Seal
Signed sealed and declared in presence of us This 2 day of september 1831
William Dancy
Martha Savage
Edgecombe County August Court 1835. The within last Will and Testament of Elizabeth McDowell decd was exhibited in open Court for Probate and was proven by the oath of William Dancy one of the subscribing witnesses thereto - And Newsom Cromwell the Executor named in the said Will qualifies thereto- Ordered that the same be certified and the will recorded.
Test Michl. Heam CC

Nancy McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Mary Ann Savage

Nancy McDowell [1790 - 18 July 1860 PMT] married Leavin Causey [c1791 - 1850] on 18 October 1816 with witnesses Philip Causey and Thomas Harriss. They had the following children.

Alexander Causey [c1817 (1825 on 1850 Census) - c1880] married Angeline Bone on 12 October 1843 in Bibb County GA.
William Causey [c1820 - ]
George Causey [c1824 - 26 May 1881]
Phillip Causey [c1828 - ]
Jane Causey married William Beasley
Julia Causey married a Manning.
Susan Causey [c1832 - ]

They appeared in the following census records.

1820 Census Edgecombe County NC
Levin Causey

1 Male 0-9: [Alexander]
1 Male 16-25: [Levin]
1 Female 16-25: [Nancy]

1840 Census Bibb County GA
Leavin Causey

2 Males 10-14: [George, Phillip]
2 Males 15-19: [Alexander, William]
1 Male 40-49: [Leavin]
2 Femalesl 5-9: [Julia, Susan]
1 Female 10-14: [Jane]
1 Female 30-39: [Nancy]

1850 Census Bibb County GA
Militia District 483

Levan Causey - 58 M - Farmer - NC
Nancy - 60 F - NC
Phillip - 22 M - Farmer - GA
Susan - 18 F - GA
Mary Morel - 25 F - England

1850 Will of Leavin Causey

Source: Bibb County GA Will Book A, Page 172

Last Will and Testament of Levin Causey, Bibb County Georgia }
In the name of God, Amen, I Leavin Causey of the County and State aforesaid planter, being in feeble health, but of sound mind & memory, do make, publish and declare this my last Will and Testament by me made.
Item 1st. I wish all my just debts paid.
Item 2d I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Susan my most affectionate daughter nine (9) negroes to wit Mary a girl, Martha a girl about 17 years old & child Lucy, Penny a woman abou 24 or 25 years old, Collin a boy about 12 years old, Jim a boy about 12 years old, Washington a boy about 14 years old, Solomon a boy 17 years old, Morris a boy about 16 years old & two thousand Dollars ($2000.00) in cash to be paid by my Executor. Also one thousand out of my debts due me in Alabama for the sole and separate use of my said daughter Susan free from the central debts or engagements, or control of any husband with whom she may intermarry and at her death to her children living at her death and the children of the children, in case the parent or parents be dead in such case, the children to take in place of the deceased parent, share and share alike and to their heir forever. If she (Susan) dies without leaving children living at her death, the whole of said property and increase thereof to return to and become a part of my estate, and disposed of as hereinafter directed. My daughter Susan is not known as my child born in lawful wedlock; but I own her and recognize her as my own flesh and blood and she has been raised by me, and in my own house, and is now with me, and recognized as my daughter Susan, also a good horse & buggy & harness & bed & furniture.
Item 3. I give and bequeath to my wife Nancy my house wherein I now reside and all my lands adjoining thereto, the same being sixty three (63) acres more or less saving and excepting as hereinafter mentioned, also a negro man by the name of Tom about 30 or 35 years old, also all my household and kitchen furniture this to her during her natural life, and at her death to her children. This devise and bequest in lieu and in bar of Dower in my estate.
Item 4. I give to my daughter Jane Beasley (Wife of William I. Beasley) & her children not to be born, my negro woman by the name of Mariah and John a boy her oldest son & Lewis to the sole and separate use of my said daughter and her children free from the control debts or engagements of her present or any future husband.
Item 5. I give and bequeath to Julia Manning two acres (2) more or less off of the lot of land I now reside on, my Executor to put a small comfortable house and improvments thereon for her accommodation, this to her during life, and at her death to her children, said lot being the one I have trimed up for her.
Item 6. All the rest and residue of my Estate real or personal wheresoever situate and wheather of legacies, [loosing] by death or otherwise or in whatever way the same may become a part of my estate, I give and bequeath to my friend James W. Armstrong, to his heirs and assignes upon the trust following one fourth of the nett income of rents and profits, price of negroes and interest of money to the children of my son Alexander Causey born or to be born to him, one fourth to each of my sons William Causey, Philip Causey and George Causey to be paid to them as he may deem best. After their marriage respectively and the births of lawful children to them respectively then to their families respectively for their comfortable support and maintenance.
My friend James W. Armstrong to keep possession of all of my said property real and personal, and use and control the same in his discretion, and as he may think best, and not to be in any way controled by my said sons or either of them. The whole I leave to the discretion and good judgment of my said friend James W. Armstrong. At the death of my said sons respectively, I wish him to divide and distribute to the children (lawful) children one fourth share to each family if any should leave no children, then to the surviving children of my other sons & in that event, all my sons should die leaving not children, then to my lawful heirs.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 13th day of November 1850. I further give & begueath to James W. Armstrong the lot of land on which my son Alexander now lives, being two acres more or less & the improvements in special trust for the sole use of Charlton Leavin Causey, William Bynam Causey & Polina Causey children of Alexandre Causey. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my sel this 13th November 1850.
Leavin Causey
Signed, sealed & published in presence of us & each of us
Washington Poe
Charles Thompson
W. Holmes
Last Will and Testament of Leavin Causey. In Bibb Inferior Court sitting as a Court of Ordinary
The last Will and Testament of Leavin Causey having been brought into this Court from its place of deposit by an order of Court, there being no Executor named and one of the witness to said will to wit Washington Poe appearing and being duly sworn says that he saw Leavin Causey the testator sign, seal, declare & publish the intrument now presented as his last Will & testament freely voluntary & of his own accord & without any compulsion or influence whatsoever that at the time of the execution of said will, said testator was of sound & disposing mind and memory, that deponent signed said will as a witness in the presence of testator and at his request, and in the presence of Charles Thompson, William Holmes the other subscribing witnesses & deponent also saw said other two witnesses sign in the presence of said Testator.
Washington Poe
Sworn to in open Court this 13th January 1851
Elisha Davis
Henry Wood
Robt F. Ousley
Keslin Cook

Inventory of the Estate of Leaven Causey decd proved by the Oath of Philip Causey Executor.
EdgecombeCM(1792-1794):None Thursday 27 February 1794

Patrick McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Mary Sugg Savage

Patrick McDowell [1800 - 23 February 1857] married Mary S. Cromwell [c1805 - 25 October 1881] on 27 January 1825. They had the following children.

John W. McDowell [c1830 - ]
Elizabeth O. McDowell [25 December 1827 - 29 April 1903 GRE/FG] married John W. Knight on 10 December 1847 with witness John Knight. They had a Daughter Mary C. Knight.
William B. McDowell [March 1832 - 24 June 1873 GRE/FG] married Mary Ann "Mollie" Farrer Cook on 10 November 1868. They had three Children: John Patrick McDowell [3 September 1869 - 2 July 1941 GRE/FG] who married Elizabeth Turner Savage [17 May 1892 - 27 May 1979 GRE/FG]; William (Willie) T. McDowell [27 November 1871 - ]; and Frances (Frank) C. McDowell [2 October 1873 - ]
Elisha C. McDowell [1835 - 1 December 1898 LAW/FG] at age 45 married Mary A. Bell on 4 May 1881 in Edgecombe County. He was a private in the Civil War.
Mary L. McDowell [3 October 1837 - 6 May 1893 TAR/FG] married Brisco Howell [17 December 1825 - 19 May 1864 TAR/FG] who died at the Civil War Battle of Bermuda Hundred in Virginia.
Martha "Pattie" McDowell [1841 - 28 August 1900] never married.
Margaret L. McDowell [18 December 1843 - 20 July 1888 TAR/FG] married Dr. Joseph P. Sugg( [7 December 1841 - 24 January 1902 TAR/FG].
Penina "Nina" McDowell [3 September 1848 - 3 June 1890 TAR/FG] likely did not marry. FG says daughter of Mary McDowell Sugg but tombstone doesn't report that fact!

Patrick and Mary appeared in the following census records.

1830 Census Edgecomb County NC
Patrick McDowell

1 Male 0-4: [John]
1 Male 30-39: [Patrick]
1 Female 0-4: [Elizabeth]
2 Females 20-29: [Mary]

1840 Census Edgecomb County NC
Patrick McDowell
District 14

1 Male 0-4: [Elisha]
2 Males 5-9: [John, William]
1 Male 15-19:
1 Male 40-49: [Patrick]
1 Female 5-9: [Mary]
1 Female 10-14: [Elizabeth]
1 Female 20-29:
1 Female 30-39: [Mary]

1850 Census Edgecomb County NC

Patrick McDoell - 50 M - Farmer - NC
Mary - 45 F - NC
Penelope Billups - 45 F - NC
J. W. McDoell - 20 M - NC
W. McDoell - 18 M - NC
Elisha McDoell - 15 M - NC
Mary - 12 F - NC
Martha - 9 F - NC
Margaret - 7 F - NC
Penina - 2 F - NC

Mary apparently is also listed with a Walter Henderson in 1850.

1850 Census Edgecombe County

Walter Henderson - 53 M - Cooper - Scotland
Wm Bennett - 25 M - Cooper - Ireland
H.H. Polland - 29 M - NC
F.A. Doneel 2 F - NC
Mary McDoell - 12 F - NC

1860 Census Edgecombe County NC
PO Tarboro

Mary McDowell - 54 F - Farmer - NC
Penry Billops - 54 F - NC
Mary - 22 F - NC
Turner Billops - 20 M - Laborer - NC
Martha - 19 F - NC
Margaret - 16 F - NC
Pennia - 12 F - NC

1870 Census Edgecombe County NC
Lower Fishing Creek, PO Tarboro

Mary McDowell - 65 F - Farmer - NC
Mary Howell - 32 F - At Home - NC
Pattie McDowell - 28 F - At Home - NC
Margreth - 25 F - NC
Penny Billups - 66 F - At Home - NC
Turner Billups - 25 M - Farm Laborer - NC
Katie McDowell - 14 F B - Domestic Servant - NC

1880 Census Edgecombe County NC
Lower Fishing Creek

Mary S. McDowell - 75 F
Mary L. Howell - 42 F - Daughter - Keeping House - NC NC NC
Pattie McDowell - 39 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Nina McDowell - 32 F - Daughter - Teaching School - NC NC NC

Turning next to the land transactions of Patrick, he bought 100 acres in 1826 and then sold the tract.

Jarrot Bell to Patrick McDowell, both of Edgecombe County, for $1,000, 100 acres in Edgecombe County on north side of Swift Creek. Beginning at a Pine on the bank of said Creek at William Bell old patent corner, then along the said patent line East to a corner of 3 Black Gums in a marsh or branch, then up said marsh or branch N40E to a Black Gum corner near the mouth of the middle branch, then up the various courses of the said middle branch to a Black Gum at the place called the thoroughfare, then across the said thoroughfare & then down the various courses of said branch to a corner Maple in the fork of said branch, then up the said branch about N45W to a large Black Gum near the edge of an old field, then across the said field about S30W to a Pine corner in a branch near a spring, then by a line of marked trees about S65W to a Cypress on the bank of said Swift Creek, then down the various courses of said Creek to the first station. Signed: Jarrot Bell. Witness: John Laine. Recorded February 1827.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB19:14 4 July 1826

Patrick McDowell to Newsom Cromwell, both of Edgecombe County, for $500, 100 acres on north side of Swift Creek. Beginning at a Pine on the Bank of the said Creek at William Bells old Patent corner begins then along the said patent line East to a corner of 3 Black Gums in a marsh or Branch, then up said marsh or Branch about N40E to a Black Gum corner near the mouth of the middle Branch, then up the various meanders of the said middle Branch to a Black Gum at the place called the Thoroughfare, then across the said Thorough fare & down the various courses of the said Branch to a corner Maple in the Fork of the said Branch, then up the Branch about N45W to a large Black Gum near the edge of an old field, then across the said old field about S30W to a [Pine] corner in a Branch near a spring, then by a line of marked trees about S65W to a Cypress on the Bank of the said Swift Creek, then down the various courses of the said Creek to the First Station. Signed: Patrick McDowell. Witness: R. H. Foxhall. Recorded February 1834.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB21:88 4 February 1832

Patrick and his wife Mary S. sold 112 acres of land in 1827.

Patrick McDowell and wife Mary S. to Joseph Lackey, all of Edgecombe County, for $1,008, 112 acres. Beginning at a Poplar Sessums corner, then along Sessums line to Cheeke Creek, then S20E 60 poles to a Stake Sessums corner, then along Sessums line & crossing the sd Cheeks Creek N80E 158 poles to a Gum in the Creek continue same course 119½ pole to a Gum on sd line in the [pocason], then down the middle of sp [Pocason] to a Black Gum, then N55½W 230 pole to the bare skin Swamp, thence up the various courses of sd Swamp to the beginning. Signed: Patrick McDowell, Mary McDowell. Witnesses: [blurred]. Feme Covert for Mary and registered February 1827[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB18:554 28 February 1827

Patrick sold a tract of land in 1833 that was part of his father's 127-acre tract purchased from William Dancy and then the remainder in 1834.

Patrick McDowell to David Lane, both of Edgecombe County, for $150, 75 acres in Edgecombe beginning at a Stake in the center of two Post & three Red Oaks in Elisha O'Neils line, then along his line North 45 poles to a Pine Rich'd Harrisons corner, then along his line of marked trees to a Gum in Maple Swamp his other corner, then down the various courses of said Swamp to 3 Gums sd McDowell's new corner in said swamp, then along sd McDowell's line a new marked line S71W to the first station, the same being a part of a tract of Land Jno McDowell bought of Wm Dancey. Signed: Patrick McDowell. Witness: Edwin L. Moore. Recorded May 1833.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB20:491 21 May 1833

Patrick McDowell to Henry Morgin, both of Edgecombe County, for $105, 52½ acres. Beginning at a Water Oak Jesse McKinneys corner, then running S78W 187 pole along a line of marked trees to a Post Oak, then North along a line of marked trees to David Lanes corner a stake, then along the said Lanes line to the said Swamp a corner Black Gum, then down the Swamp to the first station, being part of tract granted to Thomas Price dated 13 June 1760. Signed: Patrick McDowell. Witness: Wm Savage. Recorded May 1834.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB21:106 5 February 1834

Patrick was involved in a number of other deeds.

John W. Lewis of Raleigh & Thomas Hunter of Halifax, Executors of Exum Lewis dec'd to Patrick McDowell of Edgecombe County for $2028.75, 405¾ acres on south side of Swift Creek. Beginning at a Pine on the bank of Swift Creek Charlotte Wards corner near the mouth of a gut, then S41E 16 poles, then S22E 35 poles to a Cypress Charlotte Wards other corner, then S44W 81½ poles to a Dogwood, then S5E 79 poles to the center of a Pine & 2 Persimmon trees, then S15W 88 poles to a Stake on the road, then along the road S46E 23 poles, then S54½E 40 poles, then S58E 20 poles, then S68½E 64 poles to a Stake on the North side of the road, then N28E 124 poles to a Walnut tree, then N50E 94 poles to a Pine, then N3E 22 poles to a Pine on the banks of Swift Creek, then up the meanders of said creek to the first station. Signed: Jno. W. Lewis, Thos C. Hunter. Witnesses: Kenelm H. Lewis, S.B. Staton. Recorded May 1840.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB22:445-445 8 May 1840

John W. Lewis of Wake County & Thos C. Hunter of Halifax County, Executors of Exum Lewis decd, to Patrick McDowell of Edgecombe County for $261, 87 acres. Beginning at a Pine standing on a gut that makes into Swift Creek, then along a new line of marked trees S29W 70 poles to a Poplar in a prong of Buffalow Swamp, then S39W 50 poles to a Poplar in Buffalo Swamp, then S22W 116 poles to 2 small Black Gums near 2 corner White Oaks on the No side of the Road, then along the road N79W 29 poles, then N55½W 41½ poles to a stake, then N28E 124 poles to a Walnut tree, then N50E 94 poles to a Pine, then N3E 22 poles to 2 Pines on the banks of Swift Creek, then down the creek 33½ poles to a White Oak at or near the mouth of a gut, then up the gut to the first station. Signed: Jno. W. Lewis, Thos C. Hunter. Witnesses: Pit R. Hines, Kinelm H. Lowes. Registered May 1841.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB22:604 20 May 1841

Newsom Bell and wife Sallyan to Patrick McDowell for $1, right & interest in & to the moneys arising from the sale of the Lands sold under a decree of Edgecombe Superior Court of Equity for divison amongst heirs of William Batts Decd, Patrick to hold in trust her share and to pay over to Sallyan Bell after paying a certain debt due to McDowell. Signed: Newson Bell, Salley Bell. Witness: Benjamin B. Batts. Feme Covert on 23 August 1841. Recorded August 1841.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB22:644 8 July 1841

Patrick McDowell to Joel S. Sugg, both of Edgecombe County, for $35, 245 acres on north side of Crooked Swamp. Beginning at a Stake in the Flat branch, then S61¾E 112½ poles along James Savages line to a Post Oak his corner, then S42W 48 poles to a Dogwood his other corner, then S62E 108 poles to a Spanish Oak on the road in Wilkinsons line, then along the road S65W 120 poles to Wilkinsons corner, then along said Wilinsons line S20W 28 poles to a Maple in Crooked Swamp, then West 161 poles to a Poplar in a small drain, then N3¼E 196 poles to a Pine in the faithful branch, then down the said branch to Flat branch, then down the Flat branch to the first station. Signed: Patrick McDowell. Witnesses: Martin Gardner, Whitmit Hopkens. Registered February 1842.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB23:267 10 September 1841

Patrick McDowell to Micajah Anderson, both of Edgecombe County, for $750, 150 acres beginning at a Gum in the run of the Maple Swamp, thence along Lewis Perrits line South 198 poles to a Pine Elisah Oneals corner, then along his line West 162 poles to a White Oak, then No turn to a Back line of mark trees to a Pine, then running along a line of mark trees to a Gum in the Bradley Branch, then along Silas Weeks line to the run of said Swamp, then down the vrious courses of the said swamp to the first station. Signed: Patrick McDowell. Witnesses: R.D. Wimberlyey, Samuel Mashborn. Registered November 1842.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB23:214 10 June 1842

Robert Lancaster to Patrick McDuel, both of Edgecombe County, for $479, 153 acres on south side of Swift Creek. Beginning at a Holly on the side of the Creek Daniel Lands corner, then up the various courses of the Creek to Patrick McDuels corner a White Oak, then up a slue to a Pine, then S29W 70 pole to a Poplar, then S45W 46 pole to a Gum, then S21W 117½ pole to a White Oak on the side of the road Patrick McDuels corner, then along the road to a dead oak Daniel Lands corner, then along Lands line N25E 52½ pole to a Red Oak, then N55E 68 pole to a White Oak, then N25E 172 pole to the beginning. Signed: Robert Lancaster. Witness: Daniel Land. Registered May 1848.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB24:483 25 November 1847

Patrick died in February 1857 and an Edgecombe County Estate Folder labeled "McDowell, Patrick 1857" exists containing many documents. The following petition for one years support of the widow and family provides us with Patrick's death date. The freeholders' report was dated 26 December 1857 and contains a list of items.

State of North Carolina, Edgecombe } Feb Term 1857
To the Worshipful the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
The Petition of Mary McDowell Ex parte
Humbly complaining shows unto your Worships that your Petitioner Mary McDowell is the widow of the late Patrick McDowell who died during the present month intestate and at the present term of this Worshipful Court letters of administration on his estate was granted to Elisha Cromwell and Elisha C. McDowell.
The said McDowell was possessed of a large estate of personalty out of which your Petitioner is advised that she is entitled to one years support for herself and family.
In consideration of the premises and for as much as your Petitioners are remideless without the aid of the worshipful court, she prays your worships to approach a Justice of the Peace and three disinterested freeholders who shall go on the premises and view the perishable and personal estate and lay off and allot one years provision for herself and family, also the articles specially enumerated by statute for her and that your Worships will from time to time make all such other and further orders as the equity of the case may require.
R.R. Bridges for Pltf

Mary's Petition for Dower dated August Term 1857 is in the estate folder and names Patrick's heirs: William McDowell, Elisabeth wife of John Knight, Elisha McDowell, Mary McDowell, Martha McDowell, Margaret McDowell & Pennina McDowell, the last four being infants. A tract of land is mentioned in the petition.

One tract known as to the Home Tract of land lying on the south side of Moors Swamp adjoining the lands of Betsey Bennett, Gray Wilkinson, John Bradly & others.

The Summons to the Sheriff for Dower land is dated the fourth Monday of August 1857 and repeats the above description of the property. The final Dower Report of Sheriff James L. Jenkins dated 29 October 1857 more fully describes the metes and bounds.

Beginning at a Sweet Gum on the run of Moors Swamp, then a straight line along a cross fence to Betsey Bennett lines, thence along her line to Charles G. Wilkinsons line, thence along his line to Moses Smith line, thence along his line to the run of Moors Swamp, thence up the courses of said Swamp to the beginning.[KM Abstract]

A petition to sell Patrick's land further reveals his children as well as the creation of a life policy for Mary which is mentioned in her 1881 Will.

In Equity - September Term 1857
To the Honorable the Judge of the Court of Equity for the County of Edgecombe
Elisha McDowell, The Petition of William McDowell, Elisha C. McDowell, John Knight & wife Elisabeth, and Mary McDowell, Martha McDowell, Margaret McDowell and Penina McDowell the last four infants suing by Elisha Cromwell their next friend and Mary McDowell widow of Patrick McDowell. Exparte
Humbly complaining show unto your Honor your Petitioners aforesaid, that Patrick McDowell late of the County of Edgecombe departed this life intestate in the month of [blank] 1857, and was seized and possessed of two tracts of land in fee in the County of Edgecombe one lying on the south side of Swift Creek adjoining the lands of Ethelred Phillips (late Charlotte Wards land) Robt Lancaster & others containing six hundred and ninety five & a half acres more or less, also a tract of land on the south side Moores Swamp, adjoining the lands of Betsy Bennett, John Bradly, Moses Smith, Gray Wilkinson and others containing three hundred and thirty five acres more or less, and the said lands descended to the children of the said Patrick to subject to the dower of his widow Mary McDowell; the children of the said Patrick are your Petitioners, William McDowell, Elisha McDowell, Elisabeth wife of John Knight of full age and Mary McDowell, Martha McDowell, Margaret McDowell and Penina infants without guardian and who sue in this behalf by their guardian and next friend Elisha Cromwell. Your Petitioner Mary McDowell widow of the said Patrick is desirous of having and retaining one third in value of the home tract of land on Moores Swamp the late residence of her said husband and in the Swift Creek plantation is willing for her dower rights to be sold and her share to be allotted by giving her one third of the interest during her life or by making an allotment to her of such sum of money as her life estate in said tract of land may be worth.
Your Petitioners of full age are desirous of having their shares of the said real estate allotted to them in severalty but suggest that the said lands cannot be divided by metes and bounds without greatly impairing the value thereof, and that the interest of the several parties will be promoted by a sale of the Swift Creek plantation, and a sale of the Moores Swamp tract subject to the dower of the said Mary widow of the said Patrick.
In consideration of the premises and for as much as your Petitioners are remideless without the aid of this Honorable Court they pray your Honor to decree a sale of the said realty the Moores Creek tract to be subject to the thirds and dower of the said widow Mary, on such time and terms as your Honor may judge fit and proper, and from time to time grant all such other and further orders and relief as the Equity of the case may require.
R.R. Bridges for Pets.
The undersigned make oath that they are acquainted with the land described in the petition and they are of opinion that they cannot be divided between the petitioners by metes & bound without injury to the interests of some or all of them.
J.B. Bell, W.T. Lewis, Tho's L. Maner
Sworn to and subscribed before me September 15th 1857. W. H. Johnston C.M.E.

On 13 March 1861, John and Elizabeth Knight form a Deed of Trust with Joseph A. Eugelhard to execute their interest in the sell of Patrick's land. Subsequently on 30 March 1858, Elisha Cromwell and William McDowell create an agreement regarding the disposition of the Swift Creek tract of land. William is reported as residing in Yuba County CA at the time of the agreement. On 21 June 1859, Elisha C. McDowell sold his interest in the 695½-acre Swift Creek tract to Elisha Cromwell for $1,373.89 and the deed is registered in EdgecombeDB28:158.
Several court cases involving Patrick's administrators, Elisha Cromwell and Elisha McDowell, appear in Patrick's estate folder and typically involve the collection of debts owned to Patrick.
Following the death of Mary and in accordance with her 1881 Will which was probated on 1 August 1881, Joseph P. Sugg signed an Edgecombe County Executor's Oath on 25 October 1881 and applied for Letters Testamentary on the same date after estimating her real and personal property at $6,000 with Elizabeth Knight, Mary L. Howell, Elisha McDowell, Pattie McDowell, M.L. Sugg, Peninah McDowell, and Mary C. Knight were parties entitled under Mary's Will to the said property.[12]

1881 Will of Mary S. McDowell

Source: EdgecombeWBG:605 and Endnote 12

I Mary S. McDowell being of sound and disposing mind do make and publish this my last Will and Testament.
1st. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary L. Howell two beds and furniture also the carpet that is on the floor in my bedroom and also the carpet that is being used in the dining room.
2nd. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Penina McDowell two beds and furniture and also the carpet that is on the floor in the sitting room and also all the silver teaspoons that may be on hand at my death. Also one Beaver hat I always call my own. Also 1 quilt by her always claimed.
3rd. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Pattie McDowell 2 beds and furniture and the carpet on parlow floor.
4th. I give and devise unto my Daughter Margaret L. Sugg wife of Dr. J.P. Sugg 2 beds and furniture. Also the carpet on the floor over the parlow.
5th. I give bequeath and devise unto my granddaughter Mary C. Knight one bed and furniture.
6th It is my will and desire that after paying all my just debts and burying expenses, that the balance of my estate both real and personal shall be equally divided among the following persons, Viz, Mary L. Howell, Pattie McDowell, Margret L. Sugg, Penian McDowell, Elisha McDowell and Elizabeth Knight and in order that the above division may be more easily made, it is my wish and desire that all my property shall be sold at public sale by my Executor hereinafter named except the legacies named above.
It is furthermore my wish and desire that my Executor shall sell the property at any time within eighteen months after my death as seems to the best interest of all concerned and I hereby constitute and appoint my son in law Dr. Jos P. Sugg Executor of this my last Will and Testament.
It is also my wish and desire that Pattie McDowell, Margret L. Sugg, Mary L. Howell, Penina McDowell and Elizabeth Knight shall have all the money arising from my life policy.
August 1st 1881
Mary S. (X her mark) McDowell
Signed, sealed in the presents of
C.G. Wilkinson
W.T. Jones

Martha McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Mary Elizabeth Savage

Martha McDowell [c1800s - 1844] married Newsom Cromwell [c1800s - 1837 CROM/FG] on 28 December 1829 in Edgecombe County NC with bondsman Job Thigpen. They had one daughter.

Margaret Ann Cromwell [3 September 1830 - 15 November 1901 CROM/FG] married Elisha Cromwell [9 October 1821 - 15 May 1884 CROM/FG] on 1 February 1848 as his second wife.

Martha and Newsom appeared in the following census record.

1830 Census Edgecombe County NC
Newson Cromwell
District 11

1 Male 20-29: [Newson]
1 Female 0-4: [Margaret]
1 Female 20-29: [Martha]

The death of Newsom was reported in the Raleigh Register and North-Carolina Gazette of Tuesday, March 21, 1837. A Masonic Notice of his death is found at FG. Martha appeared as a widow in the 1840 Census.

1840 Census Edgecombe County NC
Martha Cromwell
District 14

1 Female 5-9: [Margaret]
1 Female 30-39: [Martha]

After the death of Newsom, Martha married James Ellinor on 18 June 1844 in Edgecombe County NC with bondsman John Norfleet. He died in 1845 with a Will in which he names his "deceased" wife and her daughter Margaret. He names Martha's brother Patrick as an executor of his will. As executor, Patrick sold Ellinor's property in the following deed and then purchased a share.

Patrick McDowell Executor of James Ellinor's 1845 Will and in execution of that Will to Cofield King the Ellinor property on South side of Tar River adjoining the lands of Genl Louis D. Wilson, Charles W. Knight, Henry Shurley & others consisting of 2 tracts containing 200 acres.
Tract 1: Beginning at a Sourwood on the Bank of the Tar River running out from then to a Poplar on agreed corner, formerly in one Solomon Braswells line, then along said line to a corner Post Oak, then along Abner Braswells line formerly to a White Oak & dead Pine on or near the public road, then along said line to a corner Red Oak, then along said line to a corner Pine, thence along said line to a corner Red Oak, formerly James Braswells corner, then along James Braswells former line to a corner live Oak on the river Bank, then up the river to the first station.
Tract 2: 129 acres. Beginning at a Post Oak in Charles Knights line running then S49W 41 poles with said line to a Post Oak & dead Pine said Knights corner, then with said Knights line N20W 54 poles to a Post Oak said Knights other corner, then with said line S2E 180 poles to 2 Black Gums standing on Hendricks Creek, then down the various courses of said Creek to a Poplar, formerly Shadrach Collins corner, then with said Collins line N32E 121 poles to a Lightwood Stake in said line, then N75W to the beginning.
Signed: Patrick McDowell. Witness: Wm Thigpin. Registered November 1846.
[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB24:179 31 March 1846

Josiah Ellinor of Nash County sells all his right and title to Patrick McDowell of Edgecombe County for $100, 50 acres adjoining the lands of Charlotte Ward. Richard Harrison, McDowell & others to have and hold. Signed: Josiah Ellinor. Registered February 1852.[KM Abstract]
EdgecombeDB25:524 24 November 1851

1845 Will of James Ellinor

Source: Edgecombe County Estate Folder "Ellinor, James 1845"

State of North Carolina, Edgecombe County } In the name of God! Amen! I James Elliner of the County and State aforesaid being of sound mind and memory but of weak and feeble body and knowing the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death and being desirous of a disposing of my worldly goods and effects as may seem best in my sight have this day made and ordained and published this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, to wit.
First. I wish my Executor to pick and pack my cotten and to dispose of all my perishable property that can be spared from the plantation reserving a sufficieny of provisions for the benefit of my Lands for the present year; and the lands all to remain together for the present year to make a crop and complete the engagement entered into jointly by myself and Patrick McDowell.
Second. It is my will and desire that my Executor pass over to Coffield King of Tarboro: my negro man Ely on the first day of January next during the life of said Ely.
Third. I give and bequeath unto Margaret Cromwell the daughter of my deceased wife Martha all the negros to wit, Charles, Treasy, Sally, Mary (Lion) and her daughters Chaney and Sabra also yellow Mary, Wiley, and Amanda and all their increase (which I obtained by my intermarriage with my last wife Martha Cromwell) to her and her heirs forever.
Fourth. After all my crop is housed and made ready for market by the next winter, it is my desire that my Executor proceed to sell all my property not before given away or sold to the best advantage the credit and terms of the sale to be discretionary with my Excutors Viz the plantation on which I live all my negroes, crop, stock of horses, mules, hogs, cattle, and all other property not disposed as aforesaid and from the proceeds arising from said sale to pay all my just debts and the balance if any to be divided equally between the three sons of my friend Patrick McDowell, to wit, John McDowell, William McDowell and Elisha McDowell.
Fifth. I do hereby nominate and appoint my friend Patrick McDowell and Phesanter Sugg Executors to this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and annulling all former Wills and Testament heretofoe made and published by me and declaring this to be my last and only true Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 19th day of Januray in the year of our Lord 1845.
James (X his mark) Elliner
Signed, sealed & published in the presence of
Rn Harrison
G. A. Meeks
Edgcombe County Court, Feby Term 1845
The foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of James Elliner decd was exhibited in open Court for probate, and it executed duly proven by the oaths of Richard Harrison & G. A. Meeks the subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon Patrick McDowell one of the Executors named in said Will appeared in open Court and was duly qualified as such. Phesanter Sugg the other Executor named in said Will refused to qualify at this term.
Test: Jno Norfleet Clk
James Elliner's Will, Recorded Book F, Page 318 I'sd
The last Will & Testament of James Elliner written January 19th 1845 and sealed by the subscriber P. Sugg.

William McDowell

The story for William McDowell of Wake County begins in the Wake County Court records of December 1790 where we find the following:[15]

A deed from Joseph Ragen to James Ragen was in open court duly proved by the oath of William McDowell a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be Registered.

In a 1794 tax list of Capt. Jones District, the name William McDowell appears paying a white pole tax. In 1795, p. 93 of the Wake County Court Minutes, one finds "Insolvents allowed Bennett Rogers in his collection of taxes for 1794 in Captain Jones District - William McDowell - one pole." Additional tax listings for William McDowell are as follows:[16]


1805 - St. Matthews - 1 WP - Paid by Osborn P. Nickolson
1809 - St. Lukes
1810 - Saint Lukes - 1 WP - $0.56
1811 - Saint Lukes - 1 WP - £_.6._
1812 - Saint Lukes
1813 - Saint Lukes - 1 WP - $0.86
1814 - Saint Mary's - 1 WP - $0.86
1815 - Saint Mary's - 1 WP - $0.90
1816 - Saint Mary's - 1 WP - $0.85
1817 - Saint Mary's - 1 WP - $0.85

William does not appear on tax records after 1817 which indicates an age of about 45 years old in 1817.
On 30 April 1808 William McDowell takes out a marriage bond in Wake County to marry Elizabeth Hardcastle. John Miller serves as the bondsman. William does not sign the bond but only subscribes his mark in agreement with the previous discussion of his witnessing the Will of Henry Finch. We note that a John Hardcastle pays a white poll tax in St. Lukes District in 1810.
William appears a number of time in the William Hill Merchantile Account Book AB 403 as follows:

126 William McDuel
1 - To 28 Lb Bar Iron 10 - 1.3.4
" - To 2 lb Steel @ 2/6 - _.5._
" - To 1 p Cotton Cards 11/6 - _.11.6
" - To 2 lb Shott @ 2/ - _.4._
" - To ½ lb Powder @ 10 - _.5._
- - 2.8.10

Raleigh January 1807, Page 114

126 William McDuel
5 - To ¾ lb swansdown @22/ - _16.14
" - 1 doz Buttons 1/6 1 Stick Twist 1/ - _.2.6
" - 1 Maddrus Handkerchief 9/ - _.9._
" - 1 Skain Silk 1/ 1 Looking Glass 1/6 - _ 2.6
- - 1.10.[unreadable]

Raleigh February 1807, Page 126

126 William McDowell
18 - To 2 dozen fish hooks @ 1/ 1 pair suspenders 12 __ - _.14._
- 1 Lancet 3/ 1 pad Lock 2/6 - _.5.6
- 1lb Salts 5/ ½lb Powder @ 10/ - _.13._
- 3¼lb Tobacco @ 4/ 1 small hair Comb 2/6 - _15._
- - 2.5.6

Raleigh April 1807, Page 142

126 William McDowell Dr
7 - To 2 Scythe Blades @ 15/ - 1.10._

Raleigh May 1807, Page 149

126 William McDowell
18 - To 1lb Tobacco 4/ 1 Checked HandKf 4/ - _.8._

Raleigh August 1807, Page 178

126 William McDowell
29 - To 1 doz. B. Melds 1/ 1 dz thread 5/ 1 yd Linned 6/6 2½ dozd large Molds @ 1/6 - _12.6

Raleigh September 1807, Page 188

As described previously, William along with Joshua Sugg witnessed the Will of Henry Finch in 1820 in Wake County.
William McDowell is listed as a head of household in the 1830 Wake County census as follows:

1830 Census Wake County
William McDowell

1 male 60-69: [William]
1 female 0-4: [ ]
1 female 5-9: [ ]
1 female 10-14: [ ]
1 female 15-19: [ ]
1 female 40-49: [Elizabeth]

Neither William nor his wife appear in the 1840 Wake County census. The age of 60 to 70 in 1830 is consistent with the age of 45 in 1817 and with a birth date in the late 1760's. Nothing further is known of this family.


Joseph McDowell
Parents: Unknown

Joseph McDowell [1745 - 3 April-May 1797] married Nancy Jane Holbrooks, perhaps in 1765, according to PMT and other sources. Some sources claim that his father is James Mackdowell born in Cecil County MD, but Orphan Court Records in Lancaster County PA after his death list all his children and Joseph is not one of them. Joseph and Nancy had the following children according to his 1797 Will.

James McDowell [Bf 1775 - Unknown]
William McDowell
Elizabeth McDowell married a Duff.
Hannah McDowell married a Ferguson
Mary McDowell
John McDowell was deceased in Joseph's Will with dated reported as 1797 by McDowell, but this is the date on the Will.[McDowell, 269] He was a juror at the Guilford County Court on Wednesday 19 February 1794.[6]

The family of Joseph McDowell and his descendants is described in detail in the article "The Lost Joseph" by Julia Angeline Drake.[Drake] We have used that article as the basis for our presentation while expanding upon it. We begin with a land grant approved on 1 March 1780 as Grant 420 (#422). The authorization for its survey is dated 22 May 1778.[1]

State of North Carolina No. 48
Ralph Gorrell, Entry Officer of Claims for Lands in the County of Guilford.
To the Surveyor of the said County, Greeting. You are hereby required, as soon as may be, to lay off and survey, for Joseph McDowell a Tract or Parcel of Land, containing two hundred and fifty acres, lying in the County aforesaid and Entered with me the Ninteenth day of February Last Passed Laying on the Reedy Fork of Haw River and joining to the Deeded Land of William Scott to the East, James McCuistion on the South and West John White to the North including his improvement for complement. Observing the Directions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided for running out Lands. Two just and fair Plans of such Survey, with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to transmit, with this Warrant, to the Secretary's Office without Delay. Given under my Hand at Spring Field the twenty second Day of May Anno Dom. 1778. Ralph Gorrell.

The surveyor's report dated 10 September 1779 exists.[2]

State of North Carolina
Plotted by a scale of 200 Poles in an Inch
[Image of Plat]
The annexed Plan represents 250 acres of Land Surveyed for Joseph McDowell the 10th Day of September 1779 situate on the waters of the South side Reedy Fork of Haw River in the County of Guilford. Beginning at a black Gum in William Scotts line at or near Gustavus McCuistions corner near a branch running thence West crossing two branches one hundred & sixty poles to a post Oak, thence North crossing a branch two hundred & twenty five poles to a white Oak, thence East forty two poles to Abraham Whitesides corner black Oak, thence along his line North seventy three poles to a Grub, thence West ninety two poles to a Grub in John Whites line, thence along his line South one hundred & sixty nine poles to his corner Stake, thence along his line East twenty four poles to a White Oak Saplin in said William Scotts line, thence along his line South one hundred & thirty poles to the first station.
Charles Bruce
Joseph McDoughal Jun, William Scott S.C.C.

The land grant was abstracted by Drake from a Guilford County Deed Book.

No. 422, 1 March 1780. A tract of land containing 250 acres in Guilford County on south side Reedy Fork of Haw River. Beginning at a Black Gum in William Scotts line … near a branch running thence west crossing two branches 160 poles to a Post Oak, thence North crossing a branch to Abraham Whitesides thence … to John White's line … to his corner stake, thence … in William Scotts line.[KM Abstract]
GuilfordDB2:118 1 March 1780

Joseph McDowell Senior appeared on a list of potential jurors for the next term dated Tuesday August 1783.[7]
We assign the following road record to this Joseph as opposed to his son.

On Petition of William Birk, ordered that the following persons, to wit: [List] Joseph McDowel … be a jury to view the road at the house of the said William Birks & report if the road cannot be turned round his house to an advantage to the publick.
GuilfordCM(1781-1788):230 Saturday 26 August 1786

An orphan girl was bound to Joseph in 1793.

An orphant girl named Mary Rachford aged about two years and nine months at the time be bound to Joseph McDowel Senr until she arrives to the age of eighteen years.
GuilfordCM(1788-1796):201 Friday 22 February 1793

His plantation was mentioned in a 1795 road record.

The Jury that were appointed to lay off a road from Charles Bruers to William Scotts Mill, report that they have laid off the said road as followeth, from Charles Bruers to a new field of Archabald McMicals, then along a new road on the leading ridge between [Muirres] fork and Reedy fork to the great road from Guilford Courthouse to Allins ford on Dann river, thence to the iron works road, thence leaving William & James Goudey's a little to the right from thence to an old road on long branch, thence through a small part of Joseph McDowels plantation between his old and new meadow, then to William Scott Mill. Given under our hands July 11th 1795. [List of names].
GuilfordCM(1788-1796):318 Wednesday 19 August 1795

His property is mentioned in a 1838 deed.

Allen Peoples to Adam Scott Jun, both of Guilford County. Tract of land on waters of Reedy Fork of Haw River in Guilford County. "Beginning corner of at tract of Land entered in the name of Joseph McDowel," … .[KM Abstract]
GuilfordDB24:22 17 February 1838

Joseph's Will was reported at the 1797 May Term of the court and his estate was processed.

The last Will and Testament of Joseph McDowel Decd was proven in open Court by the Oath of William Scott, Robert McCuistion and Hugh Shaw then comes in Joseph McDowel & Hance McKeen Executors by said Testator appointed and qualified as such agreeable to Law &C.
GuilfordCM(1796-1811):19 Tuesday 16 May 1797

The Exrs of the Estate of Joseph McDowel Decd returned an Inventory of the said Estate.
GuilfordCM(1796-1811):37 Friday 25 August 1797

The same committee returned a Settlement of the Estate of Joseph McDowel deceased.
GuilfordCM(1796-1811):170 Thursday 21 May 1801

Drake in her article provides a transcript of Joseph's Will along with the following comments. She also includes the family's copy that has a long inventory of articles along with a note from a Mrs. Anderson.

The Will of Joseph McDowell Sr. is especially unique as Joseph Jr., who was one of the executors made a separate codicil listing all household articles etc. He also retained the vouchers and court orders, which his son, Rev. James McDowell, carefully preserved.

Note: Mrs. Anderson states that this James, a half brother and an officer in the American Revolution, did return and made it difficult for Joseph McDowell Jr. in the settlement of the estate.

According to Drake: Joseph's brother James also bought land in Robertson County as early as 1807. On the back of this record is the following notation.

"On the 31st day of August 1807 about sunrise I entered track of land beginning on a cycomer running 50 poles to a whitoak and hickory thence south eighty poles to a stake thence East fifty poles fo a post oak in Paisley line thence North with said line to the beginning." I certify that the above entry was made at the time above name. James McDowell.

1797 Will of Joseph McDowell Senior

Source: GuilfordWBA:257 Guilford County Original Will Folder: Joseph McDowell 1797 Drake

In the name of God amen – I Joseph McDowell sen'r of the county of Guilford & State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory (blessed be God) do this third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner following that is to say
1st Item – That all my debts be collected & my creditors all paid off.
Item 2nd – I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife her bed and bed cloths equally divided in proportion to the Beds in the house. Also her spinning wheel & chest & wearing clothes & the third of the land, with the half of the mantion [Sic: mansion] house with my daughter, Mary.
Item 3rd – Also I give unto my beloved son Joseph McDowell, Jun., the sum of five shillings.
Item 4th – Also I give unto my beloved daughter Elizabeth Duff the sum of five shillings.
Item 5th – Also I give unto my beloved daughter Hannah Ferguson the sum of five shillings.
Item 6th – Also I give unto my beloved daughter Mary McDowell her own bed and bed clothes that she made use of at Mr. Caldwells and her saddle and bridle and all her wearing apparel & her Bible and my wife is to have her third of the property sold & the remainder to my daughter Mary.
Item 7th – Also I give & bequeath unto my beloved son James McDowell (if alive) all my late son Johns clothes and also the one half of the land I now live on and my daughter Mary __ other half of sd land and if my son James never returns my daughter Mary is to enjoy the whole of said land forever.
And I hereby make and ordain my beloved son Joseph McDowell and my worthy friend Hance McKean Executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said Joseph McDowell Senr have this my last Will & Testament set my hand & seal the day & year above written.
Joseph (X his mark) McDowell (seal)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the sd Joseph McDowell Senr, the Testator, as his last Will & testament in the presence of us, who were present at the time of signing & sealing thereof.
Test Wm Scott
Robert McCuistion
Hugh Shaw
N.B. the name Hannah interlined before signing, also the word my.
[Back of Original Will]
Joseph McDowels Will, May Courty 1797
St N.C. Guilford County May Court 1797
William Scott, Robert McCuistion and Hugh Shaw prov'd the Execution of the within Will in open Court and admitted to record.
John Hamilton Clk
Ent A page 257-'8 May 1797

James McDowell

James McDowell [Bf 1775 - Unknown] moved to Robertson County TN based on his family connections to the Orendorff family and based on Robertson County records with his brother Joseph, James made the move before the 1797 Will of his father where he is described as "if alive." Drake describes the following petition which demonstrates this point.[8]

In the 1812 session of the Tennessee State Legislature a petition was presented by "Residents of Robertson and sundry citizens of Logan County against opening to navigation the Red River." The petition was signed by Christian Orndorff, John Orndorff, Abel Morgan, Robert Paisley, James McDowell, and other leading citizens of both Kentucky and Tennessee.

His father's Will further devises to him "one half of the land I now live on and my daughter Mary __ other half of sd land and if my son James never returns my daughter Mary is to enjoy the whole of said land forever." James apparently returned and he and his sister Mary sold their interest in 17 acres to John Thompson.

James McDowell & Mary to John Thompson, all of Guilford County, for £50, 17 acres in Guilford County. Beginning at stooping Post Oak on the north side of Scotts Mill pond on Reedy fork in sd Thompsons own old line, then North on the same 47 poles to a White Oak at a small pond, thence East with line of Whites old tract 92 poles to a White Oak in Scotts line, thence South on Scotts line 20 poles to a Post Oak on the bank of the sd Mill pond, thence up the meanders of sd pond to the beginning. Signed: James McDowellM, Mary McDowell. Witnesses: Wm Dick, James Holland. Filed and recorded August 1801.[KM Abstract]
GuilfordDB7:397-398 18 May 1801

James returned to Tennessee and appeared on a list filed at the Robertson County court in 1812 along with his brother Joseph.

Enumeration List of the inhabitants in Captn Moores Company for 1812.
James McDowell 12

RobertsonCM3(1811-1815):(Between 130 and 131) Friday 14 August 1812

James appeared in the following 1820 census record. Note that he and his unknown wife are at least 45 years old meaning that they were born by 1775.

1820 Census Robertson County TN
James McDowell

2 Males 16-25: [James, Abner]
1 Male 45 over: [James]
1 Female 45 over:

The following 1830 census record has been assigned to James at PMT, but we read the name on the original census page as being clearly James McDaniel.

1830 Census Robertson County TN
James McDaniel

1 Male 50-59: [James]
1 Female 15-19:
1 Female 40-49:

Based on the following road records, we have assigned the two males living with James in the above 1820 Census as the sons, James McDowell Junior and Abner McDowell, of his brother Joseph who died in 1812. It's possible that the older woman living with him is their mother, Martha White McDowell, but she likely lives with her son Joseph in the 1820 Census.

Ordered by the Court that James McDowell is overseer the road in the room of Alsa Babb and that he with the following hands, to wit, Garland Hall, John Carr, Jesse Babb, Peggy Griffin, James, Gambill, Benjamin Gambill, John Gambill, Wm. Little, Edward Hampton, Edmund Edwards, Aaron Orendorff, James McDowell Senr, Abner McDowell, Elisha Driskill, Joseph McDowell, & William Hauncik keep said road in repair according to law.
RobertsonCM6(1818-1822):116 Monday 13 November 1820

Ordered by the Court that John Gambill oversee the road in the room of James McDowell Junr and in together with the following hands keep said Road in repair according to law, to wit, Jas McDowell Jr, Garland Hall, John Carr, Jesse Bell, Peggy Griffins hands, James Gambill, Beng Gambill, William Little, Ewd Hampton, Edwd Edwards, Aaron Orendorff, Jas McDowell Senr, Abner McDowell, Elijah Driskell, Joseph McDowell and William Haunah.
RobertsonCM6(1818-1822):398 Monday 12 November 1821

Ordered by the Court that Jesse Babb oversee the road in the room of John Gambill and that he with the following hands, to wit: [List] … James McDowell Jr, James McDowell Senr, Abner McDowell … keep said road in repair according to law.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):464 Monday 9 August 1824

We presume that James died in Robertson County TN, but we have no further records for him.

Joseph (Denver) McDowell

Joseph (Denver) McDowell [1767 PA - 2 July 1812 Davidson Cty TN] married Martha White [20 June 1763 (from Bible) - 5 September 1828], the daughter of John White [1 October 1737 - 5 February 1787 ALAM/FG] and Jane Eleanor Paisley (named as Jane Gowdy from her second marriage and married 20 June 1762 to White in Bible and to William Gowdy on 15 October 1787) [1737 Lancaster County PA - 9 September 1804 RED/FG], on 20 June 1782 in Guilford County NC. Drake reports that a New Testament [Listed as Bible herein] printed in Ireland in 1762 bears the signature of Jane White Gowdy dated 4 September 1765 and contains birth records for her family. Based on those records and other data, the following people are the children of Joseph and Martha.

Jane McDowell [6 January 1783 - 11 November 1844]
Joseph McDowell [22 March 1788 (Bible) - 22 September 1822]
Martha McDowell [29 January 1790 (Bible) - 27 June 1849 OREN/FG] married Aaron Orendorff [6 February 1784 - 18 February 1846 OREN/FG], the son of Christopher Orendorff and Mary Ann Thomas, on 2 September 1813 in Adairville, Logan County KY.
James McDowell [5 June 1797 (Bible) - 22 October 1846]
Elizabeth McDowell [5 June 1797 (Bible) - Unknown]
Abner McDowell [6 May or 20 December 1799 - 8 May 1845]

Joseph and Martha appeared in the following census records.

1790 Census Guilford County NC
Joseph McDowell

2 Males 0-16: [Joseph]
1 Male 16 over: [Joseph]
3 Females: [Martha, Jane, Martha]

1800 Census Guilford County NC
Joseph McDowell

2 Males 0-9: [James, Abner]
1 Male 10-15: [Joseph]
1 Male 45 over: [Joseph]
2 Females 0-9: [Martha, Elizabeth]
1 Female 10-15: [Jane]
1 Female 26-45: [Martha]

Joseph served as a juror in Guilford County as shown in the following table. It's possible that some of the early listings are for Joseph McDowell Senior.

Table: Jury Service of Joseph McDowell

August 1781, GuilfordCM(1781-1788):10
Tuesday 19 November 1782, Grand Jury, GuilfordCM(1781-1788):47
Tuesday February 1784, Venire next term, GuilfordCM(1781-1788):91
Wednesday May 1784, Grand Jury, GuilfordCM(1781-1788):97
Tuesday May 1785, GuilfordCM(1781-1788):144
Saturday 24 February 1787, GuilfordCM(1781-1788):250
Thursday 24 November 1787, Venire next term, GuilfordCM(1781-1788):309
Friday 19 November 1790, GuilfordCM(1788-1796):101
Friday 25 February 1791, GuilfordCM(1788-1796):114
Saturday 20 February 1796, Venire next term, GuilfordCM(1788-1796):353
Friday 24 February 1797, GuilfordCM(1796-1811):14
Friday 24 February 1797, Venire next term, GuilfordCM(1796-1811):16
Wednesday 22 August 1798, GuilfordCM(1796-1811):73-74
Thursday 23 August 1798, GuilfordCM(1796-1811):75
Friday 24 August 1798, GuilfordCM(1796-1811):76
Saturday 25 August 1798, GuilfordCM(1796-1811):77
Thursday 20 February 1800, GuilfordCM(1796-1811):128

Drake provides a transcription of the Will of John White dated 5 February 1787 and probated 20 May 1787.[3] Joseph McDowell is one of the Executors as shown in the following court record. Note that a William Goudy/Gowdy married John White's widow, Jane Paisley White.

The last Will and Testament of John White Decd was proven in open Court by the Oath of William Goudy Esquire and Robert McCann two subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered. Then came in Jane White the widow and relict of the said John White Decd Joseph McDowel Junr and Robert Paisley Executors appointed in said Will and qualified as such according to Law. Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue to them accordingly.
GuilfordCM(1781-1788): Monday 20 May 1787

The following item appears in the Will

Secondly – I give and bequeath unto my beloved son-in-law Joseph McDowell the two thirds of all my lands and also the remaining part of my personal estate not disposed of as above to be by him freely enjoyed forever.

Joseph sold the land in two deeds, GuilfordDB6:57 and GuilfordDB7:320.

Joseph McDowell Junr of Guilford County to William Scott of same for $3, 1 acre 15 poles on North side of Reedy Fork of Haw River being part of John White tract bequeathed to McDowell in White's Will. Beginning on Joseph McDowell Junr west line in the edge of a hollow below William Scotts barn … opposite William Scotts spring house.[KM Abstract]
GuilfordDB6:57 31 October 1795

31 William Denny prov'd a Deed from Joseph McDowel to William Scott for 1 & 15 Rod.
GuilfordCM(1788-1796):338 Friday 20 November 1795

Joseph McDowell and Jane Gowdy widow of Guilford County to John Thompson of same $1,800, 640 acres granted by NC to John White and then devised to grantors in White's Will. Signed: Joseph McDowell, Jane Gowdy. Witnesses: Daniel Donnell, John Hove. Proved Guilford Court February 1801.[KM Abstract]
GuilfordDB7:320-321 18 February 1801

The following 1788 receipt from the Estate of John Meek exists.[5]

March 1788
The Estate of John Meek to Jos McDowel Dr
0.18.9 – Pd one hundred __ of flour
0.7.6 – Pd two bushels of oats
0.10.9 – Pd one stone jug
0.2.2 – interest
The Justness of the above account proven before me J. Hamilton
Guilford Dmr 9th 1790

We assign the following witnessing of a deed to Joseph McDowell Junior.

Samuel Thompson to James Carswell, both of Guilford County. Witnesses: Aaron Luis, Robert Donnell, Jo McDowel
GuilfordDB5:127 and GuilfordDB5:128 18 August 1789

In 1793, Joseph purchased items from the Estate of William Graham.[11]

271 Joseph McDowel 7 yds Callico @6/9 a yd – £2.7.3.
Joseph McDowel 3 Files & Sunds – £0.6.2.
Joseph McDowel 2 Quire of paper – £0.3.6.

In 1797, Thomas Morgan sold 200 acres to Joseph.

Thos. Morgan of Guilford to Joseph McDowell of Guilford for £115, 200 acres on the waters of the Alemance. Beginning at a stone near the bank of Burch Creek on Wm Paisleys line … to a Black Oak marked Andrews corner … . Signed: Thos. Morgan, Mary Morgan. Witnesses: Marshall McClean, Wm. Peassley. Recorded May Court 1798.[KM Abstract]
GuilfordDB6:457 and GuilfordDB6:458 4 January 1794

95. Marshall McClure prov'd a Deed From Thos Morgan & wife to Jos McDowel for 200.
GuilfordCM(1796-1811):71 26 May 1798

Joseph sold the 200 acres in 1801.

Joseph McDowell of Guilford County NC to Thomas Douglas of Franklin County VA for $400, 200 acres on waters of Alamance. Beginning at a stone near the bank of Berch Creek on Wm Peasleys line, then North on sd line to a Post Oak 12.5 chains, thence East on said line 14.70 chains to a Black Oak, thence North on William Peasleys line 63 poles to a Black Oak marked Andrews corner, thenc N63W along his line 80 poles to a stone in the road Andrews corner, then North five poles to a Post Oak, thence West 170 poles to a White Ock in the original line, then South along sd line 152 poles to a Post Oak, then East 46 chains to the beginning. Signed: Joseph McDowell Witnesses: Wm Peasley, Preston Peasley. Proved and recorded August Term 1802.
GuilfordDB7.497-498 21 April 1801

8. William Peasley prov'd a Deed from Joseph McDowel to Thomas Douglass for [cut off].
GuilfordCM(1796-1811):221 Friday 20 August 1802

Drake reports the following information about Joseph's move to Tennessee.[Drake, 115] We note that James McDowell, the half-brother, was NOT in Guilford County at the time of his father's death in 1797, but apparently returned as described in his section. He then likely travelled with his half-brother Joseph to Tennessee as described.

Rev. James McDowell, Martha's brother, related how his father, Joseph McDowell, migrated to Tennessee in 1799, when he and his twin sister, Elizabeth, were two years old. His father's half-brother, James McDowell, an officer in the American Revolution, came with them to the new frontier and we find his signature on a number of county records and deeds of the Paisleys and Orndorffs.

Drake states that Joseph and his half-brother James likely moved to Williamson County TN in 1799 but didn't sell the Morgan Tract of land purchased in 1794 in GuilfordDB6:457 until GuilfordDB7:497 in 1801. Interestingly, it's also the case that Joseph won a court case against Robert Hobbs for debt, but the recovery of the debt was obtained in the following 1807 deed.

Abner Weatherly Sheriff of Guilford County to John Hamilton. Order commanding Sheriff of the goods & chattles, lands and tenements of Robert Hobbs to obtain the sum of £100 which Joseph McDowell recovered against Hobbs for debt and £8 for cost. 200-acre Tract of land of Estate of Hobbs on south side of Reedy fork of Haw River beginning at a Black Gum in William Scotts line at or near Gustavus McCuistions corner near a Branch running thence West crossing two branches 160 poles to a Post Oak, thence North crossing a Branch 225 poles to a White Oak, thence East 42 poles to Abram Whitesides corner Black Oak, thence along his line North 73 poles to a Gum, thence 92 poles to a Gum in John Whites line, thence along his line South 169 poles to his corner stake, thence along his line East 25 poles to a White Oak Saplin on sd Scotts line, thence along his line South 130 poles to the first station.
GuilfordDB9:171 and GuilfordDB9:172 16 February 1807

Soon after arriving in Tennessee, they moved to the northern part of Robertson County about six or seven miles south of Adairville KY. Certainly by 1812, Joseph appears on the same Enumeration List as his brother James.

Enumeration List of the inhabitants in Captn Moores Company for 1812.
Joseph McDowell 11

RobCM3(1811-1815):(Between 130 and 131) Friday 14 August 1812

Before the 1812 Enumeration List, Joseph served as a juror in the Robertson County court as shown in the following table.

Table: Jury Service of Joseph McDowell

Tuesday 6 August 1805, Venire next term, RobertsonCM1(1796-1807):355
Thursday 8 May 1806, Venire Next term, RobertsonCM1(1796-1807):395
Tuesday 5 July 1808, Venire next term, RobertsonCM2(1808-1811):52
Thursday 13 November 1817, Venire next term, RobertsonCM4(1815-1817):438

He was "examined" for his non attendance as a juror.

Joseph McDowel [examined] for his non attendance as a Juror at the October term last.
RobCM2(1808-1811):117 Monday 3 April 1809

Beginning in 1803, Joseph bought and sold land in Robertson County.

Thomas Barker of Logan County KY to Joseph McDowell of Robertson County TN for $783, 228 acres in Robertson County on South fork of Red River. Beginning at a Spanish Oak and White Oak near the spring, thence North 135 poles to a Hickory, thence West 270 to a Sycamore, South 135 poles to a stake in the Barrens, East 270 poles to the beginning. Granted 15 September 1787 by NC. Witnesses: Jane McDowell, Mary McDowell, Jas Gambell. Recorded 27 April 1804.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBA:190 28 January 1803

Thomas Barker to Joseph McDowel for 228 acres was proven by the Oath of James Gambil & ordered to be registered.
RobertsonCM1(1796-1807):266 18 Tuesday October 1803

Lewis Barker Livingston County KY to Joseph McDowell Robertson County TN for $450, 200 acres in Robertson County on Red River. Beginning at a stake William [McAders] line & 10 poles from his northeast corner Red Oak, runs with said line South 120 poles to a stake, thence East 50 poles to Thomas Barker's corner Sycamore, thence the course continued with Barker's line 228 poles to a Hickory Barkers corner, the same course in all 332¼ poles to a Hickory bush, thence North 170 poles to two Post Oaks on the State line, thence with the State line S74W 72 poles to Gorden's stake corner, thence South with his line 125 poles to a stake, thence S81½W 100 poles to a Post Oak, thence S45W 77 poles to a small Cherry tree, thence N2W 45 poles crossing the spring branch to a stake, thence N40W 32 poles to two Spanish Oaks, thence S81½W 47 poles to the beginning. Witnesses: W. Kirkland, James Bambell. Registered Robertson November Court. Recorded 14 July 1804[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBF:40 9 August 1804

Deed Lewis Barker to Joseph McDowel for 200 acres of Land was proven by James Gambril & ordered to be registered.
RobersonCM1(1796-1807):313 Monday 5 November 1804

James Benton Robertson County to Joseph McDowell Robertson County for $300, 100 acres on Red River joining the Black Pond. Beginning at two Black Gums runs West 105 1/3 poles to a Black Oak, thence South 210 poles to a Post Oak, thence East 45 1/3 poles to a stake, thence North 92 poles to a Black oak, thence East 60 poles to a Maple, thence North 110 poles to the beginning. Witness: James McDowell. Registered 16 April 1806.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBF:103 16 December 1805

Deed James Benton to Joseph McDowel for 100 acres of Land was proven by the Oath of James McDowel & ordered to be registered.
RobertsonCM1(1796-1807):379 Wednesday 5 February 1806

Joseph died in 1812 and his Will and estate were processed in the Robertson County court.

The last Will and Testament of Joseph McDowell Deceased, was proven in open Court by James Gambill and James McDowell, and ordered to be recorded and Thomas Paisley, James McDowell and Martha McDowell qualified as Execuotrs and Executrix according to Law.
RobertsonCM3(1811-1815):137 Monday 9 November 1812

The Executors & Executrix of Joseph McDowell Decd delivered into Court an Inventory of said estate which is ordered to be recorded.
RobertsonCM3(1811-1815):186 Monday 8 February 1813

Thomas Huey Iredell County NC to heirs of Joseph McDowell deceased of Robertson County TN for $25 paid by said Joseph McDowell deceased, 25 acres in Robertson County. Beginning at a Sycamore tree on an Island of Red River which is northwest arm of a tract of land granted by NC to Thos. Barker and running West 50 poles to a Hickory and White Oak, thence South 80 poles to a stake, thence East 50 poles to a Post Oak in Paisley line, thence North with said line to the beginning. Witnesses: James McDowell, Jas. Gambill. Proved by James McDowell Robertson May term 1814. Recorded 20 June 1814.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBK:387 30 September 1813

Deed from John Huey attorney in fact for Thomas Huey to Joseph McDowell Decd for 35 acres of Land was proven in open Court by the oaths of James McDowell and James Gambill subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Registered.
RobertsonCM3(1811-1815):394 Monday 9 May 1814

According to Drake, the above James McDowell is identified as follows:

This was Rev. James McDowell, Martha Orendorff's brother, who held the land for some time. He carried the old sheepskin deed with him when he migrated to Illinois on horseback in the fall of 1830.

This is almost certainly not the case since Martha's brother would have been thirteen years old at the time. We have identified the above James as Joseph's brother who resided in Robertson County with him at that time as demonstrated by the 1812 Enumeration List.
Drake claims that the following deed to Joseph is from his sister Martha, but that is belied by the second deed to James where he is listed as Martha's son. Joseph, Martha's son, died on 22 September 1822 shortly after the first deed bringing about the second deed to James.

Martha McDowell of Robertson County to Joseph McDowell of Robertson County for $1,050, 164 acres in Robertson on the South fork of Red River. Beginning at a White Oak and Spanish Oak near the spring, thence North 150 poles to a Hickory, thence East 40 poles to a stake, thence North 120 poles to a stake in the field, thence S30E 101 poles to a White Oak and Ash on the South side of the spring branch, thence S38W 22 poles to a Sickemore on the bank of the river, thence up the river with its meanders to the beginning.
Another tract containing 10 acres being a part of the same survey. Beginning on a Sickamore in the Mill pond running N64E 41 poles to a Red Oak in a A. Orendorffs line, thence S23E 80 poles to the river, thence down the river with its meanders to the beginning. Signed Martha McDowell. Witnesses: Aaron Orendorff, Thomas Paisley, Samuel Hamilton. Registered Robertson November ter 1822.
[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBQ:517 and RobertsonDBQ:518 26 July 1822

A Deed from Martha McDowell to Joseph McDowell for 174 acres of land was proven in open Court by the oath of Aaron Orendorff and Thomas Paisley subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be registered.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824): Monday 11 November 1822

Martha McDowell to James McDowell, her son, both of Robertson County TN, for love and affection, 174 acres part of land willed to her by Joseph McDowell Snr in Will on waters of Red River in Robertson County. Beginning at a White Oak and an Ash stump on the South side of the Spring branch being a corner of the Land deeded by me to Joseph McDowell Jr the 26th of July 1822 running S30W 92 poles to a Sycamore on the bank of the river, thence down the river with its meanders N59W 138 poles or until it strikes the line of another small tract of land deeded by me to Joseph McDowell Jr containing ten acres after intersecting with that line run on it N20W 68 poles to a Red Oak in Aaron Orendorffs line being a corner of the ten acre tract, thence N64E 340 poles to a Hickory and White Oak [buts], thence South 40 poles to a stake, thence S64W 176 poles to a stake in the field, thence S30E 101/100 poles to the beginning. Signed Martha (X her mark) McDowell. Witnesses: Philip Mason, Robert Paisley. Proven at Robertson November Term 1828.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBT:487 and RobertsonDBT:488 1 December 1828

A deed from Martha McDowell to James McDowell for 174 acres of land was proven in open Court by the oath of Philip Mason and Robert Paisley subscribing witnesses thereto & ordered to be registered.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830):311 Monday 10 November 1828

Jane McDowell

Jane McDowell [6 January 1783 - 11 November 1844 SHIL/FG] married Thomas Morgan Paisley [6 June 1780 - 9 June 1823 RED/FG], the son of Capt. Robert Paisley and Margaret Majors, on 6 June 1799 in Robertson County TN. They had the following children.

Robert Paisley
Martha Paisley
Margaret "Peggy" Paisley [18 January 1809 - Unknown SHIL/FG] married first to Samuel Stout on 30 March 1832 in Hopewell, Tazwell County IL, and second to Shadrack Williams on 6 January 1838.
Joseph McDowell Paisley [31 May 1811 - 9 September 1865 SHIL/FG] married Emily Jane Hodson.
Jane Paisley
Thomas Major Paisley
James Harris Paisley [13 January 1820 - 31 August 1885 SHIL/FG] married Mary MNU.
Elizabeth B. Paisley

Jane and Thomas appeared in the following census records.

1820 Census Robertson County TN
Thomas Paisley

3 Males 0-9: [Joseph, Thomas, James]
1 Male 16-18: [Robert]
1 Male 16-25:
1 Male 26-44: [Thomas]
1 Female 0-9: [Jane]
2 Females 10-15: [Martha, Margaret]
1 Female 26-44: [Jane]

1840 Census Tazewell County IL
Jane Paisley

3 Males 20-29: [Joseph, Thomas, James]
1 Female 50-59: [Jane]

The 1823 Will of Thomas Paisley was probated in 1823.

The last Will and Testament of Thomas Paisley Decd was presented and proven in open Court by the oath of James McDowell Senr and William Paisley subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded – and thereupon came Jane Paisley Executrix therein named and she together with James McDowel Junr & James McDowell senr her securities acknowledged their bond in the sum of four thousand Dollars conditioned as the law directs & took the oath by law required.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):292 Monday 10 November 1823

Aaron Orendorff appointed guardian to the minor heirs of Thomas Paisley Decd and he together with Robert Paisley and Isham Streckler his securities acknowledge their bond in the sum of $1,000 conditioned as the law directs.
RobertsonCM8(1825-1826):342 Saturday 13 May 1826

Ordered that Joel Moore and Wm Campbell Esqrs to settle with Aaron Orendorff former guardian for the heirs of Thomas Paisley Decd and divide the personal estate of said Decd & report to this Court.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830):36 Monday 12 February 1827

James McDowell appointed guardian to the heirs of Thomas Paisley Decd & he with Aaron Orendorff and Robert [Null] his securities acknowledged this bond in the sum of $800 conditioned as the law directs.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830):43 Monday 12 February 1827

1823 Will of Thomas Paisley

Source: RobertsonWB4:95-97

In the name of God Amen September 5th 1823, I Thomas Paisley of the County of Robertson & State of Tennessee being weak in body but in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament. And first of all I recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the grave to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the discretion of my executors and as touching my worldly goods which God has blessed me with in this life, I do give and dispose of them in the following manner.
And first of all it is my desire that all my Just and Lawful debts shall be paid.
I do given and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane Paisley the plantation and farm whereon I now live together with all buildings and improvements untill the youngest child comes of age. I also give my wife two mares bay pole and gray fly, three cows brindle __ [deadly] with one of the present years calves, four sheep, and all the hogs and all the plows with all their fixings necessary, also two axes, also four pair of gears two hipstrop, also all the household and kitchen furniture except the clock it is to be sold.
Next I given and bequeath to my son Robert a young sorrel horse named called Major and one saddle worth twenty Dollars and one axe [extra].
It is my desire that a bark shade be built to my house it and the house to be covered with shingles with a brick chimney to each of them the expence to be paid out of the property sold. I wish the property not mentioned to be sold. I also wish the plain tract of land to be sold if it can be sold to advantage the money remaining after paying all charges to be equally divided between my wife and children, Robert, Martha, Peggy, Joseph McDowell, Jane, Thomas Mager, James Harris, Elizabeth [Basius].
I wish my books to be kept for the use of the family my wife is to school the children out of the income of the farm, if not sufficient, other money belonging to the estate to be made use of for that purpose. I leave it in the power of the executors to sell the lands I now possess at any time they think proper, the money to be laid out in land for the benefit of my wife and children.
Lastly I constitute make and ordain my trusty friends Robert Paisley, Aaron Orendorff Executors and also my beloved wife Jane Paisley executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Thomas Paisley Seal
Test: Michale Finley
James McDowell Senr
William Paisley
Robertson County Court November Term 1823. The last will and testament of Thomas Paisley Decd was proven in open Court by the oath of James McDowell senr and William Paisley subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Test: Wm Seal CRC

Joseph McDowell

Joseph McDowell [22 March 1788 - 22 September 1822 MCAR/FG] married first to Sophronia Simons [McDowell, 270] and second to Elizabeth Thomas [11 April 1792 - 20 March 1859] on 7 January 1810 in Warren County KY. PMT reports that Elizabeth was born in Rockingham, Richmond County NC and died in Camden, Schuyler County IL. They had the following children.

Lucinda McGee McDowell [15 April 1811 - 9 September 1841]
Jane Barnett McDowell [2 May 1813 - 2 (20 in Bible) February 1850 CCC/FG] married Thomas Jacob Poe [21 February 1813 - 13 April 1865 CCC/FG] on 1 June 1834.
John White McDowell [26 November 1814 - 24 October 1870 MOR/FG] married Eleanor Clark [15 December 1814 - 20 November 1895 MOR/FG] on 19 December 1835 in Logan County KY.
Elizabeth Harriet McDowell [11 February 1816 - 28 April 1880] married Andrew J. Babb [28 February 1815 - 22 January 1849] on 22 September 1836.
James Lewis McDowell [15 January 1818 - 11 November 1873 MCL/FG] married Margaret Sophronia Simons [4 June 1833 - 13 March 1883 MCL/FG] on 9 December 1852 in McLemoresville, Carroll County TN.
Abner Chapman McDowell [22 October 1819 - 29 November 1893 SOU/FG] married Lucinda R. Veatch [11 January 1830 - 24 March 1911 SOU/FG] on 22 September 1853 in Schuyler County IL.
Martha Lowry McDowell [18 February 1822 - 9 March 1824] died as an infant.

Joseph and Elizabeth appeared in the following census records.

1820 Census Robertson County TN
Joseph McDowell

3 Males 0-9: [John, James, Abner]
1 Male 26-44: [Joseph]
2 Females 0-9: [Jane, Elizabeth]
1 Female 10-15: [Lucinda]
1 Female 26-44: [Elizabeth]
1 Female 45 over: [Martha?]

It's possible that the woman aged 45 or over is Joseph's mother Martha White.

1830 Census Robertson County TN
Elizabeth McDowell

2 Males 10-14: [James, Abner]
1 Male 15-19: [John]
1 Female 10-14: [Elizabeth]
2 Females 15-19: [Lucinda, Jane]
1 Female 30-39: [Elizabeth]

1850 Census Schuyler County IL

Elizabeth McDowell - 58 F - NC
Abner C. - 30 M - Farmer - TN
James L. - 32 M - Farmer - TN

Joseph appeared in the property tax lists of Logan County KY.

Table: Logan Tax Listings of Joseph McDowell

1806 - [blank], P1
1807 - 1 MV, P1
1808 - Not Found
1809 - Not Found
1810 - [blank], P1
1811 - 2 WP, 1 H, P1
1812 - 1 WP, 1 B16, 2 TB, 1 H, P1
1813 - 2 WP, 1 B16, 1 TB, 5 H, P1
1814 - 1 WP, 2 B16, 2 TB, 4H, P1 $10 PA, TV $3,180
1815 - Not Found
1816 - Betsy McDowel, P1 $7 PA, TV $1,400

WP = White Male Tithable above 21
WV = White Male Voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
B16 = Blacks above 16
TB = Total Blacks
TV = Total value
A1, A2, A3 = Acres of first, second, and third rate land
P1 = 200 A2 and A3, Logan County, Watercourse Red River, Entry name S. Barker
PA = Value per acre

During their time in Logan County, Joseph and Elizabeth established a Power of Attorney for James Thomas, likely her brother, to execute a deed for 150 acres in Richmond County NC, likely land bequeathed to her by her father. It is evidence for her birth in Richmond County NC.

Joseph McDowell and wife Elizabeth of Logan County KY for POA to James Thomas of Warren County KY to execute deed to Keneth McKing, 150 acres in Richmond County NC.[KM Abstract]
WarrenDB5.183 and WarrenDB5:184 26 December 1810

Joseph McDowell and wife Elizabeth of Robertson County TN to Kenneth McKenzie of Richmond County NC for $300, 92-acre tract in Richmond County on the northeast side of Pee Dee River and on the southeast side of main fork of Cartledges Creek. Beginning at a Dogwood on the side of a Branch Covingtons corner of a sixteen acre tract and runs N53E 45 poles to Covingtons line of his home tract, then with sd line S50E to where Thomases old line intersects the same, then with sd line S15W to the corner, then with his other line to the fourth corner of Thomas' 150 acre survey then with the 3rd line of sd survey reverse South 160 poles, thence West his second line reverse N75W 87 poles to a corner, then direct to the beginning. Joseph McDowel, Elizabeth (X her mark) McDowel. Witnesses: James Thomas, Peter Covington. Proven 16 November 1885. Filed and recorded 19 November 1885.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBPP:46-47 2 November 1811

Deed from Joseph McDowel & Elizabeth his wife to Keneth McKinzie proven by the oath of Peter Covington ordered to be registered &C.
RichmondCM12(1809-1819):None Tuesday 17 December 1811

Elizabeth Thomas, Eli Thomas, Jane Thomas, Nathan Thomas of Kentucky, Joseph McDowel and Elizabeth his wife of Tennessee and Elijah Thomas of North Carolina, being the heirs of Philamon Thomas to Kenneth McKenzie of Richmond County NC for $400, 150 acres on northeast side of Pee Dee River and southeast side of Cartledges Creek. [Signed] Elizabeth Thomas, Nathan Thomas, Jane Thomas, Eli Thomas, James Thomas, Joseph McDowel, Elizabeth (X her mark) McDowel, Volly (X her mark) Thomas, Elijah Thomas. Witness: Peter Covington. Proven 16 November 1885. Filed and recorded 19 November 1885.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBPP:51 and RichmondDBPP:52 2 November 1811

Deed from Elizabeth Thomas, Nathan Thomas as Jane Thomas, Eli Thomas, James Thomas, Joseph McDowel, Elizabeth McDowel, Volly Thomas, Elijah Thomas to Keneth McKinzie proven by the oath of Peter Covington ordered to be registered &C.
RichmondCM12(1809-1819):None Tuesday 17 December 1811

This Joseph apparently applied to practice law in Logan County, although he lived in 1822 just across the border in Robertson County TN.

John R. Lyle and Joseph McDowell produced to the Court their Licence to practice as counselors and attornies at Law and thereupon took the Oaths required by Law and are permitted to practice as counselors and attornies in this Court.
WarrenOBy:100 Monday 27 May 1822

Remembrances of the family's time in Robertson County TN is recorded in the diary of their son James Lewis McDowell.[Drake, 203]

Sat. Aug. 15th, 1846. Left for Robertson Co in company with Bro. Reed. I arrived at old Mt. Carmel meeting house-my feelings were indescribably wrought up-here is where I received my early education-spent my school days and received my first religious impressions and here is bower, where in a glorious revival in 1832 at a camp meeting I first found peace in believing in the Saviour. I sought in the old graveyard the last resting place of my father and a younger sister (Martha.)

Joseph appears as a juror at the courthouse by 1818 as shown in the following table.

Table: Robertson Jury Service of Joseph McDowell

Tuesday 10 February 1818, Grand Juror, RobertsonCM5(1818-1820):13
Tuesday 10 August 1819, Juror, RobertsonCM5(1818-1820):334
Thursday 12 August 1819, Juror, RobertsonCM5(1818-1820):354, 357

In 1818, he and his brother James are ordered to be road hands.

Ordered by the Court that James Moore oversee the road from [blurred: Josephs __] to Red River to the State line with the following hands [List] Joseph McDowell, James McDowell … so that he with said hands keep the Road in repair according to Law.
RobertsonCM5(1818-1820):55 Monday 11 August 1818

Joseph died in 1822 as shown by the following sequence of court minutes. Aaron Orendorff and Thomas Paisley are his brothers-in-law. His Will exists and lists his family members.

The Last Will and Testament of Joseph McDowell Decd was presented in Court and proven by the oath of Thomas Paisly, Saml Hamilton, & William Hampton subscribing Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and thereupon came James McDowell & Aron Orendorff Executors therein named, gave bond with Thos. Paisley their security in the sum of $1,000 conditioned as the law directs and took the oath by law required.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):84 Monday 11 November 1822

An Inventory of the Estate of Joseph McDowell Decd was returned into Court by the Extrs of said Estate & ordered to be recorded.
An account of Sale of the Estate of Joseph McDowell Decd was returned into Court by the Extrs of sd Estate and ordered to be recorded.

RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):138 Monday 10 February 1823

A supplement Inventory of the Estate of Joseph McDowell Decd was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):293 Monday 10 November 1823

Ordered by the Court that Henry Frey and Joel Moore Esqr settle the account current with James McDowell and Aaron Orendorff Executors of Joseph McDowell Decd and report to this Court.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824): Monday 8 November 1824

An account current with James McDowell and Aaron Orendorff Extrs of the estate of Joseph McDowell Decd was returned into Court examinined allowed and ordered to be recorded.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):535 Monday 8 November 1824

James McDowell, almost certainly Joseph's brother and not his uncle, was appointed guardian to his minor heirs.

James McDowell appointed guardian to Lucinda M., John W., Jane B., Elizabeth H., James L., and Abner C. McDowell minor heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd and he together with Aaron Orendorff and Philip Mason his securities acknowledged their bond in the sum of fourteen hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):531 Monday 8 November 1824

Ordered that Jesse Davis & Henry Frey Esqr settle the account current with James McDowell guardian to the heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd & report to this Court.
RobertsonCM8(1825-1826):240 Monday 13 February 1826

An acct. current with James McDowell Guardian to the heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd was returned into Court examined allowed & ordered to be recorded.
RobertsonCM8(1825-1826):249 Monday 13 February 1826

James regularly filed his guardian accounts as shown in the following table. Elizabeth, their mother, took over in 1833.

Table: Guardian Account Balance of James McDowell

Date - Balance
13 February 1826 - $669.68
12 February 1827 - $696.99½
12 February 1828 - $710.99½
9 February 1829 - $735.92¾
8 February 1830 - $763.58
17 February 1831 - $784.66½
February 1832 - $810.72
16 August 1832 - $658.95
1 Jaunary 1833 (Elizabeth) - $697.85½
12 May 1834 (Elizabeth) - $602.58¾
12 February 1835 (Elizabeth) - $619.39

Prior to her move to Illinois, Joseph's widow Elizabeth sold both land and slaves in the late 1830s.

Elizabeth McDowell her heirs of Robertson County to Amos Moon for $1,225, 164 acres on South fork of Red River. Beginning at a White Oak and Spanish Oak near the spring, thence North 150 poles to a Hickory, thence East 40 poles to a stake, thence North 120 poles to a stake, thence S64W 176 poles to a stake in the field, thence S30E 101 poles to a White Oak and Ash on the South side of the Spring branch, thence S30W 92 poles to a Sycamore on the bank of the river, thence up the river with its meanders to the beginning.
Also, a small tract of 10 acres being a part of the same survey. Beginning on a Sycamore in the Mill pond running N64E 61? poles to a Red Oak in Aaron Orendorffs line, thence S33E 80 poles to the river, thence down the river with its meanders to the beginning. Signed: Elizabeth (X her mark) McDowell, Lucindin McDowell, Thos. J. Poe, Andrew J. Babb, Jas. L. McDowell, Jane B. Poe, Elizabeth H. Babb. Witnesses: James Moon, Joel Moon. Registered 3 October 1837 and Feme Covert. Recorded 5 March 1838.
[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBZ:455-456 2 October 1837.

Elizabeth McDowell & others to Alsa Babb for $400 paid to heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd for a healthy Negro girl named Emily not exceeding 9 years of age. Signed: Elizabeth McDowell, John W. McDowell, Lucindra M. G. McDowell, Thomas J. Poe, Andrew J. Babb. Witnesses: John Bernard, L. W. Flowers. Registered 7 May 1837. Recorded 19 February 1839.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDB1:162 7 January 1837

Elizabeth McDowell & others to James Adams for $800 to heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd a Negro woman not exceeding 28 years old and child not exceeding 4 years old named Jin and Aann. Signed: Elizabeth (X her mark) McDowell, John W. McDowell, Lucinda M.G. McDowell, Thomas J. Poe, Andrew J. Babb. Proved 7 May 1839. Recorded 29 May 1839.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDB1:221-222 9 January 1837

Elizabeth McDowell, Lucinda McDowell, Thomas Poe, Andrew Babb husband of Elizabeth McDowell, heirs at law of Joseph McDowell, all of Robertson County TN, to Jas. Adams for $1,600 for a Negro Woman named Jinny and her children named Aaron for $800 and whereas James McDowell and Abner McDowell minor heirs of said Joseph cannot now lawfully convey their interest, obligation to be void. [Although strangely worded, this is a bond to protect Adams for his purchase.] Signed: Elizabeth (X her mark) McDowell, John W. McDowell, Lucinda M. G. McDowell, Thos L. Poe, Andrew J. Babb. Witnesses, John Bernard. L. W. Flowers, Alsa Babb. Registered 7 May 1839.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDB1:340 9 January 1837

1822 Will of Joseph McDowell

Source: Robertson County TN Court November Term 1822.

In the name of God Amen July 26th 1822. I Joseph McDowell of the County of Robertson and State of Tennessee being weak in body but in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will & Testament and first of all I do recommend my Soul to God who gave it and my body to the Grave to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the discretion of my Executors. And as touching my worldly goods which God has blessed me with in this life I do give and dispose of them in the following manner – and first of all it is my desire that all my Just debts shall be paid and I also wish all debts due now be collected by Executors.
I do give and bequeath to my beloved wife Elizabeth McDowell the plantation whereon I now live together with all buildings and improvements belonging to the said tract of Land. Also a Negro Girl named Jane, also all the household and Kitchen furniture Excepting such things as I shall hereafter name, also all my library of Books, also farming utensils, one big Bare Shear plow and two small plows, three Clivses, two pair of plow gears, two hoes, one pair of stretchers, one mattock, one axe, one Iron wedge, also three head of Horses, one old mare called frey with her suckling Colt, and a young sorrel mare called Snip, one side saddle and two bridles. Also three head of milk Cows with the present years calves and two sows, all of which I leave unto her natural life or widowhood out of which she is to raise the family and Eduate them well and if she should marry she is to have a childs part only out of the loose property such as household property and stock to be valued to her by two disinterested men.
It is also my desire that my brother James McDowell furnish my family with one years provisions out of my part of our partnership property and the balance of said property I wish him to dispose of in that ways he may think best, that is to say the present years crop, stock of hogs, and the distillery, the horses, mill stones, and Irons and as soon as he can with safety turn the property into money to make a return of the same to the Executors after making himself whole for his troubles. It is also my desire that my Executors hereafter named make sale of my remaining stock of horses & cattle and Clock and can with some other articles not herein named.
It is also my desire that my property and money be Equally divided amongst all my childred after the death of my wife that is to say to Lucinda M., Jane B, John W., Elizabeth H., James L., Abner C., Martha L. McDowell and lastly I constitute make and ordain my trusty friend James McDowell Junr, Abner McDowell and Aaron Orendorf Executors of this my last will and Testament, this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the date and day above written.
Joseph McDowell
Thomas Paisley
Samuel Hampton
William (X his mark) Hampton
Robertson County Court November Term 1822. The last will and Testament of Joseph McDowell Decd was presented into Court and ordered to be recorded.
Test: Wm Lewes CRC

The Inventory to his widow filed on Pages 522-524 were signed by Elizabeth McDowell and witnessed by Abner McDowell dated 25 January 1823.

Robertson County Court February term 1823. An inventory of the articles bequeathed to Elizabeth McDowell relict of Joseph McDowell Decd. and also one years provisions was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded. Test Wm. Seal C.R.C.

Following the above inventory is "Inventory of the Estate of Joseph McDowell Decd, things that were sold and not devisied in the Will." It includes "26 head of hogs sold by James McDowell for $127.50" and "To Accounts James McDowell and others accounts $150.00." The inventory sale is signed by James McDowell and Aaron Orendorff, Exrs.

James McDowell

Rev. James McDowell [5 June 1797 - 28 October 1846 SHIL] married Catherine "Kitty" Ann Rawlings [22 September 1814 Breckinridge Cty KY - 3 October 1894 SHIL/FG], the daughter of Edward Rawlings and Laeh/Lacey MNU, on 12 September 1830 in Logan County KY. They had the following children.

Margaret Elizabeth McDowell [November 1832 - 7 October 1920 STEV/FG] married Milas Hodson on 18 November 1852 in Tazewell County IL.
Abner C. McDowell [12 December 1834 - 18 March 1870 SHIL/FG]
Martha Jane McDowell [17 April 1836 - 27 May 1878 SHIL/FG] married Michael E. Pomfret [29 June 1832 - 20 December 1888 POM/FG] on 20 October 1857 in Tazewell County IL.
Edward Rawlings McDowell [2 May 1838 - 22 November 1873 SHIL/FG] married Louisa C. Davis on 28 June 1871 in Tazewell County IL.
Joseph White McDowell [June 1840 - 3 September 1917 MOD/FG]
Lacy/Lucy Leah McDowell [1 January 1843 - 21 May 1921 MON/FG] married Jacob M. Boucher [1836 - 8 April 1920 DAN/FG] on 25 September 1870 in Tazewell County IL.
Emma McDowell [1847 - Bf 1850]

James and Catherine appeared in the following census records.

1840 Census Tazewell County IL
James McDowell

2 Males 0-4: [Edward, Joseph]
1 Male 5-9: [Abner]
1 Male 40-49: [James]
1 Female 0-4: [Martha]
1 Female 5-9: [Margaret]
1 Female 20-20: [Kitty]

1850 Census Tazewell County IL

Kitty Ann McDowell - 35 F - KY
Margret - 18 F - IL
Abner - 16 M - Farmer - IL
Martha Jane - 13 F - IL
Edward - 12 M - IL
Joseph - 11 M - IL
Lucy - 7 F - IL

1860 Census Tazewell County IL
Hopedale, PO Hopedale

Wm. R. Hodson - 43 M - Farmer - VA
Catherine A. - 44 F - VA
Abner M. - 26 M - IL
Lucy S. - 17 F - IL
Reuben H. - 16 M - IL
Wm. F. - 13 M - IL

1870 Census Tazewell County IL

Kestie A. McDowell - 56 F - Keeps Farm house - KY
Edward R. - 32 M - At home - IL
Jos W. - 29 M - At home - IL
Lacey L. - 26 F - At home - IL

1880 Census Tazewell County IL

K. A. McDowell - 65 F - KY KY KY
Joseph - 36 M - Son - Farmer - IL SC KY
M. E. Pomfret - 47 M Wd - Minister of the Gospel - England ENG ENG

William Hodgson [15 January 1815 - 31 July 1899 SHIL/FG] married Eva Caroline Davis [10 October 1814 - 20 December 1857 SHIL/FG] on 7 July 1836 in Tazewell County IL. William is likely the brother of Milas Hodson who married Margaret E. McDowell. Catherine "Kitty" Ann McDowell in the 1860 is not the wife of William, but is living and listed with him. Reuben and William F. are his children with Eva.
On 1 December 1830, James McDowell of Taxewell County IL was granted 80 acres in Township 23-N, Range 3-W, Section 14, the West half of the Southwest quarter.
Drake provides a history of James which we summarize in the following bullets.

  • To Tennessee at two years old — Williamson County according to McDowell.[McDowell, 270]
  • Moved to Adairville KY.[McDowell, 270]
  • Graduated college in Louisville
  • Took divinity course at new church college in Princeton KY
  • Immediately after marriage to Kitty on 30 September 1830, moved to Tazewell County IL upon urging of Aaron Orendorff who married his sister Martha.
  • Cumberland Presbyterian Church organized on 28 November 1830 in Orendorff's home
James appeared twice as a juror.

Monday 8 May 1820, Venire next term, RobertsonCM5(1818-1820):511
Tuesday 15 August 1820, Jury pool, Grand Juror, RobertsonCM6(1818-1822):68

James was involved in several court issues.

Anias Moore vs John Tremble } This cause is referred to John Hutchison, Henry Frey, Thos. M. Campbell, James McDowell, and William Morgan or a majority of them and return their award to next Court & to be entered as Judgt of the Court & that either party have leave to take deposition of Witnesses by giving the other party 10 days notice of the time & place of taking the same.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):83 Monday 11 November 1822

James McDowell for the use of Jonathan Henden Plff vs Ethelbert C. Williams Deft } Debt. This day came the parties by their attornies and thereuon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wit: [List] who being duly elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oath do say that they find for the Plaintiff the Debt in the declaration mentioned and for the detention of said debt do assess the plaintiffs damage to seven dollars and fifty six Cents. It is therefore considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover of the Deft the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars and forty four Cents the damage aforesaid by the Jury aforesaid assessed and his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830):202-203 Friday 15 February 1828

James served as a guardian to the children of his brother Joseph and his brother-in-law Thomas Paisley.

John Paisley appointed guardian for Joseph B. Paisley and he together with James McDowell Jr & William Paisley his securities acknowledged their bond in the sum of two hundred Dollars conditioned as the law directs.
RobertsonCM7(1822-1824):290 Monday 10 November 1823

Ordered that … Wm Campbell & John Hutchinson Esqr [settle] with John Paisley guardian for Joseph B. Paisley also with James McDowell guardian for Thomas Paisleys heirs and Joseph McDowells heirs.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830):167 Monday 11 February 1828

An account current with [List] … James McDowell guard for the minor heirs of Jos McDowell Decd and the minor heirs of Thomas Paisley Decd were all returned into Court examined allowed and ordered to be recorded.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830): Tuesday 12 February 1828

James McDowell guardian for the minor heirs of Thomas Paisley Decd the minor heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd returned into Court his acct Current and on oath which is ordered to be recorded.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830):346 Monday 9 February 1829

The following guardians returned into Court their respective accounts of their wards on oath as follows, to wit: [List] … James McDowell guardian for the minor heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd … James McDowell guardian for Thomas Paisley's heirs & the same is ordered by the Court to be recorded.
RobertsonCM9(1826-1830):502-503 Monday 8 February 1830

James was appointed an overseer of a road.

Ordered by the Court that James McDowell is overseer the road in the room of Alsa Babb and that he with the following hands, to wit, Garland Hall, John Carr, Jesse Babb, Peggy Griffin, James, Gambill, Benjamin Gambill, John Gambill, Wm. Little, Edward Hampton, Edmund Edwards, Aaron Orendorff, James McDowell Senr, Abner McDowell, Elisha Driskill, Joseph McDowell, & William Hauncik keep said road in repair according to law.
RobertsonCM6(1818-1822):116 Monday 13 November 1820

Ordered by the Court that John Gambill oversee the road in the room of James McDowell Junr and in together with the following hands keep said Road in repair according to law, to wit, Jas McDowell Jr, Garland Hall, John Carr, Jesse Bell, Peggy Griffins hands, James Gambill, Beng Gambill, William Little, Ewd Hampton, Edwd Edwards, Aaron Orendorff, Jas McDowell Senr, Abner McDowell, Elijah Driskell, Joseph McDowell and William Haunah.
RobertsonCM6(1818-1822):398 Monday 12 November 1821

James was involved in the survey and sale of his father's land during his move to Illinois.

James McDowell & others in possession of Land June 1832. Andrew Stuart Surveyor of Robertson County, surveyed by request of James McDowell for heirs of Joseph McDowell decd and John Orendorff agent for Aaron Orendorff. Land on Middle fork of Red River, part of tract granted to Lewis Barker by NC Grant No. 303 for 400 acres. Beginning at a stake 10 poles South of a Red Oak said tract being the Northeast corner of a tract of land formerly owned by William McAdams and transferred by him to Samuel [Waleley] runs South with the East boundary of said tract and crossing the middle fork of Red River at 30 poles continued in all 113½ poles to a stake in a field, thence East passing a Sycamore tree in an [Island] of said __ at 70 poles and continuing the same course passing a Hickory a Hickory at 316 poles said tree being the Northeast corner of a survey originally granted to Thomas Baker and continuing same course in all 431 poles to two small Water Oaks and two small Post Oaks, thence North crossing a branch in all 262 poles to three Post Oaks on the State line, thence with said line S82W 164 poles to two small Red Oaks in said line, thence South 90¾ poles to a stake, thence S80½W 104 poles to a large Post Oak old corner, thence S45W 77 poles to a stake in a garden where Aron Orendorff formerly lived N40W 32 poles to a Spanish Oak near the house where Jonathan Traughbis now lives, thence S81½W 48½ to the beginning.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBW:161 26 May 1832

James McDowell and wife of Tazewell County IL to Amos Moon of Robertson County TN for $700, 174 acres on Red River. Beginning at a White Oak and an Ash stump on the South side of an old path leading towards an old waist field on the river on the East side of the old Gatetain road and South of the Veig Spring belonging to the heirs of Joseph McDowell Decd a corner of a tract of land deeded by Martha McDowell to Joseph McDowell the 16th day of July 1822 running with a line of that tract S36W 92 poles to a Sycamore on the bank of the river, thence down the river with its meanders 138 poles or until it intersects a line of a ten acres tract of land deeded by the said Martha McDowell to the above named Jos McDowell, thence N23W 68 poles to a Red Oak in Aaron Orendorff line being a corner of the said ten acres tract, thence N64E 340 poles to a Hickory and White Oak bush, thence South 40 poles to a stake, thence S64W 176 poles to a stake in the field, thence S30E 101 poles to the beginning. Signed James McDowell, Kitty Ann McDowell. Proven and Feme Covert Tazewell County IL on 22 October 1834 and 29 October 1834. Registered Robertson County 11 May 1835 and recorded 20 May 1835.[KM Abstract]
RobertsonDBY:135-136 20 October 1834

Abner McDowell

Abner McDowell [6 May or 20 December 1799 - 8 May 1845 RUSH/FG] married Nancy S. Grider [c1810 - 11 March 1892 BROW/FG] on 5 June 1828 in Warren County KY with consent of her mother Elizabeth Grider and bondsman Henry Grider. After his death, Nancy married John B. Moffett on 26 September 1850 in Schuyler County IL. They appeared in the following census record.

1830 Census Williamson County TN
Abner McDowell

1 Male 30-39: [Abner]
1 Female 20-29: [Nancy]

Guilford County Unassigned Data

Alexander McDowell
Parents: Unknown

Alexander McDowell married Delilah Orndorff [7 December 1796 - 9 November 1859 ANN/FG] on 18 January 1828 in Logan County. He apparently died before the 1830 Census and she retained her maiden name. Delilah Orndorff married John Grubbs [29 April 1786 - 27 March 1872 BER/FG] on 3 October 1842 in Logan County KY.

1850 Census Logan County KY
District 2

John Grubbs - 64 M - Farmer - KY
Delilah - 53 F - VA
Samuel Cloud - 18 M - Farmer - KY
James Grubbs - 14 M - KY

Delila Grubbs' Kentucky Death Record reports her age as 60 with death date of 9 November 1859 in Logan County KY due to inflamation of stomach with parents C. Orndorff and M. Orndorff. Christopher Orndorff [22 November 1752 Lancaster Cty PA - 14 September 1823 Russellville, Logan Cty KY ANN/FG] married Mary Ann Thomas [1753 Frederick Cty MD - 4 October 1823 Logan KY ANN/FG] on 21 March 1775 in MD. Christopher served in the Frederick County MD militia in RW.

James McDowell
Parents: Unknown

James McDowell [c1790s - Unknown] married Sarah "Sally" Russell [c1790s - Unknown] on 15 May 1821 in Guilford County NC with bondsman Christopher Hiatt. It's unclear why a James McDowell was in Guilford County to get married in 1821 since he doesn't appear on the 1820 Census of Guilford County.
James and Sarah appeared in the following 1830 census record of Putnam County IN.

1830 Census Putnam County IN
James McDowel

1 Male 5-9:
1 Male 30-39: [James]
1 Female 0-4:
1 Male 30-39:

The death in 1828 of Sarah's father, Andrew Russell Senior, in Guilford County NC led to a court case based on his Will and proves that the above 1830 census record is correctly assigned. Andrew bequeathed his plantation to his wife Sarah — who died several days after him — and stated that the property should be sold following her death and that the proceeds arising therefrom, after required payments for debts and so forth, be equally divided among his five daughters along with any remaining assets of his estate; namely, Sarah McDowell, Anna Parish, Elizabeth Lamb, Nancy Russell & Mary Russell with Sarah McDowell stipulated to receive $30 less that the other four daughters and James Russell to have $10. On 19 October 1829, Sarah McDowell, Anne Parish, and Nancy Russell sold their interest in the plantation to their other two sisters, Elizabeth and Mary, as documented in the following deed.

Nancy Russell, Henry Parish and wife Anne (formerly Anne Russell), James McDowell and wife Sarah (formerly Sarah Russell), all of Putnam County IN to Mary Russell and Elizabeth Russell of Guilford County NC. Andrew Russell deceased in Will devised to five daughters (Mary, Elizabeth, Nancy, Sarah, and Anne) and land to be sold and money equally divided. Interest of Nancy Anne, and Sarah sold for $100 to two of the daughters. Signed: James McDowell, Sarah McDowell, Henry Parish, Ann Parish, Nancy Russell.[KM Abstract]
GuilfordDB18:436 and GuilfordDB18:437 19 October 1829

On 21 May 1832, a petition was filed at the Guilford County P&QS Court bringing about a suit between plaintiffs James McDowell and wife Sarah, Henry Parish and wife Anna, Isaac Lamb and wife Elizabeth, James Russell, Mary Russel, and Nancy Russell against defendants Andrew Russell and Daniel Russell, Executors of the Will of Andrew Russell Senior.[4] The complaint of the Petition was that the Executors had sold the plantation but not distributed the proceeds, even after being asked to do so many times. Writs of Summons dated 14 May 1832 to Andrew Russell and Daniel Russell were executed. Subsequently, the defendants counsel stated that a Power of Atterney was required for the plaintiffs not residents of the state; namely, James and Sarah McDowell, Henry and Anna Parish, and Nancy Russell. Furthermore, the Court "Ordered that all the Petitioners be stricken out except McDowell & wife, Parish & wife, & Nancy Russell."
The defendants Andrew and Daniel Russell filed an answer to the complaint in the Petition — which was certified by their oaths on 25 May 1832 — stating that yes, they sold all the personal property and real estate after the death of Sarah who died a few days after Andrew, but not the land (plantation) mentioned in the petition because Elizabeth who intermarried with Isaac Lamb and Mary were desirous of purchasing the whole interest of the land from James McDowell and wife Sarah, Henry Parish and wife Anna, & Nancy Russell. The Legal conveyance (see above deed dated 19 October 1829) to Elizabeth and Mary had been achieved and the Executors didn't think they had to sell the plantation to distribute the purchase money according to legal advice until required to do so. The defendants further stated that "They are ready & willing to pay to said James [James Russell] the Petitioner his ten dollars whenever demanded, the said James resides in Tennessee & has never by himself or agent demanded his money nor do these defendants believe that his name is used in this petition by his authority." The defendants believed that Elizabeth and Mary had settled with the other plaintiffs through the purchase of the interest in the land. The defendants further stated that Sarah, Anna, and Nancy had long resided in Indiana and never made a claim except by a Thomas Gossett who called himself their agent and that they paid him in 1831 $135.
The following settlement of the estate of Andrew Russell was filed with the court case.

2 November 1832: Account
$555.96½ – Dr To amount in the Executors hands in settlement returned May Term 1831 subject to distribution agreed to be correct by the parties
$10.00 – Cr By James Russells legacy under the Will $10.00
$545.96½ – Divided into 5 shares, Sarah McDowells share to be $30.00 less than the other 4 shares.
$85.19½ – Sarah McDowell share
$230.38½ – Anna Parish & Nancy Russell shares Each $115.19¼
$315.57¾ – Due Gossell as attorney
$1.90 – Cr By expences for copy of Will sent to West by Executor
$12.00 – By Wheat charged against Defendants in their return
$294.67¾ – Balance due
$100.00 – Cr By Thomas Gossell receipt for Parish & wife dated June 18th 1832
$0.56¼ – Deduct the Interest on $112.33 for one month
$34.30 Cr By Thomas Gossell receipt for McDowell, Parish & Nancy Russell dated October 13th for $35.00 deduct 4 months Int $0.70
$8.24¾ – Interest on $160.94¼ to August Term 1832

A.E. Hanover, the clerk of the court, prepared all the summative documentation for the court case with the following additional documentation.

$00.49¼ – Henry Parish & wife Anna past due Augt 1832
$103.56¾ – Nancy Russell past due Augt 1832
$65.13¼James McDowell & wife Sarah past due Augt 1832
The land mentioned in the Will was not sold by the Executor. All the foregoing is submitted as my report November 12th 1832.
A.E. Hanover CCC
August Term 1832 Andrew & Daniel Russell paid into Court $120.
Decree November Term 1832: On amended petition. Above sums be paid out of money filed in Court to three plaintiffs with costs deducted. Plaintiffs appeal this judgment with Thomas Gossett & William Millis giving bond to prosecute. [List of court costs given.]

The prosecution bond reads as follows.

State of North Carolina, Guilford County } Know all men by these presents, that we Thomas Gossell, William Millis are held and firmly bound unto Andrew Russell and Daniel Russell Exs &C in the sum of three hundred & forty dollars $340.00 current money, to be paid to said Andrew Russell & Daniel Russel Exs heirs, executors, administrators or assigns: To the which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severaly, firmly by these presents: Seal with our seals, and dated this 22 day of November AD 1832.
The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas a suit brought by James McDowell & wife Sarah, Henry Parish & wife Anna & Nancy Russell against Andrew & Daniel Russell Exs in the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, held for the County aforesaid, on the third Monday in November 1832 judgment was recovered by them for the sum of one hundred & sixty nine dollars nineteen & ½ cents by a decree of Court; and whereas the said James McDowell & wife Sarah, Henry Parish & wife Anna & Nancy Russell hath prayed for and obtained an appeal from the said judgement to the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Guilford on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March next. Now in case the said James McDowell & wife Sarah, Henry Parish & wife Anna & Nancy Russell truly prosecute their said appeal with effect, or in case they fail and be cast therein, shall well and truly pay all such damages, costs and charges, as shall be awarded against them by the said Superior Court, and also fulfil and perform the sentence, judgement and decree of the said Court, then the above obligation to be null and void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue
Thomas Gossell, Wm Millis
Signed and Sealed in the presence of A. E. Hanover

The final resolution of this case is unknown to the authors, but it is clear that James and Sarah resided in Putnam County IN as shown by the above 1830 census record.
As to Anna Russell and Henry Parrish, they married on 14 September 1828 in Putnam County IN and appeared in the 1830 Census.

1830 Census Putnam County IN
Henry Parrish

1 Male 0-4:
1 Male 15-19:
1 Male 20-29: [Henry]
1 Female 20-29: [Anna]

Before his marriage, Henry obtained a Land Grant of 83.71 acres on 3 January 1828 in Putnam County IN, Township 14-N, Range 4-W, and Section 5.
Elizabeth Russell [1780 - 6 April 1855 LAMB/FG] married Isaac Lamb [26 February 1782 - 5 April 1864 LAMB/FG] on 26 June 1830 in Guilford County NC but was buried in Indiana.


John McDowell
Parents: Unknown

Reverend John McDowell [Unknown - October 1763] married Sarah MNU [Unknown - c1760]. She died in child birth having the following son.

John Baptist McDowell who dies as an infant.

The story of the Reverend John McDowell has been researched by numerous authors and several extant records have been found other than official government records. We begin with excerpts from Moravian records where we learn that he is a widower, has a two-year son named John Baptist who is his only child, and died in October of 1763.[18]

Diary of Bethabara and Bethania
March 2, From Brauschweig on Cape Fear River we received a letter from the English Rector, John MacDowell, a widower. He asked that we would take into our care his only child, a boy of two years for he had great confidence in us, and was planning to go to England, and the child was too young to make the trip. He stated that in his Will he had named the Governor and certain other gentlemen as Executors, and had expressly stated that his son, John Baptist, was his sole heir. He had recommended the boy to The Venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and if they did not wish to undertake his education then he desired that the Brethren would bring him up. He wished us to know of this, and sent the following extract from his Will: “Then it is my particular Will and Desire that he with all his Fortune be put under ye Care and Tuition of ye Society of Christians at Wachovia, called ye Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, as ye are more commonly called Moravians. The Reason I choose to have him brought up under this Care is, that I look upon them to be a sober, pious and exemplary prudent Society of Christians, who will bring him up in a laudable and virtuous Education and to some Profession (that he may prove a worthy Member of Society).”
1763. Memorabilia of the Little Congregations, Bethabara and Bethania in Wachovia. Among the visitors to our settlement during the past year, the most important were the Chief Justice, Mr. Moore, the county clerk, Mr. Frehock, the English minister, John MacDowell, from Brunshweig on the Cape Fear River, Col. Ashburn of this County, and Mr. Schmid, a Baptist Preacher. The English minister held service and preached once in our Saal, and during his sojourn here he baptised 150 of the older and younger children of our neighbors, either in our Saal or in his rooms.
1763. Bethabara Diary
July 9. A good rain today, but the reapers were able to finish cutting the oats. Br. Jacob Loesch received a letter from the English Minister, MacDowell, with whom he has been in correspondence. Mr. MacDowell writes that he will be here soon, and being in feeble health he wished to stay for a while.
July 19. Mr. MacDowell has arrived, having been on his way from Braunsweig since the beginning of June. He is suffering from chronic diarrhoea, and wishes treatment here. He says that among the Gentry of this land it is the fashion to visit the Moravian towns.
July 20. Already today some of our English neighbors have come to the English Minister asking baptism for their children. In the evening there was a thunder storm, with rain, which was rather badly needed.
July 23. The English Minister baptised several children in the Tavern. Some of our neighbors complained to him that we would not baptise their children because they did not belong to our Church. Br. Ettwein, however, gave him a quite different reason, that we did not do it because there was so little prospect that the people would bring up their children in a Christian fashion, etc., to which the Minister answered “That is true”.
Aug. 2. … This afternoon Mr. MacDowell wrote out a set of instructions in case he should die here. He also baptised two of our neighbor Douthit’s children, in his room at the Tavern …
Aug. 7. Sunday. Bad weather, and his bodily weakness, prevented the Rev. MacDowell from preaching in our Saal today, but in his room he baptised many children who were brought to him.
Sept. 10. This morning the Rev. MacDowell left at last for Braunsweig. He has been under the doctor’s care here since July 19th, but is little or no better. He was too weak to ride, so was borne in a two-horse litter, led by his negro. During his stay he has preached in our Saal only once, but he has baptised some 150 of the children of our neighbors. He was well satisfied with the treatment accorded him here, which has been most affectionate.
1764. Bethabara Diary.
Jan. 6. At the meeting Br. Gammern received a letter from Mr. Moore, of Brauschweig, in which he mentioned that the Rev. MacDowell passed away in October of last year.

In the following exerpts from a book by Sprint, we learn that he arrived in 1754 as a minister of the Church of England and that he baptized five mulattos.[19]

p. 5, Brunswick on Cape Fear: April 7, 1760, … begged to recommend Rev. John McDowell as a good minister of the Church of England, who has been in this province since 1754, and officiated in our neighboring parish of St. James until May, 1757.
p. 86, Extract from letter of Rev. John McDowell in 1760 to the bishop of London, “Nothing can give me greater pleasure than to hear that my conduct is approved. I have been south as a great number of people from both provinces, and we were obliged to assemble under the shady trees. I baptized one day on that visit thirty-two children and adults, among them five mulattoes.”
[20] April 17, 1760, McDowell writes with pleasure on the new church. April 16, 1760, “The roof of the new church at Brunswick is all fallen down again … .”
p. 607, Rev. Mr. McDowell died in 1763.

In the final excerpt, we learn that his wife died in childbirth and that he was a complainer.[21]

The most tragic story of hardship was told in the letters of John McDowell of Brunswick county. Though his parish contained the largest church constructed in colonial North Carolina and also the leading families, including Governor Dobbs, McDowell complained of the capricious weather, the long hard trips to outlying chapels, his financial misery, his exclusion from vestry meetings, and the fact that he had only two slaves while other ministers in the province had twenty. When his wife died in childbirth and the roof of his big, new church fell in, McDowell was ready to leave the colony in despair. In 1763 he died while still a minister in Brunswick.

Following his death, a Power of Attorney was executed by his many relatives in Ireland and that document exists in the records of New Hanover County as transcribed below. It fully describes his relatives and thereby provides an understanding of the people mentioned in his Will.

Power of Atty J. Potts & others Ireland
J. Burgivin & Wm Campbell }
Whereas the Reverend John McDowell late minister of the Parish of St. Philip Brunswick in the County of New Hanover, and State of No Carolina in America deceased duly made and published his last Will & Testament in writing bearing date on or about the third day of August 1762 and thereby bequeathed his fortune unto his son John Baptist McDowell, but if it should please God to take his son in his minority then he bequeathed his fortune in this manner, Vizt to Mrs. Jane McDowell the daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Bruce of Castlerea near Belfast he left the sum of sixty pounds Sterling the remainder to be equally divided among the children of his late sister Margaret Murchland & his brother & sister Thompson & their children every one sharing an equal part and of his said Will he appointed several Gentn therein named to be the Exors as by the said Will relation thereunto being had may more fully appear. And whereas the said John Baptist Macdowell died in his minority & the said Mrs. Jane Macdowell died in the lifetime of the said John Macdowell whereby her said Legacy became lapsed & sunk into the remainder of his personal Estate. And the fortune of the said John Macdowall of right agreeable to his Will now belongs to the children of his sister the said Margt Murchland named Mary Potts otherwise Murchland now the wife of James Potts of Belfast in the County of Antrim and Kingdom of Ireland Mercht, Sarah Drew otherwise Murchland now the wife of William Drew of Belfast aforesaid Tavern Keeper, Martha Gordan otherwise Murchland now the wife of James Gordan of Belfast aforesaid Shoemaker, & Margt Dobbin otherwise Murchland now the wife of Saml Dobbin of Belfast aforesaid mariner, & Jane Murchland spinster and to William Thompson of Belfast aforesaid Baker and Mary Thompson otherwise McDowell his wife sister of the said John McDowell deceased & their children namely James Thompson, Mary Thompson & Jane Thompson.
Now know all men by these presents that we the said James Potts and Mary his wife, William Drew & Sarah his wife, James Gordan & Martha his wife, Saml Dobben & Margt his wife & Jane Murchland, William Thompson & Mary his wife, James Thompson, Mary Thompson and Jane Thompson have & each & every on us hath made, ordained, nominated, constituted, authorized, impowered and appointed and by these presents do and each & every of us doth make, ordain, nominate, constitute, authorize, impower and appoint Messrs John Burgivin & William Campbell both of Wilmington in the said State of North Carolina merchts to be our true and lawful attys jointly or severally for us & in our names or in the name or names of any of us & to use to ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive of and from the Executors named in the last Will & Testament of the said John Macdowall deceased or any of them or other his legal representatives or representative or whom else it doth shall or may concern all such share & shares proportion and proportions of the Estate and effects of the said John McDowall deceased as we may of us now are or is intitled to respectively under and by virtue of his said Will And to have use & take all lawfull ways and means in our names or in the names or name of any of us or otherwise for recovery thereof & to agree & compound for the same and acquitances, releases or other sufficient discharges for the same for us and in our names or in the names of name of any of us to make sign seal & deliver & to do all other lawfull acts & things whatsoever concerning the premises as fully in every respect as we ourselves might or could do if we were personally present. And Attornies one or more under them our said Attorneys for the purposes aforesaid to make & substitute & at pleasure to revoke Ratifying allowing & confirming all & whatsoever our said Attornies or either of them shall in our names lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the premises by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands & Seals at Belfast in Ireland the 9th day of May in the year of our Lord 1785.
Mary (O her mark) Thompson, James Thompson, Saml Dobbin, Margt Dobbin, Jane Murchland, William Thompson, Mary Tomoson, James Thompson, James Potts, Mary Potts, William Drew, Sarah Drew, James Gordan, Martha (O her mark) Gordan
Signed Sealed & deld in presence of us
Henry Foy
and there by read by me Davd Henderson

It's useful to summarize his family structure for future genealogists.

Sister Margaret McDowell - Murchland
Mary Murchland - James Potts
Sarah Murchland - William Drew
Martha Murchland - James Gordan
Margaret Murchland - Samuel Bobbin
Jane Murchland
Sister Mary McDowell - William Thompson
James Thompson
Mary Thompson
Jane Thompson
Brother McDowell - Jane Bruce

1762 Will of John McDowell

Source: WBE:16

In the name of God, Amen, I Reverend John MacDowell, Minister of the Parish of St. Philips, Brunswick, in the County of New Hanover and Province of North Carolina in America, being of perfect mind and memory blessed be God, but considering the shortness and uncertainty of this mortal life, do make this my last will and testament.
First, I bequeath my soul to Almighty God who gave it, in imitation of my blessed Lord and Savior who hath taught me saying, Father into thy hands I commend my spirit, St. Luke Chapter 4, verse 23, and my body to the ground, there to rest, till our Lord Jesus Christ shall come in His glorious majesty to judge the quick and the dead. And Oh may I then be found worthy to stand before Him and receive that joyful sentence, Well done Good and faithful servant. I will that I be buried if I die in this Parish or can be brought to Brunswick in my burying ground at the East end of the Church in Brunswick by the corpse of my late dear wife Sarah Macdowell which is paled in. And I desire that I may be buried in a decent and Christian like manner, according to the Liturgy of the Church of England, which in that, and in everything else is the one decent and best of any upon Earth. It is my particular desire that I be buried in the plainest manner possible for I have always looked on expensive funerals as very vain and silly; they hurt the living and do no real good to the dead and if a man has lived a virtuous good life, his friends and neighbors will mourn for him in their hearts, which is better than outward show and parade. ___ materials to bury me in with hand, vir. a shirt, drawers, stockings, and a prince’s stuff Cassock, which is all I desire to be buried in, and a plain coffin.
As to what wordly goods it hath pleased God to bless me with, I bequeath and dispose of in manner and form following.
Item: To my brother in law William Thompson of Belfast in Ireland, I leave and bequeath a legacy of ten pounds sterling (silver) to be paid him out of the money due to me from the Society for propagation of the Gospel for his fair of my _____ Mr. Bernard Thetford of Belfield near Belfast, I leave and bequeath the sum of ten pounds for his care of my Farm in Beaucamp to be paid to him out of the money coming to me from the society for the propagation of the Gospel.
Item: All my estate whether real or personal, whether in houses, lands, or slaves with my stock of cattle of every kind, one household furniture, books, with all my other goods of what kind soever, I die possessed of, all money lying by me, all money due to me, arrears of salary, with all other properties whatsoever to me appertaining, I give, devise, and bequeath to my most dearly beloved son John Baptist Macdowell, whom I greatly delight in, and am sincerely concerned for his pious education, and happiness, spiritual and temporal. I have wrote to the Venerable Society for the propagation of the Gospel concerning him, and if they will be so good to take him under their care, it is my will and desire, that he may be sent home to them with all I leave and bequeath to him. But if not, I leave him and all his fortunes to the care of His Excellency Arthur Dobbs, Governor of the Province of North Carolina and his uncle John Grange? Esq. of Bladen County and Richard Quince Esq. of Brunswick and his three sons, John, Richard, and Parker. And it is my desire and request that they give him a good education as his fortune will afford and that they will bring him up merchant, binding him apprentice to Capt. Quince or some of his sons, in preference to any other. Any my daily prayers, and which shall be the latest to the Almighty is to bless him and preserve him, and to prosper him and every one concerned with him.
It is my will and desire that the above named gentleman whom I do constitute and appoint executors of this my last will and testament, keep all my servants for the use of my dear son John Baptist Macdowell. And I enjoin him, as soon as he shall be capable of instruction, that he reuse them and observe the Doctrine and practice there recommended which I am truly convinced is according to the word of God. But above all things, I charge him on my blessing that he never neglect in the study and practices of it, which alone able to make him wise unto salvation. But if it should please God to take my son John Baptist in his minority, I leave and bequeath my fortune in this manner, viz: to Miss Jane Macdowell the daughter of Mrs. Eleanor Bruce of Castlerae near Belfast, I leave the sum of sixty pounds sterling (silver). And the remainder to be equally divided among the children of my late sister Margaret Murchland and my brother and sister Thompson and their Children every one being an equal part.
And I do hereby utterly revoke, disallow, and disannull all former bequeaths, wills, and legacies, by me heretofore in any wise left or made, declaring, ratifying, and confirming, this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and sixty two.
John Macdowell
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the within named testator John Macdowel to be his last will and testament in presence of us, who subscribed our names in presence of the said testator.
Christopher Camy (Cainy)
Jossu Calkins
John Brown?

William McDowell
Parents: Unknown

William McDowell [Unknown - c1767] married Joannah MNU. His 1767 Will mentions only his wife Joannah and no children. He appeared in the following court record.

On the Petition of Sarah Johnston who was Servant to Wm McDowell praying this Court would order said McDowell to pay her said freedom dues & clothes agreeable to Law.
Ordered that the said William McDowell pay to the said Sarah Johnston the sum of Five pounds procl money for her freedom dues & clothes.

NewHanoverCM: Thursday 6 March 1765

1767 Will of William McDowell

In the name of God Amen, I William McDowall late of New Hanover County in the province of North Carolina but now of the County of Cumberland in said province Taylor, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore. Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die: do make and ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say principally and first of all, I given and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor or Executors. Nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the power of Almighty God. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, bequeath, dispose and dispose of the same in the following manner and form (to wit)
Imprimis: I desire that my funeral charges and also my just debts may be discharged and payed.
Item: It is my desire that my land in New Hanover County and all other of my real estates to be sold first by my executor or executors in order to discharge the just debts that I am in due; and that one third of the rest of my estate I do hereby given and bequeath to my wife Joannah McDowall and in case of her dying before me, it is my will that the third bequeathed to her with all the remainder of my estate be and is hereby by me given and bequeathed to my trusty and well beloved friend James Simpson, his heirs and assigns, whom I do hereby appoint Executor and ordain the sole executor of this my last will and testament. And I do utterly disallow, revoke, and dissend all and every other former testaments and will, bargains, bequeaths, and executors, ones in any ways before named, willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred and sixty seven.
William McDoul
Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said William McDowall as his last will and testament in this presence of us the subscribers:
Archieala Romels?
Wm Howard
Goseph Sharp


Family of John McDowell

John McDowell
Parents: Unknown

John McDowell [c1765 - Aft 1815] married Sarah MNU [Bf 1775 - Aft 1815]. They had the following potential children.

William McDowell [c1790 - ]
John McDowell [1786/1791 - 8 September 1873]
Nancy McDowell [19 April 1802 - 30 March 1880]

The following is reported by McDowell but may not all be true.[McDowell, 452]

JOHN McDOWELL, b. 8/10/1758, in Ireland, came to America in 1774, d. near Oakville, Lawrence Co., Ala., 1/1/1841, was Rev. war soldier, first fighting in Maryland, then N. C. where he was taken prisoner of war. A pensioner. Owned land in Richmond Co., N. C., which he sold in 1803, and move to Ga., then to Kentucky, but arrived in north Alabama by the early 1820's. Liven in Madison, Morgan and Lawrence Counties. Hatter by trade. John m. SARAH THOMAS , 5/27/1790, in Marlboro Co., S. C., dau. of Philemon Thomas, and had 12 children. I have records for three only.

John and Sarah appeared in the following census records of Richmond County before a move to Kentucky.

1790 Census Richmond County NC
John McDowel

3 Males over 16: [John, James, John]
2 Females: [Sarah]

1800 Census Richmond County NC
John McDowel

3 Males 0-9: [William, John]
1 Male 10-15: [James]
1 Male 26-44: [John]
3 Females 0-9:
1 Female 26-44: [Sarah]

A small number of tax lists for Richmond County exist and John McDowell appears in each one as shown in the following table.

Tax Listings of John McDowell

1792 - 3 WP, 240 acres, Sheriff's Tax Book 1792
1793 - 2 WP, 240 acres
1795 - 2 WP, 240 acres

John served as a juror in Richmond County as shown in the following table. Since he needed to be 21 to serve, this indicates that he was born before 1767.

Table: Jury Service of John McDowell

July Term 1788, RichmondCM(1786-1792):117
July Term 1788, Venire next court, RichmondCM(1786-1792):125
January Term 1789, Grand Jury, RichmondCM(1786-1792):129
April Term 1789, RichmondCM(1786-1792):147
January Term 1791, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1786-1792):238
January Term 1792, RichmondCM(1786-1792):276
January Term 1792, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1786-1792):281
April Term 1792, Grand Jury, RichmondCM(1786-1792):283
July Term 1792, Venire next term:, RichmondCM(1786-1792):317
Thursday 17 January 1793, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Wednesday 10 April 1793, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Thursday 11 April 1793, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Friday 12 April 1793, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Wednesday 16 April 1794, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Wednesday 15 October 1794, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Wednesday 13 July 1796, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Tuesday 11 October 1796, Grand Jury, RichmondCM(1793-1797):None
Wednesday 15 January 1800, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None
Thursday 16 January 1800, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None
16 June 1803, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None

John appeared in an 1787 estate reocrd.

In Estate Solomon Strother Dr Waller Leak
1793 To paid John McDowell for a mare to his horse – £0.10.0
Oct 1793 attending the super Court Fayette suit Jno Colisman vs Solomon Strother – £4.0.0
Apl 1794 Oct 1794 Ditto Ditto – £6.0.0
Apl 1795 Ditto Ditto – £4.0.0
Apl 1796 Ditto Ditto – £7.0.0
1793 To bord and schooling two boys Strother 6 month – £ 16.0.0
£33.0.0. No. 6 £33.0.0.
[KM Abstract]
Richmond Probate Files: Solomon Strother 1787

In 1792, John McDowell of Richmond County was given a Power of Attorney. Note that Queen Anne County in Maryland is mentioned. His neighbors, the Covingtons, apparently came from that same county.

A Power of attorney from Samuel Wilkinson to John McDowel acknowledged in open Court &C ordered that the same be recorded which [runs] in the following words (to wit):
State of North Carolina, Richmond Court } Know all men by these presents that I Samuel Wilkinson of Montgomery County planter hath constituted & appointed my trusted friend John McDowel of Richmond County [Hatter?] (Irreversably) my attorney for me & in my name to Demand & receive of the representatives of Mary [or Many] Wiggins late of the County of Queen Anne in the State of Maryland all such sums of money as is due me from the said representatives of the said Mary, and in my name, sue, plead or be [impleaded] in any Court & in the State of Maryland in any matter relative to the said Business and recover and receive the same to his own proper use, for value received, as witness my hand and seal this Twelfth Day of October anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and ninty two.
Samuel Wilkinson
Signed, sealed & Delivered in presence of Taddy Robeswall, Wm Cupples Esqr

RichmondCM(1786-1792):332 12 October 1792

John was a defendant in a 1795 court case.

The Executors of Thomas Crawford vs John MacDowell & Samuel Thomas } Judgment confessed in open court for Seventy Seven Pounds Seven Shillings & Cost. £77.7.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Thursday 16 July 1795

Charles Adams was bound to John.

Ordered that Charles Adams be put in the care of John McDowell untill next court & then to be delivered to the court as he may be bound.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Tuesday 13 October 1795

On motion of John MacDowell, Charles Adams was bound to him untill the said Charles arrives of the age of twenty one years & gave bond agreeable to Law with Taddy Robinson security.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Thursday 14 January 1796

John was the surety for a bond in 1801.

Obediah Dumas resigned the guardianship of Benjn Dumas' orphans & Silas Dumas was appointed in his room & gave bond in the sum of five hundred Pounds with John Rains, John McDowell & Amos Dumas Security.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Wednesday 21 January 1801

John appeared in a number of road records.

Ordered that the following hands work under Henry Covington overseer of the road from the Catfish Road to Rockingham to wit: John Covington [Sr?], [List], Wm McDowell, John McDowel.
RichmondCM(1786-1792):77 January Term 1788

Ordered that Elias Gardner be appointed overseer of the Road from Hedgcock Creek Bridge to the Catfish road and make such alterations as he shall think proper respecting the straightning said Road and the following hands work thereon, [List] John McDowells hands and that they be discharged from working on any other Road. The said road is to go from said Bridge by Thomas Dockery's _uting house and from thence to the Grassy Islands Road.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Tuesday 12 April 1797

Ordered that the Sheriff summons the following persons as a Jury to lay off a road from hedgcock creek bridge crossing Crawford's Road near John McDowell's and from thence crossing Catfish road near Charles Huckeby's and from thence crossing Cartledges Creek near or above Thomas Dockery's and from thence crossing the Grassy Island road (viz) [List] William McDowell … and that they report to next Court.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Monday 10 July 1797

Ordered that Benjamin Long be appointed overseer of the Creek from Sneads ford to Crawford old mill and that the following persons work thereon, Viz: [List] John McDowell … .
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Thursday 24 July 1800

Ordered that William Hunt be appointed overseer of the road in the room of John McDowell & that the hands that worked under said McDowell work thereon.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Friday 23 January 1801

A number of court records report that John was a Captain in the local militia.

Ordered that the following persons be appointed Patrollers in Capt. Adams Company (to wit) //Tilotson Obrian, Capt. John MacDowell, Plummer Williams, Elijah Covington & Elijah Thomas.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Thursday 16 July 1795

Ordered that the following persons be appointed to take an Inventory of the taxable property in the County of Richmond for the year 1797, Viz [List] Capt McDowells, Benjamin Covington … and make return to the next Court.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Wednesday 13 April 1797

Agreeable to an order of our said Court passed at January Session 1797 directing the following Jury to lay off a road from Black Smith McRaes to Helch Cock Creek bridge we the subscribers do say that the best and nearest way is for said road to lead as follows beginning at McRae's thence to Capt McDowells Muster Ground, thence to Wm Longs, thence to Kenneth McKenzie's, thence to James Hunter's, thence the nearest and best was to Benjamin Long's on said Creek. William Long, John McDowell, Charles Smith, Kenneth McKenzie, Richd Adams, Nathanl Harrington, Benjamin Everett, William McDowell, Hugh McCall, Malcom MacDonald, Alexander McKenzie, James Hunter, Duncan McColl.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Thursday 14 April 1797

Ordd that the following persons be appointed to take inventories for the year 1800. John Wall for McDowels Company … .
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Saturday 18 January 1800

John was involved in a number of deeds. The two deeds from William Hunter of 120 acres and 118½ acres add up approximately to the 240 acres reported above in John's tax listings.

William Hunter Senr and wife Mary of Richmond Couty, planter, to John McDowell of same for £75, two tracts one granted Thomas Mason, other to Wm. Hunter Senr by patents dated 22 November 1771. 120 acres in Richmond County on Esat side of Smith's Branch. Beginning trees of the lands of William Colter deceased and runs up said Branch N45E 36 poles, thence S87E 162 poles, thence S45E 80 poles, thence S75W 215 poles, thence N70W 81 poles from thence to the beginning being N34E 80 poles. Signed William Hunter, Mary (X her mark) Hunter. Witnesses: Joseph White, Matthew Covington. Proved 1787 April Court.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBB:151-152 12 March 1787

A Deed from Wm. Hunter Sr to John McDowel and proved in open Court by the Oath of Matthew Covington ordered to be registered. Tax fee & registration fee Paid to Clerk.
RichmondCM(1786-1792):30 April Term 1787

William Hunter and wife Mary of Richmond County, planter, to John McDowell of same for £60, 118½ acres part of three tracts of land in Richmond County, formerly Anson County, in NE side of Peed Dee River in head of branches of sd fork of Cartleges Creek, one granted to Thomas Mason 5 December 1760 containing 140 acres now owned by William Hunter, other two granted William Hunter by patent 22 November 1771 containing 100 acres, second November 1771 containing 150 acres. Beginning at a stake in the fork of Smith's branch near a Gum and White Oak & Dogwood marked near the end of a line N88W 60 poles from sd Masons beginning and runs from thence N5E 113 poles or till it strikes sd Hunters home line, then N64E 50 poles, thence S45E 110 poles, thence S45W 15 poels, then S45E 120 poles, then N87W 220 poles or till it strikes near the run of Smiths branch, then N45E 28 poles to the beginning, up sd branch to the fork containing 118½ acres. Signed: William Hunter, Mary (X her mark) Hunter. Witnesses: Joseph White, Joseph Crew.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBB:244 15 July 1788

A Deed from Willian [Hunter] or & wife to John McDowel acknowledged in open Court, ordered to be registered &C. Tax fee paid
RichmondCM(1786-1792):112 July Term 1788

John McDowal of Richmond County NC to Henry Covington for £70, Negro Boy named Lemuel (otherwise lamb). Signed John McDowal. Acknowledged Mr. John McDowell1793 January Court.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBC:148-149 19 October 1792

State Grant to John McDonald/McDowell[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBD:623 13 December 1798

A deed from Richd Mason to Wm McDowell was duly proven in open court by the oath of John McDowell a subscribing witness thereto ordered to be registered.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Wednesday 11 January 1797

A deed from Benjamin Everett to Wm McDowell for 50 acres of land was duly proven in open court by the oath of John McDowell a subscribing witness thereto ordered to be registered &C.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Wednesday 11 January 1797

A deed from Benjamin Everett to William McDowell was duly proven in open court by the oath of John McDowell a subscribing witness thereto ordered to be registered.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Wednesday 11 January 1797

A Deed from Trustin Thomas to William Smith was proven by the Oath of John McDowel and ordered to be Registered.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Wednesday 15 September 1802

In 1803, John sells his property on the Pee Dee River in Richmond County to a William McDowell of Richmond County, the same person whose deeds he witnessed as reported above. Note that the tract contains 238½ acres and is the land bought by John in the two deeds from William Hunter in 1787 and 1788.

John McDowell to William McDowell for $800, three tracts in Richmond County on Northest side of Pee Dee River on the head of Smith's Branch of the S. Fork of Cartledges Creek - Beginning at stake in the S. Fork of Smith's Branch near gum & white Oak & dogwood near the end of a line N88W 60 poles from Mason beginning & running thence N5E 113 poles or till it strikes Hunters home line thence N69E 51 poles then S45E 110 poles, then S45W 15 poles, then S45E 120 N87W 220 poles till it strikes near then the run of Smith's Branch, Then N45E 28 poles to the beginning as also part of two tracts of land contiguous to the aforementioned, beginning at Swamp oak and maple standing in the edge of Smiths's Branch, being the beginning of the Land sold by William Hunter Sr. to Wm Cather and runs up said Smith Branch N45E 36 poles, then S87E 220 poles, thence S45E 8 poles, then S75W 215 poles, thence N70W 81 poles from thence to the beginning being N34E 80 poles containing in all the above described land 238½ acres except as is thought that the lines and courses of this deed may extend on lands "not included in the original titles or perhaps William Hunters lands in that case all that is on usch others surveys or on vacant land is excepted but the whole included within William Hunters Senr titles on the side of Smith's branch is intended to be included. Hereby confirmed to William McDowell his heirs & assigns forever. John McDowell (Seal). Witnesses Alexander Hunt, Mathew Covington. Filed September 1803.[KM Abstract]
RichmondF:235-236 5 January 1803

A deed from John McDowell to William McDowell was proven by the Oath of Matthew Covington ordered to be registered.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Wednesday 14 September 1803

After the sell of his land to William McDowell in 1803, we believe that John moved to Logan County KY and appeared in the following census records.

1810 Census Logan County KY
John McDowell

2 Males 0-9:
1 Male 10-15: [John]
1 Male 26-44: [John]
3 Females 0-9: [Nancy]
1 Females 10-15:
1 Female 16-25:
1 Female 26-44: [Sarah]

The next census record was apparently taken a short time later but in adjacent county. Warren County was created from Logan County in 1796.

1810 Census Warren County KY
John McDowell

2 Males 0-9:
2 Males 10-15:
1 Male 16-25: [John]
1 Male 45 over: [John]
2 Females 0-9: [Nancy]
1 Female 10-15:
2 Females 16-25:
1 Female 26-44: [Sarah]

In the 1800 Census, he reported three males between the ages of just born to under age 10. This translates to two young males just under age 10 in Logan County and a new born for a total of four males after the later census in Warren County. He reported three females between the ages of just born to under age 10 in 1800 and those three daughters show up between ten and nineteen in 1810. Between the two 1810 census records, John advances from 44 to 45 years old (birth year 1765) in agreement with our estimate of him being born before 1767. We believe that this analysis demonstrates approximate agreement between the 1800 Census of Richmond County and the two 1810 census records in Kentucky.
John appeared in the following property tax lists of Warren County KY showing the move from North Carolina to Kentucky between 1803 and 1805.

Table: Warren Tax Listings of John McDowell

1805 - 1 WP, 1H, P1
1806 - 1 WP, 2 H, P1
1807 - 1 WP, 2 H, P1
1808 - 1 WP, 3 H, P1
1809 - 1 WP, 4 H, P1, P2
1810 - Not found in list
1811 - 1 WP, 3 H, P1
1812 - 1 WP [blackened], 4 H, P1
1813 - 1 WP, 4 H, 1 Stud @$3, P1
1814-1822 - Not found in listings
1823 - 1 WP, 3 H, TV $160

WP = White Male Tithable above 21
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
A1, A2, A3 = Acres of first, second, and third rate land
P1 = 200 A1 or A3, Warren County, Watercourse Rush Grove / Barrens / Drakes Creek, Entry name Bennet Wood
P2 = 45½ A1, Warren County, Watercourse Drakes Creek, Entry name L. Hudspeth

We believe that the tax listing for 1823 is not him but another John McDowell.
By 1815, John sells the following two tracts of land in Warren County, but we have not determined how he came into possession of the land.

John McDowell and wife Sarah of Warren County to Joseph Moore of same for $100, 60 acres in Warren. Beginning at a double Black Oak in Andrew M. Williams line being a corner of said McDowell 200-acre survey & also corner to John Mulanthys 200-acre survey running with sd Mulanthys line S60E 180 poles to 4 Black Jacks, thence S40W 64 poles to 3 Black Jacks, thence N56W 166 poles joining on Abner Robinsons line, thence with sd line N30E 50 poles to the beginning. Signed: John McDowell, Sarah McDowell. Witnesses: Benjamin Burns, David D. Robertson, Wm Skiles. Recorded 6 May 1816.[KM Abstract]
WarrenDB7.293-295 3 January 1815

John McDowell and wife Sally to William Skiles, all of Warren County, for $800, 150 acres in Warren on waters of Barrens River. Beginning at a Post Oak on Cragham Military survey called the Rich Pond running thence S30W 16 poles to a stake, thence with the new road S2W 110 poles to a Red Oak and Red Oak bush on John Whitleith 400-acre location adjoining to where his now lives, thence S1W 27 poles to a stake and Red Oak bush, thence East 84 poles to a stake on a branch, thence down with the main current of said branch to two White Oaks standing on the West bank of the branch, thence with Polly Davidsons line N10E 62 poles to a Post Oak, thence with her other line N40E 171 poles to a stake, thence N56W 120 poles a stake supposed to be Richard Collins corner, thence with his line S27W 140 poles to a Black Jack on or near Cragham line, thence S15E 22 poles to the beginning. Signed: John McDowell. Recorded 1 May 1815.[KM Abstract]
WarrenDB6:486-487 23 March 1815

After 1815, we find no other records for John or his family in Logan or Warren Counties of Kentucky.

William McDowell

William McDowell [c1790 - Unknown] was married by the 1820 Census.

1820 Census Logan County KY
William McDowell

1 Male 0-9:
1 Male 26-44: [William]
1 Female 0-9:
1 Female 26-44:

John McDowell

John McDowell [1786/1791 NC - 8 September 1873 MAS/FG] married first to Dolly Flood on 26 October 1809 in Sumner County TN with bondsman William Short. She apparently died and he married next to Hannah McAllister [1791 - 1831] on 14 June 1813 in Shelby County KY. John and Hannah had the following children.

Wiley McDowell [1814 - 22 January 1872]
James McDowell [c1820 - ]
John Wesley "Jack" McDowell [1824 - 20 September 1897 NHC/FG] married Rachel Isabelle Williams [1822 - 1858 in Cape Fair, Stone County MO] on 27 December 1840 in Sumner County TN with bondsman Adam Thompson. After her death, he married Malinda Jane (Boyd) Garrison [1837 - 25 December 1911 Van Buren, Crawford AR] in 1867
Henry McDowell [1 September 1825 - 6 July 1904]
Nancy C. McDowell [c1829 - 19 March 1900 BTH/FG] married first to J.B. Lewis on 1847 in Simpson County KY, second to Joel Clemmons on 24 October 1850 in Sumner County TN, and third to Ralph Hughs on 1 April 1856 in Simpson County KY.

After Hannah's death, he married Mary Francis "Fannie" Stuart [12 July 1812 - 20 July 1895 MAS/FG] and had the following children.

William M. McDowell [16 March 1837 - 30 August 1905 Cedar KY LIN/FG] married Mary Elizabeth "Bettie" Brown [11 July 1838 Macon Cty TN - 15 January 1909 LIN/FG]
Thomas Ephraim McDowell [21 May 1839 - 7 July 1912] in Laurencey Cty KY?
Mary Francis McDowell [4 December 1839 - 7 February 1923 LOU/FG] married William T. Bell [8 September 1834 - 7 February 1869 EBZER/FG]
Julia Ann McDowell [23 February 1842 - 30 August 1925 FVW/FG] married William Dudley Cardwell [16 December 1842 - 5 February 1926 FVW/FG] in 1867 in Sumner County TN.
Hampton McDowell [12 August 1844 - 17 February 1939 LOU/FG] married Elizabeth Almeda Peden [1852 - 1934 LOU/FG] on 15 October 1867 in Gallatin, Sumner County TN.
Thomas Wesley McDowell [15 March 1848 - 19 May1917 WAV/FG] married Julia Brizendine [1852 - ] in 1869.
Melvina Jane McDowell [April 1849 - August 1890 MAS/FG] married Jessee Cummings [August 1846 - April 1913 MAS/FG]
King Daniel McDowell [28 March 1852 - 14 January 1930 BIRD/FG] married Janie E. Jenkins [5 January 1862 - 5 April 1916 BIRD/FG]

John appeared in the following census records.

1820 Census Simpson County KY
John McDowell

1 Male 0-9: [Wiley]
1 Male 26-44: [John]
1 Female 0-9: [Unknown]
1 Female 16-25: [Hannah]

1830 Census Simpson County KY
John McDowell

1 Male 0-4: [Henry]
2 Males 5-9: [James, John]
1 Male 15-19: [Wiley]
1 Male 40-49: [John]
1 Female 0-4: [Nancy]
1 Female 30-39: [Hannah]

1840 Census Simpson County KY
John McDonell

1 Male 0-4: [William]
1 Male 10-14: [Henry]
1 Male 15-19: [John]
1 Male 40-49: [John]
1 Female 0-4: [Mary Francis]
1 Female 10-14: [Nancy]
1 Female 30-39: [Francis]

1850 Census Simpson County KY

John McDowell - 61 M - Farmer - NC
F. - 40 F - KY
N. - 21 F - KY
Wm - 14 M - KY
M. F. - 12 F - KY
T. A. - 9 F - KY
H. - 6 M - KY
F. W. - 4 M - KY
M. J. - 2/12 F - KY
S. Willis - 12 M - TN

1860 Census Simpson County KY
Post Office Franklin

John McDowell - 70 M - Farmer - NC
Francis - 50 F - KY
Julia - 18 F - KY
Hampton - 15 M - Laborer - KY
Thomas - 14 M - KY
Lavina - 11 F - KY
Daniel - 9 M - KY

1870 Census Simpson County KY
Lake Spring, PO Franklin

John McDowell - 82 M - Farmer - NC
Fannie - 50 F - Keepin House - KY
Thomas - 21 M - KY
Julia - 18 F - TN
King D. - 16 M - Works on Farm - KY

John appeared in the following tax lists of Simpson County accessed through 1850. The amount of acerage in the tract P1 changes from 80 acres and we include those different values in the table below.

Table: Tax Listings of John McDowell

1819 - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $75
1820 - 1 WP, 1 Voter, 2 H, TV $80
1821 - 1 WP, 1 Voter, 2 H, TV $150
1822 - 1 WP, 1 Voter
1823 - 1 WP, 3 H, P1 $3 PA, TV $490
1824 - 1 WP, 1 H, P1 $3 PA, TV $360
1825 - 1 WP, 2 H, P1 $3 PA, TV $400
1826 - 1 WP, 3 H, P1 $3 PA, TV $465
1826 - 1 WP, 3 H, P1 $3 PA, TV $465
1827 - 1 WP, 2 H, P1 $2 PA, TV $260
1828 - 1 WP, 2 H, P1 $3 PA, TV $390
1829 - 1 WP, 2 H, P1 $2 PA, TV $253
1830 - 1 WP, 2 H, 74 A3 (P1) $2 PA, TV $248
1831 - 1 WP, 1 Voter, 3 H, 74 A3 (P1) $2 PA, TV $228
1832 - No Tax Book
1833 - 1 WP, 3 H, P1 $2 PA, TV $250
1834 - No Tax Book
1835 - 1 WP, 2 H, 74 A3 (P1) $2 PA, TV $282
1836 - No Tax Book
1837 - [blank] WP, 3 H $150, 1 C $10, P1 $240, TV $400
1838 - 1 WP, 1 Voter, 4 H $172, 64 A (P1) $192, TV $367
1839 - 1 WP, 3 H $225, 2 C $10, 130 A (P1) $260, TV $395
1840 - 1 WP, 2 H $110, 3 C $30, 75 A (P1) $225, 2 Child between 7 and 17, TV $360
1841 - 1 WP, 2 H $90, 1 C $10, 75 A (P1) $225, 2 Child between 7 & 17, TV $325
1842 - 1 WP, 5 H $200, 1 C $10, P1 $240, 2 Child between 7 & 17, TV $450
1843 - 1 WP, 6 H $150, 75 A (P1) $225, 2 Child between 7 & 17, TV $375
1844 - 1 WP, 5 H $150, 74 A (P1) $370, 5 Child between 5 & 16, TV $520
1845 - 1 WP, 4 H $100, 64 A (P1) $192, 3 Child between 5 & 16, TV $292
1846 - 1 WP, 4 H $150, 65 A (P1) $195, 2 Child between 5 & 16, TV $345
1847 - 1 WPV, 4 H $100, 70 A (P1) $210, 3 Child between 5 & 16, Value under the Equalization Law $500, TV $810
1848 - 1 WPV, 3 H $100, 1 C $10, P1 $200, 3 Child between 5 & 16, Value under the Equalization Law $400, TV $710
1849 - 1 WP, 3 H $120, C $10, P1 $200, 4 Child between 5 & 16, Value under the Equalization Law $100, TV $420
1850 - 1 WP, 3 H $100, 75 A (P1) $300, 3 Child between 5 & 16, TV $400

WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
C = Cattle
A1, A2, A3 = Acres of first, second, or third rate land
PA = Price per acre
P1 = 80 A3, Simpson County, Watercourse Drake's Creek, Entry Name: Richard Thompson, Survey: James Butler, Patent: Wm Hunt/Nathan Mobley
TV = Total Value of Taxable Property

On Thursday 16 April 1829, John McDowell was a juror in Simpson County KY.[9]
John McDowell was a survey chain carrier on 27 September 1823 in Simpson County for William Hammond.[10]. On the same date, he appeared in the following survey.

Surveyed for Jas. K. McGoodwin, assee. of Francis Roulhas assee. of Wm. Stewart 50 a. of land by virtue of part of KLOW No. 8368 granted to Stewart for 250 a. on the west side of Barren Fork of Drakes Creek, Mentioned in the survey: survey of John McDowel; 5 cherry trees in a sink; 100 a. survey Jas. K. McGoodwin; 65 a survey of William Hammond; corner of Eli Northham; Elijah Noel and Asa Cummings HK; John McDowel and Elijah Noel CC; Eli Northham M; Jas. K. McGoodwin SSC.

In a similar manner, he appeared in Simpson County Surveyor's Book 2.

John Doe on demise of Francis Rolack Agt, Richard Roe alias N. N. Rutlage. Agreeable on an order of the Simpson Circuit Court Oct. term 1828. Mentioned: R. D. Moore and William Bogan tenants in possession: 450 a. survey made in the name of Francis Rolack on Ky. land office warrent; post oak and red oak shown by Vincent L. Lewis and John Gautier; John Guntier and John McDowell CC; Harpers Line; Sanfords Duncan's line; William Lowe, Sanford Duncan, and John McDowell show the line where Walkers line crosses the road leading from Louisville to Nashville as the place each state had acted upon as the State line between Ky. and Tenn. for many years; beach near the barron fork of Drakes Creek pointed out as the State line as acted up to by both states. W. H. McGoodwin DS for Jas. K. McGoodwin SSC.

Wiley McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Hannah McAllister

Wiley McDowell [1814 - 22 January 1872 CAPE/FG] married first to Margaret Williams on 1832 in Simpson County KY and second to Nancy Bassett [1824 - 1872] on 3 October 1854 in Stone County MO and she was first married to Hugh Dennis about 1847.
Wiley purchased 43 acres across the state line in Sumner County TN in 1837 and then sold it to his brother James in 1839 shortly after James married Lucinda Beasley in Sumner County.

Alexander Maberry of Sumner County to Wilie/Willey McDowell of Sumner County for $90, [No acreage specified] in Sumner County beginning at 2 Hickories southwest corner to 100-acre survey made in the name of Jesse Skein and on Rutledges line running then West with Cuthages line 70 poles to a Black Jack NE corner to Elisha Barnards and begining corner to Ruth Barnard 100-acre survey, thence North with the line of sd 100-acre survey 100 poles to a Post Oak & small Hickory corner to the same, thence East 70 poles to a Black Jack, thence South with Jesse Skeins West boundary line 100 poles to the beginning. Witnesses: Randolph Maberry, Wm Chapit. Acknowledged 17 October 1837. Registered 21 November 1837.[KM Abstract]
SumnerDB15:461 25 February 1835

Wiley McDowell to James McDowell for $70, 43 acres in Sumner County on Drakes Creek. See SumnerDB15:461 for metes and bounds. Witnesses: John Guntier, Adam Thompson. Acknowledged August 1840. Registered 20 August 1840.[KM Abstract]
SumnerDB17:142-143 21 September 1839

James McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Hannah McAllister

James McDowell [c1820 - ] married Lucinda Beasley on 30 June 1839 in Sumner County TN. They appeared in the following census record.

1840 Census Sumner County TN
James McDowell

1 Male 20-29: [James]
1 Female 20-29: [Lucinda]

Henry McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Hannah McAllister

Henry McDowell [1 September 1825 - 6 July 1904 MHILL/FG] married first to Margaret Hinton [14 March 1826 - 24 November 1907 CUMM/FG] on 17 September 1845 in Sumner County TN and divorced her on 7 November 1850. He married Georgie Ann Johnson on 2 February 1879 in Sumner County TN.

1850 Census Simpson County KY

U. J. Hammond - 35 M - Farmer - KY
V. J. - 29 F - KY
A. C. - 5 F - KY
E. J. - 4/12 F - KY
Henry McDowel - 24 M - Laborer - KY

Henry appeared in the following tax lists of Simpson County accessed through 1850.

Table: Simpson Tax Listings of Henry McDowell.

1846 - 1 H $25, TV $25
1847 - 1 WPV, 1 H $30, TV $30
1848 - 1 WPV
1849 - 1 WP
1850 - 1 WP, Value under the Equalization Law $200, TV = $200

WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
TV = Total Value of Taxable Property

Nancy McDowell

Nancy McDowell [19 April 1802 - 30 March 1880 MAS/FG] married Sherwood Massey [17 September 1801 VA - 2 October 1852 MAS/FG]. They had the following children.[McDowell, 507]

Elizabeth J. Massey [29 November 1825 - 19 January 1908 HAM/FG] married Umphrey L. Hammond [30 April 1814 - 26 August 1906 HAM/FG] on 23 December 1852 in Simpson County KY.
Nancy Ann Massey [13 May 1828 - 1872 MAS/FG] married first to James N. Bell [26 September 1832 - 27 June 1870] and next to UNK Clarke.
John Massey [28 May 1831 - 27 December 1905 FVIEW/FG] married Mary Frances Greer [18 February 1838 - 14 February 1921 FVIEW/FG], the daughter of Solomon Greer and Alphiah MNU, on 13 November 1855 in Simpson County KY.
Mary Catherine Massey [9 March 1833 - 26 February 1894 MAS/FG] married John White [1 July 1826 - 12 September 1885 MAS/FG], the son of William White and Sarah MNU, on 24 November 1855.
William Massey [12 November 1836 - 11 June 1905 MAS/FG] married first to Margaret E. Bell [18 November 1841 - 28 February 1871] on 13 November 1863 in Sumner County TN and second to Fannie Elizabeth Hooper [18 November 1842 - 20 February 1921 MAS/FG], the daughter of Lucinda Hooper, in 1871.
Martha M. Massey married George W. Lee [12 November 1842 - ]

Nancy and Sherwood appeared in the following census records.

1850 Census Simpson County KY

S. Massee - 48 M - Farmer - VA
N. - 48 F - NC
E. - 24 F - KY
N. - 21 F - IL
J. - 19 M - Farmer - KY
M. - 16 F - KY
Wm. - 13 M - KY
M. M. - 10 F - KY
Sarah Williams - 80 F - MD
S. - 20 M - KY
T. - 7 M - KY

1860 Census Simpson County KY

Nancy Massy - 58 F - Farmer - NC
William - 22 M - Laborer - KY
Martha M. - 19 F - KY
John White - 17 M - Laborer - TN

1870 Census Simpson County KY

William Massy - 33 M - Farmer - KY
Margaret E. - 28 F - Keeping House - TN
L. P. Heffington - 15 F - KY
Nancy Massey - 68 F - NC
Clem Brown - 15 M B - Works on farm - TN

The most important point about these census records is that Nancy consistently reports that she was born in North Carolina in agreement with our assignment of this branch of McDowells as coming from Richmond County NC.

Family of William McDowell

William McDowell

William McDowell [Bf 1765 - ] married Sarah "Sally" Covington, the daughter of John Covington. Proof of Sarah's parentage is found in the 1803 Will of John Covington. According to William's Will, he and Sarah had the following children.

Elizabeth McDowell [c1790 - Aft 1870 Pickens Cty AL] married Jesse Cother [1785 - 16 October 1839 BANY/FG], the son of William Cother and Hannah Covington (likely also the daughter of John Covington and therefore Elizabeth's aunt), about 1807.
Mary "Polly" McDowell
Nancy McDowell

William appeared in the following census records.

1790 Census Richmond County NC
William McDowel

1 Male over 16: [William]
3 Females:

1800 Census Richmond County NC
William McDowel

2 Males 0-9: [John, James]
1 Male 26-45:
2 Females 0-9:
1 Female 10-15:
1 Female 16-26: [Sarah]

1810 Census Richmond County NC
William McDowel

1 Male 10-16: [James]
1 Male 16-25: [John]
1 Male 45 over: [William]
1 Female 0-9:
1 Female 10-15:
1 Female 45 over: [Sarah]

A small number of tax lists for Richmond County exist and William appears on them as shown in the following table.

Table: Tax Listings of William McDowell

1790 - 1 WP, 111 acres
1792 - 2 WP, 111 acres, Sheriff's Tax Book for 1792 (last half of bk. 1793), An Inventory for district No. 1 by John McFarland
1795 - 2 WP, 150 acres
1806 - 520 acres

William was discharged from paying taxes in 1806.

Ordered that Wm McDowell be discharged from paying for 153½ acres of Land being [overged] in tax book for 1806.
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None Tuesday 29 January 1808

William served as a juror in Richmond County as shown in the following table.

Table: Jury Service of William McDowell

April Term 1788, Venire next Court, RichmondCM(1786-1792):96
July Term 1788, RichmondCM(1786-1792):112
January Term 1789, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1786-1792):142
January Term 1790, RichmondCM(1786-1792):178
January Term 1790, Juror: Wm McDowell, RichmondCM(1786-1792):183
January Term 1791, RichmondCM(1786-1792):232
Tuesday 8 January 1802, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None
Tuesday 14 September 1802, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None
Wednesday 15 September 1802, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None
Wednesday 14 September 1803, Venire next term, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None
Monday 12 December 1803, Grand Jury, RichmondCM(1800-1804):None
Tuesday 10 June 1806, RichmondCM(1804-1808):None
Tuesday 21 April 1807, RichmondCM(1804-1808):None
Thursday 21 July 1808, Venire next Superior Court, RichmondCM(1804-1808):None

William served as surety for the future executor of his Will.

Matthew Covington was appointed Guardian of his children by giving Bond with John Wall and William McDowell Securities agreeable to Law.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Wednesday 14 September 1803

He apparently owed money for having stray animals.

Wm Thomas ranger made his return. The following appears due on stray beasts for 1803, 1804 & 1805, [List]
Wm McDowell – £1.10.4.

RichmondCM(1804-1808):None 1806 [Date uncertain]

William appeared on numerous court orders related to county roads. The descriptions of where he lived match with deed records presented below.

Ordered that the following hands work under Henry Covington overseer of the road from the Catfish Road to Rockingham to wit: John Covington [Sr?], [List], Wm McDowell, John McDowel.
RichmondCM(1786-1792):77 January Term 1788

Ordered that [List] Wm MacDowell … be appointed Jurors to view & lay off a road the best & nearest way from the ford of Mountain Creek at the ford that is called the new road ford above Owen Haughton/Slaughton Mill to Rockingham and report to the next Court.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Tuesday 12 April 1796

Ordered that the Sheriff summons the following persons as a Jury to lay off a road from hedgcock creek bridge crossing Crawford's Road near John McDowell's and from thence crossing Catfish road near Charles Huckeby's and from thence crossing Cartledges Creek near or above Thomas Dockery's and from thence crossing the Grassy Island road (viz) [List] William McDowell … and that they reprot to next Court.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Monday 10 July 1797

Ordered that Elijah Morris be appointed overseer of the road from Rockingham the four places at Adams crossing Hulehcock at Crawsons old mill and that the following persons work thereon Viz; [List] Wm McDowell, John Covington … .
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Thursday 24 July 1800

Ordered that Laurence Everett be appointed overseer of the road from the bridge on helchcock Creek to Calfish road in the room of William Hunt and that the following hands work thereon [List] William McDowell.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Thursday 17 March 1803

Ordered that Thomas Dockery be appointed overseer of the road from Catledges Creek near Benjn Covington's to the crossroads near Wm McDowells and that the following hands work thereon (Viz) [List] William McDowell.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Thursday 15 March 1804

Ordered that Thomas Dockery be appointed overseer of the road from Cartledges Creek nean Benjamin Covington to the crossroads near William McDowells and that the following hands work thereon, to wit: [List] William McDowell.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Wednesday 13 June 1804

Ordered that Isaac Mason be appointed overseer of the road from Cartledges Creek to the crossroad near William McDowells and that the following hands work thereon, to wit: [List] Wm McDowell.
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None Wednesday 13 March 1805

Ordered that William McDowell be overseer of the road from Carthedges Creek to the crossroad near said McDowells and that the following hands work thereon, to wit: [List] Wm McDowell.
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None Tuesday 11 March 1806

Ordered that William McDowell be overseer of the road from Cartledges Creek to the crossroad near said McDowell and that the following hands work thereon: [List]
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None Tuesday 10 June 1806

Ordered that George Heckes be appointed overseer of the road from Cathedges to the crossroads near Wm McDowell and that the following hands work thereon, to wit: [List] Wm McDowell.
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None Tuesday 21 April 1807

Ordered that the following jury examine the road that runs on Michael Dockerys Land and turn which every way they please so they make it a good passable way & do Michael Dockery as little injury as possable. [List] Wm McDowell.
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None Tuesday 29 January 1808

Ordered that Benjamin Covington (Jno) be appointed overseer of the road from the Bridge on Helchcock Creek near Dockery __ to the fork of the road near William McDowells & the following hands work thereon, to wit: [List]
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None Thursday 21 July 1808

Ordered that Benjamin Covington be overseer of the road from the bridge on Hitchcock to Wm McDowells & work the following hands viz, [List] Wm McDowell & hands.
RichmondCM12(1809-1819):None Thursday 23 March 1809

The following deeds involve William.

A Deed from Wm MacDowel to Daniel Smith was duly proved in open Court by the oath of Wm Hunter Senr ordered to be Registered &C.
RichmondCM(1786-1792):317 July Term 1792

Benjamin Everitt of Richmond County NC, planter, to William McDowell of same for £60, 100 acres in Richmond County on Baggits branch of Carteledge Creek, part of tract granted John Covington by 9 August 1787 patent and to Everitt 6 January 1789. Beginning at a marked Pine in the third line of said Survey and runs thence S3W 24 chains 95 links to a Red Oak and White Oak having two pointers, then S80W untill it intersects the first line of said tract, then with the first line of said tract N31W 39 chains to a White Oak in Thomas Dockery line on a point of a stone ridge, thenc N45E 20 chains to a Red Oak saplin, then S68E to the beginning. Signed: Benjamin (B his mark) Everett. Witnesses: B. Hunter, John McDowell. Proven by John McDowell January Sessions 1796.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBE:76-78 16 January 1793

A deed from Benjamin Everett to William McDowell was duly proven in open court by the oath of John McDowell a subscribing witness thereto ordered to be registered.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Wednesday 11 January 1797

Benjamin Everitt of Richmond County NC, planter, to William McDowell of same for £12, 50 acres in Richmond County on Baggets branch. Beginning at a pine a red Oak and Pine pointer said to be John Covington third corner and runs N60W 38 poles to a stake and two Red Oak pointers Dockerys corner, then S40W 52 poles to a stake two Red Oak pointers on a stone ridge, then S16E 36 poles to a White Oak Covingtons corner, then as his line N45E 80 poles to a stake near the first corner, then S60E 200 poles to a __, then N19E 60 poles to a corner, thence N80W 200 poles to the beginning. Signed: Benjamin (B his mark) Everitt. Witnesses: Jno McDowell, Matthew Covington.
Certified by John McDowell, January Ses. 179_
[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBE:62-64 30 July 1793

A deed from Benjamin Everett to Wm McDowell for 50 acres of land was duly proven in open court by the oath of John McDowell a subscribing witness thereto ordered to be registered &C.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Wednesday 11 January 1797

Richard Mason of Richmond County NC, planter, to William McDowell of same for £5, 10 acres part of a 50 acre tract granted Thomas Dockery Junior in 1791 on Cartiledges Creek. Beginning at a Red Oak with som Black Jack pointers on the top of a hill the beginning tree of said tract and running thence with the first line S60E 38 poles, then with second lien S85E 40 poles or to a branch, then down with the meanders of the branch to the home line of the said tract, then with the home line to the beginning. Signed: Richard Mason. Witnesses: Saml Everitt Jur., John MacDowell. Proved by John MacDowell January Session 1797.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBE:87-88 23 September 1794

A deed from Richd Mason to Wm McDowell was duly proven in open court by the oath of John McDowell a subscribing witness thereto ordered to be registered.
RichmondCM(1793-1797):None Wednesday 11 January 1797

Lauchlin McKinnon high Sheriff of Richmond County to Thomas Dockery, of same. Exclusive of the ten acres sold to Wm. McDowell.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBE:124 16 May 1798

William McDowell to John Covington both of Richmond County NC for £74, 160 acres in the County of Richmond which was granted to John Covington by Patent Aug. 9, 1787. Beginning at a marked Pine in the third line of said survey and runs thence S(19)W 24.25 chains to a Red Oak and White Oak having some Pines pointers, then S80W until it intersects the first line of said Tract, then with the first line of said Tract N31W 39 chains to a White Oak on Thomas Dockery's line on a Pine on a stoney ridge, then N45E 20 chains to a Red Oak saplin, then S60E to the beginning. Also another tract on North side of Baggetts Branch beginning at a Pine a Red Oak and Pine pointers said to be John Covington's 3rd corner and runs N60W 88 poles to a stake and two Red Oaks pointers Dockery's corner, then S40W 52 poles to a stake two Red Oaks pointers on a stony ridge, then S16E 36 poles to a White Oak Covingtons corner, then as his line N45E 80 poles to a stake near the first corner, then S60E 200 poles to a corner, then N19E 60 poles to a corner, then N80W 200 poles to the beginning containing 50 acres. Also another tract from Thomas Dockery to Richard Mason in Richmond County on the waters of Cartledges Creek beginning at a Red Oak with some Black Jacks pointers on the top of a hill the beginning tree of said tract and running thence with the first line S60E 38 poles, then with said line S80E 40 poles to a branch, then down the various courses of said branch to the home line of the said branch, then with the home line to the beginning containing 10 acres. Wm McDowell. Test: John Smith, Wm Coulther. Filed March Term 1807.[KM Abstract]
RichmondDBG:228-229 10 January 1807

A Deed from Wm McDowell to John Covington proven by William Cother ordered to be registered.
RichmondCM(1804-1808):None 1806 [Date uncertain]

A Deed from Henry Adcock to John Clemans was proven in open Court & by the Oath of William McDowel and ordered to be Registered.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Wednesday 15 September 1802

A deed from John McDowell to William McDowell was proven by the Oath of Matthew Covington ordered to be registered.
RichmondCM(1800-1804):None Wednesday 14 September 1803

William died in late 1811.

The last Will & Testament of Wm McDowel decd was duly proven in open Court by the oath of Mathew Covington. Mathew Covington quailified Executor &C.
RichmondCM12(1809-1819):None Friday 20 September 1811

1811 Will of William McDowell

Source: RichmondWB1:146-147

In the Name of God Amen, Sept 1811, I William McDowell of the State of North Carolina in the County of Richmond being of Sound mind and a memory do make and Ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following to wit Imprimis I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Sally McDowell during her widowhood all my lands with all their Improvements and Advantages whatsoever lands lying in the head of the South fork of Cartledges Creek at her Marriage if it ever should happen my will is that she have One half of my aforesaid lands divided at the discretion of my Executor likewise during her widowhood all my Personal Estates Stocks of all kinds whatsoever at her marriage if ever it is should happen my will is that my wife have one Sixth part of the above mentioned Personal Estate Stocks be at her disposal forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Two sons John McDowell & James McDowell all my lands as above described to be divided at the discretion of my Executors John McDowell my Eldest son to have his part When the marriage of my wife should happen if it never should happen at her death by paying my Executor fifty dollars for the Use of other Children my son James McDowell Excepted.
Item my Will is that my son James McDowell have his part of my Lands at his mothers death and that my Wife if she continues in her widowhood shall have all the lands and personal Estate that I may be possessed with at my Death at her discretion and that if at her marriage she have my son James part during her natural life. My will is that my son James McDowell at receiving his Equal share of my lands pay fifty dollars for the Use of any daughters to be distributed by my Executors.
In the last place I have to My three daughters Elisabeth, Polly & Nancy all my personal Estate at my Wifes marriage or death with what my two sons quotas of fifty dollars for their use to be divided between the aforesaid three daughters with twenty five dollars that I bequeath to my granddaughter Julia Cother to be taken out of the my Personal Estate after paying all Just debts.
In witness I have hereunto Subscribed my name in Presence of My Subscribing witness.
William McDowel
I appoint Mattw Covington & John Denson Exrs to this my last will.
Signed in presence of us Mattw Covington
John Smith

1803 Will of John Covington

Source: RichmondWB1:134-136

In the name of God Amen I John Covington of the County of Richmond in the State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God for his mercies do this tweleth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say, First I given and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Covington fifty acres of land adjoining the Bell field & fresh field during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between my sons John and Benjamin Covington, and I also give to my wife Nancy Covington three negroes namely Judy, Harry & Polly together with all their increase if any there should be during her natural life, and at her death to be divided between my nine children namely John, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Ann, William, Rebecca, Henry, Thomas, & James as for to my wife Nancy Covington should think best and entirely at her discretion. I also give to my wife Nancy Covington one horse bridle and saddle, three cows and calves together with all my household kitchen furniture and plantation tools of every description during her natural life and at her death to be divided at her discretion as before mentioned between my nine children namely John, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Ann, William, Rebecca, Henry, Thomas & James.
Item. I given and bequeath to my son Mathew Covington the tract of land whereon I now live that is to say all the land I own on the north side of the south fork.
Item. My will and desire is that my negro man Moses should be sold to the highest bidder and the money arising from the sale should be equally divided between my three daughters namely Hannah Covington, Molly Thomas, and Sally McDowell.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son John Covington a tract of land adjoining Henry Covington then down the south fork to the mouth of a small branch between the bell field and the fresh field, then up the said branch to the head, then with a direct course to the line. Also one negro woman named Tamer. And my will and desire is that my son John Covington shall have Tamars three children namely Lucy, Rachel and Isabell together with all her other increase if any there should be in order that the family of negroes should not be separated provided that he would pay to the different legatees that is to say pay to the children of my last wife and presnet wife Nancy their proportionable share of whatever sum of money my Executors hereafter named should think Tamars children to be worth and in order to make the value of their different equal and if my son John Covington should think proper not to do so I wish my Executors to sell all the children Tamar now has or will have untill my death to the highest bidder among the children of my last & present wife Nancy Covington and not to sell them out of the family of children by my last wife. And my will and desire is that my Executors hereafter named should have full power to make such and all other contracts as they my think proper in the management of all my affairs.
Item. I given and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Cole one negro woman named Lucy to her and her heirs forever. Also one cow and calf.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin a tract of land lying on the south fork adjoining Edwin Williams line also adjoining John Covingtons line, __ bed also one negro boy named Tom.
Item. I given and bequeath to my son William Covington one negro boy named Jesee.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann Thomas one negro boy named Charles and one feather bed and furniture also one cow & calf.
Item. I lend to my daughter Rebecca Smith one negro girl named Betty during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided with all her increase if any there should be between all the children of her body lawfully begotten also one feather bed & furniture and one cow & calf.
I give and bequeath to my three sons William, Henry and Thomas Covington three hundred acres of land lying in Anson County to be equally divided between them. I give and bequeath to my son Henry Covington one negro boy named Bob.
Item. I give & bequeath to my son Thomas Covington one negro boy named George. Also one horse briddle & saddle & bridle.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Covington one negro boy named Richmond also one horse saddle and bridle.
And lastly I hereby appoint make and ordain my trusty friends John Wall Senr, John Wall Junr, and John Snead Executors to this my last will and testament to act with all that discretionary which to them in their judgment seems best. In witness whereof I the said John Covington have to this my last will and testament set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written.
John (X his mark) Covington
Signed, sealed and delivered by the said John Covington Testator in the presence of
Moses Chambers
Stephen Cole
Peter H. Cole
North Carolina, Richmond County } January Session 1809
Then the within last will and testament of John Covington Senr was duly proven in open Court by Moses Chambers ordered to be recorded. John Wall Junr qualified as Executor.
Wm O Leak Clk

John McDowell
Parents: William McDowell and Sarah MNU

John McDowell appeared on the following tax list following the death of his father in late 1811.

1812 - 1 WP, 360 acres

James McDowell
Parents: William McDowell and Sarah MNU

James McDowell sold the following tracts of land, the first two tracts were first purchased by John McDowell from William Hunter and then sold by John to James' father William in deed RichmondDBF:235.

James McDowel to Israel Watkins both of Richmond County NC for $350, whereon James McDowel now lives. Beginning at a stake in the fork of Smith's branch a Gum and White Oak pointer near the end of a line N88W 60 poles from Masons beginning and runs (N)5E 113 poles or until it strkes Hunters home line, then N64E 50 poles, then S45E 110 poles, then S45W 15 poles, then S45E 120 poles, then N87W 220 poles or till it strikes near the run of Smith's Branch, then N45E 216 poles to the beginning. Also part of two tracts continguous to the above. Beginning at a Swamp Oak and Maple standing in the edge of Smiths Branch the beginning of the land sold by Wm Hunters to Wm Cother and runs up said Smiths Branch N45E 36 poles, then S87E 220 poles, then S45E 80 poles, then S75W 215 poles, then N70W 80 poles, then N34E 80 poles, then S75W 215 poles, then N70W 80 poles, then N34E 80 poles to the beginning deducting and excepting the land heretofore deeded to Wm Long which was sold to him out of the above land. Also another tract patented by Samuel Cope which was sold by Benjamin Stealy to Wm McDowell containing 128 acres beginning at a stake three Black Jacks and Pines on the east side of Crawfords road said to be Covingtons corner and runs S15W 44 poles to a stake in Covingtons other line, then with his line S60E 68 poles to a Pine near Fords corner, then N40E 180 poles to a Water Oak on the big Branch, then N50W 20 poles to a corner, then S80W 16 poles to a Pine Crowsons Corner, then N42W 50 poles, then S70W 160 poles, then S40E 78 poles to the beginning. James McDowell. Witnesses: Will H. Long, B.H. Covington. Filed January Term 1833.
RichmondDBO:116 8 April 1824


John McDowell
Parents: Unknown

John McDowell [c1760s - 6 April 1799] married Isabella MNU [c1763 PA - Aft 1850 BRUS/FG]. PMT claims that he comes from Allegheny County PA. They had the following children according to a petition filed after his death.

Mary McDowell [c1790 - Aft 1850]
Joseph McDowell [30 August 1791 - 8 January 1870]
Elizabeth McDowell [1796 - Aft 1860]
William McDowell [1800 - 1874]

John and his family likely moved to Stokes County NC in late 1793. The first record of his appearance in the county is a deed of 400 acres from James Gammell and his wife Lucretia dated 9 January 1794. A plat of the land is schown in a figure along with a partition of the land to his wife and children.

James Gammell and wife Lucretia to John McDowell, all of Stokes County NC for £300 Gold & Silver, 400 acres in Stokes County on waters of Blues Creek waters of Dan River. Beginning at a large White Oak in William Dobsons line at a corner of his other tract, running East 12½ chains to Dobsons Corner by the Creek, then North 30 chains to a Post Oak, then East 48¾ chains to a White Oak in John Hannas line, then South with the said line 71.48 Chains to a Post, then West 61¼ to a Post in his other line, then North 41.48 chains to the beginning. Signed: James Gammell, Lucretia (x her mark) Gammell. Witnesses: A. Robinson & H. B. Dobson. Registered March Term 1794.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB2:80 9 January 1794

A Deed from James Gammell & wife to John McDowell was proven by Andrew Roberson & ordered to be registered.
A. Roberson to pay Cy

StokesCM(1793-1795):None Tuesday 4 March 1794

The tax lists for Stokes County were reviewed from 1790 through 1801. John only appears in 1794 with his 400 acres while his widow Isabella appears in 1799 with the same 400 acres.

Table: Tax Listings of John McDowell

1790-1794 - Not Found
1795 - John McDowel, 1 WP, 400 Acres
1796-1798 - Not Found
1799 - McDowell, Widow, 400 Acres
1800-1801 - Not Found

John twice appeared on two road records in 1794 and once in 1796.

Ordered that [List] John McDowell … be appointed a Jury to view and mark out a road from Bethany the nearest and best way to the Flatt rock in Rockingham County in the course towards Petersburg and Richmond in Virginia, and make a report thereof to next Court.
StokesCM(1793-1795):None Thursday 4 September 1794

Ordered by the Court that [List] John McDowell … be appointed a Jury to view and lay out a road the nearest & best way from Germanton to Hugh Endsleys mill and make report thereof to next Court.
StokesCM(1793-1795):None Friday 5 September 1794

Ordered that the following persons, to wit, [List] John McDowell … or any 12 of them be a jury to view & mark out a Road the nearest & best way from the Flatt rock road on the Guilford line to Thomas Grayhams & make report thereof to next Court.
StokesCM(1795-1798):None Thursday 10 March 1796

In December of 1794, James Crunk was apprenticed to John McDowell, but later, his apprenticeship was transferred to Henry Dobson following the death of John. We note from this record that John was a wagonmaker.

James Crunk aged 9 years the 17th day of August last is bound unto John McDowell untill he arrives to the age of twenty one years who agrees to learn him to read, write, & cypher as far as the rule of three, also the trade of waggonmaker, also give as many tools as will be worth with a suit of clothes £12 at his freedom. 7/6 pd only
StokesCM(1793-1795):None Tuesday 2 December 1794

Ordered by the Court that James Crunk who was heretofore bound unto John McDowell now deceased, Aged 14 years the 17th day of August next be bound unto Henry B. Dobson untill he arrives to the age of 21 years to learn the art & mistery of the flax & cotton wheel trader, the said Dobson doth agree to learn him to read, write and cypher as far and through the rule of three & give him a full set of tools to carry on said trade and a good new suit of cloths of broad cloth out of the store at his freedom over and above what he has on which is to be good wearing apparrell.
StokesCM(1798-1800):None Monday 3 June 1799

John's property was mentioned in a 1803 deed.

Edward Laton of Rhode Island and Town of Richmond to Andrew McKillip of Stokes County NC for $300, 400 acres in Stokes County on South Fork of Blues Creek. Beginning at a Post Oak on which Andrew McKillips corner is, in John McDowel's line, running South 55 chains to McKillip's line to a White Oak in John Endsley's line, thence East in John Endsley's line 66 chains to a post in Andrew Ray's line, West seven and a half chains to a corner in Moses Barrow's line, South to Moses Barrow's corner, West to Moses Barrow's other corner in McDowel's line, South to McDowel's corner, thence West to the beginning.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB4:322 15 November 1803

John's death in 1799 was recorded in the following court record.

Administration on the estate of John McDowell decd is granted unto Henry B. Dobson (Isabel McDowell widow & relict of said decd having in open Court resigned her right of Adm unto him) who entered into bond with William Dobson & Isaac Nelson surety in the sum of £500 for his faithfull performance and qualified according to Law.
Ordered that letters of Administration issue accordingly.
On motion of Admr, order Sale to issue to seel the perishable part of the estate.
Ordered that Archebald Campbell, John Nicholson & John Hester freeholders together with Andrew Robinson Esqr be appointed to lott off Isebell McDowell & children one years provision agreeable to Law.

StokesCM(1798-1800):None Monday 3 June 1799

The Stokes County Estate folder for John labeled "McDowell, John 1800" exists and contains numerous documents beginning with the Administrator Bond of Henry B. Dobson.

The Administrator Bond of Henry B. Dobson with Isaac Nelson and William Dobson of £500 dated 3 June 1799 for the administration of the Estate of John McDowell. Witness: John Williams Junr. Filed June Term 1799.[KM Abstract]

The following order was received by Dobson.

1799 June Term. Recd of Capt. H.B. Dobson 12/ for Admr. Order Sale, & order lott off the widows support for one year of the Estate of John McDowell Decd
Robt Williams ClC
by Jo Williams

Later in 1799, the perishable inventory and the one year's provision reports were filed in the court.

An Inventory of the perishable part of the Estate of John McDowell Decd Exposed to public sale on the 30th day of August 1799 by Henry B. Dobson Administrator consisting of the following articles with their prices &C Viz.
Total amount $513.27
Returned to September Term 1799
Henry B. Dobson Admr
An Inventory of the perishable part of the Estate of John McDowell Decd returned to Sept. Term 1799
An Inventory & acct of Sales of John McDowell Decd Septr 1799.
The whole amount of the money arrising from the Sale of the Estate of John McDowell Decd together with Bonds and Book Accompts.
[KM Abstract]

An Inventory of the perishable part of the Estate of John McDowell Decd Exposed to public sale on the 30th day of August 1799 by Henry B. Dobson Administrator consisting of the following articles with their prices &C Viz.
Allotted to Isabella McDowell and children also one pided heifer, a sandy spotted two year old barron, spotted cow, w spotted cows & e Pet shoates.
Returned to September term 1799
Henry B. Dobson Admr
Stokes County September 1799
An account of the Sale of & debts due to, the estate of John McDowell Decd of which the foregoing is true copy was returned by the admr & ordered to be recorded which is accordingly done.
Rob Williams C & Thos Armstrong DC.
[KM Abstract]

Report of the Committee appointed to lay off the widow McDowel; one years provision &C
To the Worshipful the County Court of Stokes, September Term 1799
We the undersigned being appointed by your Worships to allot & appoint unto Isabela McDowel (relict of John McDowel late of this county deceased) as much of the crop, stock and provisions as we should deem necessary for the support of herself and family for one year commencing the 8th day of June last.
In complaince with an order of Court to that purpose on the 17th of August in the year 1799, we did actually meet on the premises of the deceased and being duly sworn did allot and appoint for the aforesaid purpose the following articles (to wit) fifty five bushels of wheat, a pided three years old Heifer, a sandy two year old Barrow, a spotted Do, two spotted sows and three pet shoats which articles we do conceive to be adequate to the support of the said widow and her family for the time aforementioned. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals date above mentioned.
A. Bobinson
John Hester
John Nickolson
Archibald Campbell

The Commission appointed to lay & allott of to Isabella McDowell widow of John McDowell Decd & children one years maintenance made their report which is ordered to be recorded. 2/ pd.
An Inventory & acct of Sales of the Estate of John McDowell Decd as also an acct of outstanding debts was returned by Henry B. Dobson Admr &C & R. 4/ pd

StokesCM(1798-1800):None Tuesday 3 September 1799

The dower request for Isabella was described in the following court record. Note that she has married Gabriel Jones by this time. See a plat of her husband's land for her Dower portion.

G. Jones & wife copy Petition & order to lay off Dower.
To Septem 1800 the Jury sworn & the Dower layd off agreeable to Law. Nelson Shff
State of North Carolina, June Sessions 1800. The petition of Gabriel Jones and Issable late the widow of John McDowell Decd humbly showeth unto your Worships that about the sixth day of April in the year 1799, John McDowell departed this life without making a Will. And being possessed of four hundred acres of Land lying in the County of Stokes on the waters of Blues Creek adjoining William Dobson, Andrew McCalass, Moses Bursham. And your Petitioners pray that your Worships will grant them and order to have the Dower laid off agreeable to an Act of Assembly in such case made & provided. And your Petitioners in duty bound will ever pray &C.
Gabriel John & Izabel his wife
Ordered by the Court that the Sheriff summons twelve freeholders to lay off Izabel Jones late wife of John McDowell Deceased Dower of land.
State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Stokes County Greeting. You are hereby commanded to summon a Jury agreeable to Act of Assembly to Execute the prayer of the Petition of Gabriel Jones & wife of which the above is a true copy. And make due return according to Law of all proceedings thereon to the next Court to be held for this County at the Court House in Germanton on the first Monday in September next. Witness Robert Williams Clerk of said Court at office the first Monday in June AD 1800.
Robert Williams ClC.

Certificate of Surveyor & allottment of a Jury of a Dower to the Relict of John McDowell Decd
North Carolina, Stokes County Ss } Agreeable to the directions of a Jury of twelve freeholders, I have proceeded to lay off & survey for Gabriel Jones for wife Izabel (she being the relict of John McDowell Decd) one hundred and thirty three & 1/3 acres of Land as her Dower of the Lands which said McDowell was possessed with at his decease which is bounded as follows.
Beginning at a Post Oak in the old line running West one hunded & seventy six poles to an Elm, then North one hundred & twenty one poles & six links to a Hickory grub & pointer, then East one hundred & seventy six poles to a stake in the old line, thence South on said lines to the first station including the mantion house & the greater part of the plantation which said McDowell formerly possessed. 30th July 1800. Certified pr me.
Charles Banner SSr
North Carolina, Stokes County } We the Jury summoned for the purpose of alloting off to the relict of John McDowell Decd her Dower of his lands which he was possessed of at his decease.
Report that we on Oath have proceeded & laid off the said Relict Izabel (now wife of Gabriel Jones) one hundred & thirty three & 1/3 acres as her thirds &C agreeable to the above plan described by the surveyor whereunto we have set our hands &C 30th July 1800.
James Holbrook
W [Steeddare]
Aron Lenvill
David Linvill
Richd Linvill
John Linvill
Hugh McKillip
Thos Whicken
John Hesten
Moses Barrow
Andrew Ray
Charles Clemmons

A debt of $49.05 due John McDowell from Ladd and Bowman resulted in court actions.

State of N. Carolina, Stokes County } We Constantine Ladd and Andrew Bowman or either of us do promise to pay or cause to be paid unto Henry B. Dobson Administrator of the Estate of John McDowell deceased the just and full sum of forty nine dollars and five cents current money of the United States, to be paid within sixty days from the date hereof with Lawful Interest from the date, it being for value received. Witness our hands and seals this 23d day of February 1801.
C. Ladd
Andrew Bowman
Test A. Campbell
Milton Ladd
Septer 8 1801 Revd of the within note on account with C. Ladd the sum of fore dollars by H.B. Dobson
Note on C. Ladd & A. Bowman 49 dollars 5 cents.

H. Dobson vs Joseph Ladd, Benj Forsyth & A. Bowman. Writ to Decr 1803. [Eunted] Helson
Stokes County Sheriff Summons for Benjamin Forsythe & Joseph Ladd, Exr of Constantine Ladd, & Andrew Bowman to appear at Court in Germantown on first Monday December next to answer Henry B. Dobson Admtr of goods & chattels, rights & credits of John McDowell of a plea that they render to him $49.05 of the value of £25 which the they unjustly retain to his damage £15. Witness Robert Williams, dated first Monday September 1803, and issued 6 September 1803.
[KM Abstract]

A Committee was appointed to settle the administration of John's estate and a report was generated.

Stokes County March Term 1805
Ordered by the Court that Andrew Robinson, John Endsly & Gabriel Waggoner be appointed a Committee to settle with the Admr of John McDowell Decd & report to next Court.
Rob Williams C.

Report of Comm McDowells Estate
Agreeable to an order of the County Clerk of Stokes at March Term 1805, we your committee being appointed by the sd Court as above to settle with the Administrator of the Estate of John McDowell Decd do report as follows
Amount of the Estate sd McDole including Notes & Book accts in Dollars & cents
Administrator Dr – $509.46
Vouchers allowed the Administrator in Dollars and Cents

[List of 21 items]
The Committee do allow th Admr 15 dollars for his trouble expences &C for settling paying & receiving & tranacting the business of the above Estate.
Brought forward – $183.19
Allowance – 15.00
317.27 in the hands of the Admr
All which is submitted.
A. Robinson
G. Waggonor
John Endsley

Agreeable to an order of the County Court of Stokes at March term 1805, We your committee being appointed by the said Court as above do settle with the admrJohn McDowell Decd do report as follows. Amount of the estate Sd McDole including notes & book accts in Dollars & Cents.
A. Robinson
G. Waggoner
John Endsley
Stokes County June Term 1813
A Settlement with admr of the estate of John McDowell Decd of which the foregoing is a true copy was returned by the Committee &C ordered to be recorded which is done accordingly.
Rob Williams C & Tho. T. Armstrond DC.

As part of the administration of John's estate, the following receipts were processed.
  • Recd of John McDole by the hands of Maj. Henry Dobson Admr of said McDole 12/3 in of the Taxes of the year 1796. Helson.
  • September Term 1799. Received of Henry B. Dobson 22/ for recording the Inventory and the amount of the Sale of the perishable part of the Estate of John McDowell Decd. Likewise of for recording the return of the widows allotment for one year. Jo. Williams for R. Williams CC.
  • Febry 27th 1802. Rec'd of Henry B. Dobson one Dollar and fifty cents for making John McDowel Decd Coffin. Recd by me A. [McNielis].
  • July 19th 1802. Received of Isabel McDowel 4.87 Cents her Direct Tax in full per Henry Dobson Administrator. John Cosby for Christian Lash Colr.
  • Recd of Henry B. Dobson for the heirs of John McDowel four shillings & five pence in full of their State County open Tax for 1802. A. Campbell Col.
  • June 5th 1805. Received of Henry B. Dobson one dollar in full for my services as Clerk at the vendue of the property of John McDowell decd, Ru Jr A. Campbell.
In a similar manner, the following notes against his estate were processed.
  • July 15th 1799. The Estate of John McDowel Decd Dr to Henry B. Dobson for binding shocking and halling [Sic: hauling] in Twenty four acres of small grain – $6.50
    Dr further Stempt note. [Signed] Henry B. Dobson.
  • John McDowell Dr to Robert Sharp Hamilton on a Book accompt of £3.11.3.
    North Carolina, Stokes County } This day came Robert Sharp Hamilton before me the subscribing Justice and made oath that the above accompt of three pounds eleven shillings and three pence against John McDowell Decd is just. Sworn to and subscribed this 14th day of August 1799. [Signed] Robt S. Hamilton. [Testator] Henry B. Dobson J.P.
  • Received of this within bond eleven pounds fourteen shillings this 5th day of January 1797. [Signed] A. McKillip
    Received this 29th March 1798 Ten pounds six shillings & four pence by me. [Signed] A. McKillip
    Received of Henry B. Dobson the sum of three pounds eighteen shillings & eight pence in full of this within bond this first day of November 1799. [Signed] Andrew McKillip
  • Received this first day of November of Henry B. Dobson the sum of eighteen pounds eleven shillings & eight pence in part of the within bond 1799. [Signed] A. McKillip
    Received this 24th of December 1799 of Henry B. Dobson nine pounds three shillings & four pence in full of the principal & Interest of this within bond by me. [Signed] A. McKillip
  • Paul Starbuck accompt against John McDowell Decd to ballance on a Book Accompt Dr one silver Dollar.
    Stokes County, N. Carolina } This day came Paul Starbuck before me the subscribing Justice and made solemn affirmation that the above account against the Estate of John McDowel Decd is just. Sworn to this 19th day of December 1799. [Signed] Paul Starbuck. [Witness] Henry B. Dobson JP.
  • John McDowel Decd Dr to Tristram Barnard at 2/6 each hard money – £1.0.0
    North Carolina, Stokes County } This day came Tristram Barnard before Henry B. Dobson and made solemn affirmation that the above accompt of one pound hard money against the Estate of John McDowel Decd is just. Sworn to and subscribed this 15 day of Febry 1800. [Signed] Tristram Barnard. [Witness] Henry B. Dobson JP }
  • John McDowell Decd Dr to Mickiel Fair for Smith works done ten dollars and fifty cents.
    North Carolina, Stokes County } This day came Mikiel Fair before me the subscribing Justice and made oath that the above accompt of ten dollars and fifty cents against the Estate of John McDowell Decd is just. Sworn to this 26th day of August 1800. [Signed] Mikiel (M his mark) Fair. [Witness] William Dobson JP
  • State of N. Carolina, Stokes County } John McDole deceased to Thomas Bongman Dr AD 1798 to the reason of one mare to the Horse two dollars and one bushel of grain. Credit for one bushel of grain and three shilling. Remains due thirteen shillings hard money.
    State of N. Carolina, Stokes County } This day came Thomas Bongman before me the subscribing Justice and made oath that the above accompt as it stands stated is just and true and that he never received any satisfaction for the same. [Signed] Thomas Bengem. Sworn before me September 26 AD 1800, William Dobson JP.
  • John McDowel Decd Dr to Hugh McKellip upon an open account for one pound & one shilling & eight pence.
    Stokes County. This day came Hugh McKellip befoe me William Dobson and made oath that the above accompt against the Estate of John McDowell Decd is just. Sworn to this 11th day of April 1801. [Signed] Hugh McKellip. [Witness] Isaac Dalton.
  • State of No Carolina, Stokes County } Personally appeared before me John Hester of said county and made oath that John McDowell Deceased of said County was justly indebted unto him the sum of one dollar in silver. Sworn & subscribed to before me this 6th day of January 1802. [Signed] John Hester. [Testator] John Endsley J.P.
  • This thirteenth day of August 1794 Received of the within Bond Ten pounds hard money. Received by me as witness my hand and seal. [Signed] James Gamml. [Test] Wm Gammill.
    Received this 24th of December 1799 Two pounds ten shillings & four pence in part of this within bond. [Signed] A. McKillip
    J. McDowell, Note. Interest Due to this Date is £2.18.3 this 30th of November 1802.
    Received of Mr. William Dobson Esqr fifty one dollars in full of this bond this 30th of November 1802. [Signed] Andrew McKillip. 17.10.0 + 2.18.3 = 20.8.3 Total.
    We John McDowell & henry Baker Dobson of the County of Stokes N. Carolina do jointly and severally promise to pay unto James Gammell his heirs assigns or order the just & full sum of thirty pounds in gold or silver, or the value thereof in the current money of said State, to be paid on or before the first day of March that shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. Witness our hands & seals this ninth day January 1794. [Signed] Jno McDowell, H.B. Dobson. Test. A. Robinson
  • John McDowel deceased Dbt to Benjamin Vierling to sundry medicines $[blurred].
    North Carolina, Stokes } This day came Benjamin Vierling before me Gotlieb Shober one of the Justices for the county aforesaid and made oath that the above accompt against the Estate of John McDowell deceased is just. Sworn to and subscribed this 9th day of May 1805. [Signed] Benjamin Vierling. Sworn to and subscribed before me the day above written. G. Shober J.P.
In 1813, petitions were filed to partition the 400 acres of land purchased in 1794 by John.

State of N. Carolina, Stokes County } To the worshipful the County Court of Stokes, March Term 1813
The petition of Jesse Day humbly __ forth that John McDowel late of said County died Intestate and was at the time of his death possessed of a freehold in fee simple of 400 acres of land situate in said County, lying and being on the waters of Belews Creek adjoining and between the lands of William Dobson Senr, Aaron Coffin, the heirs of Andrew McKellep and Moses Barrow, and that he the said John McDowel left a widow and four children, Viz, Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, and William. Your petitioner further makes known unto your Worships that he is married to Mary the eldest of the abovementioned children, and a legattee of said John McDowel, said petitioner doth therefore most humbly solicit your Worships to nominate & appoint five commissioners to appropriate and lay off unto him the heirs part and quota of said freehold or real estate to which his said wife Mary is entitled to agreeable to Act of Assembly in such case made & provided. And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &C.
Jesse (X his mark) Day
NB It is my sincere word that the prayer of the above petition may be granted.
Mary (X her mark) Day
Jesse Day & wife & McDowels real Estate
Petition of Jesse Day & wife
Division of Land
John Enasley
James Love
Aaron Coffin
Moses Barrow
Archd Campbell

Stokes County March Term 1813
Ordered by the Court that John Enasley, James Love, Aaron Coffin, Moses Barrow & Archibald Campbell be appointed commissioners to divide & apropriate the lands of the Estate of John McDowell decd amongst the heirs & Legatees of said John McDowell decd & report to next Court.
Robt Willmams
Middle fork Blues Creek adjoining Wm Dobson, Talley [Whichcam], Moses Barrow, Heirs of McKellep, Thomas Voss, Aaron Coffin
Commr on John McDowells Estate

Petition of the heirs of John McDowel for partition of Land
State of N. Carolina, Stokes County } To the worshipful the Justices of the County Court of Stokes December Term 1813. The petition of Jesse Day & Mary his wife, Joseph McDowell, William McDowell & Elizabeth McDowell which said Elizabeth & William are infants under the age of 21 years by their guardian Henry B. Dobson. That whereas John McDowell late of said County deceased died Intestate, and was at the time of his death possessed of a Real Estate or tract of Land containing four hundred acres situate in said County on the waters of Blues Creek adjoining and between the lands of William Dobson Senr, Talley Whichcam, Moses Barrow, the heirs of Andrew McKellip, Thomas Vose & Aaron Coffins' your petitioners further makes __ to your worships that he the said John McDowell left Izabel McDowell his widow and four children their names as follows, Viz Mary McDowell (now Mary Day & wife of Jesse Day and of your petitioners) Joseph McDowell, Elizabeth McDowell and William McDowell & which said Elizabeth and William are infants under the age of twenty one years here as their next friend & guardian Henry B. Dobson who are heirs at law of the said John deceased on whom the said Real Estate descended your petitioners further makes known that she the said widow has had her dower laid off of said real estate according to Law and your petitioners being desirous that partition should be made between them of the said land do hereby most humbly solicit your worships to nominate and appoint five commissioners to lay off and allot unto your petitioners their respective shares parts and quotas of said Real Estate agreeable to an Act of Assemby in such case made and provided. And your petitioners further makes known unto your Worships that the aforesaid William McDowell and Elizabeth McDowell are infants under the ages of twenty one years and that heretofore your order of this worshipful Court Henry Baker Dobson was appointed their guardian & hath accepted the same & that they now sue & petition by him as their guardian and next friend.
Jesse Day in behalf of his wife May Day
T Joseph McDowell
Wm McDowell and Elizabeth McDowell
by their guardian & next friend
Henry Baker Dobson
Commissioners: John Enasley, James Love, Aaron Coffin, Moses Barrow, Archibald Campbell
The Heirs of John McDowell
John McDowells Real Estate Petition
To Decr 1813

As part of the partition of land, Henry Dobson, the guardian of Elizabeth McDowell was summoned to the Court and reaffirmed as her guardian.

Summons for Henry B. Dobson, guardian to Elizabeth McDowell dated second Monday of March 1817, to appear second Monday of June next at Court House in Germantown to present an account.[KM Abstract]

State of No. Carolina, Stokes County. To the worshipful the County of Stokes Decr Term 1813. The petition of Henry Barker Dobson as guardian of Elizabeth McDowel humbly sayeth forth that John McDowell late of said County died Intestate and was at the time of his death possessed of a freehold of 400 acres of Land situate in said County adjoining the lands of Wm Dobson Senr and thus your petitioner doth therefore solicit your Worships appoint five commissioners to appropriate and lay off unto her the said Elizabeth McDowel her dividend of 400 Estate agreeable to an Act of Assembly in such case made and provided &C.
Henry B. Dobson guardian
for Elizabeth McDowel
Commissioners: John Enasley, Moses Barrow, James Love, Aaron Coffin, Archa Campbell

Guardian Bond for Elizabeth McDowell of Henry Dobson with Archibald Campbell dated 14 December 1813.[KM Abrstrat]

The County Court agreed to the partition of the land in September 1814. Each of the separate divided tracts of land are reported in the children's sections.

Jesse Day & Wife & Joseph McDowell & others vs the real Estate of John McDowell } Petition for Partition. In this case the amendment for making of which leave was granted at last term, being made, the cause came on to be heard on the Petition, former orders, report of the Commissioners & other exhibits & testimony wheeupon on motion of the Petitioners it is ordered adjudged & decreed that Partition of the said land be made and the same is hereby made agreeably & in conformity to the said report which in all things is confirmd and it is further ordered that the same be registered.
StokesCM(1808-1814):None Wednesday 14 September 1814

Following the death of John, Isabella married Gabriel Jones and appeared in the 1800 Census with him and her children.

1800 Census Stokes County NC
Gabriel Jones

2 Males 0-9: [Joseph, William]
1 Male 26-44: [Gabriel]
3 Females 0-9: [Mary, Elizabeth]
1 Female 26-44: [Izabell]

1810 Census Stokes County NC
Isabella Jones
Blues Creek

1 Male 0-9: [William]
1 Male 10-15:
1 Male 16-25: [Joseph]
2 Females 0-9:
1 Female 10-15: [Elizabeth]
1 Female 16-25:
1 Female 26-44: [Isabella]

A Gabriel Jones appeared in the 1790 Census of Stokes County.

1790 Census Stokes County NC
Gabriel Jones

2 Males under 16:
1 Male 16 and over: [Gabriel]
3 Females:

We note the following deed record for Gabriel before the marriage.

A Deed from Gabriel Jones to Sewell Frasier was proven by Archibald Campbell & ordered to be registered.
StokesCM(1793-1795):None Monday 3 March 1794

The 1808 Will of Gabriel Jones exists and names his wife as Isabella. The William named in the Will is indeed a son of Gabriel Jones and not William McDowell.
In 1817, Isabella's children gave her the power of attorney to sell her Dower.

Know all men by these presents that we Joseph McDowell, Elizabeth McDowell, & Jesse Day by his wife Mary Day of Stokes County & State of North Carolina for divers & various good causes thereunto moving us have nominated, constituted, appointed & ordained, & by these presents do nominate, constitute, appoint & ordain my Mother Isabella Jones of the County & State aforesaid my true and Lawful attorney for us and in our name and stead to sell & make one the right & title of a certain tract or parcel of land, situate in Stokes County State aforesaid on the waters of Belews Creek now in possession of our Mother Isabella Jones, which possession she came by from our father John McDowell Decd by way of Dower which is invested in her during life, then after that descends to us her Lawful heirs, & we do hereby empower her the said Isabella Jones our said attorney to sell the above described tract of Land & in our name & we do hereby ratify, confirm & establish all and singular all our Lawful to my said attorney which shall be good, valid in Law & binding one ourselves, our heirs &C to all intents & purposes as though the same had been done and executed by us & in our own person. In Testimony whereof we hereunto set our hands and affix our seals, this twenty ninth day of May in the year of our Lord 1817.
Stokes County September Term 1817. The execution of this deed was duly proven in open Court by Adam Smith & ordered to be Registered.
Robt Williams ClC
StokesDB6:50 29 May 1817

A Power of Attorney from Joseph McDowell, Eliza McDowell, Mary Day & Jesse Day to Isabella Jones was proven by Adam Smith &OR.
StokesCM(1815-1819):None Friday 12 September 1817

Isabella sold her Dower land in 1819.

Isabel Jones of Stokes County to William Coffin of same for $90, 133 1/3 acres in Stokes County on Belews Creek. Beginning at an Elm on Moses Coffins line running North 121 poles with Moses Coffins line to a Hickory, from thence East 176 poles with Stephen Hesters line to a stake on Moses Barrows line, thence South with said line 121 poles to a stake, thence West 176 poles to the first station. Allotted to Isabel from the estate of John McDowell. Signed: Isabela Jones. Witnesses: Aaron Coffin, Henry Dobson. Filed March Term 1821.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB7:169 30 October 1819

By the 1850 Census, Isabella lives with her daughter Elizabeth in Bledsoe County TN.

1850 Census Bledsoe County TN
Eastern District

Isabella Jones - 87 F - PA
Elizabeth McDowell - 54 F - NC

1808 Will of Gabriel Jones

Source: Stokes County NC Original Wills, Folder labeled: Jones, Gabriel, 1808.

In the name of God Amen, I Gabriel Jones of Stokes County and State of North Carolina being weak and feeble in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, do this twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is
First, I will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my Estate by my Executors.
Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Isabella my black mare and Whirligigg horse colt to her and her heirs forever.
3dly, I leave my still in the possession of my wife and for her use untill she shall marry and then man, then I will that my son William's guardian take said still into his possession untill my said son arrives to the age of twenty one years, then that the said still be delivered up to him (Viz my son) as his.
4thly. I will that my beloved wife possess and enjoy my plantation I now live on untill my son William arrives to the age of twenty one years, provided she remains a widow during said term. And after my wifes marriage I will that she possess and enjoy the one third part of my plantation during her natural life.
5thly. I give and bequeath unto my son William this two thirds of my said plantation (after my wife marriage) and at her death, I give and bequeath my said plantation to my son William to him and his heirs forever.
6thly. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah one hundred acres of Land adjoining the plantation I live on, (it being a tract of Land deeded to me by the executors of John Dollen/Dollin deceased) to her and her heirs forever.
7thly. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Isabella one hundred acres of Land adjoining the last mentioned tract being a part of the Grant and deeded to me by [Hardwell] Barham to her and her heirs forever.
8thly. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife her choice of my feather beds, and furniture to her and her heirs forever.
9thly. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Martha one hundred and fifty dollars current money of the United States, to be paid unto my said daughter by my Executors when she shall arrive at the age of eighteen years, to her and her heirs forever.
10thly. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife four milch cows to her and her heirs forever.
11thly. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife all my crop of corn, and all my hay for the support of herself and family.
11thly. I will that all my personal Estate not heretofore bequeathed be sold at publick sale, and that the one hundred and fifty dollars bequeathed to my daughter Martha be raised and levied out of the monies arising from said Sales and the surplus (if any) to be equally divided among my four children share and share alike to them and their heirs forever.
12thly. I do hereby revoke disannul and make void all former Wills and Testaments by me at any time heretofore made ratifying confirming and establishing this and no other to be my last Will and Testament and I do hereby nominate appoint and ordain my beloved Brother Benjamin Jones and my neighbour Henry Baker Dobson Executors of this my last Will and Testament, to carry the same into effect.
Gabriel (X his mark) Jones
I witness whereof the said Gabriel Jones hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, published, declared and pronounced by Gabriel Jones the Testator as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who were present at the time of signing and sealing thereof.
Archa Campbell
James Love
Michael (M his mark) Fair
William Dobson

Mary McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Isabella MNU

Mary McDowell [c1790 - Aft 1850] married Jesse Day [c1786 - Aft 1850] on 17 October 1809 in Stokes County NC.

1810 Census Stokes County NC
Jesse Day
Deep River

1 Male 16-25: [Jesse]
1 Female 16-25: [Mary]

1820 Census Stokes County NC
Jesse Day

2 Males 0-9:
1 Male 26-44: [Jesse]
1 Female 26-44: [Mary]

1850 Census Bledsoe County TN
Eastern District

Jesse Day - 64 M
Mary - 60 F
Elizabeth M. - 28 F
Isabella - 19 F

A partition and distribution of her father's land was done on 19 January 1814 to Mary. See the plat for her share of the land.

At a Court of common pleas and quarter sessions, opened and held for the County of Stokes, at the Court house in Germanton, on the second Monday of December last, We the undernamed subscribers were appointed Commissioners to divide appropriate and lay off, unto Mary McDowell (now Mary Day & Wife of Jesse Day), Joseph McDowell, & Elisabeth McDowell, heirs of John McDowell, late of said County deceased, their several and respective shares parts & quotas of the real estate of said John McDowell, therefore in obedience and conformity with said appointment, We did this day actually meet on the premises of said John McDowell, and after being duly sworn did proceed and lay off and appropriate unto Jesse Day in right of Mary his wife the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Stokes County, lying & being on the waters of Blues Creek and bounded as follows Viz Beginning at a Black Oak in Aaron Coffins line, thence East sixty eight poles to a stake in the Widow's Dower, thence South one hundred & eighteen poles to an hickory McKillips line, thence West with said line seventy poles to a stake in Aaron Coffins line, and thence North to the beginning, containing fifty acres as by the amount more fully appears, Being part of a tract of land granted by the State of No Carolina to James Gamble for 400 acres, but upon a resurvey is found to contain 403 1/3 acres the said grant is duly registered in Surry Book B folis 219th And was by said Gamble conveyed to said McDowell registered in Stokes Book B folis 80. And we the said Commissioners do further report & say that the above defined and described tract of land, by us now laid off & appropriated unto Jesse Day in right of his wife is of equal value with either of the three dividends of said real estate or freehold by us this day appropriated, and laid off, unto Joseph McDowell and Elizabeth McDowell, or the minors lot Viz William Dowell, which is yet unappropriated. Given under our hands & seals this 19th day of January 1814.
John Endsley
Moses Barrow
J. Love
Aaron Coffin
Archa Campbell
State of No Carolina, Stokes County. I Henry B. Dobson Guardian for Wm McDowell, a minor & an heir of John McDowell, late of said County, being personally present at the laying off and appropriation of the within described dividend of said John McDowells real estate do hereby give my assent thereto accordingly.
Henry B. Dobson Guardian
Stokes County June Term 1815. The within report was returned into Court, and Judgment of the Court accordingly, ordered to be Registered.
Test Robt Williams CC.
StokesDB5:548 19 January 1814

Jesse and Mary sold this tract of land in 1815.

Jesse Day and wife Mary of Stokes County NC to Moses Coffin for $150, 50 acres in Stokes County on waters of Blues Creek. Beginning at a Black Oak in Aaron Coffins line, thence East 68 poles to a stake in the widows Dower, thence South 118 poles to a Hickory in McKillips line, thence West with said line 70 poles to a stake in Aaron Coffins line, and thence North to the beginning. Part of grant to James Gamble. Aforesaid 50 acres was appropriated, alotted, and laid off to Jesse Day in right of wife Mary as her share of her father John McDowells Real Estate. Signed: Jesse Day, Mary (X her mark) Day. Witnesses: Aaron Coffin, William Coffin. Filed and registered September Term 1815.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB5:574 11 September 1815

Joseph McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Isabella MNU

Joseph McDowell [30 August 1791 - 8 January 1870 Geneanet] married Nancy Close on 1 November 1816 in Stokes County NC with bondsman J(ames) Love. They had the following children.

William S. McDowell [c1826 - ]
Eleanor G. McDowell [c1828 - ]
Thomas Crawford McDowell [c1830 - ] married Tisha McDaniel.
Kinsey S. McDowell [1833 - 1885 BRUS/FG]
Hiram A. McDowell [c1836 - ]
Joseph McDowell [c1839 - ]
Lucy J.E. McDowell [20 November 1839 - 19 June 1913 BRUS/FG] apparently never married.
Martha E. McDowell [c1843 - ]
Jesse F. McDowell [c1845 - ]
James A. McDowell [c1848 - ]

Joseph and Nancy appeared in the following census records.

1840 Census Bledsoe County TN
Joseph McDowell

1 Male 0-4: [Joseph]
2 Males 5-9: [Kinsey, Hiram]
1 Male 10-14: [Thomas]
1 Male 15-19: [William]
1 Male 40-49: [Joseph]
1 Female 0-4: [Lucy]
1 Female 10-14: [Eleanor]
1 Female 20-29:
1 Female 40-49: [Nancy]

1850 Census Bledsoe County TN
Eastern District

Joseph McDowel - 58 M - Farmer - PA
Nancy - 48 F - NC
William S. - 24 M - Laborer - TN
Eleanor G. - 22 F - TN
Thomas C. - 20 M - Blacksmith - TN
Kingey S. - 17 M - Laborer - TN
Hiram A. - 14 M - TN
Joseph - 11 M - TN
Lucy J. - 9 F - TN
Martha E. - 7 F - TN
Jesse F. - 5 M - TN
James A. - 2 M - TN

In the 1850 Census, he lived next to his mother Isabella and his sister Elizabeth.

1860 Census Bledsoe County TN

Jo McDowell - 67 M - Farmer - PA
Nancy - 58 F - NC
Lucy - 20 F - TN
Martha B. - 18 F - TN
Kinsey S. - 27 M - Tanner - TN
Jesse - 14 M - TN
James - 12 M - TN

1870 Census Bledsoe County TN
District 4, PO Ormes Store

J. McDowel - 77 M - Farmer - PA
William A. - 49 M - Farm hand - TN
Kinsey S. - 32 M - Farm hand - TN
Lucy J.E. - 22 F - TN
James A. - 4 M - TN

On 19 January 1814, a partition and distribution of the land of Joseph's father was carried out. See the plat for his share of the land.

At a Court and quarter sessions opened and held for the County of Stokes, at the Court house in Germanton, on the 2nd Monday of December last, We the undernamed subscribers were appointed Commissioners to divide appropriate and lay off, unto Mary McDowell (now Mary Day and Wife of Jesse Day), Joseph McDowell, and Elisabeth McDowell, heirs of John McDowell, late of said County deceased, their several and respective shares parts & quotas of the estate of said John McDowell. Therefore in obedience & conformity with said appointment, We did this day actually meet on the premises of said John McDowell, and being sworn in due form of law did proceed & appropriate & lay off unto Joseph McDowell, the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Stokes County, lying & being on the waters of Blues Creek bounded as follows Viz. Beginning at a White Oak, original corner, thence West with George Linvill's land & others one hundred and thirty five poles to a Red Oak, thence South eighty three poles to a stake in the Widow's Dower, thence East on the line of the said Dower one hundred and thirty five poles to a small Hickory, and thence North on his line to the beginning, containing seventy acres as by the annexed plat will more plainly appear: Being a part of a tract of land granted by the State of N. Carolina to James Bamble, for 400 acres, but upon being resurveyed is found to contain 403 1/3 acres said Grant is Registered in Surry Book B folis 219th And was by said Gamble conveyed to said John McDowell, Registered in Stokes Book B folis 80. And we the said Commissioners do further report and say that the above defined and described tract of land, by us now laid off, and appropriated unto Joesph McDowell, is equal value with either of the other dividends of said Real Estate, or freehold by us this day laid off, and appropriated unto Jesse Day & wife and Elizabeth McDowell, or the minors lot, Viz Wm McDowell, which lot is yet unappropriated. Given under hands & seals 19th January 1814.
John Endsley
Moses Barrow
J. Love
Aaron Coffin
Archd Campbell
State of No Carolina, Stokes County. I Henry B. Dobson Guardian for Wm McDowell, a minor and one of the heirs of John McDowell, deceased, being personally present at the laying off and appropriation of the within described dividend of said real estate alotted to Joseph McDowell, an heir and legatee of said Estate do hereby give my assent thereto accordingly.
Henry B. Dobson Guardian
Stokes County June Term 1815. The above report was returned into Court, and Judgment of the Court accordingly, ordered to be Registered.
Test Robt Williams CC.
StokesDB5:548 19 January 1814

Joseph sold the 70-acre tract in 1816.

Joseph McDowell of Stokes County to Stephen Heister of same for $165, 70 acres in Stokes County on waters of Blues Creek. Beginning at White original corner, thence West with George Linville's Land and thence 135 poles to a Red Oak, thence South 83 poles to a stake in the widow's Dower, thence East on this line of said Dower 135 poles to a small Hickory and thence North on Barrow's line to the Beginning. It is his share of his father John McDowell's real estate allotted to him in Book 5 folio 548. Signed Jos. McDowel. Witnesses: Aaron Coffin, Silas Worth, A. Campbell, Henry B. Dobson. Filed September Term 1818.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB6:225-226 25 December 1816

A Deed from Joseph McDowel to Stephen Hester was proven by Archa Campbell &OR.
StokesCM(1815-1819):None Thursdy 17 September 1818

Joseph witnessed a deed in 1814.

Thomas Jones of Stokes County NC to Salathiel Stone. Witness: Jos McDowell. Proven by Joseph McDowell at June Term 1814.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB5:526 7 March 1814

A deed from Thomas Jones to Salethiel Stone proven in open Court by Joseph McDowell &C.
StokesCM(1808-1814):None Thursday 16 June 1814

A step-sister of Joseph McDowell, Izza Jones Clark, sold her interest in her father Gabriel Jones to him in 1822.

Anderson Clark and wife Izza by their attorney John Curtis of White County TN to Joseph McDowell of Bledsoe County TN for $100, 100 acres in Stokes County on North prong of Belew's Creek. Bounded on the North by Thomas Boss' land and land of the heirs of Gabriel Jones on the West and lands owned by William Walker in his lifetime, and on the East by lands of Hartwell Barham and Thomas Vanx. Land which Gabriel Jones bequeathed to Izza Jones, now Izza Clark, wife of Anderson Clark, and daughter of Gabriel Jones. Signed: Anderson Clark & Izza Clark by their attorney John Curtis. Witnesses: James Young, Jn McDowell, Charles S. Barth. Filed and certified 16 October 1822 in White County TN. Registered Stokes County NC March Term 1827.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB8:495-496 15 October 1822

A deed from Anderson Clark & wife to Joseph McDowell was offered for probate and appeared sufficiently authenticated from the Certificate of the Clerk of White Cunty Court of Tennessee and OR.
StokesCM(1826-1827):None Monday 12 March 1827

Joseph sold the 100 acres in the following deed.

Joseph McDowel of Bledsoe County TN to Thomas Sylivern of Stokes County NC for $125, 100 acres in Stokes County on North prong of Bleuses Creek. Bounded on the North side by Thomas Voss' land and land of the heirs of Gabriel Jones on the West end by lands owned by the heirs of Gabriel Jones in the South by land of Gabriel Jones' heirs and by land owned by William Walker in his lifetime and on the East by land of Hartwell Barham and Thomas Voss. The tract of land Gabriel Jones bequeathed to Izza Clark, wife of Anderson Clark and daughter of Gabriel Jones. Signed: Joseph McDowell. Witnesses: Archeus [Sassop], James C. Rainlings. Filed August 1824 Session of Bledsoe County TN and certified 12 February 1827 in Bledsoe County.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB9:13 25 July 1824

A deed from Joseph McDowell to Thomas Sullivan was offered for probate & appeared sufficiently authenticated from the certificate of Scott Terry Clerk of Bledsoe County Court Tennessee &OR.
StokesCM(1826-1827):None Monday 12 March 1827

Joseph McDowel appeared on Tax Lists of 1838 and 1839 of Bledsoe County TN with a William McDowal, likely his brother, as follows.

A List of Taxable Property and Polls in District No. 4th in Bledsoe County for 1838
McDowal, Joseph; Deeded Land: 62, Value: 625, Tax: 31¼

McDowell, Joseph; Acres: 77, Value: 625, Tax: 31¼

Elizabeth McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Isabella MNU

Elizabeth McDowell [1796 - Aft 1860 BRUS/FG] appeared with her mother Isabella in the 1850 Census and in the 1860 Census with her brother William in Bledsoe County TN.
On 19 January 1814, a partition and distribution of the land of Elizabeth's father was carried out. See the plat for her share of the land.

At a Court of common pleas and quarter sessions opened and held for the County of Stokes, at the Court house in Germanton, on the 2nd Monday of December last, We the undernamed subscribers were appointed Commissioners to divide appropriate and lay off, unto Mary McDowell (now Mary Day and Wife of Jesse Day), Joseph McDowell, & Elisabeth McDowell, heirs of John McDowell, late of said County deceased, their several and respective shares parts & quotas of the real estate of said John McDowell. Therefore in obedience & conformity with said appointment, We did this day actually meet on the premises of said John McDowell, and being sworn in due form of law did proceed and appropriate & lay off to Elisabeth McDowell, the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Stokes County, lying & being on the waters of Blues Creek, and bounded as follows Viz. Beginning at a Post Oak Dobsons line Coffins corner, South with Coffins line forty two poles to a Black Oak in said line, thence East sixty eight poles to a stake in the line of the Widow's Dower, thence North on said line seventy eight poles to an Hickory, the Widow's corner, thence East on the line of the said Dower fifty nine poles to a stake, thence North eighty three poles to a Red Oak, Linvills line, thence West on the original line seventy five poles to a Post Oak, original corner, thence South with Dobson 118 poles to a Poplar Dobsons corner, and thence West with Dobson fifty poles to the beginning containing sixty acres. Being part of a tract of land Granted by the State of N. Carolina to James Gamble for 400 acres, but upon resurvey is found to contain 403 1/3 acres, the said Grant is Registered in Surry Book B, folio 219. And was by the said Gamble conveyed to said John McDowell Registered in Stokes Book B, folio 80. And we the said Commissioners do further report & say that the above defined and described tract of land by us now laid off, and appropriated unto Elisabeth McDowell is of equal value with either of the three dividends of said Real Estate, by us this day appropriated and laid off unto Jesse Day & Wife, and Joseph McDowell or the minors lot, Viz Wm McDowell, which is yet unappropriated the annexed plat will explain the above. Given under our hands and seals the 19th day of January 1814.
John Endsley
Moses Barrow
J. Love
Aaron Coffin
Archd Campbell
State of No Carolina, Stokes County. I Henry B. Dobson Guardian for Wm McDowell, a minor and one of the heirs of John McDowell, late of said County deceased, being personally present at the laying off and appropriation of the within described dividend of said John McDowells real estate alotted to Elisabeth McDowell as an heir and legatee of said Real Estate, do hereby give my assent thereto accordingly. I also superintended the said appropriation as Guardian for Elisabeth McDowell
Henry B. Dobson Guardian
Stokes County June Term 1815. The within report was returned into Court, and Judgment of the Court accordingly, ordered to be Registered.
Test Robt Williams CC.
StokesDB5:549 19 January 1814

Elizabeth sold her tract of land to Moses Coffin in 1817.

Elizabeth MacDowell of Stokes County to Moses Coffin for $180, 60 acres in Stokes County on waters of Belews Creek. Beginning at a Black Oak in Aaron Coffins line, thene running East along said Moses Coffins line 60 poles to a stake in Isabell Jones line (her Dower), thence North 78 poles to a Hickory, thence East 59 poles to a stake, thence North 83 poles to a Red Oak, thence West 50 poles to a Post Oak, thence South along Aaron Coffins line 42 poles to the first station. Part of a tract granted James Gammell and registered Surry County Book B folio 219 and by Gammell & wife to John McDowell in Stokes County Book B folio 80. Allotted to Elizabeth in Stokes DB5:548. Signed: Elizabeth (X her mark) MacDowell. Witnesses: Aaron Coffin, Jos McDowell. Filed December Term 1817.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB6:69 18 January 1817

A Deed from Elizabeth McDowel to Moses Coffin was proven by Aaron Coffin &OR.
StokesCM(1815-1819):None Saturday 13 December 1817

William McDowell
Parents: John McDowell and Isabella MNU

William S. McDowell [1800 - 1874 MCD/FG] married Jane Hankins [1809 - Unknown MCD/FG] about 1825, likely in Pikeville TN. His modern tombstone notes that he was born in Stokes County with father John McDowell, but it is not known how this was proven. They had the following children.

Joseph McDowell [c1828 - ]
William B. "Hobs" McDowell [1829 - 1885 BRUS/FG] married Margaret Smith [1836 - c1876 BRUS/FG], the daughter of Eathel Eldridge "Dred" Smith and Matilda (McDowell) [1813 - 1875 BUD/FG].
James F. McDowell [c1832 - ]
Mary McDowell [1834 - 1895 MCD/FG]
Sarah McDowell [1837 - 1912 MCD/FG]
Hannah McDowell [1840 - 1897 BIG/FG] married James Franklin Worthington [1829 - 1895 BIG/FG], the son of William Franklin Worthington and Margaret Brown.
Isabella McDowell [1842 - 6 May 1915 MCD/FG]
Thomas McDowell [c1844 - ]
Jesse C. McDowell [1846 - 21 April 1885 MCD/FG] married Sarah E. Green [4 March 1854 - 15 May 1933 NEMC/FG], the daughter of William Harrison Miller and Mary Greene. He served in Company D, 7th TN Mtd. Inf. of the Union Army in the Civil War. After his death, Sarah married David Jefferson McDaniel [7 May 1823 - 29 April 1909 OEMC/FG].
Nancy Loretta McDowell [1849 - Unknown MCD/FG] married John W. Worthington [27 June 1849 - 22 January 1938 MCD/FG], the son of William Franklin Worthington and Margaret Brown.

William and Jane appeared in the following census records.

1830 Census Bledsoe County TN
William McDowel

3 Males 0-4: [Joseph, William]
1 Male 30-39: [William]
1 Female 20-29: [Jane]

1840 Census Bledsoe County TN
William McDowell

1 Male 5-9: [James]
3 Males 10-14: [Joseph, William]
1 Male 40-49: [William]
3 Females 0-4: [Sarah, Hannah]
1 Female 5-9: [Mary]
1 Female 30-39: [Jane]

1850 Census Bledsoe County TN
Eastern District

William McDowell - 50 M - Farmer - NC
Jane - 41 F - TN
Joseph - 22 M - Laborer - TN
William - 21 M - Laborer - TN
James F. - 18 M - Laborer - TN
Mary - 16 F - TN
Sarah - 13 F - TN
Hannah - 10 F - TN
Isabella - 8 F - TN
Thomas - 6 M - TN
Jesse M. - 4 M - TN
Nancy L. - 1 F - TN

1860 Census Bledsoe County TN
PO Pikeville

William McDowell - 59 M - Farmer - NC
Jane - 47 F - TN
Elizabeth - 64 F - NC
Mary - 22 F - TN
Sarah - 20 F - TN
Hannah - 18 F - TN
Isabella - 16 F - TN
Thomas - 14 M - TN
Jesse - 12 M - TN
N.L.J. - 10 F - TN

1880 Census Bledsoe County TN
District 4

Jane McDowell - 70 F - Housekeeper - TN NC NC
Mary - 40 F - At home - TN TN NC
Sarah - 28 F - At home - TN TN NC
Isabell - 26 F - At home - TN TN NC

William sold his share of his father's real estate in 1820 while residing in Bledsoe County TN. See the plat for his share of the land.

William McDowell of Bledsoe County TN to William Coffin of Stokes County NC for $192, 90 acres in Stokes County on Bellows Creek. Beginning at an Elm William Coffins southwest corner formerly the widow Isabel Jones's Dower, thence running South with Moses Coffins line 83 poles to an Hickory in the line of Andrew McKillip heirs, thence East 176 poles to a stake, thence North with Wm Voss line 82 poles to a stake Wm Coffins southeast corner, thence along his line West 176 poles to the first station. Part of grant to James Gammell in Surry County Book B folio 219 and then to John McDowell in Stokes County Book B folio 80 and then allotted to William as his share of his father's real estate in Book 5 folio 548. Signed: William McDowell. Witnesses: Salathiel Stone, Thomas (X his mark) Marshall. Filed March Term 1821.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB7:145 26 September 1820

A Deed from William McDowell to Wm Coffin was duly proven by S. Stone &OR.
StokesCM(1820-1823):None Saturday 17 March 1821

At the same time, William sold his interest in his mother's dower land.

William McDowel of Bledsoe County TN to William Coffin of Stokes County NC for $25, 133¼ acres in Stokes County on Belou's Creek held in revision by the four joint heirs & Legatees of said John McDowell one fourth of which descended by heirship unto the said William McDowell from his father. Beginning at an Elm Moses Coffins line, running North 121 poles with Moses Coffins line to an Hickory, from thene East 176 poles with Stephen Hesters line to a stake on Moses Barrows line, thence South with said line 121 poles to a stake, thence West 176 poles to the first station. Signed: W. McDowell. Witnesses: Salathiel Stone, Thomas (X his mark) Marshall. Filed March Term 1821.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB7:183-184 26 September 1820

A Deed from William McDowell to Wm Coffin was duly proven by S. Stone &OR.
StokesCM(1820-1823):None Saturday 17 March 1821

In December 1822, he witnessed a deed.

Mathew Marshall to Salathiel Stone, both of Stokes County. Witness and proven by W. McDowell at December Term 1822.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB8:24 9 December 1822

In August 1826, William purchased his half-brother William Jones' intesest in the land of his stepfather Gabriel Jones. See Gabriel's 1808 Will for additional information. He then sold the land in November 1826.

William Jones and Isabel Jones his mother of Bledsoe County TN to William McDowell of the same for $100, 156 acres in Stokes County NC on both sides of North Fork of Dlews Creek. Bounded on the South by the heirs of Gabriel Jones deceased, bounded on the West by the land of John Tiner and bounded on the North by the land of Curtis Tygner deceased and also bounded by the heirs of Austin Blackbarn bounded on the East by the lands of Thomas Voss and Thomas Sylaven. The tract of land which Gabriel Jones bequeathed to his son William Jones. Signed: William (X his mark) Jones, Isabela Jones. Witnesses: George Vaughn, Jos McDowell.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB9:11 14 August 1826

A deed from Wm & Isabella Jones to William McDowell was offered for probate and appeared sufficiently authenticated from the certificate of Scott Terry Clerk of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of Bledsoe County Tennessee &OR.
StokesCM(1826-1827):None Monday 12 March 1827

William McDowell of Bledsoe County TN to Thomas Sullivan of Stokes County NC for $200, 150 acres in Stokes County on both sides of the North Fork of Belews Creek. Bounded on the South by the lands of the heirs of Gabriel Jones Decd, bounded on the West by the land of John Tyner, bounded on the North by the land of Curtis Tigner (Decd) and also the land of Vance & the said Thomas. The same tract of land which Gabriel Jones (Decd) bequeathed to his son William Jones. Signed: Wm McDowell. Witnesses: Salathiel Stone, John Vance Jur. Filed March Term 1827.[KM Abstract]
StokesDB8:495 25 November 1826

A deed from Wm McDowell to Thomas Sullivan was duly proven in open Court by Salethiel Stone &OR.
StokesCM(1826-1827):None Tuesday 13 March 1827

William McDowel appeared on Tax Lists of 1838 and 1839 of Bledsoe County TN with a Joseph McDowal, likely his brother, as follows.

A List of Taxable Property and Polls in District No. 4th in Bledsoe County for 1838
McDowel, William; Deeded Land: 160, Value: 930, Tax: 46½, School Land: 90, Value: 50, Tax: 02½

McDowell, William; Acres: 160, Value: 930, Tax: 46½, School Land: 90, Value: 50, Tax: 02½

Other Stokes Records

14 A deed [Cen'l Shober to Clara McDowell was duly ack'd & ordered to be registered
StokesCM(1836-1839)15:None Friday 17 June 1836


Thomas McDowell
Parents: Unknown

Thomas McDowell [Unknown - 1786] married Mary MNU. They had the following children based on his 1786 Will.

Simeon McDowell
Nancy McDowell

It's possible that Mary's maiden name is Hassell since she purchases articles from the Estate of Mathew Hassell in 1743.

An acct of the Estate of Mathew Hassell sold at public vendue on the 17th Day of Decr 1743.
[Purchaser List excluding Mary McDowell: Elizabeth Hawkins, James Long Giles Long, John Swain, William Hassell]
To Mary McDowel one pipken – 0.1.6
To Mary McDowel one wheel – 0.2.0
To Mary McDowel 2 pots & 1 Jug – 0.0.4
An Acct of sales of the Estate of Mathew Hassell 1743
Tyrrell County Estate Folder: Hassell, Mathew 1743

A reconstructed census record at Ancestry.com reports that a Thomas McDuell was present in Tyrrell County in 1780. His wife Mary appeared in the 1790 Census.

1790 Census Tyrrell County NC
Mary McDewil

1 Female: [Mary]

Thomas witnessed a Tyrrell County deed in 1765.

No. 603. Joseph Patterson and wife Elizabeth of Tyrrell County to James Long for £25;. Witnesses: Thomas Mackdowell, Rednap Howell, Fr Ward. Proven September Term 1766. Registered 10 March 1767.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB4.2:72 27 August 1765

Thomas died in Tyrell County NC in 1786 leaving a Will with Executor Joshua Leary.[McDowell, 458-459] Several Tyrrell County Sheriff's writs result from death and a debt to John Chisson.

Tyrrell County Sheriff summons dated 8 October 1789 against goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Thomas Macdowell decd for £9.3.3½ recovered by John Chisson against Joshua Leary Exor of Thos Macdowell and issued 23 November 1789.
22 John Chisson vs Joshua Leary Exor of Thomas Macdowell } Fi Fa
No property of Thomas McDowell to be found
E. Blount Shf
Jany Term 1790.
[KM Abstract]
John Chisson vs Joshua Leary Exor: of Thomas McDowell decd } Bill
£3.0.0 – Judgment
1.0.0 – Attorney
0.6.8 – Sheriff
0.4.0 – Constable
3.2.4½ – Witnesses
1.10.3 – Clerk
Tyrrell Estate Folder: McDowell, Thomas 1789

Tyrrell County Sheriff summons for Joshua Leary Exor: of Thomas McDowell to appear at Court April next but with notation "no property of the decd to be found." Dated 7 January 1790 and issued 7 February 1790.
11 John Chisson vs 22 Joshua Leary Exor of Thos McDowell decd } Fi Fa
Ed Blount Shf
April Term 1790.
[KM Abstract]
John Chisson vs Joshua Leary Exor: of Thomas McDowell decd } Bill
£3.0.0 – Judgment
Attorney paid Jn Roulhacy
0.6.8 – Sheriff
0.4.0 – Constable
3.2.4½ Witnesses
1.14.0 Clerk
Tyrrell Estate Folder: McDowell, Thomas 1789

1786 Will of Thomas MackDowell

TyrrellWB1:195 and Folder: McDowell, Thomas 1786

Thomas MackDowell, May 6, 1786
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas MackDowell of Tyrrell County and State of North Carolina being Sick in body but of a Sound and well Disposing memory Calling to mind that it is appointed for all men Once to Die I Do hereby make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following. Vizt:
First I Give my body and Soul to God that made it and as to my worldy Goods I Give as follows Vizt:
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Son Frederick MackDowell, Son of my wife Mary MackDowell one Mare one heifer Seven head of Sheep one bed and furniture one half Dozen Earthen plates one Chest one Iron Pott one frying pan one pair of flat irons one weeding plow one hoe one Ax And all my Shoemakers Tools and one bridle and Saddle to him and his heirs forever.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my four Children Thomas, James, Simeon and Nancy MackDowell all the Residue and Remainder of my whole Estate of what Nature or Kindsoever to be Equally Divided between the said Children Thomas, James, Simeon and Nancy MackDowell to them and there heirs forever.
And I Do hereby Nominate and appoint my Two Friends Joshua Leary and Robert Davison Esqr my Executors to this my Last will and Testament Revoking all other wills by me made and I Do hereby Declare this to be my last will and Testament. In Witness Whereby I have set my hand and Seal this 6th Day of May 1786
Thomas MackDowell
Signed Sealed published Seal Pronounced and Declared to be my last will and Testament in the presents of
Joshua guerken
James Miller
Tyrrell County, October Term 1786 } Personally appeared James Miller and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that he saw and heard the above named Thomas McDowell, Sign , seal publish, pronounce, and Declare the above Instrument of Writing to be his last Will and Testament and at that time he was of Sound Mind and memory and at the same time he saw Joshua Guerken a subscribing Witness sign his name thereunto, & further saith not.
Test. Macky CC

Frederick McDowell
Parents: Thomas McDowell and Mary MNU

Frederick McDowell married Hannah Hassell [c1772 PMT - ], the daughter of William Hassell [c1747 - c1783] and Ann MNU, on 11 September 1788 in Tyrrell County NC.
They appear in the following census records.

1790 Census Tyrrell County NC
Frederick McDewil

1 Male over 16: [Frederick]
3 Females: [Hannah]

Note that Washington County was formed from Tyrrell County in 1799.

1800 Census Washington County NC
Frederick Mcdowel [Mcdewil at Ancestry]

2 Males 0-9:
1 Male 26-44: [Frederick]
2 Females 0-9:
1 Female 26-44: [Hannah]

Note that Martin County was formed from Halifax and Tyrrell Counties in 1774.

1810 Census Martin County NC
Frederick McDowell

2 Males 10-15:
1 Male 16-25:
1 Male 45 over: [Frederick]
1 Female 0-9:
1 Female 16-25:
1 Female 26-44: [Hannah]

We believe that the following census record is in fact Hannah Hassell McDowell, the wife of Frederick McDowell.

1830 Census Martin County NC
Joannah McDuell

1 Male 20-29:
1 Female 15-19:
1 Female 50-59: [Joannah]

She is mentioned in the following deed.

Henry G. Williams of Rapide Parish Louisianna to John Cleman of Martin County. Beginning on the Cypress __ or Hickory running S40W along Lewis Sherrords and John Everitts line 320 poles, thence along Everitts line S50E 320 pole to Conehoe Creek, then down the various courses of said Creek to Slades line on the said Creek along said Slades line to the Williamston road, then up said road to a branch or pond above Mrs. McDowells, then across said road to Roanoke River a straight course to a Red Oak the upper corner of the Littlejohn tract of land, then up the river to the first station.[KM Abstract]
MartinDBO:178 4 September 1833

A Revolutionary War Archivist Ticket exists at Fold3.com and contains the following information, likely for 1780 in comparison with similar records.

Frederick McDuel - Capt. William Earl's Co. of the 1st No'th Car. Regiment of Militia commanded by Col. Samuel Jarvis. Commencement of pay June 8

Frederick carried out the following land transactions.

No. 155. Thomas Hawkins of Tyrrell County to Fredrick McDowell of same for £50, 50 acres in Tyrrell County beginning at the Little Creek and taking as much as the patent contains between Captain Davidson & Joshua Land. Signed: Thomas (x his mark) S. Hawkins. Witnesses: Israel Long, Enoch Leary. Registered 21 February 1788.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB10:217-218 15 December 1787

No. 156. Thomas Hawkins of Tyrrell County to Frederick McDowell of same for £100, 50 acres in Tyrrell County beginning at a Pine James Long corner tree to on the road and running along the road to Robert Davison line, then along Davison line to Wileys line, then along Wileys line to James Long, then along James Long line to the first station. Signed: Thomas (X his mark) Hawkins. Witnesses: Israel Long, Enoch Leary. Registered 21 February 1788.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB10:218 15 December 1787

No. 350. Frederick McDowell to John Long for £100, 50 acres in Tyrrell County beginning at a Pine James Longs corner tree on the road side and running along the road to Robert Davisons line, thence along Davisons line to Wiley's line, thencalon Wiley's line to James Long's line, thence along James Long's line to the first station. Signed: Frederick McDowell Witnesses: Robt Davison, Jas Long. Proved October Term 1790 Registered 20 November 1790.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB10:474 May 1790

John Long son of Col. Jas Long of Tyrrell County to Frederick McDowell for £100, 50 acres in Tyrrell County beginning from the old chapel swamp and binding on the said swamp to a branch arising out of the said swamp to a line of marked trees which was made by Col. James Long & James Long son of Andrew, thence across the said land on a line of marked trees to the said Colo. James Long's line, thence along the said Col. James Long line to swamp the first station. Signed: John Long Jun. Witnesses: Robt Davison, Jas. Long.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB10:475 12 May 1790

Frederick Macdowel of Washington County to Samuel Chesson of same for £90, 57-acre tract McDowell bought of John Long, son of Colonel James Long, and also 50-acre tract on swamp bought of Thomas Hawkins. Signed Fredrick Mackdowell. Witnesses: John Sleight, Wm Blount. Registered 13 August 1801.[KM Abstract]
WashingtonDBB:6 5 February 1801

By 1801, Frederick had sold all the land that he purchaesed.
His property is mention in the following 1822 Washington County NC deed.

Downing Long to William L. Chesson for $5. On south side of Albemarle Sound in Washington County. Beginning at __ B Longs line on the sound, thence running up said Longs line to the line of the land I have conveyed to Benjn Phelps, thence along said Phelps line to the main Road, thence along the line of the land formerly belonging to Frederick McDowell northwardly to the sound, thence along the sound side to the first station. Registered 3 February 1823.[KM Abstract]
WashingtonDBF:38 31 May 1822.

He witnessed two deeds.

No. 334. These may certify that a line was made between Col. James Long & James Long son of Andrew being the land that John Long Senr did formerly possess being 230 acres which said land was divided accordingly. Witnesses: John Long Senr, William Long & Frederick McDowell. [KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB10:452 19 May 1790

William H. Hassell to David Leggitt for $100, goods & chattels. Witnesses: Joshua W. Hassell, Fedrick McDowell. Registered December Term 1812.[KM Abstract]
MartinDBF:113 29 October 1812

Thomas McDowell
Parents: Thomas McDowell and Mary MNU

Thomas McDowell married Mary MNU. We believe that they had the following children.

Foreman McDowell [c1790 - ]
James McDowell [c1795 - 1835]

Thomas and Mary appeared in the following census records.

1800 Census Martin County NC
Thos McDoel

2 Males 0-9: [James]
1 Male 10-16: [Foreman]
1 Male 26-44: [Thomas]
2 Females 0-9:
1 Female 26-44:

1810 Census Pitt County NC
Thos McDoel

1 Male 0-9:
1 Male 10-16: [James]
1 Male 16-25: [Foreman]
1 Male 26-44: [Thomas]
3 Females 0-9:
1 Female 16-25:
1 Female 26-44:

1820 Census Pitt County NC
Mary McDewel

2 Females 0-9:
2 Females 16-26:
1 Female 45 over:

Foreman McDowell
Parents: Thomas McDowell and Mary MNU

Foreman McDowell [c1790 - c1845] married Mary Adams [3 May 1773 - Aft 1830 Census], the daughter of Abraham (Abram) Adams and Celia Elizabeth Brooks. Circumstantial evidence of Mary's maiden name is found in PittDBHH:446. Two children have been identified.

Foreman McDowell [1808 - 12 July 1828 BOYD/FG]
Lovey Elizabeth McDowell [11 July 1819 - 29 July 1854 BOYD/FG] married John Boyd [16 January 1805 - 17 January 1858 BOYD/FG] and had the following children: McDowell Boyd [20 April 1847 - 13 June 1913 PIN/FG]; Henry A. Boyd [9 August 1849 - 30 November 1878 BOYD/FG]; and Henrietta Boyd [3 February 1854 - 5 October 1903 DIX/FG] who married Edward Samuel Dixon [25 December 1854 - 30 December 1915 DIX/FG]

The identification of Lovey as a daughter is based on the following deed of gift.

Foreman McDuel/McDewel to daughter Lovey Elizabeth McDewel as gift one Negro girl Wutley aged about 10 months. Signed: Foreman McD__. Registered November Term 1823.[KM Abstract]
PittDBCC:277 6 November 1823

Foreman appeared in the following census records. We believe that the male aged 16-25 living with him in 1820 is his brother James.

1820 Census Pitt County NC
Foreman McDowell

2 Males 0-9:
1 Male 10-15: [Foreman]
1 Male 16-25: [James]
1 Male 26-44: [Foreman]
1 Female 0-9: [Lovey]
1 Female 10-15:
1 Female 45 over: [Mary]

1830 Census Pitt County NC
Foreman McDowell

1 Male 15-19:
1 Male 40-49: [Foreman]
1 Female 10-14: [Lovey]
1 Female 50-59: [Mary]

1840 Census Pitt County NC
Foreman McDuel

1 Male 5-9:
1 Male 40-49: [Foreman]
1 Female 30-39:

Foreman (or perhaps Freeman) McDowell is believed to have served in the War of 1812 in the North Carolina Second Regiment, Third Company, detached from the Pitt Regiment.[22]
Foreman bought and sold slaves during his lifetime as shown by the following Bills of Sale.

William Haddock to Foreman McDuell for $800, a Negro man named Isaac and his wife Rachell and her increase. Signed: William Adams. Witnesses: Elias Taft, Calvin Boyd. Registered Febraury Term 1825.[KM Abstract]
PittDBCC:504 21 August 1819

Luke Ward to Foreman McDewell/McDuell for $320, a Negro woman named Nancy and her two children the oldest Anney and the youngest named Emley. Signed: Luke Ward. Witness: Calvin Boyd. Registered February Term 1825.[KM Abstract]
PittDBCC:503 6 February 1822

Thomas Telfair of Beauford County to Foreman McDuell for $290, a Negro boy by the name of Eleck aged about 12. Signed: Thos Telfair. Witness: Garret Laughinghouse. Registered Pitt County Court November Term 1825.[KM Abstract]
PittDBDD:122 25 October 1825

Foreman McDuell to Caleb Smith for $280, Negro boy named Stephen about 9 years old. Signed. F. McDuell (M his mark). Witness: Elias Taft. Registered May Term 1826.[KM Abstract]
PittDBDD:267 6 January 1826

Eldredge Jones to Foreman McDuell for $800, a Negro woman and child named [Silphy] aged 25. Signed: Eldredge Jones. Witness: Alex Brinkley Registered May Term 1842.[KM Abstract]
PittDBKK:96 May 1842

He served on several commissions to allot the dower right to widows.

Elizabeth Nelson Dower with Foreman McDowell one of the 12 commissioners. Signed: F. McDuel (X his mark).[KM Abstract]
PittDBCC:41-42 11 April 1820

Mary Armstrong Dower with Foreman McDuell (X his mark) one of 12 Commissioners.[KM Abstract]
PittDBGG:202 1 February 1833

Mary Moore Dower with Foreman McDowell one of 12 commissioners.[KM Abstract]
PittDBGG:159-160 29 October 1833

He participated in various manners in the mortgages or deeds of trust of others in Pitt County.

William H. Campbell to Foreman McDowell and third parties Arnold Taft and James A. Dixon for $0.50, 200-acre tract with stock and other real property, in trust for debts to Arnold Taft, Archibald Campbell, James A. Dixon. Signed: William H. Campbell, Foreman McDowell (X his mark), Arnold Taft. Registered 25 November 1837.[KM Abstract]
PittDBHH:336 24 November 1837

Edward Dixon to James A. Dixon and Arnold Taft and John S. Dixon of the third part. Mortgage to cover Edward's debts. Edward Dixon principal & John S. Dixon security one Judgment in favour of Foreman McDuell where Edward Dixon is principal & Noah Arnold security and John S Dixon stayer of an Execution for eighteen dollars & fifty cents Int from 18th Decr 1837 Cost 4/.[KM Abstract]
PittDBHH:465 29 May 1838

John Bright to John Boyd with Foreman McDuell of the third part, a mortgage due to debts of John Bright who is indebted to Foreman McDuell by note of Hand for $300 and dated 20 February 1841 subject to payment of debt. Signed: John Bright, Foreman McDuell (X his mark). Witness: William Clark. Registered 20 February 1841.[KM Abstract]
PittDBII:339 20 February 1841

In one deed, Foreman is provided with liability for serving as security.

John Bright to Foreman McDuell to secure against damages for liability as security all right of him as Executor and his wife in estate of James Watkins. Signed: John Bright. Witness: J.A. Dixon. Registered 17 June 1843.[KM Abstract]
PittDBKK:207 10 March 1842

Foreman engages in a number of land transaction which we present in the following abstracts.

Elias Taft to Foreman McDowell. Division of land. 5½ acres on south side of Tar River known as Fleming Land. Foreman McDowell and his wife Mary, James Dixon, Polly Dixons, John Dixon, and George are tennants in common. At Tar River heirs of Edward Dixon deceased[KM Abstract]
PittDBBB:216 February 1819

John H. Gorham to Foreman McDuell for $362, 73½ acres in Pitt County on the south side of Tar River & on Gorhams Mill pond beginning at a Cypress in the line of the Dixon land, then up the run of the Mill branch to a Pine corner of Dixon land, then North 242 poles with the Dixon line to the Beginning except however so much of the said land as may be overflowed by the mill pond from all damages which the said Foreman might otherwise be entitled to an account of said overflow and also so much as may be necessary for joining and securing the dam of the mill seat, which still remains the property of the said Gorham provided the exception of the mill seat & the overflowing of the mill pond shall not be construed so as to admit the said Gorham to raise the water any higher than has heretofore been usual without paying damages. Signed: Jno C. Gorham. Witnesses: M. Cickinson, Benjn Harrison. Registered August Term 1826.[KM Abstract]
PittDBDD:294 3 June 1826

Robert Speir of Beaufort County to Foreman McDuell of Pitt County for $250, 50 acres in Pitt County on south side Checod Creek & West side of Tar River adjoining the Robert Boyd tract of Land now in the occupancy of Alfred Nelson which 50 acres I bought from Calvin Boyd. Signed: Robt Speir. Witnesses: Thomas Latham, J.S. Canon. Registered February Term 1828.[KM Abstract]
PittDBEE:175 26 January 1828

Alexanber Brinkley to Foreman McDuell for $1,000, 160 acres in Pitt County on the south side of Tar River beginning at a Pine on the south side of Checod Creek, James Armtrongs upper corner, running S11W 312 poles with Armstrongs line to a Pine his back corner, thence N55W 158 poles to a Red Oak the upper corner of the old pattent, then N25E 20 poles to a Hickory on the swamp of the creek, thence across said swamp 20 poles to a White Oak, thence N1E 20 poles, thence N19E 58 poles to a Hickory, thence N8E 396 poles, thence the course aforesaid pattent to said Armstrongs corner, the beginning. Signed: Alex Brinkley. Witnesses: H. Albritoon, Wiley Bond. Registered August Term 1834.[KM Abstract]
PittDBGG:236 1 July 1833

Edward Dixon to Foreman McDuell for $215, 60 acres on south side of Tar River beginning where the Poplar branch entrys in the Pole branch and runs the run of the Poplar branch to where it intersects the branch line of the pattent, thence the Back line of the pattent South 166 poles to a Red Oak a corner of said Pattent __ the Pole branch, thence East 108 poles to a Pine, thence down the branch to the first station. Known by the name of the Blackledge __. Signed: Edward Dixon. Witnesses: J.A. Dixon, John Boyd Junr. Registered February Term 1839. [KM Abstract]
PittDBII:101 6 February 1836

An Agreement made and entered into this 22nd day of May one thousand eight Hundred and thirty seven between and among James Adams, David Adams, Elizabeth Nelson, Foreman McDuell and Thomas Adams Executor of Jesse Adams decd all of the State of North Carolina and County of Pitt. We the above named do all agree to equally divide a certain piece or parcel of Land and Mill lying in Pitt County on the south side of Tar River formerly belonging to Abram Adams decd left by him to be sold in his last Will was sold by his Executors & bought by the above named James Adams and we do agree that each and every of us shall have hold possess and enjoy their equal share of the said Land and premises forever. In witness whereof we the above named have hereunto set our Hands and Seals the day and date above written. Signed: James Adams, David Adams, Elizabeth Nelson (X her mark), Thomas Adams, Foreman McDuell (X his mark). Witnesses: Washington Denters, Bryanat Adams. Registered February Term 1838.[KM Abstract]
PittDBHH:446 22 May 1837

Foreman McDowell to James A. Dixon for $470, 73½ acres which McDowell purchased from John C. Gorham on south side Tar River on Gorhams Mill Run beginning at a Cypress in the line of the Dixon land then up the [blank] of the Mill branch to a Pine corner of Dixon land, thence North 242 poles with the Dixon line to the beginning to except so much of said land as may be overflowed by the Mill pond all damages which the said Dixon might alters be entitled to on account of said overflow and all so much as may be necessary for joining and securing the dam of the Mill seat which shall remain the property of said F. McDowell provided the exception of the Mill Seat and the overflowing of the mill pond shall not be contrued so as to admit the said F. McDuell to Raise the waters any higher than has heretofore been usual without paying damages. Signed: Foreman McDuell (X his mark). Witnesses: Alex Brinkley, Cornelius Brinkley. Registered February Term 1838.[KM Abstract]
PittDBHH:444 21 December 1837

Arnold Taft to Foreman McDowell for $200, 40 acres in Pitt County on south side of Tar River and south side of Checod Creek beginning at Watkins corner and running with Watkins line South to the main road, thence with the main road to Foreman McDowells line and running with his line to the beginning. Signed: Arnold Taft. Witnesses: John Boyd, Otis Taft. Registered May Term 1842.[KM Abstract]
PittDBKK:85 11 August 1841

George W. Laughinghouse to Foreman McDowell for $300, 100 acres in Pitt County on south side of Tar River beginning on the southeast side of Chesod Creek at the aforesaid McDuells corner (formerly Robert Boyd) running with the aforesaid McDuells line across the main road, thence a corner a Black Jack, thence with said McDuells line down the main road to John Brights line, thence with John Brights line a westwardly course to a Pine, thence with said Brights line a north_ardly course through the plantation to the Creek, thence up the Creek to the first station which descended to George by death of his mother. Signed: George W. Laughinghouse. Witnesses: J.A. Dixon, P.B. Satterthwaite. Registered May Term 1843.[KM Abstract]
PittDBKK:221 10 April 1843

The property of Foreman McDowell is mentioned in the following deeds. Note that the second deed contains the names of Lovey Elizabeth's children.

William Powell to Arnold Taft for $30, 52 acres adjoining the Lands of Foreman McDuell and the Wilkins tract on south side of Checod Creek. Signed: William Powell. Witnesses: Ellis T Taft, Otis Taft. Registered November Term 1835[KM Abstract]
PittDBGG:421 1 September 1834

State of North Carolina, Pitt County } Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term 1867
To the Worshipful, the Justices of said Court:
The Petition of Sarah E. Boyd of said county, respectfully showeth unto your worships, that John Boyd of the County of Pitt deceased, was in his lifetime, and at the time of his death, seized in fee simple, or of some other good estate, of inheritance to him and his heirs, of the following lands, to wit: one tract adjoining the lands of Beng' Flemming, R.M. Spier and Mat Harris & others & known as the Barber landing and tract containing [blank] acres. One tract adjoining the lands of John F. Boyd, Marina Dixon, Archd McGown & others known as [blank] tract and containing [blank] acres. One other tract adjoining John S. Taft & Wife, Robt W. Nelson and others & known as part of the Foreman McDowell tract containing [blank] acres. All which said lands are situate, lying and being in the County of Pitt and being so seized, the said John Boyd did depart this life intestate, leaving your Petr. and others hereafter named his heirs at law him surviving; and upon his death the said lands descended and came to your petitioner and McDowell Boyd, Henry A. Boyd, Henrieta Boyd who are infants under the age of twenty one years & have John F. Boyd for their Guardian, and to said John T. Boyd, Mary wife of J.J. Cherry and wife of John S. Taft as tenants in common the last three of whom have heretofore had their several shares in the lands of their ancester set apart to them in severalty, and possess no interest in the lands described in the pleadings. Your Petr showeth that she has arrived to the age of twenty one years and is desirous of having a fair, just and equal partition of the said lands made between them in order that her shares and proportion thereof may be allotted, held and enjoyed in severalty.
To the end therefore … .

Pitt County Probate Estate Folder: Boyd, John 1859

Demetrius H. Cherry and wife Caroline to John S. Taft for $4,000. 614 acres beginning at a marked Sourwood near Nelson's landing, running thence S19W to the corner of the piney woods tract, thence with said tract S63E to within 51 poles of the Black Jack of Nelson's corner, a marked corner; thence through the piney woods tract S30W to the back line, thence around with the same continuing all West of said line of the said Checod Land … includes and embraces the 50 acres lying in the mill pond which was sold by the Sheriff of Pitt County to Alexander Brinkly by Deed dated 20th June 1833 and sold by said Brinkley to Foreman McDuell by deed dated 1 July 1833. Signed: D.H. Cherry, Caroline E. Cherry.[KM Abstract]
PittDBWW:190-191 20 April 1873

James McDowell
Parents: Thomas McDowell and Mary MNU

James McDowell [c1795 - 1835] married Sabrina Hyman, the daughter of Thomas C. Hyman and Susanah "Sucky" Pierce. They apparently had no children and appeared once in the Census.

1830 Census Bertie County NC
James McDowell

1 Male 30-39: [James]
1 Female 30-39:

No hard proof exists that James is a son of Thomas and Mary, but he fits in their census records while living with his putative brother Foreman in the 1820 Census before a marriage to Sabrina.
A Bertie County Probate Estate Folder for James McDowell exists and contains the following documents which we abstract and assign to his wife's name, Sabrina.

Sabrina 1

Account of Sales of the property of James McDowell sold by Admr on 22 December 1835 on a credit of six months.
[List: Sabrina McDowell often appears as a purchaser]
Account of sales of the property of James McDowell Decd made by Admr Aquilla Hyman.

Sabrina 2

Inventory of the property of James McDowell found and taken by the Administrator 22 December 1835.
[List of cash and notes, stock and crops, one negro woman named Ryner age about 24, one negro boy David about 2]
Aquilla Hyman
Recorded in Book S, Page 412

Sabrina 3

Bertie County Administrator Bond of Aquilla Hyman with securities Wm Blanchard & Jesse Averitt for the Estate of James McDowell dated 10 December 1835.

Sabrina 4

Bertie County Administrator Bond of Aquilla Hyman with securities Robt C. Watson & Wm Blanchard for the Estate of James McDowell dated 10 February 1836.

Sabrina 5

State of No Carolina, Bertie County Feby Term 1836
Sabrina McDowell to The Court } Petition for years provision
Ordered that Ira S. Smallwood, Jesse Averitt, R.C. watson, Wm Pugh & Thomas J. Pugh or any three of them lay off and allot to the Petitioner her years provision out of the Estate of her decd Husband & that they make return to our next County Court.
Jon t. Taylor Clk
In pursuance of the annexed order we have allowed Mrs. Sabrina McDowell one hundred and fifty dollars and deem that a sufficiency to purchase such provisions as she may require for the support of her family. We have made this agreement that a hundred and fifty dollars are a sufficiency in consequence of there being no provisions on hand. We have authorized Mr. Aquilla Hyman the administrator to furnish the above amount in provisions May 7the 1836.
Tho J. Pugh
Jesse Averitt
Wm Push
Recorded in Book S, Page 426

Sabrina sold her interest in family land in 1837.

Sabrina McDowell to Thomas Hyman for $25, interest in undivided tract of land which descended to her as the heir at law of Henry Hyman decd. Signed: Sabrina McDowell. Witnesses: Samuel W. Hyman, John L. Bowen. Registered January Term 1859[KM Abstract]
MartinDBR:533 15 August 1837

The following court documents surrounding the Will of Jehue Pearce reveal Sabrina's parents and relatives.

In pursuance of the annexed Commission to us Laurence Cherry and James Bullock directed we have caused to come before us the witnesses whose depositions follow at the Tavern of Stephen Long in the town of Williamston on Friday 12th day of January 1838 and have examined them on the Holy Evangelist of almighty God the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to testify and say in a certain matter of controversy now defending in the Superior Court of Law for the County of Martin wherein Henry Gray and wife and others are Pltffs and Abraham Maer Admr and others are deft who upon their examination depose and say as follows.
John D. Hyman being sworn deposeth and sayeth as foloweth.
Question 1st by the Pltffs. Were you acquainted with Jehu Pierce previous to his death and if so did he leave any Children living at the time of his death?
Answer. I was well acquainted with him and he left no children living at the time of his death that was born in lawful wedlock.
Question 2d. Are you acquainted with the relations of Jehue Pearce and if so state who are his next of kin and distributees.
Answer. I was well acquainted with his relations. He had a sister by the name of Molly who intermarried with Ebenezer Hyman and died many years ago and leaving Elizabeth the wife of N.B. Mariner one of the Pltffs her child and Temperence who intermarried with Kinchen Everitt and died leaving some children. He had also a sister by the name of Sucky who intermarried with Thomas Hyman and died several years ago leaving Needham, Aquilla, Thomas, Ebenezer Hyman, Sally the wife of Leroy Williams, Fanny the wife of Archabald Hyman, Sabrina McDowell and William Hyman her children. He had also another sister by the name of Penelope who intermarried with John Price and died some time since leaving Chloe the wife of Henry Gray, Harriet the wife of Perry Bazemon, Jackzilla the wife of Kenneth Gardner, Elizabeth Ward and William Price, and Mary who intermarried with Frances Ward her children. He had also three other sisters by the names of Nancy, Catey, and Chloe who died here who removed from this part of the Country and at that time neither had children except Catey who had intermarried with William Rodes, and had a son by the name of William. He had also a brother by the name of Stuart Pearce who removed from this Country thirty years ago and I understand now resides in the west or south and this statement of the relatives of Jehue Pearce answers as fully as I am able the question as to who are the next of kin and distributees of said Jehue. And further this deponent sayeth not.
John (x his mark) D. Hyman
Filed 18 May 1838.

Record of the Superior Court of Law for Pitt County
Received Transcript 9th day of February 1840
State of No Carolina, Pitt County, Spring Term 1840
Joseph R. Lloyd Exr of Henry Slade Plaintiff vs Henry Gray & wife Chloe Ann, [Perry Bazimon] & wife Harriet, Kenneth Gardner & wife Jacada Tilly, Elizabeth Ward, Needham Hyman, Aquilla Hyman, Thomas Hyman, Ebenezer Hyman, Sabrina McDowell, Stewart Pierce, Francis Ward & wife Mary, Archebald Hyman & wife Fanny, Leroy Wiliams & wife Sally, William Hyman, Tamer Pierce & Napoleon W. Maiener defendants
In this case the following Jurors being sworn & empannelled, to wit: [List] who say that the paper writing purporting to be the last will & Testament of Jehu Pierce, propounded by Joseph R. Lloyd Exr of Henry Slade for probate in the following words (viz):
In the name of God Amen, I Jehue Pierce do ordain this to be my last Will and Testament.
Item 1st I lend all my estate both real & personal of any kind & description whatsoever unto my wife Tamour during her natural life.
Item 2nd after the death of my wife, I give all the Estate both real & personal of any kind & description hereby lent unto my said wife unto Henry Slade & his Heirs & assigns forever. Signed by me this the eleventh day of September 1826.
John (X his mark) Griffen
Henry (x his mark) Cooper
is the last will and Testament of John Pierce deceased of Martin County.
Whereupon it is considered by the Court that Joseph R. Lloyd the Exr of Henry Slade recover his costs in this behalf expended of Henry Gray & wife Chloe Ann, [Perry Bazimon] & wife Harriet, Kenneth Gardner & wife Jacada Tilly, Elizabeth Ward, Needham Hyman, Aquilla Hyman, Thomas Hyman, Ebenezer Hyman, Sabrina McDowell the parties who contested the probate of said paper.
And it is ordered that the Clerk of this Court transmit to the County Court of Martin County a certified Copy of the proceedings verdict & Judgment in this issue together with the original paper writing now proved as the Will of said Jehu Pierce.
MartinWB2:273-274 April Term 1840

James McDowell
Parents: Thomas McDowell and Mary MNU

James McDowell (McDuel) married Mourning Hassell on 11 November 1798 in Tyrrell County NC.

1800 Census Washington County NC
James McDowel [Mcdaniel at Ancestry]

1 Male 26-44: [James]
4 Females 0-9:
1 Female 26-44: [Mourning]

1810 Census Washington County NC
James McDowel
Capt. John Phelps

1 Male 0-9:
1 Male 26-44: [James]
1 Female 10-15:
2 Females 16-25:
1 Female 45 over: [Mourning]

In the following 1797 deed, we believe that Mourning's mother, also named Mourning, sets aside land that she lived on for the care of her childen, one of them named Mourning. By the time that the deed is proved and registered in 1830, her daughter Mourning McDowell — married in 1798 — is the one who acknowledges the deed, thereby explaining the language in the deed.

Mourning Hassell of Tyrrell County to Henry Swanner of same for $1 and in love & affection for her five children Joshua, Lydia, Mourning, Sarah & Elizabeth Hassell and for provision for their future maintainance, tract of land she lives on on Middlenceck Swamp in Tyrrell County. Signed: Mourning Hassell. January Court 1803: "This deed was acknowledged in open Court by Mourning McDowel alias Hassell." Registered 18 March 1803.[KM Abstract]
TyrrellDB12:538 11 September 1797

Mourning appears in two additional deeds of Washington County NC. We note that Joshua Leary was the Executor of the Will of her father-in-law, Thomas McDowell.

Joshua Leary of Washington County NC to Thomas Leary of same for £188.12.4, list of items. Signed: Joshua Leary. Signed and Delivered one Horse one Bed Delivered Mourning McDowell. Registered 13 January 1802.[KM Abstract]
WashingtonDBB:34 29 January 1801

Penelope Miller of Washington County NC to John Lewis for £50, third part of land in Washington County on south side of Albemarle Sound, land left by James Miller Decd to his three Children. Signed: Penelope Miller (her mark). Witnesses: S. Chesson, Mourning McDowell. Registered 14 February 1805.[KM Abstract]
WashingtonDBB:218 25 March 1804

James appears in several Washington County deed records.

Division of Samuel Young land. Beginning at a Red Oak on Beach Neck Swamp Thomas Fagan's corner, then up the Swamp the various courses of the Swamp to a Sweet Gum near the mouth of a Branch dividing said land from the land in possession of James McDowel, then West 36 poles to a small White Oak near said McDowels House, then S55W 5 pole to a Red and White Oak, then West by a line of marked trees to Downings line a Sweet Gum, then along Downings line to James Courts line, then along his line to Thomas Fagans line, then along his line to the first station. Registerd 12 September 1809.[KM Abstract]
WashingtonDBC:110 5 June 1809

Dower allocation for Nancy Jackson, widow of Nathan Blount. Lot in Plymouth. Freeholder: James McDowell.[KM Abstract]
WashingtonDBC:148 13 December 1809

James McDowell served as chain carrier with Nathanial Chisson.[KM Abstract]
WashingtonDBD:387 14 November 1817

He was a witness in a Martin County deed of 1817.

Daniel Lilley to Manson Whitaker for $90. Witnesses: Ja. McDowell, Isom Whitaker. Registered July Term 1841.[KM Abstract]
MartinDBM:351 18 October 1817


1. North Carolina Land Grants at Ancestry.com, 1778.
2. North Carolina Land Grants at Ancestry.com, 1779.
3. Guilford County Court Minutes, Vol. 1, page 261.
4. The discussion in the following paragraphs is taken form the Guilford County Estate Folder labeled "Russell, Andrew Senr. 1828."
5. Guilford County Estate Folder: Meek, John 1788
6. GuilfordCM(1788-1796):247
7. GuilfordCM(1781-1788):71
8. State Archives, Nashville TN
9. SimpsonOBD:25
10. Simpson County Surveyor's Book 1.
11. Guilford County Estate Folder: Graham, William 1793 (Folder #1)
12. Edgecombe County Estate Folder: McDowell, Mary S. 1881.
13. Wake County Court Minutes, 1820, p. 71.
14. CR.099.801.20, Wake County, Wills, Loose Papers.
15. Wake County Court Minutes, Book II, 1787-1792, p. 450.
16. CR.099.701.1-5, Tax Lists of Wake County, 1781-1826.
17. The estate documents are found in the Hyde County NC estate folder labeled McDuell (McDowel), Stephen 1771 and are available at Ancestry.com Hyde County Estate Records, 1735-1944, Images 15982-15987. At NCSA, the records are found at CR.053.508.46.
18. Records of the Moravians in North Carolina by A. L. Fries, editor, Volume 1, 1752-1771, Publication of the North Carolina Historical Commission.
19. Chronicles of the Cape Fear River, 1660-1916 by James Sprint, Raleigh, Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. 1916.
20. See also The North Carolina Historical Review, Vol. 28, 1951, p. 440.
21. The North Carolina Historical Review, Vol. 32, 1955, p. 6.
22. North Carolina Soldiers in the War of 1812 compiled by Jon Smith. This list is availble by googling the Internet.


1. "The Lost Joseph" of the McDowell Family, by Julia Angeline Drake, N.C. Historical and Genealogical Record, N97h1, Vol. 1, No. 4, Page 132, NCSA.
2. From Mill Wheel to Plowshare, the story of the contribution of the Christian Orendorff family, by Julia Angeline Drake, available at Ancestry.com.
3. McDowells in America, A Genealogy, by Dorothy Kelly MacDowell, Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore 1981.


Plat of John McDowell, Stokes County


ALAM: Alamance Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Greensboro, Guilford County NC

ANN: Ann Hummer Cemetery, Logan County KY

BANY: Old Bethany Cemetery, Vienna, Pickens County AL

BER: Berea Christian Cemetery, Russellville, Logan County KY

BTH: Bethel Cemetery, Masters, Cedar County MO

BIG: Big Spring Cemetery, Bledsoe County TN

BIRD: Bird Creek Cemetery, Kingfisher, Kingfisher County OK

BOYD: John Boyd Family Cemetery, Greenville, Pitt County NC

BROW: Brown Cemetery, Blue Mound, Macon County IL

BRUS: Brushy Cemetery, Bledsoe County TN

BUD: Bud Smith Cemetery, Bledsoe County TN

CAPE: Cape Fair Cemetery, Cape Fair, Stone County MO

CCC: Clark-Campbell Cemetery, Brown County IL

COL: Colony Cemetery, Colony, Knox Cty MO

CROM: Cromwell Cemetery, Tarboro, Edgecombe County NC

CUMM: Cummings Cemetery, Simpson County KY

DAN: Danville National Cemetery, Danville, Vermilion County IL

DIX: Dixon E.S. Family, Greenville, Pitt County NC

EBZER: Ebenezar Cemetery, Mitchellville, Sumner County TN

FVIEW: Fairview Cemetery, Bowling Green, Warren County KY

FVW: Fairview Cemetery, Elmer, Reno County KS

GRE: Greenwood Cemetery, Tarboro, Edgecombe County NC

HAM: Hammond Cemetery, Franklin, Simpson County KY

LAMB: Lambs Settlement Cemetery, St. Joseph County IN

LAW: Lawrence Cemetery, Edgecombe County NC

LIN: Lindley Prairie Cemetery, Bearcreek, Cedar County MO

LOU: Louisburg Cemetery, Louisburg, Miami County KS

MAS: Massey Cemetery, Simpson County KY

MCD: McDowell Cemetery, Pikeville, Bledsoe County TN

MCL: McLemoresville Cemetery, McLemoresville, Carroll County TN

MOD: Modesto Citizens Cemetery, Modesto, Stanislaus County CA

MOR: Moreau Cemetery, Tipton, Moniteau County MO

MCAR: Mount Carmel Baptist Church Cemetery, Cross Plains, Robertson County TN

NEMC: New Electra Memorial Cemetery, Electra, Wichita County TX

NHC: New Home Cemetery, Green Forest, Carroll County AR

OEMC: Old Electra Memorial Cemetery, Wichita County TX

OREN: Orendorff Cemetery, Hopedale, Tazewell County IL

PIN: Old Pinnacle Baptist Church Cemetery, Pinnacle, Stokes County NC

POM: Pomfret Memorial Cemetery, Famaso, Kern County CA

MHILL: Maple Hill Cemetry, Portland, Sumner County TN

MON: Montrose Cemetery, Greenville, Bond County IL

RED: Red River Meeting House Cemetery, Adairville, Logan County KY

RUSH: Rushville City Cemetery, Rushville, Schuyler County IL

SHIL: Shiloh Cemetery, Hopedale, Tazewell County IL

SOU: Southside Cemetery, Clayton, Adams County IL

STEV: Northport, Stevens County WA

TAR: Tarboro Primitive Baptist Churchyard, Tarboro, Edgecombe County NC

WAV: Waverly Cemetery, Waverly, Coffey County KS