Herein is an updated version of the original hardcover book published in 1983 using the same format.
Cora Linthicum - James F. Smoake - Charles Cagney
Oliver B. Linthicum - Pearl Kluttz
Roser Louiser E. McDowell
Andrew J. Henderson McDowell
Sarah Jane McDowell - Charlie W. Trexler
Anna S. McDowell
Prissie T. McDowell
Everett Bryant Hunt - Lula B. MNU
Sarah J. McDowell
Eula E. McDowell - T.N. Johnson
Mirah Isabella McDowell - John R. Allred
Emeline Robbins - Elgiavan M. Yates
Peter Riley Yates - Rebecca J. Ridge
James W. McDowell
Laura L. McDowell - John W. Fox
Liza Eudora McDowell - John W. Fox
Titia B. McDowell - Charles Wilson Lackey
Causey B. Griffin
R.J. Griffin
Lamar L. Griffin
Frances Ella Yates - Alexander R. Hammond
James M. Yates
J. Westley Yates - Bertha Elma Tysinger
Martha Elizabeth Hunt - Paul L. Pritchard
Mary L. McDowell - William Hill
Laura A. McDowell
Andrew J. McDowell
Edney Archibald Tysinger - Lucy L. Connnor
Samuel A. McDowell
James Harvey McDowell - Lottie May Fine - Elizabeth P. MNU
Gladys Nellie Rogers - Carroll J. McClellan
Walter L. Rogers
Ernest R. Rogers
Harry M. Rogers
Dorothy Pearl Rogers - Charles A. Vervaet
Hayes H. McDowell
Dennis D. McDowell - Cassie B. Simmons
George H. Gibson
Shubal S. Gibson
Willa Cornelia Gibson - Albert M. Haskins - Queen
Melton C. Gibson - Ellen Mathis
Brantley York Gibson - Sallie I. Wolf Haskins
Alphonso Avery Gibson - Catherine D. Causby
Catherine B. McGlamory - Robert W.G. Shirah - Morgan Hancock
Eudora A. McGlamory - James W.B. Anderson
Adolphus C. McGlamory - Narcissus Roberts
Mary A. McGlamory
Miles A.W. McGlamory
Martha A. McGlamory
Sarah D. McDowell - Abner F. Holt
William L. McDowell - Annie M. Beauchamp
William M. Jernigan
Amanda V. Jernigan
James was married to Mary Griggs, daughter of John Griggs, but a marriage bond does not exist. Mary McDowell died intestate, possibly before 1800, while James McDowell followed his son George to Wake County NC and died between 1813 and 1816. Evidence presented herein indicates that James and Mary had the following children.
James does not appear in the 1810 census as a head of household. Note that his age in the 1800 census (45 and up) is consistent with a man married in the late 1760's. Note further that Mary McDowell is not listed in the 1800 census with James. One would conclude from this that she died between 1790 and 1800.
The declaration and oath taken by James McDowell was followed by a petition to the Generaly Assembly of North Carolina.
S. Dec. 10, 1791
To the Honble the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, the Petition of James McDowal humbly sheweth
That in the Year 1779 your Petitioner served five months as a Militia man in the Southern States that for his service & some clothing found the Militia agreeable to act of Assembly he obtained a certificate for twenty pounds which certificate he verily believes was destroyed or otherwise lost in washing his cloaths in the pockets of which he carried it, And your Petitioner further by leave to shew that he has never parted with it in any other manner, nor ever received any other compensation for his said services, Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that Your Honourable body will grant him such relief in the premises as in your wisdom you may think proper.
Jas McDowal
Nov. 21 1791
NoHampton CT
We note that the notation in the upper righthand corner, "S Dec. 10, 1791," appears to be written in pencil and likely at a different time. Such markings were sometimes made in the early years of the 1900s by archivists filing such documents, but we are unable to determine if that is the case for this notation. In any case, the petition contains in the text the date 21 November 1791.
The response of the General Assembly to the petition of James McDowell was as follows:
[Backside of Document]
Report Com Pron
Grivance No. 2
on the Pet of James
[Front of Document]
S. Dec. 19, 1791
The Committee of Propositions &
Grivances No. 2, to which was referr'd
the Petition of James McDowal -
that there has been no
proof made to your Committee of the
Certificate mentioned by the Petitioner,
being destroyed in such a manner as to
prevent its coming into circulation,
therefore reject the Petition -
As might be expected, the Committee on Propositions and Grivances of the General Assembly rejected his petition. Nonetheless, this action and the filing of the paperwork produced a record attesting to the service of James McDowell of Northampton County in the Revolutionary War.
We conclude this section by presenting some documents of William Griggs, the brother of Mary Griggs McDowell.
State of North Carolina Northampton County Sct } To the Sheriff Northampton County Greetings. You are hereby commanded to take the body of William Griggs (if to be found in your County) and him safely keep so that you have him before the County Court of pleas & quarter sessions to be held for the said County at the Court House on the first Monday in June next, then & there to answer John Hart of a plea of Trespass, Damage one hundred pounds and there to stand to & abide by the Judgment of said Court thereon. Herein fail not. Witness Jeph Atherton Clerk for said Court at the Court House the 7th day of March anno Domini 1785 & in the ninth year of the Independence of said State.
Test Jeph Atherton
J. Hart vs Wm Griggs } Writ to June Court 1785
Issd: 3rd May
recd: 3rd May
defendant deceased
Jno Lockhart
We William Griggs & [blank] do promise to pay or cause to be paid unto Saml Lockhart Shff Noampton the Judgt and full sum of four hundred pounds to be void on condition that the above bounden William Griggs personally appear before the Court of Noampton on the first Monday in June next then & there to answer John Hart of a plea of Trespass, Damage one hundred pounds & not depart the same without leave thereof that then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force. Witness our hands and seals this [blank] day of [blank] 1785. Signed in presence of [blank].
I Saml Lockhart Shff Noampton do hereby assign the within obligation & condition to John Hart his heirs & to be void on condition that the above sued for according to the Statute in such case made & proved. Witness my hand & seal this [blank] day of [blank] 1785.
Saml Lockhard Sheff
Wm Griggs vs [blank] Shff Noampton Bond
Citizen of Northampton County
Along with his service to the Revolutionary War effort, James McDowell appeared in many documents in Northampton County. We next survey those documents to provide background as to his life and his times.
In 1776 James McDowell witnessed a deed between Henry Faison and James Dancy.[
3] For completeness we list all the deeds that James witnessed in Northampton County in the following Table.
Deeds Witnessed by James McDowell
Northampton County
23 December 1776
Henry Faison (NRTH) to James Dancy (NRTH)
Wit: John Webb, James M,Dowell, Elisha Webb
June Court 1778
30 July 1784
John Robinson (VA) to Allen Jones (NC)
Wit: James McDougall, Merritt Robinson
September Court 1784
4 December 1790
John Seat (NRTH) to Gerard Seat (NRTH)
£24 VA money, South Side Wheeler's Mill Swamp, granted to Billison Seat, along Joshua Griggs' line
January Court 1791
2 September 1801
Henry Hill to Peter Ross
Wit: James McDowel
December Court 1803
29 November 1805
Green Turner (NRTH) to William Blunt (Southhampton VA)
Wit: Presley Pritchard, Jas McDowel
December Court 1806
The Hill/Ross deed is interesting since
John McDowell, the grandson of James, married a Tilathy Hill in Wake County. However, the Henry Hill family is a separate branch of the HIll family not connected to the Hill family of Tilathy Hill and the linkage of the names McDowell and Hill in this deed is a coincidence. For other reasons, We describe the
Henry Hill family in Chapter Four.
The name James McDowell next appears in 1780 in Northampton legislative papers where one finds[
James McDowell value 250 lbs. paid 18 lbs. 15 shillings
This listing is from a list of taxable property for the year 1780.
On 26 November 1781, Sarah Wall of Greenville County VA sold a Negro woman named Belly to James McDougal of Northampton County for £50.[NorthamptonDB9:129-130] The deed was witnessed by George McCullock, James Pentriost, and M. Watson.
On 12 February 1784 James McDowell, along with Lazarus Nevile and Lawrence Smith, witnessed the will of Billison Seat. The will lists John Seat, Samuel Seat, Lucy Tarver, Sarah Jones, and Mary White as children with Mary Dean Seat a granddaughter. The will was probated in December court, 1786.[
Beginning in 1789 James McDowell is involved with a number of civil action papers which we compile in a
separate listing. In 1791 James signed a
dower document from the estate of Anne Exum, widow of James Exum.
On 6 June 1791, James was summoned to court.
Agt } Writ
Adm &c
To Sept Court
1791 issd 31 July
[W. __inson} Dshf
Executed Aug. 6 day 1791
I agree to stand security for the costs of the suit agreeable to Act of Assembly &c under the penalty of £50. Witness my Hand this 25 day of July 1791.
Thos. Evans Seal
Ross Free[at]
State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Northampton County, Greeting:
You are hereby commanded to take the body of James McDougall adm &c of Joshua Barker (if to be found in your county) and him safely keep so that you have him before the Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said county, at the Court-House in Noampton on the 1st Monday of Septr next; then and there to answer Saml. Marsom of a plea of Trespass on the Case Damage eighty pounds
Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ. - Witness Eaton Haynes Clerk of said court a ___ the 6th day of June 1791.
Ea. Haynes ClC
In the 1792 March term of the court we find the following:[
The last will and Testament of Anne Exum decd was proved by the oath of James McDowell and at the same time James Exum qualified as Executor Ordered to be Certified & recorded.
Note again the pairing of the family names Exum and McDowell. In particular the property of James Exum will subsequently be of interest to us in examining some deeds.
We find in the 1793 September term of the court the following:[
Issued: Ordered that James McDowell be allowed the sum of two pounds nineteen shillings & six pence for repairing the Court House & that the County Treasurer pay the same.
Confirmation that James was paid can be had from a document[
10] labeled "List of County orders examined by John Lockhart and R. W. Freeman and for which William Amis account as County Treasurer is credited." Appearing in the list is "1793 James McDowel £2,19,6."
James McDowell served as a constable of Northampton County since he took out constable bonds[
11] as shown by the list in the following Table.
Constable Bonds Involving James McDowella
Date - Constable - Bondsman
6 Dec 1796 - James McDowelb - Frederick Jones
8 Sep 1802 - James McDowelc - Frederick Jones
6 Jun 1803 - James McDowel - Samuel Tarver
5 Mar 1804 - James McDowel - Richard Kiner
5 Mar 1804 - Eliphus Lewis - James McDowel
5 Mar 1805 - James McDowel - Dempsey Taylor
2 Mar 1806 - James McDowel - Ransom Capel
2 Mar 1806 - Ransom Capel - James McDowel
2 Mar 1807 - James McDowel - William Wade
2 Mar 1807 - William Wade - James McDowel
7 Dec 1807 - Stephen Winborn - James McDowel
7 Mar 1808 - James McDowel - Ransom Capel
7 Mar 1808 - Ransom Capel - James McDowel
7 Mar 1808 - William Wade - James McDowel
5 Jun 1809 - James McDoweld - John Hart
aCR.071.104.1 Northampton Co., Constable Bonds, NO DATE-1787-1823 (Broken Series).
bCapt Parker's District.
cCapt Drake's District.
dThe bonds were checked through 1815. James McDowell does not appear again even though the series of bonds is rather complete.
Many subsequent records involving James that we present are most certainly a consequence of his being a constable. Further proof that James was a constable can be found in two deeds[
12] and civil action papers where the phrase "...constable James McDowell..." appears.
In 1795 a James McDougall was an administrator of Sam'l Rowell's estate.[
13] Katey Rowell, an orphan of Sam'l, was assigned to James Tarver on 3 March 1795. James Tarver and Anthony Moore witnessed the guardianship papers. Since Anthony McDowell, son of James McDowell, married Delilah Rowell, we discuss a possible relationship to
Samuel Rowell in Chapter Four.
In 1796 and again in 1797 James McDowell signs an ordinary bond for one Benjamin Tarver.[
14] In the guardian accounts[
15] we find
Caty Rowell … orphan … James … Tarver … guardian
1797 April 20 To cash Pd James McDowel 4,0,0
On 28 January 1797 James McDowell witnessed the will of Humphrey Revill.[
16] It was probated in March court 1799. On 26 April 1800 James McDowell witnessed the will of Thomas Doles.[
17] The will was probated in June court 1800.
In box 203 of the Legislative Papers, we find a Northampton petition to the General Assembly from persons in Northampton County concerned with the building of mill ponds unnecessarily and persons being drowned. The document contained many signatures including that of James McDowell.
In 1802 the Northampton Court summoned Cardale Bynum and James McDowell for the first Monday of June next to testify in behalf of Dempsey Taylor, plaintiff against Byrd Lundy. The date 7 June 1802 was affixed to the document.[
On 12 December 1802, James McDowell signs a petition with approximately fifty other people regarding a case of bigamy in Northampton County. A petition of Elijah Pope states that he married Sarah Parks in 1796 and that in 1802 she left him for Barnaba Bun. The petition is against Elijah's wife, Sarah Parks, asking for separation papers and divorce. Another date of 28 November 1806 also appears on the document. The names Parks and Pope are of import in a
land transaction of a William McDowell discussed later.
The signature of James McDowell appears in several documents having to do with road construction. One signature appears on a petition bearing no date,[
19] one appears on a court order of the 1803 June term of court,[
20] and one appears on an October 1804 document.[
20] The latter is of interest since the road is near Crumps Mill, a landmark which appears in a McDowell land transaction.
From the State Docket, December Court, 1804, we find the following:[
[Left Panel]
Same or Stephen Johnson vs. James McDowell
[Center Panel]
[Right Panel]
To be void on Condition Stephen Johnson appear at next court
We have no additional information as to what this is about aside from his being a constable.
On 7 March 1808 Eliphus Lewis and James McDowell lose a suit brought by Nathanial Goodson and are required to pay £59,10,0. This case is of interest and will be discussed in
Chapter four.
In 1809 the name James McDowell appears in an estate record as follows:[
An inventory of the Estate of John Cotten, dec Taken by James Barrett
James McDowell & John Cotten Bond & Int. due to 13 July 1809 2,13,0
From another record we also find James McDowell mentioned in the John Cotten estates on 22 June 1809.[
23] In addition the following estates records exist:[
The County of Northampton, In account with
Paid James McDowell for order No. 2 — 1,4,0
Paid James McDowell for order No. 5 — 2,0,0
Paid James McDowell for order No. 8 — 1,4,0
Paid James McDowell for order No. 27 — 1,12,0
From Audit of County Treasury
On 5 June 1809, a summons was issued to the Sheriff of Northampton County for Ransom Capell and James McDowell in the case of Mr. Grant versus Richard Song and Arthus Shirrod. On the back side, McDougall is listed as "not found."
writ of subpoena was issued to the sheriff of Wake County on 16 January 1811 by the Northampton Court for the appearance of "James McDougall" in behalf of James Exum in a suit brought by William Amis. The Wake County Sheriff replied to the court that James was not known in the county. This is probably due to his having moved to Wake County about 1810. In the Trial Docket for the Northampton Court, March Sessions 1811, we find reference to the case of William Amis versus Fen and James Exum. The return of the writ is noted as follows:[
James Exum vs James McGougall
Scifa to Wake
Not known in the County
Another docket item torn on the left side appears as follows:
Den or demise of Wm Amis vs Fen & James Exum
Exd – not guilty: Order for survey each party to choose their own surveyors
Leave to take the Depo of old James McDougall and summon him for
Dfdt – (Wake County)
The Trial Docket for Northampton County Court, June Sessions 1811, contains the following docket item:
Den, or demise of
William Amis
Fen & Jas Exum
Not guilty
dismissed each party pay, his own costs no Atto) fee to be ?
The name James McDowell appears many times in the
Northampton county accounts. We believe these accountings are a direct result of his position as a constable, although the final record in the list could be related to a suit by Delilah McDowell as described in
Chapter Three. The last two listings indicate that James McDowell was alive in 1812 even though he is not listed in the 1810 census. The explanation is that James moves to Wake County to join his son George McDowell.
The Move to Wake County
The move of James McDowell to Wake County is evidenced by several records from Wake County including the following excerpt from Wake County court minutes of the November term 1813 where James appeared in person in open court:[
A Deed from Henry Temple to Nancy Mitchel was in open Court duly proven by the Oath of James M,Dowell a subscribing witness thereto.
In addition a James McDowell witnesses the marriage of Nathan Jordan to Annis Wyatt on 31 October, 1811 in Wake County. The signature of James is identical to his many signatures in the Northampton County documents. It should also be noted that a George Jordan witnesses the
Dupree/MackDowell Northampton deed of 1818 to be discussed in Chapter Two.
In the Northampton County June court of 1814, a most interesting document was filed by Daniel Mason. It is entitled "
A Plat of McDowells Lows & Exums tracts of Land on the South Side of Wheelers mill Swamp given my wife by her Father's [sic] Colo. Lawrence Smith." Imbodied in the text of the survey one finds
… James McDowells corner … James McDowell's corner red oak near the house McDowell formerly lived in …
The implication here is that James McDowell has moved and indeed we have presented the evidence and proven that he moved to Wake County.
In a
Mason/Smith land deed of 1821 to be discussed in Chapter Two, we find the following words …”James McDowell deceased…” indicating that James McDowell has died by 1821. We believe that James McDowell died between 1813 and 1816 because of the
George McDowell to James Dupree Northampton land deed dated 8 January 1816. The death of James released any claim he had to the land and permitted his son George to sell his claim in the land. We discuss the Griggs land in more detail in
Chapter Two.
The presence of the household of James McDowell in Northampton County is a well-documented story that emerges from the many official documents described above. While a somewhat random collection, they clearly and consistently display the existence of a single individual, James McDowell, and his family. In the following chapters, we describe the family land records, the families of his two sons, related kinsmen, and the migration of other family units from Virginia through North Carolina to points West and South. But first, we present the information known about his two daughters, Rebecca and Nancy McDowell.
Rebecca McDowell
Rebecca McDowell married first to a Murrell but no marriage bond exists for the union. Furthermore, his given name or Christian name is not known. A Rebecca Murrell, presumed to be Rebecca McDowell, married John Brown on 8 October 1822 in Northampton County with
Harmon Rowell as the bondsman. Harmon Rowell is the brother of Delilah Rowell who married Rebecca's brother,
Anthony McDowell.
Proof that Rebecca Murrell Brown is the daughter of James McDowell and Mary Griggs is found in a 1827 deed between
Humphrey Parks and Richard Pope. Quoting from the deed, we find the following phrase:
… and Rebecca McD Brown (formerly Rebecca Murrell) heirs of John Griggs …
Rebecca signed the deed with her mark.
Nancy McDowell
Proof that Nancy McDowell [Abt 1790 - Aft 1860] is a daughter of James McDowell and Mary Griggs is found in a 1827 deed of Northampton County between
Humphrey Parks and Richard Pope. Quoting from the deed, we find the phrase:
Humphrey Parks and Nancy Parks (wife of said Humphrey formerly Nancy Jarrell) … heirs of John Griggs …
From this deed we learn that Nancy Jarrell Parks is one of the two daughters of James McDowell listed in the 1790 and 1800 census records and thereby an heir of her mother's land as devised by the
will of John Griggs. We note that a birth year of 1790 for Nancy matches with her ages presented below in census records. This deed is the only known record connecting Nancy to James and Mary. We further note that Nancy was examined in open court - pursuant to her status as a Feme Covert, thereby, indicating that she was alive at the time.
Based on the deed, we find that Nancy McDowell first married a Jarrell, but his given or Christian name is not known. Nancy next married Humphrey Parks, but no marriage bond has been found and the date of the marriage is unknown. A Humphrey Parks can be found in the 1810 census in Northampton County and is the only Humphrey Parks head of household in the Federal census for that year. His listing is as follows:
1810 Census Northampton County
Humphrey Parks
1 male 0-9:
1 male 26-44: [Humphrey]
1 female 0-9:
1 female 26-44:
Again in the entire 1820 Federal census, the only Humphrey Parks head of household is listed in Northampton County as follows:
1820 Census Northampton County
Humphrey Parks
2 males 0-9:
1 male 26-44: [Humphrey]
1 female 0-9:
1 female 26-44: [Nancy]
Following the execution of the
1827 deed, there are two possible pathways for the family of Humphrey and Nancy Parks. The first pathway continues in Northampton and assumes that Humphrey dies before the 1830 Census. Although not a perfect match, the following census records are likely Nancy and her children.
1830 Census Northampton County
Nancy Parks
2 males 5-9:
1 female 5-9:
1 female 15-19:
1 female 40-49: [Nancy]
In the 1840 census, we find:
1840 Census Northampton County
Nancy Parkes
1 female 15-19:
1 female 50-59: [Nancy]
Nancy Parks is not listed in the 1850 Census of Northampton County. However, we do find a Nancy Parks in the 1860 Census for Northampton County on a list of paupers who matches the age profile.
1860 Census Northampton County NC
District No. 5, PO Jackson
Nancy Parks - 70 F
Sally Thomson - 40 F
Nancy Jones - 45 F
Bob Epps - 20 M - idiot
Bob Collier - 18 M - idiot
Eliza Johnson - 35 F
The second pathway takes us to Carroll County TN. This pathway is complicated by the marriage bond of a Humphrey Parks to Nancy Orr on 8 October 1811 in Rowan County NC with bondsman Jesse Hodges. Unfortunately, the marriage provides us apparently with a second Humphrey and Nancy Parks family unit of approximately the same ages. We point out, however, that only one Humphrey Parks is listed in 1820 as a head of household and that is in Northampton County. Other studies by us in Rowan County indicate that many names in Rowan County are missing from the 1820 census and it is possible that the Parks family in Rowan County was not enumerated or that their record is missing. We display the Carroll County family of Humphrey Parks.
1830 Census Carroll County TN
H. Parks
1 male 0-4: [Unknown]
1 male 10-14: [John]
1 male 15-19: [James]
1 male 30-39: [Humphrey]
1 female 0-4: [Mary]
1 female 5-9: [Elizabeth]
1 female 30-39: [Nancy]
1840 Census Carroll County TN
Humphrey Parks
1 male 5-9: [Joshua]
2 males 10-14: [Unknown]
1 male 15-19: [John]
1 male 40-49: [Humphrey]
1 female 5-9: [Unknown]
1 female 10-14: [Mary]
1 female 15-19: [Elizabeth]
1 female 40-49: [Nancy]
1850 Census Carroll County TN
District 16
Humphrey Park - 60 M - Farming - NC
Nancy - 54 F - NC
John - 31 M - Farming - NC
Elizabeth - 30 F - NC
Mary - 21 F - TN
Joshua - 18 M - Farming - TN
1860 Census Carroll County TN
District 16
Nancy Park - 65 F - Farming - NC
Elizabeth - 36 F - do - NC
Mary - 28 F - TN
Joshua - 26 M - Laborer - TN
The Public Family Tree records at favor the Tennessee Parks family as being from Rowan. Given the inconclusive nature of both pathways based on the information now available to the authors, we are unable to determine which pathway correctly tracks the family of Humphrey Parks.
William McDowell of Northampton County
The name "William McDowell" appears on a scrap of paper in the Treasurer and Comptrollers Settlements of Individuals.[
29] It reads as follows:
Recd 23rd Feby 1782 from William McDowell Eight pounds
(Four his (?)) Tax for the year 1781
[back side of paper]
The Contests by the County as follows Tax for 1782 as ? William 5&3 McDuel
The handwriting is difficult at best to read. We do not know what this document means or who this William McDuel is.
The Exum Family
The Exum family begins with Joseph Exum [Unknown - April 1759] who married Elizabeth Jones, relict of Joseph Jones and daughter of William Kinchen. Joseph had the following children.
Joseph Exum died in 1789 leaving
a Will with his children all under age 21.
James Exum
James Exum married Ann Thomas, the daughter of Henry Thomas and brother of William Thomas.[
7] James left
a Will dated 20 June 1772. He names the following children.
William Exum left a Will dated 9 January 1788 and witnessed by a James Exum and Ann Exum.
Joseph Exum deceased by 1777.
Charlotte Exum
Nancy Exum married James Dancy
James Exum
Ann left
a Will dated 3 January 1792 which names Nancy Dancy and James Exum as her children. Her Will is testated by
James McDowel.
Matthew Exum
Matthew Exum [ - 1777] married Mary MNU. He left a Will dated 6 January 1777 and names Joseph Exum of James Exum [his brother] deceased and James' three youngest children: Charlotte, Nancy, and James. They had a son named Richard Exum.
Chapter 2
Land records tell a story. Sometimes, it is one of high drama as families tear themselves apart over distribution of an estate. Sometimes people battle over who owns the title. Other times, bureaucratic ineptitude, incompetence of lawyers or surveyors, confusion or simple error is magnified many fold leading to protracted litigation. Corruption is never far from center stage. And then there are land sales caused by financial or economic forces. Northampton County land records display the full spectrum of such stories with McDowell and related records being a microcosm.
The McDowell story begins with a land patent (Earl of Granville Grant). One William Arrington received a grant containing two hundred acres, be the same more or less, lying and being on the North side of the Roanoke River beginning at a white oak on the mill swamp and up the windings of the swamp to William Moore’s line and along Moore’s line to his corner tree in the head line and down the head line to a white oak by the cypress pond and down that line to the beginning; it being part of a patent granted to the above William Arrington bearing the date the tenth day of August 1720. The 200 acres of the Granville Grant initially given to William Arrington flow through many hands including a split into two 100-acre tracts. These transactions include various forms of deeds and wills and are summarized in the following Table and numbered for reference in the following discussion. Complete transcriptions of the documents are provided via hyperlink.
Northampton County Land Records
Transactions one to four in the table document the transfer of the 200-acre tract of land into the hands of Joshua Griggs and then to his son John Griggs on 3 April 1759. These transactions are straightforward with no complications. John Griggs and his wife Mary settle their family on the land. The family includes two sons, Joshua and William, and one daughter Mary, wife of James McDowell. Joshua Griggs has a son John. In the
will of John Griggs dated 11 February 1767, the 200-acre tract is split into two parcels of land with the upper 100 acres bequeathed to Mary McDowal and the lower 100 acres to William Griggs. James McDowel witnesses the will.
Following the death of John Griggs and probation of his will in the September Court of 1771,
William Griggs sells his lower 100-acre tract to James Dancy on 21 December 1773 and the land begins a progression through a number of owners. Specifically, transactions six through eleven describe the transfer of the William Griggs' 100-acre tract of land into the hands of William Amis on 23 December 1795. At that point, the land becomes part of the large land holdings of William Amis. A number of errors are found in the records. In transactions six and ten, the acreage is incorrectly described as "containing by estimation one hundred and thirty acres …." Transactions seven and eight contain the phrase "purchased by John Griggs from his son Joshua Griggs," an obvious error since Joshua is the father of John [not to be confused with Joshua Griggs, a son of John Griggs, who is deceased at the writing of the will]. Other than these errors, the transactions involving the William Griggs 100-acre tract are straightforward.
The 100-acre tract of land bequeathed by the will of John Griggs to Mary McDowell serves as the family home for her husband James and their children until the early 1800s. During this time and until the death of Mary McDowell, James cannot sell the land without the approval of Mary, as she is the heir to and owner of the land. Following her death, which we believe occurred before 1800, James maintains a courtesy right to the use of the land until his death, but the male heirs of Mary – George and Anthony, her sons – ultimately have title to the land following the death of James according to law at that time.
James McDowell was not a complete piker when it came to land ownership – he purchased a whopping three acres!
Transaction ten describes a transfer of land on 1 September 1797 in which Drury Walden sells three acres to James McDowell for the sum of twenty shillings. The deed was registered in court on 4 October 1797 by James Dancy. The property shares a common border with the Mary McDowell 100-acre tract of land along a portion of the northern boundary of that tract which is described in the transaction as James McDowell’s line. The three-acre, triangular shaped property can be clearly identified in a plat of land to be discussed below as part of the estate records of Col. Laurence Smith. While the 3-acres adjoin the land bequeathed to Mary McDowell by John Griggs, there is no other known connection. This is the only known land that James McDowell owned free and clear of any encumbrances. Unfortunately, these three acres appear to get caught up with subsequent land transactions involving a larger sale of land and are never clearly delineated as “his” three acres again. So ends the personal lands of James McDowell.
James McDowell Creates A Land Problem
As more fully described in
Chapter Four, Delilah McDowell, widow of Anthony McDowell, wins a court case in 1808 against James McDowell, executor of Anthony’s estate. Anthony died in 1804. Presumably, the case revolves around a claim for her dower, but no records refer to a dower claim. Whether intentional or not, the financial settlement of the case sets in motion a sequence of events leading to the eventual sale of the Mary McDowell 100-acre tract of land, our presumption being that James McDowell does not possess sufficient liquid assets to pay for the settlement. In particular, two extant court records from 1808 and 1810 indicate that the land and chattels of James McDowell were attached by the Sheriff in 1808 and sold by 1810 to pay for court costs, attorney fees, and other assorted costs as well as the settlement debt. In the first court record, Nathaniel Goodson is the plaintiff. In the second court record, Delilah McDowell is the plaintiff. While insufficient records exist to fully describe the events that transpired surrounding the court case or cases, the essential story can be told, especially as relates to land records.
One week after the debt incurred and described in the
Goodson court document, James signed on 15 March 1808 a deed of trust with Allen S. Deberry. James pays Deberry six shillings Virginia currency upfront for the deed of trust. In the deed James puts up as collateral all of his chattels including one cow and calf, ten head of sheep, one sow and eight pigs, one bed furniture and all his household furniture along with his one tract of land containing one hundred acres that is bounded by the lines of James Exum, John Moore, and Laurence Smith – namely, the land bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell. Mary is not privately examined or deposed for her consent to the deed, as would be her right, so we conclude that she is dead in 1808, assuming that an error was not made by the court in failing to examine her. Indeed, the 1800 census records imply that she dies before 1800 as described in
Chapter One. Technically, James only has courtesy rights on the land since his son George McDowell owns the title to the land following the death of his mother, Mary Griggs McDowell. Depending on the specific application of estate division law at the time, William McDowell, son of Anthony McDowell – deceased – and Delilah McDowell, has an equal share in the title through his father. Another technical point is whether or not courtesy rights permit one to use land as collateral in a deed of trust. In any case, the deed is acknowledged in open court by James McDowell and registered on 15 June 1808.
The import of the deed of trust is that James McDowell will pay off a debt
“in the sum of twenty pounds nineteen shillings and one pence of Virginia money” to Laurence Smith. The presumption is that James McDowell borrowed the money from Smith to pay for some of his indebtedness from the court case. Provisions are made in the deed of trust that give James one year until the “15th day of April next” to settle the debt. That gives James time to get his financial affairs in order and to develop sufficient liquidity to meet his debt obligations. However, at any time before the April deadline, Laurence Smith (or his heirs) has the right to request a public sale/auction of the collateral to recover his debt. James (or his heirs) can request the same public sale/auction to settle all accounts. Of course, interest, sheriff fees, court costs, and other charges get added into the final amount due at the conclusion on one year. If, by chance, the public sale were to produce more money than the cost of all the court actions, Allen Deberry would be paid the “overplus” as it was called. This case could have potentially come back to the courts in April of 1809 and a resolution been made regarding the need for a public auction and sale of the collateral. Based on the Delilah McDowell court document, it appears that this action was delayed for at least a year and lingered on into 1810.
James McDowell is apparently unable to obtain sufficient funds to pay off his debt from the 1808 court case and on 16 February 1810 signs a deed of indenture selling to Laurence Smith the 100-acre tract of land bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell for one hundred and fifty dollars. Again, Mary is not examined or deposed to obtain her consent to the sell and we presume she is dead. The description of the land is exactly the same as the 100-acre tract described in the 1808 deed of trust referencing the land bounding James Exum, John Moore, and Laurence Smith. James sells the land with all appurtenances “in fee simple” to Laurence Smith, thereby, declaring that he has a free and clear title to do so. That is not the case. James only has courtesy rights to the land – not the authority to sell the land in fee simple. A simple check of county land and estate records by the attorneys would have revealed this fact. Nonetheless, the deed was proved by the oath of A. S. Deberry and registered 20 July 1810.
What does James McDowell do with the $150 from the sale of the land to Laurence Smith? Are the funds used to pay off the debt of 20 pounds and 19 shillings to Laurence Smith or did the price of the land sale factor into the debt? What did James McDowell do about the remaining balance of his debt from the 1808 court case? These questions cannot be answered, but given a reasonable conversion rate for the period between the dollar and pounds, the $150 should have paid off the debt to Laurence Smith and left funds for other debts.
A second court document affecting the property of James McDowell and his finances is dated 6 September 1810 and relates to a court case won by Delilah McDowell against James McDowell. The document states that the sheriff of Northampton County was commanded that the goods and chattels of James McDowell [not the land or tenements which were sold to Laurence Smith as described above] were to be sold to cover a debt of 56 pounds, one shilling, and 8 pence owed to Delilah along with other court-related costs. Notations on the backside of the document clearly reference the date of 15 March 1808 for the Goodson court case document as well as “property sold that was Attached formerly” and “sundry other Articles Attached by the former sheriff”. The sale generates an income of twenty three pounds, 16 shillings, and 4 pence. The balance due on the debt of James McDowell following the accounting of all costs was forty nine pounds, 16 shillings, and 7 pence as reported to the court on 16 December 1810. One should keep in mind that this second court document does not involve the land and tenements of James McDowell which have already been sold to Laurence Smith, although Delilah McDowell has a legitimate claim of dower against the estate of her husband, Anthony McDowell, who did have a right to a division of the Mary Griggs McDowell land. That right devolved to their son, William McDowell. However, the court proceedings of 1808 through 1810 did not recognize that right for some reason and accepted the claim of James McDowell to a free and clear title to the land.
As of December 1810, James McDowell no longer has possession of the 100-acre tract of land bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell as well as the three acres that he purchased. His goods and chattels have also been sold. He has nothing left. Although it is difficult to determine, it seems clear that he was still in debt to Delilah McDowell. He had only one course of action. James McDowell leaves Northampton County sometime in 1810 and moves to Wake County to join his son George McDowell and other friends. Indeed, on 16 January 1811 a
writ was sent to the sheriff of Wake County requesting that if James McDowell be found in the county, that he return to Northampton County as a witness in the case of James Exum versus William Amis. James had failed to show up for the December 1810 term of the court as a witness. The sheriff of Wake County attached a note and returned it to the March 1811 term of the Northampton Court stating that he was “not known in the county.” The import of this writ is not only that James has moved to Wake County, but that the Northampton court officials are aware of his move. The resolution of his failure to appear in court for the Amis-Exum case is unknown.
At this point in our story of the McDowell land transactions in Northampton County, James McDowell has sold the McDowell tract of land to Laurence Smith. The tract includes the 100-acres bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell and the three acres purchased by James McDowell. Technically, the courtesy rights of James McDowell did not permit him to sell the land since his son George McDowell and his grandson William McDowell, son of Anthony McDowell, own the title to the land by right of inheritance law and interpretation. Furthermore, North Carolina passed a law in 1808 that permitted daughters as well as sons to share in the division of inherited property. Since James and Mary had two daughters, Rebecca and Nancy, they too had claim to the title of the one-hundred acres. How does this Gordian legal knot play out? We first follow the movement of the McDowell land through the hands of the Smith family.
The Family of Laurence Smith
It is useful at this point in our story of the land of James McDowell to review the family of Colonel Laurence Smith. Laurence [4 July 1754 - 7 March 1811] was the son of Richard Smith and Millicent Stephenson. He married Jane Smith [1758 - December 1824], the daughter of Absolem Smith and Hannah Dawson, and believed to be his first cousin. They had the following children.
Rebecca Jane Smith [11 July 1787 - ] married Robert Williams on 14 February 1815 in Northampton County NC.
Henry Dawson Smith [4 November 1789 - ]
Joseph Lawrence D. Smith [24 December 1797 - 26 October 1837] died in Florence, Lauderdale AL. He married Mary Hanna [1802 Ballybay, Ireland - 8 October 1843 Yalobusha MS], the duaghter of Hugh Hanna and Martha Jackson.
Dorothy Laurance Jane Smith [1780-1790 - ] married Daniel Mason [19 July 1776 - 13 April 1832 Humphries County TN], the son of Henry Mason and Mary Winfied on 12/19 April 1808 in Northampton County NC.
By the 1820 Census, Jane is listed by herself but next to other Smiths.
1820 Census Northampton County NC
Jane Smith
1 female over 45: [Jane]
The Death of Laurence Smith
Laurence Smith was a Colonel during the Revolutionary War, part of the wealthy landed gentry, and getting on in years in 1810. In fact, within a year of all of the turmoil involving James McDowell, Laurence Smith is in Monroe County VA and writes
his will on 31 July 1811, noting that he is in poor health. A codicil is added on 29 December 1811. Colonel Smith dies in March 1812 at the age of 57 and his will is proved in open court in June 1812. The will of Laurence Smith specifically leaves a large portion of land to his daughter, Dorothy Laurence Jane Smith Mason and is described as the “South Side of Wheeler’s Mill Swamp.” Dorothy is the wife of Daniel Mason, a wealthy landowner in his own right with considerable property in Tennessee and connections to powerful governmental officials.
Joseph L. D. Smith moved to Alabama and sold his parcel of land to
Meritt Hill on 4 August 1826. A
transcript of that Northampton County deed is provided.
Henry Smith, son of Laurence Smith, and Daniel Mason, son-in-law, are appointed executors of the estate of Laurence Smith. In his role as executor and as the husband of Dorothy, Daniel Mason requested the county surveyor to survey the large tract of land on the South Side of Wheeler’s Mill Swamp. The county surveyor, Leven Latcham, carried out the survey on 30 August 1813. The survey was proved by his oath to the Northampton Court and registered on 21 June 1814. The survey documents contain a plat and the plat description called the
Plat of McDowell, Lowes, Exums Land. The plat description starts out with the wording “A plat of McDowell’s, Lowe’s, & Exum’s tract of land on the South Side of Wheeler’s Mill swamp given my wife by her father Colo. Laurence Smith as per will … .” The intent of the survey was to ensure exactly where the land was located that was bequeathed to Dorothy, the wife of Daniel Mason. The survey contains the 100-acre Griggs property and confirms the sale to Smith. The plat of the surveyor is shown in
Fig. 1. The location of this plat on a modern day map of the area is shown in
Fig. 2 and as has been placed in the center.
Using Muncy's Plat Program and the plat description, the plat was replicated and found to contain 782 acres. Some error is expected since “meanderings of the swamp” is not a precise descriptor of the borders of the land. On the original plat 862 acres is written in the top center and in the plat description it states that the land contains 862 acres. That value is incorrect and it should have read 762 acres as we find out in a later deed and in approximate agreement with the replicated value of 782 acres.
The three acres purchased by James McDowell are seen on the plat in
Fig. 1 as the triangular region on the upper line at the lower left next to J. McDowell’s corner post oak. Using Muncy's Plat Program, the triangle is found to contain three acres as expected, confirming the inclusion of the James McDowell land and the Griggs land in the plat.
Another tidbit comes out of this plat which is dated 30 August 1813. The surveyor describes a benchmark as “J McDowells corner Red Oak (near house McD formerly lived)”. By 1813 we believe that James McDowell is living in Wake County. James is obviously NOT living in Northampton County on the former McDowell property. Is anyone living there? Delilah McDowell has now married
James Dupree [see
Chapter Four] and would be living with him along with her sons William McDowell and Jacob Dupree. It is unlikely the Dupree family unit is living on the former McDowell property. Harmon Rowell, Delilah’s younger brother could be living on the property, but we discuss that possibility in
Chapter Four.
The land of James McDowell is mentioned in a deed between Drury Walden and James Moore as follows:[
… along John Moore's line to James McDowell's line, thence along the said McDowell's line to James Exum's line …
The issue of James McDowell’s legal right to sell the McDowell property to Laurence Smith does not come up during the administration of the estate of Laurence Smith. To all intents and purposes of the official record, Dorothy Smith Mason has inherited the land from her father with a clear title.
In about 1820 Daniel and Dorothy Mason move their family to Humphrey County TN. On 7 September 1821, a deed for a sale of land is drawn up between Daniel L. Mason and wife Dorothy to Jane Smith, widow of Laurence Smith, for 762 acres of land. This deed correctly identifies the size of the land as 762 acres, not 862 acres. The deed clearly identifies all the major markers to ensure that it is the original plat that was surveyed in 1813 for Daniel Mason. In fact, it also states that James McDowell is deceased and that this was the land given to Dorothy through the will of her father Colonel Laurence Smith. Both Daniel and Dorothy Mason signed the deed but Dorothy was examined privately and indicated that she was selling the land “of her own free will and accord without fear or compulsion” as she was the heir of the land – not her husband, Daniel. This private examination by the Northampton Court demonstrates the principle of courtesy rights for a husband. Once again, the McDowell land changes hands without a challenge to title rights.
The Death of Jane Smith
Shortly after purchasing the “Wheeler’s Mill Swamp” land in 1821 from her daughter Dorothy, Jane Smith writes
her Will on 7 May 1823. In a
codicil to her Will, she states that she desires that the lands that she possessed in fee simple be sold by her executors “on such credit as they may think best” and she empowers them to take the money arriving from the sale of the land and equally divide it among all her grandchildren who are named in the will. The will was not probated until the December court of 1824, more than a year after the writing of the will. While the will is lengthy, Jane Smith gives money and Negro slaves to her children and grandchildren, but she does not give away any land – hence the codicil. Also, Allen Deberry is one of the executors of the will and, of course, Allen Deberry should be well acquainted with McDowell property since he served as the trustee for the
McDowell Deed of Trust in 1808.
So, we have arrived at a point on the time line where we must pause and look at the heirs of Mary Griggs McDowell and determine how they perceived the disposition of the McDowell property and what actions they took. Allen Deberry and others are now trying to settle the estate of Jane Smith in the late 1820s and we know that she doesn’t own the McDowell property in fee simple with a clear title. Hold onto your seats for what comes next.
George McDowell Sells His Inheritance
George McDowell moved from Northampton County to Wake County before 1808 and married there in 1808. Based on tax records, he was living in an area of the county called the Crossroads District, which included much of the area around the current town of Rolesville. No records have been found to indicate that James McDowell and his son George McDowell ever lived together in Wake County, though it is possible that they did.
George McDowell was involved in an extremely
important deed signed on 8 January 1816. The deed was between "George McDowell of the County of Wake" and "
James Dupree of the County of Northampton." For $20.00, George sells to
James Dupree his claim in the 100-acre tract of land in Northampton County that "descended to the said George McDowell by the death of his mother Mary McDowell who died intestate which land has not been divided … and estate of inheritance in fee simple and the said George McDowell … the true sole and lawful owner of the land and premises and free and clear from all former gifts, sales, grants". The signing of the deed was witnessed by John Brown, George’s future brother-in-law, and T. D. Brown. The deed was proved in open court by the oath of John Brown in Northampton County in the March Court of 1816 and registered April 23, 1816.
Based on the best information at hand and our analysis of the facts, we believe that the death of James McDowell, father of George McDowell, is the proximal cause for George to sell the land in early 1816. With his death, the issue of his courtesy rights in the land is moot and George becomes a legal owner of the land. Of course, William McDowell, his nephew, also has a legal claim to a division of the land, but he is a minor in 1816, only about twelve years old. Furthermore, the daughters of Mary McDowell, Nancy McDowell Parks and Rebecca McDowell Murrell Brown, also legally have a claim as of 1808. The problem that James McDowell created with his selling of the land in 1810 to Laurence Smith is now magnified with two groups believing they have legal ownership in the land.
The sale of the land by George McDowell presents a number of issues other than the apparent dual ownership of the land. The first issue is whether or not the court case won by Delilah McDowell – presumably to extract her one-third dower from the estate of her husband, Anthony McDowell – prejudiced the right of William McDowell as an heir to Anthony to his division of the land. If so, then George could describe himself as the sole heir to the land. While an interesting technical issue, it doesn’t materially affect the outcome. Furthermore, a subsequent deed in 1827 to be discussed would appear to confirm his position as an heir to the land.
The second issue revolves around how the Northampton Court and the officers of the Court could be so inept as to fail to search the title to the land. The land clearly came before the Court in 1814 with the survey done by Leven Latcham, the county surveyor, as regards the administration of the estate of Laurence Smith, a prominent member of the community. Numerous officials of the Court were involved in sundry activities related to James McDowell and Laurence Smith. Indeed, James was a constable for many years in Northampton County and had many dealings with the Court as we have shown in
Chapter One. It is a mystery as to why the deed of sale between George McDowell and
James Dupree did not get flagged by the Court as a problem.
The third issue has to do with communication among the extended family members of the McDowell family. Although George McDowell had moved to Wake County by the time James McDowell sold the McDowell land to Laurence Smith in 1810, how could he not know about the sale, especially given that James moves to Wake County as well? Even more peculiar,
James Dupree who purchases the 100-acre tract from George is the husband of Delilah McDowell in 1816 and therefore the step-father of William McDowell, George’s nephew. In essence George is selling his claim to a share of the land as an heir to the other potential claimant, his nephew William through his stepfather. Of course, George moves to Wake County about the time William is born, so it is possible that he has little communication about the events in Northampton County. But how is it possible that Delilah McDowell Dupree doesn't know about the sale of the land in 1810, given the subsequent sale of the goods and chattels of James McDowell and her collection of part of her debt from James? Why would she not tell her husband,
James Dupree? The family dynamics and apparent lack of communication over the decade of 1805 to 1815 are most unusual. The authors of this book have often joked that Delilah lives up to the tradition of her Biblical name.
As we shall see in other discussions,
James Dupree and Delilah left Northampton County shortly after 1816 for Washington County GA. It appears that the move occurred in the early part of 1817, for on 14 January 1817,
James Dupree sells the McDowell tract of land to William McDowell, his stepson, for twenty dollars paid to him by Harmon Rowell, uncle to William and brother of Delilah. However, the deed is somewhat complicated in that William McDowell, son of Anthony McDowell and Delilah, is a minor. Harmon Rowell pays the twenty dollars for the land in order to use the land until William comes of age. Specifically, the deed says that “this is to certify that it is understood between the parties that the within named Harmon Rowell is to have the use of the within mentioned land until the said William McDowell shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, at which time the said Rowell is to give up the said land to the said McDowell.” In essence Harmon is guaranteed use of the land for approximately eight years.
The deed has several other interesting quirks in that it states that
James Dupree is of the County of Northampton County and State of Virginia. There is no Northampton County in Virginia, but he was born in Greensville County VA, so the transcriber could have just gotten confused. Another interpretation is that he resides in both Northampton County AND the state of Virginia, although that is not the usual interpretation of the language in such documents. Also, the deed shows William McDowell as being in Wain(e) County of the same state [inferred to be Virginia]. Other information clarifies that it was really Wayne County NC. In fact, the word “Wain” looks to have been originally Wake County and erased and replaced with Wain with the final "e" somewhat visible. We do not know why William would be in Wayne County NC. We do know that around 1827, he married Delilah Peacock from Wayne County NC. We can only assume that as a young teenager he may have been sent to Wayne County to live with some relative or friend of the family.
The family relationships are also clouded just a little more in that in 1815, Harmon Rowell married Phady Dupree, the sister of
James Dupree. The land was obviously "still in the family" in one way or another. However, it must be noted that the land that Harmon Rowell is using is the land descended to George McDowell from his mother Mary Griggs McDowell and which was sold to Laurence Smith in 1810 without clear title. So, while there is physical land for Harmon Rowell to be farming, there is still the question over who actually owns it. Harmon Rowell believes that the $20 he paid to
James Dupree provides him use of the land, but in 1817 the land also belongs to Dorothy Smith Mason from the will of Laurence Smith. So, we ask the question: does Harmon Rowell farm the property and if so, what does the Smith family do about it? Yes! He does farm the land. And the source of that information is most surprising. It comes from the Guardian records for Joseph L. D. Smith, the infant son of Colonel Laurence Smith. Laurence’s son Henry Smith was made guardian of Joseph shortly after his death. In the Guardian volume records of Northampton County, there are many financial records with multiple entries of income and disbursements for Joseph L. D. Smith. On at least three occasions, a Harmon McDowell is paid for services. In one entry in 1817, he is paid for supplying corn. Obviously, Harmon Rowell (not McDowell) is the correct individual living on the land as per the deed noted earlier when the land was sold to William McDowell with Harmon Rowell taking care of the land for William.
Resolution of the Mary Griggs Tract of Land
The driving force behind the resolution of the 100-tract of land bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell ironically was created by the death of Jane Smith in 1824. As noted above, Allen Deberry, as executor of Jane Smith's will, was responsible for selling Jane's land and distributing the proceeds received equally among the grandchildren. In order to sell her lands, which included the 762-acre tract that contained Mary Griggs McDowell’s one-hundred acres, ownership of the land had to be verified. Allen Deberry more than anyone else would have known from the court records from 1808-1810 that James McDowell had only the courtesy rights to the 100-acre tract and did not have the right to sell the land to Laurence Smith. Exactly how Deberry resolved the issue is unclear, but a land sale occurred that indicates some kind of action was taken.
On 21 November 1827, a deed was drawn up for the sale of the McDowell land to Richard Pope of Southampton County VA. The sellers of the land were Humphrey Parks and his wife Nancy Parks, William McDowell, and Rebecca McD Brown (wife of John Brown). The land was described as "… containing by estimation one hundred acres more or less, the lands belonging to the estate of Jane Smith deceased (formerly Daniel Masons) and Drakes Mill Pond on Wheeler's Creek (formerly Smith's Mill Pond and others)." Most importantly, these persons claimed to be "heirs of John Griggs." By this time the courts routinely recognized daughters as heirs to land. The deed was proved in the December court of 1827 and registered on 28 January 1828. Obviously, Humphrey Parks was not an heir but his wife Nancy Parks (formerly Nancy Jarrell) was and she was examined privately to ensure that she agreed with the sale without force. Similarly, Rebecca was an heir. And finally, William McDowell as the son of Anthony and Delilah McDowell was an heir. The resolution of the land dispute by the court must have considered that George McDowell gave up any rights in the land by having sold it in 1816 to
James Dupree (even if there is a question as to the legality of the sale). So, in 1827, the living heirs of James and Mary McDowell other than George are in court and in agreement to sell the land to Richard Pope.
And so ends the saga of the Mary Griggs McDowell 100-acre tract of land. The property legally belongs to Richard Pope in 1827 and never returns to the hands of any of the original McDowell heirs.
Chapter 3
The story of George McDowell to all intents and purposes divides nicely into two parts. In the first part he is born in about 1770 to James McDowell and Mary Griggs and marries Polly Fulgham before 1800. In the decade of 1800 to 1810, George transitions to the second part of his life with a move to Wake County, the death of Polly, and a second marriage to Sarah Doby. He resides in Wake County with Sarah and their children for the remainder of his life and dies there between 1840 and 1850.
Proof that George is the son of James McDowell and Mary Griggs comes from the Northampton County land deed of 1816 where he sells his interest in 100-acres of land to
James Dupree.
We have excerpted the deed as follows:
… eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen between George McDowell of the County of Wake … one hundred acres … it being the same land that descended to the said George McDowell by the death of his mother Mary McDowell who died intestate …
wit: John Brown
T. D. Brown
Several facts emerge from this deed. First and foremost is that George is the son of Mary McDowell. Second, the one hundred acres bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell is involved, although no specifications are given in this deed as to the location of the land. A full exposition of the Mary Griggs land transactions was provided in
Chapter Two. Third, George McDowell as of 1816 resides in Wake County. This ties together with the move of James McDowell to Wake County. Fourth, the witness John Brown becomes the brother-in-law of George in 1822. John Brown is also involved with the estate of Jane Smith, widow of Laurence Smith. We discussed the court case for the estate of Jane Smith in
Chapter Two.
The Northampton County Years
George McDowell was a resident of Northampton County until the period 1804 to 1808 when he moved to Wake County for the remainder of his life. Records appear to indicate that he first married his neighbor Polly Fulgham, daughter of Michael and Mary Fulgham. Based on Y-DNA tests and other evidence, the authors believe that three children resulted from this marriage:
John McDowell born between 1797 and 1800, married Tilathy Hill on 6 April 1819 in Wake County, and died 1842 in Randolph County.
James McDowell born about 1802, married Susannah Glasgow in Randolph County, and his death date is unknown. He lived in Randolph County until 1850.
Sally McDowell born about 1802, married Stephenson Martin, and date of death unknown. The case for Sally as a daughter is very weak.
Proof that George McDowell married Polly Fulgham prior to 1800 is very circumstanial and involves an understanding of the geographic location of their parents, the sell of land related to the death of her father, and the migration and location of George McDowell and Polly's brother, Matthew Fulgham, in Wake County. Because of the complexity of that issue, we describe it in detail in the
second section of this chapter. For the moment, we assume that George and Polly are married by 1800.
George McDowell is listed in the 1800 Northampton census as a head of household with the following vital statistics including the authors best guess as to the identity of the people living with him, although several are unknown:
1800 Census Northampton County
George McDowell
1 male 0-9: [John McDowell]
1 male 25-45: [George McDowell]
1 male 45 and up: [Unknown]
1 female 0-9: [Unknown]
1 female 15-25: [Polly McDowell]
1 female 25-44: [Unknown]
1 female 45 and up: [Unknown]
His wife Polly is a minor in 1800 according to the Fulgham deed and we indeed find a female of the correct age. The identification of John McDowell in the census is circumstantial and a story to be told
elsewhere. The female under ten years of age could possibly be Sally McDowell, a child mentioned in Northampton County records. The only other conceivable choice for her parents would be Anthony and Delilah McDowell, but Sally would be on the 1827 land deed – see
Chapter Four – along with William Addison McDowell as an heir of Mary Griggs McDowell if that were the case.
George McDowell appears in a number of Northampton County documents including an 1801 county accounts document[
29] that has written on the outside
List of County Orders for Settlement to June Court 1801
June 1803
The date June 1803 was written differently and appeared to have been added at another time. When unfolded the inside of the document read as follows:
received & paid off by William Amis County Treasurer
List of Orders examined & punched by Anthony Williams
and John Lockhart in obedience to an order of March Court 1801
George McDowel £ 0,16,0
An additional document[
29] was found which had written on the outside
List of Vouchers for Settlement to June Court 1803
June 1803
When unfolded, it read
A List of County orders received of Richd Putney and others
George McDowel 0,16,0
George McDowel 0,16,0
Although these records indicate that George was a citizen of the county, they seem to be of little importance.
Of more importance is the appearance of the name George McDowell in the Saint George Parish Warden Records as follows:[
Out by
L. Smith }
Ordered that the County Wardens
Pay unto George McDowell £ 15.0.0
For Sundry Found Amy Murrell
Note that L. Smith is Col. Laurence Smith who appears in the McDowell land records discussion in
Chapter Two. On the following page under a list of accounts, one finds the following:
George McDowell 12 Jan 7 1805 15.0.0
The name Amy Murrell appears in numerous places in the Parish Records. The meaning of this entry for George is obscure, but we know that his sister,
Rebecca McDowell, marries a Murrell who likely dies since she marries John Brown in 1822. The family name Murrell appears in several places with the name McDowell.
Polly Fulgham McDowell apparently dies in the time period 1804 to 1808 since George McDowell moves to Wake County and marries Sarah Doby in 1808. We discuss the family history of George McDowell in Wake County in the
third section of this chapter. We turn next to the presumptive daughter of George and Polly, Sally McDowell.
Sally McDowell
The name Sally McDowell first appears in the Saint George Parish Warden Records as follows:[
Out & wipe } Ordered that Humphrey Parkes be Alld 5.0.0 for keeping Salley McDowell until 1 Jany next on demand.
13 day Jan 1810
Humphrey Parks married Nancy McDowell/Jarrell, sister of George McDowell, and appears with her in an 1827 Northampton deed discussed in chapter four. The date of their marriage is unknown.
On 6 March 1811, Sally is indentured to Willis Langford as an apprentice until she becomes 18 years old.
On 14 February 1833 Stephenson Martin takes out a marriage bond to marry Salley McDuel. Upon checking the 1850 census of Northampton, we indeed find Sally Martin. She is listed as being born in 1802.
1850 Census Northampton County NC
Stephenson Martin - 49 M - Farmer - NC
Sarah - 48 F - NC
Susan E. Wall - 17 F - NC
Rebecca Boss - 10 F - NC
Richard Inman - 35 M - None - NC
Nothing further is known of Sally's early life or her ancestors. The wills of Stephenson (probated 1858) and Sally (probated 1866) Martin exist but do not contain any information on McDowell genealogy.
The Fulgham Family
The story of the connection between the Fulgham family and the McDowell family begins in the Isle of Wight County of Virginia with the birth of John Fulgham [1715 – 7 March 1782, Isle of Wight] and his subsequent marriage to Mary Purcell [May 1720 Isle of Wight - 1786 Southampton County VA]. John and Mary had a son named Michael Fulgham.
Michael Fulgham was born about 1745 in the Isle of Wight and died about December 1802 in Northampton County NC. He married a Mary “Westray” or Wester who was likely born in 1746 according to most records and died in 1807. The 1800 census shows her age as 26-44, but that inconsistency could easily be a transcription error. If her eldest child Elias Fulgham was born in 1768, then she would have had to have been born by the early 1750s. The exact date of her birth is not relevant to any conclusions on the Fulgham family connections. Michael and Mary were likely married about 1766 and they had the following children:
Michael appears in the Saint George Parish Records as follows:
Ordered that Michael Fulgham be allowed £10.0.0
for keeping Ann Kinderal from the first
of January 1792 until 1st January 1793
In a separate listing, Michael appears as follows:
Ordered that Thomas Barret Sheriff have credit
for the following order in part of his Collection for
the year 1795. Delivered to the Cort by James Barrett.
by Michael Fulgham order dated 4 Feby 1791 £10.0.0
In the State Census of North Carolina 1784-1787, Michael Fulgham is listed in Captain Elisha Webb’s District as living next to a James McDoughall, believed by the authors to be James McDowell. Many of the names listed in Captain Elisha Webb’s District routinely appear as neighbors of James McDowell in other documents and records demonstrating the identification of McDoughall with McDowell. James resides on the land given to his wife Mary Griggs by her father John Griggs on the West side (sometimes called the South side) of Wheeler’s Mill Swamp. As we shall see in a land deed presented below, the Fulgham family lived on the East side of the main run of Wheeler’s Mill Swamp.
Michael Fulgham appeared in the 1784-1787 State census.
1786-1787 NC State Census
Michael Fulgham
3 males 0-20 or over 60: [Elias, Matthew, John Robert]
1 male 21-60: [Michael]
5 females: [Nancy, Polly, Mary, Unknown, Unknown]
17 slaves
In the 1790 United State Census of Northampton County NC, Michael Fulgham is again listed only a few names removed from James McDowell. The statistics from the census, with names inserted, are as follows:
1790 Census Northampton County
Michael Fulgham
3 males under 16: [Matthew, John R., ?]
2 males 16 and over: [Michael, Elias]
4 females: [wife Mary, Nancy, Polly, ?]
Note that Anthony and Edmond were not born as of 1790 and the family had 16 slaves in close agreement with the previous State census listing 17 slaves.
By the 1800 Census of Northampton County, as shown below, Anthony and Edmond have been born and Michael and Mary have two other unknown females living with the family.
1800 Census Northampton County
Michael Fulgham
2 males 0-9: [Anthony, Edmond]
1 male 45 and over: [Michael]
1 female 0-9: [Unknown]
1 female 10-15: [Unknown]
1 female 16-25: [Nancy]
1 female 26-44: [Mary]
In this census the names of the heads of household are listed in alphabetical order so there is no way to determine who is or is not a neighbor of Michael Fulgham. For that purpose and to further demonstrate that James McDowell and Michael Fulgham are neighbors living next to the Wheeler’s Mill Swamp, we review several land transactions involving Michael Fulgham.
In a Northampton County
land transaction of August 1791, Robert Snipes sells twenty-five acres of land to a Micajah (certain to be Michael) Fulgham with the description of the metes and bounds containing the language "… to the run of the mill swamp, thence down the swamp … ." Although the "mill swamp" is not clearly identified as Wheeler's Mill Swamp, a
mortgage dated December 1803 and described below more fully prescribes the swamp as Wheeler's Mill.
In another 1791 Northampton County
land transaction, William Rowell sells 160 acres of land to Michael Fulgham with the description of the metes and bounds containing the language "… down the mill swamp to a pine, a corner between said Rowell & Lawrence Smith, thence with Lawrence Smith's line to the mill fork … ." Based on our presentation in
Chapter Two of the lands of James McDowell and Col. Lawrence Smith and the plat showing their location on Wheeler's Mill Swamp, it is clear from this deed that Michael Fulgham's purchased land is in the same area. It is also interesting to note that this deed further links the Rowell family into the story of the McDowells.
In 1793 Peter Weaver sold Michael Fulgham 186 acres with the description of the metes and bounds from the Northampton County
land deed containing the phrase "… lying on the mill swamp beginning on the said swamp .… ." Again, the mill swamp is not clearly specified as the Wheeler's Mill Swamp, but we believe that it is.
Following the death of Michael Fulgham in late 1802 and as part of the settlement of his Estate, his heirs sell 473 acres of land to Col. Laurence Smith in Northampton Couny with the adjoining lands of Robert Snipes, John Snipes, and Laurence Smith described and the location identified as Wheelers Mill Swamp in the description of the metes and bounds. The transaction is described in two separate documents both dated 2 December 1803. In one of the documents, a
deed of conveyance filed in Book 23, volume 12, page 214, Mary Fulgham — presumed to be the wife of Michael Fulgham — Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham of Northampton County and Matthew Fulgham of Wake County sell the 473 acres to Laurance Smith for $850. The deed is registered on 18 May 1804. Of note is the fact that Matthew Fulgham resides in Wake County in agreement with his double listing in the 1800 census as described in his section below.
In the second document described in the Northampton index as a "
mortgage deed" and filed in Book 22, Volume 11, pages 250-251, Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, and Nancy Fulgham of Northampton County along with Matthew Fulgham of Wake County are bound to Laurence Smith in the sum of 2,000 pounds Current Money of Virginia. The condition of the obligation arises from the fact that Michael Fulgham died seized and possessed of the 473 acres and the Fulgham principals want to sell the land to Smith. However, additional heirs to his land, who are minors and under the age of twenty-one, are mentioned; namely, Polly Fulgham, Anthony Fulgham, Edmund Fulgham, and Polly McDowell. Although the language of the condition is tortured and makes little sense, it appears that the second document is designed to protect Laurence Smith to his claim in the 473 acres when the minor children come of age. Given that none of the minors claim any right to the land, the obligation to Smith for 2,000 pounds of the "adult" Fulghams who signed the deed of conveyance to Smith will be void.
An important aspect of the second document is the introduction of Polly McDowell as a person and the recognition of her as a minor heir of Michael Fulgham. Given the fact that the families of James McDowell and Michael Fulgham are neighbors residing on Wheeler's Mill Swamp, we believe that their children, George McDowell and Polly Fulgham, are married before 1800 and that they are listed in the 1800 census with George as the head of household. We further speculate that after December 1803 and before 1808, George follows his brother-in-law Matthew Fulgham to Wake County and Polly dies, although the order of these two events is not known. As indicated under the section for
Matthew Fulgham, both George and Michael live in the Crossroads area of Wake County and are neighbors in the 1830 Census of Wake County.
Another interesting feature of the list of minors in the 2 December 1803 mortgage deed is the fact that both a Polly Fulgham and a Polly McDowell are listed. Whether an accident or two separate daughters, both with the name Polly, is unknown. We have not listed two "Pollys" as daughters of Micheal Fulgham, but there well could be.
The second document or mortgage deed also contains the phrase "Michael Fulgham deceased intestate leaving no will." This statement in the document is incorrect. The
will of Michael Fulgham was written in 1784 and probated in December of 1802. The reason for this incorrect statement in the mortgage deed is unresolved, especially given that the will had been probated by the court almost a year before the deed.
Based on the order of the sons names and their choice of guns as presented the
will of Michael Fulgham, Elias is the oldest, Matthew the second born, and John Fulgham the third son. None of his daughters were named in the 1784 will and no codicil was written. Whoever the Edmund Fulgham is that was one of the two executors was not his son Edmund as he was not born until 22 January 1798. Finally, it is clear from the will that Michael wanted all of his children to share equally in his estate distribution.
Elias Fulgham
Elias Fulgham [1768 Northampton County NC - 1840 Graves County KY] married Fanny Webb who died after 1840 in Graves County KY. Fanny Webb was the daughter of Elisha Webb from Northampton County NC. A deed from Elias Fulgham to James Exum dated 28 May 1810 states that her brother John Webb was deceased and that her father Elisha Webb was deceased. At the writing of the deed, Elias and wife Fanny were in the Castor District, South Carolina. The tract was one eighth of an undivided tract implying that there were eight heirs to the land of Elisha [his wife and seven children or eight children if his wife had not already deceased]. John Webb inherited the land from his father Elisha Webb, so we assume that Elisha was deceased by 1810 as well. In fact, on 19 March 1808, Elias gives a Power of Attorney to Presley Pritchard and states that he is in Lancaster County SC and Presley Pritchard is to take care of any issues on the estate of John Webb. John Webb would not have inherited the land had not his father Elisha Webb died.
1800 Census Northampton County
Elias Fulgham
1 male 10-15:
1 male 26-44: [Elias]
2 females 0-9:
1 female 16-25: [Fanny]
Matthew Fulgham
Matthew Fulgham [c1775/1780 Northampton County NC - c1840 Greene County AL] married Levina Smith [c1796 - Bf 1860], the daughter of
William Smith and wife Sarah Rogers, on 2 October 1811 in Wake County NC with bondsman Josian Dean. Michael and Levina had ten children.
John W. Fulgham [c1815 Wake/Franklin County NC - 24 November 1862 Knoxville TN].
Sarah E. Fulgham [c1816 Wake County NC]. Contrary to some researchers who say she died in February 1821, Sarah E. Fulgham is still alive in 1850 and living with her mother Levina Fulgham in Greene County AL. She married Richard L. Woodward on 1 January 1850 in Bibb County AL.
Jesse W. Fulgham [c1819 Wake County NC - before 1865 Knoxville TN].
Edmund T. Fulgham [c1821 Clinton, Greene County AL - after 1865].
Rebecca Fulgham [c1822 Wake County NC].
Matthew G. Fulgham [c1826 Wake County NC].
Elizabeth H. Fulgham [c1828 Wake County NC].
Allen Lafayette Fulgham [7 May 1828 - 13 April 1907
Martha A.C.N. Fulgham [c1839 Wake County NC].
Lester Fulgham [c1840 - c1840 Greene County AL].
The story of Matthew Fulgham begins in 1800 with his move from Northampton County to Wake county. That move was captured by him being listed twice in the census in each county.
1800 Census Northampton County
Matthew Fulgham
1 male 26-44: [Matthew]
1800 Census Wake County
Matthew Fulgham
1 male 26-44: [Matthew]
Unfortunately, the 1810 and 1820 census records for Wake County do not exist and we next
find Matthew in the 1830 census.
1830 Census Wake County
Crossroads District
Matthew Fulgham
1 male 0-4: [Lester]
2 males 5-9: [Matthew, Allen]
2 male 10-14: [Edmund T., John W.]
1 male 15-19: [Jesse W.]
1 male 50-59: [Matthew]
1 female 0-4: [Elizabeth H.]
1 female 5-9: [Rebecca]
1 female 10-14: [Sarah E.]
1 female 30-39: [Levina]
By 1850, Levina Fulgham is living in Greene County AL with all of her children living with her except Lester Fulgham who drowned crossing a river on the trip to Alabama.
1850 Census Greene County AL
Family Number 936
Levina Fulgham - 54 F - NC
Jessee W. - 36 M - farmer - NC
Sarah E. - 34 F - NC
Edmund T. - 32 M - farmer - NC
John W. - 30 M - farmer - NC
Rebecca - 28 F - NC
Elizabeth H. - 22 F - NC
Matthew J. - 24 M - NC
Allen L. - 20 M - NC
Martha A.C.N. - 18 F - NC
Following the 1850 census, Levina apparently dies as shown by her absence from a listing of her children in the 1860 census.
1860 Census Greene County AL
Union Precinct PO Union
Family Unit 480
M. J. Fulgham - 28 M - Planter - NC
P. W. - 40 M - Planter - NC
S. E. - 30 F - AL
M. A. - 26 F - NC
E. H. - 24 F - NC
M.A.C. - 18 F -NC
J. W. - 32 M - NC
E. T. - 34 M - NC
Noting that the 1810 and 1820 census records for Wake County do not exist, we point out for completeness that another Matthew Fulgham is listed in the 1810 and 1820 census records of Wayne County NC as shown below.
1810 Census Wayne County
Matthew Fulghum
1 male 0-9:
1 male 10-15:
1 male 26-44: [Matthew]
1 female 0-9:
1 female 16-25:
1820 Census Wayne County
Matthews Fulghum
3 males 0-9:
1 male 26-44: [Matthew]
1 female 0-9:
1 female 10-15:
1 female 45 and over:
This person cannot be the Matthew Fulgham of interest since there is a Matthew Fulgham in Wake County through this entire period as shown by the following tax records:
Tax Records of Matthew Fulgham
1805 - Crossroads - 1055 1 WP 4 BP
1809 - Crossroads - 1 WP - $0.56
1811 - Crossroads - 1 WP - £_.6._
1812 - Crossroads - 1 WP 1 BP £_.15._
1813 - Crossroads - 220 A 1 WP 2 BP £1.11.9
1814 - Crossroads - 220 A 1 WP 2 BP £1.11.9
1815 - Crossroads - 220 A $1,100 1 WP 2 BP $4.68
1816 - Crossroads - 220 A $1,100 1 WP 3 BP $5.38
1817 - Crossroads - 220 A adjoining Wm. Smith & others $1,000 1 WP 2 BP $4.35
1818 - Crossroads - 220 A $1,000 2 WP 3 BP $5.60
1819 - Crossroads - 220 A adjoining John Peebles Lee & others $1,000 2 WP 3 BP $6.15
1820 - Crossroads - 220 A $1,000 2 WP 3 BP $6.25
1821 - Crossroads - 220 A $1,000 360 A $1,080 2 WP 5 BP $10.11
1822 - Crossroads - 580 A $2,080 2 WP 4 BP $12.98
1823 - Crossroads - 220 A $1,000 360 A $1,080 2 WP 3 BP $9.08 Also 2 WP 5 BP $10.11 And 2 WP 3 BP $9.08
Matthew Fulgham was on a number of tax lists in Wake County, but basically, he lived in the Crossroads District near the current town of Rolesville for most of his tenure in Wake County. There are land records between Matthew Fulgham and members of the William Smith family and Willis Rogers in 1826 that will be discussed in
the section on the William Smith family.
One of the other major stories coming from the Fulgham family involves the son Matthew Fulgham. We have already noted that Matthew Fulgham has by 1800 moved to Wake County both from census records and the deed of 1802 where it is stated that Matthew is in Wake County NC. In fact, Matthew remains in Wake County until around 1840 when he and his family move to Alabama. This researcher has no records to prove whether Matthew Fulgham died in Wake County and then the family moved to Alabama or whether he died on the way to or in Alabama. Fulgham family members say he died in Alabama.
As we have noted earlier in this chapter, we know that George McDowell moved from Northampton County to Wake County. Why would he move out of Northampton County? The answer might be quite simple. That is, if George McDowell were the McDowell who married into the Fulgham family, then he could have moved to Wake County to live near his brother-in-law Matthew Fulgham. In fact, Fulgham family records indicate that (Polly) Fulgham McDowell died around 1803. While we have no data to substantiate the date of death of his first wife, we do know that George McDowell appears to have a wife listed on the 1800 census and he shows up in a Wake County Tax List by 1810 and that he married on 21 May 1808 in Wake County. He also witnessed several land transactions on May 16, 1808 in Wake County and lived in the same area – the Crossroads District – as did Matthew Fulgham. The Crossroads area changed names several times and was part of the Saint Matthews Tax District. In his later years starting around 1817, he seems to move a little further north in Wake County to what was called the Forest District.
There are no records found that indicate interactions between George McDowell and Matthew Fulgham, but we do know that they lived in the same neighborhood in Wake County.
John Robert Fulgham
John Robert Fulgham [1770 Isle of Wight VA - 22 November 1851
HAY/FG] married Sarah "Sallie" Smitherman [1796 SC - 22 November 1860
HAY/Fg]. The information on Findagrave for Sarah indicates the middle name of John was "Rayford" instead of Robert. The 1850 Census of Bibb County AL shows John’s age as 80 and being born in Virginia. John Fulgham’s name is on several documents in Northampton County around 1800 but is not on the 1800 Census and is not living with his father Michael Fulgham in 1800.
Nancy Fulgham
Nancy Fulgham [c1773 Northampton County NC].
Polly Fulgham
Polly Fulgham [c1783-84 - 1803-1805] married a McDowell. Evidence herein will show that we believe that she married George McDowell, son of James McDowell and Mary Griggs McDowell. Her date of birth is calculated on the fact that in December 1803, she has not reached the age of 21.
Anthony Fulgham
Anthony Fulgham [c1794 Northampton County NC - c1843 Ballard County KY] married about 1815 to Rebecca [Abt 1805 SC].
Edmond Fulgham
Edmond Fulgham [22 January 1798 Northampton County NC - 1884 Lowes, Graves County KY] married Rachel Scott [7 May 1800 GA] on 4 September 1820 in Georgia. Rachel's birth date and location are taken from census and family records.
The Family of William Smith
William Smith married Sarah Rogers, a widow of Michael Rogers of Wake County.
On 2 October 1811,
Matthew Fulgham married Levina Smith, the daughter of William Smith, formerly of Northampton County NC. In
the Will of William Smith written 20 November 1820, he refers to his daughter Viney [nickname for Levina] Fulgham. The William Smith family will be explored in more detail later in this chapter since he came from Northampton County and we will prove that he was related to the Colonel Laurence Smith family.
The Wake County Years
After his move to Wake County, George McDowell married Sarah Doby on 21 May 1808. The following are presumed to be their children.[
In our presentation of the McDowells of Northampton we saw that George McDowell listed his county of residence in an 1816 deed as Wake County. Indeed public records in Wake county do contain the name of George McDowell. An early record is a marriage bond taken out by George on 21 May 1808 to marry Sarah Doby. William Scott served as the bondsman. George signs his bond himself in much the same style as James McDowell of Northampton.
George appeared a number of times in the William Hill Merchantile Account Book AB 403 as follows:
58 George McDuel Dr
12 - To 1 pint Rum 2/3 " ¼th Pepper 1/3 - _.3.6
Raleigh March 1806, Page 30
58 George McDuel Dr
7 - To 6lb Sugar a 1/9 - _.10.6
25 - 1 Ball Shoe thread 2/6 7lb Sugar a 1/9 - _ 14.9
- 1 Comb __ 1 pint Rum 2/3 - _.3.8
- - 1.8.6
Raleigh April 1806, Page 37
58 George McDuel Dr
21 - To 1 Quart Rum 4/ 1/4lbSpice 1/3 _.5.3
" - To 1/4lb Ginger 1/ - _.1._
- - _.6.3
Raleigh May 1806, Page 47
58 George McDuel Dr
20 - To 4lb Sugar @1/6 - _7.4
" - To 1lb Coffee 4/6 - _4.6
- - _.11.10
Raleigh September 1806, Page 80
58 George McDuel Dr
8 - T 1 Pad Lock 6/6 - _6.6
" - To 23 a Iron @1/ - 1.3._
" - 1 Bed Cord 6/6 - _6.6
" - 100 8 Nails 2/6 - _2.6
" - 1 Spelling Book 2/6 - _2.6
- - 2.1._
Raleigh January 1807, Page 118
George McDowell is found in some land deeds which he witnesses. They are excerpted as follows:
May 16, 1808 … Micajah Hill to Amy Night … land at Millstone Branch to Rich Mill Branch, ca. 70 acres.
Wit.: George McDowell [he signed]. Mary x Night (Jurat)
May 16, 1808 … Micajah Hill to Amy Night … land South Side of Neuse River on Millstone Branch, ca. 50 acres.
Wit.: George McDuel, Mary x Night
The connection of George McDowell with the Night family is of interest and we present a more detailed discussion in a
separate section.
The next records are tax lists in which George pays a white pole tax in Wake County. He does not own any land. We present these tax listings in the following table:[
Tax Records of George McDowell
1810 - Saint Matthews - 1 WP - $0.56
1811 - Saint Matthews - 1 WP - £_.6._
1812 - Saint Matthews - 1 WP - $0.76
1813 - Saint Matthews - 1 WP - $0.86
1814 - Saint Matthews - 1 WP - $0.86
1815 - Cross Roads - 1 WP - $0.90
1817 - Forest - 1 WP - $0.85 Given in by Jesse Powell
It is interesting to note that George does not appear until 1810 although he probably arrived in Wake County between 1805 and 1808. His marriage bond of 1808 would certainly imply he was there before 1808. Note further that he is not listed in 1816, the year of his land deed in Northampton County. We will return to discuss the district in which he lived later. The fact that George is not listed after 1817 is of interest in that it indicates an age of 45.[
34] To verify this, one must turn to examine the census records. Unfortunately the Wake County census records for 1810 and 1820 do not exist. This presents, as we shall see, a serious impediment to proper analysis of the McDowells of Wake County. Fortunately the 1830 and subsequent census records are available. In the 1830 and 1840 census George McDowell is listed as head of household with the following vital statistics:
1830 Census Wake County
George McDowell
1 male 0-4: [James]
1 male 5-9: [William]
1 male 15-19: [George]
1 male 60-69: [George]
1 female 5-9: [Mary]
1 female 10-14: [Elizabeth]
1 female 50-59: [Sarah]
1840 Census Wake County
George McDowell
1 male 60-69: [George]
1 female 5-9: [Sarah Ann]
2 females 20-29: [Elizabeth, Mary]
1 female 50-59: [Sarah]
Clearly the male adult, aged 60 to 70 , in the 1830 census is George McDowell. Assuming that George is at least 45 in 1817, he would be 58 in 1830 and 68 in 1840 which fits. In addition he would have been 28 in the 1800 Census of Northampton. Indeed we find a male between 26 and 45 listed under the George McDowell head of household. This is the only 1800 Northampton listing which is consistent with George's later age. Furthermore, George's age implies a birth date of about 1767, a date which is close to the suspected marriage date of James and Mary McDowell of Northampton.
Elizabeth McDowell
Elizabeth McDowell [c1813 - Unknown] married Paschall Lloyd on 5 June 1842. They had the following children:
James Lloyd [Abt 1843]. A James H. Lloyd enlisted in Company G of the 17th Regiment of NC Infantry on 18 May 1861 as a third sargeant but was honorably discharged on 10 July 1861 as "not fit for duty." The City of Raleigh was on one of the documents, but it is not clear if this James Lloyd is the correct one. No other records have been found for him.
Perry Paschal Lloyd [May 1844 - 18 March 1919] married Martha T. Rains [August 1843 - 12 February 1923 /NCDC], the daughter of Isaac Rains and Ellen Williams, on 11 August 1868 in Wake County.
George Winston Lloyd [Abt 1848]. Other than the 1850 and 1860 census records listed below, no other records have been found for him.
Elizabeth and Paschal are enumerated in the following census records:
1850 Census Wake County
Wake Forest District
Paschal Lloyd - 35 M - Overseer - NC
Elizabeth - 38 F - NC
James - 10 M - NC
Perry - 8 M - NC
George - 2 M - NC
1860 Census Wake County
North Western District PO Forestville
Paschal Loiza - 40 M - Overseer - NC
Elizabeth - 40 F - NC
James - 17 M - Day laborer - NC
Perry - 15 M - NC
Jos. Barlow - 5 M - NC
M. McDowel - 35 F - NC
Winston McDowell (or Loiza) 12 M - NC
1870 Census Wake County
Wake Forest PO Forestville
Paschal Lloyd - 53 M - Farmer - NC
Elizabeth - 57 F - Keeping House - NC
Mary McDowell - 47 F - Domestic Servant - NC
Eliza Felts - 42 F - At home - NC
Joseph Barlow - 14 M - Farm Laborer - NC
Based on the 1850 and 1870 census ages for Elizabeth, our best estimate as to her year of birth is 1812. The most conclusive evidence connecting Elizabeth as the daughter of George McDowell and Sarah Doby is the fact that her sister
Mary McDowell lives with her in 1860 and 1870.
George McDowell
George McDowell [c1814 - Unknown] married Gilly Strickland [February 1816 - Aft 1900] on 15 October 1836 in Wake County. From the 1900 census record of Gilly McDowell, we find that she reports two children born and two children living. Those two children are:
The census records for George and Gilly are as follows:
1840 Census Wake County
George McDowell
1 male 20-29: [George]
1 female 15-19: [Mary]
1 female 20-29: [Gilly]
The female age 15-19 listed with George and Gilly is believed to be
Mary McDowell, the sister of George McDowell and the daughter of George McDowel and Sarah Doby. In the 1830 census she is living with her parents. In the
1850 Census, she lives with another brother,
1850 Census Wake County
New Light District
Geo. McDowell - 36 M - Shoemaker - NC
Gilly McDowell - 35 F - NC
Amanda McDowell - 3 F - NC
Harriet Strickland - 25 F - NC
Note that the wife's name is Gilly as expected. Harriet Strickland is likely a sister to Gilly. Note also that the ages, 36 for George and 35 for Gilly, fit nicely with the 1840 census. In addition George McDowell can be found in the 1860, 1870, and 1880 census records of Wake County as follows:
1860 Census Wake County
North Western District PO New Light
George McDowell - 46 M - Boot & Shoemaker - NC
Gilla - 40 F - NC
Amanda - 13 F - NC
Marzelia - 5 F - NC
1870 Census Wake County
Wake Forest PO Forestville
George McDowell - 53 M - Millen - NC
Gilly - 47 F - Keeping house - NC
Mary - 19 F - at home - NC
Alverado - 13 F - at home - NC
The female Alverado in 1870 is almost certainly Marzelia.
1880 Census Wake County
New Light
George McDowell - 66 M - farmer - NC
Gilly B. - 63 F - keeping house - NC
In 1900 Gilly is enumerated with her daughter
Marzelia Francis Watkins and Allen Grey Watkins in Louisburg. She lists her date of birth as February 1816.
On 17 August 1846, in the Wake County Court minutes, we find
On motion ordered by the court that George McDowell be exempted from paying a poll tax & working on the road, as long as he remains Drummer to the Militia of New Light District.
Other information is known about George McDowell. His Occupation is given as a shoemaker in the 1850 and 1860 census records. In 1860 George had a real estate value of $300 and a personal worth of $640. According to the agricultural schedule of the census, George had 10 acres of improved land and 20 unimproved. The cash value of the farm was $300, the value of the farming implements was $20. He had one horse, one milk cow, two other cattle, 17 swine with a value of livestock at $135. He harvested 50 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bushels of irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, 75 pounds of butter, 3 tons of hay and a value of home-made manufacturers as $30. The value of the animals slaughtered was $130.
The 1870 census shows George as a miller or millen with a real estate value of $200 and a personal value of $300. Probably because of changing district lines, he is listed in 1870 as being in the Wake Forest Township. In 1880 George and Gilly are living alone and are back in the New Light Township.
There are two deeds regarding George McDowell. One is a land deed in 1847 where George purchases 30 acres of land. The second is a 1873 land transaction in which he sells the land in the New Light District although he is listed as being in the Wake Forest Township.
Amanda McDowell
Amanda McDowell [1847 - Unknown] married Allen Hilman Davis on 5 June 1863. They had the following children.
George Davis [1 May 1866 - 2 August 1954 /NCDC]
Aaron Claude Davis [28 December 1868 - 24 July 1956 /NCDC] married Polly Drewer.
Cordelia H. Davis
James M. Davis [27 July 1873 - 17 May 1939 /NCDC] married Virginia May MNU
Lillie B. Davis
Sallie Davis
Lelia Davis
Amanda and Allen appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Wake County NC
Northwestern District, PO New Light
Allen Davis - 55 M - Farmer - NC
Harriet 47 F - NC
Hilmon - 19 M - NC
Aaron - 16 M - NC
Joseph - 11 M - NC
1870 Census Wake County NC
Bartons Creek Township, PO Forestville
Hilmun Davis - 30 M - Farmer - NC
Amanda - 24 F - Keeping House - NC
George - 5 M - NC
Claudius - 2 M - NC
Allen - 64 M - Farm Laborer - NC
1880 Census Wake County NC
New Light Township
Hillmon David - 39 M - Farmer - NC NC NC
Amanda V. - 32 F - Wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
George A. - 14 M - Son - On the Farm - NC NC NC
Clauddy A. - 11 M - Son - On the Farm - NC NC NC
Cordelia H. - 8 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James H. - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lillie B. - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Sallie - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1900 Census Nash County NC
Ferrell's Township
Amanda Davis - 54 F - Head, Widow - Farmer - Jan 1847 7/7 - NC NC NC
George - 34 M - Son - Farm Labor - May 1866 - NC NC NC
James - 27 M - Son - Farm Labor - July 1873 - NC NC NC
Lelia - 12 F - Daughter - Apr 1888 - NC NC NC
The following record is not the correct Allen Davis.
1880 Census Wake County NC
District 255
Alen Davis - 35 M - Farmer - NC NC NC
Arsena - 29 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
James - 10 M - Son - At home - NC NC NC
Joseph - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Martha - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Junius - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
John - 1/12 M May - Son - NC NC NC
Marzelia Francis McDowell
Marzelia "Marzie" Francis McDowell [1856 - 6 September 1927 /NCDC] married Allen Grey Watkins [6 September 1845 - 19 April 1923 /NCDC], the son of Joshua Watkins and Mattie Jones, on 9 January 1873. The marriage record gives her age as 24 and his age as 23. This is not consistent with the 1860 census which shows her as age 5 nor the 1850 census which does not list her. Most likely she was born in 1855. Her marriage to Allen Watkins was performed by A. F. Purefoy, a Baptist minister, and held at George McDowell's residence. The witnesses were Henry Jones and Henry Bottom. The children of Marzelia and Allen are as follows:
Charles "Charlie" M. Watkins [May 1875 - Unknown]
Lonza Frank Watkins [August 1876 - 14 March 1947 Sandy Creek Township] lists parents as Allen Grey Watkins and Marzelia Francis McDowell.
Gilly/Gillie Bera Watkins [28 April 1880 - 31 July 1938 /NCDC] married a Sanford.
Maggie Watkins [Janury 1882 - 12 May 1951 Sandy Creek Township] list parents as Allen Grey Watkins and Marzelia Francis McDowell.
Maylon E. Watkins [20 January 1890 - 10 November 1969 /NCDC] married Helen Parrish
Myrtle Watkins [April 1893]
Marzelia and Allen appear in the following census records:
1880 Census Wake County
New Light District
Allen Watkins - 30 M - Farmer - measles - NC
Marzelia F. - 28 F - wife - Keeping house - NC
Charlie - 4 M - Son - measles - NC
Frank - 3 F - daughter - NC
Gilly - 1 F - daughter - NC
1900 Census Franklin County
Allen G. Watkins - 54 M - Head - Sept 1845 m27
Marzelia - 46 F - Wife - Dec 1853 - m27 7/6
Chas. M. - 25 M - Son - May 1875
Lonza F. - 23 M - Son - Aug 1876
Maggie - 18 F - Daughter Jan 1882
Malon E. - 10 M - Son - Jan 1890
Myrtle - 7 F - Daughter - Apr 1893
Gillie McDowell - 84 F - mother - Feb 1816, wd 2/2
1910 Census Franklin County
Allen G. Watkins - 65 M - Head - m39
Marzelin F. - 56 F - wife - m39 7/6
L. Frank - 32 M - Son
Mayer - 28 F - Daughter
Maylon - 20 M - Son
Myrtle -18 F - Daughter
From the census records, we learn that Marzelia birthed seven children with six still alive in 1900. We are missing one of her children. Marzelia Francis McDowell Watkins died on 6 September 1927 in Franklin County in the Township of Youngsville. Her parents are listed as George and Gilly McDowell on her death certificate.
William McDowell
William McDowell [c1818 - 1870s] married Julia Watkins on 16 February 1842 in Wake County. Since William was 44 in 1862 upon entering the Confederate States Army, the date of his birth is assigned to the year 1818. William died between 1870 and 1880 as Julia McDowell is listed as a widow and living with her daughter Sarah Brown in the 1880 Census. William and Julia had the following children:
Ann McDowell [c1850 - Unknown].
The census records for William and Julia are as follows:
1850 Census Wake County
Western District
William McDowell - 26 M - NC
Julia - 26 F - NC
George - 7 M - NC
Mary - 5 F NC
Mary McDowell - 24 F - NC
Vernam - 4 M - NC
1860 Census Wake County
North Western District PO Raleigh
Wm. McDowell - 33 M - farm laborer - NC
Julia - 43 F - NC
Ann - 10 F - NC
Helen - 8 F - NC
Sarah - 4 F - NC
William - 1 M - NC
In the 1860 Census, William and Julia are listed as living in dwelling 352. In dwelling 354 lives Amelia Watkins, age 60 and a seamstress. There is a record of Right Watkins marrying Amelia Rains on 12 September 1826 in Wake County with the Bondsman Riley Watkins and the witness B. S. King. Also, while
George and Gilly McDowell are listed in dwelling 143 in 1880, Allen Watkins and wife
Marzelia Francis McDowell Watkins are in dwelling 144 and have a child named Gilly Watkins.
1870 Census Wake County
St. Matthews PO Forrestville
William McDowell - 45 M - farmer - NC
Julia - 55 F - Keeping House - NC
Elizabeth - 22 F - At home - NC
William Jordan - 26 M - Farm Laborer - NC
Sarah Jordan - 16 F - At Home - NC
Fenner Jordan - 14 M - Farm Laboer - NC
Mangum Jordan - 2 M - NC
Note that Sarah, Fenner, and Mangum are listed under William Jordan, the husband of
Elizabeth McDowell, as a Jordan, but that is incorrect. William Jordan and Elizabeth were married in 1867 and Elizabeth should be listed as a Jordan. We also believe that Mangum is a Jordan, but that Sarah and Fenner are McDowells.
In the 1880 Census Julia and William Fenner live with Julia's daughter
Sallie Brown with Julia listed as a widow implying that William McDowell died between 1870 and 1880.
On Dec. 21, 1846 William McDowell witnessed the marriage of John J. Watkins to Candis Faison.
William McDowell enlisted as a private, volunteer, and fifer in Company E of the 47th Regiment of NC Infantry on 21 January 1862 at age 44 in Raleigh by E. Hall for three years or the duration of the war. His enlistment papers indicated that he was born in Wake County, was a farmer aged 44 and standing 5 feet 8 inches tall. He signed by his mark. William was mustered in at Camp Mangum near Raleigh on 11 April 1862 by Col. S. H. Rogers of the NC troops. He appeared present on the Muster Rolls for July-August 1862, January-February 1863, January-February 1864, and March-April 1864. He was twice paid by a Captain Thomas. On 28 July 1863 he was admitted to the Receiving and Wayside General Hospital No. 9 in Richmond VA and sent to the Windsor Division of hospitals in Richmond on 29 July 1863. He is listed on a receipt of clothing for the third quarter of 1864 which is signed by his mark.
On 1 September 1864, he re-enlisted as a Private in Co. F, 12th NC Infantry for the duration of the war in Raleigh by Malette. In the 1 May to 31 August Muster Roll, he is listed as "Absent sick and at Hospital. Due him $50 bounty." The November/December 1864 Muster Roll continues to list him as "Absent sick at hospital." He was captured at Harper's Farm on 6 April 1865 and made a POW at Point Lookout, Maryland, arriving from City Point VA on 15 April 1865. He was released on 15 June 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance. His complexion is listed as light with red hair, blue eyes, standing 5 feet 8¾ inches tall.
Two land transactions involving William McDowell are of interest. The first was a transaction from Henderson Watkins to Julia Watkins on 16 October 1838 where for $100, Henderson sold to Julia one half of a certain piece of land of 100 acres and the other half to Willis Watkins.[
35] The witnesses were Wm (x) Ezell and William (x) McDowell. The deed was duly proven in open court by the oath of William McDowell on 28 December 1839.
On 21 December 1841, Julia Watkins transferred to Mourning Watkins her mother "for natural love and affection which I have and bear unto my beloved Mother Mourning Watkins and for the better support in her old age, and for divers other good causes … a certain tract adjoining where she now lives and whereon Cintha Minque now lives containing 50 acres known as Henderson Watkins half of John Amos old tract." Mourning Watkins is 80 in the Crossroads District in 1850 and there is an old Willis Watkins 60-70 in the 1830 census with a wife 50-60 and one daughter 15-20 which fits with Julia's age.
A record from the Crossroads Baptist Church is interesting and indicates that Julia is a daughter of Willis Watkins.
Conference Saturday before 4 Sunday in May 1839. The case of Brothren Willis Watkins and Thos. F. Christman were refered to next meeting.
Conference Saturday before 4th Sunday in June 1839. The committee appointed to see Br Willia Watkisn reported. Report received and the committee discharged. Morning Watkins & Julia Watkins were excluded from the church for various ungodly conduct.
George McDowell
George McDowell [c1843 - Unknown] is enumerated in the 1860 Census as a laborer with Jesse Taylor and wife Ann Eliza in the Northeastern District with the post office Raleigh. Jesse and Ann were married 13 June 1853 in Nash County NC with bondsman Thomas W. Taylor. He has not been found in later census records or in Civil War service records; however, he is presumed to have died in the war.
1860 Census Wake County
North Eastern Division
Jesse F. Taylor - 35 M - Farmer - NC
Ann - 29 F - NC
Laura - 6 F - NC
Senora - 4 F - NC
George McDowell - 17 M - Laborer - NC
1870 Census Wake County NC
Raleigh Township
Jesse Taylor - 45 M - Farmer - NC
Anne - 39 F - Keeping House - NC
Laura - 16 F - NC
Senora - 14 F - NC
William - 10 M - NC
Annie - 2 F - NC
Mary Elizabeth McDowell
Mary Elizabeth McDowell [c1845 - Unknown] married William Jordan on 23 December 1867 in Wake County. A daughter Mary age 5 is listed in 1850 with her parents, but not listed in 1860. In the 1870 census, an Elizabeth McDowell, age 22, is enumerated with her parents and with her husband William Jordan, age 26. Elizabeth and Mary are believed to be the same daughter. The 1880 census record for William and Elizabeth Jordan is as follows:
1880 Census Wake County
Marks Creek
William A. Jordan - 38 M - Farmer - NC NC NC
Elizabeth - 30 F - wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
Mary A. - 11 F - daughter - NC NC NC
William - 7 M - son - NC NC NC
Sarah E. - 4 F - daughter - NC NC NC
Julia - 1 F - daughter - NC NC NC
Moses - 26 M - brother - NC NC NC
1900 Census Wake County
Raleigh Ward 1
Wm Jordan - 55 M - Head - Apr 1845 m30
Elizabeth 52 F - wife Apr 1850 m30 5/3
Wm. H. Bunn - 24 M - son-in-law - July 1875 wd
Joseph E. Bunn - 3 M - grandson - Jan 1897
1910 Census Cabarrus County
Concord Town
William Jordan - 69 M - m40
Elizabeth J. - 59 F - wife - m40 4/3
Hellen McDowell
Hellen McDowell was born in 1852. An Ella R. Dowell [14 March 1852 - 20 February 1922 /NCDC], the daughter of Albert H. Dowell and Eleanor R. Duffey, married Dixon G. Conn [18 May 1840 - 18 November 1921 /NCDC], the son of Andrew Conn and Diana Rose, on 15 September 1870. The minister was J. B. Bobbitt. Although Ella could have been Helen given a close match in age and given the name "McDowell" in the 1880 Census below, we have determined that Clarence Leslie Dowell [3 January 1861 - 11 February 1947 /NCDC] and Willy and Emma J. Dowell [21 October 1858 - 12 February 1951 /NCDC] are likely the children of Albert Dowell and that the census taker misidentified their name as McDowell.
1880 Census Wake County NC
D. G. Conn - 35 M - Clerk in Office - NC NC NC
Ellen - 27 F - Keeps house - NC NC NC
Duffie - 16 F - at home - NC NC NC
Katy - 3 F - NC NC NC
Eunice - 2/12 Apr - NC NC NC
Ludy Conn - 50 F - Aunt - Dressmaker - NC NC NC
Emma McDowell 21 F - Niece - Dressmaker - NC NC NC
Clarence - 18 M - Nephew - At school - NC NC NC
Willy - 16 M - Nephew - At school - NC NC NC
Albert H. Dowell appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Wake County NC
Southern Division, PO Morrisville
A. H. Dowell - 35 M - Teach Class School - VA
Rosina - 23 F - VA
George - 12 M - NC
Allen - 10 M - NC
Ella - 8 F - NC
Horace - 6 M - NC
Julia - 4 F - NC
Emma - 2 F - NC
Marsilla Jorden - 3 F Mu - NC
Rinny Jorden - 2 F Mu - NC
1870 Census Wake County NC
Swift Creek Township, PO New Hill
A. H. Dowell - 47 M - Gr. Merchant - VA
Ella R. - 19 F - at home - NC
Julian - 14 M - at home - NC
Emma - 12 F - at home - NC
Leslie - 10 M - at home - NC
Willie - 8 F - NC
We also display the census records for Andrew Conn.
1850 Census Marion County NC
Land Creek District
Andrew Conn - 51 M - Farmer - Wake Co. NC
Virginia - 45 - Nash Co. NC
Lucy - 23 - Franklin Co. NC
Nancy - 21 - Franklin Co. NC
Mary - 19 - Franklin Co. NC
Francis - 17 F - NC
Sarah - 15 F - NC
Dickson - 12 M - NC
Edward - 6 M - NC
Bitsy - 5 F - NC
1860 Census Franklin County NC
Galloways District, PO Louisburg
Andrew Conn - 60 M - Overseer - NC
Lucy - 30 F - NC
Mary - 26 F - NC
Sallie - 21 F - NC
Dickson - 20 M - NC
Edward - 18 M - NC
Elizabeth - 14 F - NC
1870 Census Wake County NC
Dixon Conn - 28 M - R-Road Conductor - NC
Lucy - 39 F - Keeping House - NC
Sallie - 30 F - At Home - NC
Nannie Dixon - 37 F - At Home - NC
Charles Dixon - 11 M - NC
Jordan Stokes - 12 M B - Domestic Servant - NC
Sarah "Sallie" McDowell
Sarah "Sallie" McDowell [c1854 - Unknown] married W. D. Brown on 22 November 1876 by the Justice of the Peace Albert Magrim at the residence of Charles Klupperberg. Witnesses were E. 0. Macey, Charles Klupperberg, and Thomas W. Blake. Sarah is listed on the roll of the New Hope Baptist Church in 1870.
Sallie and W.D. Brown appear in the following census records:
1880 Census Wake County
NW Div City of Raleigh
W. D. Brown - 26 M - Shoemaker - NC NC NC
Sallie - 22 F - wife - NC NC NC
Daisy M. - 3 F - daughter - NC NC NC
Obviously, the census taker mislabled W. F. and Julia and left off the term "in law" with her brother and her mother.
1900 Census Wake County
Raleigh Ward 4
John DeForest - 23 M - Head - Aug 1876 - m8
Daisy - 22 F - Wife - Sep 1877 m8 0/0
George H. - 4 M - son - Dec 1895
Maud Elton - 3 F - daughter - Feb 1897
W. D. Brown - 45 M - father-in-law - Feb 1855 m25
Sallie Brown - 44 F - mother-in-law - Sep 1855 m25 1/1
1910 Census Wake County
Raleigh Ward 4
W. D. Brown - 55 M - Head - m34
Sallie - 53 F - wife - m34 1/1
Daisy D. DeForest - 30 F - daughter, single
Geo. H. DeForest - 14 M - grandson
Maude E. DeForest - 12 F - grandaughter
Iris L. DeForest - 9 F - grandaughter
Dorothy L. DeForest - 5 F - grandaughter
1920 Census Wake County
Raleigh Ward 4
Sallie Brown - 62 F - Head
Haywood DeForest - 23 M - Head
Nannie - 21 F - wife
Iris - 18 F - daughter
Dorothy - 14 F - school
William Fenner McDowell
William Fenner McDowell [29 April 1859 - 21 June 1918
OKD/FG] married twice; first to Helen Samantha Thomas [1856 - 27 February 1891
OKD/FG], the daughter of Edward B. Thomas and Nancy Spikes, on 24 November 1887 in Wake County NC. Methodist minister W. C. Norman performed the ceremony in Raleigh. It was witnessed by J. B. Martin, E. B. Thomas, and H. L. Thomas. He listed his age at the time of the marriage as 28 while Helen Thomas was 27. Two children were born to this marriage as follows:
Henry McDowell [1887 and died in infancy].
Fenner, as he was called, married a second time to Harriet "Hattie" Anne Mullins [6 January 1873 - 20 May 1936
OKD/FG], the daughter of James W. Mullins and Zelian Blake, on 10 August 1892 in Wake County NC. This time his age was given as 33 and Hattie as 19. The license was not returned although the two lived together. The following children were born to Fenner and Hattie.
Son [Died in infancy]
John Pescud McDowell [20 June 1899 - 18 December 1940
CITY/FG] married Margaret L. Oldham in Raleigh on 26 September 1921. C. K. Procter was the minister and the witnesses were W. L. McDowell, Idelle Glosson, and Lula Young. It is assumed that William Lee McDowell was a witness for his brother.
Anne McDowell [5 May 1906 - 3 February 1956
CITY/FG] married John William Ervin [26 March 1905 - 6 April 1938
EVIEW/FG], son of John William Irvin and Bessie Sronce, on 25 December 1931 in Wake County NC.
Fenner and Hattie appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Wake County NC
Raleigh Ward 2
W.F. McDowell - 41 M - April 1859 m/11 - NC NC NC
Mrs. H.A. McDowell - 25 F - Jan 1875 m/11 4/4 - NC NC NC
M.A. - 10 F - daughter - Dec 1889 - NC NC NC
W.L. - 6 M - son - July 1893 - NC NC NC
C.G. - 5 M - son - Jan 1895 - NC NC NC
J.P. - 4/12 M - son - June 1889 - NC NC NC
In the 1880 Census William Fenner McDowell is enumerated with W. D. Brown and his wife Sarah along with his mother Julia McDowell. He is listed as a brother of Sallie and living near Johnson Street and the depot.
It appears that William Fenner McDowell was the only male descendant of George and William to produce male offspring. His death certificate shows that he was a blacksmith, born 29 April 1859 and died 21 May 1918. His residence was 412 N. East Street, Raleigh, and his parents are listed as William and Julia A. McDowell. He died of a cerebral hemorage and the informant was G. Y. McDowell of Raleigh. He is buried in the East Branch Section lot 2 of Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh. The undertaker was J. Brown Company. His wife Hattie McDowell lived to be 62 years, 4 months, and 14 days. She died 20 May 1936. She was the daughter of James Mullins and Jarriette Ann Blake. The informant of her death was W. L. McDowell (William Lee). She died of a coronary and was buried by Mitchell Funeral in the lot 2 at Oakwood Cemetery.
Maude Allen McDowell
Maude Allen McDowell [28 December 1889 - 9 March 1979 Newport Beach CA] married Francis Elijah Hilton in Raleigh NC on 4 May 1913. One child was born as follows:
Frances Catherine Hilton
Frances Catherine Hilton [11 February 1922 - Unknown] married John MacMillan on 3 July 1952. Three children were born to this marriage as follows:
Martha Jane MacMillan - an adopted daughter of John MacMillan born 27 November 1949 and married Robert Donaldson on 20 June 1974. They divorced in 1982 with one child:
Jody Christine Donaldson [30 June 1976].
John Frank MacMillan [13 February 1954] married Lisa Hutchinson on 17 August 1974. They were divorced in 1983 with two children born: Nicole Sytara MacMillan [7 April 1977] and John Blayne MacMillan [16 April 1980].
James Thomas MacMillan - married Sue Lynn on 3 September 1977. Three children were born as follows: Sarah Elizabeth MacMillan [11 July 1980], Emily MacMillan, and James MacMillan.
William Lee McDowell
William Lee McDowell [4 July 1893 - 8 November 1948
MON/FG/NCDC] lived 50 years, 4 days, and 4 months. He married Margueritte "Maggie" L. Warren [1 January 1896 - 15 April 1983
MON/FG], the daughter of Nathaniel Warren and Lille Roena Sanders, on 24 August 1915 and J. C. Wooten was the Methodist minister. Witnesses were C. L. Byrd, Mrs. C. L. Byrd and O. B. Morris. His death certificate listed his address as 221 Glenwood Avenue and as an engineer with Seaboard Airline Railroad. His wife was listed as Margueritte Warren of North Harrington Street. His parents were Fenner McDowell and Harriett Ann Mullins. He was a member of Edenton Street Church and he died suddenly at home. He is buried at Mount Lawn Memorial Park in East Raleigh. The attending physician was E. G. Rand and the service was held at 412 North East Street by Mitchell Funeral Home.
Charles Gordon McDowell
Charles Gordon McDowell [5 January 1895 - 31 January 1941
OPUL/FG] married Verna Allene McCrorey [23 October 1897 - 5 September 1986
OPUL/FG]. They had the following children.
Verna Allene McDowell [11 February 1922 - ] married James C. Fitzpatrick [13 October 1916 - ]
Charles and Verna appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Fulton County GA
Chas. G. McDowell - 34 M - M/24 - NC NC NC
Verna M. - 31 F - Wife - M/21 - AL AL AL
Verna - 8 F - Daughter - AL NC AL
Chas. - 5 M - Son - AL NC AL
Mary McCrowey - 62 F, Wd - Mother-in-Law - AL AL AL
1940 Census Bedford County PA
C.G. McDowell - 45 M - NC
Verna - 42 F - Wife - AL
Verna - 18 F - daughter - AL
C.G. - 14 M - son - AL
Mary McClorey - 72 F - Mother-in-Law, Wd - AL
Charles Gordon McDowell II
Charles Gordon McDowell [1 May 1925 (25 August 1925 on SSDI) - 3 April 2007
COS/FG] married first to Ida A. McClinton [c1928 - 4 September 1953 /ALDI], the daughter of J.W. McClinton and Eva Hollowell, on April 1948 in Jefferson County AL. They appeared in the following 1950 census record.
1950 Census Jefferson County AL
Charles G. McDowell - 24 M
Ida Alberta - 22 F
After the death of Ida, Charles married Vivian F. Delmar [9 July 1926 - 1 March 2011
COS/FG]. Charles' son Charles "Chip" Gordon McDowell III provided a Y-DNA sample which matched with the Central Virginia McDowell group.
James Mullins McDowell
James Mullins McDowell [9 October 1901 - 8 September 1920
OKD/FG]. There is an administration of the estate of James Mullins McDowell who died intestate. The administration papers involve a suit of Hattie McDowell versus Seaboard Air Line Railway et al. On 20 December 1919, James M. McDowell a minor under 21 was an employee of Seaboard. While tightening a lower bolt known as a "shaker," the upper bolt burst loose and threw James violently backwards over and on a large main brass rod and he received serious injuries to his leg and hip. In order to save his life, his leg was amputated at the hip on March 1920 and he remained in critical condition until his death. Hattie asked for a total judgment of $31,500. The result of the case was not in the administrative papers.
Mary McDowell
Mary McDowell [c1823 - Unknown]. In the 1830 census, Mary lived with her parents. In 1840, she lived with her brother, George, and in 1850 with her brother, William. In 1860 and 1870, she lived with her sister, Elizabeth McDowell Paschal, being listed in 1870 at age 47 as a domestic servant. Mary McDowell was thus born between 1823 and 1826 and to our knowledge never married. A Mary McDowell is buried in Oakwood Cemetery in the McDowell plot of descendants of William and Julia McDowell and no age is given. The beautiful gravestone simply says "Mary McDowell - Grandmother." Subsequent information from descendants of William Fennar McDowell claim that this is actually the grave of Julia Ann Watkins McDowell and that at the time of the placement of the marker, the family could not remember the first name.
James McDowell
James McDowell [1825-1830] married Candis Pool on 28 August 1856. but he is not listed in the 1860 Wake County census. We have not examined this case further but it is likely that this James is the son of George McDowell senior.
1850 Census Caswell County NC
Robt Walton - 43 M - Farmer - Person
Penelope - 46 F - Wake
Jesse J. Nickols - 24 M - Farmer - Wake
Iruna Wedding - 21 F - Wake
Henry Wedding - 13 M - Wake
Candis J. Pool - 12 F - Wake
Sarah Ann McDowell
Sarah Ann McDowell [c1832 - Unknown] married William Barlow Jr. on 29 January 1850 with bondsman Wm Barlow Sr. In the 1850 Wake County Census listed on the same page next to each other, we find the following two households:
1850 Census Wake County
New Light District
William Barlow - 44 M - Shoemaker - Virginia
Milly - 37 F - NC
Edna - 15 F
Martin - 13 M
Elizabeth - 10 F
Eliza - 8 F
Joseph - 6 M
Henry - 3 M
Milly - 1 F
William Barlow, Jr. - 20 M - Farmer - NC
Sarah Ann - 18 F
From this record we determine that Sarah Ann is 8 in 1840. Indeed a 5 to 10 year old female lives with
George McDowell senior in 1840. Note further that Sarah is the name of George's wife. Even more interesting is the fact that George McDowell Jr. lives in the same district and further that George Jr. and Wm. Barlow Senior are shoemakers. The shoemaker connection will be of later interest when we study James McDowell of Randolph County. We conclude that Sarah Ann is the daughter of George McDowell and Sarah Doby.
The 1860 Census for William Barlow presents an interesting twist to our story.
1860 Census Wake County
North Western District
William Barlow - 28 M - Day laborer - NC
Harriett - 32 F - NC
Gilly - 4 F - NC
George - 3 M - NC
Freeman - 2 M - NC
From this census enumeration, we learn that Sarah Ann McDowell has died. Indeed, William Barlow married Harriett Strickland on 20 March 1855 in Wake County with bondsman Green Bridges. This marriage date implies that Sarah died before March 1855. More interesting is the fact that Harriet Stickland lived with
George McDowell and Gilly Strickland in the 1850 census. George is the brother of Sarah Ann McDowell. It is also interesting to note that Harriet names her first daughter Gilly after her sister.
The Knight Family
Amy Knight of Wake County and her son, Noel Knight, provide an essential connecting link between the McDowells of Northampton County and the McDowells of Randolph County. As documented in the previous section, George McDowell witnessed two Wake County land deeds in May of 1808 in which Micajah Hill sold land to Amy Knight. Subsequently, in 1819, her son Noel was the bondsman for the marriage bond of
John McDowell and Tilathy Hill. The implication is that John McDowell is a son of George McDowell since the McDowell and Knight families are neighbors in the Crossroads neighborhood of Wake County. The circumstanial evidence is further compounded by the fact that
James McDowell of Northampton County, after joining his son George in Wake County, witnessed a deed of Henry Temple. Noel Knight married Amy Temple, the daughter of Henry Temple Jr. and Sarah Robertson, on 5 August 1815 in Wake County. Based on this important linkage of Northampton County to Randolph County via Wake County, it is important that we review the Knight family of Wake County.
For the sake of clarification, Micajah Hill [sometimes referred to as Michael Hill in deed records] does not have any known relationship to
Tilathy Hill or her parents, Sion Hill and Starage Lee. Micajah Hill is the son of Nathaniel Hill. In the 1797 will and estate papers of Nathaniel Hill, his family is clearly described. Furthermore, Nathaniel is known to be the son of Nathaniel Hill Sr. for whom there is also a will. Exhaustive research on the Hill family is underway to determine the relationship between these two branches of the Hill family.
The story of the Knight family begins with Amy Knight. Knight genealogists list her name as Anny Knight but deed records and other records in Wake County list her as Amy Knight. Her maiden name is not known. By the year 1800 Amy is believed to be the widow of a William Knight with the following children:
Mary Knight [1784 NC - Aft 1850].
will of Amy Knight dated 11 November 1841 mentions all three of her children. In the 1800 Census we find Amy Knight living with her children in Wake County.
1800 Censes Wake County
Amy Knight
1 male 16-26: [Noel]
2 females 0-9: [Levina, Mary]
1 female 26-44: [Amy]
No listing for a William or Amy Knight that properly matches the family has been found in the 1790 census. The 1830 and 1840 census records are as follows, recalling that the 1810 and 1820 Wake County census records do not exist.
1830 Census Wake County
Anny Night
1 female 30-39: [Levina]
1 female 70-79: [Anny]
1840 Census Wake County
Ama Night
1 female 40-49: [Levina]
1 feamle 80-89: [Ama]
In the 1840 Census, Amy is living next to Noel Knight and lists her age as between 80-89. Taken in conjunction with the 1800 census, her birth was determined to be between 1754-1760.
Noel Knight
Noel Knight [1781 Wake County NC - 9 July 1852 Wake County] married Amy Temple [c1792 Wake County NC - 7 June 1855 Wake County NC], the daughter of Henry Temple Jr. and Sarah Robertson, on 5 August 1815 in Wake County NC. He was an executor of the estate of his father-in-law Henry Temple in 1820. Noel and Amy had the following children:[
William (Wilburn) R. Knight [c1817 Wake County NC - Unknown].
Peter H. Knight [17 April 1818 Wake County NC - 10 March 1895 Wake County NC] married Mary Ann Horton on 11 January 1841 in Wake County NC.
Mary Adeline Knight [1820 Wake County NC - Unknown] married James W. Rogers on 28 July 1842 in Wake County NC.
Sarah A. Knight [c1822 Wake County NC - Unknown] married Elias L. Ligon on 3 November 1847 in Wake County, NC.
Amy Knight [1830 Wake County NC - Unknown] married first a Demarius and second Jordan Womble, Jr. on 1 March 1852 in Wake County NC.
Helen Knight [c1832 Wake County NC - Unknown] married James B. Jackson about 1853 in Wake County, NC.
Noel Knight is found in the census records as follows:
1830 Census Wake County
Saint Matthews District
Knowell Night
2 males 10-14: [William/Wilburn R., Peter H.]
1 male 40-49: [Noel]
2 females 0-4: [Amy, Helen]
2 females 5-9: [Mary Adeline, Sarah A.]
1 female 30-39: [Amy]
1840 Census Wake County
Noel Night
2 males 20-29: [William/Wilburn R., Peter H.]
1 male 50-59: [Noel]
2 females 5-9: [Amy, Helen]
2 females 15-19: [Mary Adeline, Sarah A.]
1850 Census Wake County
St Matthews
Noell Knight - 67 M - farmer - NC
Amy - 58 F - NC
William - 33 M - farmer - NC
Amy D. - 20 F - NC
Helen - 18 F - NC
James Jackson - 25 M - Schoolmaster - NC
We note that a Wm. G. Strickland was a next-door neighbor of Noel Night in 1850 and
George McDowell in 1840.
The history of New Hope Baptist Church on highway 401 traveling North from Raleigh towards Rolesville shows that the church was formed in 1832. The constitution of the New Hope Baptist Church was done on Saturday before the second Lord’s day in September 1832. Charter members of New Hope Baptist Church included Temperance Ivey, Noel Knight, Martha Hartsfield, Henry Buffaloe, Martha Buffaloe, and John Earp. John Earp was the husband of Mary Knight. Noel Knight was a Baptist deacon and his death notice was in the Biblical Recorder, a publication of the Baptist faith.
We turn next to the land and tax records for both Amy and Noel Knight. As mentioned above, George McDowell witnessed two land transactions between Micajah Hill and Amy Knight. In the first deed dated 16 May 1808,
Micajah Hill sold to Amy Knight 70 acres of land. In the second deed also dated 16 May 1808,
Micajah Hill sold to Amy Knight 50 acres of land for a grand total of 120 acres. Subsequently in 1818, a
Mickael Hill sold to Noel Knight 84½ acres of land. Both the 120 acres of land and the 84½ acres of land show up in the tax records of Amy and Noel Knight.
In the original tax records of Wake County, the name "Noel Knight" is spelled with combinations of Noel, Nole, and Knowell and Knight, Night, or Nite. Furthermore, the tax districts in Wake County changed their boundaries over time and sometimes a person may not have physically moved but his district changed. With one exception, Noel Knight is consistently listed in existing records as being in the Saint Matthew’s District starting in 1805. Tax lists after 1822 were not examined by the authors.
Tax Records for Noel Knight
Year - District - Acerage
1805 - Saint Matthews - 0
1813 - Saint Matthews - 0
1815 - Saint Matthews - 120
1816 - Saint Matthews - 120
1817 - Saint Matthews - 120
1818 - Saint Matthews - 204½
1819 - Saint Matthews - 204½
1820 - Saint Matthews - 84½
1822 - Saint Marks - 84½
Tax Records for Amy Knight
Year - District - Acerage
1809 - Saint Matthews - 120
1810 - Saint Matthews - 120
1811 - Saint Matthews - 120
1812 - Saint Matthews - 120
1813 - Saint Matthews - 120
1820 - Saint Matthews - 120
1822 - Saint Marks - 120
From an examination of the combined tax records of Amy and Noel Knight from 1805 to 1822, we find that one or the other of them reports the 120 acres with Noel reporting both the 120 acres and the 84½ acres in 1818 and 1819 and only the 84½ afterwards. Note that the reporting for both tracts of land for tax purposes comports with the dates on the deeds of 1808 and 1818.
An additional deed from
William Henton to Noel Knight was dated 1 March 1822, but has no direct connection to the McDowell family. Note that one of the two tracts sold in this deed was for land that William Hinton purchased from Micajah Hill. This deed gives the Noel Knight family an additional 181 acres for a total of 301 acres from Micajah Hill between the three deeds.
The Noel Knight land was described as being "on the Rolesville and Raleigh Road by the Neuse River." That road is now highway 401. The Knight family was responsible for land given for the formation of Knightdale in Wake County. Noel and Amy were planters raising cotton, tobacco, and grains.
Will of Noel Knight is an extensive document providing documentation on the names of his children. In the
estate papers of Noel Knight, we find an "agreement between the heirs of Noel Knight to be filed with Noel Knights will." It appears from the agreement that the Executors of Noel Knight were having trouble meeting the legal requests of the will as well as balancing the wishes of the family and paying all debts. This document appears to keep the Executors free from legal liability in coming to an agreement in the distribution of funds from the sale of certain properties of the estate needed to be sold to pay all expenses.
The Knight family cemetery is located East of Highway 64 (sometimes called Knightdale Blvd.) from Raleigh. Turn left on Old Knight Road which is the first major road East of North Smithfield Road. Travel only about one-half a mile past the T-intersection of Forestville Road which comes into Old Knight Road from the left. The cemetery is just beyond that T-intersection on the right side of the road in a wooded area just a few feet off the road and easily visible. It is directly behind Knightdale High School. It is a private cemetery. A number of members of the family are buried there, but Noel Knight and Levina, if buried there, are in unmarked graves. The listing of family members buried in the cemetery can be found on Internet sites.
Levina Knight
will of Levina Knight names her sister Mary as the wife of John Earpe. She names her brother as Noel Knight. Noel's mother Amy is living next to him in the 1840 census and her age is 80-90 and she has a female age 40-50 living with her. Since Noel is married and has his wife listed with him, it makes sense that the female living with Amy Knight is her unmarried daughter, Levina Knight. Besides this, Noel doesn't marry Amy Temple until 1811 and so the female listed with the Mother can't be a daughter of Noel Knight due to her age. We conclude that Levina Knight was never married.
In the estate of Levina Knight, there is a court record to the Sheriff of Wake County commanding him to take the bodies of Wm. D. Jeffreys, James G. Jeffreys, & J. R. Jeffreys and to have them appear at the third Monday of May 1850 and to answer to John W. Harpe, Executor of Lavina Knight, deceased of a plea that they render unto him the sum of sixteen hundred and eighty eight dollars which they owe and unjustly detain to his damage two hundred & fifty dollars. The writ was dated 11 May 1850. On the backside of the writ were the notes that this writ of debt was executed on James G. and J. Riddle Jeffrey only and that Wm. D. Jeffrey was not to be found in Wake County. The notes were written by C. J. Rogers, Sheriff.
From the Wake County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term 1849, we also find
a petition from the Executor of Levina Knight to sell her slaves in order to settle debts.
Chapter 4
Anthony McDowell, son of James McDowell and Mary Griggs, and Delilah Rowell were married sometime shortly before 1800, although a marriage record does not exist. Evidence presented herein indicates that they lived with James McDowell on the 100-acre tract of land bequeathed to Mary Griggs. Records show that Anthony died in 1804 and that Delilah continued to live on the property. Delilah subsequently sued James McDowell for her dower leading to a complicated set of court actions and land transactions – a story that ultimately reveals some of the genealogy of the extended family. Delilah eventually married
James Dupree and moved to Georgia. Anthony and Delilah had one son, William Addison McDowell.
Proof that William is a son of Anthony comes from a Masonic record of the Georgia Magnolia Lodge for William Addison McDowell II, son of William. Record #92 states that “He was a son of William Addison McDowell, Sr., and Delilah Peacock, and a grandson of Anthony McDowell, of Virginia.” Note that the border between North Carolina and Virginia was in dispute in the early 1800s. On the other hand, Anthony McDowell is listed in 1804 for Saint Luke’s Parish of Southampton County, Virginia, as a militia insolvent "not found" in the county.[
39] His absence could be due to his death in 1804. Because of his residency in Virginia at the time, it is quite possible that William Addison McDowell was indeed born in Virginia.
Census records of Northampton County from 1800 for James McDowell include a man and woman whose ages fit those expected of Anthony and Delilah and indicate that they lived with James McDowell. Further evidence described below is consistent with this interpretation.
On 4 December 1804 James McDowell and Frederick Jones take out an administrator's bond in Northampton County on the estate of Anthony McDowell – proof that Anthony McDowell dies before that date.[
40] While circumstantial, the record supports the evidence that James McDowell is the father of Anthony. Proof comes from a combination of the Masonic record described above and a Northampton land deed of 1827 citing William as an heir of John Griggs and hence a descendent of Mary Griggs, wife of James McDowell. We discussed the McDowell land records more fully in
Chapter Two.
Following the death of Anthony, Delilah McDowell appears in the Saint George Parish Warden Records as follows:
Ordered that Lile McDowell be allowed
Towards her and children support £10.0.0
Until First January Next
The page on which this information appears is dated February 1805. On a subsequent page of the records one finds the following:
Order that Seth Peebles Sheriff have Credit to his parish accompt as followeth:
Delila McDowell 12 Jan 1805 £10.0.0
As of 1805, Delilah has only one child, William, and the reference to “children” in the Warden Records is confusing. It could simply be the standard language with no inference that Delilah has several children. However, we believe that Harmon Rowell, a younger brother of Delilah, lives with her and is helping to farm the McDowell land. Indeed, Harmon Rowell shows up in multiple records related to the McDowell land. We speculate that Harmon is the male of age 0-10 listed with James McDowell (and hence Delilah) in the
1800 Census for James McDowell.
The name Delilah McDowell is listed as a head of household in the 1810 Northampton census with the following vital statistics:
1810 Census Northampton County
Delilah McDowell
1 male 0-9: [William Addison McDowell]
1 male 16-25: [Harmon Rowell]
1 female 26-44: [Delilah McDowell]
We are speculating that the older male is Harmon Rowell.
We turn next to court records related to a suit of James McDowell by Delilah McDowell. We believe that the suit is an attempt by Delilah to obtain her dower rights from the death of Anthony McDowell, especially given that Anthony is an heir to the 100-acres bequeathed to his mother, Mary Griggs McDowell. We begin by examining a record from trial dockets that we reproduce as follows:[
Delilah McDowell vs James McDowell
Exd on 2 beds and furniture & Sundry other articles
Order Sale
Judgt by default
Jury impd & sworn who had for the pltiff fo_
£56,1,8 interest from March 1808
fi fa issd
The date March 1808 from which the rather large amount of money is to be paid coincides with an 1808
Goodson/Lewis-McDowell Court case and with a 15 March 1808
Deed of Trust executed by James McDowell with Col. Laurence Smith. Furthermore, the description of the articles seems to match with those in the Deed of Trust. The term "fi fa issd" stands for "fieri facias issued" which means that a writ was issued to the sheriff to carry out the order of the court. This writ has been found and
additional writ to the sheriff on this case is issued by the Northampton Court on 6 September 1810. Note that the 15 March 1808 court date is specified in the second writ. The effect of the Delilah McDowell versus James McDowell suit is far reaching with respect to the 100-acre tract of land bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell. That discussion was presented in
Chapter Two.
Following the court actions in 1810, Delilah McDowell married
James Dupree and they have their first child by 1812. But to tell the story of that family in its fullness requires an understanding of the complicated family relations of the Dupree, Rowell and Hill families of Northampton County. We digress to develop those relationships in the following sections.
The Dupree Family
The story of
James Dupree begins with his parents, Jacob Dupree and Mary "Molly" Jordan. Jacob and Mary had the following children:
Amie (Amy) Dupree
Phada (sometimes Francis or Faday) Dupree [c1790 Northampton County NC - 1840/1850 Northampton County NC] married
Harmon Rowell on 23 January 1817 in Greensville County VA. This family will be discussed in
another section of this chapter.
Elizabeth Dupree [c1779 - Unknown] married John Hall on 14 October 1794 in Greensville County VA.
According to Bobby Dupree, a genealogist for the Dupree family, Jacob and Mary Dupree migrated from Greensville County VA to Northampton County NC sometime around 1795-1800. Jacob Dupree is in Northampton County with
James Dupree in the 1800 census. Jacob Dupree left
a Will documenting the identify of his children.
A deed dated 6 August 1816 contained the division of the land of Jacob Dupree, deceased, and further illuminates the names of his heirs in 1816.
At the Northampton County Court March 1816, John M. Benford, John Coker, Benj. Person, James Naper, and James Davis or any three of these were ordered to divide the lands of Jacob Dupree, deceased, to wit: fifty acres to be laid off adjoining the lands of Ann Roper to Elizabeth Dupree and the residue of said lands divide equally among Amie Dupree, Phada Dupree, and William Wilton in right of his wife, Mary Curtis, and report to same Court. Accordingly, the following division was made: Lot #1 -90-2/3 A. drawn by Phada Dupree. #2 -90-2/3 A. drawn by Wm W. Wilton in right of his wife, Mary #3 -90-2/3 A. drawn by Amy Dupree and 50 A., (Curtis’ adjoining land of Anny Roper's allotted to Elizabeth Dupree agreeable to Will -All lots have equal value.)
Shortly after the death of Jacob Dupree, there are several court records, one listed as Amy Dupree and others, verses the courts with a petition requesting a division of the lands of Jacob. The court records stated "continued with leave to amend the petition agreeably with the Will of Jacob Dupree."
Mary Dupree
Mary Dupree married a Curtis first and then married William H. Welton as noted in a land deed of Northampton County NC and excerpted as follows:
Wm. H. Welton and wife, Mary C. Welton of Greensville Co., Va., to Hayley Dupree of Northampton Co., N. C., 92 1/2 acres for 103 Lbs. Va. money; land bound by Jno Bass, Harmon Rowell, Peter Peterson Est., Amy Bass and William Epp. Said tract divided to Mary (late Dupree) by her dec'd Father Jacob Dupree. Witnesses; Hugh Burford Wm H Welton (Seal) Ann Stokes Mary C Welton (Seal) Proved 7 March 1820.
NorthamptonDB20:410 26 January 1821.
James Dupree
James Dupree [c1780 Greensville County VA - 1836 Washington County GA] married first to a daughter of
Henry Hill and Martha Lewis before 1800. The Hill daughter, whose name is not known, was born between 1775 and 1784 and died between 1800-1810. We discuss the family of Henry Hill in the
next section. James and his first wife had two children:
Martha Dupree [c1800 Northampton County NC - Unknown] was alive in 1820 and living with James Dupree and Delilah. She is possibly one of the daughters with James Dupree in 1830, though the ages don’t quite work. It is not known if she ever married.
The census records for James Dupree in 1800 and 1810 are as follows:
1800 Census Northampton County
James Dupree
1 male 0-9: [Curtis]
1 male 16-25: [James]
1 female 16-25: [Unknown Hill]
1810 Census Northampton County
James Dupree
1 male 10-15: [Curtis]
1 male 26-44: [James]
1 female 0-9: [Martha]
Following the death of his first wife before the 1810 census, James Dupree married Delilah Rowell McDowell. We return to that story in
another section of this chapter.
Curtis David Dupree
Curtis David Dupree [c1803 Washington County GA - 21 May 1868 Chilton County AL] married Sarah Wood [c1803 Washington County GA - 1888] and moved to Clarke County GA from Washington County GA in 1828. Curtis and Sarah were following in the path of Annie Smith Wood and Obediah Vinson, the mother and father-in-law of Sarah Wood Dupree, Curtis’ wife. Curtis and Sarah had four children.
Thomas G. Dupree [1830 GA].
Henry Dupree [1836 GA].
Sarah C. Dupree [1838 GA].
Rhoda M. Dupree [1840 GA].
The 1830 Census reports Curtis Dupree as residing in Clarke County GA as follows:
1830 Census Clarke County GA
Curtice Dupree
1 male 5-9: [Thomas G.]
1 male 30-39: [Curtis]
1 female 0-4: [Rhonda]
1 female 5-9: [Sarah C.]
1 female 20-29: [Sarah]
The Henry Hill Family
A daughter of Henry Hill of Northampton County plays a role in connecting the Dupree and Rowell families and it is useful to review his family history. Henry was born the son of Harmon Hill [1710 - March 1777] and Martha Deloach [c1704 - c1748], the daughter of William Deloach Sr. and Eleanor Collins, in Northampton County. Harmon married Martha on or about 1726 in Northampton County NC. The will of William DeLoach of Brunswick County VA, dated 25 March 1745 and proved on 3 March 1747, exists.[
42] In his will, he gave “to his daughter Martha (wife of Harmon Hill two Negroes and a chest with key thereto.“ After the death of Martha Deloach in about 1727, Harmon married a second time to Elizabeth, maiden name unknown. Harmon Hill wrote his will in 1772 and it was probated in 1777. There were a number of children born to him, but we focus on Henry Hill of Northampton County NC.
Henry Hill [1760/1770 - December 1839 Northampton NC] married Martha Lewis in 1785 in Northampton County NC. She was the daughter of James Lewis and Susannah. They had the following children:
Unknown (daughter) Hill [1775/1784 - 1802/1810] married
James Dupree in Greensville County VA. Information on this family is found in the
previous section.
Harmon Hill [Bf 1775 - 2 January 1822 – Will probated March 1823]
Green Hill [1780/1790 Northampton NC 17 January - March 1831 Northampton NC] married on 19 February 1817 in Northampton County NC.
Merrit Hill [1800/1810 Northampton NC - September 1846 Northampton County NC].
Fannie Hill married a Hart and had two children, Martha and Henry.
Henry Hill appeared a number of times in the court records of Northampton County as follows:
Henry Hill was in court proving that a neighbor was a Revolutionary War soldier and hence deserved a pension. He signed his deposition.
1825 – Henry Hill bill of sale to Green Hill proved by Amos Stevenson.
1825 – Henry Hill bill of sale to Augustin Hill proved by Robert Hancock
Henry Hill deed of gift to Fanny Hart’s children proved by Merritt Hill
The Court vs. James Lewis & Henry Hill – executed – judgment confessed by defendant in person for the sum of pounds 60.12:9 with interest till paid. Stay executed till next court. Fifa for costs issued - fifa issued.
1825 – Henry Hill vs. William Amis Executors – case – The same jury being impaneled and sworn to the issues joined between the parties upon their oaths do say, they find all the issues in favor of the plaintiff and assess his damages one hundred and fifty seven dollars 50 cents. Judgment by the Courts that the plaintiff recovers of the defendants the damages aforesaid and costs. Herman H. Brewer, Turner Harris, plaintiffs vs. Herman Hills Administrators - Benjamin H. Edwards appeared in open court and acknowledged himself security for the prosecution of this suit on part of the plaintiff.
Will of Henry Hill was filed in Northampton County in December 1839 By the time of the writing of his will, his wife had already died and isn't mentioned. His children were listed as sons Green Hill, Merritt Hill, and Augustin (sometimes called Augustus) Hill, and daughter Fanny Hill who had married a Hart. His other daughter who married
James Dupree had already died between 1800-1810 but he names their two children as grandson Curtis Dupree and granddaughter Martha Dupree. Henry also lists three grandchildren Robert C. Hill, Bennett Hill, and William Hill, but he doesn’t specify which Hill son they belonged to. Green Hill and Merritt Hill were named executors of the will. However, by the time the will was to be probated, Green Hill had already died so when the will was brought into court in December of 1839, Augustus filed a “caveatia” basically asking to be the sole executor of his father’s estate. When the court brought the will back to probate in March of 1840, Augustus was granted the role of executor. There was also a son Harmon Hill who had died in 1823 and was not listed in the will.
Although it is not clear from the will to whom the grandchildren Robert C. Hill, Bennett Hill, and William Hill belong, all of Henry’s sons left wills except for Augustin, so we know the names of their children. Based on this evidence, these three grandchildren had to be children of Augustin Hill and indeed they live within several residences of each other in the 1850 and 1860 census records of Northampton County.
Augustin Hill
Augustin Hill [1785/1788 Northampton County NC - 1860/1870 Northampton County NC] married Mary Stewart [1801/1804 NC - 1860/1870] on 22 September 1827. They had the following children:
Female Hill [1794/1804 Northampton County NC - ].
Robert C Hill [1813 Northampton County NC - ] married 5 June 1837 in Northampton County NC.
Lewis Bennett Hill [1817 Northampton County NC - ] married 12 November 1844 in Northampton County NC.
William Hill [1820 Northampton County NC - ] married 27 Dec 1842 in Northampton County NC.
Female Hill [1825/1830 Northampton County NC - ].
Mary F Hill [1842 Northampton County NC - ] married 1 Jun 1863 in Northampton County NC.
A number of court records in Northampton County exist for Augustin Hill and we list them as follows:
The State of North Carolina for the benefits of Polly Buffaloe versus Augustin Hill – charge of bastardy. Ordered and decreed by the Courts, that the plaintiff Polly Buffaloe recover of the defendant Seventy Five dollars & costs, to be paid after the following manner (to wit) Fifteen dollars & costs immediately, the residue to be paid in six annual equal payments for the maintenance of a base born child begotten by the said Augustin Hill in and upon the body of the said Polly Buffaloe, if the said child should live so long.
Augustin Hill Bill of Sale to Absalom P. Smith proved by Absalom B. Smith.
Green Hart, plaintiff, vs. Augustin Hill, defendant – warrant levied on lands. Ordered that the Sheriff sell the lands returned levied on by the Constable to satisfy plaintiffs judgment amounting to eighteen dollars and sixty cents with interest thereon from 17 January 1824 till paid & cost subject to a __ of twelve dollars 62½ cents paid September 1825.
Green Hart, plaintiff, vs. Augustin Hill, defendant – warrant levied on lands. Ordered by the court that the Sheriff sell the lands returned levied on by the Constable to satisfy plaintiffs judgment amounting to eleven dollars and seventy eight cents with interest from 21st January 1824 till paid and costs.
Shirley Tisdah & (others), plaintiff vs.. Augustin Hill, defendant – warrant levied on lands. Ordered by the Court that the Sheriff sell the lands returned levied on by the Constable to satisfy the plaintiffs judgment amounting to twenty five dollars and fifty seven cents with interest thereon from the 12th of May 1827 till paid and costs
Thomas T Grinstead, plaintiff, vs Augustin Hill, defendant – warrant levied on lands. Ordered by the Court that the Sheriff sell the land returned levied on by the Constable to satisfy plaintiff’s judgment amounting to seventeen dollars and ninety eight cents with interest thereon from 25th January 1827 till paid and cost.
Harmon Hill
Harmon Hill [Before 1775 - 2 January 1822 (probated March 1823)]. Harmon appeared in several court records of Northamptom County as follows:
Court vs. Hermon Hill, Henry Hart, John Hart (Harmon 200 pounds, Henry and John Hart 100 pounds each) – to be void on condition that Harmon Hill be of good behavior to all the people of the State particularly towards James Tarver until next court.
Harmon Hill vs. James Lewis – case – executed General issue with leave set off payment - Stat of Lims:
Harmon Hill vs. James Lewis – case – continued on affidavit of defendant for the absence of Elphus Lewis – Writ of 3 Cont, 2 Spas rule - tan
Herman Hill vs. James Lewis – case – General issue payment & set off – Continued – 2 writ, 2 Continuance rule – tan
Harmon Hill vs. James Lewis – case – general issue with leave set off payment - Stat. Lem. – Continued by defendant.
The Rowell Family
Harmon Rowell [c1790 Greensville County VA - 1860 Northampton County NC] married Francis Faday (Phada) Dupree [c1790 Greenville County VA - 1840/1850 Northampton County NC], the daughter of Jacob Dupree and Mary (Molly) Jordan on 23 January 1817 in Greensville County VA. Accordingly to family records, Harmon was born in Virginia although the 1850 census says he was born in North Carolina. Family records indicate that his middle name was “Mack.” Harmon and "Faidy" had the following children:
The census records for Harmon Rowell are as follows:
1820 Census Northampton County
Harmon Rowell
1 male 26-44: [Harmon]
1 female 0-9:
2 females 16-25: [Faidy]
1830 Census Northampton County
Harmon McRowell
2 males 0-4: [John, Jacob]
1 male 30-39: [Harmon]
2 females 0-4: [Rebecca]
1 female 30-39: [Faidy]
1840 Census Northampton County
Harmon Rowell
1 male 50-59: [Harmon]
1 female 10-14: [Rebecca]
1 female 40-49: [Faidy]
1850 Census Northampton County
Family Number 1116
Harmon Roweell - 60 M - NC
Rebecca Jordan - 20 F - NC
Mary G. Jordan - 2 F - NC
James Jones - 13 M - NC
Harmon Rowell has not been found on the 1860 Census so the assumption is that he died between 1850 and 1860. In the 1840 Census, only his daughter and wife are shown living with the family although neither of the two sons married until after 1840. It is not clear why the two sons aren't listed. They are shown in the 1830 Census although they are listed as two males under 5 years of age when they should have been listed as 5-10 years old. A female that we assume is Phada Dupree is on the 1820, 1830, and 1840 as the wife of Harmon Rowell; she is not listed on the 1850 Census, which means she died between 1840-1850.
In several land records in Northampton County NC, Harmon Mack Rowell is indexed as Harmon McRowell. It is very confusing. His marriage to Faday Dupree was listed in a 1781-2 AMME church book of Greensville County VA written by William H Comann, page 163, as father Unknown Rowell. Harmon Rowell was enrolled in the War of 1812 in 1 Reg't (Byrne's) Virginia Militia. He was inducted as a Private and when discharged was still a Private.[
John William Rowell
John William Rowell [March 1821/1828 Northampton County NC - 1870/1880 Northampton County NC] married Lucy Ann Magee [1827 Northampton County NC - 1870/1880 Northampton County NC], the daughter of Henry Magee and Lucy Gilliam, on 9 November 1846 in Northampton County NC. The marriage bond gives her last name as "Vasser" and the bondsman as John H. Harding. The children of John and Lucy are as follows.
Richard Rowell [1846 Northampton County NC - ].
Mary Elizabeth Rowell [30 November 1847 in Northampton NC - 19 September 1914 Pleasant Hill, Northampton County NC] married about 1873 in Greensville VA. The death certificate said Mary was born on September 1846 and was 66 years, 9 months, and 20 days old; hence, her date of birth was calculated as 30 November 1847 according to genealogy date calculators.
Martha Sarah Rowell [June 1849 Northampton County NC - 1910] married about ? in Northampton County NC.
James W. Rowell [12 April 1851 Northampton County NC - 6 November 1920 Northampton County NC] married about 1874.
John Early Rowell [6 January 1854 Northampton County NC - 14 July 1925 Roanoke Rapids, Halifax County NC] married Susan Ann Barnes on 17 January 1877 in Northampton County NC at the home of Willis B. Barnes.
Samuel T. Rowell [March 1855 Northampton County NC- 20 March 1921 Northampton County NC] married on 20 December 1898 in Seaboard, Northampton County NC.
George Ridley Rowell [1856/1861 Northampton NC - after 1880 Pleasant Grove, Northampton County NC] married on 21 December 1880. In 1880, George R. Rowell, age 22, was living with Jessie T. and Rebecca Garris.
Albert Benjamin Rowell [1859/1862 Northampton County NC] married on 23 October 1879.
Clarisy Rowell [1866 Northampton County NC - before 1880 Northampton County NC] is not listed on the 1880 census unless she married at a young age.
The census records for John Rowell are as follows.
1850 Census Northampton County
Family Number 1183
John Rowell - 28 M - Farmer - NC
Lucy A. - 24 F - NC
Richard - 4 M - NC
Mary E. - 2 F - NC
Martha - 1 F - NC
Joesph H. Vasser - 9 M - NC
Richard Woodruff - 16 M mulatto - Laborer - NC
1860 Census Northampton County
District 3, PO Gaston, Family 210
Jno Rowell - 35 M - Farmer - NC
Lucy A. - 28 F - NC
Joseph - 21 M - NC
Richd - 15 M - NC
Mary - 16 F - NC
Sarah - 14 F - NC
James - 13 M - NC
Jno. E. - 11 M - NC
Sandy - 9 M - NC
Limp - 7 M - NC
Bunah - 5 F - NC
1870 Census Northampton County
Oconeechee, PO Garysburg
John Rowell - 52 M - Farmer - NC
Lucy - 46 F - Keeping house - NC
Mary - 22 F - at home - NC
James - 18 M - Farm laborer - NC
John - 17 M - Farm laborer - NC
Jarro - 13 M - Farm laborer - NC
George - 9 M - NC
Albert - 8 M - NC
Clarisy - 4 F - NC
Solly Magee - 45 F black - Farm laborer - NC
Sarah Magee - 3 F black - NC
William Magee - 5 M black - NC
Rutha Magee - 3 F black - NC
John Rowell enlisted as a Private and volunteer on 29 July 1861 in Company N, 12th Regiment of NC Infantry, by Capt. Jno. M. Moody, Junr, at Pleasant Hill NC for 12 months. He was present on the muster roll from 29 July 1861 till 31 August 1861 and then was transferred to Company C of the 32nd Regiment of NC Infantry commanded by Capt. Jos. W. Coker. On one document, his age was listed as 50 at enlistment. John was present on bimonthly muster rolls from 1 September 1861 throught August 1862. The May-June 1862 Muster Roll had the remark "over thirty-five." The July-August 1862 Muster Roll remarked that he was "discharged and final statement given Aug. 30 by conscript law." A certificate of disability for discharge was filed reporting that he was born in Northampton County, had a dark complexion, blue eyes, and dark hair with a height of 5 feet 11 inches. His age was given as 43. The certificate stated that he was "incapable of performing his duties as a soldier because of nob weakness of back produced by double abscess." A second certificate stated that he had "great weakness of his back produced by Lumbar Abscess." Pay voucher #54 at his discharge paid him $22 with "discharge by reason of in accordance with the conscript act" and with his description as light complexion, dark eyes, and dark hair.
Jacob Benjamin Rowell
Jacob Benjamin Rowell [March 1823 Greensville County VA - 1858 Northampton County NC] married Catherine Ella Morris [25 April 1828 NC - 1858 Northampton County NC], the daughter of James Wyatt Morris and Mary S. Moore, on 29 December 1847 in Greensville County VA. The Bible of Jacob Benjamin Rowell lists his children's birth dates and death dates of other family members.
John William Rowell [27 September 1848 Northampton County NC - April 1921 Greensville County VA] married Virginia C. in 1873 in Greensville, Southampton County VA.
Thomas Joseph Rowell [5 September 1850 Northampton County NC - 10 June 1931 Greensville County VA] married Susan E. on 27 November 1873 in Greensville VA.
The census records for Jacob Rowell are as follows:
1850 Census Northampton County
Family Number 1341
Jacob Rowell - 26 M - Overseer - NC
Catharine - 22 F - NC
John - 2 M - NC
By 1860, the family of Jacob Rowell has broken apart. We find a Jacob Rowell, age 35 and born in NC, living with a collection of people of approximately the same age and working as a shoemaker in Methuen, Essex County MA. Thomas Rowell is listed with his Catherine's parents at the Hicksford Post Office, Greenville VA at the age of 9 with Wyatt Morris aged 66 and Mary Morris aged 60. John William Rowell and Catherine Morris Rowell have not been found in 1860.
In 1870, John W. Rowell and Thomas J. Rowell are living with a Timothy Barham as follows:
1870 Census Greenvill County VA
Zion, PO Poplar Mount
Timothy Barham - 58 M - Farmer - VA
Catherine - 42 F - Keeping House - VA
John W. Rowell - 22 M - Farm laborer - VA
Thomas J. Rowell - 20 M - Farm Laborer - NC
Sarah V. Jordan - 12 F - at home - VA
James M. Jordan - 10 M - at home - VA
Mary B. Jordan - 8 F - VA
Edward Barham - 4 M - VA
Anthon Andleter - 38 M - Farm laborer - VA
Based on this census record and the 1860 record for Timothy Barham, it would appear that his wife died and that he remarried to Catherine Rowell, although we have not found a marriage record. Catherine's age matches perfectly with her age in the 1850 census and her two sons are living with her.
Rebecca Ann Rowell
Rebecca Ann Rowell [March 1828 Northampton County NC - 5 January 1901 Pleasant Hill, Northampton County NC] married George Francis Jordan [1824 Northampton County NC - Arpil 1848 Pleasant Hill, Northampton County NC], son of George and Fanny Jordan, on 28 April 1846. Rebecca Ann Rowell Jordan and daughter Mary Georgia Jordan are living with Harmon Rowell in 1850 in Northampton County NC. The one child of Rebecca Ann Rowell and George Francis Jordan is:
Mary Georgia Jordan [13 December 1847 Northampton County NC - 8 March 1927 Pleasant Hill, Northampton County NC] married Richard B.W. Conwell on 8 May 1866 in Northampton County NC.
The census records for Rebecca Jordan are as follows:
1860 Census Northampton County
Rebecca Jordan - 30 F - Weaver - NC
Mary G. - 12 F - NC
1870 Census Northampton County
Rebecca Jordan - 40 F - Keeping house - NC
Richard Conwell - 24 M - Farm laborer - NC
Mary Conwell - 22 F - no occupation - NC
Dora Conwell - 3 F - NC
John Conwell - 1 M - NC
We note that Rebecca's daughter, Mary, has married Richard Conwell by the 1870 census and that Rebecca is living with them and their children.
Marriage to James Dupree
After the death of
James Dupree’s first wife, he married Delilah Rowell McDowell, widow of
Anthony McDowell between June 1810 (the census date) and January of 1812 (nine months before the birth of their first child, Jacob). They had two children as follows:
We have previously reviewed in
Chapter Two the two land transactions of
James Dupree in Northampton County NC. In the first deed of 1816
George McDowell of Wake County conveys to
James Dupree of Northampton County the 100-acre tract of land descended to George from the death of his mother,
Mary McDowell. By this date of 1816,
James Dupree was effectively a brother-in-law of George, having married George's sister-in-law. At this point in time, whatever dower rights that
Delilah Rowell McDowell may have had in her former deceased husband's claim to a share of the Mary Griggs McDowell 100-acre property have now been subsumed by the sell of George's share to her second husband,
James Dupree. James now owns the George McDowell share of the division of the Griggs property while Delilah's son and James' stepson,
William Addison McDowell, owns the share of his father,
Anthony McDowell.
Soon thereafter in January of 1817, James sells the land to William McDowell, noted as residing in Wain [sic: presumably Wayne] County NC. We excerpt
the deed as follows:
… Forteenth day January one thousand eight hundred seventeen … Dupree … and William MackDowell … Wain(e) County … Harmon Rowell (his unkle) … land sold by George MackDowel of Wake County to the said James Dupree …
Wit: George Jordan, John Brown
… Harmon Rowell … use … land until … William … arrive … age … twenty-one years.
This deed is important to our story for several reasons. First, we interpret the fact that Harmon Rowell is the uncle of William McDowell to mean that he is a brother to Delilah. Given that no marriage bond exists for the marriage of Anthony McDowell to Delilah and that no other record displays her maiden name, this connection is the sole basis for our identification of "Rowell" as the maiden name of Delilah. Others have disputed the meaning of "uncle" in this deed in their reconstruction of the Rowell family tree, but we believe that their analysis doesn't survive the preponderance of all the circumstantial evidence surrounding our proposition as to her maiden name and is based on birth, marriage, and death dates that are contradictory, illogical, and don't match the known records. We discussed Harmon and the Rowell family in a
previous section.
A second point to be made about this deed, although not at all specified by the deed, is that the deed transfers the George McDowell share in the distribution of the Mary Griggs 100-acres to William Addison McDowell. Therefore, as of 1817, William is technically in possession of two shares in the distribution of the land: that of his father Anthony as an heir of his father and that of his uncle, George McDowell, by the deed of conveyance from his stepfather.
In this same time period of late 1816 and early 1817, James and Delilah Dupree move to Georgia. Whether occasioned by the death of his father Jacob and the probation of his will in 1815 or other factors, it is clear that the move was made in this time frame. Proof of the move can be found in some loose papers for the Ohoopie Baptist Church of Washington County GA which have survived to the present day. One of the documents is as follows:
"We the Church of Christ of the Baptist society at Smith's Church, North Carolina, Northampton County holding with Believers, Baptism by Immersion, Saints final preservation in grace - do certify our sister Delily Dupree in full fellowship -- being about to move away, is dismissed from us when joined another church of the faith and order. Sign'd in Conference of the Church by … Jonathan Gay, Clerk". Date of entry is October 20, 1816.
Several important facts are made in this loose paper. First, we find that Delilah, referred to as “Delily,” is a member of the Baptist faith and has been baptized because she is considered a member “in full fellowship.” Second, the letter of transfer was written because she is “being about to move away” from Smith’s Church in Northampton County NC. And finally, the timeframe for the move to Georgia is after 20 October 1816 when the letter was dated.
There are no other entries for
James Dupree in the records of Northampton County after 1817, so we would assume that
James Dupree sold the land to his stepson William Addison McDowell and shortly thereafter moved to Georgia. We know for sure that
James Dupree is in the 1820 census of Jefferson County GA with the following information:
1820 Census Jefferson County GA
James Dupree
1 male 0-9: [Jacob]
1 male 26-44: [James]
4 females 0-9: [Mary, Unknown]
1 female 10-16: [Martha]
1 female 26-44: [Delilah]
By 1830, James and Delilah are living in Washington County GA with the following information:
1830 census Washington County GA
James Dupree
1 male 15-19: [Jacob]
1 male 50-59: [James]
1 females 10-14: [Mary]
1 female 15-19: [Martha]
1 female 40-49: [Delilah]
In 1835, a letter from the Mars Hill Baptist Church in Clark County GA dismissed Delilah Dupree on 17 January 1835.[
44] The record simply says the following:
Delila Dupree – dismissed by letter 1-17-1835 (Book I Minutes)
It is not known exactly where the original records of the church are now kept, but they are believed to be in the State Archives of Georgia in Atlanta. Mars Hill Baptist Church was located in the northeast portion of Georgia in present day Oconee County. At one time, it was part of Clarke County where James’ son Curtis David Dupree supposedly moved around 1828. In fact Curtis or "Curtice" Dupree is listed in the “Not Stated” district for the 1830 census as shown
James Dupree died in 1836 in Washington County GA. The administration of his estate was noted in the court records of Washington County on 2 May 1836 and the administrator is his son Jacob Dupree.[
45] No Will has been found for
James Dupree.
Delilah Dupree has not been found on the 1840 Census in Georgia, although she must obviously be living with a family member somewhere since her husband James is dead by 1840. Delilah was found on the 1850 Census of Jackson County, Florida. She is living alone and lists her age as 65 and born in Virginia. She is listed immediately after the family of Arthur Peacock. This is significant because Arthur Peacock married
Mary Dupree, the daughter of James and Delilah Dupree, sometime before 1835 when their first child was born. Another significant connection is that Arthur Peacock and Mary both state that they were born in North Carolina. Mary gives her age as 35 implying a birth of around 1815, presumably in Northampton County before Delilah and
James Dupree moved to Georgia. Interestingly, Arthur and Mary Peacock name a daughter Delilah. Also, Arthur Peacock was a brother to Delilah Peacock who married
William Addison McDowell, the son of Delilah and
Anthony McDowell, around 1828 and then moved by 1830 to Georgia where William’s mother Delilah Dupree was living. Although convoluted and complicated, the familial relationships serve to bind together the life of Delilah Rowell.
1850 Census Jackson County FL
Delilah Dupree
Delilah Dupree - 65 F - Virginia
The 1860 Census does not list a Delilah Dupree and no other records have been found for her. We presume that she is dead by 1860.
Jacob Dupree
Jacob Dupree [3 November 1812 Northampton County NC - 15 October 1905 Levy County FL] married first to Lydia Rigsby on 1 February 1838 in Wilkinson County GA. Their marriage record reports Jacob's parents as James and Delilah Dupree. Jacob is the administrator of his father James’ estate in 1836 in Washington County GA. Wilkinson County is next to Washington County. Jacob and Lydia had one child.
James Anthony Dupree [c1839 - Unknown].
After the death of Lydia Rigsby, Jacob married Amanda Metts [1820 - 1855/1860 Covington AL] on 18 September 1845 in Wilkinson County GA. Jacob and Amanda had four children.
Cynthia Elizabeth Dupree [1846/1847 GA - Unknown].
Arnasie (Almira) S. Dupree [16 January 1845 Coffee County AL - Unknown]
Drucilla J. Dupree [c1852 AL - Unknown].
Amanda Margaret Dupree [7 March 1854 Coffee County AL - 3 March 1946 Madison County FL].
After the death of Amanda Metts Dupree, Jacob married Sarah Ann Williams on 3 July 1860 in Coffee County AL. They had four children.
Nancy Dupree [c1861 AL - Unknown].
Alice Dupree [c1863 AL - Unknown].
Jacob Dupree, Jr. [c1866 AL - Unknown].
Brantley Dupree [c1868 AL - Unknown].
Mary Dupree
Mary Dupree [1815/1818 NC - Unknown] married Arthur Peacock [Abt 1811 Wayne County NC - 1854/1860 Jackson County FL] before 1835. Arthur Peacock was the brother of Delilah Peacock who married
William Addison McDowell, son of
Anthony McDowell. Arthur Peacock and Mary Dupree had at least eight children as follows:
Anny Peacock [c1835 - Unknown].
James Peacock [c1836 - Unknown].
Delilah Peacock [c1840 - Unknown].
Mary F. Peacock [c1842 - Unknown] married John Williams.
Martha Ann Peacock [c1844 - Unknown].
Jacob Peacock [c1847 - Unknown].
Sallie Peacock [February 1849 - Unknown] married Robert M. Cox about 1870.
Margaret Peacock [c1854 - Unknown].
Arthur and Mary are enumerated in the 1850 Census as follows:
1850 Census Jackson County FL
Arthur Peacock - 39 M - Farmer - NC
Mary - 25 F - NC
Anny - 15 F - GA
James - 14 M - GA
Delilah - 10 F - GA
Mary F - 8 F - FL
Martha Ann - 6 F - FL
Jacob - 3 M - FL
Mary Dupree Peacock, is living in Jefferson County FL in 1860 without a spouse and the presumption is that Arthur has died.
1860 Cenusus Jefferson County FL
PO Monticello
Mary Peacock - 40 F - NC
Delila - 19 F - Factory hand - GA
Mary F. - 17 F - Factory hand - FL
Martha A. - 15 F - Factory hand - FL
Joel - 12 M - Factory hand - FL
Margaret - 6 F - FL
William Snips - 28 M - Farm laborer - SC
Nancy Snips - 23 F - GA
1870 Census Madison County FL
PO Madison
Mary F. Peacock -55 F - Kg house - NC
Martha - 23 F - FL
Margaret - 15 F - FL
John Williams - 28 M - Wkg on farm - SC
Mary F. Williams - 25 F - FL
Owen J. Williams - 4 M - FL
Harriet D. Williams - 2 F - FL
Charles Williams - 17 M - Wk on farm - FL
Mack Carraway - 21 M - FL
Mary Williams - 15 F - FL
1880 Census Wayne County NC
R. M. Cox - 34 M - Machine Agt - NC NC NC
Sallie - 37 F - wife - keeping house - NC NC NC
Mary L. - 7 F - daughter - NC NC NC
Alice E. - 3m - Mar daughter - NC NC NC
Mary Peacock - 63 F - mother-in-law - NC NC NC
By 1880, Mary has returned to Wayne County NC and is living with her daughter Sarah (Sallie) who has married Robert M. Cox and is listed as mother-in-law. Finally, in 1900, she is listed as Mary D. Peacock, mother-in-law in Wayne County NC still living with her daughter Sallie and husband now called Robert M. Cox. She is noted as widowed, age 81, born in November 1818 in North Carolina.
1900 Census Wayne County NC
Brogden Dudley Precinct
Robert M. Cox - 54 M - head - Nov 1845 - m30 - NC NC NC
Salie - 51 F - wife - Feb 1849 - m30 3/3 - NC NC NC
Albert E. - 20 M - daughter - Feb 1880 - NC NC NC
Ernest F. - 15 M - son - Aug 1884 - NC NC NC
Marey D. Peacock - 81 F - mother-in-law, widow - Nov 1818 - NC NC NC
William Addison McDowell
William Addison McDowell, son of
Anthony McDowell and Delilah Rowell, was born in 1804. The 1850 and 1860 census records for William indicate that he was born in Virginia, although we believe that his parents lived with James McDowell in Northampton County NC at Wheeler’s Mill Swamp. On the other hand, Anthony McDowell was listed in 1804 as an insolvent "not found" in Southampton County and a member of the Virginia militia. Of course, Anthony McDowell died in 1804 leading to some turmoil for the family. Furthermore, the border between North Carolina and Virginia was in dispute during this period.
William McDowell appears in the 1810 Census Records with his mother Delilah McDowell in Northampton County. Shortly thereafter, Delilah marries
James Dupree. In 1816
George McDowell, uncle of William, sells the 100-acre tract bequeathed to Mary Griggs McDowell to
James Dupree. William is a minor heir, along with his aunts Rebecca and Nancy, to the tract. On 14 January 1817,
James Dupree sells the land to his stepson, William McDowell, from funds provided by Harmon Rowell, uncle of William McDowell and brother to Delilah Rowell McDowell Dupree. Harmon Rowell is permitted to work the land until William comes of age.
In the 1817 deed of Dupree to McDowell, William is listed as living in Wayne County, North Carolina. At that time, he would be a minor and about 13 years old. His parents, James and Delilah Dupree, are in the process of moving to Georgia in the same time frame. The connection and reason for him to be in Wayne County is unknown.
William McDowell next appears in the
1827 land deed of Northampton County in which the heirs of John Griggs, William McDowell, Rebecca Brown, and Nancy Parks, sell the 100-acres bequeathed to Mary Griggs to Richard Pope. George McDowell, the fourth heir, is not included in the sale.
In the period 1827 to 1828 William McDowell marries Delilah Peacock from Wayne County NC. The marriage indicates that William likely resided in Wayne County as stated in the 1817 land deed. Delilah Peacock was born about 1805 and was the daughter of Stephen Peacock and Nancy Ann Barnes. Delilah Peacock died about 1840 in either Macon or Bibbs County, Georgia. Ten Children are shown below as the progeny of William and Delilah.
Following the death of his first wife, Delilah, William McDowell married a second time to Frances Emily Cummings [26 January 1816 - 7 April 1910
HILL/FG], the daughter of Elder Gray Cummings and Penelope Alford Lofley. She was first married to John J. Mathews on 3 April 1834 in Crawford County GA and he died in 1843. William and Frances are shown below as having two children.
William Addison McDowell appeared in the following census records. In the 1850 Census, we have transcribed the names of the previous children of Frances as Mathews although it looks like Mathers or Mathis. Her FG website list three children: William S. Mathews [26 January 1834 - 3 Jaunary 1911], Sarah P. Matthews [January 1837 - 25 July 1915], and Frances Emmaline Mathews [22 February 1844 - 20 February 1902].
1839 Census Houston County GA
William McDowall
2 males 0-4: [Miles, William]
1 male 20-29: [William]
2 females 0-4: [Mary, Martha]
1 female 20-29: [Delilah]
1840 Census Macon County GA
William McDowell
1 male 0-4: [Thomas]
4 males 5-9: [Miles, William, Barnes, Warren]
1 male 30-39: [William]
3 females 0-4: [Nancy, Sarah, Elizabeth]
2 females 5-9: [Mary, Emily]
1 female 30-39: [Delilah]
1850 Census Macon County GA
District 741
William McDowel - 46 M - Farmer - VA
Miles - 21 M - Farmer - GA
Barnes - 17 M - Farmer - GA
Warren - 15 M - GA
William Mathews - 15 M - GA
Thomas McDowel - 11 M - GA
Benj Mathews - 8 M - GA
John McDowel - 6 M - GA
Frances - 31 F - GA
Mary E. - 23 F - GA
Emily L. - 14 F - GA
Nancy - 13 F - GA
Sarah [Sic: Matthews, not McDowell] - 13 F - GA
Elizabeth - 11 F - GA
Francis Mathews - 7 F - GA
Lucinda McDowel - 6 M - GA
Nathan Moulton - 21 M - Farmer - GA
1860 Census Taylor County GA
Militia District 741
William McDowell - 57 M - Farmer - VA
Frances - 44 F - Domestic - GA
Eliza - 34 F - Domestic - GA
John A. - 17 M - Farmer - GA
William Addison McDowell, Jr., a son of the elder William, was a member of the Masonic Magnolia Lodge in Blakely, Georgia. In a write up on the history of the Magnolia Lodge. William, Jr. says that his father was William Addison McDowell, Sr., and that his grandfather was Anthony McDowell, born in Virginia. This document is where William gave his middle name as "Addison" and added the title, "Jr." Hence, the middle name of his father is Addison. However, in his will of 1869, William, Sr., refers to his son as William "Madison" McDowell instead of Addison. Therefore, it is unclear as to which is the correct middle name. Civil War records for William, Jr. indicate that his middle initial is "A."
William McDowell made his
last will and testament in Houston County, GA on 25 May 1869. The will names children Mary Eliza McDowell, Lucinda Cherry, Martha McGlamery, John McDowell, William Addison McDowell, Emily Jernigan, and Miles Lafayette McDowell. We must assume that all other children, however many there may have been, were deceased at the time of the writing of the will. All of the children moved into Clay and Early Counties in Southwest Georgia by the 1870s. The
will of William Addison McDowell was probated in Houston County in 1869.
Mary Eliza McDowell
Mary Eliza McDowell [23 March 1826 GA - 27 January 1916
BLAKE/FG] was a spinster having never married. She is buried in a plot with Robert M. Cherry, first husband of her sister,
Lucinda. In 1860, she is living with her father
William Addison McDowell and step-mother Frances. In 1880, Eliza lived with her sister
Emily Jernigan and her family. In 1900 and 1910, Eliza lived with her sister,
Lucinda Cherry.
Martha D. McDowell
Martha D. McDowell [May 1825 GA - 19 February 1905
ELK/FG] married Simeon W. McGlamory [14 March 1818 Monroe County GA - 5 May 1903
EKL/FG], the son of John and Gracie McGlamory, and they had nine children as follows:
Amanda McGlamory [1846 GA - Unknown].
Catharine B. McGlamory [8 July 1849 GA - 14 May 1928
ELK/FG] married Robert W. G. Shirah on 26 September 1869 in Bibbs County GA. After the death of Robert, she married Morgan Hancock [1863 - 1918].
Joseph Cary McGlamory [8 January 1852 GA - 7 November 1874
Eudora A. McGlamory [1854 GA - 10 March 1895
BLAKE] married James W. B. Anderson [25 October 1857 - 14 January 1935
BLAKE/FG] on 22 November 1879 in Blakely, Early County GA.
Adolphus C. McGlamory [1856 GA - Unknown]. In 1880, Adolphus is living in Cedar Springs, Early County, Georgia. He is listed as a son-in-law and has a daughter Harriett born in September 1880 (the child is 9/12 years old). He is living with Drury Roberts, so his wife’s maiden name was Roberts. However, it appears that the wife is deceased, perhaps from the childbirth of Harriett. Narcissus Roberts is the daughter of Drury M. Roberts and Mary. She died before 1880 in Georgia. Adolphus C. McGlamory and Narcissus Roberts were married on 28 November 1878 in Blakely, Early County GA. They had one child as follows:
Harriett McGlamory [1879/1880, GA].
Mary A. McGlamory [28 October 1859 GA - 27 September 1889
Miles A. W. McGlamory [c1859 - Unknown]
Martha A. McGlamory [1861 GA - Unknown] married John Green on 10 November 1878 in Blakely, Early County, Georgia.
The census records for Martha D. McDowell are as follows:
1850 Census Macon County GA
District 814
Simeon Mchamery - 25 M - Farmer - GA
Martha - 22 F - GA
Amanda - 3 F - GA
Carolins - 2 F - GA
1860 Census Crawford County GA
Castleberrys District
S. W. Mcglamory - 35 M - Overseer - GA
Amanda - 14 F - GA
Catharine V. - 12 F - GA
Joseph C. - 8 M - GA
Eudora - 6 F - GA
Adolphus C. - 4 M - GA
Mary A. - 2 F - GA
Miles -1 M -GA
1870 Census Houston County GA
Simeon W. Mcglamory - 47 M - Farmer - GA
Martha - 42 F - Keeping House - NC
Joseph C. - 18 M - Farm Laborer - GA
Eudora A. - 16 F - At Home - GA
Adolphus C. - 14 M - Farm Laborer - GA
Miles A. W. - 12 M - Attending - GA
Martha A. - 9 F - GA
1880 Census Early County GA
Sim W. McGlamory - 62 M - Farming - NC NC NC
Martha - 55 F - wife - House Keeping - NC NC NC
In 1900, Martha and Simeon are living with their daughter, Caroline, and her second husband, Morgan Hancock, as follows:
1900 Census Smith County TX
Justice Precinct 2
Morgan Hancock - 38 M - head - May 1862 m16 - GA GA GA
Cathrine - 53 F - wife - July 1846 m16 9/6 - GA GA GA
Eva M. - 16 F - daughter - Feb 1881 - GA GA GA
Sousan E. - 14 F - daughter Jan 1886 - GA GA GA
Morgan B. - 12 M - son - March 1888 - TX GA GA
Simnon McGlamory - 82 M - father-in-law - March 1818 m55 - GA MD GA
Martha McGlamory - 75 F - Mother-in-law - May 1825 m55 9/4 - GA NC NC
Sol Brown - 50 M - servant black - Sept 1849 wd - TX AL AL
Miles Lafayette McDowell
Miles Lafayette McDowell [1829 GA - Aft 1880] married Hannah MNU. Based on the following census records, it appears that Miles and Hannah had no children.
1860 Census Carroll County LA
Ward No. 4
Miles L. McDowell - 31 M - Overseer - GA
Hannah R. - 25 F - Wife - SC
Lucinda - 15 F - sister - GA
1870 Census Clay County GA
Militia District 431, PO Ft Gaines
Miles McDowell - 41 M - Farmer - GA
Hannah - 35 F - Keeping House - SC
Ella McGlammary - 11 F - At Home - GA
Orphea Barnes - 18 F - At Home - AL
1880 Census Clay County GA
Fort Gaines
M. L. McDowell - 52 M - Farmer - GA GA GA
Anna R. - 42 F - wife - Keeping house - GA GA GA
Orphie Barnes - 31 F - GA GA GA
Hattie McDowell - 9 F - Brothers Daughter - at school - GA GA GA
In 1870, Ella [or Eula] McGlammary, age 11, is living with Miles. According to Findagrave and her tombstone markings, she was an adopted daughter of ML and AR McDowell born 12 March 1858 and died 2 February 1873.
Orphea Barnes is living with Miles McDowell and Hannah in both the 1870 and 1880 census records, but no relation has been established.
In the 1880 Census, a female Hattie McDowell age 9 is listed as his brother's daughter. This would have to be the daughter of
John A. McDowell. Neither Miles nor Hannah (Anna) have been found in the 1900 Census and presumably died before then. No death records have been found.
William Addison McDowell, Jr.
William Addison McDowell, Jr. [20 May 1832 - 21 April 1888
BLAKE] married Amelia Jane Howard [29 August 1843 - 9 March 1892
BLAKE/FG], the daughter of Peter Howard, on 7 April 1863 in Blakely. They had the following children:
Sarah D. McDowell [7 December 1866 - 17 December 1941
BLAKE/FG] married Abner F. Holt on 10 August 1882 in Early County GA. In 1900, Sarah A. Holt is listed as widowed and is a boarder in what appears to be an unrelated family. At FG, her married name is reported as Savage.
A William McDowell, age 20, is living with Perry Peacock in the 1850 Census as shown below. Perry Peacock is the son of Seth Peacock from Wayne County NC and grandson of Simon Peacock, grandfather of
Delilah Peacock — William's mother. Perry married Emily Elizabeth Barnes [Delilah Peacock's mother was Nancy Barnes].
1850 Census Macon County GA
District 740
Percy Peacock - 42 M - NC
Simon - 10 M - GA
Caleb - 8 M - GA
Robert - 6 M - GA
Seth - 4 M - GA
Elizabeth - 42 F - NC
Mariah - 18 F - GA
Drucilla - 16 F - GA
Georgia - 12 F - GA
Amanda - 3/4 F - GA
Wm McDowel - 20 M - GA
The remaining census records for William McDowell are as follows:
1860 Census Early County GA
District 28, PO Octavia
Wm McDowell - 28 M - Overseer - GA
1870 Census Early County GA
District 28, PO Blakely
Wm. A. McDowell - 39 M - Farmer - GA
D. A. Jome - 26 F - Keeping House - GA
Sarah J. - 3 F - GA
Spencer Brooks - 18 M - Farmer Laborer - GA
Francis Peacock - 20 F - Works in house - FL
1880 Census Early County GA
William McDowell - 49 M - Farmer - GA NC NC
Amelia J. - 35 F - Wife - GA GA GA
Sarah D. - 13 F - Daughter - At School - GA GA GA
William P. - 7 M - Son - At School - GA GA GA
Thomas - 4 M - Son - At School - GA GA GA
Peter Peacock - 64 M - Uncle - NC NC NC
Margaret Strickland - 50 F -Servant Black - Cook - FL
From the 1880 Census, we find a Peter Peacock living with William and listed as his uncle. He would therefore be a brother of Delilah Peacock, William's mother. Delilah also had a brother named Barnes, all born in Wayne County NC.
William A. McDowell enlisted as a Private in Company G, 13th Georgia Infantry and had a doctor's discharge via a "Certificate of Disability" and it was signed by the Adjutant General H. P. McCain. Major S.J. Smith, the paymaster, paid him $37.08 on 12 February 1862 for service from 1 November 1861 until 11 February 1862 or three months and eleven days at $11 per month and Wm A. McDowell signed for the money. Subsequently, the Georgia Commission of Pensions reported that no Private William A. McDowell was found on the rolls of Co. G, 13th Regiment, but the records go on to say that he enlisted on 6 August 1861 at Richmond VA and was discharged at "Camp Caustorn’s Bluff near Savannah, Georgia, February 12th, 1862” by M. Douglas, Lieut. Col. One of the documents reads as follows:
I certify that the within named William A. McDowell, a Private of Captain J. G. Crawford’s Company G of the Thirteenth regiment of Georgia Volunteers born in ___ in the State of ___, aged ___ years, ___ feet ___ inches high, dark complexion, dark eyes, dark hair, and by occupation a planter, was enlisted by Lt. W. R. Bullock at Richmond, Virginia to serve this war and is now entitled to a discharge by reason of Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability. The said W. A. McDowell was last paid by Captain W. A. Adams Regiment 13, GA Vols. to include the 31st day of October eighteen hundred and sixty-one and has pay due from that date to the present date. There is due to him ___ dollars traveling allowance from Savannah, the place of discharge to Fort Gaines, Georgia, the place of enrollment, transportation not being furnished in kind. There is due him Thirty Seven and 03/100 dollars ($37.03). He is indebted to the State of Georgia ___ dollars on account of ___. Given in duplicate at Caustorn’s Bluff this eleventh day of February eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Signed J. T. Crawford, Commanding Company.
In the two existing Civil War documents for William A. McDowell that should have reported on where he was born, his age, and other such information, the lines were left blank. For example, a hand-written documents reads as follows:
William A. McDowell, a Private of Captain J. T. Crawford’s Company (G) of the Thirteenth Regiment of Georgia Volunteers was enlisted by Lieutenant W. R. Bullock of the Confederate States Army, at Richmond, VA on the fifth day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty one, to serve for the war; he was born in ___ in the State of ___ years of age ___, feet ____ inches high, dark complexion, dark hair and eyes and by occupation taken enlisted a Planter. During the last six months said soldier has not been fit for duty as much as ten days. The above named soldier took measles in August and has had Typhoid Fever & Pneumonia all the time since. Any exposure in camp seems to be more than he can held up under – judging from the short time he does duty before he is laid up with sickness. Signed J. Terrell Crawford, Commanding Company.
William Lafayette McDowell
William Lafayette McDowell [23 August 1872 GA - 28 January 1923
BLAKE/FG] married Annie M. Beauchamp [23 November 1872 - 24 October 1947
BLAKE/FG] on 8 June 1903 in Early County GA. In 1900, William and brother Thomas Barnes McDowell were listed as boarders and William was a widower. They lived in Blakely, Early County GA. William was listed as 27 years old and it doesn't appear that he's had children (he wasn’t married until 1903) which according to the 1910 Census he had not. Living with them are four nieces and one nephew, all belonging to the Cook family.
William and Ann appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Early County GA
William L. McDowell - 37 M - M1/10 - GA GA GA
Ann B - 37 F - Wife - M1/10 0/8 GA AL GA
1920 Census Duval County FL
Jacksonville Ward 5
Frank Smith - 69 M - NY NY NY
Laura Smith - 67 F - Wife - PA PA PA
W. L. McDowell - 45 M - GA GA GA
Annie McDowell - 45 F - GA AL GA
Thomas Barnes McDowell
Thomas Barnes McDowell [13 July 1875 - 23 July 1941
BLAKE/FG] married Eris Adelle Whatley [24 January 1891 - 29 June 1985
BLAKE/FG] about 1916 since they were married in the 1920 Census below. He was listed as a boarder in the 1900 Census and the 1910 Census. In the 1920 Census, he and Adel are listed with his aunt,
Lucinda Cherry.
1920 Census Early County GA
Lucinda Cherry - 72 F, Wd - GA NC GA
Tom McDowell - 43 M - Nephew - GA GA GA
Adel McDowell - 28 F - Niece-in-law (Niece) - AL SC SC
1930 Census Early County GA
Militia District 866
T. Barnes McDowell - 54 M
Adelle - 39 F - Wife
1940 Census Early County GA
Tom B. McDowell - 64 M - GA
Adell - 49 F - Wife - AL
1950 Census Early County GA
Adelle N. McDowell - 59 F, Wd - AL
Dudley Howard McDowell
Dudley Howard McDowell [16 December 1884 - 20 June 1965
BLAKE/FG] married Lillian Park after 1940. He lived in Calcutta, India, for much of his adult life, apparently as a consular officer. He appeared in the following census records.
1940 Census Early County GA
Dudley McDowell - 55
1950 Census Early County GA
Dudley H. McDowell - 65 M - GA
Lillian P. - 55 F - Wife - MS
Barnes McDowell
Barnes McDowell [1833 GA - Unknown] died before 1869 since he is not listed in the will of his father, William.
Thomas McDowell
Thomas McDowell [1835 - Bf 1869] died before 1869 since he is not listed in the will of his father, William. In 1860, there is a Thomas McDowell, listed as age 21, living in Clay County with James R. Murry and wife Nancy (this may be his
sister). He is a tanner by trade. Neither the 1870 Census or the 1880 Census show a Thomas McDowell born in Georgia.
A Thomas McDowell from Clay County enlisted as a 3rd Sergeant on 11 June 1861 in the Confederacy. Thomas E. McDowell was a Third Sergeant in Company D, 9th Regiment of Georgia’s Infantry. He was on the company muster roll for June 11 to August 31, 1861. He had enlisted on 11 June 1861 at Fort Gaines by Mr. Turnipseed for the period of the war. He was sick at a private house in the county. His name appears again in the September to October 1861 company muster roll and is noted as present. A statement of service slip for January and February 1863 was the last on which he was noted as present. He was not found on any additional records as per the Adjutant General.. He was mustered out due to being killed on 2 July 1863 at Gettysburg PA. This may or may not be the Thomas McDowell, son of William and Delilah McDowell.
Warren McDowell
Warren McDowell [1835 - Unknown] only appears in the 1850 Census of his parents and is not referenced in the 1869 will of his father, William.
Emily L. McDowell
Emily L. McDowell [1836/1838 - Unknown] married William Henry Jernigan [1831 - Unknown]. The census listed William Henry Jernigan as a carriage maker. Neither William nor Emily were found in the 1880 Census. William Henry Jernigan and Emily L. McDowell had four children according to the census records as follows:
William M. Jernigan [26 October 1851 - 26 December 1872
NPAR]. In 1870, William is apprenticed to a blacksmith. His birth year on the tombstone of 1851 doesn't match well with census records which infer a birth date of 1855.
Amanda V. Jernigan [1857 - Unknown].
Thomas Jernigan [1865 - Unknown].
Claudia Jernigan [1867 - Unknown].
The census records for Emily and William Jernigan are as follows:
1860 Census Clay County GA
District 432, PO Fort Gaines
William H. Jernigan - 29 M - Carriage Maker - GA
Emily - 22 F - GA
Wm. M. - 5 M - GA
Amanda V. - 3 F - GA
1870 Census Clay County GA
PO Fort Gaines
William Jernigan - 39 M - Carriage Maker - GA
Emily - 30 F - Keeping House - GA
William - 14 M - Apprentice to Blacksmith - GA
Amanda - 13 F - At School - GA
Thomas - 5 M - GA
Claudia - 3 F - GA
1880 Census Clay County GA
Fort Gaines
W. H. Jurnigan - 49 M - Livery Stable - GA NC NC
E. L. - 40 F - Wife - House Keeper - GA GA GA
Claudia - 14 F - daughter - at school - GA GA GA
Thomas - 15 M - son - at School - GA GA GA
Emma - 11 F - daughter - at school - GA GA GA
Maggie - 2 F - daughter - GA GA GA
Eliza McDowell - 50 F - Wifes Sister - GA GA GA
Nancy McDowell
Nancy McDowell [1837 - ] died before 1869 as she was not listed in the will of her father. A James R. Murry, age 33, and wife Nancy, age 22, are living in Macon County, Georgia in 1860 and a
Thomas McDowell, age 21, is living with them. It's possible that this is Nancy McDowell, married, since a Nancy was Thomas McDowell's sister. Nancy is not listed with the family in 1860.
1860 Census Clay County GA
District 431, PO Fort Gaines
James R. Murry - 33 M - Clerk - SC
Nancy - 22 F - GA
Thomas McDowell - 21 M - Tanner - GA
Elizabeth McDowell
Elizabeth McDowell [1839 - Unknown] died before 1869 since she is not listed in the will of her father, William.
John A. McDowell
John A. McDowell enlisted in Loudon TN as a Private in Company A, 6th Georgia Cavalry on 12 March 1863 by Lt. England for 3 years with a bounty due. He appeared on the Muster Roll of 31 December 1862 to 30 April 1863 and the Muster Roll of 30 June to 31 December 1863 (dated 13 February 1864) with notation paid on 30 June 1863 by Major Stairback. The latter Muster Roll reported him as deserted on 1 October 1863 and dropped from the Roll by order of Gen. Martin.
Lucinda McDowell
Lucinda McDowell [October 1844 GA - 8 December 1922
BLAKE] married first to Robert M. Cherry [30 March 1843 - 6 February 1872
BLAKE] on 5 March 1866 in Early County, Georgia.
In 1860, Lucinda is living with her brother
Miles L. McDowell in the Parish of Carroll in the State of Louisiana. In 1870, Lucinda is living with Catherine Cherry in Tallapoosa County AL while Robert is in Georgia as shown in the following census records:
1870 Census Tallaposa County AL
Red Ridge
Catherine Cherry - 32 F - Keeping house - GA
Nancy Cherry - 12 F - AL
Lucinda Cherry - 27 F - GA
1870 Census Early County GA
District 28, PO Blakely
Robert M. Cherry - 25 M - Farmer - GA
George W. - 21 M - Farmer - GA
Lizzie C. - 24 F - Keeping house - GA
Mary Mills - 23 F - Home work - GA
Thomas Mills - 2 M - GA
After the death of Robert in February of 1872, Lucinda married his brother George W. Cherry [5 September 1847 - 8 May 1900
BLAKE] on 13 October 1872 in Early County. In 1880, they appear in the census as follows:
1880 Census Early County GA
George Cherry - 29 M - Farmer - GA GA GA
Louisa - 30 F - wife - GA GA GA
Thomas Mills - 11 M - Nephew - GA GA GA
[more names of Blacks]
Although Lucinda is named Louisa in this census record, we believe that it is her since she married George in 1872. Her age should also be about 36. Note that Thomas Mills is in both the 1870 and 1880 census records with George Cherry. By the 1900 Census, George has died and Lucinda is living with her older sister,
Eliza McDowell.
1900 Census Early County GA
Loucinda Cherry - 55 F - Head - Oct 1844 Wd 0/0 - GA NC GA
Eliza McDowell - 74 F - Sister - Mar 1826 Single - GA NC GA
1910 Census Early County GA
Lou Cherry - 58 F - Head - Wd - GA GA NC
Eliza McDowell - 84 F - Sister Single - NC GA NC
1920 Census Early County GA
Lucinda Cherry - 72 F - Head Wd - GA NC GA
Tom McDowell - 43 M - nephew - GA GA GA
Adel McDowell - 28 F - niece-in-law - AL SC SC
The nephew
Tom McDowell listed in the 1920 census is Thomas Barnes McDowell, son of Lucinda's brother, William Addison McDowell, Jr.
Chapter 5
The process of relating the McDowell family of Randolph and neighboring counties to the McDowells of Wake County and thus to the McDowells of Northampton County is a long and complicated one as we have seen in our study of the Wake-Northampton connection. The story begins with a Wake County marriage bond dated 6 August 1819 between John McDowell and Tilathy Hill. The following are believed to be their children.
The marriage bond of John and Tilathy serves as the single most important document in developing the life story of John McDowell of Randolph County in that it is the only known connection with his early life. We know that this is the correct John McDowell from the 1850 Randolph census. Here we find Tilathy McDowell listed as a head of household. The name Tilathy is so unusual that we are convinced of the association even without the supporting evidence including Y-DNA which will be presented. Let us assume therefore that John McDowell lived in Wake County in the time period before he marries Tilathy in 1819. Where does he live precisely and who are his parents?
To answer the first question, we return to the marriage bond.
Noel Night is the bondsman and he signs for John McDowell. It can be easily determined from Wake County public records that Noel Night was a prominent land owner of the county. More importantly, Noel Night lived in Saint Matthew's District, precisely in the same region where
George McDowell lived. Furthermore, it is most often the case that the bondsman in a marriage bond is either related to the groom, a neighbor, or an employer. In addition George McDowell witnessed two deeds of
Amy Night. This correlation between John and George is so strong that one must conclude that John McDowell is related to George. No other records involving John McDowell exist to substantiate this claim nor to determine the identity of his parents other than the Y-DNA results discussed elsewhere.
To further verify that John and Tilathy came from Wake County let us examine the Hill family records. We know from oral tradition that Tilathy was the daughter of Sion Hill and Starage Lee and that she had a brother named Riley. A family Bible belonging to Riley Hill's descendents states that Riley was born in Wake County on June 10, 1810.[
46] We know from public records that Sion and Starage were married in Smithfield in Johnston County, which adjoins Wake County, on October 21, 1800. Tilathy lists her age in the 1850 Randolph County Census as 49 years old which indicates that she is probably the first child. Furthermore, Sion Hill is listed on the Wake County tax rolls as follows:[
Wake County Tax Records of Sion Hill
1802 - (Sihon)
1803-1812 – Not Found
1813 – St. Marks
1814 – St. Marks
1815 – St. Marks
1816 – St. Marks
1817 – Not Found
1818 – St. Marks ($.80)
1819 – Not Found
1820 – White Oak ($.85)
We know from both Davidson and Randolph County records that Sion moved into the area sometime in the 1820's. For example, Sion Hill appears on a list of land to be sold for taxes in 1821 in Randolph County.
"land to be sold 1821 or sold for taxes -" Sion Hill - 250 acres on Deep River for $0.78.
Sion is also listed on a miscellaneous tax record of Randolph County in 1821.[
Proof that John McDowell followed the Hill family to Randolph County can be found on a marriage bond of William Jackson to Phebe Pool dated 4 January 1823 where John served as the bondsman. It's the first record of his appearance in Randolph County. In 1826, he signed a road petition.[
To the worshipful Court of Randolph County now setting May Term 1826
We your undersigned petitioners humbly sheweth that it would contribute very much to the public conveneance of a large portion of your citizans, to establish a public road in the north west section of your county leaving the stage road where William Robbins now lives and crossing the Caraway at or near Wm. Dougans and thence the nearest and best way to Jesse Harpers Store.
As this would be the nearest and best way for a large number of your citizans to travel with their produce to market and also for traveling to and from court besides a number of other advantages which inevitably result from said road. We your humble petitioners pray that your worships would grant an order directing the sheriff to summon a jury to view the ground and lay off the road and report according to law.
R Lamb - Soloman Y. Linthicum - W Dougan
Wyatt Craven - Johnathan Robbins - John Jerrel
Soloman Robbins - Emesley Rollings - John MCDowell
John Robbins - Michael Robbins - John Keven
Silas Swaim - William Jackson - John Rolens
James Robbins - James Hodgen - T Lamb
Save Robbins - Hiram Robbins - Alf H Marsh
George Robens - William Allred - John Robens
John Miller - William Robbins - Azel Rush
Absalom Robbins - Saml Sawyere - John Briles
Thomas L. Linthicum - William Gerel - William Hagan
John Clark - Isaac Jones - Samuel Sawyer
James Davisson - Ezriah Bassett - William Clark
Jo Clark
In the Randolph County tax lists there is a miscellaneous tax folder containing a broken series dated 1799-1828.[
49] John McDowell is shown on this list as paying a poll tax. It appears to be a tax list for Allred's Ward. John's last name is spelled Mcdwell. John McDowell's name appears on subsequent tax lists beginning in 1828 and continuing until 1842. These listings are given in the following Table.
Randolph County Tax Records of John McDowell
Undated – John Mcdwell Allred's Ward
1828 – John McDowell Capt. Bulla
1834 – John McDowell Capt. Allreds-Caraway
1835 – John McDowel John Henley's-Back Creek
1836 – John McDowell Capt. Burgess-Back Creek
1837 – John McDowell Capt. Burgess
1838 – John McDowell Capt. Burgess-Back Creek
1839 – John McDowell Capt. Burgess
1840 – John McDuel Capt. Allreds-Taylors Creek
1841 – John McDoel Capt. Allreds-Caraway
1842 – John McDowell Capt. Allreds
The fact that John pays a tax in 1842 means that he is 45 or less. Coupled with the fact that he lists his age as 40-50 in the 1840 census, we conclude that John was born between 1797 and 1800.
John McDowell does not appear on the 1830 census. This is interesting in that many of the people with whom he is associated also do not appear on that census. The authors do not discount the possibility that a section of the County simply was missed in the census taking or that a part of the census was lost as sometimes happened.
Although it appears that nine children were born to John McDowell and Tilathy Hill, it can be proven for only seven of the nine. This is due to the fact that John McDowell appears only on the 1840 Census for Randolph County and the fact that one alledged daughter married prior to 1840. Two other alledged daughters fit the ages as listed in the 1840 Census but are married by 1850 and are not listed as children of John and Tilathy. However, because Sallie McDowell lists her age as 50 in the 1880 Census and shows two nephews Kenny and Lincoln (Bell) living with her in the Concord Township, this is proof that Martha McDowell was a sister and thus a daughter of John McDowell and Tilathy Hill.
In the 1840 Census of Randolph County, John McDowell's name appears sixth on page 111.
1840 Census Randolph County NC
John McDowell
1 male 0-4: [Riley]
1 male 5-9: [Levi]
1 male 10-14: [John]
1 male 40-49: [John]
1 female 0-4: [Tabitha]
1 female 5-9: [Tilathy]
2 females 10-14: [Sally, Nancy]
1 female 15-19: [Martha]
1 female 30-39: [Tilathy]
John McDowell is reported as being 40-49 years old. His daughter Tempy has already married Branson Jarrell and they are listed ninth on page 111. The ages do not match up completely with the information given concerning the dates of birth. However, Sallie McDowell, as did many in this time period, was not consistent in listing her date of birth. Only the 1860 Census gives an indication of the date of birth of Nancy McDowell as 1831.
Beginning with the 1850 census, Tilathy McDowell is listed as the head of the family.
1850 Census Randolph County NC
Southern Division
Tilathy McDowel - 59 F - NC
Sally - 30 F - NC
John - 25 M - Farmer - NC
Tilathy - 18 F - NC
Levi - 15 M - NC
Tabitha - 13 F - NC
Riley - 18 M - NC
1860 Census Randolph County NC
The West Division
Telitha McDowel - 50 F - h - NC
Sallie - 32 F - o - NC
Riley - 22 M - L - NC
What happened to John McDowell before 1850 is known, but the reason why may forever remain a mystery. On page 350 of the Minute Docket County Court records of Randolph County for August 1838 - May 1843 is the following:
Ordered by the Court that the County Trustee pay to J. P. Julian to the use of Wm H. H. Craven four dollars fifty cents out of any monies not otherwise appropriated, it being for holding an inquest over the body of John McDewel as per acct filed.
Such an inquest was held and filed on the 27th day of September 1842. The following comes from the coroner's reports of Randolph County:[
State of North Carolina
Randolph County
Be it Remember that on the 25th day of Sept. 1842 I Joseph P. Julian one of the coroner of said County Attended by a jury of good and lawful men (viz) Joshua Craven, foreman, Azel Rush, William Wood, Ninevy Berkerdite, Julias Gregson, Penuel Wood, Ansel Pearce, John Briles, Andrew Sheets, Sml Coltrain, Michael Rush, John Miller by me summoned for that purpose according to law after being duly sworn and impanneled at John McDowels in the County aforesaid did hold and inquest over the said body of John McDowel, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased from a view of the corpse and all the testimony to be procured the jury find as follows: that the said John McDowel came to his death by hanging himself withe a withe round the neck.
(Signed by members of the jury)
Names of witnesses:
Isah Field
John Jarel Jr.
Enoch Burns
Wm. Dougan
Sarah Mcdowel
Wm. Scarlott
We note that a "withe" is a rope made by winding cloth together.
The grave of John McDowell has been located in the Mount Shepherd Methodist Church Cemetery. The "scratched" slate slab reads as follows:
W B 1818
ST 21
Although "W B" usually stands for was born, in this case the authors believe it to be an abbreviation for Wedding Bond 1818 or an abbreviation for "was baptized."
The date of death for Tilathy is not known; although in the 1880 Randolph County Census, she is living with her daughter
Tabitha McDowell Yates and her son-in-law, Noah L. Yates. She is listed as the mother-in-law of Noah L. Yates. A gravestone for Tilathy has not been found.
Temperance McDowell
Temperance "Tempy" McDowell [September 1820 - Aft 1900
LEB/FG] married Branson Jarrell [24 October 1813 - 28 April 1901
LEB/FG] on 26 August 1835 in Randolph County with witness William Jarrell. The dates of her birth vary from September 1817 in the 1900 Census to 1822 in the 1870 Census. Recalling that her parents were married in August 1819, we suspect that she was born in 1820 and have assigned that date as her birth year. Next to Branson's grave at the
Mount Lebanon Church Cemetery, there appears to be the grave of an adult, probably his wife Tempy. Although there is no grave marker,
Mrs. Tabitha Duella McDowell Constable has stated that Tempy and the children were all buried in the same cemetery. The following are the children of Tempy McDowell and Branson Jarrell.
Rachel Jarrell [1839 - February 1880 /Mortality Schedule] died single and of consumption with age listed as 38.
Henry Jarrell [1844 - Unknown].
Eli Harrison Jarrell [December 1847 - Unknown] married Susan Harriet "Hattie" Swain [25 September 1851 - 25 September 1923
LEB/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Sandy Swain and Mary Vickery, on 25 May 1866 in Randolph County NC. He was the first minister of the Pleasant Union United Church of Christ formed in 1890 and formerly called Union Church. The church cemetery serves as the graveyard for many McDowells presented in this book.
Thomas F. Jarrell [1851 - 5 December 1931 /NCDI] married Nancy Jane Routh [20 March 1862 - 21 February 1920
LEB/FG/NCDC], the daughter of John Routh and Nancy Hayes on 20 August 1874 in Randloph County NC.
Sarah H. Jarrell [8 May 1850 - 24 September 1924 /NCDC] married Rev. John Manley Pugh [17 February 1844 - 9 October 1922 /NCDC] on 10 July 1898 in Randolph County NC.
Martha Jarrell [1852 - Unknown].
Tabitha Louella (Douella) Jarrell [14 February 1863 - 29 January 1908
LEB/FG] married
John Riley McDowell on 23 January 1888 in Randolph County NC.
Tempy and Branson appeared in the following census records.
1840 Census Randolph County NC
Northern Division
1 male 0-4:
1 male 20-29: [Branson]
1 female 0-4: [Rachel]
1 female 15-19: [Tempy]
1850 Census Randolph County NC
Northern Division
Ranson Gerrill - 36 M - Farmer - NC
Tempe - 30 F - NC
Rachel - 11 F - NC
Henry - 6 M - NC
Harrison - 3 M - NC
Sarah - 1/12 F - NC
1860 Census Randolph County NC
Western Division, PO Asheboro
Branson Jerrell - 47 M - F.L. - NC
Tempe - 40 F - h - NC
Rachael - 19 F - h - NC
Henry - 14 M - NC
Eli - 13 M - NC
Sarah - 11 F - NC
Thomas - 8 M - NC
Martha - 5 F - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
New Market, PO New Salem
Branson Jarrel - 52 M - Farmer - NC
Temperance - 48 F - Keeping house - NC
Rachel - 28 F - works in Cotton Factory - NC
Sarah A. - 20 F - No occupation - NC
Thomas - 18 M - works on farm - NC
Tibitha - 7 F - at home - NC
Nancy J. - 11 F - at home - NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Randlemans Mill
Branson Jarrell - 65 M - Laborer - NC NC NC
Temperance - 60 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
Sarah A. - 27 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Tobitha - 17 F - Daughter - Works in Cottom Mill - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Branson Jarrell - 87 M - Head - Farm Labor - Oct 1812 m/67 - NC NC NC
Tempie M. - 82 F - Wife - Sept 1817 m/67 12/4 - NC NC NC
Thomas F. - 52 M - Son - Farm Labor - May 1848 - m/22 - NC NC NC
Nancy J. - 36 F - D in Law - Mar 1862 m/22 0/0 - NC NC NC
Dora Mccullum - 8 F - Foster Child - Jan 1892 - NC NC NC
A Nancy J. Jarrell [14 May 1859 - 27 August 1936 /NCDC], the daughter of William A. Jarrell and Francis Coram as found in the 1860 Census of Rockingham County and her death certificate, is argued by some to be the young girl in the 1870 Census.
The 1840 Census indicates that a son was born between 1835 and 1840. If the son survived, his name is not known.
One land record is of importance for this family. There is a deed made by Branson Jarrell and his wife Tempy, Sarah Jarrell,
John McDowe11 and wife Tabitha of Randleman to Hugh Laughlin, J. C. Lineberry, E. P. Hays and J. N. Caudle. Branson Jarrell, W. D. Fogleman, and J. C. Bain are made trustees of Mt. Lebanon Methodist Church at Randleman. For the sum of $2.00 a tract of land is sold bounding the land of Mt. Lebanon Church and the Jarrell land. The tract of land is approximately one-fifth an acre. James N. Caudle, Justice of the Peace, certifies that Branson Jarrell and his wife Tempy Jarrell, John McDowell and his wife Tabitha McDowell personally appeared to acknowledge the deed.
Branson Jarrell's name appears on the road records with
John McDowell in 1848 and 1850.
Martha McDowell
Martha McDowell [Abt 1823 - Bf 1870] married Henry F. Bell [1817 - 14 October 1864
HOLLY/FG] on November 6, 1847 in Randolph County NC with witness Willis Lee [Martha's grandmother Starage Hill had the maiden name Lee]. The following are the children of Henry Bell and Martha McDowell.
William Bell [1849 - Unknown].
John Bell [1852 - Unknown].
Kenneth Raynor Bell [15 February 1855 - 22 September 1926 /NCDC]
PUC/FG/NCDC] married first to Margaret Etheridge Ridge [2 March 1861 - 30 April 1904
PUC/FG], the daughter of Willis Ridge and Catharine Yates, on 25 September 1880 in Randolph County NC. Kenneth's tombstone reports his death date as 14 October 1926 in disagreement with his death certificate. Kenneth's second marriage was to Elizabeth "Lizzie" Jane Newsome Jackson [7 September 1868 - 22 December 1950
HIGH/FG/NCDC/NCDI], the daughter of Eldridge Newsome and Edith Caroline Cranford, on 12 August 1906 in Randolph County NC. She was previously married to Aaron Jackson.
Nancy J. Bell [1858 - Unknown] married John W. Routh on 10 June 1875 in Randolph County NC. In the 1880 Census of Randolph County NC, she is listed with her husband at age 21. Living with them is her brother William Bell at age 28 as a boarder and day laborer. They are reported on the same page as their aunt and uncle, Branson Jarrell and
Temperance McDowell.
Henry Lincoln Bell [15 March 1860 - 24 July 1940
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Hannah Ridge [16 April 1871 - 8 May 1918
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Willis Ridge and Catharine Yates, on 19 February 1891 in Randolph County NC. Her tombstone reports her month of death as April in disagreement with her death certificate which reports May.
Martha and Henry appeared in the following census records.
1850 Census Randolph County NC
Northern Division
Henry Beall - 23 M - Laborer - NC
Martha - 21 F - NC
William - 1 M - NC
1860 Census Randolph County NC
Western Division
Henry F. Bell - 43 M - F.L. - NC
Martha - 37 F - h - NC
William - 11 M - NC
John - 8 M - NC
Kenneth R. - 5 M - NC
Nancy - 2 F - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Tabernacle Township, PO Hovver Hill
Jason Harriss - 53 M - Lawyer - NC
Lucilla - 50 F - Keeping house - NC
Orlanda R. - 23 M - Farmer - NC
Carrie B. - 18 F - Keeping house - NC
Sarah A. - 19 F - No occupation - NC
Nancy M. - 17 F - No occupation - NC
Mollie L. - 12 F - At school - NC
Kenneth Bell - 13 M - Farm Laborer - NC
John Roberson - 18 M B - Farm laborer - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township, PO Jackson Creek
John H. Johnson - 28 M - Retail Merchant - NC
Virginia - 18 F - Keeping house - NC
William Bell - 19 M - Farm laborer - NC
Martha McDowell appears to have died before 1870 as the children are scattered with other persons in the 1870 Census. No gravestone exists for her.
Henry F. Bell enlisted as a Private in Co. F, 27th NC Infantry by Col. Mallett on 3 December 1863 in Raleigh for three years or the duration of the war. He was present on Muster Rolls from December 1863 through February 1864. On 12 March 1864, he signed with his mark a Receipt Roll for clothing. On 26 April 1864, he signed as "Henry Bell" a Receipt Roll for clothing. He was admitted on 3 July 1864 to the Receiving and Wayside Hospital or General Hospital #9 with disposition Winder on 4 July 1864. He signed as "Henry F. Bell" a Receipt Roll for clothing at General Hospital Camp Winder, Richmond VA, on 7 July 1864. He appeared on a List of Passports furnished to furloughed and transferred men in General Hospital Camp Winder at Richmond, VA for the week ending 13 August 1864 with date 11 August 1864 and destination Thomasville NC. A Register of the Medical Director's Office, Richmond VA, Hospital Winder, lists Henry Bell with date 11 August 1864 and remark, Thomasville NC. On 16 September 1864, he appears on a Receipt Roll for clothing. He is listed on a Report of Sick and Wounded General Hospital Camp Winder for October 1864 with disease, Colitas acute, and date of death, 14 October 1864. A Muster Rol for September-October 1864 reports: "Died Oct 14, 1864."
John McDowell
John McDowell was born about 1825 and died after 1882; the precise dates are not known. Due to the uncertainty of the exact arrival of the McDowells in Randolph County, it is not certain whether or not John was born in Randolph County or perhaps in Wake County. However, an early marriage record with his father
John McDowell as the witness in 1823 in Randolph County would indicate John McDowell was born in Randolph County. He was married twice, first to Susannah Yates [c1836 - 1860], the daughter of Solomon Yates and Elizabeth Caviness, on 24 November 1854 in Randolph County with witness
Jonathan Robbins, John's brother-in-law. According to the 1860 census records of Randolph County, Susannah Yates was born in approximately 1836. Since the census was reported in June 1860 and John remarries in November 1860, it would appear that Susannah Yates McDowell died sometime between June and October 31, 1860. Indeed, Susannah is listed as a deceased daughter of Soloman Yates in his
estates papers.
According to the 1860 Census of Randolph County reported below, the following were the children of John McDowell and Susannah Yates.
Frank McDowell [1856 - Unknown] has not been found in the 1870 Census and is presumed dead by that year. He is listed as an heir in the Estate of Soloman Yates in 1861.
Elizabeth McDowell [1857 - Unknown] has not been found in the 1870 Census and is presemed dead by that year. However, in the
1870 Census, there is a child named Elizabeth living with Noah Yates, Susannah's brother, and his wife
Tabitha McDowell. It does not indicate that Elizabeth's last name is McDowell, and it may have been assumed by the census taker to be Yates. The girl is listed as age 16, the approximate age for Elizabeth McDowell, and as a cook for the family. She is listed in the Estate of Solomon Yates in 1861 as an heir of his deceased daughter Susannah.
After Susannah's death, John McDowell married to Nancy M. Matilda Hughes [c1837 - February 1880
PUC], the daughter of Abraham and Fannie Hughes, on 4 November 1860 in Randolph County NC with bondsman
John A. Yeats [Sic: Yates], Susannah's brother. The marriage was conducted by W. F. Brookshire, Justice of the Peace.
Tabitha Duella McDowell Constable indicated that John's wife Nancy died in childbirth in 1879 with a daughter Sarah McDowell who married a Secrease. Indeed, a daughter Sarah exists. However, the mortality schedule for 1880 indeed shows that a Nancy McDowell, age 42, died of Chronic Diarrhea in February 1880 in Tabernacle Township of Randolph County NC. It is not clear if the diarrhea was a direct result of the childbirth in October 1879. To further complicate her death date, her tombstone reports that she died on 3 July 1879 at age 34.
The following are the children of John and Nancy.
Sarah McDowell [October 1879 - ] married a Secrease.
John appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Randolph County NC
The West Division
John McDowell - 35 M - F - NC
Susan - 24 F - h - NC
Frank - 4 M - NC
Eliza - 3 F - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township, PO Jackson Creek
John McDowell - 49 M - Farmer - NC
Nancy - 33 F - Keeping house - NC
Tempi F - 7 F - at home - NC
John R. - 4 M - at home - NC
Alson - 3 M - at home - NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Tabernacle Township
John McDowell - 56 M - Farmer - NC NC NC
Tempy - 17 F - Daughter - Keeping house - NC NC NC
John - 14 M - Son - at home - NC NC NC
Elwood - 12 M - Son - at home - NC NC NC
Ransom - 10 M - Son - at home - NC NC NC
Levi - 8 M - Son - at home - NC NC NC
Mary - 5 F - Daughter - at home - NC NC NC
Very little other information is known about John McDowell. He is listed in 1860 as an "insolvent" on the tax return of J. W. Steed in Captain Rush's District [
56] and in an 1860 court record.
The following is a list of Insolvent taxable Polls &C returned by J.W.Steed Sheriff of Randolph for the year 1860, To wit
Glenns District: John McDowell State 80 cts County 55 cts
RandolphP&QS: Friday 8 August 1862
Some believe that he joined the Confederacy on March 4, 1962, Regiment 22, Company I, in Randolph County as a Private, but no record has been found to validate this claim.
There are two deeds that are important. Both are dated February 8, 1882. The first deed is between A. R. Hughs, Orpha Hughs, Farley L. Hughs and wife Martha, and John McDowell of Randolph County. For $20.00, John McDowell sold to Mariann Hughs 30 acres of land on the east side of Uwarrie. The witness was S. H. Hill and John McDowell made his mark.
The second deed dated February 8, 1882 was between Farley L. Hughs and wife Martha, John McDowell and Mariann Hughs. For $20.00 paid by A. R. Hughes, 38 acres of land was sold on the east side of Uharrie [sic] adjoining Mariann Hughes. It does not appear to be the same land as in the first deed. All parties made their marks.
According to
Tabitha Constable, John was buried at
Pleasant Union United Church of Christ. Although there is no engraved stone, there is a marker next to his wife Nancy M. Matilda Hughes McDowell which is similar in shape to hers. It would appear that this might well be his final resting place.
Elizabeth McDowell
In the 1870 census of Randolph County, there is a child named Elizabeth living with Noah Yates, Susannah's brother, and his wife Tabitha McDowell Yates. It does not indicate that Elizabeth's last name is McDowell, and it may have been assumed by the census taker to be Yates. The girl is listed as age 16, the correct age for Elizabeth McDowell, and as a cook for the family. There are no further records on this child.
Tempa Frances McDowell
Tempa Frances McDowell [30 May 1864 - 3 January 1951
SHEP/FG/NCDC] married Solomon W. "Pink" Linthicum [14 September 1874 - 11 September 1943
SHEP/FG/NCDC] on 30 September 1882. The family tombstone and the 1900 Census report her birth month as May whereas her death certificate reports December. We believe the correct month to be May. They had the following children.
Cora Linthicum [30 June 1884 - 28 November 1967
MAPLE/FG/NCDC] married first to James F. Smoake on 23 November 1903 in Randolph County NC. She married a second time to Charles Cagney.
Lessie Linthicum [5 May 1894 - 4 February 1933
SILVER/FG] married Henry McDowell.
Oliver B. Linthicum [9 May 1896 - 28 March 1940
ROCK/FG] married Pearl Kluttz [15 June 1904 - 22 June 1970
Lonnie Clarence Linthicum [1 January 1900 - 2 March 1945 /NCDC] married Rena Helms [24 August 1904 - 8 January 1939
SILVER/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Marshall Helms and Ida Moss, on 26 August 1921 in Randolph County NC.
Tena Linthicum [c1903 - Unknown]
Osie Linthicum [c1905 - Unknown]
Dora Viola Linthicum [9 April 1907 - 17 October 1989
NEBO/FG] married John Vance Jaynes [17 August 1900 - 13 May 1967
Tempa and Solomon appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Solomon Linthicum - 38 M - Head - Farm Laborer - Sept 1861 m/18 - NC NC NC
Tempa - 36 F - Wife - May 1864 m/18 8/3 - NC NC NC
Cora - 15 F - Daughter - Jun 1884 - NC NC NC
Lessie - 6 F - Daughter - May 1894 - NC NC NC
Oliver - 4 M - Son - May 1896 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Stanly County NC
Pink Linthicum - 50 M - Head - m1/27 - NC NC NC
Tempie - 45 F - Wife - m1/27 12/7 - NC NC NC
Lessie - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Oliver - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Clarence - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Tenie - 8 F - NC NC NC
Osie - 6 F - NC NC NC
Dora - 3 F - NC NC NC
1920 Census Davidson County NC
Solomon Linthicum - 56 M - Head - NC NC NC
Tempie - 56 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Oliver B. - 22 M - Son - NC NC NC
Clarence L. - 19 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lena - 17 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Oshye - 15 M - Daughter - NC NC NC
Dora - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Stanly County NC
North Albermarle
Pink Linthicum - 65 M - Head - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Tempie - 65 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Tenie - 26 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Osie - 24 M - Daughter - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Berniece - 4 F - GrandDaughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Stanly County NC
West and North Albemarle
Pink Linthicum - 75 M - Father - NC
Tempa - 75 F - Wife - NC
Tiennie - 37 F - Daughter - NC
Mildred V. - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Alson Elwood McDowell
Alson Elwood McDowell [15 January 1864 - 12 August 1929(NCDC)/1935(FG)
SHEP/FG/NCDC] married Delann Francie "Fannie" Hughes [16 June 1870 - 20 April 1944
SHEP/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Farley Hughes and Mattie Laurence, on 22 July 1887. Her name has also been listed in a family Bible of Nancy Elma McDowell as Cassane Delana Frances Hughes which matches several census records. Elwood and Fannie had the following children.
Roser Louiser E. McDowell [12 February 1888 - 9 June 1889]
Adah Myrtle McDowell [25 April 1895 - Bf 1900]
Andrew J. Henderson McDowell [3 July 1899 - Bf 1910]
Efey Janet McDowell [23 September 1901 - Bf 1910]
Jasper Pearson McDowell [12 May 1904 - Bf 1910]
Elwood and Frances appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Alson E. McDowel - 33 M - Head - Day Laborer - 1867 m/13 - NC NC NC
Frances - 29 F - Wife - June 1870 m/13 6/4 - NC NC NC
John H. - 9 M - Son - Dec 1890 - NC NC NC
Ida R. - 7 F - Daughter - May 1893 - NC NC NC
Gurney R. - 4 M - Son - Oct 1895 - NC NC NC
Andrew J. - 10/12 M - July 1899 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
Alson E. McDowell - 45 M - Head - M1/22 - NC NC NC
Frances - 39 F - Wife - M1/22 5 5 - NC NC NC
John H. - 20 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ida A. - 17 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Gurney R. - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Nancy E. - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Robert S. - 1 8/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
A. Elwood McDowell - 56 M - Head - NC NC NC
D. Francis - 50 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Gurnie R. - 21 M - Son - NC NC NC
N. Elina - 13 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Robert S. - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Robert S. McDowell - 21 M - Head - NC NC NC
Fannie - 60 F - Mother, Wd - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
C. D. Francis McDowell [McDone at] - 69 F - Head, Wd - NC
Robert S. - 30 M - Son - NC
Walter B. Hughes - 22 M - Nephew - NC
John Henley (Herley or Henry) McDowell
John Henley (Herley or Henry) McDowell [13 December 1889 - October 1918] married Nellie Jones. They had the following daughter.
Mary Bell McDowell [6 November 1905 - 14 January 1935].
Ida Arminta McDowell
Ida Arminta McDowell [3 May 1892 - 4 January 1954
SHEP/FG] married Robert Franklin Trotter [10 August 1872 - 4 May 1927
SHEP/FG] on 28 June 1914. They had the following children.
Leona Virginia Trotter [14 January 1915 - 4 December 1991
PUC/FG] married Floyd Albert Morris [16 June 1911 - 12 April 1985
PUC/FG] on 17 September 1930 in Randolph County.
Vera Lucille Trotter [24 June 1916 - 18 January 1966
TTRIN/FG] married Troy Edgar Hoover [23 February 1908 - 7 May 1992
Treva Frances Trotter [15 April 1918 - 3 September 1978
Florence Elizabeth Trotter [27 December 1919 - 23 June 2008
Elsie Evelyn Trotter [8 July 1921 - 6 November 2014
SHEP/FG] married Willard William Hill [14 August 1917 - 1954
Mary Etta Trotter [28 August 1923 - 22 September 2009
SHEP/FG] married Elmore Thomas Crotts [18 March 1917 - 24 September 1981
Troy (Alson) Franklin Trotter [8 August 1926 - 22 September 1980
MSPR/FG] married Emma King [17 February 1930 - 29 September 1993
Gurney Roscoe McDowell
Gurney Roscoe McDowell [30 October 1895 - 27 May 1965
PUC/FG] married first to his first cousin
Tabitha Duella McDowell [14 October 1897 - 18 November 1995
OLA/FG] on 15 September 1924. They separated and he married Myrtle M. Garren [29 November 1908 - 16 February 1934
PUC/FG], the daughter of George Garran and Janie Barnes, on 3 March 1928. Two children were born.
Henry McDowell [11 February 1930 - Unknown].
Alson Andy McDowell [4 June 1932 - 24 May 2019
PUC/FG] married Viola May Ingram [29 January 1931 - 26 October 2000
Gurney next married Annie Kindley [7 December 1907 - 26 March 1962
PUC/FG], the daughter of James Madison Kindley and Julia Miller, on 25 Septembr 1940 in Randolph County NC.
Nancy Elma McDowell
Nancy Elma McDowell [24 April 1905 - 22 April 1989
OAK/FG/NCBI] married Numa Cicero Swaney [26 May 1900 - 1 December 1979
OAK/FG] on 25 April 1923. He was the brother of Claude Edward Swaney who married
Bessie Jane McDowell. According to Nancy Elma McDowell Swaney, eleven children were born. Although all names are not known, the following are some of their children.
Dewey Cicero Swaney [18 February 1924 - 1 October 1995
RMP/FG] married Velva Marie Pritchard [1924 - 21 February 1959] on 14 April 1945 in Randolph County NC.
Unknown [23 July 1925 - ].
Mildred Frances Swaney [6 September 1927 - 15 May 1994
RMP/FG] married Joe Arlie Maness [28 August 1922 - 14 April 1984
Dorothy Louise Swaney [13 October 1933 - 16 April 2017
RMP/FG] married Ollie Edward Smith [8 February 1927 - 20 January 2007
Gilbert John David Swaney [23 August 1935 - ].
Mary Lou Swaney [14 March 1938 - 5 October 2020
RMP/FG] married Dempsey Lyndon Perry [29 July 1931 - 14 October 2010
Larry Gene Swaney [24 July 1941 - ].
Name Unknown [16 November 1943 - ].
Nancy Carol Swaney [20 July 1945 - 25 March 1993
Brenda Fay Swaney [21 August 1946 - ].
Billy Ray Swaney [8 August 1950 - 12 August 1950
Robert Stacy McDowell
Robert Stacy McDowell [7 August 1908 Randolph County - 4 June 1964
SHEP/FG] married Julia Elizabeth Thompson [26 October 1927 - 14 August 1995
FLORAL/FG] on 17 February 1945. He was a member of the Springfield Road Baptist Church and died of a heart attack. They had the following children.
Joyce Ann McDowell [8 May 1946 - Unknown] married Harold Cox and had two children: Harold Travis Cox [19 March 1967 - Unknown] and Micah Robert Cox [26 Augusut 1969 - Unknown].
Bobbie Jean McDowell [17 February 1948 - Unknown] married James Asbill and had two children: James Timothy Asbill [197*** - Unknown] and Jennifer Lucille Asbill [1976 - Unknown].
Ruby Kay McDowell [18 November 1953 - Unknown] married James Edwin Powell and had two children: Michelle Elizabeth Powell [5 October 1973 - Unknown] and Tammy Renee Powell [21 June 1977 - Unknown].
After the death of Robert Stacy McDowell, Elizabeth J. Thompson McDowell married Robert Lambert.
John Riley McDowell
John Riley McDowell [14 October 1864 - 16 August 1923
LEB/FG] married Tabitha Louella (Duella) Jarrell [14 February 1863 - 29 January 1908
LEB/FG], the daughter of Branson Jarrell and
Temperance McDowell Jarrell, on 23 January 1888 in Randolph County NC. John and Tabitha were first cousins. It is important to distinguish this John Riley McDowell from a contemporary by the same name who is the son of
Levi McDowell and Polly Yates. The John Riley McDowells were first cousins. John and Tabitha had the following children:
Henry Arthur McDowell [19 October 1888 - 5 April 1969
SPAUL/FG] married first to Lessie Ann Linthicum [5 May 1894 - 4 February 1933
SILVER/FG], the daughter of Solomon Watkins Linthicum and
Tempie Frances McDowell, on 10 February 1916. They had one daughter:
Celia Ann McDowell. He married second to Anna Mae Wagoner [2 May 1891 - 1 June 1976
Tabitha Duella McDowell [14 October 1894 - 18 November 1985
OLA/FG] married her first cousin
Gurney Roscoe McDowell on 15 September 1924. After she separated from Gurney, she married Hunter Dewey Constable on 27 December 1927. Witnesses were E. L. Briggs and Pearl McDowell. There were no children to either marriage.
Sarah Jane McDowell [30 September 1900 (January 1897 on 1900 Census) - 8 October 1979
CHC/FG] married Charlie W. Trexler [25 October 1901 - 7 February 1967
CHC/FG] on 28 October 1924 in Randolph County NC.
John Monroe McDowell [11 June 1900 - 30 January 1901
Mary Cyntha/Sinthia McDowell [29 March 1907 - 6 September 1968
CHC/FG] never married.
Pearl McDowell [1914 - 1980
OLA/FG] married Bailey Cleveland Wilson [27 April 1908 - 14 June 1977
OLA/FG], the son of James Cleveland Wilson and Ida Wooten Bailey.
John and Tabitha appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
John R. McDowell - 34 M - Head - Oct 1865 m/12 - NC NC NC
Tabitha - 38 F - Wife - Feb 1862 m/12 6/5 - NC NC NC
Henry - 11 M - Son - Oct 1888 - NC NC NC
Annie - 10 F - Daughter - Jan 1890 - NC NC NC
Percy - 7 M - Son - Sep 1892 - NC NC NC
Duella - 5 F - Daughter - Oct 1894 - NC NC NC
Sallie - 3 F - Daughter - Jan 1897 -NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
John R. McDowell - 45 M - Head, Wd - NC NC NC
Henry A. - 21 M - "S9on - NC NC NC
Annie - 20 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Thomas P. - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
Tempy D. - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Sarah J. - 13 F - Daugther - NC NC NC
Mary C. - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
John R. McDowell - 54 M - Head - NC NC NC
Nannie - 39 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Duella - 25 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Mary S. - 18 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Pearl - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Several deeds are available concerning John and Tabitha McDowell. The reader is asked to refer to
Tempy McDowell. The land indicated as sold to Mt. Lebanon Church includes the names of John McDowell and wife Tabitha. This would verify that John and Tabitha were living in the Randleman area as the 1900 Census indicates.
On 27 January 1909, John and Tabitha McDowell execute a deed with Clark Synder for 25 acres of land next to the Hughs land in Randleman. A second deed made 20 May 1908 between 0. R. Fox and John McDowell concerns a two acre lot of Clark Hill "near where Clark Hill now lives." The part that indicates that the wife (Tabitha) has been examined separately and is in agreement to sell the land for $75.00 is marked through. Tabitha was dead by the date on the deed.
An interesting point to bring out here is that in the 1880 Census of Randolph County, John C. (Calvin) Hill and his wife Delinda (Small) are living in the Jackson Creek area and are neighbors to
Levi McDowell and many other McDowell families. John C. Hill has listed living with him Clark Hill, age 23, a cousin, and John McDowell, age 15, a cousin, both laborers on the farm. (Note that John C. Hill was the son of Riley Hill and nephew of
Tilathy Hill McDowell).
Tabitha Duella McDowell indicated that after the death of her mother Nancy Matilda Hughes McDowell, that the younger children were hired out for ten cents a day to work. With that in mind and the age of the "laborer on the farm," it is almost certain that the John McDowell in the 1880 census with John C. Hill was
John Riley McDowell.
After the death of Tabitha Louella Jarrell McDowell in 1908, John Riley McDowell married Nannie Evans on 5 June 1915 in Randolph County NC. The 1823 death record of John Riley McDowell lists his wife as Nan McDowell and John's occupation as a farmer. After his death, Nannie Evans McDowell married J. F. Everhart on 30 June 1925 in Randolph County.
An Administrator Bond dated 23 August 1923 was issued to L. R. Hughes, Administrator of the Estate of John McDowell.
Nancy Ann McDowell
Nancy Ann McDowell [11 January 1890 - 18 December 1977
WOOD/FG] married Jessie James Ball [28 May 1892 - 20 May 1972
WOOD/FG], the son of William Raleigh Ball and Frances Fagg. They had the following children.
Powell Jeffrey Ball [11 August 1919 - 23 September 1942
Gracie Helen Ball [2 September 1921 - 8 March 2016
SHAR/FG] married Theodore Orville Peoples [17 January 1919 - 21 December 2003
Francis Mildred Ball [5 May 1924 - 4 September 2016
WOOD/FG] married Luther Robert Wilson [7 October 1922 - 18 December 1981
Mary Elizabeth Ball [28 February 1926 - 2 May 2022
WOOD/FG] married George William Brandt [28 October 1921 - 13 November 2005
Lucille Ball [9 November 1927 - 21 February 1929
Howard Ball, Jr. [28 October 1929 - Unknown].
(Thomas) Joseph Percy McDowell
(Thomas) Joseph Percy McDowell [11 September 1892 - 24 January 1965
SHEP/FG] married Rosa Linthicum [27 April 1898 - 28 July 1955
SHEP/FG], the daughter of Wyatt Linthicum and Ellen Cornelia Jarrell, on 12 October 1914. Joseph married a second time to Emma T. Wagoner. There were no children by this second marriage. Joseph and Rosa had the following children:
It is unclear why Joseph was also called Thomas, but members of the family indicate that he had four names.
James Teddy McDowell
James Teddy McDowell [16 September 1915 - 25 April 1986
FLORAL/FG/NCBI] married first to Dorothy Myrtle Mann [9 March 1922 - 8 March 1962
FFIELD/FG] on 3 July 1940 in Danville VA, second to Lois Mae McMahan [12 July 1914 - 1 December 1972
LEBA/FG] who was first married to Emmitt Harold Grant, and third to Gladys Harvell [6 December 1916 - 11 January 1988
FLORAL/FG] who was first married to John Coyt Queen. He had the following children with Dorothy.
Ted Wyatt McDowell [January 1940 - Unknown] married Diane Kettleshake who was born in Omaha, Nebraska.
John Edward McDowell [26 April 1942 - August 1942].
James Lee McDowell [8 October 1945 - 5 June 1994
SAN/FG] married Carol MNU, born in Nevada.
Judy Carol McDowell [14 March 1948] married James Adams of Orlando FL.
Donald Eugene McDowell [26 November 1951 - 29 December 2007
RMP/FG] married Maureen Parrish.
Lillie Mae McDowell
Lillie Mae McDowell [20 August 1917 - 25 April 1975
CAT/FG] married twice; first, to Lester Eugene Landrum [29 December 1910 - 21 January 1972
REID/FG] and second to Jesse Brooks. She had the following children.
Joyce Ann Landrum [26 December 1939 - 30 April 2012
RMP/FG] married first to Weaver Mitchell Mastin [28 January 1934 - 12 September 1986
GIL/FG] and second to Milard Crayton Alewine [3 May 1933 - 17 February 2010
Glenda Sue Landrum [11 July 1941 - Unknown] married James Owens.
Wanda Faye Landrum [1 January 1945 - Unknown] married a Mastin.
Richard Eugene Landrum [July 1949 - Unknown].
Paul Edward McDowell
Paul Edward McDowell [16 April 1919 - 4 March 1995
HHMP/FG] and married Leslie Hazel Greene [6 February 1823 - 3 January 2000
WHIT/FG] of Montgomery County, the daughter of Rhemus Greene and Margaret Louise Tucker. They had the following children.
Jerry Lane McDowell [5 May 1940 - 10 December 2002
HHMP/FG] married Mary Ann Hasselo [2 November 1942 - 29 May 2002].
Tony Garland McDowell [21 March 1948 - 2 November 1997
HHMP/FG] married Theresa Delight Matthews [20 February 1950 - 20 May 2014
John Wyatt McDowell
John Wyatt McDowell [6 March 1921 - 19 March 1998
FLORAL/FG] married Samantha Annie Craven Glasscoe [30 July 1927 - 8 November 2009
FLORAL/FG] on 29 December 1945. She was the grandaughter of Cicero Craven and daughter of Frank and Craven Glasco. They had the following children.
John White McDowell [2 October 1946 - 5 October 1946].
Donna Marie McDowell [22 August 1953 - Unknown] married James Cunningham. Three children were born: Darlene, Tony, and Tina Cunningham.
Tommy Ray McDowell [14 May 1956 - 2 September 2021] married Judy Cox.
Kathy Gaye McDowell [23 June 1959] married Ralph Faircloth. One child, Ralph Faircloth, was born.
Edward McDowell
Mrytle Hazel McDowell
Mrytle Hazel McDowell [6 May 6 1924] married Joseph Edgar Vuncannon, the son of Edgar Allen Vuncannon and Florence Alma Hicks. They had the following children.
Brenda Joyce Vuncannon [12 March 1945] married Joel Wesley Lamar [6 February 1944].
Rebecca Irene Vuncannon [14 March 1949].
Irene McDowell
Irene McDowell [7 September 1933 - Unknown] married Frederick Daniel Grimstead, Jr., son of Frederick Daniel Grimstead, Sr. and Evelyn Sowers Lawson. They had the following children.
Frederick Daniel Grimstead, III [21 March 1955 - Unknown] married Diana Owens of Florida.
Sandra Irene Grimstead [August 1957 - Unknown] married Robert Browning of Florida.
Alfred Levi McDowell
Alfred Levi McDowell [14 March 1866 - 18 December 1928 (tombstone)
SHEPB /FG/ c1874 - 5 June 1932 /NCDC] should not be confused with
Alfred Levi McDowell who was the son of
John Riley McDowell. The birth and death dates for Alfred are quite confused in that his tombstone dates do not match his death certificate. The 1880 Census has him born in 1871/1872. His death certificate date of death matches with him being alive in the 1930 Census. Alfred was married three times. His first marriage was to Armittie "Mintie" Hill [17 October 1868 - 21 March 1910
SHEPB/FG], the daughter of Jacob Hill and Lidda A. Swaney, on 20 May 1894. There were four children by this marriage.
After the death of Armittie Hill in 1910, Alfred Levi McDowell married Jane Everson on 21 March 1911. There were no children by this marriage. Following her death, Alfred Levi McDowell married Minnie Floyd [26 August 1893 - 15 February 1962
CLARK/FG], the widow of Ransom Hill, on 17 May 1921. After the death of Alfred Levi McDowell, Minnie married Walter Hughes. There were seven children by this marriage.
Anna S. McDowell [c1921 - ]
Alfred Enes McDowell [7 June 1922 - 29 January 1989 /NCDI] married Cleo Mae Hughes, the daughter of Jake Hughes, on 15 January 1943 in Randolph County NC. No children were born. His WWII Registration Card reports his middle name as Eanes with DOB 7 June 1922.
George Walter McDowell [23 January 1926 - 28 January 1926
Ernest Franklin McDowell [5 March 1928 - 13 March 1948
CLARK/FG/NCDC] died in a train accident.
William McDowell [19 August 1932 - 19 August 1932 /NCDC] died as premature birth.
No census record has been found for Alfred in 1900, 1910 or 1920. Furthermore, in 1910, his sons are scattered over three other households with Benjamin and Lewis being adopted sons.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
General K. Kindley - 45 M
Charity - 38 F
Louisa E. - 15 F
Celia D. - 11 F
John W. - 6 M
Lilier Q. - 5 F
Henry McDowell - 3 M
1910 Census Randolph County NC
George M. Goins - 57 M - Head - m2/20 - NC NC NC
Martha C. - 35 F - Wife - m1/20 0/0 - NC NC NC
Benjamin McDowell - 12 M - Adopted Son - NC NC NC
Louis - 1 8/12 M - Adopted Son - NC NC NC
Emily Hunt - 60 F - Mother-in-Law, Wd - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Bert Swaney - 26 M - Head - m1/0 - NC NC NC
Lula F. - 22 F - Wife - m1/0 0/0 NC NC NC
William E. McDowell - 12 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
Levi and Minnie appeared in the 1930 and 1940 census records.
1930 Census Davidson County NC
Healing Spring
Levi McDowell - 56 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Minnie - 36 F - Wife - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Paul H. - 13 M - Son - NC NC NC
Anna S. - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Alfred E. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ramson D. - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Earnest T. - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Davidson County NC
Minnie - 46 F - Head, Wd - NC
Alfred - 17 M - Son - NC
Ardonis - 16 M - Son - NC
Earnest - 12 M - Son - NC
Javan - 10 M - Son - NC
William Edgar McDowell
William Edgar McDowell [24 July 1897 - 13 June 1966
HHMP/FG] married Bertie Elizabeth Kinley [1902 - Unknown] on 5 July 1919. They had the following children.
Annie Belle McDowell [21 August 1920 - ] married Leroy Garrett.
Adna Mae McDowell [21 August 1920 - 18 May 1924] is buried at Liberty Church in Davidson County.
Allie Elizabeth McDowell [1 August 1924 - ] married Boyd Alford.
Armittie Frances McDowell [25 October 1926 - ] married Charles Batten.
Dorothy Mae McDowell [11 February 1934 - ] married Junior Wright.
Benjamin Secrease McDowell
Benjamin Secrease/Sechrest McDowell [30 January 1899 - 3 July 1968
FLORAL/FG/NCDC] married Lula Mabel Shuskey [28 February 1900 - 1984], daughter of Thomas Franklin Shuskey and Mary Loggins, on 14 July 1923. They had the following children.
Ruby Coline McDowell [16 December 1924 - 23 December 1924].
Fay Marvin (Maxine) McDowell [27 August 1926] married a Cook.
Franklin Eugene McDowell [10 March 1929] was known as "Bud" and was a Reverend.
Raymond Levi McDowell [30 March 1930 - 1 September 1986] married Virginia Flowers on 10 September 1949. They had a son: Terry L. McDowell.
Ross Arnold McDowell [7 July 1932] was a pastor at the Pentacostal Holiness Church in Siler City NC.
Henry Alfred McDowell
Henry Alfred McDowell [5 February 1906 - 27 April 1979
LICK/FG] married Bessie M. Loflin [15 August 1916 - 19 January 2004
LICK/FG], the daughter of John Lindon Loflin and Della Hulin. They had the following child.
Mary Louise McDowell [9 May 1936] married Clyde York Surratt who died 24 January 1977.
Lewis Taft McDowell
Lewis Taft McDowell [31 October 1908 - 9 May 1977
HHMP/FG] married Ollie Maude Bryant [26 October 1915 - 27 November 1981], the daughter of J. Dallas and LuTisha Health Bryant, on 7 May 1932. They had the following child.
Wade J. McDowell [22 January 1933 - Unknown] married twice. However, no children were born to either marriage.
Ransom Dones McDowell
Ransom Dones McDowell [27 November 1923 - 6 March 1997
CLARK/FG/NCBI/SocSecDI] married Mintie Jane Kepley [23 December 1916 - 9 January 1994
CLARK/FG], the daughter of Robert Lee Kepley and Emma Jane Gordon. They had the following children.
Dones Ransom McDowell, Jr. [7 March 1941 - 6 July 1991
CLARK/FG] married Lola Dean Calloway and had three children:
Tammy Darlene McDowell [18 January 1959],
Kathy Lynn McDowell [31 March 1960], and
Tony Curtis McDowell [10 March 1962].
Francis Ann McDowell [14 November 1943 - Unknown].
James Lee McDowell [14 April 1946 - Unknown] married Mary Magdalene Kinley and had one daughter: Janet Lee McDowell [13 March 1962].
Alma Jane McDowell [30 January 1948 - Unknown].
Donney Gray McDowell [2 March 1950 - Unknown].
Tillman Ray McDowell [15 August 1954 - Unknown].
Dale McDowell [24 September 1955 - Unknown].
Debra Lue McDowell [22 March 1957 - Unknown].
Jeannette Kay McDowell [15 May 1960 - Unknown].
Javan McDowell
Javan McDowell [11 February 1930 - 15 May 2014
MOUNT/FG] married Alma Louise Vanhoy [20 December 1932 - ], the daughter of William Clarence Vanhoy and Mable Carrie Grubb. They had the following children.
Phyllis Ann McDowell [27 February 1960 - Unknown].
Rita Faye McDowell [6 October 1961 - Unknown].
Amy Denise McDowell [22 August 1963 - Unknown].
Henry Ransom McDowell
Henry Ransom McDowell [1869/1870 - 7 April 1917
SCIENCE/FG/NCDC] is buried at Science Hill Church in an unmarked grave (rock/stone). He married Parthenia Scarlett, daughter of Jane Scarlett [born 1830)], on 27 January 1891. She died prior to 1900 at about 21 years old. Four children were born to this marriage.
Prissie T. McDowell [January 1896 - ] never married but had a son who died at age 22 in World War II.
Hattie Snow McDowell died at about age 3
Nettie McDowell twin to Robert Maness McDowell who died at birth.
Robert Maness McDowell twin to Nettie McDowell who died at birth.
Henry Ransom McDowell's second marriage was to Hattie Small [22 January 1866 - 4 November 1931 /NCDC] on 25 November 1900 in Randolph County NC. She had mental problems and was sent to the hospital in Morganton. The children were raised by various relatives.
Henry and Hattie appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
Henry R. McDowell - 29 M - Head, Wd - Farmer - Sept 1870 - NC NC NC
Prissie T. - 4 F - Daughter - Jan 1896 - NC NC NC
Jane Scarlet - 69 M - M-in-Law, Wd - 1/1 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Henry R. McDowell - 38 M - Head - m2/8 - NC NC NC
Hattie - 24 F - Wife - m1/8 3/1 - NC NC NC
Prissie T. - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Sanford A. - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Burke County NC
Morganton, State Hospital for the Insane
Hattie McDowell - 40 F - widow - NC
1930 Census Burke County NC
Morganton, State Hospital for the Insane
Hattie McDowell - 51 F - widow - NC
Sanford Donas McDowell
Sanford Donas McDowell [6 September 1904 - 1 December 1979
LEE/FG/NCBI] at age 21 married Willa "Willor" Jane Parks [14 June 1906 - 18 October 1996
LEE/FG/NCDI/SocSecDI] at age 18 on 9 August 1923 in Chatham County NC. She was the daughter of George Washington Parks and Missouri Elizabeth White. His WWII Registration Card provides his full name, date of birth, and wife's name as Willor Jane McDowell. They had the following children.
Donas and Willor appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Lee County NC
West Sanford
Donas McDowell - 25 M - Head - M at 18 - NC NCNC
Willor - 23 F - Wife - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Robert L. - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ernestine - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Lee County NC
West Sanford
Donas McDowell - 35 M - Head - NC
Willor - 33 F - Wife - NC
Robert - 15 M - Son - NC
Earnestene - 11 F - Daughter - NC
James - 2 M - Son - NC
Robert Lee McDowell
Robert Lee McDowell [14 February 1925 - 17 March 2006
WHILL/FG] married Faye Nell Clifton [31 May 1928 - 27 January 2017
WHILL/FG] on 7 September 1946 and moved to Trion GA. They had the following children.
Robert Howard McDowell [5 November 1947 - 3 September 1964]
Mary Kay McDowell [15 May 1952 - 21 August 2019
WHILL/FG] was a twin to Wanda Fay McDowell and married Jimmy Don Angles [29 November 1949 - 29 October 2021
WHILL/FG] on 4 December 1970 and had the son
Clinton Fate Angles [20 July 1975 - 24 January 1977].
Wanda Fay McDowell [15 May 1952 - 19 November 2022
WHILL/FG] was a twin to Mary Kay McDowell and married Joe Hall on 4 December 1972. No children were born. She divorced Joe and married Bobby Wayne Goodnight on 4 January 1974. At her death, she was married to Andy Cash.
Hazel Ernestine McDowell
Hazel Ernestine McDowell [15 Nov 1928, Lee County] married William Neal Thomas Jr. on 21 October 1946. He was the son of William Neal Thomas Sr. and Lula May Truelove. They had the following children.
Vivian Joyce Thomas [21 April 1948 - Unknown] married Waylon Wood on 7 October 1966. They were divorced after having two children: James Waylon Wood [18 January 1969 - Unknown] and Joyce Michell Wood [17 July 1971 - Unknown].
John Charles Thomas [20 March 1950 - Unknown] married Barbara Jean Turney on 21 August 1973 and they had one son: John Charles Thomas, Jr. [27 February 1974 - Unknown].
Toni Elizabeth Thomas [23 October 1954 - Unknown] married Harold Ray Brown on 21 September 1974. They divorced on 15 March 1977 and Toni married David Cdhnohoski on 2 April 1977.
James Neal Thomas
James Neal Thomas [20 March 1950 - Unknown] married Katherine Miller on 17 October 1974. They were divorced after having one child.
James Neal Thomas, Jr. [14 January 1975 - Unknown].
Katherine Miller Thomas remarried to Tony Edward Upchurch and three children were born.
Tony Edward Upchurch, Jr.
Russell Thomas Upchurch.
Mary Carla Upchurch.
James Edward McDowell
James Edward McDowell [31 August 1937 - 27 March 2015
BUF/FG] married Doris Marie Parrish on 21 December 1957 and Phyllis Brewer.
Raymond Lee McDowell married Mary Lou Donaldson on 12 December 1977.
James Zachary McDowell
Cynthia Marie McDowell married Kevin McNeil.
Cathey Sue McDowell married Victor Tobias.
Meagan McDowell married Chance Carpenter.
John Douglas McDowell
John Douglas McDowell [10 April 1942 - Unknown] married Elizabeth Ann Wood on 22 September 1961. He divorced her on 16 June 1978. Three children were born of this marriage and are listed below. John married again to Sarah Jenelle Spivey on 18 June 1978.
Patricia Ann McDowell [24 March 1964 - Unknown].
Sharlon Elizabeth McDowell [6 December 1966 - Unknown].
John Douglas McDowell, Jr. [13 October 1968 - Unknown].
James Clinton McDowell
James Clinton McDowell [30 November 1912 - 29 March 1998
OR/FG] married Iona Marie Harvelle [1 April 1922 - 21 April 2009
OR/FG] on 28 August 1941. Six children were born.
Carl Clinton McDowell [16 October 1942 - 10 June 1962
Elsie Marie McDowell [10 November 1943 - ] married Jerry Deaton but they divorced. One daughter was born: Sherry Dennene Deaton [20 May 1965 - ].
Wilma Jean McDowell [26 March 1945 - ] married James Davis.
Billy Ray McDowell [21 May 1946] married Doris LaVerne Perry on 22 December 1962. One Child was born: Dennis Ray McDowell [5 September 1963 - ].
Eva Linda McDowell [1 October 1953 - ].
Randy Rance McDowell [15 June 1958 - ].
Mary Ann McDowell
Mary Ann McDowell [25 October 1875 - 23 September 1944
CHC/FG/NCDC] married Milton Atwood Hunt [25 May 1876 - 13 May 1941
CHC/FG/NCDC], the son of John Hunt and Martha Synthia Linthicum, on 10 November 1895. They had the following children who survived infancy.
Everett Bryant Hunt [28 August 1896 - 29 March 1965
MEM/FG/NCDC] married first to Pearl Stogner [15 September 1898 - 21 October 1926
ROCK/FG] and second to Lula Hampton [26 September 1899 - 11 December 1990
Blanche Bertha Hunt [21 March 1900 - 16 February 1983
Pauline Maxie Hunt [7 August 1912 - 13 July 1976
CMP/FG] married John Franklin Verble [9 May 1898 - 22 May 1949
Mary and Milton appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Montgomery County NC
Milton Hunt - 24 M - Head - May 1876 m/5 - NC NC NC
Mary - 23 F - Wife - Oct 1876 m/5 3/2 - NC NC NC
Everet - 3 M - Son - Aug 1896 - NC NC NC
Bertha - 2/12 F - Daughter - Mar 1900 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Chesterfield County SC
Steer Pen
Melton A. Hunt - 33 M - Head - M1/14 - NC NC NC
Mary A. - 33 F - Wife - m1/14 6/2 - NC NC NC
Everett - 13 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bertha B. - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Rowan County NC
Milton Hunt - 45 M - Head - NC NC NC
Mary - 44 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Blanche - 19 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Pauline - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Sallie McDowell - 19 F - Boarder - NC NC NC
F. Josephine Hunt - 1 F - Grandaughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Rowan County NC
Milton A. Hunt - 53 M - Head - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Mary A. - 53 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Evert B. - 36 M - Son, Wd - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Bertha B. - 30 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Pauline - 17 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Farrell - 11 F - Grandaughter - NC NC NC
Virginia - 5 F - Grandaughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Rowan County NC
Milton A. Hunt - 63 M - Head - NC
Mary M. - 64 F - Wife - NC
Everett B. - 43 M - Son - NC
Blanche B. - 40 F - Daughter - NC
Farrell J. - 21 F - Grandaughter - NC
Virginia M. - 15 F - Grandaughter - NC
Sallie McDowell
Sallie McDowell was probably born around 1830 in Randolph County and died just prior to 1900. Her age changes throughout the census records, but 1830 appears the most reasonable choice. The grave marker at Pleasant Union United Church of Christ implies the confusion as it states "Sallie McDowell about 70 years of age." Her name has not been found in the 1900 Census.
Sallie McDowell does appear in all the census records beginning in 1850 and continuing through 1880. There are two interesting pieces of information in the census records about Sallie. In the 1870 Census, Sallie is listed as living with a Mary McDowell who is approximately 70 years old. No other information about this Mary McDowell has been found. She could conceivably be a sister or sister-in-law to Sallie's father
John McDowell.
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township, PO Jackson Creek
Mary McDowel - 70 F - Keeping house - NC
Sallie - 40 F - no occupation NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township
Sallie McDowel - 50 - Keeping House - NC NC NC
Kenny - 24 M - Nephew - Laborer - NC NC NC
Lincoln - 20 M - Nephew - Laborer - NC NC NC
A second interesting note appears in the 1880 Census of Randolph County. Both
Kenny Bell and
Lincoln Bell are listed as nephews living with Sallie McDowell. Since Kenny and Lincoln were children of Henry Bell and
Martha McDowell, and since Sallie and Martha were sisters, then the relationship of nephew is correct. This verifies that Martha McDowell Bell was a daughter of
John McDowell and Tilathy Hill and that Martha probably was deceased by 1880. The Sarah McDowell who was a witness at
the inquest of
John McDowell was probably Sallie since Sallie is a nickname for Sarah.
In 1865, there is a case involving the State vs. Sally McDowell.[
52] Sally is found guilty of assault and battery and is ordered to pay the defendent a fine of $10.00 and cost of suit. We note that this could be
Sarah, the daughter of James McDowell and Susannah Glasgow. The case is also recorded in the court records.
State vs Sally MsDowell } Indictment AB Not Guilty
The following Jury sworn charged and empannelled to wit
[List of Names]
who for their verdict say that they find the Defendant Guilty. It is ordered by the Court that the Defendant pay a fine of $10. and costs of suit.
RandolphP&QS: Wednesday 8 February 1865
On motion it is ordered by the Court that following Bills of State cost be paid by the County Trustee into the County Court Clerk's Office, to wit:
State vs McDowell & McDowell - $3.42
RandolphP&QS: Tuesday 8 May 1866
Finally, according to Bible records of one of the Yates families,
Jeremiah McDowell's mother was listed as Sally McDowell. When looking at the
1850 Census and
1860 Census for the family of Tilathy Hill McDowell, Sally McDowell is listed, presumably as a daughter, and a young child Jeremiah McDowell is listed at an age of five and then fifteen. This fits the age of Jeremiah McDowell whose father's last name was thought to be a Robbins or a Rollins. Sally having not married, Jeremiah assumed the McDowell name.
Jeremiah M. McDowell
Jeremiah M. McDowell [3 June 1845 - 26 June 1909
PUC/FG] married Mary Ann Stewart [25 April 1844 - 20 April 1926
PUC/FG], the daughter of Alexander Stewart (Stuart) and Martha Ann Miller Hill, on 27 August 1865 according to Jeremiah's obituary. Jeremiah and Mary Ann had the following children:
Sarah J. McDowell [1868 - Unknown]
Eula Elma McDowell [14 December 1868 - 19 August 1962
HOOV/FG] married Fernando Napoleon Johnson [15 October 1866 - 13 April 1947
HOOV/FG], the son of William Johnson and Alice Elmore, on 15 August 1886 by Justice of the Peace John W. Ridge in Randolph County.
Mirah Isabella McDowell [26 June 1876 - 16 January 1969
OAKWD/FG] married John Randolph Allred [11 August 1871 - 13 May 1921
OAKWD/FG], the son of Levi William Allred and Martha Frazier, on 23 December 1896 with J. W. Parker presiding.
Queen Victoria McDowell [29 April 1889 - 11 August 1915
HOOV/FG] married Benjamin Franklin Ridge [9 September 1880 - 5 April 1937
HOOV/FG] on 1 August 1909 with Justice of the Peace D. G. McMasters presiding and had one daughter:
Clara Victoria Ridge [11 August 1915 - Unknown] After her death, Benjamin married Lillie Anne Tysinger [16 April 1890 - 3 March 1946
HOOV/FG], the daughter of Henry Samuel Tysinger and Martha Elmira McDowell.
Jeremiah McDowell is listed in the 1850 Census with Tilathy McDowell (widow of
John McDowell) and other children at age five. Obviously, since John McDowell died in 1842, John is not Jeremiah's father. According to records in the Yate's family, Jeremiah McDowell's mother was Sally McDowell, presumably the daughter of John and Tilathy McDowell. Other oral records list the father's last name as Rollins or Robbins. In either case, Jeremiah assumes the McDowell name.
Jeremiah appeared in the following census records.
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township, PO Jackson Creek
Jeremiah McDowel - 22 M - Farmer - NC
Mary A. - 21 F - Keeping house - NC
Martha E. - 3 F - at home - NC
Sarah J. - 2 F - at home - NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township
Jerimiah McDowel - 34 - Grain Farmer - NC NC NC
Mary - 33 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
Marthia - 13 F - Daughter - At Home - NC NC NC
Ulah - 11 F - Daughter - At Home - NC NC NC
Alx V. - 10 M - Son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Binjamin - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mirah - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Eli - 3/12 M Feb - Son - NC NC NC
Sallie Lawrance - 42 F - Servant - Laborer - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Jerry M. - 63 M - Head - Farmer - m1/45 - NC NC NC
Mary A. - 62 F - Wife - m1/45 10/8 - NC NC NC
With respect to Jeremiah's wife Martha, A Randolph County deed dated 21 June 1911 from M. A. McDowell to E. L. McDowell describes land willed to her by her father Alex Stuart confirming the identity of her parents.[RandolphDB:42]
Martha Elmira McDowell
Martha Elmira McDowell [8 December 1866 - 3 April 1948
HOOV/FG/NCDC] married Henry Samuel Tysinger [5 July 1861 - 19 January 1927
HOOV/FG] on 21 January 1883 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Bertha Elma Tysinger [11 December 1883 - 25 May 1974
PUC/FG] married John Wesley Yates [28 August 1878 - 1 February 1968
PUC/FG], the son of Noah Yates and
Tabitha Duella McDowell.
Flora May Tysinger [5 February 1886 - 17 August 1907
HOOV/FG] married Wilson Penuel Ridge [April 1875 - 22 October 1936
FLORAL/FG] on 25 December 1902 in Randolph County NC.
Lillie Ann Tysinger [16 April 1890 - 3 March 1946
HOOV/FG] married Benjamin Franklin Ridge [9 September 1880 - 5 April 1937
HOOV/FG] on 1 August 1909 in Randolph County NC.
Margaret Viola Tysinger [29 September 1890 - 8 January 1973
HOOV/FG] married Rufus I. Williams [9 March 1886 - 21 December 1952
Nellie Tysinger [27 April 1892 - 28 January 1971
PUC/FG] married Roby Willis Trotter [20 July 1880 - 15 September 1956
Dollie Tysinger [23 November 1894 - 24 May 1981
PUC/FG] married William Stanley Ridge [18 July 1893 - 19 February 1968
PUC/FG] on 31 March 1913.
Perlie Jeremiah Tysinger [13 November 1897 - 29 January 1919
HOOV/FG] never married.
Lewis Eli Tysinger [8 August 1899 - 22 February 1900
Henry Howard Tysinger [19 February 1901 - 11 November 1920
HOOV/FG] never married.
Gloroetta "Roetta" Tysinger [19 November 1903 - 19 January 1987
HOOV/FG] married Benjamin Carson "Bennie" Ridge [8 July 1904 - 9 June 1976
Ethel Iva Tysinger [13 August 1907 - 16 January 1993
TTRIN/FG] married Clyde Ross Parrish [27 September 1906 - 20 November 1960
Alexander Verden McDowell
Alexander Verden McDowell [15 January 1870 - 16 February 1948
PUC/FG] married Alice Delphine Bell [18 November 1886 - 23 January 1965
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Kenneth R. Bell and Margret Ridge, on 7 December 1901 with Justice of the Peace Marcus L. Wood presiding. Fifteen children were born.
Henry Clay McDowell [24 March 1904 -27 March 1937
0ra J. McDowell [19 October 1905 - 21 August 1906
Ada May McDowell [26 June 1914 - 29 April 1962] married Hubert Allen Rich on 20 November 1954.
Louie Rowettie McDowell [27 May 1917 - 1983] never married.
Lewis Hilliard McDowell [1 March 1919 - 24 February 1986
PUC/FG] never married.
Elsie Delphina McDowell [26 January 1927 - 17 February 2005
RMP/FG] married Flaveous Kyle Robbins [1 March 1926 - 15 November 1991
RMP/FG], the son of Kit Carson Robbins and Lillian Cloe Canoy.
Luke E. McDowell [23 November 1928 - 16 July 1986
PUC/FG] never married.
Alexander appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Alexander V. Mcdowell - 40 M - m1/8 - NC NC NC
Alice D. - 23 F - Wife - m1/8 5/4 - NC NC NC
Everet M. - 7 M - son - NC NC NC
Henry C. - 6 M - son - NC NC NC
Anthin E. - 3 M - son - NC NC NC
Regie J. - 7/12 M - son - NC NC NC
Vesa N. Bell - 18 F - Servant - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Alex V. McDowell - 49 M - Head - Farmer - NC NC NC
Alice - 33 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Elbert M. - 17 M - Son - NC NC NC
Hency C. - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Arthur E. - 12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Reggie - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Charlie F. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ada M. - 5 6/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Louie R. - 2 10/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Lewis H. - 10/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Alex V. McDowell - 60 M - NC NC NC
Alice - 43 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Charlie - 19 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ada - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Louie - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Lewis - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Herman - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Howard - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Elsie - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Paul - 3 1/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Luke - 1 4/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Alex V. McDowell - 70 M - NC
Alice - 53 F - Wife - NC
Ada - 25 F - Daughter - NC
Louie - 22 F - Daughter - NC
Louis - 21 M - Son - NC
Herman - 19 M - Son - NC
Howard - 18 M - Son - NC
Elsie - 16 F - Daughter - NC
Paul - 14 M - Son - NC
Luke - 11 M - Son - NC
Mamie - 7 F - Daughter - NC
Elbert Marvin McDowell
Elbert Marvin McDowell [20 August 1902 - 27 April 1973
PUC/FG] married Martha "Mattie" Adlaid Small [22 January 1907 - 6 April 1996
PUC/FG] on 16 July 1927. They had the following children.
James Lee A. McDowell [5 June 1929 - 29 June 1991
PUC/FG] was a resident of Thomasville most of his life and was employed at Thomasville Cabinet for 21 years. He attended Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church in Randolph County. On 16 June 1951, he married Mary Kinley who survived at his death. Two daughters were born:
Sandra McDowell who married an Embry and
Janet McDowell who married a Hoover. At his death, his mother still survived at Route 2, Denton. His funeral was held at 2 p.m. Sunday at Pleasant Union United Methodist Church in Randolph County by the Revs. Luther Harris, James Cooper, and Edmund Lambeth.
Coy Henry McDowell [21 September 1931 - 6 May 1982
PUC/FG] married Mary Cornelia Hinson.
Vernon Ray McDowell [11 October 1933] married Annie Mae Pugh first and had two children: Judy Ann McDowell [18 July 1953 - Unknown] and Pamela Kay McDowell [10 July 1955 - Unknown]. Second, he married Martha Louis Howell and had one child: Terry Ray McDowell [29 May 1962 - Unknown].
Everett Richard McDowell [10 May 1936 - 29 December 1987
Roy Gene McDowell [2 June 1940].
Lonnie Hilliard McDowell [12 April 1943 - 30 October 1964] married Linda Colleen Hunt on 22 July 1962.
Ralph Junior McDowell [13 April 1946 - Unknown].
Martha Elizabeth McDowell [24 May 1948 - Unknown] married a Cox.
Dalton Charles McDowell [30 December 1949 - Unknown].
Arthur Exton McDowell
Arthur Exton McDowell [14 January 1907 - 21 November 1971
PUC/FG/NCDCSup] married Ocia Edna Small [6 January 1910 - 17 December 2000
PUC/FG], the daughter of Ream Harrison Small and Eunice Corrina Pierce, on 13 September 1930 in Randolph County. They had the following children.
Fred Austin McDowell [6 January 1931 - Unknown] married Francis Arlene Morris and had four children: Jimmy Austin McDowell [3 NOvember 1953 - Unknown], Joyce Lynn McDowell [29 July 1956 - Unknown], Perry Lane McDowell [25 March 1958 - Unknown], and Terry Wayne McDowell [25 March 1958 - Unknown].
Ora Kathleen McDowell [20 April 1932 - 18 April 2024
OAK/FG] married Ernest Leroy Clark [1930 - 7 March 2008
Virgie Marie McDowell [27 May 1933 - Unknown].
Thelma Louisa McDowell [13 March 1935 - 10 May 2024
CLARK/FG] married Lloyd Donald Lambeth [23 June 1935 - 18 September 2015
Betty Jean McDowell [8 July 1938 - 30 January 1939
Eunice Magdalene McDowell [11 April 1940 - 13 January 1971
NHOPE/FG] married Earl Edward Hill [8 March 1935 - 18 November 1969
NHOPE/FG], the son of Edward Clarence Hill and Grace Surratt.
Ruby Elizabeth McDowell [18 October 1941 - 5 September 2020
PUC/FG] married a Bristow.
Edna Ruth McDowell [9 April 1943 - Unknown].
Glenn Exton McDowell [17 July 1944 - 29 October 2005
PUC/FG] married Mable Smith [28 March 1954 - 26 July 2001
Minnie Lee/Leigh McDowell [25 May 1947 - 11 March 2019
PUC/FG] married a Cranford.
Calvin Randall McDowell [10 November 1949 - 8 October 1982
PUC/FG] married Joann Hulin.
Toby McDowell
Reggie Jeremiah McDowell
Reggie Jeremiah McDowell [22 August 1909 - 17 February 1978
PUC/FG] married twice; first to Ida Absilla Parrish [29 December 1914 - 28 January 1934
PUC/FG], the daughter of Onslow McCarthy Parrish and Velora Lizzie Wood, on 8 April 1932. They had only one Child. Reggie remarried second to Ila Green Loflin [4 November 1924 - 13 February 2006
PUC/FG], the daughter of William Lindsay Loflin and Flora Cumi Cameron, on 26 August 1948 and had two more children. Ila Loflin was a sister to the second wife of
Artley Ray McDowell .
Mable Louise McDowell [19 July 1933 - 28 March 1983
HULD/FG] married Leonard Wayne Thomas [1927 - 6 January 2008
HULD/FG] on 29 November 1957.
David Ray McDowell [15 December 1949 - Unknown].
Mary Alice McDowell [20 March 1951 - Unknown] married Tommy Garner.
Charles Fletcher McDowell
Charles Fetcher McDowell [15 November 1911 - 21 May 1969
HOOV/FG] married Lillie Esther Shaw [23 April 1912 - 15 March 2008
HOOV/FG], the daughter of Jesse Edgar Shaw and Corinna Alice Vuncannon, on 15 July 1933 in Randolph County. They had the following children.
Betty Lou McDowell [16 September 1934 - Unknown] married Neil Sheffield, Jr. on 4 April 1952.
Callie Marie McDowell [26 December 1936 - 5 March 2020
EMM/FG] married Edwin Astor Chriscoe on 25 December 1954.
Cleo Rebecca McDowell [29 January 1939 - Unknown] married Gary Allen Frick on 11 June 1961.
Herman Kenny McDowell
Herman Kenny McDowell [26 August 1920 - 27 July 1972
FARM/FG] married Ellen Opal Holleman [8 July 1922 - 10 December 1979
FARM/FG], the daughter of Almon Austin Holleman and Mary Ellen Wood, on 11 February 1950. They had the following children.
Herman Kenny McDowell, Jr.
Douglas Alman McDowell [7 March 1953 - Unknown].
Howard Alexander McDowell
Howard Alexander McDowell [8 March 1922 - 8 March 1970
PUC/FG] married Winsie Gray Daniels [24 August 1923 - 12 March 1999
PUC/FG]. They had the following children.
Dainne McDowell [7 June 1946 - Unknown].
John Henry McDowell [6 February 1949 - 2 March 1950
Linda Lou McDowell [8 January 1951 - Unknown].
Nancy Jo McDowell [26 February 1954 - Unknown].
Mark Anthony McDowell [7 May 1956 - Unknown].
Paul Thomas McDowell
Paul Thomas McDowell [10 February 1926 - 6 May 1992
HOOV/FG] married Rachel Jewell Hoover [5 October 1927 - 30 October 2017
HOOV/FG] on 16 March 1946. They had the following child.
Harvey Wayne McDowell [17 September 1948 - Unknown].
Mamie Elizabeth McDowell
Mamie Elizabeth McDowell [4 April 1933 - 17 August 2013
BACK/FG] married Marvin Ray Rich [6 September 1921 - 8 April 1990
BACK/FG] on 21 August 1954. They had the following children.
Alice Lowella Rich [30 July 1955 - Unknown] married a Frazier.
Walter Ray Rich [28 November 1956 - Unknown].
Calvin Lee Rich [28 December 1957 - Unknown].
Martin Dean Rich [7 March 1959 - Unknown].
Timothy Mavin Rich [24 January 1961 - Unknown].
Henry Benjamin McDowell
Henry Benjamin McDowell [20 October 1882/(1874 on census) - 25 September 1934
GWD/FG] moved to Iowa. He was married twice; first to Virgie ? and second to Beuna Ruth Davison [22 July 1888 - 17 January 1969
GWD/FG]. The following information about the family was supplied by his grandson Denis Henry McDowell.
Roy Stewart McDowell
Roy Stewart McDowell [26 May 1910 - 24 September 1937
GWD/FG] married Gertrude J. Hays [25 August 1904 - 29 December 1989
GWD/FG] on 27 February 1935.
Denis Henry McDowell [10 January 1936 - Unknown] married Judith Tormey and had two children: Karen Elizabeth McDowell [29 July 1968 - Unknown] and Meredith Tracy McDowell [6 November 1969 - Unknown].
Eli Lenvil McDowell
Eli Lenvil McDowell [20 February 1880 - 3 July 1936
PUC/FG] married to Martha Trithenia Pierce [5 January 1887 - 3 March 1974
PUC/FG], the daughter of Thomas Gilmore Pierce and Ellen Green Nance, on 2 October 1904 with Marcus L. Wood, Justice of the Peace, presiding. They had the following children.
Vida Catherine McDowell [19 June 1923 - 22 July 2014
PUC/FG] married Roy Lee Swaney [24 February 1927 - 31 July 2009
PUC/FG], the son of Reuben Curtis Swaney and Minnie Correna Summey, on 8 September 1945.
Eli appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Eli L. McDowell - 30 M - Head - Farmer - m1/5 - NC NC NC
Martha - 23 F - Wife - m1/5 3/3 - NC NC NC
Ira L. - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
Berniece - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Exie A. - 7/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Eli L. McDowell - 39 M - Head - Farmer - NC NC NC
Martha T. - 34 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Ira L. - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bernice - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Exie A. - 10 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Dallas L. - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
George M. - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
John A. - 2 6/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mary A. - 72 F - Mother, Wd - NC NC NC
Ira Lewis McDowell
Ira Lewis McDowell [1 June 1905 - 14 February 1999
RMP/FG] married Ruth Marybell Holleman [15 August 1909 - 20 January 1990
RMP/FG], the daughter of Almon Austin Holleman and Mary Ellen Wood, on 22 July 1939 in Randolph County. Mrs. McDowell was a native of Wake County and a member of Asheboro United Church of Christ. She was secretary and treasurer of Realty Assistance, Inc. She was a charter member of the Randolph Chapter of the ABWA where a scholarship has been given in her honor the past two years by the club. She has received the woman of the year award from the chapter and is also a member of the Inter Circle of the National Association. According to the obituary, at her death a son W. Richard McDowell of Harrisburg, PA survived. Also surviving her were her brothers Jack J. Holleman of Holly Springs, Sherwood A. Holleman of Holly Springs, J. Lee Holleman of Holly Springs, Ben B. Holleman of Asheboro, and three grandchildren. (Authors note: Since Ruth Holleman was a Wake County, it is assumed that Holly Springs is referring to the small city in southern Wake County. Her funeral was conducted by Dr. John Dauernheim and Rev. George McDowell and the burial was at the Randolph Memorial Park.
William Richard McDowell [21 November 1944 - 31 December 2020
Bernice McDowell
Bernice McDowell [5 March 1907 - 3 February 1971
PUC/FG] married Troy J. Trotter [28 April 1902 - 14 July 1977
PUC/FG] on 21 February 1925 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Evelyn Verlee Trotter [10 December 1925 - 19 March 2020
WCHAP/Fg] married
James Alson Bunting, III [9 July 1920 - 6 December 1994
WCHAP/FG] on 20 May 1944 in Randolph County.
John Austin Trotter [14 May 1927 - 17 February 2010
BETH/FG] married Mary Ann Hunt [21 April 1933 - 28 March 2008
James Lewis Trotter [24 July 1929 - 2 October 2008
OAK/FG] married Rona Evelyn King [1 January 1933 - 14 February 2019
Charles Eli Trotter [12 May 1931 - Unknown].
Tillman Wayne Trotter [5 November 1933].
Alice Lee Trotter [18 December 1935 - 8 July 2007
ALL/FG] married Max Thomas Cabe [3 October 1929 - 28 October 1994
ALL/FG], the son of William Anderson Cabe and Henrietta Sosby.
Joseph Small Trotter [15 January 1941 - ].
Exie Ann McDowell
Exie Ann McDowell [5 September 1909 - 20 April 1992
RMP/FG] married Clarence Elbert Snider [29 May 1909 - 31 March 1998
RMP/FG] on 28 November 1936 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Linda Ann Snider [9 June 1940 - 22 August 1973
RMP/FG] married Robert Wayne Mckenzie [1 November 1936 - 13 April 2002
Clarence Mahion Snider [4 September 1942 - Unknown].
Dallas Lafeyette McDowell
Dallas Lafeyette "Slim" McDowell [13 March 1912 - 3 April 1974
PUC/FG] married twice; first to Alice Corrina Hoover [12 August 1911 - 23 September 1934
PUC/FG], the daughter of Guy Hoover and a Vuncanon, on 31 December 1932. Dallas married a second time to Edna Clarice Farlow [24 July 1918 - 16 June 1998
PUC/FG], the daughter of Lawrence Elwood Farlow and Mary Blanche Hill, on 19 February 1937. He had the following children:
Clinton David McDowell [10 August 1934 - 30 November 2000
RMP/FG] married Mattie Sue Simmons [23 April 1936 - 21 May 2013
Edna Ruth McDowell [1 December 1938 - 1 December 1938
Tellis "Ted" Clayton McDowell [8 May 1940 - Unknown] married Katherine Jane Dowd [11 March 1942 - 23 November 1999], the daughter of Fred Dowd and Edith Frazier, on 16 July 1961.
Reba Inez McDowell [27 January 1943 - 3 December 1998
PRID/Fg] married Floyd Jackson Welborn [30 May 1939 - 20 August 2001
PRID/FG] on 22 October 1961.
Phillip Lauren McDowell [9 February 1948 - 14 January 2021
Milton Gregory McDowell [1 January 1951 - Unknown].
George Milby McDowell
George Milby McDowell [10 November 1914 - 22 March 2006
RMP/FG] married Dorothy May Winslow [21 February 1916 - 9 March 1992
RMP/FG] on 3 August 1935. They had the following children.
Joyce Carolyn McDowell [6 September 1936 - 23 February 1983
RMP/FG] married William Willard Cox [2 March 1932 - 16 October 2004
RMP/FG], the son of William Alton Cox and Louise Corene Cleveland, on 30 June 1956 in Randolph County NC.
Jerry Thomas McDowell [4 October 1941 - ] married Joy MNU in Muncie IN.
G. Kenneth McDowell married Kathy MNU.
Nolan McDowell married Joyce MNU.
Steve McDowell married Judy MNU.
John Alvin McDowell
John Alvin McDowell [8 June 1917 - 15 March 2013
PUC/FG] married Nola Allene Loflin [17 January 1919 - 25 January 2021
PUC/FG], the daughter of David Leonard Loflin and Ethel Smith, on 10 November 1945.
John Larry McDowell [16 November 1946 - Unknown].
David Lenvil McDowell [28 November 1948 - Unknown].
Pearl Lonnie McDowell
Pearl Lonnie McDowell [21 January 1920 - 1 February 1980
PUC/FG] married Hazel Eugenia Hammond [9 June 1918 - 24 March 1999
PUC/FG], the daughter of Mavin Henry Hammond and Lundia Ellen Welch, on 26 July 1941. They had the following children.
Gerrelene Welch McDowell [21 January 1947 - Unknown] married Eddie Lee Walker on 15 June 1969.
Maxton Curtis McDowell [29 May 1950 - Unknown] married Linda Sue Myers [2 March 1953], the daughter of Charlie Raymond Myers and Mabel Lee Loflin, on 19 August 1973. They had a son: Patrick Alan McDowell [10 February 1979 - Unknown].
Casper Eli McDowell
Casper Eli McDowell [4 February 1926 - 24 June 2016
RMP/FG] married Clara Magdalen Hatley [23 September 1926 - 3 July 2007
RMP/FG] on 2 October 1943. They had the following children.
Keith Casper McDowell [16 September 1944 - Unknown] married Tillie MNU.
Lynn Michael McDowell [3 March 1951 - Unknown] married Susan MNU.
Martha Imogene McDowell
Martha Imogene McDowell [12 October 1928 - 10 June 2014
PUC/FG] married Edwin Lee Ridge [31 October 1923 - 11 November 2002
PUC/FG] on 1 November 1947. They had the following children
Clifford Dennis Ridge [20 October 1948 - Unknown].
Dianne Lee Ridge [12 July 1951 - Unknown].
Joanne Lee Ridge [12 July 1951 - Unknown].
Susan Jan Ridge [20 March 1955 - Unknown].
Lois Greene McDowell
Lois Greene McDowell [18 July 1932 - 21 September 2003
RMP/FG] married James Lewis Staley [17 November 1928 - 20 November 1994
RMP/FG], the son of Thomas Raymond Staley and Mary Ann Cox, on 20 February 1954. They had the following child.
Debra S. Staley married a Mulkey.
Minnie McDowell
Minnie McDowell [12 March 1886 - 4 April 1966
PUC/FG] married Milton Lackey [1869 - 22 June 1935
PUC/FG], the son of Wilson Lackey and Mary Small, on 15 October 1905. Minnie and Milton were married by Justice of the Peace D. G. McMasters. Milton's first wife Margaret Gallimore was born in July 1870 and died in 1902. After Milton died, Minnie married second to Henry Alphous/Alpheus Small [13 November 1878 - 22 January 1970
PIER/FG], the son of Wilson Small and Caroline Epps. She had the following children.
George H. Lackey [3 August 1906 - 8 June 1913
Roy Hayden Lackey [24 February 1912 - 29 February 1952
OAK/FG] married Edna Louise Helms [5 June 1916 - 25 December 1951
Edith Lucille Lackey [25 July 1914 - 16 September 2008
REID/FG] married Caldwell Carl Smith [26 September 1911 - 11 July 1997
Denzel Milton Lackey [12 April 1920 - Unknown].
Nancy Ann McDowell
Nancy McDowell [c1831 - Bf November 1860] married Jonathan Raynor Robbins [12 May 1817 - 10 October 1910
NUC/FG], the son of William Robbins and Mary "Polly" Izzard, on 20 January 1847 in Randolph County NC with witness Daniel Burnett. We have used the 1860 Census provided below to determine the children of Nancy and Jonathan.
Emeline "Emily" Robbins [11 February 1847/1850(NCDC) - 22 November 1930
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Elgiavan "Elzie" M. Yates [11 October 1852 - 15 December 1930
PUC/FG/NCDC], the son of William Bailey Yates and Arpia Hill. His tombstone reports his birth year as 1854 in disagreement with his death certificate which reports 1852.
Matilda Bythe Letitha/Letitia/Tilda Robbins [6 June 1854 - 6 November 1930
OLD/FG/NCDC] married Elkanah "Kannie/Caney" Wall [17 June 1837 - 17 June 1924
OLD/FG] on 18 October 1881 in Randolph County NC.
0rlando/Arlendo Lawrence Robbins [6/9 February 1857 - 6 May 1923
SOUTH/FG/NCDC] married Julia Ann Yates [7 June 1862 - 18 June 1922
SOUTH/FG/NCDC], the daughter of William Bailey Yates and Arpia Hill.
Nancy apparently died after the 1860 Census was taken since Jonathan married Ruth Lawrence [16 May 1840 - June 1908
NUC/FG] on 1 November 1860 in Randolph County NC with bondsman
Frederick L. Yates, husband of Nancy's sister Tilathy. At least eight children were born to Jonathan and Ruth Robbins.
We display the 1860 and 1870 census records for completeness in our presentation. A record for 1850 has not been found. Note that Jonathan's mother, Polly Izzard Robbins, is living with him in 1860.
1860 Census Randolph County NC
Western Division, PO Asheboro
Jonathan Robbins - 35 M - F.L. - NC
Nancy - 29 F - h - NC
Emily - 13 F - NC
Letitha - 6 F - NC
Orlendo - 3 M - NC
Polly - 60 F - h - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Asheboro, PO Asheboro
Jonathan Robbins - 47 M - Farmer - NC
Ruth - 30 F - Keeping house - NC
Emily - 20 F - Domestic Servt - NC
Orlando L. - 11 M - at home - NC
Matilda - 13 F - at home - NC
Thomas - 7 M - at home - NC
Mary A. - 6 F - at home - NC
Samira E. - 3 F - at home - NC
Joel - 1 M - at home - NC
Jonathan appeared in a number of court cases in the Randolph County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. We learn that Jonathan was insolvent in 1862. Transcriptions taken from the minutes of the court are as follows:
Bollivar B. Bulla vs Jonathan Robbins } Ca Sa
Nixon Henley, the security for the Deft produces said defendant in open Court, and
surrenders him is discharge of himself. Surrender withdrawn. Defendant counsel moved for Casa to amend his schedule, Casa granted, Fraud suggested. Specifications filed.
RandolphP&QS: Tuesday 8 August 1860
Bolivar B. Bulla vs Jonathan Robbins } Ca Sa
A.C. Bulla and Micajah Henley as the securities for the defendant appear in open Court and surrender Jonathan Robbins in discharge of themselves, Whereupon said Jonathan Robbins is ordered into the custody of the Sheriff, A.C. Bulla withdraws the surrender as to himself.
RandolphP&QS: Monday 4 February 1861
State vs Jonathan Robbins } Peace Warrant
Upon the oath and examination of John C. Hill it is adjudged by the Court that the defendant be bound in a bond of $100. to keep the peace toward said Hill. The defendant with Dempsey M Miller as his security acknowledge themselves indebted to the State of North Carolina in the sum of $100. to be levied of their goods and chattels lands and tenements to be void on condition that Jonathan Robbins keeps the peace toward said Hill, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
RandolphP&QS: Friday 9 August 1861
State vs Jonathan Robbins } Peace Warrant
The defendant appeared and is discharged without day.
RandolphP&QS: Thursday 7 November 1861
The following bills of States cost are allowed by the Court to wit,
State vs Jonathan Robbins $6.58 State vs J.C. Hill $1.68
RandolphP&QS: Thursday 6 February 1862
On motion, it is ordered by the Court that the following list of Insolvents and those in the army of the Confederate States in the year 1862 be allowed the Sheriff to wit:
Insolvent poll to wit: Jonathan Robbins $2.
RandolphP&QS: Thursday 6 August 1863
Civil War records indicate that Jonathan Robbins was a Private in Capt. J. W. Turner's Company, 6th Senior Reserves based on a Muster Roll from 25 June 1864 till [undated]. He enlisted 24 June 1864 in Asheboro by Capt. D. C. Pearson for the war at age 9, height 5 feet 10 inches with dark complexion, dark hair, blue eyes and occupation blacksmith.
Tilathy McDowell
Tilathy McDowell [13 September 1833 - 17 March 1883
PUC] married Frederick L. Yates [1836 - 24 October 1863], the son of Frederick Yates and Elizabeth Dockry, on 30 September 1856 in Randolph County with bondsmen Andrew L. Yates. The ceremony was performed by W. F. Brookshire, a Justice of the Peace. There are two markers for Tilathy's grave at the Pleasant Union Church. One is the original slab that could be faintly read in the 1970s and the other is a later marker that is now broken but readable. On the marker her name is spelled Telitha. The children of Frederick Yates and Tilathy McDowell are the following:
Elizabeth Yates [1857 - ].
John Mc Yates [1859 - Bf 1870].
Peter Riley Yates [13 December 1860 - 18 March 1932
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Rebecca J. Ridge [9 October 1866 - 13 March 1950
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of William Ridge and Kathleen Yates, on 23 March 1884 in Randolph County NC.
Tilathy and Frederick appeared together in the 1860 Census.
1860 Census Randolph County NC
Western Division
Fred L. Yates - 25 M - F. - NC
Telitha - 25 F - h. - NC
Eliza - 3 F
John Ne - 1 M
In 1855, a Frederick Yates is summoned in a jury pool, but it is likely the father.
Jury pool next P&QS term: #36 Frederick Yates
RandolphP&QS: Monday 5 February 1855
In 1862, Frederick is listed as insolvent.
The following is a list of Insolvent taxable Polls &C returned by J.W. Steed Sheriff of Randolph for the year 1860, To wit
Glenns District: Fred Yates State 80 cts County 55 cts
RandolphP&QS: Friday 8 August 1862
Frederick volunteered for service in the Civil War on 12 March 1862 as a private in Company F, Regiment 46. At the time he was 26 years old, 5 feet 7½ inches tall and listed his occupation as a farmer. In September and October of 1862, Frederick is listed in confinement. He had deserted at Leesburg on 6 September 1862. He deserted again at Winchester on 8 October 1862 and was released from confinement on 29 January 1863 by general orders. On 31 August 1863, Frederick L. Yates was severly wounded in the bowels and hip at the battle of Bristow Station. He was in the hospital on 14 October 1863. General Hospital Number 1 in Richmond, Virginia listed the injury as a "minnie ball" (gunshot) in the groin. He died from the injury on 24 October 1863.
Following the Civil War the Randolph County Court processed the Estate of Frederick Yates.
On motion letters of administration on the estate of Frederick Yates decd are granted to A. C. Yates, he entering into bond in the sum of $200. with Willis Ridge and John W Ward as his sureties and qualified according to law.
Randolp P&QS: Monday 5 February 1866
The Administrator Bond of A. C. Yates exists.
The 1870 Census for Randolph County shows Tilitha (Tilathy) Yates as the head of household since her husband Frederick Yates died of wounds in the Civil War in 1863. John N. Yates is not shown with the family. The assumption is that he died in the 1860's.
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township, PO Jackson Creek
Tilitha Yates - 38 F - Keeping house - NC
Elizabeth - 14 F - at home - NC
Peter - 9 M - at home - NC
An 1880 census record for Tilathy has not been found.
Levi McDowell
Levi McDowell [10 November 1835 - 10 September 1897
PUC/FG] married Mary Ann "Polly" Yates [15 February 1838 - 26 April 1918
PUC/NCDC], the daughter of Solomon Yates and Elizabeth Caviness, but no marriage bond exists. Mary is referred to in court records of the Estate of her father Solomon Yates as Polly. Based on the age of their first child, Noah, Levi McDowell and Polly Yates were married about 1855.
Some of their grandchildren interviewed in the late 1970s said that Levi and Polly had fourteen children. According to the 1900 Census of Randolph County, she did indeed report fourteen children. Unfortunately, the names of all fourteen are not known. Those not known were probably infants who never married and who died young. The following represents the known children of Levi and Polly. Some of the individuals are assumed to be children by the fact that they are buried in Levi's plot at
Pleasant Union United Church of Christ.
Adliza McDowell [1871 - 25 October 1880] was phthisic in the 1880 Census which means a consumptive or wasting disease of the lungs.
Lenrae (?) McDowell [Aft 1870 - March 1878].
Mary McDowell [April 1873 - July 1878].
Mary Ann McDowell [14 September 1874 - 6 November 1878].
"Dau" McDowell only the remains of a marker with the letters "dau" are found in Levi's plot.
Infant McDowell no information is known except that there were fourteen children. This grave is unmarked.
Levi and Polly appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Randolph County NC
The Western Division, PO Asheboro
Levi McDowell - 25 M - L. - NC
Mary - 21 F - H - NC
Noah - 4 M - NC
Fred - 3 M - NC
William - 2 M - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township, PO Jackson Creek
Levi McDowel - 35 M - Farmer - NC
Mary A. - 26 F - Keeping house - NC
Noah - 13 M - at home - NC
Frederick - 12 M - at home - NC
Willaim B. - 11 M - at home - NC
John R. - 9 M - at home - NC
Lucinda - 7 F - at home - NC
Cicero - 4 M - at home - NC
Martha - 2 F - at home - NC
Elizabeth Yates - 70 F - no occupation - NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township
Levi McDowal - 48 M - Grain Farmer - NC NC NC
Polly - 40 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
William - 20 M - Son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Riley - 18 M - Son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Jane - 15 F - Daughter - At Home - NC NC NC
Cicero - 13 M - Son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Tishir - 4 F - daughter - At Home - NC NC NC
Adliha - 9 F - Daughter -Phihisic [Sic Phthisic] - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township
Polly McDowell - 68 F - Head, Widow - Un 1832 - 14/7 - NC NC NC
Levi and Polly lived most of their years in Jackson Creek but it is not known who owned the property where they first lived. On 31 July 1855, Soloman and Betsy Yates received $790 from the estate of Andrew Hoover. Calvin Hill, Riley Hill, Sion Hill, Solomon Yates and others bought items from the estate in 1852.
The earliest and only record showing that Levi McDowell owned land was in 1871. From
the land records of Randolph County, on 25 October 1871, Noah Yeats [Sic: Yates] sells twenty-five acres of land to "Leevini McDowell" at the price of $20. The land was located at a white oak near the big road near the steep part of the top of the Camp Branch Hill and lying on the waters of Camp Branch. The witness to the land transaction was J. C. Hill.
Levi McDowell served in the Civil War for a short period of time. He was a private in Company H of the 10 Regiment North Carolina Troops. He was enlisted on 23 February 1863 in Randolph County by Colonel Steele in a period of war. He was present or accounted for through April 1863 when he was listed as absent and reported in confinement in Goldsboro.
The immediate area in which Levi McDowell lived was called Little Texas during the Civil War. Today it is still referred to by that name. Randolph County was not in favor of seccession from the United States and many of the eligible young men were not in favor of fighting for the Confederacy. Thus Randolph County was considered pro-Union rather than Confederate. The Jackson Creek area became a hiding place for deserters from the Confederacy, especially some Texans who were stationed in Virginia. Many people in the area helped the deserters and in some cases used force to keep out the Marshalls. Thus, the area became known as Little Texas.
Although Levi McDowell did serve for a short time, the fact that he was in confinement plus a host of other stories indicate that he was anti-confederacy. According to
Julia Nety Griffin Cox, a granddaughter of Levi and Polly, Polly helped to hide out her husband Levi. She was determined that they (the Confederates) were not going to get him again. Polly had a lot of little children that needed the presence of her husband Levi.
The most common tale concerns the times that the soldiers would come by looking for Levi and could not find him. They tried to make Polly tell where he was hiding by putting her thumbs under the fence rails and then sitting on them. But Polly refused to tell.
Others stories tell of the soldiers coming to the house and wanting food to eat and drink. She would tell them no, that she kept weapons in the house and that if they came into the house she would kill them.
Another granddaughter
Fleta Lucinda Hoover Trotter remembers stories about Levi McDowell. The older adults used to say that Levi did not want to go to war. She recalls hearing the same story about the thumbs in the fence rail.
Eula McDowell Morris recalls another incident about Levi. The soldiers came by and found Levi on one of their trips. They put him on a train to carry him away. However, during the course of the trip the train had to slow down. When it did, Levi was ready. He had his shoes off and a window open and when he got the chance, he jumped out of the window and got away through a briarpatch. They never did catch him or find him again. Polly was suspected of knowing where he was hiding; so, she was guarded every night for awhile. Of course the baths were located outside the regular house and when she went for her bath, they followed her with their guns. The soldiers would use the stable at Polly's house to put up their horses at night. They would cut down hams from the smoke house and if she had supper cooked for the children, they would sit down and eat every bite. Polly would recook again for the children.
Once on a real cold night, Polly slipped out and carried Levi a hot supper. The soldiers were suspicious of her but she managed to get away. She knew where Levi was hiding but she had rather die than tell them where he was. On this particular occasion, Levi was hiding under a tree that had fallen down in the woods. Polly spent the night there with Levi under the trees and leaves. When they awoke the next morning, it had snowed and they along with the trees were completely covered for sure.
Chloe Mae McDowell Reid also remembers the fence rail story. She confirms the fact that Levi did hide out from the Confederates and that maybe he shouldn't have done it. After all, "I guess he should have taken his pie and cake like everybody else, but them times people wouldn't go." The big men on the horses came riding to the home and Levi's son Noah was the oldest, yet only close to ten at the time. Noah had to cook for the younger children in the family but he was scared to death because both his mother and daddy were gone away from home at times. Of course Noah did not know where because Polly would not tell.
No one living today actually remembers seeing Levi. Polly was said to have talked about him a great deal and that of course he was a good man. Levi does not appear in the records often. His name has been found in the estate papers of Adam Hoover. A document indicating the sale of the rent corn and wheat exists. Levi McDowell is listed as having purchased 8 bushels of wheat at $.75 per bushel for a total of $2.25.
Riley McDowell is also listed on this sheet. It is dated 27 December 1883.
There are many stories about Polly McDowell. A short note in The Randolph Bulletin, 12 August 1909 states "Aunt Polly McDowell has been visiting her son and other relatives over on Back Creek neighbor." This was listed under Hoover's Grove Church information.
Grandma Polly lived in a log house just beyond the well where
Uncle William lived.
Harding Atlas McDowell drew a conceptional picture of the log house based on its description from various accounts. "It was below the church from where we lived because we lived towards Tabernacle and went to church there. Although it was a log house, it was fixed up real neat. You had to walk a little plank to go from the main house to the kitchen. The kitchen was slightly separated from the main house. Polly could cook the best Irish potatoes. She had a stove to cook on, but very often she would love to cook on the big open fireplace. She had a little old iron pot that she would hang back near the fireplace where she would scrape the potatoes and season them with butter and cream. They were just about the best you could eat."
The log house had windows and the logs had been whitewashed where they were put together. There was one large room and a little room off-set for the bedrooms. From the bedrooms, one could look out the window and see the road called Texas. The house had a small porch.
Polly insisted on keeping a clean house. The floors were scoured with sand. You would walk over them with the sand on the floors and it helped to scrub the dirt loose. A plank with corn shucks stuck to it was used as a scrubber. It made the floors clean, pretty and white.
All around the log cabin were strawberry vines and blackberry vines. Polly took care of them and cultivated them just as a farmer would do with his crops. Levi and Polly grew cotton and corn for meal and maybe an acre or two more of wheat. After Levi died, Polly wasn't able to farm by herself, so their son
William McDowell did most of the farm work.
Levi and Polly were said to have owned about 60 acres of land along the Texas road. By "owning" the land, it may have been merely that they kept up the land for one of the larger landowners such as the Morgans or Ceb Reagan. The log cabin faced the Texas Road and the Yates lived across the road up the hill from Polly. The Yates families lived all along the Texas Road with the McDowell families.
Polly had a favorite old rocking chair that she had intended to leave to her granddaughter
Lena McDowell Trotter. The chair got passed down to her daughter-in-law
Julia Elbertson McDowell and no one knows for sure what became of the old rocking chair.
Everyone loved to go to visit Polly. She could make delicious blackberry pie. Of course there was the time when by accident Polly "sweetened" the pie with salt rather than sugar. Perhaps it wasn't so delicious then. Polly was sick a great deal in her later years and the grandchildren had to pick their own blackberries if they wanted one of those famous pies made.
Relatives used to spend a week at a time with Polly. One remarked that they had helped Polly pick so many garden peas that they were turned against peas forever. Polly was good at frying an old ham and stuffing it into a good hot biscuit.
Polly was a sensitive woman even in her last years. She came to her son
Cicero McDowell's funeral and asked his wife Rhodema Hoover McDowell how many children she was blessed with and how many would she have to raise on her own. When the invitation was given for people other than the immediate family to view the body, Polly was at the door to be the first one in.
Although the McDowell family may not have been the richest in personal possessions, they were rich in love and creativity. Granddaughter
Fleta Trotter remembers spending a lot of time with Polly. A particularly interesting time was at Easter. Polly would dye the Easter eggs for the children. She used a special plant that grew in the ground. She would pull it up, boil it, and get a nice red dye for the prettiest red eggs around. Polly would use brown onions to get a nice brown dye for the Easter eggs.
Julia Nety Griffin Cox remembers spending a good amount of time with Polly. When Julia's mother
Martha Martisha McDowell died in 1902, Julia was left with only her father Jonas Griffin to raise her. Polly was an idol for Julia even though she was an aging woman in the early 1900's. Julia remembers the picture of Polly being taken shortly before she died. They had to take her out to the field and stand her up for the picture.
Julia remembers that Polly lived in the log cabin by herself and that she would go stay with
Noah and Tabitha Yates. At night, Julia would go up to the log cabin and spend the night with Polly as she didn't like to sleep alone at night. Polly would rise early in the morning and cook a good breakfast with her eggs and meat and flour. After breakfast, the grandchildren would go back home for the day's work until after suppertime when they would go back up to Polly's for sleeping.
Polly was known for keeping the log cabin clean. Julia remembers that the cabin had five rooms and that the walls were papered with newspaper. Nothing was ever cluttered up in Polly's house. She kept her doors locked with a log chain. She had the ever popular corded beds. She was a sweet woman with a good personality about her - to Julia she was Mother. Julia doesn't remember her mother
Tish McDowell Griffin, but she loved Polly and Polly her.
Polly had a large gorder on her neck and she kept it covered with a large, red, man's handkerchief during the week. She was wearing it in the picture taken in the field. On Sundays when Polly went to church, she would replace the red handkerchief with a black one and her black bonnet.
Although no records have been found, it was said that Polly received a pension from the Government. Presumably, this was due to the fact that her husband Levi had been a Confederate soldier for a short period of time. It was just enough money to buy the needed sugar and coffee with a small amount for the seeds for the garden.
In the later years before her death, Polly lived with her son
Frederick L. McDowell. Frederick was called "Bud" by everyone. Some of "Bud's" children remember faking headaches to be able to leave the fields and go to the house to see Polly. Polly would cut a small slice of ham off the bottom of one of the hams that "hadn't been cut" and feed the children. That made those headaches all disappear and the children would go back to the fields. Bud and his wife Julia were never told quite what was happening, but they probably knew. This would go on for a long time until it was time to cut that "ham that had never been cut." Julia would ask Polly if she knew anything about the ham being cut and Polly would say, "I don't know anything about it right now. If it's done, then I guess it was done for a good cause."
Polly kept the grandchildren frequently and fixed their food. She fried up fritters and they were delicious. She would take dough, beat it up, and roll it out on a little board. Then it was cooked on a pan much like a pancake. When it was browned on both sides, it was smeared in butter. The grandchildren loved her so much and they referred to her as Grandma Polly.
Finally, Polly became sick. Bud and Julia called all the children in one day and Polly said, "I'm going home some of these days." But the grandchildren didn't quite know what she meant. They pleaded with her to stay, that she couldn't "go home." After all, who would do all that cooking while Bud and Julia worked in the fields. Julia tried to relieve the anxieties of the children by saying that they shouldn't really worry about it - everybody had to leave someday. When asked where they were going, Julia replied, "Well, if you're good like Grandma Polly, then you'll go home to Jesus and you'll be happy a long time."
Grandma Polly talked and knew everyone right up to her death. The last words she ever spoke have been remembered. She kind of closed her eyes and folded her hands and said, "Bud, Julia, and you children all be good. Meet Grandma in Heaven." And she closed her eyes with the prettiest smile on her face.
Noah Solomon McDowell
Noah Soloman McDowell [26 May 1856 - 3 October 1923 (26 July 1923 at FG)
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] at age 23 married Elizabeth Jane Lawrence [1 May 1851 - 18 June 1925
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] at age 25 on 20 November 1878 in Randolph County at the Mahaley House. F. Nance was the Justice of the Peace and the witnesses to the marriage were A. C. Nance, Henry Tysinger, and A. C. Ridge. There is presently no marker on his grave. Elizabeth, known as Bessy Jane or "B.J.", was the daughter of Tommy Lawrence and Mahala Bell. The following are the children of Noah and Bessy Jane McDowell.
James W. McDowell [19 October 1885 - Bf 1900] would appear to have been a twin to Thomas Ivey McDowell. Information about him comes from a Bible belonging to his brother, William Atlas McDowell. No other information is known about him.
Noah appeared in the following census records.
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township
Noah McDowel - 24 M - Grain Farmer - NC NC NC
Jane - 26 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
Mary - 6/12 F Nov - Daughter - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Noah S. McDow___ [Mcdan at] - 44 M - Head - May 1866 m/22 - NC NC NC
Betsey Jane - 45 F - Wife - May 1865 - m/22 6/6 - NC NC NC
Mary L. - 21 F - Daughter - Nov 1878 NC NC NC
Wm Atlas - 18 M - Son - May 1882 - NC NC NC
Thomas Ivy - 15 M - Son - Oct 1884 - NC NC NC
Eli F. - 10 M - Son - Oct 1889 - NC NC NC
Irvin - 7 M - Son - Jun 1892 - NC NC NC
Chloe May - 6 F - Daughter - May 1894 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Noah McDowell - 56 M - Head - m1/30 - NC NC NC
Jane - 58 F - Wife - m1/30 6/6 - NC NC NC
Irvin - 19 M - Son - NC NC NC
Cloe M. - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Irvin McDowell - 27 M - Head - NC NC NC
Rosa - 25 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Grayson - 4 2/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Noah - 65 M - Father - NC NC NC
Jane - 66 F - Mother - NC NC NC
Eula McDowell Morris remembers Noah Soloman McDowell. Eula and her sister
Viola used to go to Uncle Noah's after their daddy
Cicero McDowell died. Some of Noah's children were there in the house with them and one of them had a small baby. Noah used to sing to the baby early in the morning. On one particular occasion Noah was sitting in the rocking chair early in the morning singing to the baby. He sounded so much like their daddy Cicero and Eula being half-asleep and half-awake thought, "Lord, my daddy's come back." Eula jumped out of bed and ran into the room and there was Uncle Noah singing away. Eula cried like any child would, not understanding the situation, but Noah didn't sing anymore for a long time while Cicero's young children were around. Noah was known to get up singing every morning, usually some favorite hymn of his.
Chloe Mae McDowell talks about her daddy Noah and going to church. Chloe remembers going to church with her grandmother Polly Yates McDowell, but she couldn't understand her daddy Noah. Noah would put the stock up for eight to ten days and leave them there. There was a preacher Parker at Union Church and the family would go down to hear him. We had to walk about three miles to church and Noah would always hold my hand. Noah was a loveable man towards children. In walking to church we would have to cross a little stream of water. There was a little foot rail and Noah was holding my hand when I slipped and went down into the water. He pulled me back up and said, "You ain't gonna fall. I'm gonna hold you and protect you." I would ask him why he put the stock up and why we had to walk so far and he'd say, "Well they got to rest too." He had worked them hard all day long and we had to go to church at night. I was only about five years old then.
It seems as if the Morgans owned the land that we lived on. We used to go to Morgan's store. My mother Bessy Jane didn't like sardines. She couldn't stand them. Every time we went to Morgan's store, she would take her eggs and trade for some groceries. Bessie Jane used a little plug of tobacco, but you would never know she had it in her mouth. Daddy would say, "Come on, we got to go someplace." Noah would take me over to the corner and open a can of sardines and we would eat them. I remember the big old red handkerchief that Noah had. He'd pull out that handkerchief and wipe my mouth real clean. Then he would tell me to go over there and give my mother Bessy Jane a real big kiss. And Lordy, my mother never did like those sardines.
Noah was a farmer and raised tobacco, corn, meat, and chickens. The family raised all of their meat and canned all of their vegatables for the coming winters. If they needed any extra money, Noah would go down to the saw mill and work a couple of days. Noah moved to High Point twice. The first time was around 1900.
Noah was a loving man and one of the best daddys. He loved my own children. He didn't work in his later years. He tended people's gardens and they would always give him some of the harvest in the fall. He was sick most of the last two years of his life as he died of cancer. He lived with
Ervin on Hamilton Street and his son
William Atlas McDowell would take him back and forth to the hospital.
The 9 July 1909 issue of
The Randolph Bulletin had the following statement: "Mssrs
Noah and
Ivey McDowell visited Milton Ridge Sunday …
Miss Chloe McDowell visited Miss Rosa Garner Sunday."
Noah McDowell owned a small Gospel of St. Matthew — now in the hands of his grandson
Joseph Wesley McDowell's family. According to the Bible, Noah had taken in Dorsey Elizabeth Kinney to live with the family. She was born 6 January 1899. The Bible gives Noah's address as 111 Clay Street, High Point, North Carolina. The Bible also has the following information about Noah and Bessy Jane's deaths. "June the 18 (1925) B. J. McDowell died 20 minutes after 2 o'clock. Oct. the 3, 1923 20 minutes till 5 o'clock Noah McDowell went out to meet his Jesus and mother in the skyes." According to the Bible Noah was 68 years, 4 months, and 7 days old. His wife Bessy Jane was 73 years, 1 month, and 15 days old.
In an old trunk of information passed down into the family, there is a handwritten page that appears to be an eulogy written in honor of Noah McDowell. The following is a copy of that document with the spelling corrected.
Noah McDowell was born on May 26, 1856 and died Oct. 3, 1923. His age was 68 years, 4 months, and 7 days. He was the father of 6 children, four boys and two girls. He was a good and faithful husband and a good and loving father, one that all children should crave (desire). He professed Christ at Hoovers Grove Wesleyan Methodist Church when he was between twenty and twenty-five. He lived a glorious life that will live in the hearts of the people for many years. He shouted and praised the Lord all through his sickness. He said he was ready and looking for the Lord to take him home where he would not suffer any more. But he shouted and praised the Lord forever. The last weeks were the best days of his life. He would shout and clap his hands.
Mary LeeAnna McDowell
Mary LeeAnna McDowell [19 November 1879 - 4 September 1973
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] married first to George W. Millsap [28 June 1877 - 18 May 1914
SHILO/FG/NCDC], the son of Jessie Millsap and Sarah Gibson. Five children were born to her first marriage.
Wade Dewey Milsap [11 August 1901 - 5 August 1920]
Albert Milsap died at about age one year old.
Paul George Milsap [16 April 1914 - 4 December 1916 /NCDC]
She married second to William Alson/Allison Lanier [25 March 1878 - 21 May 1941
OAKWD/FG/NCDC], the son of Thomas Clark Lanier and Charlotte Harrison. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth and wife as Mary. Three children were born to this marriage.
Mary appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Davidson County NC
Lexington South Ward
George L. Milsap - 30 M - Head - m1/10 - NC NC NC
Mary L. - 30 F - Wife - m1/10 3/2 - NC NC NC
Dewey W. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bessie L. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Nannie Henet - 30 F - Boarder - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point Ward 4
W. A. Lanier - 40 M - Head - NC NC NC
Mary - 40 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Bessie Millsap - 16 F - Stepdaughter - NC NC NC
Nellie Lanier - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Reitzel Lanier - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Vernie Millsap - 9 F - Stepdaughter - NC NC NC
Nona Lanier - 8 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Gracie Lanier - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Kathlene Lanier - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
W. A. Lanier - 52 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Mary - 41 F - Wife - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Catheleen - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Juantia - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Margaret - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Vernie Millsap - 21 F - St Daughter - NC NC NC
Reitzel Lanier - 22 M - Son, Divorced - NC NC NC
Virginia Nicholson - 20 F - Boarder - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
W. Alson Lanier - 63 M - Head - NC
Mary L. - Wife - 61 F - NC
Margaret - Daughter - 15 F - NC
Bernie Millsaps - 29 F - Stepdaughter - NC
Pauline Marris - 12 F - Granddaughter - NC
Mary Marris - 10 F - Granddaughter - NC
Bessie Lee Milsap
Bessie Lee Milsap [19 June 1903 - 15 August 1937
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] married Noah Fletcher Morris [7 April 1900 - 13 September 1938
OAKWD/FG/NCDC], the son of Thomas Clay Morris and Julia Elizabeth Morgan, on 19 February 1921 in Guilford County NC. They had the following children.
Richard 0dell Morris [24 December 1922 - 11 December 1952
OAKWD/FG] who married Clara Roberson and they had two children: Wayne Morris who married Louise Phillipp and Paul Lee Morris who married Jane Hinkle.
Wayne Morris who married Louise Phillipp.
Paul Lee Morris who married Jane Hinkle.
Paulene Marie Morriss [11 October 1927 - 2009
OLA/FG], a twin to Paul Lee, who married June Ray Duggins [19 January 1926 - 19 October 1976
OLA/FG], the son of Charlie William Duggins and Minne Ethel Duggins, and had a child, Steve Duggins.
Mary Hortense Morris [5 August 1929 - 18 June 2020
GMEA/FG] who married Herman Kenneth Hyde [29 December 1927 - 31 May 2012
GMEA/FG], the son of Earl Grayson Hyde and Carlotta B. Elkins.
Vernie Mae Milsap
Vernie Mae Milsap [28 May 1910 - 24 December 1996
OAKWD/FG/NCDI] never married but had the following daughter.
Judy Gail Milsap
Judy Gail Milsap [7 September 1945 - 10 December 2008
OAKWD/FG] married Ronald Edward Teague [19 November 1942 - 23 April 2012
OAKWD/FG] on 29 November 1959. They had the following children.
Ronald Edward Teague, Jr. [17 June 1960 - Unknown].
Cathy LaJuan Teague [18 April 1961 - Unknown] married James Curtis Sloane [14 January 1958 - Unknown] on 10 February 1978.
Anthony Keith Teague [1 December 1963 - Unknown].
Franklin Joseph Teague [6 February 1965 - Unknown].
Michael Damein Teague [30 December 1975 - Unknown].
Kathleen Lanier
Kathleen Lanier [18 December 1918 - 28 June 1973
FLORAL/FG/NCDC] married Kenneth Kermit Kennedy [10 June 1917 - 17 August 1953
FLORAL/FG]. They had the following children.
Carolyn Kennedy [4 November 1935 - 17 September 2010
IMM/FG] married Daniel Garcia [5 December 1932 - 20 February 2019
IMM/FG]. They had
Teresa May Garcia [15 November 1954 - Unknown] and
Tony Wayne Garcia [22 August 1960 - 17 October 2023].
Jimmy Kennedy [13 October 19__ - Unknown] married Betty Joyce Johnson and they had two children: David Kennedy and Lisa Joyce Kennedy.
Darrell Kennedy [24 July 1937 - Unknown] married Ruth Clayton [25 November 1928 - Unknown] and had one son: Michael Kennedy [9 July 1957 - Unknown].
Deloris J. Kennedy
Deloris J. Kennedy [29 December 1941 - Unknown] married A. T. Wilkerson [14 March 1937 - Unknown]. They had the following children.
Tommy Wilkerson deceased.
Denise O'Neal Wilkerson [8 March 1960 - Unknown] married Randy Jolly [18 January 1957 - Unknown]. They had a daughter: Amanda Jolly [3 May 1976 - Unknown].
Annette Wilkerson [13 October 1963 - Unknown].
Randy Wilkerson [25 December 1964 - Unknown].
Danny Wilkerson [20 October 1972 - Unknown].
Kenneth Ray Kennedy
Kenneth Ray Kennedy [23 December 1944 - Unknown] married Deloris York [16 March 1939 - Unknown]. They had the following children.
Crystal Kennedy [2 August 1964 - Unknown].
Matthew Kennedy [13 May 1965 - Unknown].
Mark Kennedy was a twin to Matthew.
April Kennedy [31 March 1975 - Unknown].
Mary Juanita Lanier
Mary Juanita Lanier [11 August 1922 - 12 February 1988
OAKED/FG] married Douglas Clayton Pike [21 March 1920 - 16 June 1990
OAKWD/FG] on 14 January 1938. Mary had been a resident of High Point all of her life and was a former employee of Adams-Millis Corp. and Amos Hosiery Mill. She was a member of the First Wesleyan Church and the Mary Caron Sunday School Class. At her death, she was survived by three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The funeral was held by the Rev. James L. Denny. They had a daughter.
Linda Faye Pike
Linda Faye Pike [9 April 1939 - 9 February 1964] married Raymond Howard Honeycutt [2 February 1938 - 2 September 2003
OAKWD/FG]. They had the following children.
Keith Randall Honeycutt [20 October 1957 - 16 February 1958
Mitchell Deau Honeycutt [10 February 1959 - Unknown]
Jeffrey Brian Honeycutt [24 February 1961 - Unknown]
Douglas Ray Honeycutt
Douglas Ray Honeycutt [21 September 1956 - Unknown] had the following children.
Stacy Rae Honeycutt [29 July 1973 - 31 July 1973].
Christopher Ray Honeycutt [27 July 1975 - Unknown].
Candace Michelle Honeycutt [12 April 1979 - Unknown].
Margaret Alleen Lanier
Margaret Alleen Lanier [29 October 1924 - 11 March 2014
GUIL/FG] married Thomas N. Stevens, Jr. [12 September 1922 - 18 March 1998
GUIL/FG]. They had the following children.
Cynthia Joy Stevens [12 November 1941 - Unknown] married Bobby Lee Carter, Sr. [3 March 1938 - Unknown] and had one son: Bobby Lee Carter Jr. [25 July 1957 - Unknown].
Vickie Joann Stevens [November - Unknown] married Kenneth Worth Canoi [25 March 1943 - ] and had Kenneth Worth Canoi, Jr. [9 July 1964 - Unknown], Thomas Franklin Canoi [25 May 1967 - Unknown] and Margaret Joann Canoi [2 August 1972 - Unknown].
Thomas Wayne Stevens [23 July 1954 - Unknown] married Deborah Hutchinson [24 April 1957 - Unknown] and had one son: Nathaniel Wayne Stevens [5 January 1975 - Unknown].
William Atlas McDowell
William Atlas McDowell [12 May 1882 /1883 on SSACI/NCDI - 1 April 1941
OAKWD/FG/NCDC/SocSecACI]. He first married Mary Proctor [10 May 1880 - 29 November 1914 /NCDC], daughter of Albert P. Proctor [1862 - 9 September 1931
MPLEA/FG] and Jane Hedgecock [1851 - UNK
MPLEA/FG], on 20 November 1902 in Guilford County NC by the Reverend Hilliard. The witnesses were Mrs. Hilliard and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. The children of this marriage are as follows:
Clyde McDowell [9 September 1905 - 1 May 1906]
Taft McDowell [12 November 1908 - 20 February 1909]
Olive McDowell [16 May 1910 - 8 February 1913 /NCDC]
Ola Lissey McDowell [10 June 1913 - 10 June 1913 Premature Delivery
After Mary Proctor McDowell's death, William Atlas McDowell married Ella J. Rigsbee [18 February 1894 - 29 November 1918
OAKWD/FG/NCDC], the daughter of John J. Rigsbee and Sally Lee Newton, on 30 June 1915 in Guilford County NC. Her maiden name is reported as "Rixbury" on her death certificate but that is incorrect as can be seen in the marriage license and the 1910 Census. Ella died during the flu epidemic. To her marriage with Willliam Atlas McDowell, there were two children born.
Mary Louise McDowell [16 October 1918 - 7 January 2002 /NCDI] married Troy Coe Winslow [26 June 1916 - 14 May 2002 /NCDI/SocSecDI], the son of T. W. and Lillie Winslow, on 4 October 1936 in Guilford County NC. They had a daughter: Shelby Jean Winslow [11 November 1936 - 22 September 1938 /NCDC].
William Atlas McDowell's third marriage at age 37 was to Dovie Roxanna Morgan Wells [23 March 1894 - 16 March 1968
OAKWD/FG], the daughter of Adam Ivy Morgan and Eva Lucinda Stoner, age 24 and a widow on 15 October 1919 in Guilford County NC by A. L. Hunter with G. E. McDowell as a witness. There were three children from this marriage.
Margie Jean McDowell [26 March 1937 - Aft 2024] married
Terry Ronald McDowell. Their children are presented under his name.
Dovie Roxanne Morgan Wells had been previously married to Charlie Clifton Wells [13 August 1895 [Bible date and FG] / 16 August 1892 [by calculation and NCDC] - 6 December 1918
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] who died in 1918 leaving two children to join the McDowell clan.
Charlie Wells was the son of William Thomas Wells [12 July 1860 - 19 December 1928] and Martha J. Pearce and was born in Chatham County NC.[Wells Data from
Ethel Hayworth] His death certificate reports his wife as Mary Wells which is an error by the informant A. D. Wells, his brother. Two pictures of him exist although the first picture is questionable and appears to be an older man. It could be his father. He appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
New Market
William Wells - 39 M - Head - Blacksmith - Dec 1860 m/16 - NC NC NC
Martha S. - 34 F - Wife - Sept 1865 m/16 4/2 - NC NC NC
Andy D. - 11 M - Son - Day Laborer - May 1889 - NC NC NC
Charles C. - 7 M - Son - Aug 1892 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
William T. Wells - 49 M - Head, widow - NC NC NC
Charlie - 17 M - Son - Furniture Factory - NC NC NC
Clayton M. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
A New Testament Bible of Charlie Wells exists and contains the following information.
Charlie Clifton Well born in the year of 189_[last digit smeared] and died in the year 1918, age 26 years 3 months and 21 days he died on the 6 day of december 1918
Miss Dovie Morgan was borned March the 28 in the year of hour lord in 1896
and was marred to
Charlie G. Wells in of hour
lord 1913 month November day 26
Charlie G. Wells borned in the
year of hour lord 1895 month
August 13
Ethel Girtrue Wells was borned
May the 19, 1915
Charlie Wells was borned in
the year 1895
Miss Dovie Morgan
Francis luetta was
July 17, 1916
We note that the birth date of Charlie C. Wells is reported as two different dates in the Bible records.
Atlas appeared in the following census records but has not been found in the 1930 Census.
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point Ward 4
Atlas McDowell - 28 M - Head - m1/7 - NC NC NC
Mary - 29 F - Wife - m1/7 3/1 - NC NC NC
Clara - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Gurney - 18 M - Cousin - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point Ward 4
William A. McDowell - 37 M - Head - NC NC NC
Dovie - 23 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Clara - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Arnold - 3 9/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mary 1 9/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Ethel Wells - 4 7/12 F - Stepdaughter - NC NC NC
Frances Wells - 3 5/12 F - Stepdaughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point Ward 4
Wiliam A. McDowell - 54 M - Head - NC
Dovie R. - 42 F - Wife - NC
Frances Wells - 22 F - Daughter - NC
Harding McDowell - 18 M - Son - NC
Wesley McDowell - 14 M - Son - NC
Margie - 3 F - Daughter - NC
Mary Moore - 24 F - Lodger - SC
Mary Harris - 24 F - Lodger - NC
The WWI Registration Card for William Atlas McDowell exists and reports his birth date as 12 May 1882 and his wife as Ellen. Likewise, the Social Security Card for William Atlas McDowell exists. A Daily Diary for Atlas exists but doesn't contain any genealogy.
William Atlas and Dovie have been found in the following High Point City Directories.
1927 "McDowell W Atlas (Dovie), emp Tomlinson Chair Co. h 805 Park"
1956 "McDowell Dovie (wid Atlas) r601 Ward"
1958 "McDowell Dovie M. (wid W Atlas) r601 Ward"
1959 "McDowell Dorie M (wid W Atlas) r601 Ward"
1960 "McDowell Dovie M (wid W Atlas) r601 Ward"
The Family Bible of William Atlas McDowell exists and reports a number of records.
Mr. Atlas McDowell to Dovie Wells in the year 1919 October the 14 day were married united as man and wife
Martha McD - May 12th
Donie McD - March 23rd
Chara McD - [no date]
Ethel Wells - May 19th
Arnold McD - March 24
Francis Wells - July 17
Mary McD - Oct 16
Harding McD - July 18
Wesley McDowell - July 3
Margie McDowell - March 26
Clyde McD
Taft McD
Ella McD
W. A. McDowell
April 1, 1941 230
Age 58 Yrs
10 mo.l 19 days
Clara M. Morgan
Dovie M. McDowell
March 16, 1968
Age 72 yrs 11 mos
24 days
Another set of Bible records from William Atlas McDowell exist on two torn pages which read as follows:
Several children of William Atlas McDowell have shared some stories and thoughts about their father and mother. The following is from
Ethel Gertrude Wells Hayworth.
William Atlas McDowell married my mother,
Dovie Roxanna Morgan Wells when I was four years old and my sister
Frances was three. This was papa's third marriage and moma's second. Their former mates were deceased. Papa's first wife had given him a daughter
Clara. He had two children at home by his second wife. They were
Arnold and
Mary. James (Kelly) was living with his mother's sister. Later three more children were born into our family,
Joseph, and
Margie. So,
papa McDowell became the only father I ever knew. Both of us had black hair and blue eyes and people often remarked about how much I looked like my dad. We would look at each other and laugh.
Two of the most wonderful things about papa were his dry humor and his love of music. If he picked up a musical instrument, it wasn't long before he would be playing a tune. We would gather around him entranced, as he played his Harps-O-Cord. This was a multi-stringed instrument that set upright on his lap when he played. A French-harp fit into a slot at the top. He would play the French-harp and pick the strings at the same time. Sometimes, mama accompanied him at the organ. I think that was the most beautiful music I have ever heard.
The thing that I missed most as I grew older was the family devotions. One of us would read the Bible. Then, we would sing and pray. Papa loved to sing and one of his favorite hymns was "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart." He would tap his foot and clap his hands in praise. Every time I hear that song, it seems that I can still hear him. It makes me both happy and sad. I loved him as if he were my only father.
Years have passed since papa left this world for his rewards. I suppose each one of his sons or daughters will remember him in a different perspective. Some will recall times standing on the corner or in the front of Kress Dimestore on a Saturday afternoon waiting their turn for a treat while he talks to seemingly everybody on Main Street. Others will remember Sunday meetings at Colfax or some other church gathering with Pop or Mom playing horns in the band. I remember Pop giving me his horn to trade for my first large guitar.
Pop was not a saint. He had faults and made some mistakes like other humans, but certainly he tried to do his best at most of the things that has or will face most of us during our time. He had a temper but was able to control or keep it in check when it really counted.
Pop loved conversation, music, children, humor, his church, and being married. He would laugh with Amos and Andy, Hum and Abner, or get serious as he listened on the radio to Lowell Thomas.
I remember his pocket watch, suppertime at 6 o'clock, bedtime at 9 o'clock, his high back cane rocker, sitting on the trunk because there just wasn't enough chairs, his model T Ford, collie dogs, straw hats, garters to hold up his sleeves, pongee shirts with hard button collars, the smell of cologne, spice buds to freshen his mouth, a switching for swimming on Sunday, and the time he tried to teach mom to drive the model T.
Pop never gained a lot of earthy wealth, but he did have many friends. He was a honest man, ready to help, ready to divide, but a firm believer that a man was the head of his home.
VA trip to the coast in the summer with the family was a must if money and the old car was available. He worked in furniture with Tomlinson of High Point for thirty-six years where he was known as "Bill" McDowell.
I was only fourteen when papa died. I remember him most for his hard work and his dedication to his job at Tomlinson's of High Point and for his regular attendance to his church he loved and help to found now known as the First Wesleyan Church (formerly the First Pilgrim Holiness Church of High Point). I remember Sunday after Sunday sitting with our family in the pew as he prayed, sang, and sometimes played the horn. He enjoyed and loved his church.
I remember going to the plant where he worked on South Hamilton Street and carrying his lunch to him occasionally. He worked very hard and very long hours to support his large family. I remember in the late 1930's when he was very sick that he continued to work until he had to stop.
There were many good times I had with my Pop, like going to town with him on Saturday and standing with him on Main Street at Mann's and Richardson's Store while he talked with his friends. He always gave me some money for a treat. And then there were those marvelous vacations that we had at Virginia Beach and at Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina. He was an excellent swimmer.
At Christmas time, he always saw that all the kids and grandchildren had some "spending money" for Santa Claus. I don't know how he did these things, but he did. Oh yes, there were some things I used to do for him, like polishing his black Sunday shoes and helping him keep the car clean. The times I sat with him on the front porch on East Russell Street as he rocked in his high back rocker, reading the paper, resting, and talking are memorable times for me.
I truly know he loved his family, and as he would put his hand on my shoulder, I know he loved and cared for me very much.
Thoughts about mama can't be put on a single piece of paper. Her love, devotion to her family and friends, I am sure could fill a book.
Mama came to live with me and my family for many years on Ward Street. She did so many things for Faye and Jimmy who she loved so dearly. And Jimmy knew this and the influence she left on Pat and Phillip, and the great pals she and Jerina were, is hard to describe. It has been fourteen years now since mama died and ten years since Jerina died, but their memories and love will go on in this house as long as it is our home. Then wherever we go, their thoughts will go with us.
Mama loved living and lived it as full as she could. She was always reading and studying her Bible and calling and visiting sick friends. She went to church as often as she could.
She loved her Golden Agers Clubs and her church related clubs and attended them regularly. She went on all the trips she could and enjoyed life as God gave it to her. All you had to do was mention "go" and she was ready.
Mama could cook some of the best meals ever as we all here in our home loved to help her eat them. Whenever there was sickness, she was there to help. Whenever I just wanted to talk to someone, she was there to listen. Most of the time, Mama was helping to look after
Margie Jean, my kid sister, who was raised here also until she married after finishing high school.
There has been a lot of living in this old home now over thirty years. I remember her hard work and devotion from the time I was a kid all the way through life until she went to her reward in 1968.
Two humorous stories are remembered well. Mama loved to raise chickens. Even when we lived on East Russell Street, she always seemed to have some chickens laying eggs. When we moved here on Ward Street, we fixed her up a nice chicken lot. One day when Pat and Phil were kids, I went out to help her clip some chicken wings so they wouldn't fly over the fence. Pat, Phil and I were enjoying catching the chickens when all of the sudden there was a snake (probably a chicken) that seemed ten feet long (probably three). Well I am horrified of snakes and so were the kids. We ran fast as we could but mom very nonchalantly, went to get a hoe, being in no hurry whatsoever. She walked very casually back to the chicken lot and wacked the snake's head off hardly ever blinking an eye.
Now papa had a sense of humor. I remember when most all the family was down at the lake and all of us were enjoying the water, because papa was an excellent swimmer. We were all playing and having a great time, when mama noticed that papa had been gone for a long time. She became very upset and started yelling. We were all looking and searching and after what seemed like a long time, papa's head bounced up several feet away. Mama had already gone for help when we called her back and papa really seemed to enjoy this little prank. I always marveled at his swimming ability.
As stated by Joseph, Dovie McDowell loved working with the Golden Agers Clubs. The following article appeared in the High Point Enterprise a short time following her death.
Death of Mrs. Atlas McDowell saddens doubly in the loss of that good woman recently and concern for how the Golden Agers are going to get their beach trip this summer without her engineering it. Mrs. McDowell, a faithful soul, managed somehow to scrape up from friends sufficient money to take that group vacationing with considerate landlords at the beach. It was her hobby and she worked at it devotedly, for her heart was very much with those senior citizens whose lives she brightened by her sacrificial endeavors in their behalf. We trust somebody will step into the void her death leaves in that project, but it's difficult to believe anyone can do it as well as she did.
The authors have a document entitled
Blowing Out the Fire that appears to have been written by
Harding Atlas McDowell about Dovie.
So it was pasted to mama the words to say.
Mama told me because of my talents (?) she would pass on the secret words, and I would pass this on to the one I chose in my family & sorry I waited so long.
You have been chosen for blowing out fire.
Things are said in threes
1. 1 the Sun hot the moon cold
2 the Sun hot the moon cold
3 the Sun hot the moon cold
2. 1 the moon hot the sun cold
2 the moon hot the sun cold
3 the moon hot the sun cold
3. 1 be healed
2 be healed
3 be healed
(Say a prayer of thanks)
Don't take this Lightly
about mama
a story that is true as best I can remember
mama had the gift of blowing out fire & talking out threst in babies mouth. When I was a small lad on park st. on a Sunday morning I was rocking in a small rocking chair in front of the cook stove. Mama was cooking chicken and dumpllings on the stove. My chair tipped over & hit the pot and the hot chicken soup spilled on my back. I yelled mama pull my shirt of & placed a wet towel on my back. She went into I guess here contetious to blow the fire out. I got well so I guess something worked. It healed.
Later in yrs mama told me that she was chosen by her mother because she was talented she would be told the words used in blowing out fire & baby thresh. one [missing page(s)]
Clara Jane McDowell
Clara Jane McDowell [24 February 1907 - 1 May 1945
OAKWD/FG] married Albert Spurgeon Morgan, Sr [2 August 1901 - 11 November 1956
OAKWD/FG/NCDC], the son of Adam Ivy Morgan and Eva Lucinda Stoner. They had the following children.
Clara Virginia Morgan [6 November 1925 - 11 January 1947
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] married George Watson McDaniel [23 February 1921 - 19 January 1995
FLORAL/FG/NCDI/SocSecACI], the son of Dock Watson McDaniel and Martha Lula Evans, on 19 August 1944 in Guilford County NC and had a daughter:
Martha Jane McDaniel. After her death, he married Mary Teer on 22 December 1948 in Guilford County NC.
Albert Spurgeon Morgan, Jr. [8 October 1927 - 12 April 1984 /NCDI] married Margaret Modina Floyd [26 July 1927 - 3 December 2013] and had Albert Spurgeon Morgan III [22 February 1947 - 21 February 2013], Evelyn Marie Morgan [21 November 1948 - Unknown], and David Chuck Morgan [30 June 1958 - 1 September 2012]
William Roger Morgan [4 December 1930 - 23 April 2016
ZION/FG] married Bonnie Cecil [7 October 1936 - Unknown] and had
Mark Roger Morgan [23 March 1961 - Unknown] and
Mike Jay Morgan [18 December 1966 - Unknown].
Peggy Jane Morgan [12 July 1936 - 10 February 2000
ODALE/FG/SocSecACI] married Teddy Columbus Laughter [15 April 1936 - 13 February 1983
ODALE/FG], the son of Lloyd Manning Laughter and Martha Peahuff, on 11 December 1955 in Henderson County NC and had
Tammy Laughter [18 August 1958 - Unknown] and
Teddy C. Laughter, Jr. [27 May 1961 - Unknown].
Mariless Morgan [29 May 1939 - Unknown] married Johnny Springer [9 October 1939 - Unknown] and had Debbie Springer [30 October 1958 - Unknown] who married Thomas Huffman and had a daughter Amanda Dawn Huffman [12 December 1976 - Unknown], and Terri Springer [16 January 1961 - Unknown].
Atlas Darrell Morgan [7 January 1943 - Unknown] married Pat MNU and had a son: William Darrell Morgan.
George Adam Morgan [1 May 1945 - Unknown] married Jackie Koontz but separated with four children born to their marriage.
Clara and Albert appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Albert Morgan - 32 M - Head - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Clara - 30 F - Wife - M at 23 - NC NC NC
Virginia - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Albert, Jr - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
B. D. McDuffy - 37 F B - Servant, Wd - PA OK CA
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Albert S. Morgan - 40 M - Head - NC
Clara J. - 33 F - Wife - NC
Virginia - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Albert - 12 M - Son - NC
William R. - 9 M - Son - NC
Betty F. - 6 F - Daughter - NC
Peggy J. - 3 F - Daughter - NC
Marrles A. - 11/12 F - Daughter - NC
William Arnold McDowell
William Arnold McDowell [24 March 1916 - 26 May 1998
GUIL/FG/NCDI] married Lucille Holbrook [7 March 7 1916 - 18 January 2005
GUIL/FG], the daughter of John Holbrook and Lena Pitts, on 26 May 1934. They had the following children.
James Arnold McDowell [15 August 1935 - 19 February 2018
GUIL/FG] never married.
Nancy Lucille McDowell
Nancy Lucille McDowell [11 May 1937 - Unknown] married Steve Allen Ratcliffe.
Steve Allen Ratcliffe [28 September 1958 - Unknown]
Richard Allen Ratcliffe [31 October 1959 - Unknown]
Kenneth Randall Ratcliffe [December 1981 - Unknown]
David Arnold Ratcliffe [12 December 1962 - Unknown]
Harding Atlas McDowell
Harding Atlas McDowell [18 July 1920 - 24 July 2020
OAKWD/FG] married Evangeline Hawks [5 December 1922 - 16 August 1987
OAKWD/FG/NCDI/SocSecDI], the daughter of Daniel Porter Hawks and Roney Della Stanley, on 23 December 1941. They had the following children.
Harding Keith McDowell [5 February 1944 - Aft 2024] married Janet Stallings [29 November 1949 - Aft 2024], daughter of Leslie Johnson Stallings and Swannee Myrtle Harris, on 14 June 1975. They had Andrew Keith McDowell [7 August 1978 - Unknown] and John Harding McDowell [11 June 1980 - Unknown].
Larry Jerome McDowell [23 June 1946 - Aft 2024] married Dolores Ann Sloan [17 October 1946 - Aft 2024]. They had David Craig McDowell [19 September 1975 - Unknown] and Susan Lynne McDowell [18 January 1977 - 14 February 1995 /NCDI] who died at age 18 on Valentine's Day, a result of the horrendous and swift disease know as meningococemia or bacterial meningitis which attacked her blood system. She was diagosed at 8 a.m. and died at 3:05 p.m. the same day. She is greatly missed by her family.
Carolyn Marie McDowell [26 January 1956 - Aft 2024] married Max Hillman Nance Jr. [23 March 1954 - Aft 2024] and adopted a daughter: Alicia Marie Nance [30 April 1987 - Unknown].
A newspaper report of an auto wreck involving Evangeline and her two sons exists.
After the death of Evangeline Hawks McDowell in 1987, Harding Atlas McDowell married Mary "Polly" Westmoreland Lentz. She was the widow of Joe Lentz and was born in 1923. Harding and Polly were married on 18 February 1989 at the home of Laura Lentz Kirk, daughter of Polly, in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Joseph Wesley McDowell
Joseph Wesley McDowell [3 July 1925 - 4 January 1999
PGUMC/FG/NCDI] married Faye Barker Hedrick [30 April 1926 - 19 August 2023
PGUMC/FG], the daughter of James Franklin Hedrick and Minnie Etta Barker, on 11 June 1949. They had the following children.
Patricia Gail McDowell [25 May 1950 - Unknown] married Rick C. Dawson [4 June 1950 - Unknown] and had Katherine Ryan Dawson [4 November 1974 - Unknown] and Richard Clifton Dawson Jr. [22 September 1978 - Unknown].
Phillip Craig McDowell [13 July 1951 - Unknown].
James Atlas McDowell [20 May 1954 - Unknown].
Jerina Faye McDowell [27 February 1956 - 26 March 1972
PGUMC/FG] died from complications of Leukemia.
Ethel Gertrude Wells
Ethel Gertrude Wells [19 May 1915 - 31 January 1986
SPRING/FG] married Myron Claude Hayworth [14 May 1915 - 2 November 2006
SPRING/FG]. To this marriage were born two children.
Nancy Cornelia Hayworth married Larry Allen Penry and they had Larry Allen Penry II [26 July 1959 - Unknown], Darah Wells Penry [18 October 1960 - Unknown], Mark Ensley Penry [19 June 1965 - Unknown], and Sarah Elizabeth Penry [December 1967 - Unknown].
Myron Claude Hayworth Jr. [12 July 1941 - Unknown] married Reta Mildred Wiley [21 August 1942 - Unknown]. One child was born: Myron Claude Hayworth III. [19 January 1968 - Unknown].
Francis Luetta Wells
Frances Luetta Wells [17 July 1916 - 17 December 1971
FLORAL/FG/NCDC] married Bernice Reitzel Nance [12 October 1924 - 15 June 2010
FLORAL/FG/SocSecDI], the son of Norman Glen Nance and Mary Hattie Jackson, on 19 April 1946 in Guilford County NC. After her death, Reitzel Nance married Peggy Isom Jackson [22 October 1927 - 6 March 2021
FLORAL/FG]. There was one child by Frances Luetta Wells.
Rebecca Marie Nance [1 April 1947 - Unknown] married Jerry Richard Reid [12 July 1944 - Unknown]. To this marriage was born one child: Christy Michelle Reid [25 January 1973 - Unknown].
Thomas Ivey McDowell
Thomas Ivey McDowell [19 October 1885 - 23 November 1936
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] married Maude Odell Johnson [27 August 1887 - 18 June 1970
OAKWD/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Richard and Jeanette "Nettie" Johnson, on 16 October 1902 in Guilford County NC. The Marriage License gives their ages as 21 and 20 but they were actually 17 and 15 at the time. They had the following children:
Elsie May McDowell [27 September 1918 - 10 June 1919
OAKWD/FG] died with a fever, possibly due to the flu epidemic.
Curtis Ray McDowell [16 December 1915 - 18 June 1988
OAKWD/FG] never married, was employed as transportation engineer at Clyde Pearson Co. for 44 years, and attended High Point Central High School. A former boxer, he served as a trainer in the Junior Division of the Golden Gloves in High Point. He was active in the Salvation Army where he was a swimming instructor and was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was a member of the First Wesleyan Church and the Berean Bible Class. The funeral was directed by Rev. Carroll M. Upton.
Helen Lucile McDowell [16 July 1920 - 10 October 1993 /NCDI(cremated)] married Arthur Arnold Sambergh [4 August 1900 - 14 March 1985 /NCDI/SocSecDI]. They had no children. Arthur had lived in the Trinity area several years and in Archdale five years. He was a retired salesman employed by Snap-On Tools, a member of New Covenant Lutheran Church, Adult Bible Class, church treasurer and a former member of the Church Council. His funeral was at New Covenant Lutheran Church by Terrell G. Long.
Ivey and Maude appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Ivey McDowell - 33 M - Head - m1/8 - NC NC NC
Maud - 32 F - Wife - m1/8 2/2 - NC NC NC
Wade - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
Harold - 23/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Dorcy - 12 M - Adopted - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Ivey McDowell - 38 M - Head - NC NC NC
Maud - 37 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Wade - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Howard - 11 - Son - NC NC NC
Collen - 10 - Son - NC NC NC
Lois - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ray - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
T. I. McDowell - 47 M - Head - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Maude - 38 F - Wife - M at 15 - NC NC NC
Lois - 16 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ray - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Helen Lucile - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Pauline - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Millie Florence - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Maude O. McDowell - 53 F - Head, Wd - NC
Howard - 31 M - Son - Married - NC
Lois - 27 M - Son - NC
Ray - 24 M - Son - NC
Helen - 23 F - Daughter - NC
Pauline - 16 F - Daughter - NC
Florence - 13 F - Daughter - NC
Mary E. Anderson - 36 F - Lodger - NC
Florence remembers that her father died when she was ten years old. He had a great sense of humor plus the fact that being the youngest child, she was the "spoiled" one. Her father Thomas Ivey loved Florence's long curls. Most everyone had hard times, but her brothers helped to make them easier.
Thomas worked at Tomlinson Furniture Company in High Point for 25-30 years. He retired due to a leg injury which happened at the plant. A lacquer barrel rolled over his leg. He died in his sleep in 1936 at the age of fifty-one.
John Wade McDowell
John Wade McDowell [15 June 1905 - 4 June 1968 [5 on tombstone]
FLORAL/FG/NCBI/NCDC] at age 28 married Alma Lee Jones [17 June 1908 - 1 January 1994
FLORAL/FG/NCDI] on 30 November 1933 in Danville VA. They had the following children.
Bobby Ray McDowell [18 August 1937 - Unknown] married June Allgood [3 June 1941 - Unknown] and had Bobby Ray McDowell Jr [25 November 1967 - Unknown] and John Justin McDowell [5 June 1973 - Unknown].
Brenda McDowell [11 December 1942 - Unknown] married Tony Allen Gilchrist [14 July 1943 - Unknown] on 22 December 1962 and had Timothy Allen Gilchrist [3 September 1967 - Unknown] and Michael Scott Gilchrist [19 June 1971 - Unknown].
Carol Ann McDowell [27 August 1951 - Unknown] married Carl Jesse Goodmon [12 Septembr 1949 - Unknown] and had a daughter: Debbie Ann Goodmon [26 September 1971 - Unknown].
John appeared in the following census record.
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
John W. McDowell - 33 M - Head - NC
Alma L. - 30 F - Wife - NC
Boby R. - 2 M - StepDaughter [Sic: Son] - NC
William Howard McDowell
William Howard McDowell [21 April 1908 - 4 February 1986
FLORAL/FG/NCDI] married Carmen Emma Murray [25 October 1911 - 23 March 1998
FLORAL/NCBI], the daughter of Reverend Lewis Baxter Murray and Emma Carter. Carmen died as a widow in Brunswick County but a resident of High Point NC. They had one daughter.
Betty Ann McDowell [7 November 1931 - Unknown] married Raymond Simpson. They had no children.
Arthur Colon McDowell
Arthur Colon McDowell [11 November 1910 - 3 July 1987
TRIN/FG/NCDI] married first to Lena Mae Dix [30 November 1912 - 20 November 1945 Marlboro Friends Rand/NCDC], the daughter of R. L. Dix and Hattie Hill. He married second to Ola Vuncannon McGee [19 February 1915 - May 1995
TRIN/FG], a widow and daughter of Arthur 0. Vuncannon and Annie L. Scott, on 26 December 1959 in Guilford County NC. Arthur and Lena had four children.
Patricia Ruth McDowell [15 June 1930 - Unknown] married Charles S. McKenzie on 10 January 1962 and had a daughter: Charlene McKenzie [26 June 1965 - Unknown].
Billy Robert McDowell [10 March 1932 - Unknown] married Glenda Nance [21 August 1936 - Unknown] on 26 April 1952 and had Roger Michael McDowell [15 June 1956 - Unknown] and Conita Dean McDowell [2 June 1964 - ].
Johnny Arthur McDowell [22 January 1934 - Unknown] married Margaret Ransom [31 July 1935 - Unknown] on 4 September 1953 and had Debra Ann McDowell [19 April 1955 - Unknown] married Larry Duncan [6 March 1954] on 25 July 1974. They had a child: Joanie Lee Duncan [22 December 1977 - Unknown]; Howard Lee McDowell [19 April 1956 - Unknown]; Tammie Jean McDowell [12 March 1958 - Unknown]; and Kellie Renee McDowell [11 October 1962 - Unknown].
Gordon Richard McDowell [17 October 1938 - 22 January 1950 /NCDC].
Colon and Lena appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Colon McDowell - 19 M - Head - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Lena Mae - 17 F - Wife - M at 16 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
R. L. Dix - 75 M - Head, Wd - NC
Colon McDowell - 29 M - S-in-Law - NC
Lena - 27 F - Wife - NC
Patsy - 9 F - Daughter - NC
Billie - 8 M - Son - NC
Jonnie - 6 M - Son - NC
Richard - 1 M - Son - NC
Ivy Lois McDowell
Ivey Lois McDowell [8 March 1913 -17 September 1994 /SocSecDI] married Ann Stechewicz [22 August 1922 - Unknown], the daughter of George Steckewicz and Mary Wookanech. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth and mother's name. They had the following children.
Thomas Ivey McDowell [23 August 1949 - Unknown] married Linda Henderson on 17 February 1973.
Barbara Ann McDowell [26 November 1952 - Unknown].
Virginia Pauline McDowell
Virginia Pauline McDowell [14 July 1923 - 4 February 2010
OAKWD/FG] married first to Elmer Watts Caskey [26 December 1920 - Unknown]. Two children were born to this marriage. After his death, she married William B. Lambeth [6 June 1926 - 6 March 2010
OAKWD/FG], the son of William Binnie Lambeth and Montie Mae Freeman, on 17 April 1970 in Davidson County.
Helen Jeanette Caskey [19 Octobre 1946 - Unknown] married Paul Donald Dix [28 September 1945 - Unknown] on 28 August 1964 and they had Paul Anthony Dix [January 1966 - Unknown], Marcus Richard Dix [6 December 1968 - Unknown], and Sarah Jeanette Dix [26 April 1977 - Unknown].
Mary Ellen Caskey [20 November 1947 - Unknown] married George Steven Crain [20 September 1947 - Unknown] on 20 November 1967. Although now divorced, three children were born; namely, Steven Michael Crain [30 December 1968 - Unknown], Richard Wayne Crain [3 January 1970 - Unknown], and Curtis George Crain [30 July 1971 - Unknown].
Millie Florence McDowell
Millie Florence McDowell [13 September 1926 - ] married Marlyn Ralph Jones [17 September 1922 - 16 December 2009], the son of Sidney Ralph Jones and Nannie Fairbanks. They had a daughter.
Norma Odell Jones [3 April 1947 - Unknown] married John Wayne Clodfelter [10 March 1947 - Unknown] on 7 June 1969. They had Aaron Thomas Clodfelter [10 September 1972 - Unknown] and Kate Ashley Clodfelter [19 May 1975 - Unknown].
Eli Franklin McDowell
Eli Franklin McDowell [8 October 1887 - 6 June 1975
GBAP/FG/NCDC] at age 21 married Lorena/Rena Smith [9 January 1888 - 10 November 1964
GBAP/FG/NCDC], the daughter of a Smith and Sarah Mahala, at age 20 on 20 April 1908 in Davidson County NC. Some records refer to her name as Rinna Maheley. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth and a wife with 3 children. They had the following children.
Eli and Lorena appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Eli McDowell - 22 M - Head - m1/1 - NC NC NC
Rena - 22 F - Wife - m1/1 1/1 - NC NC NC
May - 3/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Eli F. McDowell - 32 M - Head - NC NC NC
Rena L. - 31 F - Wife - NC NC NC
May K. - 10 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Brodus C. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ester P. - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Julian N. - 1 3/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Eli McDowell - 43 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Rena - 43 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Brodus - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
Esther - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Julian - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
Charles - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Evelyn - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Eli F. McDowell - 52 M - Head - NC
Lorena - 52 F - Wife - NC
Charles F. - 17 M - Son - NC
Sarah E. - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Eli Franklin McDowell was born in Randolph County, educated in the Randolph County Schools, a resident of High Point for sixty-five years coming from Lexington, and employed by Globe Furniture Company as a shipping clerk for twenty-two years. He was a member of Glenola Baptist Church, the Adult Men's Bible Class, and was a deacon in the church for a number of years.
Sarah Evelyn McDowell Davis remembers her dad Eli in many ways. He was the best and handsomest daddy in the world, because she idolized him while growing up. She would wait for him to get off for lunch from work. When he would turn the corner from Main Street onto Ward Street, she would run down the street just to hold his hand and walk home with him.
Sarah would go with him to town on Saturdays and he would run into first one brother and then another. While Eli was talking with them, Sarah would shop in the store windows. When he finished talking, Sarah would take him to the store where she had seen something she wanted and Eli would buy it for her.
He used to take Sarah to Uncle Ervin's on Sunday afternoons and
Uncle Ervin would let Sarah ride his horses. That was a big thrill as Sarah dreamed of being Dale Evans as a little girl. Eli liked to do things to please the children while growing up.
Believe it or not, it was a real "pleasure" to get sick at "Dad's" house because Daddy just couldn't seem to do enough. He had so much love and sympathy for them all.
There wasn't a lot of money growing up, but there was so much love from "Mama and Daddy" that they didn't know it if they were poor. Eli was a Deacon and custodian at Glenola Baptist Church for many years and the church played a big part in his life. He was a good Christian man who used to take sacks of food to people who were less fortunate.
Eli spent about twenty-two years as a foreman for Globe Furniture Company. After leaving Globe, he retired to Sophia, North Carolina and farmed for several years after Sarah and Charles had both married and moved out of the family nest. He finally moved back to High Point where he lived for around twenty years until his death.
Cammie Mae McDowell Meredith also remembers going to town with her brothers Broadus and Eli. The children always got tired of standing around town, but they always went with Eli. Esther was a real mama's girl and usually stayed home. Mae married young and moved away from home.
Uncle Ervin was always a lot of fun. He loved to tell Irish jokes. Mae remembers going to Uncle Ervins every Sunday to visit Grandma and Grandpa McDowell.
Uncle Atlas and
Uncle Ervin would tell ghost stories and scare them so they didn't want to go home. They visited
Aunt Maude who was a very sweet woman. Mae used to go to
Aunt Mary Lanier's and spend the night with her daughter Vernie.
Cammie Mae McDowell
Cammie Mae McDowell [19 December 1909 - 9 January 1992
HPBC/FG] married Eulas Sylvester Meredith [31 December 1906 - February 1983
HPBC/FG], son of Henry Albert Meredith and Sarah Cornelia Samuel, on 6 March 1926. They had the following children.
Carl Monroe Meredith [29 April 1927 - 1 January 1929
Charles Sylvester Meredith [21 July 1930 - 14 August 1982
LCAR/FG] married Myrtle Lee Bost and had
Karen Evon Meredith, who married Alan Lueck, and
Stevie Meredith.
James Darrell Meredith [4 July 1935 - ] married Carole Ann Carrigan and had Randall Scott Meredith, who married Sandy Welch, and Ann Hutchen Meredith.
Broadus Clay McDowell
Broadus Clay McDowe11 [16 May 1911 - 30 November 1981
GLAW/FG/NCBI/SocSecDI] married Mozelle Mollie Gaddis [26 May 1916 - 18 March 1996
GLAW/FG/NCBI/SocSecACI/SocSecDI], the daughter of Benjamin Lee Gaddis and Rachel Ellen Sumner, on 6 October 1935 in Danville VA. They had the following children.
Jack Clay McDowell [4 July 1936 - Unknown] married Carole Ann Noland [30 July 1938 - Unknown] on 18 June 1966 and had a daughter: Jennifer Wills McDowell [18 October 1973 - Unknown]. He married second to Harriet Ann Garrard, the daughter of Harry and Mildred Garrard, in Marion County IN.
Melinda Kay McDowell [23 May 1940 - 1993
GLAW/FG] married Archie Melton McLemore [9 June 1940 - Unknown] on 5 August 1960 and had
Melissa Sumner McLemore [17 May 1965 - Unknown] and
Archie Furman McLemore II [29 June 1970 - Unknown].
Judy Mozelle McDowell [11 April 1943 - Unknown] married William Davis Corley Jr. [6 March 1943 - Unknown] on 23 July 1966.
Rosanne Lee McDowell [17 November 1950 - Unknown].
James Robert McDowell [7 February 1956 - Unknown].
Broadus and Mozelle appeared in the following census record.
1940 Census Richland County SC
B. C. McDowell - 29 M - Head - NC
Mozelle - 24 F - Wife - NC
Jack - 3 M - Son - NC
Evelyn Whitt - 18 F - Lodger - NC
Daisy Esther McDowell
Daisy Esther McDowell [4 October 1913 - 23 January 1992
FLORAL/FG/NCBI/SocSecDI] married William Clyde Ledwell [15 April 1913 - 1 January 1970
FLORAL/FG/NCDC], the son of William Thomas Ledwell and Nora Parker, on 4 April 1936. They had the following children.
Jerry William Ledwell [29 March 1937 - Unknown] married Jeanette Jones and had a son: Michael James Ledwell [17 June 1969 - Unknown].
Norma Jean Ledwell [22 May 1941 - Unknown] married Sammie Calvin Mishoe and had Debbie Jean Mishoe [17 October 1966 - Unknown] and Sammy Kavin Mishoe [18 February 1969 - Unknown].
Brenda Louise Ledwell [4 April 1943 - Unknown] divorced Willard Ray Freeman and had Angie Dawn Freeman [12 July 1971 - Unknown] and Susan Lynn Freeman [13 November 1975 - Unknown].
Michael Wayne Ledwell [5 December 1945 - Unknown] had no children.
Noah Julian McDowell
Noah Julian McDowell [4 May 1918/(21 May 1918 obiturary) - 24 September 2015
GUIL/FG] married Lorrenia Mae Morrison, the daughter of Theron J. Morrison and Annie Dezern, on 7 October 1939 in Danville VA. They divorced on 26 September 1968 in Guilford County NC. He married second to Beulah M. Russ [4 October 1919 -
GUIL/FG]. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth as 21 July 1918 and wife as Lorrenia Mae. He had the following children.
Nathan Julian McDowell [1944 - Unknown] had David McDowell and Jackie McDowell (son).
Angela Dale McDowell [1947 - Unknown] married Larry LaDouceurs and had Shawn LaDouceurs and Andrea LaDouceurs.
Timothy Gibbons McDowell [1950 - Unknown] married Vickie MNU and they have no children.
Tarama Renee McDowell [1958 - Unknown] married Steve Martick and had a daughter: Courtney Martick.
Tebin Morrison McDowell [1960 -Unknown ] was a twin to Tia Denville McDowell.
Tia Denville McDowell [1960 - Unknown] was a twin to Tebin Morrison McDowell.
Lisa Michelle McDowell [1963 - Unknown]
Julian and Lorrenia appeared in the 1940 Census.
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Julian McDowell - 21 M - Head - NC
Lorena - 19 F - Wife - NC
Charles Franklin McDowell
Charles Franklin McDowell [28 January 1923 - 26 August 1998
PROV/FG] married first to Lois Maril Davis [15 November 1923 - 28 January 1985
PROV/FG], the daughter of Frank Monroe Davie and Nancy Ella Davis, on 6 September 1941 and second to Elsie Waynick Hall [18 April 1926 - 26 April 2016
SCIENCE/FG], the daughter of Edwin Parker Hall and Minnie Catherine Lehman. Charles had the following children.
Charles Franklin McDowell Jr [5 August 1942 - Unknown] married Edna L. Walker [30 January 1944 - Unknown] on 10 February 1962 and had Charles Franklin McDowell III [21 March 1963 - Unknown], Andrea Leigh McDowell [1 March 1964 - Unknown], and Gerri Suzanne McDowell [8 August 1968 - Unknown].
Joyce Marie McDowell [14 January 1945 - Unknown].
Peggy Jean McDowell [1 January 1946 -Unknown ] married Randall A. Pugh [4 August 1946 - ] on 12 June 1965 and had Peggy Marie Pugh [18 January 1968 - Unknown], Charles Randall Pugh [25 June 1969 - Unknown], and Julie Annette Pugh [23 May 1976 - Unknown].
Sarah Evelyn McDowell
Sarah Evelyn McDowell [11 February 1926 - 19 April 2011
GUIL/FG] married Oscar Theron Davis [23 February 1922 - 25 March 1982
GUIL/FG], the son of Hoyt Davis and Ellie Mae Lambe, on 11 July 1941. They had the following children.
Tony Theron Davis [26 February 1944 - Unknown] married Sally Jane Smith [26 May 1942 - Unknown] on 22 February 1964 and had Stephanie Annette Davis [13 November 1966 - Unknown] and Brian Lee Davis [29 August 1976 - Unknown].
Sandra Gayle Davis [30 May 1953 - Unknown] married Clyde Steven Glisson [23 May 1951 - Unknown] on 20 June 1970 and divorced on 26 June 1978.
Tanya Doreen Davis [25 October 1958 - Unknown] married Ed Culler.
Ervin Edgar McDowell
Ervin Edgar McDowell [8 June 1890 - 11 July 1972
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] married first to Rosie Newsom [6 December 1895 - 1 February 1923 /NCDC], the daughter of W. W. Newsom and Mary Lewis. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth and with a wife and 1 child. They had the following children.
Minnie McDowell [25 March 1914 - died in infancy]
Lorrie McDowell [Stillborn on 27 January 1923 /NCDC]
After the death of Rosie in 1923, Ervin married Beulah Etta McBride [26 July 1899 - 3 June 1959
OAKWD/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Charlie B. McBride and Lula Barnes McBride. They had the following children.
Patricia McDowell died in infancy.
Jack Edward McDowell [10 November 1932 - 10 November 1932 /NCBI/NCDC] was stillborn.
Shirley Jane McDowell [13 December 1935 - 24 November 2006
FLORAL/FG] married James Samuel Brewer [19 December 1936 - Unknown], the son of Clyde Samuel Brewer and Effie Hicks, on 7 August 1964 in Randolph County. They had
Jamie Leigh Brewer [17 September 1966 - Unknown] and
Kristen Jay Brewer [21 February 1975 - Unknown].
Ervin and Rosa appeared with his father in the
1920 Census. Subsequently, Ervin and Beulah appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Erwin - 38 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Beulah - 29 F - Wife - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Grayson - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bettie Joe - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Arlene McBride - 18 F - Sister-in-Law - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Ervin E. McDowell - 49 M - Head - NC
Beulah - 38 F - Wife - NC
S. Grayson - 25 M - Son - NC
Betty J. - 10 F - Daughter - NC
Shirley J. - 4 F - Daughter - NC
Ervin Edgar McDowell was known by many as "Mister Mac." He is remembered as having a mischievous grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye. Summer would find him and a few old buddies swapping stories in front of his small country store, interrupted only by someone needing him to pump gas. Wintertime would move the friends inside to the warmth of a wood stove, and there they continued to tell how they tricked, bettered, or got the best of someone along the way. Ervin wouldn't be outdone by anyone. He was always eager to tease and joke and never at a loss for words.
But this wasn't always so. As a young man, Ervin was rather shy about most things, most things that is except for eating. He could put the food away then just as he could most of his life. One of the favorite stories about Ervin is about how his appetite overcame this shyness and really got him in a fix.
Stopping at a boarding house to have lunch one day, Ervin soon discovered that the biscuits on the table, though small, were very good. He soon realized too, that he hadn't helped himself to enough of them. In those days, "all you can eat" was standard at a family-style meal. So Ervin didn't hesitate to ask the person next to him to "pass the biscuits, please." In fact he repeated this request so many times that the person whose lunch was being interrupted by a steady stream of biscuit-passing, took the matter into his own hands. He dumped the remaining biscuits beside Ervin's plate and invited him to help himself. Ervin's appetite quickly dissipated just as quickly as the flush of embarrassment crept over his face.
Samuel Grayson McDowell
Samuel Grayson McDowell [8 January 1915 - 18 February 1998
FLORAL/FG/NCBI/NCDI] married first to Georgia Roberts [May 1919 -Unknown ], the daughter of Coy and Essie Roberts. After her death, he married Catherine Cooley [16 April 1914 - Unknown] the daughter of Edgar James Cooley and Bessie Ellen Morris. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth. Two children were born to this marriage.
Edgar George McDowell [6 February 1943 - Unknown] married Lisa MNU and had a daughter: Robin Denise McDowell [4 February 1975 - Unknown].
Sammie Lee McDowell [25 September 1945 - Unknown] married first to Mary Stafford in 1969 and second to Linda Smith in 1977. Two children were born to the first marriage: Rodney McDowell [19 January 1970 - Unknown] and Jeffrey Scott McDowell [20 January 1974 - Unknown].
Bettie Jo McDowell
Betty Jo McDowell [29 April 1929 - 25 March 1997 /NCDI] at age 18 married Ervin Ray McCormick [25 August 1921 - 8 November 1983
FLORAL/FG], the son of Cephas Gilbert McCormick and Mary Belle, at age 25 on 28 June 1947 in Guilford County NC. They had the following children.
Beverly L. McCormick [9 April 1949 - Unknown] married Norman 0. Nelson [1 June 1948 - Unknown] on 6 June 1970 and had a son: Seth Nelson [14 April 1978 - Unknown].
Terri R. McCormick [10 May 1955 - Unknown] married Tommy Boles [17 August 1953 - Unknown] on 15 May 1976.
Chloe Mae McDowell
Chloe Mae McDowell [20 May 1894 - 21 July 1980
OAKWD/FG] married James Buchanan Reid [11 June 1891 - 18 March 1962
OAKWD/FG/NCDC], the son of James B. Reid and Mattie Duncan. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth and married with 2 children. Chloe and James had the following children.
James Odel Reid [12 July 1916 - 3 November 1918
Violet Elizabeth Reid [22 April 1919 - 25 April 2001 /NCBI/SocSecACI/SocSecDI] married Louis Edwin Wokal [25 May 1919 - 23 January 1997 /NCDI], the son of Louis John Wokal and Mary Podalak, on 19 October 1946 in Guilford County NC.
Theodore Reid [1 February 1921 - 23 October 1971
OAKWD/FG/NCDC/NCBI] married Doris Lucille Hayworth [15 September 1919 - 12 August 2012
OAKWD/FG], the daughter of J. Z. and Cora Hayworth, on 31 August 1937 in Guilford County NC and had two children:
Gary T. Reid and
Pamela Reid [23 July 1947 - 21 December 1994
Leroy Reid [1 February 1921 - 9 July 1923
OAKWD/FG] was a twin brother to Theodore Reid.
Della Mae Reid [20 March 1923 - 12 December 1964
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] married first to a Delappe and second at age 35 to Richard Arlen Teer [21 Jaunary 1929 - 1 June 1979
GUIL/FG/NCDI], the son of H. L. and Frances Ethel Teer, on 31 October 1958 in Guilford County NC. Richard's WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth and mother's name. Della had
Brenda Delappe, who married a Bolin, and
Steve Delappe.
Chloe and James appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
James B. Reid - 27 M - Head - NC NC NC
Cloey - 24 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Mattie J. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Violet E. - 8/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
James B. Reed - 38 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Cloey M. - 35 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Mattie J. - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Viloet E. - 10 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Theodore - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Della M. - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Bernice R. - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
James Reid - 48 M - Head - NC
Cleo - 45 F - Wife - NC
Violet - 21 F - Daughter - NC
Della May - 19 F - Daughter - NC
Bernice - 15 M - Son - NC
Theodoro - 19 M - Son - NC
Dorris - 20 F - Daughter-in-Law - NC
Gary - 2 M - Son - NC
Much of the initial information and starting point for this entire genealogical collection is due to Chloe. She gave the authors a metal plate picture from which the family of
Noah Soloman McDowell was reproduced. She knew about Grandma Polly McDowell and Grandpa
Levi McDowell which was the connecting link to the early McDowell's in Randolph County. Early conversations with "Aunt Chloe" gave way to many visits with other relatives and opened many paths toward tracing our ancestry. The authors are much indebted to her for her assistance.
In 1977 Chloe Reid was honored on her 83rd birthday with a luncheon held at Oak Hollow Lake in High Point. She was presented with a corsage of red carnations by her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Doris Reid. Forty-six guests attended the event which included the honoree's three children: Richard Reid, Mrs. W. L. White, both of High Point, and Mrs. Louis Wokal of Flushing, N. Y. ; nine grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren and three step-great grandchildren. This included six sets of four generations and one set of three generations.
Several sections of this genealogy have included comments from Chloe Reid. The following are remaining comments from discussions with Chloe that did not necessariy fit nicely in another section but are worth preserving.
Essie Griffin Stroud married Moody Stroud. Essie was always sickly. Her sister
Julie Griffin Cox had also recently been in the hospital at the time of the interview with Chloe. Chloe's Aunt
Tish McDowell Griffin had been sick most of her life with tuberculosis.
Alma McDowell Hoover stood at Grandpa
Levi McDowell's bed with a big old long peacock feather in his last days to keep the flies off him. There were no screens on the windows in 1897. After Levi died, most of the boys stayed close to Polly McDowell. Chloe had heard of
Jeremiah McDowell and his son
Alexander McDowell as a cousin of theirs. Chloe's grandfather Tommy Lawrence (father of Bessie Jane Lawrence McDowell) was from England according to family lore.[Sic: not true.] He had only one arm and didn't have to serve in the Civil War.
She used to go to Union Church which is really a "McDowell" church. Many times she would see Grandma Polly McDowell shout all over the church even though she was a small woman. Her brother
Ervin Edgar McDowell had his first two babies Minnie and Lorie McDowell buried in Pleasant Union. Later because the family had moved to High Point, the babies were moved to Ervin's plot in Oakwood Cemetery.
Benny Nance had given Chloe a little Bible, but Chloe gave it back to him and said to give it to whoever it belonged at Mt. Tabor Church, the regular church. Chloe always went to church. Her brothers saw to that. They would hitch up the horses and buggy and they'd all go, rain, shine, sleet, or snow. Chloe used to play the organ at church. Her cousin Ernest Yates was the regular organist. Chloe says that she couldn't sing good herself, but most of the McDowells were good singers. Ernest and Jeffrey Yates' father ran a corn mill. The Yates lived right down the road from Mt. Tabor Church. One of the Yates (Mavin) married Ceb Ragan's daughter and had one daughter who was deaf and dumb. The daughter stayed in school a lot of the time. When Chloe was young she knew the whole alphabet in sign language and could spell all the words with her hands.
Mattie Jane Reid
Mattie Jane Reid [17 February 1914 - 2 November 1992 /NCDI/SocSecDI] married Wiley Lee White [24 April 1908 - 6 August 2003
FLORAL/FG/NCDI) on 13 February 1932 in Danville VA. They had the following children.
Kenneth Robert White [31 October 1934 - Unknown] married Bobbie Rae Allred [28 January - Unknown] on 8 September 1956 and had Sherrie Dawn White [14 June 1957 - Unknown] and Scott K. White [4 January 1970 - Unknown].
Barbara Rae White [18 January 1937 - Unknown] married twice. Her second husband was Joel Lamar Thomas.She had Robin Lynn McCormick [4 March 1955 - Unknown], James Frederick McCormick [26 September 1956 - Unknown], Kimberly Ann McCormick [24 May 1958 - Unknown], Terrie Rae McCormick [21 February 1961 - Unknown], and Karen Lamar Thomas [3 December 1974 - Unknown].
Nancy Elizabeth White [7 May 1940 - Unknown] married a Peacock on 7 September 1957 and had Tammie Lynn Peacock [6 August 1958 - Unknown] and Phylis Ann Peacock [3 November 1961 - Unknown].
James Calvin White [10 September 1942 - Unknown] married Lyndia Williard [9 August 1944 - Unknown] on 24 August 1963 and had Holly Dee Williard White [16 November 1964 - Unknown] and Andrea Leigh White [1 June 1967 - Unknown].
Sandra Ann White [4 November 1945 - Unknown] married Don Honeycutt [18 January 1938 - Unknown] on 13 September 1969 and had a daughter: Lisa Annetta McCarrell [6 August 1964 - Unknown].
Bernice Richard Reid
Bernice Richard "Slick" Reid [22 January 1925 - 14 October 1995
OAKWD/FG/NCDI/SocSecDI/SocSecACI] married Billie Maxine Scarbrough [10 June 1928 - ], the daughter of Curtis Leroy Scarbrough and Willie Lou Hoosier, and had two daughters.
Sheila Lynn Reid [19 June 1954 - Unknown] married Randy Gene Philemon [22 November 1954 - Unknown] on 20 June 1975 and had a son: Jason Gene Philemon [24 February 1977 - Unknown].
Deborah Ann Reid
Deborah Ann Reid [20 December 1949 - Unknown] married David Christopher Beeker [28 January 1950 - Unknown] on 22 June 1968 and had Suzanne Michelle Beeker [7 September 1969 - Unknown] and Jennifer Lynne Beeker [18 July 1972 - Unknown].
Frederick L. McDowell
Frederick L. "Bud" McDowell [14 September 1857 - 14 November 1931
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Frances F. Wood [1861 - 1900 to 1903] on 16 September 1879 with J. W. Ridge, a Justice of the Peace, presiding at the Ridges' home. Witnesses to the marriage were
Jeremiah McDowell, Angelina C. Ridge and C. Ridge. Ten children were born to this marriage with the following seven having been identified.
Laura L. McDowell [January 1880 - Unknown] married John Fox on 23 November 1905. We suspect that she died soon after marriage and that John Fox married her sister, Liza Eudora "Dora" McDowell.
Liza Eudora "Dora" McDowell [June 1887 - 20 June 1913 /NCDC] married J. W. Fox on 24 August 1906. She died of Typhoid Fever.
Frederick L. McDowell married a second time to Julia Elbertson [1875 (NCDC) / 1874 (tombstone) - 4 (NCDC) / 14 (tombstone) November 1938
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Henry Harris Elberson and Martha Jane Noah, on 25 August 1903 at the home of W. J. Brookshire with Justice of the Peace M. L. Wood presiding. Witnesses to the marriage were E. F. Clark, C. W. Lackey, and C. J. Brookshire. At the time of the second marriage Frederick was 47 years old and Julia was 29. According to her gravestone she was born in 1874 and died on 14 November 1938. Julia is buried at Pleasant Union United Church of Christ alongside Frederick. The following six children were born to Frederick and Julia McDowell.
Jamie McDowell [c1906 - c1914] died in infancy at approximately eight years of age.
Ollie Eli McDowell [4 October 1905 - 20 March 1878
BETH/FG/NCDI/SocSecDI] married Flossie Anna Lamb [29 March 1918 - 22 April 2003
BETH/FG/NCDI] on 21 March 1942. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth and Bessie Suaney as his contact. They had no children according to family sources.
Fannie May McDowell [4 May 1913 - 25 August 1922 /NCDC]
Frederick appeared in the following census records.
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township
Fedrick - 22 M - Grain Farmer - NC NC NC
Fannie - 17 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
Laura - 6/12 F Feb - Daughter - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Fredrick McDowel - 41 M - Head - Sept 1858 m/20 - NC NC NC
Francis L. - 40 F - Wife - Aug 1869 m/20 10/7 - NC NC NC
Laurie L. - 20 F - Daughter - Jan 1880 - NC NC NC
Carriner J. - 17 F - Daughter - Sept 1881 - NC NC NC
Lemuel C. - 16 M - Son - Sept 1883 - NC NC NC
Liza E. - 12 F - Daughter - June 1887 - NC NC NC
Ticia B. - 10 F - Daughter - June 1889 - NC NC NC
Sular M. - 9 F - Daughter - July 1890 - NC NC NC
Mary M - 1 F - Daughter - Sept 1895 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Fredrick L. McDowell - 56 M - Head - m2/8 - NC NC NC
Julia - 39 F - Wife - m1/9 4/3 - NC NC NC
Mary - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Ollie L. - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
James - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bessie - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Bud McDowell - 65 M - Head - NC NC NC
Julia - 45 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Ollie - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bessie - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Etta - 8 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Fannie - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Albert - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Fredric L. McDowell - 70 M
July - 56 F
Olley - 25 M
Etter - 18 F
Albert - 16 M
Ethel Gertrude Wells Hayworth visited with Frederick McDowell many times. He was affectionately called "Bud." Bud lived down near Shephard's Mountain at the foot of the hills in a big white house. It did not have a "real" upstairs, it just had a ladder up to a loft. But up in that loft, many pallets could be put down for a lot of children to sleep on. On many weekends Ethel would go down to see Uncle Bud and spend the night with him. They would pick blackberries, fry chicken, and have all the good things that country women like Julia McDowell could put on the table.
Uncle Bud was a sweet old soul. He wasn't too tall and he was just a little chubby, but he had a heart as big as all outdoors. He also had enough love for all the children related to him.
Aunt Julia was always busy doing something. If she wasn't cooking, she was cleaning. If she wasn't cleaning, she was making quilts or sewing up patches on some of the boy's clothes.
Their first grandchild was so chubby and fat and healthy looking, but it didn't live very long, and that just about broke Aunt Julia and Uncle Bud's hearts. There were many wonderful times visiting Uncle Bud and Aunt Julia at Shephard's Mountain.
Bud's daughters
Bessie Swaney and
Etta Millikan have several stories about their father. Bud was a wonderful man and a good father. Julia used to make big biscuits. Most of their living was taken from the fields. Bud did work in a sawmill some but not a great deal. Julia was just a home woman and tended after most of the children.
In her later years, Julia had rheumatism in her knee joints and couldn't get around well. She sent
Etta and
Bessie to the store. She had already figured out what it would cost for what she wanted. One day
Etta slipped out some eggs and hid them and when it came time to go to the store Bud hooked up the old mule Dan. We would go by old Mark Wood's place for coffee and sugar. They slipped out some extra eggs and went back in with the extra money for them and got a bunch of chocolate candy. So they took the sack of candy and hid it outside the house behind a rock. The second or third time they snuck back there for some, the ants had gotten to it. They figured that was their punishment for taking the eggs.
Once the old mule bucked them while coming back from the store and
Etta got out and threw a rock at it. The mule took off fast and left Etta standing there.
According to
Bessie a lot of the children by Francis Wood died young and most were buried at Union Church. There is a lot of unmarked space around Frederick's grave. Bud and Julia would go to church nearly every Sunday. It was the old plank church.
Grandma Polly McDowell died in the house where Bud and Julia lived (a house with a large chimney).
At times water from the creek would come right up to the house and get into the barn. There was an incident where Bud had told
Bessie and
Ollie to get some more wood for the fireplace. Bud had the flu and couldn't cut it so Ollie and Bessie took the big cross saw and laid into the wood on a rock. Not only did they cut the wood but they went clean through into the rock.
Harding Atlas McDowell remembers visiting Great Uncle Bud and playing with the other children. Usually the children always ate last when they had the family reunions and they were afraid that the food would run out. Harding and
Ollie used to go out into the fields with the mule and get him mad. The mule would kick the side of the barn and Great Uncle Bud would holler at them for doing that. Later, Ollie was kicked in the head by that mule and suffered some from it the rest of his life.
Lemuel Cisro McDowell
Lemuel Cisro McDowell [22 September 1880 - 25 April 1917
PUC/NCDC] married Annie Meredith Swaney [3 February 1886 - 21 December 1920], the daughter of Robert C and Lucretia Seabolt Swaney, on 5 April 1901 in Randolph County NC. His tombstone reads "L. C. Mc, Father" and was lying on the ground in late 1970. They had the following children.
Rosa E. McDowell [4 March 1903 - July 2, 1941] married
Ben McDowell on 11 January 1920 in Randolph County NC.
Arthor McDowell [1910 - 17 October 1918
James F. McDowell [15 June 1912 - 22 July 1972 Davidson/NCDC] married Glover Mattie Harrison [28 June 1906 - 1 Febaury 1971 /NCDC], the daughter of Jerry Harrison and Lura Lanier. His WWII Registration Card reports his birth year as 1914 and his brother Harvey Ray McDowell as his contact.
Hubert Cicero McDowell [11 May 1916 - 16 March 1959 /NCDC] married Mary Emmaline/Emiline Luck [22 February 1918 - 16 March 1959 /NCDC], the daughter of Fred Luck and Martha McNeal, on 4 December 1943 in Camden NC and both died in an auto accident.
Lemuel and Annie appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Lemuel C. McDowell - 28 M - Head - m1/9 - NC NC NC
Annie M. - 23 F - Wife - m1/9 4/4 - NC NC NC
Rosa E. - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Harvey R. - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lilly M. - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Arthur R. - 2/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Annie M. McDowell - 33 F - Head, Wd - NC NC NC
Rosia E. - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Harvey R. - 14 M - Son - NC NC CN
Lillie M. - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James F - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Hubert - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
Harvey Ray McDowell
Harvey Ray McDowell [28 March 1905 - 10 May 1988 /NCDI] married Mary Jane Buie [14 October 1907 - 25 March 1970 /NCDC], the daughter of William L. Buie and Lizell Owens, on 17 March 1928 in Davidson County NC. Harvey Ray McDowell was a member of High Rock Baptist Church and was a retired employee of Dixie Furniture in Lexington. At his death, there were 18 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. His funeral was held at the High Rock Baptist Church by the Rev. Billy Lewis, the Rev. B. V. Broadway, and the Rev. J. E. Goodman. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and name of wife. They had the following children.
Infant [stillborn 6 May 1928].
Hazel Sue Lucretia "Cresty" McDowell [10 July 1929 - 17 November 2013 /NCDI] married Walter Jerome Hepler [14 August 1927 - 24 November 2007].
0uida(s) Jean McDowell [13 February 1931 - 3 May 1996 /NCBI/NCDI] married Mr. Beam, married Billy Ray Coble [19 March 1934 - 12 May 1993].
Harvey Ray McDowell, Jr. [19 February 1932 - 19 July 2010 Burke /FG] married Merita Jean Cook on 18 September 1951 in Burke County NC.
Mary Linsay McDowell [2 October 1935 - Unknown] married Mr. Russell.
Infant [stillborn 7 April 1939 PUUCC].
Roy Eugene McDowell [10 April 1941 - Unknown].
James Robert McDowell [9 October 1942 - 1974].
Virgie Lee McDowell [26 September 1946] married a Mr. Whisant.
Lucy Mae McDowell [11 July 1953 - Unknown].
Harvey and Mary appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Davidson County NC
Heling Spring
Harvey R. McDowell - 25 M - Head - NC NC NC
Mary J. - 23 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Hazel L. - 8/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Davidson County NC
Healing Spring
Harvey McDowell - 35 M - Head - NC
Mary - 32 F - Wife - NC
Hazel - 10 F - Daughter - NC
Oudia - 9 F - Daughter - NC
H. Ray - 8 M - Son - NC
Mary Linsey - 4 F - Daughter - NC
Lillie Mae McDowell
Lillian "Lillie" Mae McDowell [25 September 1907 - 3 August 1992
PUC/NCDI] married Elzie Odel Hulin [4 December 1902 - February 1978
PUC] on 20 October 1923 in Randolph County NC. Lillie and Elzie appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Elsie Hulin - 27 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Lilly - 22 F - Wife - M at 16 - NC NC NC
Inez - 3 3/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Annie M. - 1 9/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Elzie Hulin - 37 M - Father - NC
Lillie - 32 F - Wife - NC
Inez - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Anna Mae - 12 F - Daughter - NC
Dalton - 7 M - Son - NC
Corina J. McDowell
Corina "Corrinner" J. McDowell [September 1881 - Bf April 1905] married Charles Wilson Lackey [24 August 1882 - 1 August 1963 /NCDC], the son of Wilson Lackey and Mary Small, on 30 September 1900 in Randolph County NC. In the 1910 Census below, Charles is a widower.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Arthur W. Lackey - 25 M - Head - m1/3 - NC NC NC
Roxie - 23 F - Wife - m1/3 1/1 - NC NC NC
Blanche - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Charlie - 29 M - Nephew, Wd - NC NC NC
Robert Farlow - 43 M - Hand, Wd - NC NC NC
Based on the 1920 Census and his birth date, it would appear that the following male is a son of Corina and Charles.
Curtis C. Lackey [3 October 1901 - 22 March 1993 /FG] married Cleta Hoover [30 April 1910 - 1 October 1997 FG/NCDI] on 24 December 1929 in Davidson County NC.
After the apparent death of Corina, we believe that Charles married Corina's sister Titia B. McDowell [June 1889 - Bf 1910] on 24 April 1905 in Randolph County NC. Titia and Charles appear to have had one daughter.
Clara Mae Lackey [31 May 1907 - 24 August 1989 /FG/NCDI] married William Hoke Ritchie [5 June 1906 - 7 August 1987 /FG/NCDI], the son of H. V. and Blanche Ritchie, on 25 September 1926.
In the
1910 Census of Cicero McDowell, "Clarie" is listed as cousin proving that her mother is a McDowell and almost certainly Titia B. McDowell. Cicero was a brother to Corina's and Titia's father thereby making Clara indeed a cousin.
After the death of Titia B. McDowell, Charles married Elizabeth Lizzie Coltrane [22 June 1886 - 14 November 1968
PUC/NCDC], the daughter of Richard Coltrane and Katherine Hoover, on 22 October 1910 in Randolph County NC. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name, his birth date as 24 August 1878 and his wife as Lizzie. Charles and Lizzie appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Charlie W. Lackey - 41 M - Head - NC NC NC
Lizzie - 34 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Curtis - 17 M - Son - NC NC NC
Clara - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Genie - 8 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Ora - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC CN
Mabel - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Davidson County NC
Charlie Lackey - 48 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Lizzie - 43 F - Wife - M at 24 - NC NC NC
Genia - 18 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Cara - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Mabel - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Baxter - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ray - 6 M - NC NC NC
1940 Census Davidson County NC
Charlie W. Lackey - 68 M - Head - NC
Lizzie C. - 53 F - Wife - NC
George W. Hughes - 32 M - Son-in-Law - NC
Janie Hughes - 28 F - Daughter - NC
Jeanette G. Hughes - 5 F - Granddaughter - NC
Myrtle Zular McDowell
Mrytle Zular McDowell [11 July 1890 - 29 September 1924
PUC/FG/NCDC] married first to George Washington Bascom Kindley [29 December 1852 - February 1912
TAB/FG], the son of George Washington Kindley and Nancy Briles, on 6 August 1911 in Randolph County NC. Prior to that marriage, she apparently had a bastard daughter by the name of Media/Meda. With George, she had one son.
Media R. McDwell [10 April 1908 - 6 April 1969
Wiley Curtis Kindley [6 October 1912 - 11 April 1969
COMM/FG] married Effie Jane Myers [17 September 1905 - 13 July 1990
COMM/FG], the daughter of James "Jimmy" Marshall Myers and Sara Jane Lambeth.
She married second to James "Jim" Franklin Jarrett [6 December 1864 - 14 June 1940
WFIELD/FG/NCDC], the son of Addison Jarrett and Rebecca Swaney, on 11 July 1914 in Randolph County NC. We note that James was previously married with children as shown in the 1910 Census below. Based on their marriage date, the following children were born to Myrtle and James.
Frances L. Jarrett [30 April 1915 - 23 March 1993
WFIELD/FG] married James Anderson Tolbert [12 January 1912 - 17 March 1983
Ida Mae Jarrett [5 November 1916 - 24 March 1965
HOPE/FG] married Robert Glenn Floyd [25 May 1907 - 31 July 1975
James Franklin Jarrett [14 September 1918 - 6 January 2006
ZION/FG/SocSecACI] at age 35 married his stepmother, Bertie Jane Freeman Jarrett, age 42, on 28 November 1953 in Randolph County NC.
Guy Thomas Jarrett [29 April 1920 - 14 December 2013 Randolph/FG] married Dorothy L. Walker on 30 August 1944 in Davidson County NC.
Infant Jarrett [13 January 1923 - 13 January 1923
James F. Jarret appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
James F. Jarrett - 42 M - Head - m2/5 - NC NC NC
Mollie E. - 35 F - m1/5 3/3 - NC NC NC
Anna E. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Allie E. - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
John V. - 1 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
James F. Jarrett - 57 M - Head - NC NC NC
Myrtle - 34 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Meda R. - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Willey K. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Francis R. - 4 8/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Ida M. - 3 1/12 F Daughter - NC NC NC
James F. - 1 3/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Alis E. - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
John V. - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
After the death of Myrtle, James married Bertie Jane Freeman [13 October 1911 - 9 September 1976
WFIELD/FG], the daughter of George Cornelius Freeman and Minerva Jane Wilson. We note that the WWII Registration Card for James Franklin Jarrett Jr. reports Bertie Freeman Jarret as his mother.[Sic: Stepmother] He later married her in 1953.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
James F. Jarrett - 58 M - Head - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Bertie - 19 F - Wife - M at 16 - NC NC NC
Alice - 22 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Francis - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Ida - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
Guy - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Rebeca - 1 8/12 F - NC NC NC
Curtis - 1 8/12 M - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
J. F. Jarrett - 75 M - Head - NC
Bertie - 27 F - Wife - NC
Ida - 23 F - Daughter - NC
Gray - 19 M - Son - NC
Becky - 11 F - Daughter - NC
Carol - 7 F - Daughter - NC
Ruby Lee - 4 F - Daughter - NC
Ann Marie - 1 F - Daughter - NC
Curtis Lee - 11 M - Grandson - NC
Mary Magdalene McDowell
Mary Magdalene McDowell [14 September 1894 - 23 March 1974
PIER/FG/NCDC] married Benjamin Harrison Summey [30 May 1889 - 16 December 1967
PIER/FG/NCDC], the son of William Summey and Jane Elbertson, on 17 December 1910 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Lewis William Summey [5 October 1911 - 7 June 1966
PIER/FG] married Evelyn Briles [23 April 1915 - 9 January 2012
PIER/FG], the daughter of Harris Briles and Minnie Money
Roy Summey [4 August 1916 - 4 August 1916
Curtis L. Summey [31 July 1921 - 6 September 1989
WFIELD/FG] married Eva Loflin [27 October 1922], the daughter of Everett Loflin and Mamie Summey.
Robert Lee Summey [25 September 1924 - 13 June 1989
PIER/FG/NCDI] was a foster son in the 1930 Census and listed as a Jarrett in the 1940 Census. His NCBI reports his father as
Jim F. Jarrett and born in Guilford County NC. He married Virginia Lucille Crotts [26 December 1926 - 13 October 1999
PIER/FG/SocSecACI], the daughter of Benjamin F. Crotts and Virginia L. Miller.
Mary and Benjamin appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Bade H. Summy - 30 M - Head - NC NC NC
Mary - 25 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Lewis - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Ben H. Summey - 41 M - Head - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Mary M. - 36 F - Wife - M at 16 - NC NC NC
Curtis - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Robert - 5 M - Foster Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Benjamin Summey - 51 M - Head - NC
Mary - 47 F - Wife - NC
Curtis - 19 M - Son - NC
Robert Jarrett - 16 M - Nephew - NC
Bessie Jane McDowell
Bessie Jane McDowell [4 September 1907 - 10 December 1993
RMP/FG/NCDI] married Claude Edward Swaney [1 October 1904 - 22 August 1989
RMP/FG/NCDI], the son of Robert Clarkson Swaney and Lucretia Ann Seabolt, on 14 August 1923. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth. They had the following children.
Fannie Marie Swaney [19 September 1924 - 10 November 1924]
Garlen Edward Swaney [20 September 1926 - 24 February 1930]
Magline Mae Swaney [24 October 1929 - 3 January 1929]
Trella Claudene Swaney [13 March 1930 - 10 December 2013
RMP/FG/SocSecDI] married first to a Hughes and had three children a second time to Ivey Lee Beane [22 August 1939 - Unknown] on 14 November 1958 and had four children.
Dempsey Edward Swaney [25 September 1932 - 17 September 2013
RMP/FG/NCBI/SocSecDI] married Peggy Jean Hughes [21 April 1936 - 29 February 1992
RMP/FG], the daughter of Raymond Oliver Hughes and Jessie Floyd Starbuck, on 16 September 1950.
Claude Edward Swaney, Jr. [1 January 1936 - 27 November 2010
OAK/FG/SocSecDI] married Nancy Marrion [16 June 1938 - Unknown] on 9 April 1955.
Henry Lee "Chub" Swaney [12 March 1938 - 21 March 1975
RMP/FG/NCDC] married a second time to Manda "Mandy" Jane Cox [16 March 1948 - Unknown] on 3 February 1974. Three children were born to the first marriage.
Inez Swaney [4 August 1941 - Unknown] married Nelson Burcham [28 February 1939 - Unknown] on 20 May 1961.
Bessie and Claude appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Claude Swaney - 24 M - Head - NC NC NC
Bessie - 22 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Trella - 1/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Claude E. Swaney - 34 M - Head - NC
Bessie - 33 F - Wife - NC
Trella - 10 F - Daughter - NC
Dempsey - 7 M - Son - NC
Junior - 4 M - Son - NC
Henry - 2 M - Son - NC
Cretia - 78 F - Mother - NC
Ollie McDowell - 34 M - Brother-in-Law - NC
Albert McDowell - 26 M - Brother-in-Law - NC
Etta Mae/May McDowell
Etta Mae/May McDowell [8 December 1911 - 8 February 1997
RMP/FG/NCDI] married Fletcher Orlando Millikan [1 April 1913 - 2 February 1983
RMP/FG], the son of Allen Winston Millikan and Emma Lula Dunning Millikan, on 8 December 1934 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Betty Millikan [28 September 1935 - Unknown] married Raymond Doyle Hunt.
Mary Millikan [6 October 1937 - Unknown] married Troy Smith Chilton, Jr.
Connie Alfred Millikan [27 April 1943 (twin) - Unknown] married Shirley Louise Wilkerson and second to Bertha.
Donnie Erman Millikan [27 April 1943 (twin) - 31 May 2016
RMP/FG] married Hortease Shaw.
Albert James McDowell
Albert James McDowell [12 July l913 - 25 December 1975
BETH/FG/NCDC] at age 27 married Nina Josephine Dixon [18 March 1921 - 4 November 2002
BETH/FG/NCDI], the daughter of Ernest and Martha Dixon, at age 19 on 2 November 1940 in Chatham County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth and contact as his sister, Mrs. Claude E. Swaney. They had the following children.
Violet McDowell [2 Augugust 1941 - Unknown] married Robert Edward Tarlton and second to a Hayes and had Rebecca Ann Hughes [22 November 1958 - Unknown], Nina Marrie Ball [8 August 1960 - Unknown], Joey Van Ball, and Joey Shane Ball.
Lou Allen McDowell [25 December 1945 - Unknown] married Myrtle Goldsberry [22 June 1932 - Unknown] and had no children.
Kay McDowell [1 September 1948 - Unknown] married Ronnie Dean Richardson [29 November 1950 - Unknown] on 19 April 1974 and had a daughter: Becky Jo Richardson [4 September 1976 - Unknown].
Albert Dalton McDowell [26 September 1951 - Unknown] married Linda Barker and had Patric Shawn McDowell [4 December 1976 - Unknown] and Jeffrey Todd McDowell [4 February 1977 - Unknown].
William B. McDowell
William B. McDowell [8 June 1857 - 14 October 1911
PUC/FG] married Sallie Hammond [4 March 1864 - 2 October 1930
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Wiley B. Hammond and Martha E. Muse, on 4 February 1892 at the home of J. W. Ridge, Justice of the Peace. The witnesses included G. W. Gibson, Jonathan Robbins, and S. J. Ridge.. His tombstone is marked as W. M. McDowell. His marriage record indicates W. N. McDowell. Probably the most accurate record is the earlier 1870 Randolph County Census in which he is listed as William B. McDowell. He could very well be named after Polly Yates' brother William Bailey Yates. The following children were born to this marriage.
William and Sallie appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Wm. N. McDaniell [Sic: McDowell] - 39 M - Head - Farmer - June 1860 m/8 - NC NC NC
Sallie - 36 F - Wife - Mar 1864 m/8 2/2 - NC NC NC
Artly R. - 7 M - Son - Mar 1893 - NC NC NC
Lena May - 4 F - Daughter - May 1896 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
William M. McDowell - 52 M - Head - Farmer - m1/18 - NC NC NC
Sallie - 46 F - Wife - m1/18 3/3 - NC NC NC
Artley R. - 17 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lena M. - 13 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Auby W. - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Sallie - 54 F - Head, wd - NC NC NC
Auby L. - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lena Trotter - 23 F - Daughter, Wd - NC NC NC
William A. Trotter - 2 M - Grandson - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Sallie McDowell - 66 F - Head, Wd - M at 28 - NC NC NC
Lena M. Trotter - 33 F - Daughter - Wd M at 20 - NC NC NC
William A. Trotter - 12 M - Grandson - NC NC NC
It is said that William died of appendicidus. It is also said that he was a mighty fine man and had a good name in the community of Little Texas. When his father
Levi McDowell died in 1897, William helped
Polly with the farming. As a young man he went to Redberry School. William and Sallie attended Union Church.
William McDowell purchased one chair for $0.55 and one overcoat for $1.22 from the estate of Andrew Hoover in 1891.
Artley Ray McDowell
Artley Ray McDowell [21 March 1893 - 1 December 1972
PUC/FG/NCDC] first married Allena Ruth Johnson [14 September 1892 - 15 November 1943
PUC/FG], the daughter of John Walter Johnson and Rhoda Jane Millikan, on 21 January 1917. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, married, and that he support his blind mother. There were two children by this marriage.
After the death of his first wife, Artley married Lydia R. Loftin [16 November 1903 - 22 April 1980
PUC/FG/NCDI], the daughter of Will Loflin and Cumia Cameron. She was first married to a Purdue.
Artley and Allena appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Artley R. McDowell - 26 M - Head - Farmer - NC NC NC
Allena - 27 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Edgar R. - 1 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Artley R. McDowell - 37 M - Head - M at 24 - NC NC NC
Aline J. - 37 F - Wife - M at 24 - NC NC NC
Ray - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
Dorthy - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Censsu Randolph County NC
Artley R. McDowell - 47 M - Father - NC
Allena - 47 F - Wife - NC
Ray - 21 M - Son - NC
Dorothy - 19 F - Daughter - NC
Edgar Ray McDowell
Edgar Ray McDowell [23 December 1918 - 22 November 1993
PUC/FG] married Dorothy Keith Garner [1 April 1924 - Unknown], the daughter of Albert Wesley Garner and Blanche Emalin Trotter, on 19 July 1953. They had the following son.
Wesley Ray McDowell [8 October 1954 - Unknown] married Deborah Clayton [7 June 1955 - Unknown] on 13 June 1978 and they had one child: Katherine Lynn McDowell [9 May 1978 - Unknown].
Dorthy Mae McDowell
Dorthy Mae McDowell [9 September 1920 - 18 March 1997
PUT/FG/NCDI] married Alfred Terry Seawell [16 July 1911 - 8 July 1985
PUT/FG], the son of Asa Carlton Seawell and Laura Delilah Matthews, on 22 September 1940 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Donald Terry Seawell [27 May 1942 - Unknown] married Carolyn MNU on 23 September 1962.
Wendell Ray Seawell [2 October 1943 - Unknown] married Rose Ann Caudill on 21 August l465.
Laura Ruth Seawell [9 May 1945 - Unknown] married Clinton Howard Seawell on 29 March 1964.
Carlton Wayne Seawell [20 February 1947 - Unknown] married Helen Davis and had a daughter: Tina Gwin Seawell [31 March 1972 - Unknown].
Larry Alfred Seawell [12 August 1948 - Unknown] married Frances Maness Underwood on 12 July 1968.
Lena Mae McDowell
Lena Mae McDowell [27 May 1896 - 6 November 1959
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Samuel Ashley Trotter [23 December 1884 - 21 October 1917
PUC/FG/NCDC], the son of Andrew J. Trotter and Martha J. Ridge, on 20 September 1916 in Randolph County NC. They had one son.
William Ashley Trotter [11 September 1917 - 12 June 1985
RMP/FG/NCDI] married Zeola Gallimore on 29 October 1938 in Randolph County NC.
Auby Way McDowell
Auby Way McDowell [29 March 1901 - 26 February 1964
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Pearl Lennis Byerly [22 August 1905 - 23 April 1992
PUC/FG], the daughter of Ephram J. Byerly and Nancy Adaline Callicutt, on 10 February 1926. They had the following children.
Auby and Lennis appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Auby W. McDowell - 29 M - Head - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Lennis - 24 F - Wife - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Mattie M. - 3 5/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Wiley B. - 1 11/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Auby W. McDowell - 39 M Head/Father - NC
Lennie - 34 F - Wife - NC
Mattie Mae - 13 F - Daughter - NC
Wiley B. - 11 M - Son - NC
Clifton - 8 M - Son - NC
Mattie May McDowell
Mattie May McDowell [25 October 1926 - Unknown] married William Baxter Swaney [20 April 1919 - 19 April 1993
PUC/FG/NCDI/SocSecACI], the son of Reuben Curtis "Girt" Swaney and Minnie Correna Summey, on 24 December 1952 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Phyllis Ann Swaney - married David Barnes and they had one child: Jacob Barnes
Janice Swaney
Wiley B. McDowell
Wiley B. McDowell [13 December 1928 - 12 March 1991
PUC/FG] married Faye Hazel Gordon. They had the following children.
Wiley Steven McDowell [22 September 1950 - Unknown] married Linda MNU. They had one child: Simon McDowell
Dwight Way McDowell [10 June 1952 - 8 September 1969
PUC/FG/NCDC] died in an auto accident.
Johnny Randall McDowell [10 June 1955 - Unknown].
Clifton Eugene McDowell
Clifton Eugene "Gene" McDowell [1 October 1931 - 21 November 2014
RMP/FG] married Patsy Ann Trotter and had a daughter.
Wanda Kay McDowell [19 January 1953 - Unknown] married Donald Parker. They had one child: Garrett Parker.
John Riley McDowell
John Riley McDowell [8 December 1861 - 19 December 1936
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Claudia Louvenia Hoover [7 June 1869 - 13 March 1957
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Alfred Hoover and Wincy Ann Dawson, on 28 July 1887 at the home of F. Pearce, Justice of the Peace. Witnesses to the marriage were M. L. Wood, Harris Briles, and B. M. Parrish. Claudia is buried beside J. R. McDowell in the Pleasant Union Cemetery. They had the following children.
Riley, as he was called, should not to be confused with the fifth son of
John McDowell who is also named John Riley McDowell. He and Claudia appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Riley McDowell - 38 M - Head - Dec 1861 m/12 - NC NC NC
C. Louvenia - 29 F - Wife - June 1870 m/12 7/7 - NC NC NC
Levi A. - 12 M - Son - April 1888 - NC NC NC
Talbert - 10 M - Son - April 1890 - NC NC NC
Gema E. - 8 M - Son - Aug 1891 - NC NC NC
John M. - 6 M - Son - Aug 1893 - NC NC NC
Jessie J. - 5 M - Son - Mar 1895 - NC NC NC
Ermie L. - 3 F - Daughter - Dec 1896 - NC NC NC
Bennie A. - 1 M - Son - Sep 1898 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
John R. McDowell - 49 M - Head - m1/23 - NC NC NC
Louvenia - 42 F - Wife - m1/23 12/12 - NC NC NC
John M. - 16 M - Son - NC NC NC
Jesse - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ermie - 13 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Benny A - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Robert W. - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Rutherford H. - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mittie - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Tura - 3/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
John R. McDowell - 57 M - Head - NC NC NC
Claudia L. - 50 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Robert W. - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
Rutherford H. - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mittie - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Tura G. - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Val - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
J. Riley McDowell - 68 M - Head - M at 22 - NC NC NC
C. L. - 59 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Val - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Val McDowell - 27 M - Father/Head - NC
Lizzie - 25 F - Wife - NC
Emma Beatric - 6 F - Daughter - NC
Walton Odell - 4 M - Son - NC
Robert Lee - 3 M - Daughter - NC
Margie Lizzie - 1 F - Daughter - NC
Lovenie - 70 F - Mother, Wd - NC
Riley McDowell lived towards Denton from Jackson Creek.
Chloe May McDowell visited Riley many times as a young child with her daddy
Noah. Riley and Noah were both strong Republicans.
Eula McDowell Morris recalls that Claudia Louvenia and
Rhodema Hoover were sisters and both were petite women. Riley bought some of the estate of Adam Hoover when he died in 1883. In particular he bought 5¼ bushels of wheat at $0.85 per bushel for a total of $4.46¼. Riley died in downtown High Point, North Carolina when he had a heart attack.
An article was written in the newspaper honoring Claudia Louvenia McDowell on her 86th birthday. A large number of relatives gathered at her home near Denton to honor her. Louvenia had been a life-long resident of Randolph County and a member of Pleasant Union United Church of Christ. She was active in her community and church and had been an eager and willing friend when any member of her community had needed help. She enjoyed crocheting, quilting, and rug making.
An article was written about Louvenia Hoover McDowell by William Joyner in the 12 March 1957 edition of a church quarterly. Joyner said the following:
A church should justly be proud of the more elderly persons in its membership, who have given so generously and unselfishly of themselves for the work and the progress of the church down through the years. Such a person is Mrs. Louvenia McDowell of the Pleasant Union Church near Farmer, N. C. This church is proud of her for many reasons. Mrs. McDowell is the only surviving charter member of this church, being one of the original eleven members who organized it in 1890. She has since then been faithful to the church and still is, even though she is unable to attend regularly. It would be difficult to measure the amount of good, Christian influence that her life has created in this church, in her neighborhood, and in her home.
Now eighty-eight years of age, Mrs. McDowell is an unusually pleasant person, who becomes a real source of inspiration to all those who meet her. She is the mother of thirteen children, one of whom is deceased.
The Pleasant Union Church, which is still growing, gladly pays tribute here to one who has done her share in making its growth possible. We salute her.
Alfred Levi McDowell
Alfred Levi McDowell [12 April 1888 - 23 June 1945
OAKWD/FG/NCDC] married Mamie Silman [18 August 1892 - 26 January 1959
OAKWD/FG/NCDI], the daughter of Geo. Silman and Betti MNU, on 10 September 1911 in Guilford County NC. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth and married with two children. They had the following children.
George Alfred McDowell [26 August 1913 - 19 February 1976
FLORAL/NCBI/NCDI] married Margie Lena Grissom [26 June 1914 - 13 June 2003 /NCDI/SocSecACI], the daughter of Eppie Grissom and Effie G. Pulley. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth, full name and his wife as Margie Grissom.
Julius Harrison McDowell married Hazel Edwards [17 December 1917 - 28 December 2002
FVIEW/FG], the daughter of Emanuel Edwards and Betty Burrough, on 22 January 1938 in Stuart, Patrick County VA. They had
Shirley Jean McDowell [25 June 1938 - Unknown] who married Glenn Lee Shackelford [15 July 1942 - Unknown] on 15 January 1964.
Ruby Eloise McDowell [3 August 1922 - 18 August 1998
FRIE/FG] married Carl Edward Reid [11 April 1924 - 15 November 2007
FRIE/FG], the son of John Wesley Reid and Daisy Rosella Reid, in 1956.
Betty Louvenia McDowell [29 May 1924 - 23 September 2002 /NCBI/NCDI] married on Charles Edward Davis [25 December 1922 - Unknown] on 4 April 1942 and had Donald Charles Davis, deceased, and Susan Gay Davis [15 April 1951 - Unknown] who married Mike Arey.
Winey Magalene McDowell [26 Marcy 1926 - Unknown] married Paul Thomas Cook [5 May 1924 - 23 February 1986
FVIEW/FG], the son of Alfred C.Cook and Velnie Christian, and they had
Gary Paul Cook [29 October 1959 - Unknown] who married Sherrie Lynn Critz [29 December 1960 - Unknown] on 4 January 1981.
Martha Ann McDowell [7 March 1932 - 29 June 2022
FLORAL/FG] married the Rev. Harold Shives, the son of Charles Boyd Shives and Annie H. MNU, on 20 February 1954 in Randolph County NC and had a son:
Allen Dean Shives [4 April 1968 - Unknown].
Mamie Irene McDowell [20 December 1935 - Unknown] married Richard "Dickie" D. Parks and had Rickey Parks and Annette Parks who married Richard Rogers.
Alfred and Mamie appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Louis C. Underwood - 24 M - Head - m1/1 - NC NC NC
Ethel May - 16 F - Wife - m1/1 - NC NC NC
Willie L. - 22 M - Brother - NC NC NC
Alfred L. McDowell - 22 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Alfred McDowell - 31 M - Head - NC NC NC
Mamie - 27 F - Wife - VA VA VA
Dorothy - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
George - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Everett - 1 M - Son - NC NC NC
John - 26 M - Brother - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Alfred Levi McDowell - 42 M - Head - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Maurie [Sic: Mamie] - 36 F - M at 19 - VA VA VA
George - 16 M - Son - NC NC VA
Riley - 11 M - Son - NC NC VA
Julius - 9 M - Son - NC NC VA
Elouise - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC VA
Betty - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC VA
Magalene - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC VA
Garland - 2 M - Son - NC NC VA
Lera Marie - 3/12 F - Daughter - NC NC VA
Dorothy Ashwell - 18 F - Daughter - NC NC VA
Franklin Ashwell - 23 M - Son-in-Law - VA VA VA
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Alferd McDowell - 52 M - Head - NC
Mammie - 47 F - Wife - VA
Riley - 21 M - Son - NC
Elaire - 17 F - Daughter - NC
Bettie - 15 F - Daughter - NC
Magolene - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Garland - 12 M - Son - NC
Lera - 10 F - Daughter - NC
Martha - 8 F - Daughter - NC
Terry - 5 M - Son - NC
Irene - 4 F - Daughter - NC
Cary Edwards - 45 M- Lodger - NC
Dorothy Evelyn McDowell
Dorothy Evelyn McDowell [7 April 1912 - Unknown] married Franklin Clair Ashwell [27 August 1906 - 22 February 2003
FLORAL/FG/SocSecDI], the son of John Walter Ashwell and Ora Crispen. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth and married.
Dorothy and Franklin appeared in the following census record.
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Franklin C. Ashwell - 33 M - Head - VA
Dorothy E. - 28 F - Wife - NC
Everette Riley McDowell
Everette Riley McDowell [16 January 1919 - 16 April 2009
FVIEW/FG] married Ruth Crouse [22 September 1922 - 26 November 2005
FVIEW/FG] on 1 February 1941. They had the following children.
Danny Ray McDowell [22 November 1945 - Unknown] married Norma Kay Elder on 7 December 1963 and had Danny Ray McDowell Jr [16 October 1967 - 16 October 1967], Kristi Lynnette McDowell [4 October 1968 - Unknown], and Kevin Todd McDowell [24 August 1972 - Unknown].
Glenda Kay McDowell [30 September 1945 - Unknown] married Henry Dale Canada and had Sharon Kay Canada [7 October 1966 - Unknown] and Jeffrey Dale Canada [13 April 1976 - Unknown].
Kenneth Riley McDowell [22 November 1955 - Unknown] married Jacquelyn Beeson [9 May 1956 - Unknown] on 17 May 1980.
Henry Garland McDowell
Henry Garland McDowell [8 February 1928 - 13 March 2011
MOLIVE/FG] married Dorothy Lee Owens [26 February 1928 - Unknown], the daughter of Robert Owens and Josie MNU, on 24 December 1949 in Randolph County NC. Henry was an ordained minister and pastor of Mt. Olive Wesleyan Church for 51 years. They had the following children.
Patricia Louise McDowell [16 October 1950 - 17 June 2022
MOLIVE/FG] married Joel Jason Farlow [7 March 1948 - Unknown]. They had one son:
Todd Jason Farlow [29 Aug 1974 - Unknown].
Jerry Garland McDowell [4 September 1953 - 1 March 2009
MOLIVE/FG] married Donna Lowder on 4 August 1979.
Micah Levi McDowell [16 October 1961 - Unknown] married Jerri MNU.
Keith Maurice McDowell [8 May 1964 - Unknown].
Lera Marie McDowell
Lera Marie McDowell [18 February 1928 (1930 at FG) - 3 April 2020
MOLIVE/FG/NCBI] married Elmer W. Owens [15 August 1926 - 24 July 2005
MOLIVE/FG] on 21 December 1946. They had the following children.
Vickie Owens [16 September 1947 - Unknown] married Isaac Farlow [10 January 1942 - Unknown].
Annie Marie Owens [3 March 1957 - 14 February 2020
Stephen Douglas Owens [20 February 1965 - Unknown].
Terry Ronald McDowell
Terry Ronald McDowell [2 October 1934 - Aft 2024] married
Margie Jean McDowell [26 March 1937 - Aft 2024]. They had the following children.
Terry Ronald McDowell [28 November 1962 - Unknown]
Wanda McDowell [29 April 1966 - Unknown]
Teresa McDowell
Teresa McDowell [6 October 1956 - Unknown] married Floyd I. Dawkins [4 November 1956 - Unknown] and had the following children.
Jennifer Michelle Dawkins [10 April 1975 - Unknown].
Michael Ryan Dawkins [13 September 1977 - Unknown].
Darlene McDowell
Darlene McDowell [7 December 1959 - Unknown] married Mitchell James Davis on 26 March 1978 and had the following child.
Mark Anthony Davis [5 October 1979 - Unknown].
Talbert Ervin McDowell
Talbert Ervin McDowell [9 April 1890 - 5 October 1985
FARM/FG/NCBI/NCDI/SocSecDI] married Nannie Bell Coltrane [2 April 1890 - 13 December 1955
FARM/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Spencer Allen Coltrane and Catherine Hoover, on 7 June 1908. Talbert was a member of Farmer United Methodist Church and was a retired receiving clerk at Asheboro Hosiery Mill. He died at the Brian Nursing Center and was survived by 19 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth and married with four children. Talbert and Nannie had the following children.
Nettie Ione McDowell [20 April 1914 - 27 June 1923
Mary Edith McDowell [27 October 1921 (17 on Tombstone) - 13 February 1926
David Junior McDowell [28 August 1932 - 16 November 1939
Talbert and Nannie appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Talbert McDowell - 20 M - Head - m1/1 - NC NC NC
Nannie - 20 F - Wife - m1/1 1/1 - NC NC NC
Howard - 10/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Talbert E McDowell - 29 M - Head - NC NC NC
Nannie - 29 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Charlie H. - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Blanche M. - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Nettie I. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
John A. - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
Robert G. - 10/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grover
Thomas McDowel - 40 M - Head - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Nannie - 40 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Charlie - 20 M - son - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Evelas - 17 F - Daughter-in-Law - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Blanche - 18 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Aster - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Glenn - 12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Thomas - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Hal - 3 10/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lloyd - 3/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
T. E. McDowell 50 M - Head - NC
Nannie - 50 F - Wife - NC
Glenn - 21 M - Son - NC
Thomas - 15 M - Son - NC
Hal - 13 M - Son - NC
Earnest - 11 - Son - NC
Charlie Howard McDowell
Charlie Howard McDowell [31 May 1909 - 27 August 1967
NEIGH/FG/NCDC] married Evlas Lottie Cox [1 February 1913 - 19 August 2000
NEIGH/FG], the daughter of Jesse Calvin Cox and Sarah Jane Jordan, on 27 February 1930. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name and date of birth. They appeared in the following census record.
1940 Census Davidson County NC
Grover C. Guin - 56 M - Head - NC
Jennie I. - 52 F - Wife - NC
Paul C. - 21 M - Son - NC
Betty Lee - 9 F - Granddaughter - NC
Olin W. Beck - 25 M - Son-in-Law - NC
Edith N. Beck - 28 F - Daughter - NC
Woodrow W. Clinard - 24 M - Son-in-Law - NC
Mary V. Clinard - 19 F - Daughter - NC
Howard McDowell - 30 M - Lodger - NC
Erlan McDowell - 27 F - Lodger Wife - NC
Joe Lemings - 36 M - Lodger, Divorced - NC
Samuel G. Cheek - 35 M - Lodger - NC
Blanche Mae McDowell
Blanche Mae McDowell [21 March 1912 - 21 March 1983
BUM/FG/NCBI] married James Lee Kivett [15 June 1914 - 15 March 1993
BUM/FG], the son of Larkin Kivett and Laura Routh, on 17 February 1933 in Randolph County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth. They had the following children.
Paul Allen Kivett [25 November 1933 - 3 May 1959
BUM/FG] married Barbara Mellisa Coggins [31 January 1938 - 22 September 1977
James Thomas Kivett [6 March 1935 - 8 October 2001
BHEM/FG] married Doris Magalene Belle Cox [9 June 1936 - Unknown].
Blanche Marie Kivett [22 June 1937 - 8 September 2014
RMP/FG] married first to James Matthew Evans [4 September 1933 - 5 October 1971
RMP/FG], the son of Cyrus Augustus Evans and Lora Vesta Snow, and second to William Larry Wall [3 January 1942 - Unknown].
Sarah Louise Kivett [8 August 1940 - Unknown] married Jacob Autry Camp [6 November 1938 - Unknown].
Robert Daniel Kivett [30 March 1942 - Unknown] married Betty Jean Benton [21 November 1940 - Unknown].
Joseph Wayne Kivett [22 March 1946 - Unknown] married Ruth Allred [28 September 1935 - Unknown] and had a son: Jerry Wayne Kivett [17 January 1970 - Unknown].
David Michael "Mike" Kivett [10 December 1950 - 13 March 2012
BUM/FG] married and divorced.
Carolyn Ruth Kivett [8 April 1955 - Unknown] married first to Charles Edward Jeffers [26 February 1948 - Unknown] and second to Miller.
John Allen McDowell
John Allen McDowell [2 September 1916 - 31 January 2000
RMP/FG/SocSecACI] married Ola Agnes Cox [6 September 1917 - 23 September 1996
RMP/FG/SocSecACI], the daughter of Franklin T. Cox and Annis E. Miller. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and contact as Travis Elliot. One source had him marry Cora Lee Robbins [nee Perdue] [4 December 1926 - Unknown] on 23 November 1979 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Betty Jean McDowell [26 February 1935 - 8 May 2018
GRAY/FG] married first to Curtis Franklin Coble [20 January 1935 - 14 March 1982
GRAY/FG] on 30 June 1956 in Randolph County and second to a Petty.
Charles McDowell [21 January 1940 - Unknown].
Linda McDowell [7 Nobember 1945 - Unknown] married a Bonkemeyer on 15 October 1960.
Robert Glenn McDowell
Robert Glenn McDowell [13 March 1919 - 15 October 2009
OAK/FG] married Maggie Loretta Goins [25 January 1925 - 5 January 2012
OAK/FG], the daughter of William Harvey Goins and Nellie Cox. They had the following children.
Billy Robert McDowell [15 February 1948 - Unknown].
Bobby Lee McDowell [14 December 1953 - Unknown] married Terrie N. McDowell [13 May 1956 - Unknown].
Thomas James McDowell
Thomas James McDowell [12 August 1924 - 5 October 1986
OAK/FG] married Juanita Alberta Register [18 February 1925 - 29 December 2018
OAK/FG]. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and father as contact. They had the following children.
Jerry Thomas McDowell [8 April 1955 - Unknown] married Kathy "Kim" Cecil.
Patricia Diana McDowell
Patricia Diana McDowell [13 May 1945 - 3 November 2014
NHP/FG] married Milton Farrell Yates [1 December 1943 - 21 July 2012
NHP/FG], the son of Beaufort Farrell Yates and Esther Florine Kearns, on 5 September 1964. They had the following children.
Krista Leigh Yates [18 August 1967 - Unknown] married Barry Manes.
Lisa Cheryl Yates [6 August 1974 - Unknown] married Stephen Vaughn.
Todd Farrell Yates [6 August 1974 - Unknown].
Hal Tolbert McDowell
Hal Tolbert McDowell [30 June 1927 - 5 February 2015
OAK/FG] married Ruby Faye Cox [14 August 1932 - 25 December 2016
OAK/FG], the daughter of Hayworth Cox and Sarah Ethel Hicks, on 6 September 1947. They had the following children.
Sheila Ann McDowell [8 August 1955 - Unknown] married Kenny Robbins [19 May 1954 - Unknown] on 10 June 1973 and had Chad Robbins [6 August 1975 - Unknown] and Brian Robbins [2 August 1977 - Unknown].
Gwendolyn Denise McDowell [25 February 1959 - Unknown] married Mike Nance [30 May 1955 - Unknown] on 12 July 1975.
Earnest Lloyd McDowell
Earnest Lloyd McDowell [13 January 1930 - 22 June 1987 /NCDI] married first Lois Sigmon [24 October 1924 - Unknown] on 15 June 1967 and second to Frances Joan McKay. The children of the first marriage are:
Jackie McDowell [6 November 1951 - Unknown] married Sharie Humphreys on 6 June 1970.
Joan Elizabeth McDowell [31 July 1951 - Unknown].
Janet Sue McDowell [7 January 1955 - Unknown] married first to Ricky Lassiter [29 March 1955 - Unknown] on 7 April 1973. Her second marriage was to a Mr. Williams.
John Cleveland McDowell [15 February 1956 - Unknown] married Susan Miller [4 April 1950 - Unknown] on 16 November 1974.
Gurney Edgar McDowell
Gurney Edgar McDowell [9 August 1891 - 24 March 1965
SPRING/FG/NCDC] married Cora Jane Pierce [7 October 1889 - 15 November 1982
SPRING/FG], the daughter of Thomas Alley Pierce and Dora Leonard, on 8 October 1911. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth and married with two children. Gurney and Cora had the following children.
Boyd Edgar McDowell [11 September 1918 - 7 November 1993
FFIELD/FG] married first to Juanita Cranford [4 November 1922 - 15 January 1986
FFIELD/FG], the daugther of Arthur Cranford and was nicknamed "Billie," on 14 September 1946. He married second to Nancy Spainhour. Boyd and Juanita had an infant,
Boyd Edgar McDowell Jr, who died at birth, 4 August 1950.[
FFIELD/FG] Boyd's WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and mother's name.
Infant (son) McDowell [9 July 1922 - deceased
Gurney and Cora appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Gurney E. McDowell - 28 M - Head - NC NC NC
Cora - 30 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Fadine - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Winford - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Boyd - 1 M - son - NC NC NC
Bessie - 17 F - Sister - NC NC NC
Ollie Reid - 23 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
Gurnie E. McDowell - 38 M - Hed - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Cora J. - 40 F - Wife - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Fadine - 17 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Winfred J. - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Boyd E. - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
Carl Stultz - 23 M - Boarder - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Beatrice Stultz - 23 F - Boarder - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Harrell P. Stultz - 10/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
Gurney E. McDowell - 48 M - Head - NC
Cora - 50 F - Wife - NC
Winifree J. - 25 M - Son - NC
Boyd E. - 21 M - Son - NC
Hazel Pierce - 16 F - Niece - NC
Hassie Fadine McDowell
Hassie Fadine McDowell [14 August 1913 - 2 April 2005
MARL/FG/NCBI] married Stanley Eugene Farlow [9 August 1911 - 26 February 2002
MARL/FG/NCBI], the son of Joseph Walter Farlow and Edna Milicent Farlow, on 7 January 1933 in Pitts County VA. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and name of wife. They had the following children.
Janice Jane Farlow [20 May 1935 - 23 June 2016
CENT/FG] married Stanton Hockett [19 September 1932 - Unknown] on 18 February 1956.
Milford Cleon Farlow [18 January 1941 - Unknown] married Linda Varner on 29 December 1962.
Shirley Ann Farlow [7 May 1944 - Unknown] married Ray Cecil [15 June 1935 - Unknown] on 23 October 1976.
Wanda Fadine Farlow [3 January 1949 - Unknown] married first to James Shackleford [17 August 1951 - Unknown] on 1 May 1971 and second to Cliff Peele.
Winfred Jones McDowell
Winfred Jones McDowell [8 February 1915 - 6 May 1971
SPRING/FG/NCBI/NCDC] married Doris Boulton [10 December 1926 - 15 March 1998
SPRING/FG] in June 1955. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and name of mother. They had a son.
Winfred McDowell Jr. [23 February 1957 - Unknown] married Virginia Edwards Moore [3 June 1951 - Unknown] on 22 November 1980.
We note that a Winfred J. McDowell born about 1915 married Mamie Irene Thornton on 18 September 1942 in Marion County FL but we don't know what this means.
John Montaduke McDowell
John Montaduke McDowell [9 August 1893 - 26 June 1974
FLORAL/FG/NCDC] married Elva Edna Modlin [15 September 1895 - 9 July 1982
FLORAL/FG], the daughter of Thomas Lee Modlin and Martha Coe, on 3 September 1921 in Guilford County. They had the following children.
John appeared in the
1920 Census with his brother, Alfred Levi. He appeared with Elva in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
J. M. McDowell - 36 M - Head - M at 27 - NC NC NC
Elva - 34 F - Wife - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Helen Marie - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Lena Mae - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
John M. McDowell - 45 M - Head - NC
Elma - 43 F - Wife - NC
Helen M. - 17 F - Daughter - NC
Lelia Maie - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Helen Marie McDowell
Helen Marie McDowell [9 June 1922 - Unknown /NCBI] married Charles Harold Richardson [6 February 1922 - 19 March 2005
EBEN/FG], the son of D. F. Richardson and Oline MNU, on 23 December 1942 in Guilford County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth and father. They had the following children.
Harold Wayne Richardson [25 December 1945 - Unknown] married Linda Mae Price on 29 September 1967 and had a daughter: Michelle Lynn [25 June 1971 - Unknown].
Thomas DeWitt Richardson [24 February 1948 - 10 August 1963
EBEN/FG/NCDC] never married and died of acute leukemia.
Suzanne Marie Richardson [20 February 1954 - Unknown] married Danny Ray Pegram on 3 May 1975 and had a child: Leslie Rhea [1 December 1977 - Unknown].
Lelia Mae McDowell
Lelia Mae McDowell [23 November 1925 - Unknown] married John Harold Beeson, the son of William F. Beeson and Pauline H. MNU, on 18 December 1943 in Guilford County NC. They had the following children.
John Blake Beeson [January 1949 - Unknown].
Roger William Beeson [14 September 1950 - Unknown].
Ann Marie Beeson [16 November 1961 - Unknown].
Jesse Jonas McDowell
Jesse Jonas McDowell [1 March 1895 - 28 October 1966
FLORAL/FG/NCDC] married Annie Flossie Cox [21 February 1897 - 26 March 1967
FLORAL/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Oliver Layfette Cox and Mariah E. Lowdermilk, on 11 August 1919 in Guilford County NC. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name and date of birth. They had the following children.
Ernest Jonas McDowell [11 May 1920 - 9 November 1988
OAKWD/FG/NCDI] married Frances Emily Seawell [2 February 1921 - 17 May 1993
OAKWD/FG/SocSecACI], the daughter of Edward Carver Seawell and Donna Bell Cecil, in May 1941 in Guilford County NC and had a son:
Dwight Carl McDowell [30 January 1949 - 5 June 2017 /FG] who married Jeanette Martin [13 August 1948 - 26 December 2022
OAKWD/FG]. Ernest's WWII Registration Card reports his full name and date of birth.
Annie Loraine McDowell [31 August 1924 - 17 February 2015
FLORAL/FG/NCBI] married Edward H. Hutchins [18 March 1921 - 16 August 2009
FLORAL/FG] on 25 December 1943 in Guilford County NC. They divorced on 5 March 2001 in Guilford County NC? They had one daughter:
Annette Loraine Hutchins [1 June 1957 - Unknown] who married Richard J. Barger [11 May 1953 - Unknown] on 28 February 1977.
Jesse and Annie appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
M. E. Cox - 54 M - Head - NC NC NC
Theodore Cox - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Jesse J. McDowell - 24 M - Son-in-Law - NC NC NC
Annie F. McDowell - 22 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Rufus P. Brackett - 20 M - Son-in-Law - NC NC NC
Ila E. Brackett - 20 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
J. J. McDowell - 35 M - Head - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Annie - 33 F - Wife - M at 23 - NC NC NC
Earnest - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Loraine - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Jesse J. McDowell - 45 M - Head - NC
Annie - 43 F - Wife - NC
Ernest - 20 M - Son - NC
Lorraine - 15 F - Daughter - NC
Erma L. McDowell
Erma "Ermie" L. McDowell [12 December 1896 - 14 December 1991
CAN/FG] married Albert "Bert" Franklin Pierce [5 September 1887 - 8 October 1965
CAN/FG/NCDC], the son of John L. Pierce and Mary Summey, on 24 December 1914 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Unnamed child died 11 December 1915.
Colon Roosevelt Pierce [15 June 1917 - 11 April 1994
RMP/FG] married Louella Mae Loflin [1 November 1920 - 28 January 1999
RMP/FG] on 10 July 1937.
Charlie Taft Pierce [25 September 1918 - 17 August 1988
John Raleigh Pierce [20 February 1920 - 2004
PARK/FG] married Zada Lee Byerly [22 June 1928 -
PARK/FG] on 17 February 1956.
Mary Edith Pierce [26 October 1922 - 25 June 1971
NSAL/FG/NCDC] married James Barden Millikan [28 August 1913 - 13 November 1980
NSAL/FG], the son of Donald Millikan and Ada Jane Lamb, on 29 March 1965.
Beulah Estell Pierce [16 September 1924 - 10 August 1961
CAN/FG/NCDC] married Leroy Ridge [16 April 1915 - 14 November 1993
CAN/FG], the son of William Lindsay Loflin and Flora Cumi Cameron, on 18 October 1941. She died from an accidental gunshot fired by her son.
Erma and Bert appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Bert F. Pierce - 31 M - Head - NC NC NC
Erma E. - 23 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Colon R. - 2 6/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Charlie T. - 1 3/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Bert F. Pierce - 42 M - Head - M at 26 - NC NC NC
Ermie - 33 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Colon - 12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Charlie - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
J. R. - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Edith - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Bulah - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Bert F. Pierce - 52 M - Father/Head - NC
Ermie - 43 F - Wife - NC
Charlie - 21 M - Son - NC
J. R. - 20 M - Son - NC
Edith - 17 F - Daughter - NC
Bulah - 15 F - Daughter - NC
Benjamin Anderson McDowell
Benjamin Anderson McDowell [30 September 1898 - 20 May 1991
PUC/FG/NCDI] at age 21 married
Rosa Etta McDowell [5 March 1904 - 2 July 1941
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Lemuel Cisro McDowell and Annie Meredith Swaney, at age 17 on 11 January 1920 in Randolph County NC. At the time of his death, Ben lived in Denton, Route 2, on the McDowell-Hulin Road. He was buried at 3 p.m., Wednesday, at Pleasant Union United Church of Christ by the Rev. Larry McEntire, Rev. Ray Swaney, and Rev. Jay Hulin. A resident of Randolph County most of his life, he was a retired farmer and a member of Pleasant Union United Church of Christ. At his death, there were 20 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of birth and father. Ben and Rosa had the following children.
Paul Cicero McDowell [6 March 1922 - 23 August 1922
Stillborn Boy McDowell [25 December 1922 - 25 December 1922 /NCDC]
Carl Harrison McDowell [29 January 1933 - 17 November 1933
Williford Ben McDowell [15 September 1937 - 26 May 1992 /NCDI/SocSecACI] married Carolyn MNU [10 June 1948 - Unknown] on 10 June 1966. They had the following children: Jimmy Lee McDowell [20 January 1968 - Unknown], Frances Carolyn McDowell [14 November 1969 - Unknown], and Carl Edward McDowell [8 February 1971 - Unknown]
Doris McDowell [6 May 1940 - Unknown] married Avon Pritchard and they separated. She later married Jesse Steed. Doris and Avon had the following children: Kay Charlotte Pritchard
Albert Avon Pritchard had William Glenn Pritchard, and Odell Pritchard
Esther McDowell [6 May 1940 - 10 March 1990
GRUB/FG/NCDI] married first to Ray Parrish and later an Isenhour. Esther and Ray had the following children:
Peggie Parrish who married a Boggs,
Johnny Parrish,
Judy Parrish who married a Singleton,
Tony Parrish, and
Linda Parrish who married a Dunn.
Ben and Rosa appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Ben A. McDowell - 31 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Rosa E. - 27 F - Wife - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Ethel M. - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
C. G. - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lula A. - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Ben A. McDowell - 41 M - Father - NC
Rosa - 37 F - Wife - NC
C. G. - 15 M - Son - NC
Annie - 13 F - Daughter - NC
Wilford - 2 M - Son - NC
Ethel Mae McDowell
Clarence Sexton [7 March 1940 - Unknown] married Linda Moffitt on 28 March 1964.
Linda Jo Sexton [4 March 1942 - 4 November 2009
NHOPE/FG] married T. Ray Shaw on 28 March 1959.
Betsy Dean Sexton [20 August 1947 - Unknown] married Tony Sharpe on 10 March 1966.
Ethel and Robert appeared in the following census record.
1940 Census Davison County NC
Robert Sexton - 21 M - Head - NC
Ethyl - 19 F - Wife - NC
Clarence - 5 M - Son - NC
C. G. McDowell
C. G. McDowell [17 May 1924 - 12 July 1988
PUC/FG/NCBI/NCDI] married Pauline Harrison [13 December 1920 - 12 March 1966
PUC/FG], the daughter of John Harrison and Bessie Nance, on 12 March 1967. C. G. was born in Randolph County and was a resident of Denton and Thomasville areas most of his life. He worked at Parkdate Mills until his retirement and was of the Church of God faith. At his death, there were four grandchildren. The funeral was held at the Pleasant Union United Church of Christ in Randolph County by the Rev. Edmond Lambeth and the Rev. Richard Hoover and burial was at Pleasant Union Church. His WWII Registration Card reports his initials, his date of birth, and his father.
Faydeen McDowell [23 July 1948 - Unknown] married first to Steve Sharpe and second to a Mr. McNew. She had the following children: Tammy Sharpe. and Paula Sharpe.
Benny Wayne McDowell [31 December 1949 - Unknown] married Brenda Kay on 9 October 1971 and had Lisa Kay McDowell [19 December 1973 - Unknown] and Bryan Wayne McDowell [18 November 1977 - Unknown].
Clinton McDowell [25 February 1951 - Unknown] married Linda MNU and separated.
Lula Annie McDowell
Lula Annie McDowell [22 October 1926 - 18 January 2005
PUC/FG/NCBI/SocSecACI] married Charles Cletus Hulin [8 September 1925 - 10 November 1975
MTAB/FG] on 13 April 1948. They had the following children before getting divorced. Charles was married four times with his fourth wife being Betty Brown Briles/ [7 July 1931 - 10 November 1975
Rosa Lee Hulin [10 March 1946 - Unknown] married Jimmy Hulin [26 May 1946 - Unknown] on 14 March 1969 and had a son: Jimmy Dwayne Hulin [27 November 1970 - Unknown].
Paul Cletus Hulin [12 September 1948 - 21 November 2013
PUC/FG] married Lillie Elizabeth in December 1973. They divorced and he remarried to Karen Ezell.
Robert Winslow McDowell
Robert Winslow McDowell [1 September 1900 - 2 November 1975
BACK/FG/NCDC] married Rachel Allred [25 August 1903 - 19 February 1996
BACK/FG/NCDI], the daughter of Joseph Scott Allred and Linne Ellen Vuncannon, on 2 October 1921 in Randolph County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, Date of Birth, and wife as Rachel A. McDowell. They had one son.
Robert and Rachel appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Robert McDowell - 30 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Rachel - 26 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Charles - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
R. W. McDowell - 39 M - Head - NC
Rachal - 36 F - Wife - NC
Charles - 17 M - Son - NC
Charles Hubbard McDowell
Charles Hubbard McDowell [9 August 1922 - 14 March 2018
FLORAL/NCBI] married Hazel Bernice Peace [15 July 1921 - 1 July 2007
FLORAL/FG/NCBI/SocSecACI], the daughter of Anna Louisia Peace, on 9 August 1940. Hazel's Social Security records list her father as Amos L. Falkenbury. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth and Anna Falkenburg as his contact. They had the following children.
Judith Gayle McDowell [3 January 1942 - 19 May 1922
FLORAL/FG] married Samuel Kenneth Nance [5 May 1939 - Unknown] on 8 July 1960 and had the following children:
Bryan Kenneth Nance [18 November 1961 - 19 February 1995
Debbie Lynn Nance [22 August 1963 - Unknown],
Keith Edward Nance [11 June 1972 - Unknown], and
Daryl Lee Nance [August 1973 - Unknown]
Charles Robert McDowell [29 May 1944 - Unknown] married Gloria Jean Lewallen [29 August 1946 - Unknown] on 15 July 1966 and had the following children: Karen Sharlene McDowell [5 December 1971 - Unknown] and Kevin Robert McDowell [21 February 1969 - Unknown]
The following 1930 Census for Hazel Peace explains Anna Falkenburg as Charles' WWII contact.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
A. L. Fulkenberry - 26 M - Head - M at 23 - NC NC NC
Anna - 27 F - Wife - M at 24 - NC NC NC
Margaret Louise - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Bessie - 31 F - Sister - NC NC NC
Marine - 26 F - Sister - NC NC NC
Hazel Peace - 8 F - Granddaughter - NC NC NC
We note that the designation of Hazel as a granddaughter is not correct since her North Carolina Birth Record reports Anna as her mother. Amos Lee Falkenburg/Falkenberry [10 April 1904 - 19 October 1976
FLORAL/FG] married Anna Louise Peace [3 June 1902 - 3 September 1974
FLORAL/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Asbery Peace and Mary Cecil, on 25 January 1928 after the birth of Hazel. The marriage was witnessed by Mrs. R. A. Peace and Mrs. O. L. Ruth. The informant on Anna's death certificate was Mrs. Charles McDowell who was listed as her daughter.
Bessie Nannie McDowell
Bessie Nannie McDowell [8 September 1902 - 23 October 1991
FLORAL/FG/NCDI] married Walter Lee Carter [24 April 1902 - 30 January 1981
FLORAL/FG], the son of Prince Albert Carter and Martha Elmira Ridenhour, on 29 October 1924. A Virginia marriage license indicates that they were married on 5 December 1936 in Danville VA. We do not have an explanation for the two marriage dates, but they clearly live together as man and wife in the 1930 Census. His WWII Registration Card reports his date of brith and full name. They had the following children.
Floyd Cecil Carter [4 July 1921 - 21 May 2000
FLORAL/FG/SocSecACI] married Frances Eula Weakley [26 June 1923 - 19 May 2015
FLORAL/FG], the daughter of Hubert Silas Weakley and Elizabeth Parks, on 26 September 1942 in Orange County VA.
Mary Princess Carter [4 April 1923 - 20 May 2005 /SocSecACI] married Stanley Wysocki, the son of Benjamin Wysocki and Ida MNU, on 3 May 1944 in Guilford County NC.
Ruby Lee Carter [27 December 1928 - 4 April 2011
PGUMC/FG/SocSecDI] married Melvin Clayton Ball [7 August 1924 - 13 October 1988
PGUMC/FG/SocSecDI/SocSecACI], the son of Jacob E. Ball and Lala(h) Kennedy, on 20 September 1946 in Guilford County NC.
Eloise Carter [19 February 1932 - 9 April 2016
FLORAL/FG] married James Lewis Jones [27 September 1927 - 21 August 2011
FLORAL/FG], the son of Noel Buford Jones and Ila M. Presnell, on 16 November 1946.
Bessie and Walter appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Walter L. Carter - 27 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Bessie N. - 27 F - Wife - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Floyd C. - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mary P. - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Ruby Lee - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Lee Carter - 37 M - Head - NC
Bessie - 37 F - Wife - NC
Mary F. - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Ruby Lee - 11 F - Daughter - NC
Eloise - 8 F - Daughter - NC
Rutherford Hayes McDowell
Rutherford Hayes McDowell [8 June 1905 - 6 March 1973
RMP/FG/NCDC] married Annie Grace Gallimore [29 September 1912 - 5 April 1989
RMP/FG], the daughter of Jesse Milton Gallimore and Coella Eugenia Surratt, on 20 October 1928. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth and wife as Grace. They had the following children.
Everett Hayes McDowell [7 April 1931 - 6 October 1987
PUC/FG] married Magdelene Jones on 30 September 1950 and had
Gary Lee McDowell and
Patsy Lou McDowell [4 March 1952 - Unknown] who married a Roberts.
Mazie Eugenia McDowell [20 August 1934 -Unknown ] married Luther Elvin Owens [21 May 1931 - Unknown] on 3 July 1965 and had a daughter: Kathy Jeanette Cagle [30 June 1956 - Unknown].
James Kenneth McDowell [28 July 1941 - Unknown] married Carole Sellers [1 September 1945 - Unknown] on 12 May 1967 and had Bryan Kenneth McDowell [10 April 1972 - Unknown], Tamela Carole McDowell [4 June 1975 - Unknown], and Shanna Leigh McDowell [1 June 1977 - Unknown].
Martha Ann McDowell [11 February 1945 - Unknown] married Daniel Roger Neely on 8 January 1963 and divorced. They had a daughter: Mary Angelene Neely [22 October 1965 - Unknown].
Hayes and Grace appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Hayes McDowell - 24 M - Head - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Annie G. - 18 F - Wife - M at 16 - NC NC NC
Jessie J. - 5/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Hayes R. McDonell [Sic: McDowell] - 34 M - Father - NC
Grace - 27 F - Wife - NC
Jessie Jr. - 10 M - Son - NC
Everett - 9 M - Son - NC
Mazie - 5 F - Daughter - NC
Jesse Junior McDowell
Jesse Junior McDowell [14 November 1929 - 13 July 2000
CAN/FG/SocSecACI] married Mary Lou Kindley [14 August 1929 - 19 March 2004
CAN/FG/SocSecDI], the daughter of Charlie Lee Kindley and Esther Lilly Tucker, on 13 November 1948 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Jessie Lee McDowell [4 February 1950 - Unknown] married Peggy Lindberry on 8 December 1968 and had the following children: Jessie Lee McDowell, Jr. [29 January 1970 - Unknown]; Mary Jean McDowell [16 October 1971 - Unknown]; and Charles Ray McDowell [7 August 1973 - Unknown].
Nancy Lou McDowell [24 December 1951 - Unknown] married David McDowell on 25 October 1970 and had a child: Dallas Lee McDowell [16 July 1975 - Unknown].
David Hayes McDowell [15 November 1952 - Unknown] married Brenda Carlyle on 9 March 1975 and had a daughter: Belinda Denise [14 January 1977 - Unknown].
Lillie Grace McDowell [27 June 1956 - Unknown] married Charlie Eckers on 14 November 1975.
Roger Dale McDowell [16 October 1958 - 15 March 1959
CAN/FG/NCDC]. Note that death year is 1960 in Findagrave records.
Annie Mae McDowell [7 March 1961 - Unknown] married Robert Echerd.
James Darrell McDowell [21 February 1962 - Unknown] married Renee MNU.
Cynthia Ann McDowell [26 July 1964 - Unknown] married Andy Ingle.
Esther Jeanette McDowell [26 August 1965 - Unknown] married Ronald Hedrick.
Mittie McDowell
Mittie McDowell [2 November 1907 - 12 December 1997
FLORAL/FG/SocSecDI] married Charlie Hughes Dobbins [8 June 1904 - 24 April 1998
FLORAL/FG/NCDI], the son of W. W. Dobbins and O. A. MNU, on 19 September 1925 in Guilford County. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth born in Walker County AL with Mittie as his wife. They had the following children.
Charles Weldon Dobbins [17 May 1927 - Unknown /NCBI] married first Frances Leah Croker [26 April 1926 - 22 April 1971
FVIEW/FG], the daughter of Charlie M. Croker and Lina Mell Davis, and second Zula Mae Cook [27 July 1924 - Unknown] on 12 October 1973. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth and father as his contact.
Hazel Marie Dobbins [21 April 1929 - Unknown /NCBI] and married Clem Croker, Jr. [11 April 1926 - Unknown] on 26 Octobr 1946.
Herman Loy Dobbins [27 March 1932 - Unknown] married first Shirley Montgomery and second Shirley Kimrey [7 December 1935 - Unknown] on 14 November 1964.
Larry Gene Dobbins [7 June 1944 - Unknown] married Jo Carol Bouldin [18 April 1945 - Unknown] on 10 August 1963.
Mittie and Charles appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Charlie Dobbins - 25 M - Head - M at 21 - AL AL AL
Mittie - 23 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Charles - 2 M - Son - NC AL NC
Hazel Marie - 1 F - Daughter - NC AL NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Charlie H. Dablins - 36 M - Head - AL
Mittie - 32 F - Wfie - NC
Charles - 12 M - Son - NC
Marie - 10 F - Daughter - NC
Harman - 8 M - Son - NC
Tura McDowell
Tura McDowell [27 January 1910 - 13 May 2010] married William Clarence Lowe, Jr. [17 May 1908 - 24 March 1994 /NCDI] on 16 April 1927. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth and Tura McDowell Lowe as his wife.
Lucille Lowe [9 October 1928 - Unknown] married a Nieman on 2 April 1955. They divorced. One child was born: Claudia Ann Nieman [23 September 1959 - Unknown].
Harold Edward Lowe, Sr. [27 July 1931 - Unknown] married Darine Sikes on 20 December 1960. One child was born: Harold Edward Lowe, Jr. [29 January 1964 - Unknown].
Tura and Clarence appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Clarence Lowe - 21 M - Head - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Tina [Sic: Tura] - 20 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Lucile - 1 6/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
W. Clarence Lowe - 32 M - Head - NC
Tura M. - 30 F - Wife - NC
M. Lucile - 11 F - Daughter - NC
Harold E. - 8 M - Son - NC
Val McDowell
Val McDowell [9 October 1911 - 20 May 1968
PUC/FG] married Lizzie Geneva Freedle [12 July 1913 - 23 April 1990
PUC/FG] on 20 October 1932. They had the following children.
Emma Beatrice McDowell [9 June 1933 - Unknown] married Bobby Eugene Payne [20 March 1929 - Unknown] on 12 November 1953 and had the following children: Rickey Eugene Payne [15 July 1958 - Unknown] and Bobby Aldine Payne [26 May 1962 - Unknown].
Walton Odell McDowell [17 May 1935 - 24 February 2005
PUC/FG] married Alma Frances Hulin [26 September 1942 - 18 September 2017
PUC/FG] on 30 September 1964 and had a son:
Val Odell McDowell [7 February 1969 - ].
Robert Lee McDowell [13 January 1957 - 8 January 2021
PUC/FG] married Joyce Carol Klass [22 September 1948 - Unknown] on 16 October 1976 and had a son:
Gary Matthew McDowell [5 November 1957 - Unknown].
Margie Lizzie McDowell [23 January 1939 - Unknown] married Archie Alexander Lail [26 May 1937 - Unknown] on 18 June 1954 and had the following children: Randy Alexander Lail [26 September 1958 - Unknown] and Jerry Don Lail [7 May 1962 - Unknown].
Alice Louise McDowell [28 December 1943 - Unknown] married a Pullman [27 November 1940] and divorced. They had the following children: Kathy Louise Pullman [20 July 1961 - Unknown] and Teresa Gayle Pullman [9 December 1962 - Unknown] who married William Kindley on 6 January 1979. They had a child: Candise Elaine Kindley [22 January 1980 - Unknown].
Lillie Grace McDowell [20 January 1947 - Unknown] married Bobby Olin Buie [26 November 1940 - Unknown] on 23 June 1966 and had a son: Terry Scott Buie [18 November 1970 - Unknown].
Donald Ray McDowell [9 September 1949 - Unknown] married Judy Brodgen [5 October 1940 - Unknown] on 9 April 1971 and had a son: Jeffrey Scott McDowell [9 February 1976 - Unknown].
Brenda Ann McDowell [22 March 1952 - Unknown] married Eddie Varner on 18 October 1970.
Rebecca Jeannette McDowell [12 December 1954 - Unknown] married Coy (Buddy) Thayer, Jr. [3 May 1949 - Unknown] on 15 July 1973.
Lucinda Jane McDowell
Lucinda Jane McDowell [27 April 1864 - 9 June 1902
BACK/FG] was called "Cindy" and married Franklin Harrison Hoover [8 October 1860 - 7 November 1952
BACK/FG/NCDC], the son of Alfred Hoover and Wincy Dawson, on 8 May 1884 at the home of J. W. Ridge, Justice of the Peace. The witnesses were B. F. Allred, John Cassad and M. S. Ridge. Franklin was a brother to
Claudia Louvenia Hoover and
Rhodema Adeline Hoover. Cindy and Franklin had the following children:
Kate Elizabeth Hoover [11 September 1888 - 29 June 1978
SPM/FG] married John Henry Hinshaw [July 1861 - 2 May 1937
SPM/FG] on 26 April 1919 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children:
Charles Worth Hinshaw and
0llie Ledbetter.
Lewis Edger Hoover [19 October 1891 [December NCDC] - 21 December 1973 [24 NCDC]
BACK/FG/NCDC] married Annie Mae Rodgers [20 September 1888 - 18 April 1968
BACK/FG] on 11 February 1918 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children:
Cindy Hoover who married a Ball,
Sarn Hoover, and
0scar Hoover.
Ola May Hoover [6 September 1894 - 22 October 1933
PGROV/FG] married Irvin Penn Arnold [14 February 1889 - 3 February 1962
PGROV/FG], the son of James Milton Arnold and Elizabeth Hughes, on 21 November 1915 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children:
Female deceased,
0pall Arnold [1891 - August 1931],
Jewel Arnold,
Ruth Arnold,
Golda Arnold who married a Green,
Ester Arnold who married a Jerrell, and
Frank Arnold.
Dewey Harrison Hoover [19 July 1899 - 26 November 1968
FLORAL/FG/NCDC] married Maude Lillian Lambeth [25 January 1906 - 31 May 2000
Floral] on 23 September 1922 in Davidson County NC. He was divorced at the time of his death and Maude married John Sigman Welborn on 2 May 1953 in Davidson County NC. According to his death certificate: "Victum shot self in head with a 22 caliber pistol."
Infant (male) Hoover
When Lucinda died young, Franklin married Flora L. Miller [1865 - 1931
BACK/FG] on 11 January 1905 in Randolph County NC. When Flora died, he married a third time to Victoria Delphenia Briles [8 September 1866 - 1 September 1945
Lucinda and Franklin appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Frank Hoover - 39 M - Head - Farmer - Oct 1860 m/16 - NC NC NC
Lucinda J. - 34 F - Wife - Apr 1864 m/16 7/6 - NC NC NC
Fannie P. - 15 F - Daughter - Feb 1885 - NC NC NC
Katie E. - 15 F - Daughter - Sept 1888 - NC NC NC
Lewis E. - 9 M - Son - Oct 1890 - NC NC NC
Ola M. - 6 F - Daughter - Sept 1893 - NC NC NC
Fleta - 4 F - Daughter - Feb 1896 - NC NC NC
Dewey H. - 11/12 M - Son - July 1899 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Franklin H. Hoover - 49 M - Head - Farmer - m2/5 - NC NC NC
Flora - 45 F - Wife - m1/5 2/0 - NC NC NC
Lewis E. - 18 M - Son - Farm Laborer - NC NC NC
Ola M. - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Fleta - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Dewey - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Frank H. Hoover - 59 M - Head - NC NC NC
Flora - 55 F - Wife - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Franklin H. Hoover - 69 M - Head - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Flora Hoover - 65 F - Wife - M at 39 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Franklin H. Hoover - 79 M - Head - NC
Rosa - 60 F - Wife - VA
The following information was shared by a daughter Fleta Lucinda Hoover Trotter. Fleta was only about five years old when Lucinda died. The family lived in a little house still standing near Sawyersville Holiness Church near Asheboro, North Carolina.
Lucinda lived on a farm. The family raised their own food. They had corn and molasses. The molasses was made in a big pan and the horse had to go around in circles. The children would ride on the back of the horse while the molasses was being made. Many mornings the family would get up at four o'clock and commence planting and would stay up until eleven o'clock. Their machine for making molasses was not the evaporator type but rather the boiler type. It made the best molasses.
Cindy had long black hair. When visitors came to the house, the children had to sit off by themselves while the adults visited with one another.
When Fleta was a young child, the adults called them all in to talk to their mother. The children didn't realize that she was dying although she was sick from January to June when she died. Fleta remembers going to the funeral of Cindy and her riding in a wagon with two horses pulling it. The children rode in a wagon bed behind their mother. Fleta vaguely remembers shaking hands with her mother Cindy before she died.
In a memorial service for Fleta's sister Kate there was some information given about Lucinda Jane and Franklin.
While I may be reluctant to cross my own 128 foot lot today, but walking two and one-half miles in my early days was no problem. Going west from where we lived we would be going to visit a fine gentleman and his wife. At this time they were alone, the children had left home, either married, or employed elsewhere.
This family would not let you say "I can only stay a minute" - you had to visit a spell, eat apples, pears, grapes, watermelon, and often times you were invited to have a meal with them. If you went to this home three times a day, that was alright too.
This gentleman had lost his first wife, he had remarried and he and his second wife had no children.
The gentleman to whom I refer came to this community during the later part of 1800 - with a young wife whom he had married in 1884. As a young bride and groom, they started farming and their farm was always a success. As they planted their farm in early Spring, they always kept in mind raising food that would carry them through the cold hard winters with extra food for a neighbor, if needed. The bride and groom that I refer to were Franklin Harrison Hoover and Lucinda McDowell Hoover.
Fannie Pueriler Hoover
Fannie Pueriler Hoover [3 February 1885 - 18 May 1977
OAK/FG] married Alvin Reid Johnson [15 June 1879 - 29 August 1957
OAK/FG], the son of Joshua D. Johnson, on 12 October 1904 in Randolph County NC. They had the following childlren.
Floyd Alvin Johnson deceased (never married).
Zella Johnson
Zella Johnson [4 August 1907 - 16 April 1963
OAK/FG] married Robert Thomas Lanning [21 April 1904 - 6 March 1961
BON/FG] and had the following children.
Dorothy Marie Lanning [11 November 1926 - Unknown] married Hugh William Lindsay Jr and had Ronald Lee Lindsay [18 February 1949 - Unknown] and Darryl Kevin Lindsay [25 Septembre 1957 - Unknown].
Frankie Jo Lanning [21 August 1929 - Unknown] married Wallace Barstow. They divorced but had the following children: Nancy Ann Barstow [12 February 1954 - Unknown] and Robert Reid Barstow [3 March 1955 - Unknown].
Roberta Lanning [14 April 1931 - Unknown] married Ralph Jerome Reeves [29 March 1929 - Unknown], the son of Melvin Grady Reeves and Mahala Austin. They have no children.
After the death of Robert, Zella married Ola Grant Sleeth [31 August 1907 - 18 September 1975
Fleta Lucinda Hoover
Fleta Lucinda Hoover [3 February 1896 - 7 March 1988
PRES/FG/NCDI] married Albert Henry Trotter [2 April 1894 - 28 April 1974
PRES/FG/NCDC],the son of Frank Trotter and Betty Gibbs, on 3 June 1914 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Kate Pauline Trotter [15 March 1915 - Unknown] married Alexander Fay Henderson on 6 June 1937.
Frank Hoover Trotter [2 May 1919 - 15 August 1995
PRES/FG] married Ethel A. Richardson [6 December 1919 - 26 October 2015
PRES/FG] on 9 September 1939.
Betty Lou Trotter [17 April 1926 - Unknown] married James E. Johnston on 9 November 1946.
Anvilla Anne Trotter [13 January 1940 - Unknown] married Joe Wilson on 22 July 1962.
Cicero M. McDowell
Cicero M. McDowell [13 July 1864 - 2 December 1917
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Rhodema Adeline Hoover [31 August 1865 - 4 October 1943
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Alfred Marsh Hoover and Mary Ann "Wincy" Dawson, on 20 April 1884 at the home of Z. P. Rush, Justice of the Peace, and the witnesses were John F. Rush, Lee R. Spencer and Nora Bulla. Cicero and Rhodema had the following children:
Lily Mirtle McDowell [21 October 1886 - 3 June 1888] is buried in the Levi McDowell plot at
Cicero and Rhodema appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
Cicely McDowell - 35 M - Head - July 1864 m/15 - NC NC NC
Rodema A. - 34 F - Wife - Aug 1865 m/15 6/5 - NC NC NC
Samuel A. - 10 M - Son - Jan 1889 - NC NC NC
Thomas L. - 8 M - Son - July 1891 - NC NC NC
Mattie P. - 6 F - Daughter - Oct 1893 - NC NC NC
George H. - 5 M - Son - Nov 1895 - NC NC NC
Rinely C. - 2 F - Daughter - Feb 1897 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
Cicero McDowell - 45 M - Head - m1/26 - NC NC NC
Rhodema - 44 F - Wife - m1/26 8/7 - NC NC NC
Lonie - 19 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mattie P. - 16 F -Daughter - NC NC NC
George H. - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Caroline - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Eula E. - 10 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Viola - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Stanly County NC
R. A. McDowell - 55 F - Head, Wd - NC NC NC
Pastal Lowder - 20 M - Son-in-Law - NC NC NC
Viola Lowder - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Geo McDowell - 24 M - Son - NC NC NC
Rosa McDowell - 24 F - Daughter-in-Law - NC NC NC
Lola McDowell - 3 F - Granddaughter - NC NC NC
Welef Russell - 21 M - Boarder - NC NCNC
Jef Dees - 22 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
Cicero McDowell farmed in Randolph County. He raised peaches, but they were used by the family and not for sale. Cicero lived about five miles from Asheboro. All of his children were born there except for Viola who was born in High Point. Cicero didn't live very long in High Point. He preferred to move back to his homeplace in Randolph County.
Cicero moved with his family to Albemarle around 1909-1910. The people from the cotton mills in Albemarle had come to Randolph County seeking workers. They gave a big spill about "hitting the money tree" if the families would move down to Albemarle and work in the new cotton mills. Because Cicero had a lot of children, he was talked into moving to Albemarle. He ran a thread winder. There were no child labor laws and so Eula McDowell went to work when she was only ten years old. Eula ran the thread onto the cones but couldn't reach the cones when they were full to take them off. She would have to step up on something to take it off.
Cicero moved to Albemarle in a one horse wagons. When they got to the Yadkin River, they couldn't cross easily. You had to go across the river on pulleys. The wagon was hooked up to a pulley and you paddled your way across the river. They finally crossed the family over at one o'clock that day but they couldn't cross all of the wagons until later in the day when the water level went down. Only one wagon at a time could be brought over. It took two days and a night to get from Asheboro to Albemarle. The family had to sleep out in the wagon at night. When they got to Albemarle about ten o'clock the next night, the cotton mill was the prettiest thing you'd ever seen.
Cicero had had pretty peach orchards in Randolph County and some (early) apple trees. The apple trees were down below his home. The other side of the road belonged to his wife Rhodema. Near where Cicero lived, there was a mill where they ground their wheat and corn for cornbread. Cicero probably went to Redberry School.
Cicero and Rhodema used to take the children over to Uncle Sam Hoover's (brother to Rhodema, Claudia, and Franklin Hoover). They made homemade molasses there. They had an old mule who rode round and round while the juice was squeezed out of the cane. Sometimes it would take to midnight to make the molasses and the children had to be awakened to be taken home. They had the boiler style that you had to keep a fire under. A paddle about three feet long was used to keep the molasses stirred until it was good and thick.
Cicero grew his own wheat. He kept three to four cows. Rhodema liked to make big cakes. They would dig a deep pit and put the sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, and turnips down in the pit, cover them with straw and hay, and they would be able to come out in the winter and get the food out as it was needed.
Cicero didn't go to the Union Church but rather went to West Chapel. His children were raised in the Chapel. West Chapel was in Albemarle and Cicero was the choir director and the church superintendent.
During the week as a little girl, Eula used to help saw wood and help saw down trees. They would hold a big corn shucking and the young people would all come around to help and shuck a great big pile of corn. Cicero used to call Eula "Little Sissy."
Eula confirms the information concerning Polly and Levi having many children. According to Eula, five of the children of Polly are buried between Rhodema and Polly. There was an empty grave on the other side of Rhodema left for Eula, but she has another plot in Albemarle.
How Cicero cut off his ring finger at the middle joint without cutting the others is hard to comprehend. The part of the finger that was cut off was buried and Cicero had fits over it until they dug it back up. He put it in alcohol to preserve it and when he was buried, the finger was put into the casket with him.
Cicero, like his brother Noah, was a Republican. When the children were small, Cicero would parade around town with the children in the wagon. They would chant, "Vote for Harding, he's the man, I can't vote for him, but my daddy can."
Charles Lackey had married two of Uncle Bud's daughters, Corina Jane and Titia B. Corina died and he remarried her sister, Titia. By the second wife, there was a daughter Clara Lackey. Cicero raised Clara until she was about six or seven years old. When Charles Lackey married a third time, he came down to Albemarle and took his daughter Clara away from Cicero. Cicero and Rhodema went up to Randolph County to visit her two or three months later and she seemed to have lost weight. They came home and were hurt so bad because she had left fat as a little butter ball and they were afraid she wasn't being treated well.
Having married children of Alfred Hoover, both
Riley and Cicero purchased some of the inventory of his estate when he died in 1900. Cicero purchased plows ($0.01), an axe ($0.16), a square ($0.43), a cross-cut saw ($0.45), a hog ($1.30), a hammer ($0.15). plates ($0.10), a bureau ($2.00), 3 cups ($0.01), a crock ($0.01). a table ($0.25), and a tray ($0.20).
Chloe Mae McDowell Reid remembers a story about Cicero. She would ride the train to Asheboro to visit Grandma Polly McDowell, and Uncle Cicero's folks would pick her up and take her on to their home. Chloe loved to go to Uncle Cicero's. He and his daughters just made you feel so welcome. Chloe would even go to Albemarle to visit Cicero and then they would take her up towards Denton to visit
Uncle Riley. After a while Chloe would get homesick and want to go home and see her daddy Noah but she had no way to go. Once when she was visiting Uncle Riley at Denton, she got very homesick for her dad Noah. Not knowing how far it was from Uncle Riley's to Grandma Polly's, Chloe took off walking. It must have been ten or twelve miles. Chloe had on an old straw hat, a pretty hat for that time. They tried to get her to stay but she refused and put on that hat and started walking. She hadn't gone far when a big rain storm came along and she got soaking wet. Even though she had a little umbrella, the rain came right on through it and faded all her clothes.
Samuel Allen McDowell
Samuel Allen McDowell [17 January 1889 - 15 October 1953
FMP/FG/NCDC] married Lou Ella Bunting [30 November 1888 - 26 November 1980
FMP/FG], the daughter of Allison Bunting and Betty Coltrane. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and married with a child. They had one son.
Samuel and Ella appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
Samuel A. McDowell - 21 M - Head - M1/0 - NC NC NC
Louella - 21 F - Wife - M1/0 0/0 - NC NC NC
1920 Census Stanly County NC
Allen McDowell - 36 M - Head - NC NC NC
Ella - 32 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Albert - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Betty Bunning - 69 F - Cook, Wd - NC NC NC
1930 Census Stanly County NC
North Albemarle
Allie S. McDowell - 41 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Ella - 41 F - Wife - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Albert H. - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
Clement Frick - 21 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
1940 Census Stanly County NC
West and North Albemarle
Allen McDowell - 51 M - Father - NC
Ella - 51 F - Wife - NC
Albert Harrison McDowell
Albert Harrison McDowell [6 May 1911 - 26 September 1971
FMP/FG/NCDC] married Edna Viola Easley [1 March 1912 - 17 November 2000
FMP/FG/NCBI], the daughter of Zeb D. Easley and Linda Zula Hathcock, on 19 December 1909 in Randolph County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and married. They had a daughter.
Jane Card McDowell [9 March 1934 - Unknown] married a Holmes and had Conrad M. Holmes [7 August 1956 - Unknown] and Jon M. Holmes [3 June 1957 - Unknown]
Albert and Edna appeared in the 1940 Census.
1940 Census Stanly County NC
West and North Albemarle
Albert McDowell - 29 M - Father - NC
Edna - 28 F - Wife - NC
Jane Card - 2 F - Daughter - NC
Lonnie Thomas McDowell
Lonnie Thomas McDowell [8 July 1891 - 28 August 1926
SALEM/FG/NCDC] married Annie Mae Turner [16 April 1889 - 2 July 1966
SALEM/FG/NCDC], the daughter of William Turner and Sarah Faulkner, on 17 July 1912. They had the following children.
Annie Pauline McDowell [23 May 1915 - 16 December 1988
FMP/FG] married William "Willie" Martin Kimmer [9 April 1912 - 24 December 1981
FMP/FG] on 6 October 1934 in Stanly County NC and had a child:
Harold Jean Kimmer [18 June 1941 - 5 August 1975
FMP/FG/NCDC] who died of a gunshot would to the head. Willie's WWII Registration Card reposts his full name, date of birth, and name of wife as Annie Pauline.
Rachel Louise McDowell [11 April 1917 - 12 December 1996
FMP/FG/NCBI/NCDI] married Nathan Sylvester Holt [18 March 1917 - 18 August 2009
FMP/FG]. They had the following children:
Larry Gerald Holt,
Nathan S. Holt, Jr,
David Lynn Holt [18 September 1947 - Premature birth and death /NCDC], and
Randy Hal Holt
James Thomas McDowell [20 May 1919 - 30 April 1985 /NCBI] married Janie Rankin on 18 March 1949 and had a stepson: Jimmy Rankin. He was divorced at the time of his death. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and name of mother as Mae.
Lonnie and Mae appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Stanly County NC
Lonie T. McDowell - 28 M - Head - NC NC NC
Maie - 30 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Agnes - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Pauline - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Rachel - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James - 9/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Stanly County NC
Mae McDowell - 40 F - Head, Wd M at 23 - NC NC NC
Agnes - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Pauline - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Rachel - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Stanly County NC
Mae McDowell - 51 F - Head, Wd - NC
James - 21 M - Son - NC
Rachel Holt - 23 F - Daughter - NC
N. S. Holt - 23 M - Son-in-Law - NC
Larry Holt - 6 M - Grandson - NC
Zella Agnes McDowell
Zella Agnes McDowell [23 June 1913 - 25 May 2002
FMP/FG/NCDI] married Lloyd Pearson Pickler [19 June 1912 - 29 September 1999
FMP/FG], the son of Dock Frank Picler and Sarah Ethel Miller, on 6 April 1933. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and married. They had the following sons.
Thomas Pickler
James Pickler
Zella and Lloyd appeared in the 1940 Census.
1940 Census Stanly County NC
West and North Albemarle
Lloyd P. Pickler - 27 M - Head - NC
Zella - 26 F - Wife - NC
Thomas - 2 M - Son - NC
Mattie Pearl McDowell
Mattie Pearl McDowell [3 October 1893 - 31 May 1978
WCHAP/FG/NCDI] married James Alson Bunting, II [17 May 1891 - 5 June 1979
WCHAP/FG], the son of Alson Bunting and Elizabeth Coletrane, on 10 August 1913 in Randolph County NC. They had the following children.
Reva Edna Bunting [17 March 1915 - 10 February 2010
PUC/FG/NCBI] married Everett McCallister Morris [16 July 1908 - 28 October 2001
PUC/FG], the son of Branson McCallister Morris and Cora Yates Morris, on 29 August 1932 in Danville VA.
George Washington Bunting [2 November 1916 - 16 December 2009
RMP/FG/NCBI] married Ruth Ardell Lisk [18 January 1918 - 6 July 2005
RMP/FG], the daughter of Dwight Lisk and Jenny Mash, on 20 January 1945 and had a son:
Doyle W. Bunting [14 December 1948 - Unknown]. George's WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and name of father.
Lola Viola Bunting [15 August 1918 - 29 November 2002
GRAY/FG/NCBI] married Herbert Wesley Pugh [15 June 1918 - 24 August 2010
GRAY/FG], the son of George Wesley Pugh and Bessie E. Prevost, on 29 June 1946 in Randolph County NC.
James Alson Bunting, III [9 July 1919/1920 - 6 December 1994
Evelyn Verlee Trotter [10 December 1925 - /NCBI], the daughter of Troy Trotter and Bernice McDowell, on 20 May 1944 in Randolph County NC. He was known as Jay Junior although his birth record reports his name as James Alson Bunting. His birth year is variously reported as 1919 or 1920. The authors believe that 1920 is the correct year. His WWII Registration Card reports his name as Jay Junior Bunting, his date of birth as 9 July 1920, and his mother "Mettie" as his contact.
Ina Mae Bunting [9 April 1922 - 3 March 2011
OAK/FG/NCBI] married Roby Alan Dorsett [11 August 1924 - 28 March 1978
OAK/FG], the son of David Arthur Dorsett and Ellen Elizabeth Smith, on 17 April 1948 in Randolph County NC.
William Ray Bunting [8 November 1923 - 17 February 2014
OAK/FG/NCBI] married Lois Elaine Dorsett [9 February 1927 - 15 July 2003
OAK/FG/SocSecACI], the daughter of David Arthur Dorsett and Ellen Elizabeth Smith, on 31 May 1947 in Randolph County NC.
Herman Allen Bunting [30 August 1927 - 27 May 2005
WCHAP/FG/NCBI/SocSecACI] married Marilyn Miller [11 March 1929 - 22 May 1999
WCHAP/FG/NCBI], the daughter of Emory Columbus Miller and Mary Jane Barnette, on 18 October 1947 in Randolph County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and mother as contact.
Gilbert Preston Bunting [26 October 1934 - 9 March 1935
Pearl and James appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
James Buntting - 28 M - Head - NC NC NC
Pearl - 25 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Reva - 4 9/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
George - 3 1/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Laria - 1 4/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
J. Alton Bunting - 38 M - Head - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Pearl - 36 F - Wife - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Reva - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
George - 13 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lola - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Jay - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ina M. - 8 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Roy - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Herman - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
J. Alson Buntting - 48 M - Head - NC
Pearl B. - 46 F - Wife - NC
George W. - 23 M - Son - NC
Lola V. - 21 F - Daughter - NC
Jay B. - 19 M - Son - NC
Ona M. - 18 F - Daughter - NC
Roy W. - 16 M - Son - NC
Hurman A. - 12 M - Son - NC
George Harrison McDowell
George Harrison McDowell [12 November 1895 - 13 August 1976
PROS/FG] married Rosa M. Tucker [27 November 1896 - 22 February 1973
PROS/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Jacob H. Tucker and Martha Lowder, on 17 November 1912. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and married with one child. They had the following children.
Lola Edna McDowell [11 March 1917 - 27 July 2003
FMP/FG/NCBI/SocSecACI] married Robert Lee Whitley [19 May 1926 - 26 January 1984
FMP/FG], the son of Gaddy Lee Whitley and Ethel Myrtle Teeter, on 2 October 1949 and had a daughter:
Lola Marlene Whitley [29 July 1950 - Unknown] married Nathan Sanger.
Cicero Paul McDowell [21 September 1918 - 24 June 1919
Roland Richard McDowell [17 August 1923 - 18 January 1924
George Harrison McDowell, Jr. [17 April 1927 - 26 September 1941
PROS/FG/NCDC] died of ruptured appendix.
In the 1920 Census, George and Rosa lived with his mother along with their daughter Lola. Subsequenctly, they appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Stanly County NC
North Albemarle
George McDowell - 34 M - Head - M at 16 - NC NC NC
Rosy H. - 34 F - Wife - M at 16 - NC NC NC
Lola - 13 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Clyde - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Hazel - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Junior - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
Rodenia - 62 F - Mother - NC NC NC
1940 Census Stanly County NC
West and North Albemarle
George McDowell [McDawell at Ancestry] - 44 M - Head - NC
Rosa - 43 F - Wife - NC
Lola - 23 F - Daughter - NC
Hazel - 15 F - Daughter - NC
George - 18 M - Son - NC
Myrtle Tucker - 25 F - Sister-in-Law - NC
Rhodema McDowell - 74 F - Mother - NC
Clyde Harrison McDowell
Clyde Harrison McDowell, Sr. [7 September 1920 - 3 December 2020
RMP/FG] married Frances Adaline Gueth [5 August 1916 - 18 July 1986
RAL/FG/NCDI], the daughter of Charles Gueth and Nancy Bell MNU, on 25 December 1940 in Guilford County NC. They had the following children.
Helen Gueth McDowell [30 April 1945 - Unknown] married Robert Daniel Ross and had Robert Christopher Ross [6 April 1973 - Unknown] and Susan Marie Ross [7 August 1977 - Unknown]
Clyde Harrison McDowell Jr [8 October 1950 - Unknown] married Melanie Smith.
David Marshall McDowell [24 March 1953 - Unknown] and married Barbara Marie Shor.
Clyde lived in High Point in 1940.
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
F. G. Dickson - 51 M - Head - NC
Lena Dickson - 47 F - Wife - NC
Clyde McDowell - 19 M Boarder - NC - Albemarle in 1935
Margaret Dickson - 20 F - Daughter - NC
Hazel Lee McDowell
Hazel Lee McDowell [12 January 1925 - Unknown /NCBI] at age 23 married James Oliver Callaway [10 May 1922 - 14 December 1972 /SocSecDI/NCDI], the son of James Patrick Callaway and Annie Miller, at age 26 on 6 November 1948. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and father. They had the following children.
Rose Ann Callaway [24 January 1952 - Unknown] and married Robin Doss Brooks [18 July 1951 - Unknown] on 2 June 1974. They had a child: Holly Marie Brooks [12 May 1977 - Unknown].
Rinda "Rendy" Caroline McDowell
Rinda Caroline McDowell [12 February 1898 - 29 May 1972
NUC/FG/NCDC] married Lonnie Evans Hunt [9 September 1890 - 25 September 1966
NUC/FG/NCDC], the son of E. "Azer" L. Hunt and Emma Varner, on 23 April 1916 in Stanly County NC. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name, year of birth, and married. They had the following children.
Wade R. Hunt [13 July 1917 - 27 May 1919
Beatrice Pauline Hunt [27 February 1919 - 18 August 1998
OAK/FG/SocSecACI] married James Bennie Wilson [30 November 1907 - 3 December 2000
OAK/FG] on 17 May 1941 in Randolph County NC. James was first married to Annie Bell Smith [3 August 1905 - 4 May 1938
Baxter Lloyd Hunt [11 January 1921 - 21 August 1972
NUC/FG] married Ollie Laughlin [15 May 1921 - 27 February 2003
NUC/FG], the daughter of Alfred R. Lauglin and Nannie L. Stevenson.
Clarence Willard Hunt [5 May 1923 - 17 September 1990
RMP/FG/SocSecACI] married Vyrtile Marie Staley [19 April 1918 - 28 July 2007
RMP/FG/SocSecACI], the daughter of Charles Alvin Staley and Velva Mae Cox, on 8 March 1946 in Randolph County NC.
Gladys Mozelle Hunt [10 September 1925 - 13 February 2009
OAK/FG] married Havey Coolidge Davis [8 May 1924 - 1 October 1960
OAK/FG/NCDC], the son of Claude Davis and annie Saunders. He was a Reverend.
Hazel Lee Hunt [10 September 1927 - Unknown
NUC/FG/NCBI] married Henry Lee Harvell [7 July 1919 - 22 May 2007
NUC/FG], the son of Jesse Lee Harvell and Lena Kinney, on 2 July 1949 in Randolph County NC.
Marion Hunt [1 November 1931 - Unknown /NCBI]
0la/Opal Mae Hunt [26 October 1935 - /NCBI] married Bobby Spencer and they had two children: Ricky Spencer and Gregory Spencer.
Melvin Lonnie Hunt [1 November 1931 - 28 April 2008
NUC/FG] married Betty MNU.
Caroline and Lonnie appeared in the following census record.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
Lonnie Hunt - 29 M - Head - NC NC NC
Carolina - 21 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Paulline - 10/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Lonie Hall [Sic: Hunt] - 38 M - Head - M at 23 - NC NC NC
Caroline - 30 F - Wife - M at 15 - NC NC NC
Pauline - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Baxter - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Clarence - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Gladys - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Hazel - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Lonie Hunt - 49 M - Head - NC
Caroline - 42 F - Wife - NC
Pauline - 21 F - Daughter - NC
Baxter - 19 M - Son - NC
Clerence - 17 M - Son - NC
Gladys - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Hazel Lee - 12 F - Daughter - NC
Marion - 8 M - Son - NC
Opal Mae - 4 F - Daughter - NC
Eula Edna McDowell
Eula Edna McDowell [7 June 1900 - 7 April 1984
PROS/FG] married Ronnie Carson Morris [10 May 1899 - 12 April 1966
AND/FG/NCDC], the son of William Frank Morris and Loula E. Cook, on 20 December 1919 in Stanly County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and wife as Eula. They had the following children.
Ray Douglas Morris [28 February 1921 - 27 February 2002 /SocSecACI] married Gladys Pauline Allen [10 July 1915 - 13 July 2009], the daughter of John Thomas Allen and Rosa Dora Watson, on 2 August 1941 in Stanly County NC.
Edith Estelle Morris [6 January 1923 - 30 October 1996] married Jasper Lee Pickler [5 October 1919 - 24 April 2008
KEN/FG], the son of Sam Pembelton Pickler and Lessie Miller, on 20 May 1941 in SC.
Harvey Richard Morris [6 May 1925 - 23 March 1997
SAL/FG/SocSecACI] married Joyce Moore [18 February 1932 - Unknown] on 3 April 1973.
Lillie Myrtle Morris [3 January 1927 - 26 April 1981
FMP/FG/SocSecACI/NCDI]] married Alton Howell Smith [5 April 1928 - 18 March 2011
FMP/FG], the son of Jasper Hugh Smith and Glennie Mae Blalock, on 22 May 1948 in Stanly County and had a daughter:
Marsha Gale Smith [2 July 1953 Stanly County].
Dorothy Jean Morris [22 February 1929 - Unknown] married Theodore Granville Earnhardt [22 April 1922 - Unknown] on 28 June 1947 in Stanly County.
Lula Rean Morris [22 September 1931 - 13 March 2013] married first to a Broderick and divorced. She married second to a Gallinger.
Peggy Joyce Morris [7 February 1934 - 8 July 2000
STAN/SocSecACI] married Jessie Earnest Hurt [12 May 1930 - 14 December 2010
STAN/FG], the son of Jesse Ernest Hurt and Rosa Blalock, on 22 February 1953 in Stanly County NC and had a son:
Mark Edward Hurt [16 November 1962 - Unknown].
Roger Wayne Morris [20 August 1938 - 29 May 2013
STAN/FG] married Trena Barnes [7 May 1942 - Unknown] on 27 January 1961 in Stanly County.
Jimmy Carson Morris [2 June 1942 - Unknown] is not married.
Eula and Ronnie appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Cabarrus County NC
Cooks Cross
Mary Messick - 37 F - Head, Wd - NC NC NC
Janis - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Audry - 13 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
J. Claton - 2/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Kall Clark - 28 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
Minnie Clark - 28 F - Boarder - NC NC NC
Ronie Morris - 19 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
Eula Morris - 19 F - Boarder - NC NC NC
1930 Census Stanly County NC
Ronnie Morris - 29 M - Head - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Eula - 29 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Ray - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Edith - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Harvey - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lily - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Dorothy - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Stanly County NC
Renie Morris - 39 M - Head - NC
Zula - 39 F - Wife - NC
Ray - 19 M - Son - NC
Edith - 17 F - Daughter - NC
Harvey - 15 M - Son - NC
Lillie - 13 F - Daughter - NC
Dorothy - 11 F - Daughter - NC
Lela - 9 F - Daughter - NC
Peggie - 6 F - Daughter - NC
Roger W. - 2 M - Son - NC
Laura/Lura Viola McDowell
Laura/Lura Viola McDowell [27 January 1903 - 14 January 1980
SALEM/FG/NCBI] married Postel Deberry Lowder [3 April 1899 - 22 June 1964
SALEM/FG/NCDC], the son of James D. Lowder and Clara Jane Hatley, on 17 December 1919 in Stanly County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name with signature, date of birth and wife as Viola. They had the following children.
James Cicero Lowder [28 December 1921 - 24 April 1978
PROS/FG] married Jewell Mae Morris [10 April 1920 - 3 December 1992
PROS/FG]. They had a son, Reverend
James L. Lowder [5 January 1947 - Unknown], who married Rose Ann Worth. James' WWII Registration Card reports his full name with signature, date of birth and name of father.
Infant Boy Lowder [16 March 1925 - Stillborn
Houston Wren Lowder [12 May 1927 - 13 April 2007 SocSecDI/SocSecACI] His WWII Registration Card reports his full name and signature, date of birth and father.
In the
1920 Census, Viola and Postel are listed with her mother. Subsequently, they appear as follows:
1930 Census Stanly County NC
North Albemarle
Postel Louder - 30 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Viola - 27 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
J. C. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Houston - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Stanly County NC
Postel D. Lawder - 41 M - Head - NC
Viola - 37 F - Wife - NC
J. C. - 17 M - Son - NC
Huston - 13 M - Son - NC
Martha Martisha "Tish" McDowell
Martha Martisha "Tish" McDowell [26 May 1870 - 20 December 1902
PUC/FG] at age 23 married Jonas Monroe Griffin [13 August 1872 - 17 February 1950
SPRING/FG/NCDC], the son of Augusta Griffin and Eliza Hardister, at age 21 on 26 November 1893 at the home of Justice of the Peace J. W. Ridge with witnesses J. R. Yates, Nora Griffin, and J. S. Ridge. After the death of Tish, Jonas marrid Laura Reece Bennett [17 April 1868 - 19 January 1959
SPRING/FG/NCDC], the daughter of John Reece and Tennessee Shugart, on 19 August 1903 in Guilford County NC. Tish and Jonas had five children.
Essie Griffin [21 June 1895 - 9 January 1946
FLORAL/FG/NCDC] at age 18 married Moody Bunyun Stroud [29 November 1891 - 13 April 1973
OWOOD/FG/SocSecDI], the son of Andrew Mathias Stroud and Sarah Jane Gaither, at age 19 on 6 November 1910 in Guilford County NC. They had the following children:
Zyllah Stroud who married Walter R. Shields,
Lawrence Stroud,
Reubidel Stroud,
Marie Stroud never married,
Betty Jean Stroud who married Charles E. Beck, and
Adlene Stroud [9 May 1918 - 28 November 1920 /NCDC] died in infancy.
Causey B. Griffin [11 January 1896 - 24 October 1899].
R. J. Griffin [19 March 1898 - 26 August 1902].
Julia Nety Griffin [4 February 1900 - 23 September 1989
SPRING/FG/NCDI] married George Washington Cox [2 September 1899 - 20 December 1966
SPRING/FG/NCDC], the son of James Ed Cox and Flora Robertson, on 7 March 1921 in Guilford County NC. They had the following children:
Edward Monroe Cox [5 May 1922 - 7 October 1996
FLORAL/FG] who married Teresa Jean Rector [9 May 1931 - 3 Auguust 1988
Glenn David Cox [14 August 1923 - Unknown] who married Lilly Belle Hooper,
Dillard Washington Cox [4 December 1924 - Unknown] who married Mary Helen Drum [17 April 1928 - 2 July 1991
Darrel Lee Cox [26 May 1926 - January 1985
EBEN/FG] who married Hilda Ann Kennedy [2 October 1938 - 1 October 2020
Clara Lurlean Cox [24 August 1928 - ] who married Paul Carroll, and
Mildred Annanety Cox [6 October 1930 - 17 April 1998
FLORAL/FG] who married Donald Snider.
Lamar L. Griffin [23 January 1902 - 23 December 1902].
Tish and Jonas appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Jones [James at Ancestry] M. Griffin - 28 M Head - Farmer - Aug 1871 m/6 - NC NC NC
Martitia M. - 37 F - Wife - May 1868 m/6 4/3 - NC NC NC
Essie R. - 4 F - Daughter - June 1895 - NC NC NC
Argie J. - 2 Son - Mar 1898 - NC NC NC
Julia J. - 3/12 F - Daughter - Feb 1900 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Jones M. Griffin - 37 M - Head - m2/6 - NC NC NC
Laura - 40 F - Wife - M2/6 6/4 - NC NC NC
Essie - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Julia - 10 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Mellie - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Talton - 7/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lillie Bennett - 17 F - StepDaughter - NC NC NC
Clatus Bennett - 14 M - Stepson - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
John M. Griffin - 47 M - Head NC NC NC
Laura - 51 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Julia J - 19 F - Daughter - NC NC CN
Mallie - 13 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Talton - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Grier - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lucile - 5 F - Daugher - NC NC NC
Julia Nety Griffin Cox remembers a few things about her mother Tish. Just about the same day that her mother was buried, Julia's sister Lamar was also buried. Her daddy Jonas remarried but Julia lived with Polly McDowell, widow of
Levi McDowell. The adults had taken the children to their mother's funeral and while they were down there for the funeral, Lamar died. They had gone in a wagon with a horse and buggy. When they came back from burying their mother, their dad Jonas had to turn around and take their sister Lamar to be buried. The other children were not taken on this trip.
In the first part of the year of 1903, Jonas Griffin took Julia to live with Polly McDowell. He had said that Santa Claus wouldn't come and see us that year, but he stopped and bought us some candy. Jonas was a powerful Santa Claus man.
Julia never really knew her mother Tish. Polly McDowell was the only "mother" that she knew. At one time, there was a picture of Tish, but it has since been destroyed.
Alma McDowell
Alma McDowell [1879/1880 - 18 March 1900
PUC/FG] at age 19 married Andrew J. Hoover [14 July 1872 - 1 May 1948
HOOC/FG], the son of Alson Hoover and Mary Ann Nance, at age 24 on 12 February 1898 at Jackson's Creek, Randolph County NC. The marriage ceremony was conducted by J. W. Parker and the witnesses were W. R. Harris, P. R. Yates, and A. F. Robbins.
There were five children born to this marriage, none of whom survived infancy. Three daughters buried in the
Pleasant Union Cemetery died in infancy unnamed. Two sons named Clay and Colon are buried at
Pleasant Union with one living to be around two years old. His death occured shortly after Alma died.
Grandma Polly McDowell always said that grief killed Alma although no one knows what actually killed her.
After the death of Alma, Andrew married Mary Elizabeth Trotter [27 June 1876 - 27 October 1940
HOOV/FG]. They had many children some of whom died in infancy and are buried at
Pleasant Union.
Tabitha Duella McDowell
Tabitha Duella McDowell [22 March 1838 - 8 July 1910
PUC/FG] The date of her birth was found in the family Bible now belonging to Reid Yates. The date of her death was determined by adding 72 years, 3 months, and 17 days as reported on her tombstone. She married first to John A. Yates [1841 - 1864], the son of Solomon Yates and Elizabeth Caviness, on 15 October 1860 in Randolph County NC with bondsman
John McDowell. Their marriage was performed by W. F. Brookshire, a Justice of the Peace. They had one son.
Noah Andrew Yates [6 July 1863 - 27 August 1935
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Eliza Ann Lou Hammond [15 April 1865 - 14 November 1950
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of William Hammond and Mary "Polly" Ledwell, on 17 November 1886 in Randolph County NC.
Following the death of John A. Yates, Tabitha McDowell Yates married John A. Yates' brother, Noah L. Yates [31 July 1842 - 23 December 1921
PUC/FG/NCDC]. No record of that marriage has been found. The following are the children of Tabitha and Noah.
Frances Ella "Ellie" Yates [January 1866 (1900 Census)/1867 (tombstone) - 1910
PUC/FG] married Alexander R. Hammond [1861 - 11 March 1950
PUC/FG/NCDC], the son of William Hammond and Mary "Polly" Ledwell, on 20 February 1890 in Randolph County NC.
John Riley Yates [29 January 1869 - 7 January 1945
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Etta Lenora Griffin [26 May 1870 - 23 May 1936
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Augusta Griffin and Emilina Hardster, on 11 February 1894.
Martha Jane Yates [29 March 1871 - 28 August 1946
HOOV/FG/NCDC] married William "Willie (Will)" Andrew Tysinger [2 December 1871 - 25 July 1952
HOOV/FG/NCDC], the son of John M. and Josephine Tysinger, on 10 June 1894 in Randolph County NC.
William Harris/Harrison Yates [7 May 1871 - 23 August 1944
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Eldora "Dora" Goins [17 December 1870 - 28 February 1959
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Jack and Sirona Goins, on 26 October 1896 in Randolph County NC.
Deankie Yates died in infancy.
Alice June Yates [11 June 1874 - 5 December 1933
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Burrell "Burl" Wood Griffin [1 March 1876 - 25 January 1951
PUC/FG/NCDC], the son of Augustus Griffin and Eliza Hardister, on 29 January 1899 in Randolph County NC.
James M. Yates [27 July 1876 - 27 December 1896
J. Westley Yates [28 August 1878 - 1 February 1968
PUC/FG/NCDC] married Bertha Elma "Elmie" Tysinger [11 December 1883 - 25 May 1974
PUC/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Henry Samuel and Martha Elmira Tysinger, on 11 May 1901 in Randolph County NC.
Julie Yates [1880 - 1904
PUC/FG] married Preston "Pressley" Stokes Griffin [13 September 1879 - 26 March 1933
SPRING/FG/NCDC], the son of Augustus Griffin and Eliza Hardister, on 16 December 1901 in Randolph County NC.
In the 1860 Census, a "Bertha" McDowell is living with Solomon Yates. We believe this person to be Tabitha McDowell given her age and the fact she marries the two brothers.
1860 Census Randolph County NC
The Western Division, PO Ashboro
Solomon Yates - 40 M - F - NC
Elizabeth - 49 F - h - NC
John - 19 M - L - NC
Noah - 18 M - NC
John - 5 M - NC
Bertha McDowel - 21 F - L - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township, PO Jackson Creek
Noah Yates - 35 M - Farmer - NC
Tabitha - 30 F - Keeping house - NC
Noah - 12 M - at home - NC
Ellen - 3 F - at home - NC
Riley - 2 M - at home - NC
Fannie - 2/12 F - at home - NC
Elizabeth - 16 F - cook - NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Concord Township
Noah Yates - 39 M - Grain Farmer - NC NC NC
Tabithia - 42 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
Noah - 16 M - Son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Fannie - 13 F - Daughter - At Home - NC NC NC
John - 12 M - Son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Marthia - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
William - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Dorah - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
Wesley - 1 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lititcia McDowel - 75 F - Mother in Law - At Home - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Noah L. Yates - 58 M - Head - Farmer - July 1841 m/34 - NC NC NC
Tibitha - 63 F - Wife - Mar 1837 m/34 9/8 - NC NC NC
Wesley H. F. - 21 M - Son - Aug 1878 - NC NC NC
Julia Ann - 18 F - Daughter - Jan 1881 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Noah L. Yates - 67 M - Head - m1/43 - NC NC NC
Tabatha - 70 F - Wife - m2/43 - 9/6 - NC NC NC
Ann M. Griffin - 7 F - Grandaughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Noah L. Yates - 75 M - Head, widow - NC NC NC
Annie M. Griffin - 17 F - Grandaughter - NC NC NC
Noah L. Yates volunteered for the Confederacy on March 12, 1862, age 19. He was enlisted as a private in Company F 46th Regiment North Carolina Troops. His occupation was listed as a farmer and he was measured at five feet, seven inches in height. In January and February of 1863, Noah was sent to Goldsboro as being sick. He returned from the hospital in Raleigh on 17 April 1863. He was sent again to the hospital in September 1864. In October and November Noah was listed as having "Diarrhra Ch." On 19 November 1864, he was returned to the company from Winder Hospital. This hospital stay was probably due to injuries received during the Fall of 1863.
On 16 March 1865, Noah L. Yates was sent to a prisoner of war camp in City Point as a deserter from the enemy. He was sent to Colonel T. Ingraham in Washington, D. C. on 21 March 1865. This being the end of the War, Noah was not a deserter in the true sense of the word. Finally, on 24 March 1865, Noah was sent from the Headquarters of the Army of the Potomac to Hamilton Company, Indiana where he took an oath of allegiance to the United States.
When the federal government allowed pensions for soldiers in the confederate army, Noah applied and received a pension. Noah's regiment was outside of Wilmington, North Carolina. "While regiment was camped temporarily upon Wilmington a shelter fell on him at night while resting: said shelter greatly injured his kidneys an(d) some internal organs, cause pain and inability to do hard work. Said inability has increased with age."
Noah L. Yates was very active in the "Union" Church as was his wife Tabitha. The Pleasant Union United Church of Church was organized in 1890 and Noah L. Yates was a charter member and secretary.
Riley McDowell
Riley McDowell was the last child of John McDowell and Tilathy Hill McDowell. He was born around 1838 and died sometime after 1865. There is no indication that he was married. With the exception of the census record information, the only other records found for Riley are those regarding service in the Confederacy.
Riley McDowell enlisted in the Confederacy twice. He first enlisted as a private in Randolph County on 23 February 1863 for the duration of the war. He was present or accounted for through April 1863 when he was reported in confinement at Goldsboro. It is unclear what happened from April 1863 to October of the same year. However, on 15 October 1863, Riley McDowell enlisted again. His first enlistment had been in Company H lOth Regiment N.C.S.T. (lst Regiment N.C. Artillery). His second enlistment was again as a private in Company H of the 60th Regiment of Randolph County.
Riley was sick and sent to the hospital on 24 February 1864. He was part of Johnson's forces against Sherman's forces in Atlanta, and in particular took part in the Battle of Dalton, Georgia. General J. E. Johnston defended Atlanta with a large portion of troops stationed at Dalton which was about thirty-eight miles south of Chattanooga, Tennessee. This was an important railroad crossing from Cleveland and Chattanooga to Atlanta.
On 13 May 1864, Riley McDowell was missing on the retreat from Dalton and assumed to be a prisoner of war. He was captured south of Dalton at Resaca, Georgia on May 16, 1864. He was originally in prison in Louisville, Kentucky and was transferred to the prison at Alton, Illinois on 23 May 1864, via Nashville, Tennessee. Alton was called the New State Penitentary and was converted to a prisoner of war camp. Riley had a medical card number 4325866 as he was admitted to the U.S.A. Post and Prison Hospital in Alton, Illinois on 5 January 1865. The diagnosis was variola (small pox). It was indicated that he returned to prison duty on 27 January 1865 and was finally discharged on 6 February 1865 on an amnesty oath to the United States.
The only indication that Riley McDowell returned to Randolph County came from
Bessy McDowell Swaney. She remembers
Levi McDowell's wife Polly talking about Levi's brother Riley. According to Bessy, Riley was captured and taken North. He came back to Grandma Polly McDowell, but she recalls that not long after that something happened. It is not clear whether he died from a wound or not. The best remembrance is that he was shot in the leg and was crippled in some manner.
Whatever happened to Riley McDowell, it has not been verified at this point. His name does not appear anywhere on the 1870 or 1880 Randolph County census records. It would appear that the above story may be true and that he did indeed die from a gunshot wound in the 1860's, or that for some reason, he left Randolph County and his friends and family completely.
Chapter 6
James McDowell was born about 1802, likely in Northampton County. Given his perfect DNA match with the James McDowell of Northampton County descendants and the perfect DNA match with the
John McDowell of Randolph County descendants, it is likely that James is a younger brother of John, especially given that they both reside in Randolph County within the same community. Specifically, as presented below, James McDowell is found on several Randolph County tax lists with his presumed brother,
John McDowell .
Other than the DNA match with his presumed father George McDowell who moved from Northampton County to Wake County, James has two links to Wake County. First is the fact that he names his first son George. Although nothing more than circumstantial evidence, it does present a potential tie to his presumed father and to Wake County. Second, his son Jesse McDowell lived with Luke Cross according to the
1850 Census of Randolph County. Considerable evidence exists showing members of the Cross family including Luke Cross moved from Wake County to Randolph County. We note that Luke Cross married Lucinda Glasgow in the 1870's after the death of his first wife.
On 10 June 1829, James married Susannah Glasgow in Randolph County with her Uncle Thomas Glasgow as the security. The marriage was held in the presence of Hugh McCain. From census and court records, there appear to be seven children of James McDowell and Susannah Glasgow as follows:
Susannah Glasgow was born about 1809 and died around 1896. She was the daughter of Martha Glasgow and the granddaughter of Revolutionary War soldier Lemuel Glasgow and wife Alsey. It is likely that Martha never married since records show that she birthed four bastard children and was listed as a single woman as late as 1825 in her fourth Bastardy Bond. In particular, a Randolph County Bastardy Bond dated 9 May 1810 clearly indicates the birth of a bastard child to Martha and, given the approximate birth date of Susannah of 1809, almost certainly means that Samuel Alexander was her father.
The Condition of the above Obligation is such that whereas the above bounden Saml Alexander stand charged with being the reputed Father of a Bastard Child of which Martha Glasco has been lately delivered …
James McDowell's name appears in the estate records of Miles Glasgow, Susannah Glasgow's uncle. The following two records were found.
Miles Glasgow dr to Luke Cross for ten days work cradling wheat and oats and mowing at $1.00 per day //$1.66 2/3 paid to the widow Sept. 1, 1844.
Miles Glasgow dr to James McDowel to len(?) show (shoe) making- $4.50 february 3rd, 1844.
One day after date we promise to pay Mary Wade twelve dollars for value rec'd, witness our hands and seals this
4th April 1838---James Mcdowel (seal)
1839 Miles Glasgo (his mark) (seal)
March the 20 re fifty cents
the 4th of May rec'd 7 dollars 1839
Of import in the above records is the notation that James McDowell was a shoemaker. This connection ties in nicely with the occupation of
George McDowell, Jr., of Wake County.
The following court record from September 1838 exists.[CR.081.30004_0577]
A Bill of Sale James McDowell to Miles Glassgo was duly proven in open Court by J. C. Allred & ordered to be Registered.
James McDowell appears several times on tax records of Randolph County. His name first appears in a miscellaneous tax record of 1799 - 1828 for Randolph County in Captain Hinshaw's District on Deep River.[
52] Another appearance is in an 1820 or 1828 tax folder for Steed's District on Polecat Creek. He is listed in a "No Date" folder where his name is given as James McDuel paying one white pole tax in Captain John C. Allred's District. The following table presents the remaining dated tax listings where he pays a single white poll tax.
1834 - Capt. Hinshaw - Pole Cat
1835 - John Henley - Back Creek
1836 - Capt. Burgess - Back Creek
1839 - " - New Salem
1840 - " - New Salem
1841 - " - New Salem
1842 - " - New Salem
1843 - Capt. Lamb - New Salem
1844 - " - New Salem
The 1840 Census of Randolph County reports James as the head of household.
1840 Census Randolph County
James McDowell
2 males 0-4: [Alexander Lindsay, James Christopher]
1 male 5-9: [Jesse]
1 male 10-14: [George]
1 male 30-39: [James]
1 female 0-4: [Martha]
1 female 5-9: [Sarah]
1 female 30-39: [Susannah]
No tombstone or death record has been found for James McDowell, nor does he appear with Susannah on the 1850, 1860, 1870, or 1880 census records of Randolph County or on any other census records. Susannah does report that she is a widow in 1880. James' name does appear in documents related to land transactions following 1850 which we describe below. Although there are many reasons why James might be absent from 1850 to 1880 including divorce, we presume that James has died by 1850.
After the disappearance of James in the 1840s, his wife Susannah appears with their children in the following census records. These records serve to identify their children.
1850 Census Randolph County NC
Northern Division
Susannah McDonel - 42 F - NC
Jesse - 18 M - Laborer - NC
Martha - 14 F - NC
Alexander - 12 M - NC
James - 10 M - NC
Ruhannah - 6 F - NC
1860 Census Randolph County NC
Eastern Division, PO Asheboro
Susannah McDuel - 51 F - Farmer - NC
Sarah - 25 F - Farmer - NC
Martha A. - 23 F - Weaver - NC
Alexander L. - 21 M - Farmer - NC
Ruhamer L. - 16 F - Seamstress - NC
Mary E. - 1 F - NC
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Grant, PO Asheboro
Susan McDowel - 61 F - Housekeeping - NC
Sarah - 36 F - Housekeeping - NC
Alexander L. - 31 M - Farm Laborer - NC
Martitia - 4 F - at home - NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Susan McDowel - 71 F - Keeping house, widowed - NC NC NC
Sarah - 47 F - daughter - at home - NC NC NC
Alex. L. - 42 M - son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Mortitia - 14 F - daughter - At home - NC NC NC
Martitia McDowell is a bastard daughter of
Sarah McDowell.
In 1858, Susannah McDowell was taken to court for running a "disorderly house".
State vs Susannah McDowell } Indictment
Disorderly House, Not Guilty
The following jury charged, sworn & empannelled
1. Wm Buress 5. William Stanton 9. Peter Richardson
2. James Latham 6. Fleur Swift 10. James Lum
3. Thomas Cranford 7. Wm Julian 11. Allen N. Osborne
4. Zebulon Hinshaw 8. Jefferson Lamb 12. George Luther
who for their verdcit say, that they find the defendant
Not Guilty
In this case it is ordered by the Court that James Neighbors
pay the costs of the prosecution.
RandolphP&QS: Thursday 4 November 1858
James Neighbors brought the original charge against Susannah as he is found guilty of "Malicious Mischief" in a separate case during the same term of the court.
State vs James Neighbors } Indictment, Malicious Mischief, Not Guilty
The following jury charged, sworn and empannelled
[List of Names: Note that Dan'l B. Julian and Pennel Wood replace two jurors on the Susannah McDowell jury]
Who for their verdict say, that they find the defendant Guilty in
manner and form as charged in the bill of indictment.
Whereupon, it is considered and adjudged by the Court, that
the defendant pay a fine of $10.00 and all costs.
RandolphP&QS: Thursday 4 November 1858
The court costs for Neighbors were relaxed.
State vs James Neighbors } In this case for malicious mischief, and in the case vs him and others in Peace warrant and also in the case the State vs Susannah McDowell, in which James Neighbors was ordered to pay the costs, On motion, a rule is granted to shew cause why the costs in the above cases shall not be [relaxed], And on agreement the rule is discharged.
RandolphP&QS: Wednesday 4 May 1859
The land transactions of Susannah McDowell begin with a
Randolph County Deed dated 25 March 1864 in which she sells 15 acres to Aaron Allred for $450. We do not know how she obtained title to the land. Susannah McDowell states in a
Superior Court case that she went to Burke County in 1865 and stayed for a short period of time. We suspect that she made the move because she had sold her 15 acres of land and planned to live with her daughter,
Ruhannah. According to the court case, she discovered that the Confederate money that Aaron Allred used to pay for the land was worthless. The court returned the land to her and she moved back to Randolph County as described in
the Appendix.
Her next transaction begins with a purchase of land by her mother. In a
Randolph County Deed dated 31 March 1849, Martha Glasgow purchased 90 acres of land on the waters of Deep River at Lick Branch. Following her death about the summer of 1872, the land is sold by some of her heirs - namely, James McDowal and wife Susan, John Glasgow, William Glasgow, and Floyd Glassgow - to her daughter Lucinda Glasgow in a
Randolph County Deed dated 24 November 1873. What makes this deed interesting is that James McDowell is explicity mentioned as though he is alive in 1873. During this same period following the death of Martha, a suit is filed in the Randolph County Superior Court involving a contract between Martha and Alson Davis in which Alson cultivated the land before her death in exchange for providing rental grain and other provisions. The dispute is complicated and focused on whether the terms of the contract were met and the fact that Alson sold the contract to others. The details of the dispute are not relevant but the plantiffs are; namely, the suit is entitled
Lucinda Glasgo, Amanda Glasgo, Joseph J. Phillips & wife Malinda, William Glasgo, Floyd Glasgo, James McDougald & wife Susan, & Leander Glasgo Against Alson J. Davis, James Neighbors, Lemuel Davis & John Glasgo. Again we find the name of James McDowell invoked as though he is still alive in the early 1870s. We do not have an explanation for this occurence other than that Susan(nah) is being named as the wife of James McDowell deceased in order to explain her married name. Language in some of the docuements could be interpreted in that manner. For example, Article I of the complaint filed in this case reads as follow:
That Lucinda Glasgow & Susan who intermarried with James McDowell are children of Martha Glasgow, who is now dead, & the other plaintiffs are grandchildren of said Martha & that they are her only heirs in law.
As a side benefit, this quote clearly shows that Susan(nah) is a daughter of Martha Glasgow.
The exact date of death for Susannah McDowell is not known since no tombstone or death records exist for her but based on a
Randolph County Deed from her to her son Alexander, she is alive on 21 June 1893.
To complete our story, we note that a James McDowell shows up in Chatham County in the 1850 Census and subsequent census records as follows. We have been unable to determine who he is and if, possibly, he is our James McDowell.
1860 Census Chatham County NC
Jas McDowel - 50 M
Francis - 51 F - Farmers
1870 Census Chatham County NC
North Side Pittsboro Road, PO Pittsboro
Jas McDowell - 63 M - Farmer - NC
Francis - 62 F - Keeping House - NC
1880 Census Chatham County NC
Hadly Township
James McDowel - 72 - Farmer & Shoemaker - NC NC NC
Frances - 72 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
George McDowell
George McDowell was born about 1830 based on the
1840 Census of the family and the marriage date of James and Susannah of 10 June 1829. His existence as a son of James McDowell other than the census record is limited to a pair of court records. The first document is dated 13 July 1844.[
State of North Carolina
Randolph County
To any Lawful officer
Whereas Eli Whitney of New Salem maketh complaint to me James Elliott acting Justice of the peace for said county that on or about the 3rd night of the 3rd day of May last (1844) he lost a bee hive from his stand, which he has cause to believe and does believe was stolen by one Milton Hill and some young boys Reuben Smith, son of Emilios Smith and
George McDowell and
Jesse McDowell sons of
James McDowell.
These are therefore to command you to bring the said Milton Hill immediately before some Justice of the Peace if to be found within your County to answer to the above charge to be dealt with according to Law.
Herein fail not. Given under my hand and seal. July 13, 1844.
Elliot J.P. (seal)
Action on the case was reported in the court minutes.
State vs Milton Hill & George McDowell }
Reuben Smith, a witness on behalf of the State, called and failed On motion, Judgment rendered nisi against said witness for $80
RandolphP&QS: Friday 7 November 1845, page 148
A Sheriff's writ was issued 18 November 1845 for the failure of Reuben Smith to show up in Court as a witness for the State.
State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Randolph County - Greeting
Whereas, at a Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions began and held for the County of Randolph at the Court House in Asheboro on the 1st Monday of November 1845, a certain suit was then and there pending and to be tried, wherein the State was plaintiff, and Milton Hill & George McDowell defendants, and it appeared to the said Court that Reuben Smith was duly summoned to appear at the said term of the said Court as a witness to give evidence in the said cause in behalf of the State, And on being solemnly called, after proclamation duly made, witness failed to answer and appear before the Court as he was bound to do: - Whereupon the said Court caused judgment ni si to be entered up against him for the said sum of Eighty dollars. You are hereby commanded to make known to the said Reuben Smith that he be and appear before the said Court at our next term to be held for the said County of Randolph at the Court House in Asheboro on the 1st Monday of February 1846, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why the said judgment shall not be rendered absolute and final against him for the said forfeiture and all costs, and execution awarded for the same according to law. Herein fail not; and have you then and there this writ, and make known how you shall have executed the same.
Witness B. F. Hoover Clerk of our said Court on the 1st Monday of Novr. A.D. 1845
Issued the 18th day of November A.D. 1845
B. F. Hoover C.C.C.
No other records have been found related to George McDowell.
Jesse McDowell
Jesse McDowell [26 October 1826 - 1 August 1896
BROW/FG] married Sarah Burrow [14 June 1833 - 10 April 1888
BROW/FG], the daughter of Wilkins Burrow and wife Sarah Wright, on 15 December 1851. They had one child.
Bible records for Jesse McDowell were received from
Mary Katheryn McDowell Phillips and they indicate that Jessie McDowell was born 26 October 1826 and died 1 August 1896 with Sarah McDowell born 14 June 1833 and died 10 April 1888.
In the 1850 Census of Randolph County, Jesse McDowell is listed both with his mother,
Susannah McDowell, and with Luke H. Cross, son of Thomas Cross, Sr.
1850 Census Randolph County NC
Northern Division
Luke H. Cross - 37 M - Laborer - NC
Sarah - 43 F - NC
Jane - 13 M - NC
William - 10 M - NC
Henderson - 8 M - NC
Sarah - 6 F - NC
Sylvania - 4 F - NC
Emily - 1 F - NC
Jesse McDowel - 17 M - Laborer - NC
Jesse and Sarah appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Randolph County NC
Eastern Division
Jesse McDewel - 29 M - Farmer - NC
Sarah - 26 F - Domestic - NC
William F. - 6 M
1870 Census Randolph County NC
Jess McDowel - 40 M - Farmer - NC
Sarah - 30 F - Housekeeping - NC
William F. - 16 M - Works on farm - NC
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Jesse McDowell - 54 M - Farmer - NC NC NC
Sarah - 42 F - Wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
Franklin - 26 M - Son - Laborer - NC NC NC
Sarah Burrow - 76 F - Boarder, widow - At home, old age - NC NC NC
In a
Randolph County Deed dated 28 December 1877, a Sarah McDowell purchases 63 acres of land from the Estate of Jonathan Worth for $63.00. Since the land borders on Burrow property, we assume that this Sarah McDowell is the wife of Jesse McDowell. However, it could also be Jesse's sister,
Sarah McDowell, since it's a Sarah and not Jesse who is purchasing the land — the question being why would Sarah purchase the land instead of her husband? We have not determined the final disposition of this property.
After the death of Sarah Burrow, Jesse McDowell married a second time to Hannah Borough on 23 December 1888. Jesse's first wife Sarah Burrow had a sister born around 1840 named Hannah Burrow. This Hannah Jane Burrow [26 October 1839 - 1 May 1884
BROW/FG] married William Clark Hammer [1836 - 1909] on 3 February 1859. We note that the death of Sarah's sister, Hannah Burrow Hammer, is listed in the Bible records of Jesse.
The Hannah Burrow that Jesse married is likely Hannah Moore [c1838 - ], the daughter of Nathan and Matilda Moore, who married William Milton Burrow [c1822 - 17 February 1886] as his second wife on 30 October 1859 in Guilford County NC. In their marriage record, the name Burrow is spelled "Borow" and Hannah is spelled "Hdanah." William was a son of Wilkins Burrow and Sarah Wright and a brother to Sarah Burrow. He first married to Nancy Allred on 1 April 1848 in Randolph County but she apparently died prior to his marriage to Hannah. In the 1860 Census, Nancy's mother Rachel Allred is living with William and Hannah. We note that William Burrow's death date is listed in the Bible records of Jesse McDowell.
In the records of apprentice bonds for Randolph County, the Sheriff is ordered to bring Jesse McDowell to Court in the years 1845 and 1848.[
Randolph County Court May Term 1845
Ordered by the Court that the Sheriff bring to the next Term of this Court … Jesse McDowel at New Salem … to be Dealt with as the Law Directs.
Hugh McCain CCC
State of North Carolina
Randolph County
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions May Term 1848
It is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff bring to August Court … Jesse McDowel at New Salem …
These requests for Jesse to appear in Court as part of the apprenticeship process may be an indication of the death of his father James McDowell. It is not clear why the requests were spread over three years.
Jesse McDowell is listed on the road records of 1850 for overseer Andrew Laughlin. His name is scratched through on this list.
North Carolina
Randolph County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term 1850
Ordered by the Court that Andrew J. Laughlin be appointed overseer of the road from McMaster's Spring Branch to the Old road half mile East of Asheboro and that the within named hands work on said road, viz: Francis W. Winningham, James A. Winningham, Thomas Gordan, B. F. Young, Melton Giles, Jesse McDowell and A. H. Marsh's Nathan
Witness, B. F. Hoover, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday of May 1850. Issued the 20th day of May 1850.
B. F. Hoover, Clerk
He is listed again with overseer Joseph Conner from the same 1850 May Term but with the notation that he was added at the August Term. Apparently, he initially was assigned to Laughlin at the 1850 May Term and then moved to Conner at the 1850 August Term. In other words, the 1850 May Court documents were amended in August 1850.
North Carolina
Randolph County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term 1850
Ordered by the Court that Joseph Conner be appointed overseer of the road from the Creek at his house to the Trogdon Creek and that the within named hands work on said road, viz: Dan M. Ricks, Thomas Cross, Jesse __ingham, J___ Laughlin, John Naliss, H___ Lamb, L___, and Elias Allred, George Vinney, ___, James Nabors added August Term 1850 Jesse McDowell
Witness, B. F. Hoover, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday of May 1850. Issued the 24th day of May 1850.
No. 52
B. F. Hoover Clerk
In 1857, Jesse was a juror in several court cases.
State vs Jesse Gaddis, Nathan York } Indictment
Affray Not Guilty
The following jury charged , Sworn &
[List of Names, #1 Jesse McDowell]
who for their verdict say, that they find the defendants Guilty in manner and form as charged in the bill of indictment. Judgement of the Court, that the defendants pay a fine of $1.00 each.
RandolphP&QS: Friday 8 May 1857
State vs Michael Marsh } Indictment Not Guilty
The following Jury charged and empannelled to wit, [List of Names, #5 Jesse McDowell]
who for their say, that they find the Deft not Guilty.
Randolph P&QS: Friday 8 May 1857
State vs Calvin Gray } Indictment
AB. Not Guilty
The following jury charged and sworn to wit:
[List of Names, #8 Jesse McDowell]
who for their verdict say, that they find the defendants Guilty in manner and form as charged in the bill of indictment. Judgement of the Court, that the defendants pay a fine of $1.00. and in custody until fine and costs are paid. From which judgement the defendant prays an appeal to the next Supr Court, which is granted, he entering into bond with Daniel Coble as security.
RandolphP&QS: Friday 8 May 1857
On motion letters of administration on the estate of George Hendricks decd are granted to Jacob Deans he entering into bond in the sum of $1000. with Jesse McDowell and Jacob Chrisco as his sureties and qualified according to law.
RandolphP&QS: Monday 8 August 1865
Charlotte E Hendrick Ex parte } Petition for Years Support
This case coming on to be heard upon the petition it is ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that the petitioner receive one years provisions out of the estate of her deceased husband and that John H Hill a Justice of the Peace and John Burrow Franklin Cox and Jesse McDowell freeholders be appointed to lay off and assign said allowance out of the estate of the said George Hendricks according to law and report to the next Term of this Court.
RandolphP&QS: Wednesday 9[sic] August 1865
State vs Gilliam Jones } The following jury are sworn charged
and empannelled, to wit:
[List of Names, John S. Lawrence]
who for their verdict say that the defendant is guilty. Judgment of the Court that the defendant pay a fine of $2.00 and costs, and in custody of the Sheriff till the costs are secured. The defendant with Jesse McDowell and Bright Sumner confess Judgment for $25. for payment of costs and fines.
RandolphP&QS: Wednesday 9 May 1866
Jesse McDowell served as a Private in Company F of the Second North Carolina Artillery (36th State Troops) in the Confederate States Army. He was paroled as a Prisoner of War at Greensboro on 16 May 1865 and took the Oath of Allegiance.
On 4 February 1888, Jesse was issued land grant No. 8395 [No. 3251] for 68 acres in Randolph County. He paid $8.50 for the land. The surveyor's plat reads as follows:
State of North Carolina
Randolph County
This survey for Jesse McDowell
68 acres of land on the waters of Little River Cedar Grove Township adjoining H. Lewallen, J. M. Worth & others by virtue of a warrant No. 1539 - Entered the 19th Nov. 1886. Beg- at Lewallen's North East corner of Baily Tract running south thirty two chains to Lewallen's corner of said Tract; Then East on his line forty three Chs to his corner in Hancock line; Then Northwest on Worth's line the beginning.
Oct. 5th 1887.
Wm. Murdock C.S.
Hillery Huddock } C.B.
___ Williams } C.B.
On 9 April 1888, Jesse was issued land grant No. 8546 [No. 3252] for 122 acres in Randolph County. He paid $18.30 for the land. The surveyor's plat reads as follows:
State of No. Car.
Randolph County
Oct 5th 1887
This surveyed for Jesse McDowell 122 acres on the waters of Little River Cedar Grove Township by virtue of a warrant No. 1552. Entered 4th of Oct. 1887 Adjoining the lands of Henry Lewallen, Thomas Lewallen & others Beg- at a stake Lewallen's corner, running West 42 Chs on Lewallen's line to his corner (Baily Tract) Thence south 30 Chs to his corner of said Tract, Thence East 40 Chs to a stake in Edwin Lewallen's line; Thence North 18 Chs to Thos.Lewallen's corner; Then East 3½ Chs to a stake in said Lewallen's line; Then North to the beginning
Wm Murdock C.S.
William Franklin McDowell
William Franklin McDowell [16 December 1853 - 21 November 1946
ASH/FG/NCDC] married Edith Aletha Lewallen [31 October 1853 - 18 May 1930
ASH/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Henry Lewallen and Martha Frazier, on 12 May 1872. They had four children.
Benjamin Franklin McDowell [4 August 1878 - 13 December 1957
OAK/FG/NCDC] never married.
Thomas Joe McDowell [29 May 1886 - 29 September 1918
OAK/FG] served in Co. K 120 Infantry, 30th Division, and was killed in battle in France in World War I.
William Franklin McDowell and Edith appeared in the following census records.
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
W. F. McDowell - 26 M - Meth. Prot. Minister - NC NC NC
Edith E. - 26 F - Wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
John H. - 5 M - Son - At home - NC NC NC
Benjamin - 1 M - Son - At home - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Frank McDowell - 46 M - Head - Parson - Dec 1853 - M/28 - NC NC NC
Edith - 46 F - Wife - Oct 1853 M/28 4/4 - NC NC NC
John - 26 M - Son - Jan 1874 - NC NC NC
Benjamin - 21 M - Son - Aug 1878 - NC NC NC
Joseph - 16 M - Son - July 1883 - NC NC NC
Thomas - 14 M - Son - May 1886 - NC NC NC
Arch Andrew - 17 M B - Servant Oct 1882 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Frank McDowell - 57 M - Head - m1/38 - NC NC NC
Edith - 57 F Wife - m1/38 4/4 - NC NC NC
Ben - 30 M - Son - NC NC NC
Jo - 26 M - Son - NC NC NC
John - 36 M - Son - m1/1 - NC NC NC
Lillie - 22 F - Daughter - M1/1 - NC NC NC
Note that Lillie is the wife of John.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
W. Frank McDowell - 66 M - Head - NC NC NC
Edith - 66 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Ben - 45 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
W. Frank McDowell - 76 M - Head - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Edith - 76 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Ben F. - 51 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
William F. McDowell - 86 M - Head, widower - NC
Benjamin F. - 60 M - Son - NC
E. T. Ellis - 30 M - Lodger - SC
Edith Ellis - 25 F - Lodger - NC
The Will of W. F. McDowell probated 24 February 1942 exists.
The following tribute was paid to William Franklin McDowell in the Minutes of the Ninth Annual Session of the Western North Carolina Conference on page 194-195 as follows:
William Franklin McDowell was born on a farm near Asheboro in Randolph County, N. C. on December 16, 1853 and departed this life at his home in Asheboro on November 21, 1946. Had he lived a few more weeks he would have been ninety-three years old. During Brother McDowell's early years educational advantages were very meagre and it was only those with great determination that acquired much learning. Those who succeeded in spite of this handicap deserve even more credit. He heard the call to preach the gospel and was admitted into the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church in 1883. At the time of his death he was Number 1 on the conference chronological roll, having been a member of an annual conference longer than any other man. Brother McDowell began his ministry at Belmont in Alamance County. He served churches also in Randolph, Buncombe, Chatham, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, and Union Counties. The most of the charges served by him were rural, however, he held a revival meeting in Burlington and organized there what is now known as the Davis Street Methodist Church, an organization which has had an honorable record and is still a very influential church. In the funeral services for Brother McDowell, conducted in the Central Church in Asheboro on November 24, Dr. R. M. Andrews who was in charge of the service with the assistance of the pastor, Rev. Mark Tuttle, made the statement that when he was a young man he was converted in a revival meeting held by Brother McDowell. Thus it could be said with all truthfulness that while Brother McDowell never served what we would think of as an important station he was instrumental in leading one to Christ who did serve some of the most important churches in his conference. Brother McDowell never helped to build a college, neither was he ever president of one but the Lord used him in the conversion of one who was one of the leading spirits in building High Point College.
In early life Brother McDowell was united in marriage to Miss Edith A. Lewallen, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Henry Lewallen of Randolph County. Mrs. McDowell passed to her reward in 1929. In Old Testament times they did not hear much about being admitted on trial nor of being ordained as an Elder. These men were prophets living in their own home and speaking as the Lord directed them. So it was in large measure with Brother McDowell. While yet a comparatively young man it seemed best to him not to take regular work, so he took the Supernumerary relationship, a classification which could be held indefinitely in the Methodist Protestant Church. He moved to his home in Asheboro and from there went out and preached as he was called on to fill appointments for regular pastors and to conduct funerals when the occasion demanded it. While not out filling appointments he usually attended services at the Central Methodist Church in Asheboro. Many were the earnest and heartfelt prayers which he made when called upon by the pastors. After the coming of Methodist Union his classification was changed from the Supernumerary to the Retired relationship.
Brother McDowell's marriage was blessed by four sons. One son, Sgt. Thomas J. McDowell was killed in France during World War I and the other son John H. McDowell, a business man of Asheboro, died some years ago.
And so here is the record: Admitted 1883, ordained Elder 1888, Supernumerary roll 1900, retired in 1942, and transferred to the Triumphant roll in 1946.
John Henry McDowell
John Henry McDowell [12 January 1874 - 13 July 1936
ASH/FG/NCDC] married Lillie B. Walker [10 September 1888 - 25 July 1963
ASH/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Robert Walker and Mary Sumner, on 27 March 1909 in Randolph County NC. His WWI Registration Card reports his birth date as 12 January 1874 and his wife as Lillie. They had the following children.
John Miller McDowell [22 April 1917 - 10 August 1972] had no children.
Thomas Jefferson McDowell [9 April 1920 - 9 April 1964] had no children.
Mary Katheryn McDowell [9 June 1924 - 25 January 2012
OAK/FG] married Clyde Parker Phillips [18 March 1918 - 23 March 2004
OAK/FG], son of Bennie Tillman Phillips and Martha Johnson, on 23 August 1944. They had the following children:
Ellen Tillman Phillips [21 June 1952 - 16 February 2006
Amy Cornelia Phillips [28 November 1955- Unknown] married Rodney Ange,
Clyde McDowell Phillips [12 March 1960 - Unknown] married Allyson MNU, and
Mary Parker Phillips [25 August 1965 - Unknown] married Joe Deitz.
In the 1910 Census, John and Lillie are listed with his father, Frank. Afterwards, they appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
John H. McDowell - 46 M - Head - NC NC NC
Lillie B. - 31 F - Wife - NC NC NC
John M. - 3 M - Son NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
John H. McDowell - 56 M - Head - M at 35 - NC NC NC
Lilly B. - 42 F - Wife - M at 20 - NC NC NC
John M. - 12 M- Son - NC NC NC
Thomas J. - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mary K. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
John M. McDowell - 23 M - Head - NC
Lillie - 51 F - Mother - NC
Thomas - 26 M - Brother - NC
Catherine - 16 F - Sister - NC
Howard E. Watson - 29 M - Lodger - NC
Loma A. Watson - 25 F - Lodger - NC
On 28 September 1936, Lillie obtained an Administrator Bond for the Estate of John H. McDowell.
Joseph Earnest McDowell
Joseph Ernest McDowell [26 July 1883 - 16 December 1960
ASH/FG/NCDC] married Sirona Abigail Morgan [3 May 1885 - 13 March 1968
ASH/FG] on 16 December 1911. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth as 24 July 1883 and his wife as Sirona. They had the following children.
Edith Morgan McDowell [9 February 1913 - 25 December 2006
OAK/FG/SSDI] married Elisha Tilden "Dude" Ellison [4 June 1913 - 8 February 1992
OAK/FG] on 24 November 1937 in Randolph County NC.
Sarah Margaret McDowell [1 September 1917 - 17 October 1975
OAK/FG/NCBI/NCDC/NCDI] married Charles Erastus Boling [19 August 1907 - 11 June 1967
OAK/FG/NCDC], the son of Willis B. Boling and Josie Callicutt.
Mary Frances McDowell [1 January 1921 - 23 June 2021
OAK/FG/NCBI] married Nathan Mefford Coleman [26 July 1920 - 16 May 2015
Joseph Franklin McDowell [9 January 1928 - 7 May 2019 /NCBI] married Barbara Jean Roson. They had a son: Chrys Barlett McDowell [23 March 1953 - Unknown].
Joseph and Sirona appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Randolph County NC
Joseph McDowell - 35 M - Head - NC NC NC
Sirona - 32 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Edith M. - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Sarah M. - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Joe E. McDowell - 45 M - Head - Farmer - M at 23 - NC NC NC
Sirona A. - 44 F - Wife - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Edith M. - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Margarite S. - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Mary F. - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Joe - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Joe E. McDowell - 58 M - Head - NC
Sirona - 55 F - Wife - NC
Charles E. Boling - 26 M - Son-in-Law - NC
Margaret Boling - 22 F - Daughter - NC
Frances McDowell - 19 F - Daughter - NC
Josephy McDowell - 12 M - Son - NC
As reported and analyzed by Frank Smith, a son of Olif Harold Smith, Joseph Ernest McDowell fathered an illigitimate child with Pattie Hooker, the daughter of W. C. Hooker and Elizabeth Smith, in 1911. Pattie died on 5 May 1911 of TB. That child was Olif Harold Smith.
According to family oral history and family records, Elizabeth Smith - Pattie's mother, had a sister named Susan Smith. Susan had two children out of wedlock, one of them being Russell Causey Smith. After the death of Pattie, Susan took the child Olif Harold Smith and gave him to her son Russell and his wife, Carrie Dolberry. Russell and Carrie raised Olif Harold Smith and gave him the surname "Smith." Apparently Olif Harold Smith was taunted by classmates in high school and came home upset, at which time he was not told of his adoption/foster parent situation. The authors thank Frank Smith for providing us with this information which has been posted at by him. We turn now to a review of the data for Olaf Harold Smith and his foster parants.
Russell Causey Smith [5 June 1870 - 5 March 1958 /NCDC] married Carrie Dolberry on 18 March 1903 in Randolph County NC. They appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Guilford County NC
R. C. Smith - 49 M - Head - NC NC NC
Carrie - 36 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Olga - 14 F - NC NC NC
Harold O. - 8 M - Son NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
R. C. Smith - 59 M - Head - NC NC NC
Carrie - 48 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Olga - 24 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Harold - 17 M - Son - NC NC NC
Wincey Dolberry - 75 F - Mother-in-Law, Wd - NC NC NC
Cecil Auman - 23 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
Olif Harold Smith [5 January 1911 - 18 June 1991
NEW/FG/NCBI/NCDI] married Annie Marilla Beeson [transcribed as Ornie Bricker at] [29 November 1918 - 29 October 1994
NEW/FG/NCBI/NCDI], the daughter of Luther Allen Beeson and Minnie Bricker/Beeson, on 26 December 1935 in Surry County NC. A handwritten note on Harold exists. Harold appeared with his wife Annie in the 1940 Census.
1940 Census Gloucester County NJ
Harold Smith - 29 M - Head - NC
Annie - 21 F - Wife - NC
Dorothy Ann - 3 F - Daughter - NC
Cliford Sloan - 11 M
Sarah McDowell
Sarah McDowell was born around 1835 to James McDowell and Susannah Glasgow and lived with her mother in the
1860 Census, the
1870 Census, and the
1880 Census. In 1850 she is listed with Daniel B. Julian.
1850 Census Randolph County NC
Northern Division
Daniel Julian - 26 M - Farmer - NC
Sylvania - 24 F - NC
Elizabeth - 1 F - NC
Catharine - 2/12 F - NC
Sarah McDowel - 16 F - NC
1880 Census indicates that both Sarah and Alexander Lindsay were "crippled/maimed." In the
1870 Census and the
1880 Census, there is a young child Martitia/Mortitia McDowell born in 1866. The
Will of Alexander Lindsay McDowell refers to "Sarah Mandelia McDowell daughter of my neice Martitia McDowell." Obviously, Mortitia in the 1880 Census is the daughter of Sarah McDowell and Martitia names her daughter Sarah Mandelia McDowell. There is no record that Sarah McDowell ever married nor is there a record that Martitia McDowell ever married.
Note that a death certificate was found showing a Tina (Lina) E. Wright [2 February 1855 - 7 March 1923 /FG/NCDC] as the daughter of Sarah McDonal. Tina married William Austin Wright [12 May 1863 - 9 March 1946 /FG]. It's likely that this woman is not a child of Sarah McDowell.
In the 1852 court records for Randolph County, there is a notice of a bastardy bond being paid for a Sarah McDowell. It is possible that the record relates to
Sallie McDowell, the daughter of John and Tilathy McDowell, but we have assigned it to this Sally. We have not identified who the child born about 1852 would be.
State vs Sarah McDowell } Bastardy bond filed and $5. the fine paid into office by Enoch Byrnes Esqr
RandolphP&QS: Monday 2 February 1852
Martitia McDowell
Martitia McDowell [c1866 - ] apparently never married. She had the following bastard daughter.
Sarah Mandelia "Maude" McDowell [c1889 - Unknown] at age 16 married George Henley [c1884 - Unknown] at age 20 on 23 March 1905.
Sarah appeared with George in the 1910 Census.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
George Henley - 26 M - Head - Farming - M1/5 - NC NC NC
Maud - 21 F - Wife - M1/5 2/2 - NC NC NC
William F. - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ida H. - 9/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
In the 1920 Census, William F. Henley (age 13), Ida H. Henley (age 11), and Josephine W. Henley (age 9) are listed in the [Naruth] Orphan Home, Gold Hill, Rowan County. We presume that one or more of their parents have died.
Ida Hazel Henley [22 July 1909 - 1 August 1983 /FG] married Rev. Carlis/Carlos Saunders Grogan [2 June 1913 - 25 March 2006].
Martha A. McDowell
Martha A. McDowell [May 1837 - Unknown
MVW/FG] was born to James McDowell and Susannah McDowell in May 1837 according to a listing in the
1900 Census. In the
1860 Census Martha McDowell was living with Susannah McDowell and other family members. A child named Mary E. McDowell, age one, was living with the family. According to the 1880 Census below, Mary E. McDowell was a child of Martha McDowell. Martha is listed in 1860 as a weaver. Martha Ann Miller is enumerated with John C. Hunt in the
1900 Census and listed as mother-in-law. She married a Miller but no record of that marriage has been found. We note that she is buried in the same cemetery as her daughter Mary.
Martha McDowell had at least two children according to the 1880 Census.
Martha appeared in the following 1880 Census record and with her daughter in the
1900 Census.
1880 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
Martha McDowel/McDonnel - 44 F - Mother - Housekeeper - NC NC NC
Mary E. - 20 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Samuel R. - 15 M - Son - Works on Farm - NC NC NC
The death certificate of Samuel McDowell lists his father as a Samuel McDowell and his mother as Martha Young and that he was born in McDowell County. There is a simple explanation as to why he could have been born in McDowell County; namely, Martha traveled to McDowell County to have her child under the care of her sister,
Ruhannah. Ruhannah and her husband George Gibson lived in McDowell County during that time period. No Samuel McDowell has been found in the census records of North Carolina in the late Nineteenth Century who could have been the father.
Mary Elizabeth McDowell
Mary Elizabeth McDowell [15 May 1859 - 30 May 1931 /FG/NCDC] was 23 years of age on 4 January 1883 when she married William McKenley Dougan who was age 56. Her death certificate reports her father as a John McDowell. The death certificate for William Cleveland Dougan reports Mary as his mother, but he could have been birthed by the first wife of William McKenley Dougan. They had the following son.
William Cleveland Dougan [2 July 1881 - 3 February 1946
SHEP/FG/NCDC] married Louella Robbins [11 October 1878 - 8 July 1968
SHEP/FG/NCDC], the daughter of George Franklin Robbins and Elizabeth Briles, on 23 April 1912 in Randolph County NC.
After the death of William Dougan, Mary married John Calvin Hunt [8 July 1868 - 15 July 1916 /FG/NCDC], the son of George Washington Hunt and Hannah Hancock. They had the following children.
Samuel Calvin Hunt [30 November 1892 - 14 July 1930 /FG/NCDC] married Zula Valeria Pierce [17 December 1895 - November 1972 /FG] on 27 April 1913 in Randolph County NC.
Martha Elizabeth Hunt [20 March 1896 - 10 May 1975 /FLDI] married first to Paul L. Pritchard, the son of Tom and Polly Pritchard, on 3 April 1921 in Guilford County NC and second to James C. Milloway [19 October 1904 - 17 June 1974 /FLDI], the son of R. R. Milloway and Mary Miles, on 31 March 1934 in Danville VA.
Alfred Dewey Hunt [21 April 1900 - 5 March 1978 /NCDI] married Clara Inez Neal [26 May 1903 - 27 December 1958 /NCDC], the daughter of Robert C. Neal and Mary Elizabeth Fulp, on 27 October 1923 in Guilford County NC.
Henry Clay Hunt [28 September 1901 - 8 August 1983 /FG] married Lillian Gracie Cranford [25 February 1906 - 20 November 1984 /FG] on 25 January 1927 in High Point, Guilford County NC.
Mary and John appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
John C. Hunt - 31 M - Head - Farmer - July 1868 M/9 - NC NC NC
Mary E. - 41 F - Wife - May 1859 M/9 6/4 - NC NC NC
Williams C. Dougan - 15 M - Stepson - Farm Laborer - July 1884 - NC NC NC
Samuel C. Hunt - 7 M - Son - Nov 1892 - NC NC NC
Martha E. Hunt - 4 F - Daughter - Mar 1896 - NC NC NC
Dewey Hunt - 1/12 M - Son - Apr 1900 - NC NC NC
Martha A. Miller - 63 F - M-in-Law - May 1837, Wd 3/2 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Back Creek
John C. Hunt - 42 M - Head - Sawmill - M1/18 - NC NC NC
Mary E. - 50 F - Wife - M2/18 7/5 - NC NC NC
Williams C. Dougan - 25 M - Stepson - Sawmill - NC NC NC
Calvin S. Hunt - 19 M - Son - Sawmill - NC NC NC
Martha E. Hunt - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Alfred D. Hunt - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Henry C. Hunt - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point Ward 1
Marie E. Hunt - 60 F - Head - NC NC NC
Marthie E. - 23 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Alfred D. - 19 M - Son - NC NC NC
Henry C. - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Henry C. Hunt - 26 M - Head - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Lilian - 23 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
John H. - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
Roy C. - 5/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mary E. - 70 F - Mother, Wd M at 22 - NC NC NC
Martha Pritchard - 33 F - Sister - Divorced M at 25 - NC NC NC
Nancie E. Pritchard - 7 F - Niece - NC NC NC
Samuel Redwine McDowell
Samuel Redwine McDowell [26 April 1865 - 9 September 1932
MID/FG/NCDC] married first to Louisa Jane Croker on 6 February 1883. The death certificate of his son Carl reports his middle name as "Redwine". According to the 1900 census, the following children were born to his first marriage.
Mary L. McDowell [August 1881 (1900 Census) / 6 October 1883 - 3 September 1928 Walters Grove/NCDC] at age 18 married William Hill, age 19, on 23 July 1901 at Hayes Store by E. P. Hayes, Justice of the Peace, with George Hill, Nathan Cox, and James Hayes as witnesses. Her death certificate lists her parents as S. R. McDowell and Eliza Croker and that she is widowed.
Laura A. McDowell [April 1890 - Unknown].
Andrew J. McDowell [August 1893 - 5 April 1942
MID/FG/NCDC] was single at his death.
After the death of Louisa Jane Croker, Samuel married Lucy Ellen Hill [22 July 1879 - 4 September 1942
CHOC/FG], the daughter of Hosea Hill and Mary A. "Polly" Thompson, on 18 November 1893. In the 1910 Census, Lucy reports having birthed seven children with six still alive. One of her children died before the 1900 Census. We have identified the following six children.
Hazel/Hayes Hodgin/Hodges McDowell [10 February 1908 - 27 March 1995
Carl Hill McDowell [11 January 1913 - 2 March 1968
CHC/FG/NCDC] married Helen Causey.
The death certificate for Samuel reports his parents as Sam McDowell and Martha Young and that he was born in McDowell County. We believe this reporting of the parents by his son Samuel Hosea McDowell is a complete fiction to cover up the fact that he was a bastard child. It is possible that he was indeed born in McDowell County. His mother, Martha, possibly went to live with her sister,
Ruhannah McDowell Gibson, who appears to have lived in McDowell County by 1865 with her husband George Gibson.
Samuel appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Samuel McDowell - 35 M - Head - Cotten Mill Weaver - May 1865 M/7 - NC NC NC
Lucy E. - 24 F - Wife - July 1875 M/7 3/2 - NC NC NC
Mary L. - 18 F - Daughter - Aug 1881 - NC NC NC
James C. - 13 M - Son - May 1887 - NC NC NC
Laura A. - 9 F - Daughter - Apr 1890 - NC NC NC
Andrew J. - 6 M - Son - Aug 1893 - NC NC NC
Samuel W. - 1 M - Son - Jan 1899 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point Ward 4
Samuel McDowell - 44 M - Head - M2/15 - NC NC NC
Ellen - 33 F - Wife - M1/15 7/6 - NC NC NC
Andrew J. - 14 M - Son - NC NC NC
Samuel H. - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
William Penn - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lula E. - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Annie B. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Hazel H. - 3 F - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Samuel R. McDowell - 56 M - Head - NC NC NC
Ellen L. - 45 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Samuel R. Jr. - 20 M - Son - NC NC NC
William P. - 19 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lula A. - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Annie B. - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Hazel H. - 12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Carl H. - 7 11/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Samuel R. McDowell - 64 M - Head - M at 33 - NC NC NC
Lucy E. - 52 F - Wife - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Andrew J. - 28 M - Son - NC NC NC
Hazel H. - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
Carl H. - 16 M - Son - NC NC NC
Fred Barnes - 19 M - Son-in-Law - M at 17 - TN TN TN
Lula E. Barnes - 24 F - Daughter - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Billey J. Barnes - 3/12 M - GrDaughter - NC TN NC
James Claude McDowell
James Claude McDowell [May 1887 (1900 Census) / 26 January 1888 - 17 April 1969
FAIR/FG/NCDC] married Elizabeth Gertrude Jester [3 November 1895 - 15 May 1971
FAIR/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Jerry V. Jester and Laura A. Lamb. His death certificate reports his mother as Mary Croaker. They had the following children.
Claude Henry "Hervie" McDowell [22 July 1912 - 3 October 1971
GIL/FG/NCDC] married Rachel Caroline Kivett 12 January 1912 - 5 October 1996
PHILL/FG], the daughter of James Troy Kivett and Lovie Jane Fogleman, on 21 September 1935 in Randolph County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name as Claud Hervie McDowell, date of birth, and father as James Claud McDowell. Rachel married George Washington King [5 October 1890 - 24 July 1982
PHILL/FG], the son of John W. King and Lucy P. Merritt, after the Claude's death.
Bertha B. McDowell [21 September 1914 - 6 October 1998 /NCBI/SocSecACI] married first to Allred and second to Baxter Marsh.
Grayson Hugh McDowell [12 August 1916 - 4 October 1982
FAIR/FG] married Gladys Ruth McBride [29 January 1922 - 26 January 2003
FAIR/FG/SocSecACI], the daughter of James Henry McBride and Ora L. Haithcox. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and name of mother.
Arnold John McDowell [25 August 1918 - 22 November 1981
FAIR/FG] married Lula Addie Hinshaw [30 December 1918 - 30 June 1993
FAIR/FG], the daughter of Carl Russell Hinshaw and Daisy Lou Ella Lindley, on 1 July 1938 in Danville VA.
Freddie Alberta McDowell [2 January 1921 - 30 July 1972
FAIR/FG/NCDC] married Hal James Lineberry [16 October 1818 - 18 May 1995
RMP/FG/SocScecACI], the son of Carl Thomas Lineberry and Etta Allred, on 15 June 1939 in Martinsville VA. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and married. He married second to Bobby R. McDonald [1932 - /
Laura Nita McDowell [3 November 1924 - 27 May 2020
OAK/FG] first married to a Welch. She married second to Odell Brown Cagle [18 April 1925 - 17 September 2014
OAK/FG], the son of Erastus C. Cagle and Bertha Brown, on 25 June 1948 in Randolph County NC. Odell's WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and name of father.
James Van McDowell [15 November 1925 -15 June 2000
BEL/FG/NCBI] married Dorothy E. MNU [1927 - 2003
BEL/FG]. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth as 15 November 1925, and name of father born in Burke County NC.
William "Billie" Ray McDowell [11 July 1929 - 25 June 1982
FAIR/FG/NCDI] was divorced at time of death. Florida
Eleanor Ruth McDowell [23 November 1931 - 7 October 1979
FAIR/FG] married first to Everett Johnson [11 May 1831 - 22 June 2008
PHUMC/FG], the son of Everett Johnson and Lillie Belle MNU, on 24 December 1953 in Randolph County NC. They divorced on 12 November 1964 in Danville VA. She next married James O'Kelly Overman [15 September 1924 - 11 May 1980
FAIR/FG], the son of Rezin Cleveland Overman and Sallie Rosaner Kivett, on 17 April 1965 in Randolph County NC.
David Earl McDowell [8 September 1933 - 2 November 1990
Everett Vernon McDowell [17 March 1938 - 4 February 2010
LEE/FG/NCBI/SocSecDI] married Margaret Jean Thomas [26 January 1943 - 22 March 2008
LEE/FG/NCBI], the daughter of Winfred Thomas.
James and Elizabeth appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Jarvis C. Cranford - 26 M - Head - m1/6 - NC NC NC
Martia - 23 F - Wife - m1/6 2/1 - NC NC NC
Raul E. - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
James C. McDowell - 21 M - Boarder - Glass Factory - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
J. C. McDowell - 32 M - Head - NC NC NC
Lizzie - 24 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Henry - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bertha - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Grayson - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
Arnold - 1 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
James C. McDowell - 42 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Elizabeth - 34 F - Wife - M at 15 - NC NC NC
Claud H. - 17 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bertha B. - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Hugh G. - 13 M - Son - NC NC NC
Arnold - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
Freddie A. - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Laura N. - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James V. - 4 4/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Billy R. - 8/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
James C. McDowell - 51 M - Head - NC
Elizabeth W. - 44 F - Wife - NC
Grayson H. - 24 M - Son - NC
Lauranttia - 16 F - Daughter - NC
James Van - 14 M - Son - NC
Billie Ray - 10 M - Son - NC
Eleanor R. - 8 F - Daughter - NC
David Earl - 6 M - Son - NC
Everett V. - 2 M - Son - NC
Bertha Mcd Allred - 25 F - Daughter - NC
Barbara Jean Allred - 4 F - Granddaugther - NC
Samuel Hosea Worth McDowell
Samuel Hosea Worth McDowell [2 January 1899 - 2 November 1965
MID/FG/NCDC] married Lillian Belle Lawrence [23 November 1903 - 21 February 1988
MID/FG/NCDI], the daughter of Jonathan Lawrence and Flora Kersey, on 23 December 1922 in Guilford County. Some confusion exists as to Samuel's middle name since it is reported by the intial "W" in the 1900 Census and as "R" with "Jr." attached. The "W" can be explained by appeal to his WWI Registration Card which reports his name as "Sam Hosey Worth McDowell" and with a birth date of 2 January 1899, not 1900 as given in his death certificate. The year 1899 agrees with his 1900 Census listing. His WWII Registration Card reports his middle name as Hosea and his birth year again as 1899. The U.S. Social Security Death Index reports his date of birth as 2 January 1899. Using these earlier records and not his death certificate, we report his birth year as 1899. He had the following children.
Belva Beatrice McDowell [27 November 1925 - 4 February 1995
CHC/FG/NCDI] married Jack Harrison Moran [13 May 1927 - 30 October 2011
Margaret Edna McDowell [1 May 1928 - 15 February 1997] married James Bocholis
James Herbie McDowell [12 April 1930 - 13 February 1972
MID/FG/NCDC] never married.
Jacqueline McDowell [18 September 1932 - 12 February 1987
MID/FG/NCBI/NCDI] married John Powell Wiley [25 September 1932 - 6 January 2011
FLORAL/FG], the son of Joseph M. Wiley and Mary Bowren, on 24 May 1953 in Guilford County NC and divorced. She was buried by the Rev. David Emory at the Country Holiness Cemetery in Randleman, NC. She had been a resident of High Point and Thomasville areas most of her life and was employed at the Golden B. Restaurant. She was of the Pentecostal Holiness faith. At her death, she was survived by four grandchildren and children as follows:
John P. Wiley of Trinity,
Sharon Wiley who married Michael Lambros of Lexington NC,
Karen Wiley who married Rodney Slate of Thomasville NC,
Michelle Wiley who married William R. Lemmons of Stokesdale, and
Sonya K. Wiley of High Point.
Earl Eugene McDowell [18 September 1932 - Unknown FL/NCBI]
Samuel Lawrence McDowell [28 February 1934 - 13 January 1997
MID/FG/SSACI] married Ruby Johnson [29 December 1924 - Unknown]
Samuel and Lillian appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Sam McDowell - 29 M - Head - Cotton Mill - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Lillian - 26 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Beatris - 4 4/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Margaret - 1 10/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Katie F. Lawrence - 18 F - Cook - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Sam H. McDowell - 40 M - Head - NC
Lilliam - 37 F - Wife - NC
Beatrice - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Margaret - 11 F - Daughter - NC
James - 10 M - Son - NC
Jacklene - 7 F - Daughter - NC
Earl Eugene - 7 M - Son - NC
Samuel - 5 M - Son - NC
Mrs. Lillian Bell Lawrence McDowell died on 22 February 1988 aged 84 at the High Point Regional Hospital. The funeral was conducted at the First Pentecostal Holiness Church by the Rev. Joe Beck and the Rev. Worth R. Pugh. She had been a resident of High Point most of her life and was a member of the First Pentacostal Holiness Church on S. Main Street. At her death, she was survived by 19 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren as well as two sons, two daughters, a brother Norman Lawrence of 115 Culler Place and a sister Katherine Kelly of 820 Spring Oak Ct.
William Penn McDowell
William Penn McDowell [6 March 1905 - 24 July 1987
MID/FG] married Artie L. Collins [30 June 1912 - 1 June 1980
LIB/FG] on 23 December 1929. William and Artie appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
William McDowell - 25 M - Boarder - M at 25 - NC NC NC
Artie - 18 F - Boarder - M at 18 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
William McDowell - 35 M - Head - NC
Artie - 27 F - Wife - NC
Perry - 9 M - Son - NC
From his obituary, we learn that he lived at 411 Park Street in High Point NC. Burial was at the Country Holiness Church Cemetery in Randolph County and was performed by the Rev. Worth R. Pugh. Pallbearers were Truitt Grant, Jack Moran, J. D. Starnes, Jack White, Nova Collins, and Mike McDowell. He was a resident of High Point most of his life and was a retired employee of Highland Yarn Mills, Inc. He was a member of Highland United Methodist Church and Sunday School. William Penn's obituary stated that there were four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Lula Edna McDowell
Lula Edna McDowell [30 April 1905 - 2 April 1991 /FG] married Fred Barnes [12 April 1911 - 20 September 1980 /FG].
On 4 April 1991, the High Point Enterprise reported that Mrs. Lula McDowell Barnes died Tuesday, at age 85 and lived in Doraville, Georgia at the Shallowford Community Hospital in Chamblee, Georgia. Mrs. Barnes was noted as born on 30 April 1905 in Randoph County, NC, a daughter of Hosea and Ellen Hill McDowell. She was a homemaker and married Fred Barnes. In the obituary, it was noted that she was survived by one daughter Mrs. Kathy Harmon of Doraville, Georgia and one son Ray Barnes of Lilburn, Georgia, and one brother Hayes McDowell of Randleman, NC. There were also 14 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren noted. Graveside services were held at 3 p.m. Friday at Floral Garden Park Cemetery in High Point, NC by the Rev. Worth Pugh.
Annie Bell McDowell
Annie Bell McDowell [21 July 1906 - 13 December 1988
UCM/FG] married Ughie Clyde McDonald [17 November 1899 (1901 at FG) - 20 April 1977
UCM/FG] on 5 June 1920 in Guilford County NC. They had the following children.
William Belvin McDonald [1 July 1923 - 15 August 1982
(Infant) McDonald [5 February 1927 - 11 February 1927 /NCDC]
Charles Howard McDonald [4 April 1929 - 19 June 2004
Robert Grove "Smokey" McDonald [14 May 1932 - 1 April 2003]
Dortha Mae McDonald
Alexander Lindsay McDowell
Alexander Lindsay McDowell [Abt 1838 - 1903] never married and appears in the census records of 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880 with his mother. He has not been found in the 1900 Census.
In 1861, he was charged with assault and battery along with his brother-in-law George Gibson.
State vs George W. Gibson, Lindsay McDowell } Indictment
Assault & Battery Not Guilty
The following Jury charged and empannelled, Viz.
[List of names]
who for their verdict say, that they find the defendants Guilty as charged in the bill of indictment. Judgement suspended as to McDowell until Thursday of next Term.
It is adjudged the G. W. Gibson at the end of his present imprisonment pay the costs in this case or that he remain in jail ten days, and that at the expiration of his imprisonment he be put in the stocks for one hour.
RandolphP&QS: Friday 8 February 1861
Alexander Lindsay McDowell joined the Confederate States Army on two occasions, the first time following shortly after the court case; namely, he enlisted in Company I, Regiment 22 as a private on 8 March 1861. He re-enlisted in Company C, Regiment 22 as a private in Randolph County on 4 February 1862. A more complete account of Alexander Lindsay McDowell's participation in the Confederacy can be gleaned from the original records. He listed his age as 26 on 1 March 1862 when he enrolled as a volunteer private in Company I. On 8 April 1862, he was transferred to Lynchburg, Virginia, Chimborazo Hospital No. 3. His name appears on the C.S.A. General Hospital in Danville, Virginia on 4 June 1862. His complaint was Febris Typhoides and he was returned to duty on 20 June 1862.
On 31 August 1862 Alexander was listed as present by Captain Worth in a period of war. He was "attached to the hospital" in Huguenot Springs, Virginia on 7 September 1862. His bounty was paid but he received no salary.
On 15 October 1862 Alexander McDowell of Co. I, Regiment 22 acknowledged that he was a deserter from the hospital near Richmond and was on his way home. The doctor's cost was judged as $30.00.
In 1863, Alexander was in the General Hospital No. 21, Richmond, Virginia for a "case of skin disease supposed to be occasioned by the use of spurious or impure vaccine virus." The complaint on 4 June 1863 was Scarbutus. He was transferred to Chimborazo Hospital No. 3 on June 29 with super rheumatism. On 30 June 1863 at Chimborazo he was diagnosed as having a vaccine disease. He was transferred to Camp Windsor on 17 August 1863.
In General Hospital, Howard's Grove, Richmond, Virginia, his disease was variola (smallpox) on 19 December 1863. He was furloughed for sixty days on 9 February 1864. On 8 February Alexander was given clothing for his furlough. It is noted that General Hospital was formerly called "Small Pox Hospital."
Alexander was noted as absent and sick since 27 November 1863 on the company muster roll of September/October of 1864.
Alexander was captured at Hatch Run on 2 April 1865 as a prisoner of war and received at Hart's Island, New York Harbor on 9 April 1865 from City Point, Virginia form Captain S. F. Jackson. He was assigned to Company 13.
On 18 June 1865, Alexander Lindsay McDowell took an Oath of Allegiance to the United States. He listed his residence as Randolph (County), N. C. His complexion was light, hair was dark, eyes were blue, and height was five feet 7½ inches. On his application for pension, Alexander says he was discharged at Appomattox on 9 April 1865 as a private "overwhelmed but not whipped", unmarried and his nearest relative was
Jesse McDowell, Post Office in Asheboro, N. C. He was wounded at Chancellarsville in 1863 when hit by a bullet. He became partially paralyzed. The doctor claimed he had small pox, pneumonia, and locomotor ataxia.
After his service in the Civil War and on 21 June 1893 in Randolph County Deed 87:30, Susannah McDowell sold to her son Alexander Lindsay McDowell six (6) acres of land for $1.00.
Land from
Susannah to
A. Lindsay McDowell bounded as follows: beginning at a hickory in Worth and Craven's line, eight chains to a Persimmon thence South seven chains and fifty links to a rock, then East eight chains to a stake in Caduotte's line, thence North to the beginning, it being the land that
Susannah McDowell now lives on.
This deed is to have no effect and not be in force until I the said
Susannah McDowell shall have departed this life. This 21st day of June 1893.
Susannah signs her mark.
Witness B. F. Hoover, State of N. C., Randolph County
I, A. Blair, being duly affirmed say that
Susannah McDowell the grantor in the foregoing deed is dead and that the attesty witness B. F. Hoover is also dead. That he is acquainted with the handwriting of B. F. Hoover having often seen him write and his name as attesty witness to this deed is in his own proper handwriting and genuine.
Let this deed with the certificate be received.
J. W. Millikan
Filed for registration at 12 o'clock on May 14th, 1896 and duly recorded.
J. T. Winslow, Register of Deeds.
This deed is important in that it demonstrates that Susannah McDowell is alive on 21 June 1893.
Subsequent to the sell of the six acres to Alexander, a sequence of land transactions involving the same six acres can be found in Randolph County land records. We summarize and abstract those records in the following table.
1902 104:530. A bond made from
Alexander Lindsay McDowell to
Martha A(nn) Miller for six acres of land until his death. [Note: from the deed it appears that
Alexander Lindsay McDowell died on 8 June 1903]. Recall that
Martha Miller was
Alexander Lindsay McDowell's sister.
1906 123:269. A. C. McAlister and wife Addie C. sold the same six acres on 17 October 1906 to Alexander and Elmedia Tucker.
l907 123:270. Alex and Elmedia Tucker sold six acres to Wm. C. Hammer on 11 February 1907.
1914. Wm. C. Hammer sells the same six acres on 28 March 1914 to Alfred .Holmes.
177:108. Alfred Holmes and Lina sells six acres to A. Carl and Ada A. Cox.
1926 220:575. A. Carl and Ada A. Cox sell 10 acres, two tracts - one the Lindsays McDowell tract and the other that of Lindsay Holmes on 6 January 1926.
1925 214:498. Lindsay Holmes sells to A. Carl Cox a mortgage deed of four acres, it being part of the Lindsay McDowell old place on 21 September 1925. G. T. Murdock was named as trustee.
Alexander died in 1903 based on the fact that
his will dated 6 March 1897 was probated on 1 June 1903 when Allen J. Woodel was appointed executor.
James Christopher McDowell
James Christopher McDowell [1 May 1840 - 9 June 1895
GLEN/FG] married Catherine "Kitty" Jane Ford [20 July 1841 - 9 June 1915
GLEN/FG], the daughter of Christopher and Anna Ford, on 5 May 1859 in Randolph County with bondsman William D. Cross. She is listed with her parents in the 1850 Census. Kitty was said to have been a sharp, alert, heavy set, and very determined woman.
From the census records of Randolph County, family records, and
the Will of James Christopher McDowell, James and Catherine were the parents of eleven children. The first child, Laura, was born on 18 July 1857, nearly two years before their marriage date.
His will refers to her as "L. J. Tysinger being my step daughter," Tysinger being her married name at the time his Will was written. We conclude that Laura was born to Catherine prior to their marriage and fathered by another male. The following is a list of the eleven children of James and Kitty.
Samuel A. McDowell [25 March 1866 - 26 October 1911
GLEN/FG] never married but left
a Will.
Robert McDowell [November 1870 - Unknown] was not listed in the Will of his father and presumed to have died in infancy.
Hayes H. McDowell [29 February 1878 - 11 September 1902
GLEN/FG]. According to
Lois Jane McDowell Hipp, he never married but was engaged. He was killed while "sighting" cars on the railroad.
Dennis "Denny" D. McDowell [13 October 1879 - 25 January 1904
GLEN/FG] married Cassie B. Simmons on 27 August 1901. He had tuberculosis and never had children.
James and Catherine appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Randolph County NC
Eastern Division
James McDwel - 20 M - Painter - NC
Kitty Jane - 21 F - Domestic - NC
Loury E. - 3 F
Archibold - 1 M
1870 Census Randolph County NC
James McDowell - 30 M - Farmer - NC
Catherine - 32 F - Keeping house - NC
Jane - 13 F - At home - NC
Mabry - 11 M - At home - NC
James C. - 9 M - At home - NC
William P. - 6 M - At home - NC
Samuel - 5 M - At home - NC
Charles - 2 M - At home - NC
Robert - 6/12 M - At home - NC
1880 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
James McDowell - 40 M - Farming - NC NC NC
Jane - 40 F - Wife - Keeping house - NC VA NC
William R. - 16 M - Son - Works on farm - NC NC NC
Samuel A. - 14 M - Son - Works on farm - NC NC NC
Charles E. - 12 M - Son - Works on farm - NC NC NC
Nease - 10 M - Son - Works on farm - NC NC NC
Lillie A. E. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Hayse - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
Denny - 7/12 Oct - Son - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
New Market
Kate J. McDowell - 65 F - Head - Farmer - 1835 Wd 10/9 - NC NC NC
Samuel A. - 34 M - Son - Farmer - Mar 1866 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
New Market
Samuel A. McDowell - 44 M - Head - Farmer - NC NC NC
Kitty J. - 68 F - Mother, Wd 5/3 - NC NC NC
James Christopher McDowell joined the Confederacy on 4 March 1862 in Company I, Regiment 22 of Randolph County as a private. He was captured on 30 May 1864 at Mechanicsville and according to documents "opted to stay North in New York." He did, of course, come back South and is in the 1870 Census of Randolph County.
James was assaulted by Henry C. Richardson and he filed
an affadavit in 1871.
Will of James C. McDowell dated 6 June 1895 was probated on 7 October 1895 in the Superior Court of Randolph County. On that same day of 7 October 1895, N. C. McDowell and Kitty J. McDowell swore an Executor's Oath that the writing was the last Will and Testament of James C. McDowell. An
Application for Letters Testamentary was filed which lists his heirs.
Laura Lang Jane McDowell
Laura Lang Jane McDowell [18 July 1857 - 31 May 1931
GLEN/FG/NCDC] married Robert W. Tysinger [24 July 1857 - 8 March 1908
GLEN/FG] and had two children.
William Raymond Tysinger [6 March 1876 - 26 September 1924
GLEN/FG] married Queen Mae Belle Mitchell [24 September 1886 - 31 December 1982
Edna/Edney Archibald Tysinger [4 December 1877 - 6 January 1944
GILES/FG] married Lucy L. Connor [29 January 1883 - 16 November 1948
GILES/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Lindwell Connor and Charity Neighbors, on 8 November 1902 in Randolph County NC.
Laura and Robert appeared in the following census records.
1880 Census Davidson County NC
Jackson Hill
Robert Tysinger - 20 M - Farmer - NC NC NC
Laura - 20 F - Wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
Wm. R. - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
Edney A. - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
1900 Census Randolph County NC
Cedar Grove
Robert Tisinger - 43 M - Head - Blacksmith - July 1856 - m/25 - NC NC NC
Lary J. - 42 F - Wife - July 1857 m/22 2/2 - NC NC NC
Edney A. - 22 M - Son - Farmer - Dec 1877 - NC NC NC
Joseph Varner - 13 M - Lodger - NC NC NC
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Edmond Tisinger - 32 M - Head - m1/7 - NC NC NC
Lucy - 25 F - Wife - M1/7 3/3 - NC NC NC
Colon - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lattie - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Robert - 6/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Laura - 52 F - Mother, Wd 4/3 - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Ed Tysinger - 52 M - Head - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Lucy - 46 F - Wife - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Robert - 20 M - Son - NC NC NC
Pauline - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
E. A., Jr. - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Laura - 72 F - Mother, Wd M at 16 - NC NC NC
Archibald Mabry McDowell
Archibald "Arch" Mabry McDowell [13 August 1860 - 6 January 1939
SHADY/FG/NCDC] married three times; first to Mary "Mollie" A. Ballard [28 July 1860 - 19 March 1908
SHADY/FG], the daughter of Jonathan Ballard and Sallie White. According to the 1900 Census, they had nine children with five alive at the time.
Lilly May McDowell [April 1892 - Unknown].
Archibald married second to Lasander M. Anna Browning [21 July 1860 - 12 May 1927
PINE/FG], the daughter of Rufus H. Browning and Demarius M. Lowery. Lasander was first married to Thomas Allen Crews [17 March 1855 - 18 February 1909
PINE/FG], the son of Henry Crews and Lydia Dwiggins. He married third to Mollie's sister Belle Cornelia Ballard [24 September 1868 - 25 March 1932
GUR/FG] Belle had first been married to Robert Transon Walker.
Archibald appeared in the following census records.
1880 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
Archabald McDowell - 20 M Works on farm - NC NC NC
Mary - 19 F Wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
1900 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
Achabald McDowell - 41 M - Head - Farmer - Aug 1859 - m/20 - NC NC NC
Mary A. - 39 F - Wife - July 1860 m/20 9/5 - NC NC NC
Julia L. - 14 F - Daughter - May 1886 - NC NC NC
Mary L. - 9 F - Daughter - June 1890 - NC NC NC
Lilly M. - 8 F - Daughter - Apl 1892 - NC NC NC
Bertha A. - 6 F - Daughter - Apl 1894 - NC NC NC
Newton B. - 2 M - Son - Nov 1897 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
Arch McDowell - 50 M - Head, Wd - NC NC NC
Mary L. - 19 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Lillie M. - 17 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Bertha A. - 15 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Dee W. - 12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Nellie G. - 9 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1920 Census Forsyth County NC
A. McDowell - 60 M - Head - NC NC NC
Losaeda - 59 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Allen - 16 M - Son - NC NC NC
Allen is the son of Lasander and Thomas Allen Crews and the stepson of Archibald.
1930 Census Forsyth County NC
Archie McDowell - 70 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Cornelia B. - 62 F - Wife - M at 18 - NC NC NC
Lorene F. Walker - 22 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Leno G. Stockton - 20 F - Daughter - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Carl L. Stockton - 20 M - Son-in-Law - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Wallace L. Stockton - 1 M - Grandson - NC NC NC
Lorene and Leno are the daughters of Cornelia and Robert Transon Walker and the stepdaughters of Archibald.
Julia Lee McDowell
Julia Lee McDowell [16 May 1885 - 27 August 1967
GUR/FG] married Oscar Marion Crews [24 May 1887 - 27 January 1951
GUR/FG], the son of Thomas Allen Crews and Lasander M. Browing, on 9 May 1909 in Forsyth County NC. They had the following children.
Gladys Lasander Crews [19 June 1910 - 3 June 1972
GUR/FG] apparently never married.
Arch Odell Crews [22 November 1911 - 1 April 1979
EAST/FG] married Fannie Paisley [20 June 1903 - September 1992
Arthur Carlton "Garland" Crews [31 May 1914 - November 1994
EAST/FG] married Margaret Virginia Cain [9 July 1915 - 14 July 1997
EAST/FG], the daughter of Thomas Lanier Cain and Nermia Brown.
Ruby Eudora Crews [20 May 1916 - 31 March 1991
GUR/FG] apparently never married.
Hobert Jones Crews [24 April 1918 - 6 October 1984
Gilmer Crews [29 March 1921 - 13 April 1995 Forsyth] married.
Doris Bernice Crews [15 May 1924 - 13 September 1992
GUR/FG/SSDI] apparently never married.
Charles "Charlie" Howard Crews [23 January 1927 - 13 May 1984 /FG]
Hattie "Heddy" Ovahlee/Avelee Crews [10 July 1929 - 11 November 2006
GUR/FG] married Herman Edward Joyce [15 November 1928 - 16 January 1994
GUR/FG/SSDI], the son of Zet Joyce and Tina Powell, on 16 April 1947 in Guilford County NC.
Julia and Oscar appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Forsyth County NC
Oscar M. Crews - 21 M - Head - m1/ 0/12 - NC NC NC
Julia L. - 22 F - Wife - m1/ 0/12 0/0 - NC NC NC
1920 Census Forsyth County NC
O. M. Crews - 32 M - Head - NC NC NC
Julia - 32 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Gladys - 10 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Odel - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Yarton - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Dora - 4 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Hobert - 2 M - Son - NC NC NC
1930 Census Forsyth County NC
Osca M. Crews - 43 M - Head - M at 21 - NC NC NC
Julia L. - 44 F - Wife - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Gladis - 20 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Odell - 17 M - Son - NC NC NC
Garlton - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Eudora - 13 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Hobest - 11 M - Son - NC NC NC
Gilmer - 9 M - Son - NC NC NC
Bernice - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Charlie H. - 3 M - Son - NC NC NC
Avelee - 9/12 F Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Forsyth County NC
O. M. Crew - 53 M - Head - NC
Julia - 53 F - Wife - NC
Gladys - 28 F - Daughter - NC
Odell - 26 M - Son - NC
Eudora - 22 F - Daughter - NC
Hobart - 21 M - Son - NC
Gilmer - 19 M - Son - NC
Burnice - 16 F - Daughter - NC
Charles - 13 M - Son - NC
Heddy - 10 F - Daughter - NC
Mary Lake McDowell
Mary Lake McDowell [2 June 1890 - 26 September 1971
SHADY/FG/NCDC] married Joseph Oscar Crews [8 October 1877 - 13 June 1959
SHADY/FG/NCDC], the son of Joseph Crews and Lavina/Elvine Wilson, on 17 November 1920 in Davidson County NC.
Mary and Joseph appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
J. Oscar S. Crews - 52 M - Head - M at 32 - NC NC NC
Lake - 39 F - Wife - M at 30 - NC NC NC
Ray - 16 M - Son - NC NC NC
Norman - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Joe - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
Joseph O. Crews - 62 M - Head - NC
Lake - 49 F - Wife - NC
Norman - 18 M - Son - NC
Joe - 15 M - Son - NC
Bertha A. McDowell
Bertha A. McDowell [17 April 1894 - 2 September 1976
SEDGE/FG] married Robah Clyde McGee [11 August 1891 - 10 September 1956
SEDGE/FG] on 12 November 1913 in Forsyth County NC. They had the following children.
James Hubert McGee [23 September 1914 - 4 April 1994
SHADY/FG/SocSecACI] His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and wife as Chloe Gray McGee.
Mary Elizabeth McGee [2 October 1916 - 7 April 1918
Helen Arlene/Alice McGee [23 August 1918 - 9 June 2002 /NCDI/SocSecACI] married a Smith.
Rober Clyde McGee [7 September 1920 - 11 April 1991 FG/NCDI/SocSecACI] married Zora Smith on 31 August 1940 in Forsyth County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and mother as contact.
Archie Bennett McGee [14 March 1923 - 11 March 1971
SHADY/FG/NCDC] married Peggy Comer [19 July 1924 - 24 October 2014
SHADY/FG] and was separated from her at his death. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and father as R. C. McGee.
Mabel Aileen McGee [18 June 1925 - 8 June 2006
SHADY/FG/SocSecACI] married Homer Burch Idol [19 August 1924 - ], the son of Homer E. Idol and Ethel MNU, on 8 October 1943 in Forsyth County NC. His WWII Registration Card reports his full name, date of birth, and married.
Nancy Louise McGee [24 December 1928 - 25 December 1928
Bertha and Robah appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Forsyth County NC
Abbott Creek
Robah C. McGee - 28 M - Head - NC NC NC
Bertha - 25 F - Wife - NC NC NC
James Hurbert - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Arlen - 1 4/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
Robah McGee - 38 M - Head - M at 23 - NC NC NC
Bertha - 35 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NCNC
Hubert - 15 M - Son - NC NC NC
Helen - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Ray C. - 8 M - Son - NC NC NC
Archie - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Ileen - 4 10/12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
Robert C. McGee - 47 M - Head - NC
Bertha - 44 F - Wife - NC
Robert C. - 19 M - Son - NC
Archie - 17 M - Son - NC
Aileen - 14 F - Daughter - NC
Newton Dewitt McDowell
Newton Dewitt McDowell [7 November 1897 - 27 November 1980
KERN/FG] married Gertrude Mildred Rierson [3 September 1897 - 16 February 1982
KERN/FG], the daughter of John William Rierson and Martha Ann Thomas, on 2 April 1919 in Forsyth County NC. Newton Dewitt went to work on the C & 0 Railroad in Greenbriar County WV. He left in 1909 and came back to Randolph County. They had the following children.
Hilda Ann McDowell [19 July 1923 - 18 December 2009
GUR/FG] married Windell Ballard Smith [5 February 1922 - 29 July 2017
GUR/FG] on 21 March 1966.
Lillie Cleide McDowell [25 January 1925 - 16 September 2014
KERN/FG] married Wayne Bartee Apple [13 August 1923 - 8 August 2014
KERN/FG], the son of John Bentley Apple and Ila Banks Bartee, on 25 October 1953.
Mildred Gwendolyn McDowell [19 November 1926 - 23 June 2009
KERN] married John William Knight Jr [28 January 1926 - 3 October 2004
KERN] on 21 June 1947 in Forsyth County NC.
John Wilfred McDowell [5 November 1930 - Unknown].
Archie Allen McDowell [11 August 1933 - Unknown] married Nancy Lou Johnson [8 April 1937 - Unknown] on 25 November 1954.
James Daniel McDowell [7 August 1935 - Unknown] married Aloma Skeen [6 March 1942 - Unknown] on 6 September 1974. They had a daugher: Wendy Ellen McDowell [14 September 1961 - Unknown].
Wallace Jerry McDowell [14 March 1942 - Unknown] married Linda Joyce Hamlin [22 June 1948 - Unknown] on 3 September 1974.
Newton and Gertrude appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census Forsyth County NC
Winston-Salem Ward 3
Dewitt N. McDowell - 22 M - Head - NC NC NC
Gertrude M. - 22 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Mary L. - 28 F - Sister - NC NC NC
Nellie G. - 19 F - Sister - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
N. Dewitt McDowell - 32 M - Head - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Gertrude - 32 F Wife - M at 20 - NC NC NC
Dewit - 10 M - Son - NC NC NC
Roger - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Hilda - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Cleida - 5 F- Daughter - NC NC NC
Gwendolyn - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Maxine - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Forsyth County NC
Newton D. McDowell - 42 M - Head - NC
Gertrude - 42 F - Wife - NC
Newton D. - 20 M - Son - NC
Roger C. - 18 M - Son - NC
Hilda A. - 16 F - Daughter - NC
Lillie - 15 F - Daughter - NC
Mildred G. - 13 F - Daughter - NC
Ellen M. - 11 F - Daughter - NC
John W. - 9 M - Son - NC
Archie A. - 6 M - Son - NC
James D. - 4 M - Son - NC
Newton Dewitt McDowell, Jr.
Newton Dewitt McDowell, Jr. [9 January 1920 - Unknown] married Virgie Lee Brooks [23 January 1925 - Unknown], the daughter of Thomas Newton Brooks and Lillie Mae Clark. They had the following children.
Raymond Wayne McDowell [29 May 1944 - Unknown] married Billie LaVonne Stewart [8 October 1943 - Unknown] on 17 April 1965.
Virgie Elaine McDowell [16 February 1948 - Unknown] married to John Robertson but divorced.
Douglas McDowell [6 January 1954 - Unknown] married Suzann Frances Drawdy [26 April 1954 - Unknown] on 27 December 1974.
Donna Sue McDowell [27 December 1955 - Unknown].
Shirley Ann McDowell [15 October 1957 - Unknown].
Brenda Kay McDowell [20 September 1960 - Unknown].
Brian Archie McDowell [26 February 1962 - Unknown].
Cindy Lee McDowell [16 March 1964 - Unknown].
Roger Carlyle McDowell
Roger Carlyle McDowell [11 October 1921 - 17 July 1985
KERN/FG/NCDI] married first to Virginia Lee Dean [30 June 1924 - 11 April 2013
EAST/FG] on 23 December 1949 in Forsyth County NC. He married second to Edythe Cavell Knight [17 March 1924 - 24 August 1984
KERN/FG], the daughter of Charles and Gertrude Talley Knight, on 2 September 1966. The funeral for Edythe was held at Hayworth-Miller-Cain Funeral Home Chapel in Kernersville and burial was in Kernersville Seventh Day Adventist Church Cemetery. She was a nurse and a member of Kernersville Seventh Day Adventist Church. At her death, a sister Betty Carmichael of Winston-Salem and four children survived as follows:
Miss Susan Marsh of Winston-Salem,
Miss Synthia Marsh of High Point,
Larry Wayne Marsh of the home, and
Michael Emory Marsh of Winston-Salem.
Ellen Maxine McDowell
Ellen Maxine McDowell [14 October 1928 - 14 February 2016
KERN/FG] married Robert William Creason, Jr. [21 December 1927 - 2 August 2016
KERN/FG], the son of Robert William Creason, Sr. and Gladys Knight, on 10 June 1948. They had the following children.
Michael David Creason [15 November 1949 - Unknown].
Tanya Creason [26 March 1951 - Unknown] married Lindsay Ralph Clodfelter [5 May 1950 - Unknown] on 2 December 1967.
Reba Creason [6 June 1955 - Unknown] married Wayne Archie Smith [12 July 1956 - Unknown] on 13 June 1975.
Nellie Gladys McDowell
Nellie Gladys McDowell [14 June 1909 - 10 November 1970
SHADY/FG/NCDC] married Wilford Russell Atkins [24 March 1893 - 12 November 1941
SHADY/FG/NCDC], the son of Simmion Jasper Atkins and Addie Lenora Hastings, on 22 August 1920 in Davidson County NC. They had the following children.
Wilford Russell Atkins [5 March 1920 - 23 December 1920
SHADY/FG] on 16 August 1964.
Jake L. Atkins
Rachel Lenora Atkins [26 January 1925 - 18 November 2000
SHP/FG/SocSecACI] married John Stanley Millard [25 September 1925 - 19 September 2014
SHP/FG], the son of Stanley Levi Millard and Lucille Hughes, on 16 August 1964 in Forsyth County NC. He first married Phyllis Irene Stone in August 1948.
Gladys and Wilford appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
W. R. Atkins - 37 M - Head - Farmer - M at 27 - NC NC NC
Gladys - 29 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Jake - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Rachel - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River
Wilford R. Atkins - 47 M - Head - NC
Gladys - 40 F - Wife - NC
Jake L. - 17 M - Son - NC
Rachel L. - 15 F - Daughter - NC
James Claude McDowell
James Claude McDowell [3 June 1861 - 5 May 1944
FOR/FG/NCDC] was married at least three times. His first marriage was to Melissa Morgan and they had the following children:
James Claude McDowell's second wife was Emeline Otwell [1856 - 27 May 1923] whom he married on 24 December 1890. She was the daughter of Mr. Otwell and an Osborne. Four children were born to this marriage.
Lillie May McDowell [February 1894 - 22 July 1919] married Holt Parson. Three children were born.
Alma Eugenia McDowell [6 February 1896 - 5 April 1913
GLEN/FG] never married and is buried at Glenola Baptist Church.
After Emmaline's death in 1923, James Claude McDowell married Emmaline's niece Ora Otwell [26 July 1890 - 28 October 1957
FOR/FG], the daughter of Elbridge Otwell and Bell Florence Hodgin, on 8 November 1924. No children are reported as born to this union although Mrs. Kate Heath stated that she believed there to be perhaps eleven children of James Claude McDowell in total.
James appeared in the following census records.
1880 Census Guilford County NC
Deep River Township
J. C. McDowell - 18 M - Working on farm - NC NC NC
Mary M. - 28 F - Wife - Keeping House - NC NC NC
1900 Census Guilford County NC
Claud McDowell - 38 M - Head - June 1861 m/21 - NC NC NC
Emeline - 42 F - Wife - Sep 1859 m/21 5/5 - NC NC NC
Andie - 19 M - Son - Aug 1881 - NC NC NC
Bertie - 17 F - Daughter - Feb 1883 - NC NC NC
Elsie - 14 F - Daughter - Feb 1886 - NC NC NC
Lea - 8 F - Daughter [Sic: Son] - Aug 1891 - NC NC NC
May - 6 F - Daughter - Feb 1894 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Guilford County NC
Claud J. McDowell - 48 M - Head - M2/20 - NC NC NC
Emaline - 49 F - Wife - M1/20 4/4 - NC NC NC
May L. - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Lee - 18 M - Son - NC NC NC
Alma - 14 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Kitty - 11 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Andy E. - 28 M - Son - m1/8 - NC NC NC
Annie - 38 F - Daughter-in-Law - m1/8 - NC NC NC
1920 Census Guilford County NC
James F. McDowell - 53 M - Head - NC NC NC
Emeline - 64 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Lee F. - 25 M - Son, Divorced - NC NC NC
Vincent - 8 M - Grandson - NC NC NC
Floyd Otwell - 19 M - Lodger - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
James C. McDowell - 68 M - M at 63 - NC NC NC
[blank] - 37 F - Wife - M at 32 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
James C. McDowell - 78 M - Head - NC
Orie C. - 49 F - Wife - NC
Andrew Ervin McDowell
Andrew Ervin McDowell [28 August 1880 - 25 August 1928 /NCDI] married first to Annie Humpheys [c1872 - Unknown] on 31 July 1901. They are listed with his father in the
1910 Census. He married second to Louella Williams on 3 December 1917. He died of a heart attack. Andy and Louella appeared in the 1920 Census.
1920 Census Guilford County NC
A. E. McDowell - 38 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
Liza - 28 F - Boarder - NC NC NC
Ethel Bertie McDowell
Ethel Bertie McDowell [11 February 1886 - 2 June 1969
FOR/FG/NCDC] married first to Thomas Matthew Woodell [24 January 1877 - 18 March 1928
GREEN/FG/NCDC], the son of Alvis and Rebecca Woodell, on 21 April 1901 in Guilford County NC. Her father is listed as J. C. McDowell and her mother Malisse, dead, on the marriage record. Her death certificate reports her name as Ethel Rees Stubbins and her mother as Leslie Morgan. It would appear that Ethel and Thomas divorced since both remarry. Thomas married Lillian "Lillie" Byrd [6 August 1879 - 30 May 1962
GREEN/FG], the daughter of William H. Byrd and Mollie Hines, on 7 January 1909 in Guilford County NC. Ethel married second to John Thomas Rees [12 February 1875 - 21 June 1948
FOR/FG], the son of John T. Rees and Luvenia A. Brim. Ethel had the following child with John Rees while noting that Hazel is an adopted child.
Hazel Virginia Rees [10 November 1907 - 5 August 1987
FOR/FG] married Albert Roosevelt Trogdon [16 September 1904 - 17 December 1964
FOR/FG], the son of Joseph M. Trogdon and Mary E. Brown. She is the daughter of Oliver A. York and Mary L. Hudson according to family history.[FG]
Vinson T. Rees [c1913 - Unknown]
Ethel married a third time to Carl Sutton Stubbins [24 January 1882 - 6 October 1960
FOR/FG], the son of George P. Stubbins and Margaret Williams.
Ethel appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Guilford County NC
Greensboro Ward 4
John T. Rees - 35 M - Head - M1/1 - NC NC NC
Ethel G. - 25 F - Wife - M1/1 0/0 - NC NC NC
Edgar C. Barker - 25 M - Lodger - NC NC NC
Thornwell K. Andrews - 34 M - Lodger - NC NC NC
J. Clyde Gheen - 34 M - Lodger - M2/0 - NC NC NC
Clara E. Gheen - 30 F - Wife, Lodger - M1/0 0/0 - GA GA NC
Willaim B S. Winans - 25 M - Lodger - NJ NJ NJ
1920 Census Guilford County NC
Greensboro Ward 2
Jno. T. Rees - 44 M - Head - NC VA VA
Ethel - 34 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Hazel - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Dennis Myrick - 38 M - Boarder - NC NC NC
1930 Census Guilford County NC
John T. Rees - 55 M - Head - M at 33 - NC NC NC
Ethel B. - 45 F - Wife - M at 23 - NC NC NC
Hazel V. - 19 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Vinson T. - 17 M - Son - NC NC NC
Eley N. Callaway - 43 F - Lodger, Wd - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
John T. Rees - 65 M - Head - NC
Ethel - 55 F - Wife - NC
James Cagle - 63 M - Lodger - NC
Elsie McDowell
Elsie McDowell [February 1886 - 1938
LEX/FG] married first Lonnie Burl Calloway [24 August 1879 - 17 February 1948
LEX/FG/NCDI/NCDC], the son of Flim Calloway and Rosana Talbert on 16 January 1907 in Guilford County NC. Some say that she was married a second time, but she was buried as a Calloway. Elsie and Lonnie had one son.
Clyde Weldon Calloway [7 July 1905 - 12 October 1963
LEX/Fg/NCDC] married Mary Magdalene Gibson [21 November 1905 - 29 December 1987
Elsie and Lonnie appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Randolph County NC
Lonnie Calloway - 30 M - Head - M1/3 - NC NC NC
Elsie - 24 F - Wife - M1/3 1/1 - NC NC NC
Cloyde - 4 F - Son - NC NC NC
1920 Census Davidson County NC
Lonnie Calaway - 40 M - Head - NC NC NC
Elsie - 34 F - wife - NC NC NC
Clide - 14 M - son - NC NC NC
Elsie is listed with her sister Ethel in the
1930 Census.
1930 Census Davidson County NC
Clyde Collaway - 24 M - Head - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Mary - 24 F - Wife - M at 17 - NC NC NC
Elkie - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James - 2/12 M - Son - NC NC NC
Lonnie B. - 50 M - Father - M at 25 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Davidson County NC
Walter M. Calloway - 54 M - Head - NC
Beulah - 52 F - Wife - NC
Paul L. - 22 M - Son - NC
Lonnie B. - 60 M - Brother, Wd - NC
Oliver Smith - 30 M - Son-in-Law - NC
Pauline A. Smith - 22 F - Daughter - NC
Lee Franklin McDowell
Lee Franklin McDowell [27 August 1891 - 8 February 1974
GRAY/FG/NCDC] married first to Azalia Leonard on 25 December 1912 but Lee is listed as divorced in the
1920 Census. His second marriage was to Grace Smith [9 July 1898 - 14 July 1986
GRAY/FG] on 15 May 1923. His WWI Registration Card reports his date of birth as 27 August 1892. Lee had the following children.
John Winfred McDowell [22 December 1920 - Unknown /NCBI] likely died before 1930 since he doesn't appear in that census with his parents.
Mildred Frances McDowell [25 April 1921 - 21 May 1997 -
GRAY/FG/SocSecACI] married L. S. Coble [3 April 1921 - 17 July 1985
GRAY/FG] on 21 June 1941 in Guilford County NC.
James Leo McDowell [1 February 1924 - 11 October 1936
Paul Ervin McDowell [25 January 1926 - 7 December 1996
FAY/FG/SSACI] married Mary Ellen Boume on 21 January 1951 in Randolph County NC. They divorced on 20 August 1968 in Guilford County NC. He married a second time to Nancy C. MNU in 1969.
Lee appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Guilford County NC
Lee F. McDowell - 37 M - Head - M at 28 - NC NC NC
Grace - 31 F - Wife - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Frances M. - 8 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
James L. - 6 M - Son - NC NC NC
Paul E. - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
1940 Census Guilford County NC
Lee McDowell - 45 M - Head - NC
Grace - 42 F - Wife - NC
Paul - 15 M - Son - NC
Katie Beatrice McDowell
Katie "Kitty" Beatrice "Bell" McDowell [31 August 1900 - 19 March 1987
LAKE/FG/NCBI] married Smith Washington Heath [22 May 1893 - 2 December 1967
LAKE/FG] on 13 August 1914. Her full name was taken from the North Carolina Birth Index. Six children were born to Katie.
Roy Willard Heath [26 March 1916 - 1 October 1991
LAKE/FG] married Mary Oneida Mays [15 September 1915 - 18 November 1988
LAKE/FG]. Two children were born to this union.
Paul Bernard Heath [7 April 1919 - 5 May 1921
Nellie Marie Heath [17 April 1922 - Unknown] married first to Marvin Louis Jarrett [Unknown - 14 November 1973
LAKE/FG]. Her second marriage was to Fred Wilson from Michigan.
Blanche Margarie Heath [26 June 1925 - 31 January 2002
WEST/FG] married Earl Mckinley Hodges [19 December 1921 - 29 October 1988
Mildred Louise Heath [17 May 1933 - 30 April 2011
LAKE/FG] and married Richard Dean Shepherd [2 November 1934 - 5 November 2003
Donald Ray Heath [16 May 1937 - ] married Frances Patzch.
William P. McDowell
A William P. McDowell married Emma Tysinger on 18 February 1883 in Davidson County by the Justice of the Peace J. G. Surratt at J. Adderton's. Emma Tysinger was born in 1864. A W. P. McDowell is buried in the Trinity Cemetery in Randolph County NC with the following statistics: born 21 October 1864 and died 13 December 1881(4), aged 21 years, 11 months and 19 days. Findagrave reports the record as 24 October 1866 to 13 December 1883. It is unclear if this cemetery record is the correct William. Family members of James Christopher McDowell do not recall of a child named William P. McDowell.
Charles Elwood McDowell
Charles Elwood McDowell [5 December 1867 - 11 November l927
RIV/FG/VADC] married Mary Louisa Jane Jordan [11 September 1867 - 5 November 1948
RIV/FG], the daughter of James Franklin Jordan and Evline Cade MNU, on 21 August 1886. Her first name of "Mary" was reported in her obituary at FG but has not been found in other records. Charles and Lou had the following children.
Flossie Elizabeth McDowell [4 March 1899 - 15 June 1900]
Charles and Lou appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Guilford County NC
Charlie McDowell - 32 M - Head - Dec 1867 m/13 - NC NC NC
Lou - 32 F - Wife - Sep 1867 m/13 4/3 - NC NC NC
Freddie - 12 M - Son - July 1887 - NC NC NC
Melvina - 11 F - Daughter - Apr 1889 - NC NC NC
Marvin - 3 M - Son - Feb 1897 - NC NC NC
Hilliard Staley - 21 M - Boarder - 1879 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Forsyth County NC
Charlie McDowell - 42 M - Head - m1/23 - NC NC NC
Lou J. - 43 F - Wife - m1/23 5/4 - NC NC NC
Fred L. - 22 M - Son - NC NC NC
James M. - 13 M - Son - NC NC NC
Carrie P. - 5 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Fred Lee McDowell
Fred Lee McDowell [27 July 1887 - 5 March 1972
OLIVE/FG/VADC] at age 23 married Carrie Belle Shipley [18 March 1892 - 3 September 1991
OLIVE/FG] at age 19 on 17 May 1910 in Forsyth County NC. His WWI Registration Card reports his birth year as 1887, while his death certificate reports 1886. His WWII Registration Card reports his birth year as 1887 and his contact person as
Mrs. Carrie Nalley, Atlanta GA, his sister. Fred and Carrie had the following children.
Ruth Virginia McDowell [15 February 1916 - 12 September 1981
OLIVE/FG] was married twice; first to Democrito 0boob Rocha [31 July 1900 - 26 April 1961
OLIVE/FG], and second to Douglas Seaton [1900 - April 1961] in the Phillipines. One child is reported:
Shirley Ruth McDowell [13 February 1934 - Unknown] who married William C. McCue [25 February 1933 - Unknown] on 6 April 1957.
Mary Lucille McDowell [28 October 1925 - Unknown] married Walter Mench Jr [14 June 1920 - Unknown] and had Joy Anne Mench [29 August 1950 - Unknown].
Marvin Ray McDowell [26 August 1928 - Unknown] married Lois Hilderbran [10 June 1934 - Unknown] and had a daughter: Belinda Rae McDowell [6 May 1968 - Unknown].
Fred and Carrie appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Norfolk City VA
F. L. McDowell - 42 M - Head - M at 22 - NC NC NC
Carry - 39 F - Wife - M at 18 - TN TN NC
Edward - 19 M - Son - GA NC TN
Walter - 16 M - Son - AL NC TN
Ruth - 14 F - Daughter - AL NC TN
Lawrence - 10 M - Son - VA NC TN
Neome - 8 F - Daughter - VA NC TN
Lucile - 4 F - Daughter - VA NC TN
Ray - 1 M - Son - VA NC TN
Loula - 52 F - Mother, Wd M at 18 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Norfolk City VA
Lou J. McDowell - 72 F - Head, Wd - NC
Fredrick L. - 52 M - Son - Married - NC
1940 Census Norfolk City VA
Carrie McDowell - 49 F - Head - Married - TN
Walter - 26 M - Son - AL
Lawrence - 21 M - Son - VA
Lucille - 14 F - Daughter - VA
Ray M. - 11 M - Son - VA
Edward - 9 M - VA
Fred and Carrie are reported in separate households in the 1940 Census. The reason is unknown.
Edward Justine McDowell
Edward Justine McDowell [5 March 1911 - 28 February 1997
RIV/FG/SSACI/SSDI] married twice; first to Josie V. Springfield [15 July 1909 - 29 January 1947
RIV/FG] and second to Marie Teresa Martinex Badilla on 3 June 1950 in Portsmouth VA, the daughter of Angel Martinez and Fela Del Moral. Edward and Josie had two children.
Iris Marie McDowell [1 May 1931 - Unknown] married Raymond Mott and had Iris Rae Mott [23 January 1951 - Unknown] who married an Ellis, and Debra Josie Mott [5 July 1954 - Unknown].
Larry Leon McDowell [5 August 1933 - Unknown] married Mitzi MNU and had Roy J. McDowell [29 December 1959 - Unknown] and James Keith McDowell [17 May 1963 - Unknown].
Walter Monroe McDowell
Walter Monroe McDowell [19 April 1912 - 10 June 2007 /SSACI/SSDI] married first to Hazel Louise Everton [14 August 1920 -23 September 1960
OLIVE/FG], the daughter of John J. Everton and Virgie Simons, on 30 November 1941 in Norfolk VA. There were four children to this union.
Walter Monroe McDowell, Jr. [4 August 1943 - Unknown] married Paula Burtage [9 August 1944 - Unknown] on 26 November 1962. They had a daughter: Sandra Gaye McDowell [5 September 1963 - Unknown].
Joan Dianne McDowell [8 November 1944 - Unknown] married Willard Downing [10 September 1942 - Unknown] and had Kathleen Elizabeth Downing [15 February 1966 - Unknown], Jonathan Matthew Downing [29 December 1971 - Unknown], and Nathan McDowell Downing [2 March 1976 - Unknown].
Linda Louise McDowell [26 September 1953 - Unknown]
Gayle Anne McDowell [16 June 1955 - Unknown] married Joseph Fred Miller III and divorced with no children.
The second marriage of Walter Monroe McDowell was to Dorothy Gae/Gay Price Furbee [15 August 1914 - 15 February 2011 VA/SSDI/WVBI], the daughter of Charles B. Price and Anna D. Koontz, on 15 March 1979 in Monroe County FL.
Lawrence Aaron McDowell
Lawrence Aaron McDowell [16 February 1919 - 12 January 2003
MEA/FG/SSACI/SSDI] married Ruth Virginia Eggers [31 July 1922 - 23 May 2007
MEA/FG/VADC/SSACI], the daughter of Arthur L. Eggers and Cora L. Thompson. Two children are reported.
Lawrence C. McDowell [21 February 1947 - Unknown] married Margaret Anne Johnson on 30 May 1970. They had a son: Christopher Lawrence McDowell [4 March 1977 - Unknown].
Sherry Gay McDowell [6 June 1952 - Unknown] married a Bell and had a son: Jerry Aaron Bell [2 July 1973 - Unknown].
Naomi Louise McDowell
Naomi Louise McDowell [16 February 1922 - 19 March 1978] married Phillip Misagal who was born in the Phillipines. Two children are reported.
Phillip Lawrence Misagal
Phillip Lawrence Misagal [20 April 1934 - Unknown] married Joan MNU. Two children are reported.
Scott Michael Misagal [26 January 1958 - Unknown].
Richard Misagal [5 December 1959 - Unknown].
Deana Misagal
Deana Misagal [16 November 1940 - Unknown] married twice; first to a Hernandez and second to a Kaechele. Five children are reported.
Joey Hernandez [6 December 1960 - Unknown].
Issac Hernandez [6 August 1963 - Unknown].
Marie Hernandez [30 April 1965 - Unknown].
Deana Kaechele [6 March 1967 - Unknown].
Phillip Kaechele [7 February 1971 - Unknown].
Melvina Jane McDowell
Melvina Jane McDowell [1 April 1889 - 25 February 1954
EUMCC/FG/SSACI] married first to Hopster "Hopy" Tally about 1907. They had two children who died in infancy before getting divorced.
Frank H. Talley [6 June 1908 - 21 October 1909].
Alice May Talley [3 October 1910 - 7 June 1911].
Melvina married a second time to William Taylor Carter [15 February 1875 - 31 May 1943
EUMCC/FG] on 5 November 1914 in Danville VA.
Melvina appeared in the following census records.
1910 Census Catawba County NC
Walter Clive - 28 M - Head - m1/12 - NC NC NC
Palestine - 28 F - Wife - m1/12 4/2 - NC NC NC
Bertha - 3 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Mandie - 1 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Lula Lewis - 21 F - Sister-in-Law - NC NC NC
Hopster Talley - 31 M - Boarder - m1/3 - VA VA VA
Melvina Talley - 21 F - Boarder - m1/3 1/0 - NC NC NC
Olis Smith - 29 M - Boarder - m2/ 2/12 - NC NC NC
Ida Smith - 20 F - Boarder - m1/ 2/12 - NC NC NC
1930 Census Mecklenburg County VA
William T. Carter - 54 M - Head - Farmer - M at 20 - VA VA VA
Melvana - 41 F - Wife - M at 25 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Mecklenburg County VA
Chase City
Taylor Carter - 65 M - Head - VA
Melvina - 51 F - Wife - VA
We note that the Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, reports her mother as Mary L. Jordan, another indication that her mother's first name was "Mary."
James Marvin McDowell
James Marvin McDowell [13 February 1897 - 20 September 1963 /SSACI/] married Dura Velma Stephens [25 March 1899 (1901 on TXDC) - 30 November 1970 /TXDC], the daughter of James Matthew Stephens and Lucy Banks, on 15 January 1915 in Fulton County GA. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name, his date of birth as 13 February 1897, and his wife as Dura. They had two children.
James Marvin McDowell Jr [4 October 1916 - 11 July 1993 /SSACI] married twice; first, to Dorothy Carney and second to Billie Pennington. He had a son: Robert Wayne McDowell.
Helen Frances McDowell [21 June 1918 - 25 September 1996 /SSACI] married Sam Leago [1 April 1903 - 24 April 1983 /SSCI/TXDI] on 21 June 1978 in Harris County TX.
James and Dura appeared in the following census records.
1920 Census De Kalb County GA
James McDowell - 22 M - Head - NC NC NC
Cera - 20 F - Wife - GA GA GA
James - 3 2/12 M - Son - GA NC GA
Helen - 1 6/12 F - Daughter - GA NC GA
1930 Census Shelby County TN
James M. McDowell - 33 M - Head - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Dura - 28 F - Wife - M at 14 - GA GA GA
James - 12 M - Son - GA GA GA
Helen - 10 F - Daughter - GA GA GA
1940 Census Shelby County TN
James M. McDowell - 43 M - Head - SC
Dura V. - 39 F - Wife - GA
Helen F. - 21 F - Daughter - GA
Carrie Pauline McDowell
Carrie Pauline McDowell [17 March 1905 - 28 December 1993 /SSACI/GADI] married Leonard Dewey Nalley [26 April 1900 - 3 February 1963 /GADI] on 2 December 1922. He was the son of George Washington Nalley and Canvesta White Nalley who are buried at Haw Creek Cemetery in Cummings GA. We note that Carrie's SSACI reports her mother's first name as "Mary." Carrie and Leonard apparently did not have any children. They appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Dekalb County GA
Militia District 531
L. Dewey Nalley - 30 M - Head - M at 22 - SC SC SC
Carrie - 25 F - Wife - M at 17 - NC NC NC
John H. Maddox - 21 M - Boarder - GA GA GA
1940 Census Dekalb County GA
Leonard D. Nally - 39 M - Head - GA
Carrie - Wife - NC
Sam Gardner - 23 M - Lodger - GA
Neece Celder McDowell
Neece/Neese Celder McDowell [8 February 1870 - 14 March 1955
GUIL/FG/NCDC/SSACI] married Sarah Francis "Fannie" Flack [21 June 1877 - 7 July 1965
GUIL/FG/NCDC], the daughter of Harvey Flack, on 21 December 1899 in Greenbrier County WV. He worked on the C & 0 Railroad as a track foreman. Neece bought his brothers and sisters share of the farm when his mother Kitty Jane McDowell died. He sold the farm in 1918 and moved back to West Virginia to work on the railroad for one year. In 1919, he moved back to High Point and then to Trinity, N. C. The Glenola Baptist Church was originally non-denominational. N. C. McDowell donated the land for the church school building. The seven charter members of the church were Mrs. J. R. Trotter, Mrs. Nora Spencer, Mrs. Fannie McDowell (wife of N. C.), and Mrs. Alice Davis. Neese and Fannie had the following children.
James Harvey McDowell [12 September 1900 - 29 May 1986
RICH/FG/WVBI/NCDI] at age 30 married first to Lottie May Fine, the daughter of B. F. Fine and Ophelia Purple, at age 31 on 1 November 1930 in Danville VA. He married a second time to Elizabeth P. MNU [1912 - 1974
RICH/FG]. There were no children. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name, birth year as 1900, and living in Glenola, Randolph County NC.
Lelia May McDowell [29 May 1906 - 7 January 1960
FOR/FG] married Herman Glenn Enochs [3 March 1903 - 24 February 1973
FOR/FG], the son of Henry Enochs and Charity Elizabeth Wrenn, and had two children:
Herman G. Enochs and
Robert "Bobbie" Nease Enochs [26 December 1930 - 14 January 2015
Frank Beard McDowell [13 February 1908 - 5 December 1970 /NCDC] married Estelle McFarland and had a son: Richard McDowell.
Hazel Wanda McDowell [15 February l909 - 21 April 1951
GUIL/FG/NCDC] never married. Some have reported her middle name as "May."
Grace Genevire McDowell [15 February 1918 - 6 July 1979
GUIL/FG] married Earnest Neal McKinny, Sr. [8 August 1908 - 29 December 1970
CYP/FG] and was divorced at the time of her death. She had one son:
Earnest Neal McKinney Jr [13 August 1948 - Unknown] married Harriett Ann Lindsay [29 May 1953 - Unknown] on 30 November 1975.
Neese and Fannie appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Greenbrier County WV
[Neese] McDowell - 28 M - Feb 1872 - m/0 - NC NC NC
Fannie - 22 F - Wife - June 1877 - m/0 0/0 - WV WV WV
Jack A. Bennett - 30 M - Boarder - Jan 1870 - WV WV WV
1910 Census Greenbrier County WV
Neac C. McDowell - 35 M - Head - m1/10 - NC NC NC
Fannie - 32 F - Wife - m1/10 5/5 - WV WV WV
James - 9 M - Son - WV NC WV
Elwood - 7 M - Son - WV NC WV
Lelia - 4 F - Daughter - WV NC WV
Frank - 2 M - Son - WV NC WV
O. - 2/12 F - Daughter - WV NC WV
1920 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Nease McDowell - 46 M - Head - NC NC NC
Fannie - 43 F - Wife - WV WV WV
James - 19 M - Son - WV NC WV
Elwood - 17 M - Son - WV NC WV
Lelia - 14 F - Daughter - WV NC WV
Frank - 11 M - Son WV NC WV
Hazle - 9 F - Daughter - WV NC WV
Mary - 7 F - Daughter - NC NC WV
Lois - 6 F - Daughter - NC NC WV
Grace - 1 F- Daughter - NC NC WV
Raymond Johnson - 5 M - Son - NC NC NC
Mildred Johnson - 2 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Neace C. McDowell - 57 M - Head - M at 27 - NC NC NC
Frannie - 52 F - Wife - M at 22 WV WV WV
James H. - 29 M - Son - VA NC VA
Hazel - 20 F - Daughter - WV NC WV
Lois - 16 F - Daughter - NC NC WV
Grace - 12 F - Daughter - NC NC WV
1940 Census Randolph County NC
N. C. McDowell - 69 M - Head - NC
Mrs. N. C. - 62 F - Wife - VA
Loris McKinnis - 25 F - Daughter - NC
Samuel Elwood McDowell
Samuel Elwood McDowell [9 February 1903 - 28 December 1988
GMG/FG/VADC/SSCI] married Lottie Bolton [23 July 1900 - 22 January 1986
GMG/FG/VADC], the daughter of James Augustus Bolton and Cornelia Carter. The family moved to Portsmouth VA in 1942. Samuel's WWII Registration Card reports his full name, birth date and name of his wife. They had one daughter.
Frances Cornelia McDowell [5 April 1939 - Unknown] married William Marshlander and had two children: William Marshlander Jr and Iris Marshlander.
Samuel and Lottie appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Elwood McDowell - 25 M - Head - M at 29 - NC NC NC
Lottie - 23 F - Wife - M at 22 - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
Samuel E. McDowell - 36 M - Head - NC
Lottie B. - 40 F - Wife - NC
Frances C. - 11/12 F - Daughter - NC
Jessie Parker - 30 M - Lodger - NC
Mary L. McRae - 24 F - Lodger - NC
Mary Virginia McDowell
Mary Virginia McDowell [18 February 1912 - 3 May 2008
GUIL/FG/SSDI] married Charlie Cecil Hughes [10 January 1900 - 24 April 1997
GUIL/FG/NCDI/SSDI], the son of Daniel Richard Hughes and Martha Frances Garner. His WWI Registration Card reports his full name and birth date while his WWII Registration Card reports his full name, birth date, and contact as Martha Hughes. The had two sons.
Ted Cecil Hughes [13 June 1929 - Unknown] married Betty Marie Jones [30 January 1929].
Charles Thomas Hughes [13 September 1935 - 31 April 1969
GUIL/FG] married Martha Harris.
Mary and Charles appeared in the following census records.
1930 Census Randolph County NC
Charles C. Hughes - 30 M - Head - M at 28 - SC SC SC
Mary V. - 18 F - Wife - M at 16 - NC NC NC
Ted C. - 9/12 M - NC NC NC
1940 Census Randolph County NC
C. C. Hughes - 40 M - Head - SC
Mary - 28 F - Wife - NC
Ted - 10 M - Son - NC
Tommie - 4 M - Son - NC
Lois Marie McDowell
Lois Marie McDowell [18 January 1914 - 20 February 2001
GUIL/FG/SSACI] married first to Robert "Bob" Clement McKinney [12 August 1909 - 1 June 1953 /NCDC], the son of Robert Moyer McKinney and Maggie Lee Bouldin, on 7 January 1934 in Danville VA. She appeared in the
1940 Census with her parents with that married name. Bob was married to Dollie G. MNU at the time of his death. Lois's middle name has also been reported as "Jane" at FG. She married a second time to Willard Alexander Hipp [7 June 1916 - 4 April 1975
GUIL/FG/NCDC], the son of John Wesley Hipp and Minnie, on 24 April 1943 in Polk County FL. They had a daughter.
Brenda Kaye Hipp [5 March 1945 - Unknown] married Steven Douglas Henley [5 July 1944 - Unknown] on 15 February 1965.
Lillie Ann Etten McDowell
Lillian "Lillie" Ann Ellen McDowell [25 April 1875 - 27 May 1955
RVC/FG/VADC] married Thosman Lewis Rogers [15 September 1863 - 14 December 1941
RVC/FG] on 25 March 1894 in Randolph County NC and had around fifteen children.
William J. Rogers [January 1895 - Unknown]
Gladys Nellie Rogers [22 August 1896 - 17 November 1978
GC/FG/SSACI/FLDI] married Carroll J. McClellan [28 April 1897 - 23 October 1970
Walter L. Rogers [30 August 1897 - Unknown /WVBI]
Ernest R. Rogers [October 1899 - Unknown]
Harry M. Rogers [June 1900 - Unknown]
Carter Anderson Rogers [1 January 1901 - 4 December 1970 /FLDI] married Mary Bowman [c1904 - 1997 ]
Lillian Rogers [c1906 - Unknown]
Annie Lee Rogers [c1907 - Unknown]
Bessie Rogers [c1908 - Unknown]
Dorothy Pearl Rogers [18 October 1912 - 2 March 1967
ELFER/FG] married Charles A. "Jack" Vervaet [17 August 1901 - 29 July 1967
ELFER/FG] on May 1966 in Broward County FL.
Ruth Elizabeth Rogers [5 December 1914 - 28 December 1994 /NCBI] married a Gulley and a Buchanan.
Alice Rogers [8 February 1917 - 16 October 1992 /FLDI] married a Beach and a Birkhold
Lillian and Thomas appeared in the following census records.
1900 Census Greenbrier County WV
Lillie A. E. Rogers - 25 F - Head - Apr 1875 - m/6 5/5 - WV NC NC
Wm. J. - 5 M - Son - Jan 1895 - WV VA WV
Nellie G. - 3 F - Daughter - Aug 1896 - WV VA WV
Walter L. - 2 M - Son - Aug 1897 - WV VA WV
Ernest R. - 7/12 M - Oct 1899 - WV VA WV
Harry M. - 0 - June 1900 - WV VA WV
1910 Census Guilford County NC
High Point
Thomas L. Rodgers - 47 M - Head - M1/16 - VA VA VA
Lennie - 34 F - Wife - m1/16 10/8 - VA NC NC
Gladdis - 13 F - Daughter - WV VA VA
Walter - 12 M - Son - WV VA VA
Ernest - 10 M - Son - WV VA VA
Harry - 9 M - Son - WV VA VA
Carter - 7 M - Son - NC VA VA
Lillian - 4 F - Daughter - VA VA VA
Annie Lee - 3 F - Daughter - WV VA VA
Bessie - 1 F - Daughter - WV VA VA
1920 Census Durham County NC
Thomas L. Rogers - 55 M - Head - VA VA VA
Lillie - 45 F - Wife - NC NC NC
Earnest R. - 21 M - Son - VA VA NC
Lillian - 14 F - Daughter - VA
Annie L. - 13 F - Daughter - VA VA NC
Bessie - 12 F - Daughter - VA VA NC
Pearl - 8 F - Daughter - NC VA NC
Ruth - 6 F - Daughter - NC VA NC
Alice - 3 F - Daughter - NC VA NC
1930 Census Iredell County NC
Coddle Creek
Tom L. Rogers - 65 M - Head - M at 30 - WV VA VA
Lillian - 55 F - Wife - M at 19 - NC NC NC
Ruth - 15 F - Daughter - NC WV NC
Alice - 13 F - Daughter - NC WV NC
1940 Census District of Columbia
Jack C. Vervaet - 39 M - Head - NJ
Dorothy - 27 F - Wife - NC
Patricia - 2 F - Daughter - NJ
Tom Rogers - 68 M - father-in-law - VA
Lillie Rogers - 64 F - mother-in-law - NC
James Beach - 39 M - Lodger - VA
Ruhannah Luvina McDowell
Ruhannah Luvina McDowell [28 May 1844 - 20 November 1918
ROSS/FG/NCDC] married George W. Gibson [1 September 1833 - 26 May 1915
ROSS/FG/NCDC], the son of Joseph Gibson and Minerva Bunting, on 29 August 1861 [Bond dated 23 August 1861] with bondsman Geo. W. Cross. Ruhannah had a number of nicknames including Ruhamer, Lou, and Lula. Her death certificate reports her parents as Geo. McDowell and Sarah Glascoe which is a distortion of her parents names, although it's possible that James also had the name George. Some sources report George as a minister of the Gospel. Ruhannah reported in the 1900 Census that she had birthed eight children with five still alive in 1900. We have identified the following six children.
George H. Gibson [c1865 - Unknown]
Shubal S. Gibson [c1867 - Unknown]
Willia "Willie" Cornelia Gibson [19 December 1870 - 20 March 1950 /NCDC] at age 25 married first to Albert M. Haskins [23 April 1845 - 18 December 1920 /NCDC], the son of Hebron Haskin and Mary Fulmer, age 55 at marriage, on 27 December 1895 in McDowell County NC and second to Queen.
Melton C. Gibson [22 September 1873 - 4 July 1945
ONEY/FG/NCDC], age 22, married Ellen Mathis [3 November 1875 - 17 August 1944
ONEY/FG], age 20, on 25 October 1896 in McDowell County NC.
Brantley York Gibson [30 April 1877 - 12 July 1853 /FG] at age 26 married Sallie I. Wolf Haskins [16 December 1874 - 18 May 1942 /FG/NCDC], the daughter of Horace Bridges Wolf and Rebecca S. Taylor, age 27 at marriage, on 27 December 1895 in McDowell County NC.
Alphonso Avery Gibson [1 October 1883 - 23 April 1961 /NCDC] married Catherine "Katie" D. Causby [11 October 1883 - 12 May 1968 /NCDC], the daughter of John and Elizabeth Causby, on 29 March 1904 in McDowell County NC.
Ruhamer and George appeared in the following census records.
1870 Census McDowell County
Dysartsville, PO Dysartsville
George Gibson - 33 M - Farmer - NC
Ruhama - 25 F - Keeping House - NC
George H. - 5 M - at home - NC
Shubal S. - 2 M - at home - NC
1880 Census McDowell County
George Gillson/Gibson - 46 M - Farmer - NC NC NC
Laurah - 36 F - Wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
George H. - 15 M - Son - Labor on Farm - NC NC NC
Shuble - 13 M - Son - at home - NC NC NC
Willia C. - 10 F - Daughter - at home - NC NC NC
Milton C. - 7 M - Son - NC NC NC
Brantley - 4 M - Son - NC NC NC
Manerva - 76 F - Mother, widow - no occupation - NC NC NC
1900 Census McDowell County
George W. Gibson - 66 M - Head - Farmer - Sep 1833 M/40 - NC NC NC
Luhames - 46 F - Wife - May 1844 M/40 8/5 - NC NC NC
Avery - 17 M - Son - Farm Laborer - Oct 1882 - NC NC NC
Cornelia Haskins - 27 F - Daughter - Dec 1872 M 1/1 - NC NC NC
Williard Haskins - 2 M - Gson - Aug 1897 - NC NC NC
1910 Census Gaston County
Gastonia Ward 5, District 59
Brantly G. Gibson - 32 M - Head - M1/17 - NC NC NC
Sallie E. - 42 F - Wife - M1/17 2/2 - NC - NC
George W. - 76 M - Father - M1/48 - NC NC NC
Ruhamer - 67 F - Mother - M1/48 - NC NC NC
Mattie C. - 17 F - Daughter - NC NC NC
Albert C. - 13 M - Son - NC NC NC
George was indicted for Assault and Battery in 1861.
State vs George W. Gibson } Indictment
Assault & Battery Not Guilty
The following jury charged, sworn and empannelled
[List of Names]
who for their verdict say, that they find the defendant guilty in manner and form as charged in the bill of indictment. It is adjudged by the Court that the defendant be put in the stocks for one hour, to be imprisoned two days and upon paying or securing the costs, the imprisonment to be remitted.
RandolphP&QS: Thursday 5[Sic 7] February 1861
George W. Gibson at age 25 of Randolph County enlisted as a Private and volunteer on 5 June 1861 in Company I, 22nd North Carolina Infantry, in Asheboro by S. G. Worth for 1 year. He was paid a bounty of $10.00. On the 15 June to 31 August 1861 Muster Roll, he was listed as "absent on furlough from surgeon to regain health." He was discharged and paid on 28 December 1863. Pay voucher #729 states that he was paid $21.26 for 7 months and 28 days of service at $11 per month; $9.16 for travelling from Orange Courthouse, VA, to Marion NC, a distance of 500 miles, at 1 days pay every 20 miles; and $6.25 for rations on the trip at 1 ration every 20 miles. The total pay was $36.67.
We note that George joined the Confederate States Army in 1861 from Randolph County but traveled in 1863 from Virginia to Marion NC, a city located in McDowell County. This information indicates that he and Ruhannah likely made the move to McDowell County in this time period in agreement with their location in the 1870 Census.
Will of John Griggs
In the name of God amen, I John Griggs of Northampton County being sick and weak, but of sound mind and memory and understanding thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the changes and chances of this transitory life, and knowing the certainty of death and uncertainity of the time thereof, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following viz. that is to say first and principally I give my soul to almighty God who gave it to me, and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named.
Imprimis. This my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be discharged.
Item - I give and bequeath to my
daughter Mary McDowal one hundred acres of land, the uppermost part of my land down to the dividing line, more or less, to her and her heirs lawfully begotten of her body or assigns.
Item - I give and bequeath one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves, two yews and lambs, and sows and pigs, one young mule, one chest, one pott, to my
daughter Mary McDowall, to her and heirs lawfully begotten of her body and assigns.
Item - I give and bequeath to my son William Griggs, the plantation I now live on, and all the remaining part of my land to him and his heirs and assigns forever.
Item - It is my will and desire that all the remaining part of my estate of what nature soever, that is not given in my will, to be equally divided between my loving wife Mary Griggs and my son William Griggs without selling the same.
Item - It is my desire that if either my son William Griggs or my
daughter Mary McDowal die without heir that the land I have them should return to the other, and in case they both die without heir, then it is my will and desire that the said land fall to my grandson John Griggs of Joshua Griggs.
Lastly, I appoint my loving wife Mary Griggs executor and my son Wm Griggs Ex. of this my last will, and I do hereby revoke and disannul all former wills by me made, ratifying and confirming this and only this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have been here unto set my hand and seal this llth day of February 1767.
John Griggs (Seal)
Northampton County Sept. Court 1771. This will of John Griggs deceased was proven by the oath of Thomas Love and Mathew Exum and Mary Griggs and William Griggs qualified as Ex. Ordered to be certified and recorded.
Test. Willie Jones CC.
Northampton County Accounts of James McDowell
The following accounts records of
James McDowell were found in Northampton County records.
Document No. 1
Presley Pritchard County Treasurer with acct Northampton County
No. 1 recorded
Dr The County of Northampton in Account with Presley Pritchard County Treasurer crs
1.12.0 — 8 James McDowell for attendance March Term 1806
1.12.0 — 8 Jas McDowell for attendance Decr Term 1806
2.0.0 — 9 Jas McDowell Do Do Sept Term 1806
1.12.0 — 4 Jas McDowell's order
2.8.0 — Capel's & McDowell's orders
Document No. 2
P. Pritchard County Tres. In Acct with Noampton county
No 2 Recorded
Dr The County of Northampton in account with Presley Pritchard County Treasurer Cr.
2.0.0 — 41 Sept Ct 1807 Jas McDowell order
4.0.0 — 45 Decr Ct 1807 Jas McDowell & R. Capel order
Document No. 3
Presley Pritchard C. Trustee acct with Northampton County June Court 1809
0.16.0 — 4 May Court 1808 James McDowel order
1.12.0 — 5 June Court 1808 James McDowel order
1.4.0 — 8 October term 1808 Jas McDowel order
2.4.0 — 9 September Court 1808 James McDowell order
Document No. 4
[File Folder: County Accounts, 1810-1819]
Dr the County of Northampton in account with Howell Peebles County Treasurer
1.4.0 — Paid James McDowell pr order 2
2.0.0 — Paid " " " 3
2.0.0 — " James McDowell " 5
1.12.0 — " " " " 6
1.4.0 — " James McDowell " 8
1.12.0 — " James McDowell " 27
Document No. 5
County Treasure Account of June 1812
Dr the County of Noampton In acc with Howell Peebles County Trustee
2.0.0 — James McDowell 4
2.0.0 — James McDowell 29
June Court 1812
Document No. 6
[From CR.071.508.230, Administrators and Guardian Accounts 1811-1818, page 70]
Debted the County of Northampton in account with Howell Peebles County Trustee
25.1.4¾ — 1812 to James McDowell Balance due County Trustee £2,9,6 on settlement for 1810
£2 — 1812 to James McDowell 2 lbs.
Will of Joseph Exum
CR.071.801.16 Northampton County Wills; Elliot, Elias S. - Fennell, Joseph, 1772-1947
In the name of God Amen
I Joseph Exum of the County of Northampton & State of North Carolina being weak of body but of sound & desposing memory do constitute, make and ordain this my last will and testament & give and dispose of my estate in manner & form following (to wit)
I lend unto my loving wife the land & plantation whereon I now live during her widowhood, she committing no waste or destruction by cutting down & clearing land more than timber to support the plantation. I also lend unto her during her natural life two negroes named Rose & Jim, also one black horse three cows & calves all the sheep I did possessed of, two beds & furniture, all my kitchen furniture & after her death the articles I lent to her during her life my will & desire is they shall be equally divided with their increase between my three children Henry, Matthew, and Elizabeth Exum to their heirs & assigns forever. My will and desire is my Negroes shall be hired out as I have not before lent until my eldest son comes to the age of twenty years or marries and then for them with their increase to be equally divided between my three children Henry, Matthew, & Elizabeth Exum each share & share alike to them their heirs & assigns for ever.
My will & desire is that my Executors hereafter mentioned shall as soon as convenient after my death, rent out my mill until my eldest son come to the age of twenty one years or marries and the money arising from the rent be equally divided between my three children when my eldest son comes to the age of twenty one years or marries to them, their heirs & assigns forever…I give and bequeath with my two songs Henry & Matthew Exum my mill with all its conveniences.
After my son Henry comes to the age of twenty one years or marries to them there heirs & assigns forever. I give & bequeath unto my two sons Henry & Matthew Exum all my lands I die possessed of to be equally divided between them, their heirs & assigns forever
My will and desire is that my executors hereafter mentioned as soon as convenient after my death sell all my stock of hogs cattle & horse and household furniture I have not before lent also my working tools and every other article I die possessed of and I money arising to be equally divided between my three children when my elder son comes to the ages of twenty one years or marries to them their heirs and assigns forever
My will and desire is that after my just debts, note, accoumpts (debts owed) or otherwise should be equally divided between my three children to them their heirs and assigns forever.
Lastly, I nominate and appoint my friends James Exum and Exum Phillips my sole executors to this my last will and testament is in witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 17th September 1789
Joseph Exum (seal)
Signed sealed and
Delivered in presents of us
James Dancy
John Fhay
Ann Exum (her mark)
Will of James Exum
CR.071.801.16 Northampton County Wills; Folder: Exum, James 1772
In the name of God, Amen
I James Exum of Northampton County & province of North Carolina being of sound and disposing mind & memory do make my last will & testament as follows.
Imprimis. I lend to my loving wife during her natural life, & no longer, the land & plantation whereon I live (she committing no Waste) and at her decease I give the said land & plantation to my son James Exum, his heirs & assigns forever, but in case my son James Exum should die before he comes to the age of twenty one years, my will & desire is that the said land & plantation go to my son William Exum, his heirs & assigns forever, upon my son William Exum’s paying to my son Joseph Exum the sum of three hundred pounds proclamation money.
Item, I lend to loving wife during her natural life three Negroes, viz London, Judah, & Lucy & at her death my will & desire is the sd three Negroes & their increase be equally divided among all my children, the survivor & survivors of them share & share alike.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Exum all the ready money I die possessed of after the payment of the legases herein bequeathed, also all debts due to me by bonds, notes, accounts, or otherwise, also the legacy accruing to me by the death of my father in law Henry Thomas, to my said son William Exum his heirs and assigns forever.
Item, my will & desire is that my executors hereafter named do, as soon as convenient after my death, sell the following articles: Viz seven leather chairs, one desk, one large looking glass, three of the best feather beds, three best walnut tables, four large pewter dishes, all my working tools, one hogskin, saddle, & all my stock of cattle, horses sheep & hogs, excepting ten head of cattle, my sorrele horse, & provision for my wife & family for the year ensuing after my death and the money arising from the sale of the above articles to go towards the payments of the legases here devised.
Item, I give and bequeath to each of my daughters Charlotte & Nancy, one hundred pounds proclamation money when they come to the age of twenty one years or marry & in case either of my daughters die before they come to the age of twenty one years or marry, then I give the said child’s part of money to the survivors.
Item, it is my will & desire that my executors hew out all the Negroes I die possessed of & have not willed away & the arising from the hew to be applied to the educating & supporting my children till my eldest son comes to the age of twenty one years or marries, & then my will & desire is that all my Negroes and their increase be divided among all my children, the survivor & survivors of them, share and share alike.
Item, I give to my wife the rest of my personable estate.
Item, I constitute & appoint my brother Matthew Exum and my brother in law William Thomas executors of this my last will & testament, hereby revoking all others as witness my hand and seat this 20th day of June 1772.
Item, I give to my son Joseph Exum the land and plantation I have in Bute & one hundred pounds proclamation money to him & his heirs & assigns forever.
James Exum (seal)
Signed sealed published &
Declared the last will in presence
Of us Charles Taylor
Humphrey Morgan
& Mary Exum
Will of Ann Exum
NorthamptonWBA:539 and Northampton Wills CR.071.801.16, Folder: Exum Anne 1792
In the name of God amen, I Anne Exum dispose of my worldly estate as follows
1st – I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Dancy one bed and furniture, one bay mair (mare) with a [blasé] on her face to her and her heirs forever
2nd – I give and bequeath unto my son James Exum the remainder of my estate of every sort kind or denomination whatsoever to him and his heirs forever
And I do hereby nominate and appoint my son James Exum whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament – in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of January 1792
Ann Exum (her mark) Seal
Signed, sealed
And delivered
In presence of
Susanner Kindrell (her mark)
Drury Walden to James Mcdowell
This indenture made this 1 day of September 1797 between Drury Walden of Northampton County and State of North Carolina of the one part and
James Macdowell of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Drusy Walden for in consideration of the sum of twenty shillings currency to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is acknowledged hath granted and sold aliened -- released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell alien infeeoff release and confirm unto the said
James McDowell his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land laying and being in the county and state aforesaid containing by estimation three acres be the same more or less - and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a corner Spanish Oak in
James McDowells line thence along the said line to two posts oaks then along a line of new marked trees to a line made between John Moore and said Walden to a __ Oake thence along the said line to the beginning and all the __ privileges and appertenances there unto belonging unto the said __ in the land aforesaid unto him the said
James MDowell and his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Drusy Walden do forever warrent and defend the right and title of the said land against the lawful claim of any person or persons what soever in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this day and date first above.
Written signed sealed and delievered
in presence of John Thompson
Northampton Court September Court 1797
This deed was duly acknowledged and ordered to be registered
W. E. Haynes C C
Registered 4 October 1797
James Dancey P
James McDowell to Laurence Smith Deed of Trust
This indenture made on the fifteenth day of March 1808 between
James McDowell of Northampton County and State of North Carolina on the one part and Allen Deberry of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the said
James McDowell is indebted to Laurence Smith in the sum of twenty pounds nineteen shillings and one pence of Virginia money which he is desiring to secure and pay unto him. Note that indenture witnesseth that the said
James McDowell for and in consideration of the sum of six shillings Virginia currency to me in hand paid by the said Allen Deberry the receipt he...also hereby acknowledge hath bargained sold and confirmed and do by these presents grant bargain sale and confirm unto the said Allen Deberry and his heirs one tract of land containing one hundred acres be the same more or less bounded by the lines of James Exum, John Moore, and Laurence Smith, one cow and calf, ten head of sheep, one sow and eight pigs, one bed furniture and all my household furniture to have and to hold the said property together with its appertenances unto him the said Allen Deberry his heirs and assigns and the said
James McDowell for himself his heirs to the said property and its appertenances unto him the said Allen Deberry his heirs and assigns shall and will forever warrant and deferred upon trust. Nevertheless that the said Allen Deberry at any time after the 15th day of April next or where the said
James McDowell or Laurence Smith their heirs...and shall request the same or...the case may be which shall first take place shall sell for the best price that can be gotten at public sale by advertising the same the said property and giving twenty days public notice or so much thereof as the said Allen Deberry shall decide necessary for the purpose of the aforesaid and out of the money arising from such sale satisfy and pay unto Laurence Smith the aforesaid sum of twenty pounds nineteen shillings and 1 pence Virginia money with interest from the date here of together with the charges attending drawing and recording this indenture and all costs incident thereto the overplus of any to be paid by the said Allen Deberry unto him the said
James McDowell as to his or their order. In witness whereof the said
James McDowell and Allen Deberry have here unto set their hands and seals this day and date first written.
Signed sealed and delivered
In the presence of Cardal Dupree
E Haynes CC
Northampton County June Court 1808. Then the aforegoing deed of trust was acknowledged in open court by
James McDowell and Allen S. Deberry and ordered to be registered. Registered 15 June 1808.
CLK W. E. Daney PRn
James McDowell to Laurence Smith
This indenture made the 16th day of February 1810 between
James McDowell and Laurence Smith both of the county of Northampton State of North Carolina. The said
James McDowell for the consideration of one hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid by Laurence Smith hath bargained sold and delivered and do by these present bargain sell and deliver unto the said Laurence Smith his heirs or assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Northampton County and state aforesaid containing by estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less bounded by the lines of James Exum, John Moore, and Laurence Smith to have and to hold the said land and premises with all its appertenances in fee simple unto him the said Laurence Smith his heirs or assigns forever and the said
James McDowell do for himself his heirs … acknowledge himself fully satisfied for the said land and premises and do warrant and defend the right and title of the said land and premises from all claims or claims of any person whatsoever unto the said Laurence Smith his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said
James McDowell hath herewith set his hand and seal the day and date first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
In the presence of A. S. Deberry
Teste E Haynes CC
Northampton County June Court 1810. This deed was proved by the oath of Allen Deberry and ordered to be registered. Registered 20 July 1810. Teste W. J. Daney PRn
George McDowell to James Dupree
This indenture made the eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen between
George McDowell of the County of Wake and State of North Carolina on the one part and
James Dupree of the County of Northampton and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said
George McDowell for and in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars to him in hand paid by the said
James Dupree, receipt whereof is hereby fully acknowledged and him the said
James Dupree thereof forever acquitted hath given, granted, bargained and sold and by these present to give, grant, bargain and sell unto the said
James Dupree and his heirs and assigns forever all his right, title, interest, in and to a certain piece, parcel or tract of land situated lying and being in the County of Northampton and State of N.C. containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, it being the same land that descended to the said
George McDowell by the death of his mother
Mary McDowell who died intestate which land has not been divided to have and to hold all the said interest, right and title in and to said land and premises, with all the appertances Thereof, unto the said
James Dupree his heirs and assigns forever in a sure possession and estate of inheritance in fee simple and the said
George McDowell, for himself, his present, the true sole and free and clear from all former gifts, sales, grants, bargains, leases, releases and that he has full power and good right to sell the same in manner aforesaid and that the same and all be by him his heirs, executors, and administrators warranted and defended to the said
James Dupree his heirs, and assigns forever. In testimony whereof hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.
Signed sealed and delivered
In presents of
John Brown
T D Brown
Northampton March Court 1816. This deed was in open court by the oath of John Brown and ordered to be certified and registered
Teste J C Harrison CCT
Registered April 23, 1816 Teste W E Daney PRn
[The court minutes for 5 March 1816, Tuesday Morning, contain the following:]
James Dupree to William McDowell
J. Dupree to
W. M.dow deed
Registered February the 18th 1819
Hardy Cobb Atto
This indenture made the fourteenth day January one thousand eight hundred & seventeen between
James Dupree of the County of Northampton and State of Virginia of the one part and
William MackDowell of the same State and Wain(e) County of the other part witnesseth that the said
James Dupree for the consideration of the sum of twenty five dollars to him in hand paid by Harmon Rowell his unkle the receit whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold and delivered unto
William MackDowell, his heirs &C forever, one certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the county of Northampton it being all the lands sold by
George MackDowell of Wake County to the said
James Dupree, a reference to his deed will more fully appear to have and to hold the aforesaid land with its appertinances thereunto belonging to him the said
William MackDowell his heirs &C Forever and the said
James Dupree doth by these presence forever warrant and defend all the right and title of the aforesaid land, of him or his heirs to the said
William MackDowell, his heirs Forever. In Witness the said
James Dupree hath unto set his hand and affixed his seal this day and date above written.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of us
George Jordan
John Brown
This is to certify that it is understood between the parties that the within named Harmon Rowell is to have the use of the within mentioned land until the said
William MackDowell shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, at which time the said Rowell is to give up the said land to the said
MackDowell assigned the day and date within written and sealed in presence of us
Northampton Court lst December Court 1818
This deed with the certificate thereto was returned to open court and proved by the oath of John Brown a subscribing witness thereto ordered to be certified and recorded.
(Teste) J. C. Harrison CCt
Registered February the 18th 1819
witness Hardy Cobb
Humphrey Parks, et al. to Richard Pope
Know all men by these present that we Humphrey Parks and
Nancy Parks (wife of said Humphrey formerly Nancy Jarrell)
William McDowall and
Rebecca McD Brown (formerly Rebecca Murrell) heirs of John Griggs have given , granted, bargained, and sold, and do hereby give grant bargain and sell unto Richard Pope of Southampton County and State of Virginia one certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Northampton and State of North Carolina containing by estimation one hundred acres more or less, the lands belonging to the estate of Jane Smith deceased (formerly Daniel Masons) and Drakes Mile Pond on Wheeler's Creek (formerly Smith's Mile Pond and others) to have and to hold the said tract of land with its appertenances unto the said Richard Pope his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever and we the said Humphrey Parks and
Nancy Parks wife of said Humphrey,
William MacDowal and
Rebecca Brown do hereby bind ourselves our heirs, executors and administrators, to warrant and defend the said tract or parcel of land with its appertenances unto the said Richard Pope his heirs and assigns clear of all incumbrances whatsoever. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty first day of November 1827.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged
in presence of
Hardy Cobb
Postscript - It is expressly understood that the graveyard now on the above land is not but …
Richard Pope x
Witness Hardy Cobb
Northampton County December Court 1827. This deed was proved in open court by the oath of Hardy Cobb the subscribing witness thereunto and the examination of
Nancy Parks wife of Humphrey Parks taken in open court before William B. Lockhart, Collin W. Barnes, James Crump, Esqs. agreeably to law and order to be certified and registered.
Registered Jan. 28th 1828.
Teste John W. Harrison CCC
Wit Hardy Cobb PRn
Nancy Parks to Merritt Hill
This Indenture Made March 5
th Day 1831 Between
Nancy Parkes of the County of Northampton and State of N. C of the one part And Meritt Hill of the same County and State Witnesseth That the said
Nancy Parkes for an in consideration of the sum of Thirty two Dollars to her in hand paid by the said Meritt Hill the receipt is hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold and by these present doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said Meritt Hill his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County and State aforesaid supposed to be Thirty Five acres be the that more or less bounded by the lands of said Meritt Hill, Kinchen Pope and others And I the said
Nancy Parkes for myself my heirs and assigns do hereby warrant and defend the right and title of the said land unto the said Meritt Hill his heirs and assigns forever Given under my hand and seal the Day and Date above written.
Signed in presences of
Amos Stephenson
Polley [her mark x] Hill
Rowland Williams to Joshua Griggs
This indenture made the tenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty two between Rowland Williams of the County of Northampton in the Province of North Carolina of the one part and Joshua Griggs of the same county and province of the other part:
Witnesseth that the said Rowland Williams for and in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Joshua Griggs at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents and thereof as do of every part thereof doth hereby and duly acquit and discharge the said Joshua Griggs his heirs, executors, and administrators and every (one) of them by these presents have granted bargained aliened and sold and by these present do grant alien bargain sell and confirm unto the said Joshua Griggs his heirs executors and assigns one divided __ tract of land and plantation containing two hundred acres the same more or less lying and being in the County of Northampton in the Province aforesaid – between the Oconeeche Swamp and the Mill Swamp.
Beginning at a pine then North 10 degree West 179 poles to a white oak then North 80 degrees East 179 poles to a hickory then South 10 degrees East 179 poles to the center of a white oak, a black oak and a pine, thence North 10 degrees West 179 poles to the first station. To have and to hold the aforesaid land and all and singular the other premises hereto belonging to the said Joshua Griggs his heirs and assigns forever and the said Rowland Williams for himself his heirs and doth covenant grant and agree to and with the said Joshua Griggs his heirs and assigns, that the said Joshua Griggs the said land and premises herein mentioned or intended to be hereby granted without any lawful court suit trouble or interruption of him the said Rowland Williams his heirs, executors, or administrators or any other person or persons gifts, grants, bargains, sales, leases out of and from all encumbrances whatsoever (the rights and yearly profits or __ are now due or hereafter to become due to the Earl of Granville his heirs and successors only __ and the said Rowland Williams his heirs and assigns the said land and premises unto the said Joshua Griggs his heirs and assigns against all persons claiming any part or parcel of the same shall and shall warrant said __ forever defend. Witness whereof I the said Rowland Williams hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.
R. Williams (seal)
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Seymore Sommerfall
George Pace
Northampton County Ct.
May Court 1752
The above written deed was acknowledged in open court in due for(m) of law and on motion was ordered to be registered.
Test J Edward Clerk Ct
Joshua Griggs to John Griggs
This indenture made the third day of April 1759 between Joshua Griggs of the County of Northampton in the province of North Carolina of the one part & John Griggs of the same County of the other part
Witnesseth that the said Joshua Griggs for & in consideration of the sum of twenty-five pounds proclamation money to him in hand paid by the said John Griggs at or before the sealing & delivering of these presents the receipt hereof he doth hereby acknowledge & thereof & of every part thereof doth acquit & discharge the said John Griggs his heirs & granted bargained and aliened __ & confirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien enforce & confirm unto the said John Griggs his heirs & assigns forever all that tract & parcel of land lying & being in the County (Province) aforesaid between the Oconeeche Swamp & the mill swamp
Beginning at a pine then North 10 degrees West 179 poles to a white oak then North 80 degrees East 179 poles to a hickory, then South 10 degrees East 179 poles to up coorder (corner) of a white oak and black oak & a pine, then South 80 degrees West 179 poles to the first station containing two hundred acres to have & to hold the aforesaid tract of land & plantation and all & singular the premises herein in __ to be hereby granted with all & singular it’s rights encumbers & appurtenance __ belonged to the said John Griggs his heirs & assigns forever & the said Joshua Griggs for himself & his heirs doth covenant grant & agree to & with the said John Griggs his heirs & assigns forever that the said John Griggs his heirs and assigns from time to time & at all times forever hereafter in may peaceably & quietly have hold and possess & enjoy the said land & premises without any __ trouble or interruption or him the said Joshua Griggs his heirs or any other person or persons whatsoever; and for the said Joshua Griggs his heirs executors & administrators aforesaid land with the appurtenance unto the said John Griggs his heirs & assigns shall & all warrant & forever defend. In witness whereof the said Joshua Griggs hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year above written.
Joshua J Griggs (seal)
Signed, sealed & delivered in the presents of us
Harwood Jones
Joseph Exum
Matthew Exum
The preceding deed was acknowledged in open court in due form of law & on motion was ordered to be recorded.
Test L Edwards Cler Ct
Joseph Exum [Senior] to Joseph Exum [Junior]
Deed of Gift
To all to whom this present writing shall come, I Joseph Exum (Sr) of Northampton County send greetings – know ye that I the said Joseph Exum (Sr) as well offer and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and do bear unto by well beloved son Joseph Exum (Jr) as for divers other good causes and considerations me hereunto moving have given granted and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely give grant and confirm unto the said Joseph Exum (Jr) all and singular such goods and chattels implements of household and commodities whatsoever as are contained and specified in the schedule hereunto annexed – one tract of land whereon he now lives containing four hundred and fifty acres more or less, one Negro boy named Sunow, one Negro boy named London, one Negro boy named Ned, one Negro girl named Pheobe and all the household goods and __ on the said plantation to him and his heirs forever to have and to hold all singular the land, goods, chattels, implements of household and commodities whatsoever as aforesaid to the aforesaid Joseph Exum (Jr) his Executors Administrators and assigns to his and their own proper use and behoof forever therefore and therewith to do use and dispose of at his and their wills and or pleasures as of his __ their own proper goods and chattels without any manner of challenge, offers or demands of me the said Joseph Exum (Sr) or of any person or persons offer me in self name by my cause __ persons __k and of their heirs ye that I the said Joseph Exum (Sr) have picked the said Joseph Exum (Jr) in full possession of all and singular the aforesaid premises by the delivery unto him at the sealing hereof of and him __ of gold in the __ of the whole, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of December and in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and fifty eight.
Joseph Exum & Seal
the thirteenth line interlined
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
Thomas Willburn
Drury Gee
Northampton County for April Court 1759
The preceding Deed of Gift was proved in open court on the oaths Of Thomas Willborne and by the witnesses hereto and on motion was ordered To be registered
Test J Edwards Cle Crt
William Griggs to James Dancy
This indenture made this 21st day of December in the Year of our Lord 1773. Between William Griggs of Northampton County and Province of North Carolina of the one part and James Dancy of the said County and province of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Griggs for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Four Pounds proclamation money to him in hand paid by the said James Dancy before the signing hereof the receipt whereof the said William Griggs doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said James Dancy all that tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred and thirty acres being part of two hundred acres purchased by John Griggs of Joshua Griggs and bequeathed by the will of the said John Griggs to the aforesaid William Griggs situated between the Occanechy and Mill Swamp and including the plantation, whereon the late John Griggs above mentioned dwelt, and the revision and revisions, remainder and remainders, rents and services of the said premises with their appurtenances, to have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances unto the said James Dancy his heirs executors administrators & assigns forever and the said William Griggs for himself his heirs executors administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said James Dancy his heirs and assigns that the said land and premises hereby granted as absolute estate in fee simple and hath in himself full power and authority to grant and convey the same in manner aforesaid and further the said William Griggs his heirs executors and administrators the said land and premises and every part thereof unto the said James Dancy his heirs and assigns against the claim and demand of all and every person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said William Griggs hath hereunto put his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written.
William Griggs (his mark) (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered In presents of us
Wm Winborne
John Scott
David Winborne
Joseph Atherton
Northampton County June Court, 1774
This deed was proved by Joseph Atherton & ordered to Be registered.
Test Willie Jones CC
This deed was duly registered August 7, 1774
Teste Willie Jones P Reg
James Dancy to John Tarver
This indenture made the ___ day of December 1779 between James Dancy of Northampton County and State of North Carolina of the one part and John Tarver of the County & State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said James Dancy for and in consideration of the sum of twenty seven pounds ten shillings current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said John Tarver the receipt whereof the said James Dancy do hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained & sold & by these presents doth grant bargain & sell unto the said John Tarver all that tract or parcel of land containing one hundred acres be the same more or less it being part of two hundred acres purchased by John Griggs from his son Joshua Griggs [note – this is an obvious error as John Griggs is the son of Joshua Griggs] & bequeathed by the will of John to his son William Griggs & by him sold to the said James Dancy agreeable to his Father’s will with the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders thereto and services of the said premises with their appurtenances to have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances unto the said John Tarver his heirs & assigns forever and the said James Dancy for himself his heirs & and assigns doth covenant & agree to and with the said John Tarver his heirs & assigns that the said land and premises hereby granted as absolute estate in fee simple and hath in himself full power & authority to grant and convey the same in manner aforesaid & the said James Dancy his heirs & assigns the said land and premises and every part thereof unto the said John Tarver his heirs & assigns against the claim and demand of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall and will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said James Dancy hath hereunto put his hand & affixed his seal the day and year above written.
James Dancy (seal)
Signed, sealed, & delivered in the presents of us
Mary Webb (her mark)
Northampton County March Court 1781
This deed was acknowledged in open court & Ordered to be registered
Joseph Atherton CC
This deed was registered April the 10th day of 1781
Test James Dancy P Register
John Tarver to John Lowe
This indenture made this third day of March in the year of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three between John Tarver of Northampton County and province of North Carolina of the one part and John Lowe of the said county and province of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Tarver for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds issue to him in hand paid by the said John Lowe before the sealing and delivering of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth fully freely & absolutely give grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said John Lowe his Heirs and assigns two certain tracts or parcels of land situated in Northampton County, the first being that tract of land that the said John Tarver bought of James Dancy by deed bearing date December 1779 and the said Dancy bought of William Griggs – it being part of two hundred acres purchased by John Griggs from his son Joshua Griggs [same copy error as in other deed because John Griggs is the son of Joshua Griggs] and bequeathed by the said John Griggs to his son William Griggs containing one hundred acres be the same more or less; the other tract or parcel beginning on the __ line of the aforesaid tract on a white oak running a West course a line of marked trees to a corner hickory, thence a South __ to a corner white oak, thence an east course corner to Griggs line along that line to the first station containing by estimation ten acres more or less with the revision & revisions and remainder and remainders, rents and services of the said premises with the appurtenances to have and to hold the said two tracts or parcels of land with their appurtenances unto the said John Lowe his heirs & assigns forever and the said John Tarver for himself his heirs executors administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said John Lowe his heirs & assigns that the said land & premises hereby granted as absolute estate in fee simple & hath in himself full power & authority to give grant & convey the same in manner aforesaid, the said John Tarver his heirs & assigns the said two tracts of land & premises and every part thereof unto the said John Lowe his heirs & assigns against the claim and demand of all & every person or persons whatsoever shall & will warrant & forever defend by these presents in witness whereof I have hereunto set my [“hand” was omitted] & fixed my seal the day & year first above written
John Tarver Seal
Signed sealed & delivered in presents of
Joseph Atherton
Thomas Lowe
Northampton County March Court 1783
This deed was proved by the oath of Thomas Lowe one of the subscribing witnesses & ordered to be registered.
Teste Joseph Atherton CC
This deed was duly registered July the 31st 1783
Test James Dancy PR
John Lowe to William Lowe
This indenture made the 3rd day of December 1784 between John Lowe of Northampton County and State of North Carolina of the one part and William Lowe of the County of Halifax and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Lowe for and in consideration of the sum of sixty pounds Virginia currency to him in hand paid by the said William Lowe the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold and enforced and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell & enforce and confirm unto the said William Lowe his heirs and assigns forever two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the county and state aforesaid, the first tract being part of two hundred acres purchased by John Griggs of Joshua Griggs and bequeathed by the said John Griggs to his son William Griggs by his last will bearing date the ___ & containing one hundred acres more or less the said John Lowe purchased the said land from John Tarver by deed bearing date 1783 reference being last will more fully appear, the other tract containing seven acres and joining the land of William Seat and Colonel Thomas Williamson which said land was bequeathed by Thomas Lowe deceased by his last will bearing date ___ to his son John Lowe and it being the place whereon the said John Lowe now dwells to have and to hold the said land and every part thereof to the use and benefit of the said William Lowe his heirs & assigns forever all rights and privileges unto the same belonging or appertaining and the said John Lowe his heirs executors administrators doth covenant promise & agree to and with the said William Lowe his heirs and assigns by these presents that the said William Lowe his heirs and assigns shall and may peaceably & quietly have hold occupy and enjoy the said lands and premises with all rights and privileges forever. I the said John Lowe do bind myself my heirs executors administrators or assigns to warrant and forever defend the said land from any claim or claims or the demands of any person whatsoever unto the said William Lowe his heirs executors administrators or assigns. Witnesseth whereof the said John Lowe hath hereunto set his hand and fixed his seal the day & year first above written
John Lowe (seal)
Signed sealed & delivers in presents of
Patrick Martin
William Perkins
Northampton County December Court 1785.
This deed was proved by Patrick Martin & ordered to be registered
This deed was duly registered January the 12th, 1786
Test James Dancy, P Regisr
William Lowe to Jarrott Seate
This indenture made this 1st day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety between William Lowe of the State of North Carolina & County of Halifax of the one part & Jarrott Seat of the state aforesaid & County of Northampton of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Lowe for & in consideration of the sum of seventy eight pounds current money to him in hand paid by the said Jarrott Seat hath granted bargained & sold and by these presents doth grant bargain & sell unto the said Jarrott Seat a tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred & thirty acres being part of two hundred acres purchased by John Griggs of Joshua Griggs & bequeathed by the will of the said John Griggs to William Griggs situated between the Occenchy & mill swamp & including the plantation whereon the said John Griggs above mentioned dwelt & the revision & revisions remainder & remainders and services of the said premises with their appurtenances to have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land unto the said Jarrott Seat his heirs executors administrators & assigns forever & the said William Lowe for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant & agree to & with the said Jarrott Seat his heirs & assigns that the said land & premises hereby granted as absolute estate in fee simple & hath in himself full power & authority to grant & convey & sell same in manner aforesaid & do warrant & defend the same against the lawful claim or claims of all & every person or persons whatsoever by these presents in witness whereof the said William Lowe hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & year first above written
William Lowe (seal)
Signed sealed & delivered In the presents of
Teste James Dancy P Register
Northampton County March
Court 1790 This deed was acknowledged & ordered to be registered – registered
September 10 day 1790
Teste E Haynes CC
Jarrott Seat to William Amis
This indenture made the 23rd day of December 1795 between Jarrott Seat of the one part & William Amis of the other part - witnesseth that said Jarrott Seat for & in consideration of sum of fifty pounds Virginia money to him in hand paid at and before the sealing & delivery of these presents by the said William Amis the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted sold aliened & confirmed & by these presents doth give grant __ enforced & confirmed unto the said William Amis his heirs and assigns forever a tract or parcel of land lying on the mill swamp in Northampton County and containing by estimation two hundred acres [Note: is it written poorly and it’s really 100 acres of the original 200 acres tract] be the same more or less being the land formerly belong(ing) to John Lowe and John Seat adjoining the land of Smith, Fulgham, and Taylor & others which by having reference to the said deed of land & others well marked more fully appears to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with all the privileges __ thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining to the sole use & behoof of him the said William Amis his heirs and assigns forever and the said Jarrott Seat doth further covenant & agree to & with the said William Amis to warrant and aforesaid defend the right and title of in and to the premises aforesaid to the said William Amis his heirs & assigns from all persons whatsoever – in witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & year above written
Jarrote Seate (his mark) (seal)
Signed and delivered in presence of us
John Gray
Northampton County December Court 1796
This deed was proved by the oath of John Gray and ordered to be registered
E Haynes CCt
Registered 22 June 1797
Teste James Dancy P Regst
Matthew Exum to William Amis
This indenture made the 17th day of January one thousand eight hundred and seven between Matthew Exum of Northampton County and State of North Carolina of the one part and William Amis of the other part and of the County and State aforesaid. Witnesseth that the said Matthew Exum hath for and in consideration of the sum of ninety pounds Virginia Money, bargained, sold, and declared unto the said William Amis half of the mill called Exums Mill, it being the night which the said Exum obtained by the death of his father and lands allotted for the benefit of the mill to have and to hold the said half of mill and half of lands allotted for the benefit of the Mill unto the said William Amis his heirs and assigns forever and the said Matthew Exum as forever warrant and defend the right and title of said Mill and the land forever unto the said William Amis his heir and assigns forever. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17 day of January 1807
Matthew Exum (seal)
Test John Damis
Northampton County September Court 1807
Then the foregoing deed was proved in court by the Oath of John D. Amis and ordered to be certified and registered
Test E Haynes CC
Registered 17 September 1807
Test W.C. Dancy PR
James Exum to William Amis
This indenture made the 3rd day of March in the Year of our Lord 1807 between James Exum or Northampton County North Carolina of the one part of Wm Amis of said county of the other part. Witnesseth that James Exum for & in consideration of three hundred fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the said Wm Amis, doth hereby acknowledge himself fully satisfied & paid hand bargained sold & confirmed unto William Amis his heirs or assigns forever one half of that undivided Mill tract on Wheeler’s Mill Swamp know by Exum’s mill in the said county, it being that part that the said James Exum purchased of Henry T Exum agreeable to the last will & testament of Joseph Exum deceased & an order of the worshipfull court of Northampton & the report thereon bearing date April 1759 which will more fully appear to have & to hold the said Mill tract thereto hereby granted unto the said Wm Amis to the only use & behoof of him the said William Amis his heir & assigns forever & he the said James Exum for himself his heirs & assigns, that the said Wm Amis his heirs shall have, hold & enjoy the above Mill tract without any trouble or molestation of him the said James Exum his heirs or assigns claiming the same & will warrant & defend from himself his heirs & assigns forever. __. In writing whereof the said James Exum hath by these presents set his hand & seal the day & date above written.
Jas Exum (Seal)
Signed &C
Northampton County 1st March Court 1807.
Then this deed was acknowledged by James Exum & ordered to be registered.
Witness E Haynes C Ct.
Registered 25th April 1807
Test W B Lockhard P.R.
James Exum to Laurence Smith
This indenture made the twenty sixth day of July, 1810. Between James Exum of the one part and Laurence Smith of the other part. Witnesseth that the said James Exum for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold and released and by these presents doth grant bargain sell and release to the said Laurence Smith his heirs and assigns forever a tract or parcel of land lying on the Mill Swamp in Northampton County and containing by estimate two hundred acres be the same more or less being the land formerly belonging to John Low & John Seate and adjoining the lands of Smith, Fulgham, Taylor and others which it more fully appears to have and to hold all and singular the above described premises to him the said Laurence Smith his heirs and assigns forever and the said James Exum doth covenant and agree with the said Laurence Smith to warrant and defend the right and title of the above described land to him his heirs and assigns forever against all person or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Jas. Exum (Seal)
Signed sealed and delivered In presence of
J. R. Moore
J. C. Edmunds, Senr
Northampton County Ct. June Court 1811
This deed was proved in open court by the oath of John R. Moore & ordered to be certified
Test Th: Hughes D.C.
Registered 26 July 1811
Test W. Dancy P. R.
William Amis to James Exum
This indenture made this first day of June one thousand eight hundred and eleven between William Amis of the County of Northampton and State of North Carolina of the one part and James Exum of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Amis hath for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt thereof to him acknowledged have by these presents, bargained and sold unto the James Exum his heirs and assigns forever, all my right and title to the lands that I possess by virtue of a deed from John Taylor and Wife of the State of Virginia land that lies on the South side of the road leading from the Occenechy Swamp to the Mill formerly called Exums and is bounded as follows – Beginning at a stake standing on the North Side of the said road within ten steps of the corner of the said William Amis fence that is nearest to the Occenechy Swamp then down the meandering of the said road to the line of the land sold by James Exum to the said William Amis for the use of the said mill containing by estimation forty one acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the said bargained land and premises with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said James Exum as aforesaid, and I the said William Amis doth for myself my heirs executors and administrators, covenant and agree to and with the said James Exum that he will warrant and forever defend the right and title of said bargained land and premises free and clear from the just claims and demand of all and all manner of persons whatsoever, free and clear of all and all manner of encumbrances whatsoever. In witness whereof, I the said William Amis, hath hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date before written.
William Amis (seal)
Signed, sealed, and delivered In presence of
Will (Wm) Edmunds
John Moore
Northampton County June Court 1811
This deed was proved in open court by the Oath of William Edmunds and ordered to be certified and registered.
Test Th. Strathes (?) CC
Registered 28 July 1811
Test W.C. Dancy P.R.
Plat of McDowell, Lowes, Exums land
A plat of
McDowell’s, Lowe’s, & Exum’s tract of land on the South Side of Wheelers mill swamp given my wife by her father Colo. Laurence Smith as per will The aforesaid plan …
Eight hundred and sixty two acres of land surveyed for Daniel Mason, August 30, 1813 in the County of Northampton North Carolina on the West Side of Wheeler’s mill swamp. Beginning at William Amis corner on the main run of said swamp, then along his line South 53 W 125 poles to a stob in his line, then along his line North 15 West 165 poles to an oak in the mill path, then along his line South 71 West 230 poles to two white oaks at corner of James Exum’s, then along his line North 68 West 59½ poles North 57 W 12 poles North 40 W 22 poles North 15½ W 7 poles to Exum’s & John Moore Senr’s corner, then along his line South 88 East 21½ poles two water oaks in a swamp then along his line North 3 West 26 poles, North 10 West 16 poles, North 29 West 6½ poles, North 78 East 14 poles, North 80 East 24 poles, North 74 East 12 poles, North 76 East 32 poles to his &
James McDowell’s corner post oak, North 6 West 10 poles, North 2 East 16 poles to his corner turkey oak, then South 75 East 47 poles to his and
James McDowell’s corner red oak near the house
McDowell formerly lived in, then along said Moore’s line North 43 West 167 poles to a white oak his corner and little occenechie Swamp, then up the main run of said swamp to Wm Amis’ line in said Occenechie Swamp, then along his line North 31 East 10 poles, then North 4½ West 99 poles to John R Moore’s corner red oak, then North 2 West along his line 44 poles to a pine and a gum in a small meadow on branch, then along the said Moore’s line North 81½ East 130 poles, then along his line North 87 East 155 poles to his corner at 3 pines on the main run of Wheeler’s Mill Swamp then down the meandering of the main run of said swamp to the beginning. Leven Latchem County Surveyor Northampton June Court 1814 The survey was probated in open court and the executing of it sworn to by Leven Latcham the County Surveyor & on motion the same was ordered to be certified and registered.
Teste LC Harrison bt (?)
Registered 21 June 1814
Test WC(or E) Daniel CR
Daniel Mason to Jane Smith
Danl Mason & Wife
Deed to Jane Smith
762 Acres
Registered November 30th AD 1821
Witness Hardy Cobb Pub Regr
This indenture made the seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty one between Daniel L Mason & Dorothy his wife of the County of Humphreys & State of Tennessee of the one part & Jane Smith of the County of Northampton & State of North Carolina of the other part – witnesseth that the said Daniel Mason & Dorothy his wife for & in consideration of the sum of one thousand five & twenty four dollars to them in hand paid by the said Jane Smith at the fore [sic] the sealing & delivery of these present the receipt whereof the said Daniel Mason and Dorothy his wife doth hereby acknowledge – He the said Daniel Mason & Dorothy his wife hath granted bargained & sold & by these presents do grant bargain & sell align enforce release & confirm unto the said Jane Smith her heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land & premises situate lying & being on the west side of Wheelers Mill Swamp in the County of Northampton & state of North Carolina containing by estimation seven hundred & sixty two acres be the same more or less & bounded as follows – beginning at Edwin Drakes corner on the west side of Wheelers Mill Swamp at the main run, then by his lines, the lines of Charles Crump dec(eased),
James McDowell dec(eased), James Exum, William Amis & up the meanders of said swamp to the beginning – a reference to the plat of said land of record in Northampton County will more fully show the metes & bounds of said land it being the land devised (to) the said Dorothy by the will of her Father Colonel Laurence Smith dec(eased) to have and to hold all & singular the said tract or parcel of land & premises with all singular the appurtenances made unto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said Jane Smith her heirs & assigns to the only proper use & behoof of the said Jane Smith her heirs & assigns forever and the said Daniel Mason & Dorothy his wife for themselves & their heirs & against all & every other person or persons whatsoever the said tract or parcel of land & premises to the said Jane Smith her heirs & assigns will forever warrant & defend by these presents – In witness whereof me the said Daniel Mason & Dorothy his wife hath hereunto set our hands & seals this day & date before written
ack Danl. Mason (seal)
Dorothy L J Mason (seal)
Signed sealed & delivered In presence of
Nathaniel (his mark) Allen.
Feme examined by us who relinquished all right in due form of law.
Wm B Lockhart, James Crump
Northampton County, September Court 1821
this deed was acknowledged in open court by Daniel Mason, at the same time Dorothy L. J. Mason the feme covents in said deed, was privately examined as the law directs by William B. Lockhart & James Crump, two of the acting Justices of the Peace for said County, who said she executed this deed of her own free will & accord without fear or compulsion, ordered to be certified & registered.
Teste James C Harrison C.C.C
Will of Lawrence Smith
I, Laurence Smith, of Northampton county, and state of North Carolina, now in Monroe county, and state of Virginia, being low in health, and calling to mind the mortality of the body, though low in health, is sound in mind and in perfect senses, do ordain and give my worldly estate as follows.
Item, I lend unto my beloved wife Jane Smith, all my lands lying on the west side of Braddy's Road between Correray Swamp and Potecasy Swamp; also the lands and mile I bought of Low, during her life or widowhood.
Item, I give unto my son Joseph L. D. Smith, the above lands I have lent unto my wife, after her marriage or death, to him and his heirs forever. My will and desire is that my sons Henry Smith and Joseph L. D. Smith, and my daughter Rebecca Smith, should remain in and have the benefit of my house I have lent unto my wife, all my household furniture, plantation utensils, chariot, and two horses, which she may make choice of, during her widowhood, but she may dispose of the same during her widowhood, to my children as she may think proper.
Item I lend unto my beloved wife, three of the house servants of which she may make choice of, not interfering with them I may hereafter give away, during her widowhood or life. I also lend her one fifth part of my estate, land excepted, that I may not hereafter give away, during her widowhood or life, and at her marriage or death, which may first to take place, my will and desire is that it shall be equally divided between my children, except that which I have already given away, or may hereafter give away.
Item, after my just debts being paid, I give unto my beloved wife, one fifth part of all my bonds and money, and if the said bonds and money that comes to her share, do not amount to five thousand dollars, the deficiency to be made to her to make the amount five thousand dollars.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Heny Smith, my Mush Island tract of land, provided he will pay unto his brother Joseph L. D. Smith, ten thousand dollars, paying one thousand dollars annually, to him and his heirs forever. But if the said Henry SMith should refuse to take the land on the above terms, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph L. D. Smith, the above lands on the same conditions of his paying his brother Henry Smith, the ten thousand dollars in annual payments of one thousand dollars, but not to be paid or any part thereof, till he, the said Joseph L. D. Smith shall come of age.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Smith, the land and plantation I bought of William Peterson, to him and his heirs forever; also a negro man, a blacksmith by the name of Willis.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph L. D. SMith, the tract of land in Southampton county, Virginia, that I bought of Richard Blunt, and all the lands lying between Potecasey Swamp and Wheeler's Mill Swamp in Northampton county, to him and his heirs forever; and a blacksmith, Fill, and his wife Cate, who are to remain on the plantation where he now is, and is to do my wife's blacksmith work.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Smith, my lands and mill lying on the east side of Braddy's Road, to her and her heirs forever; also the land I bought of William Skies, and the following Negroes, to wit, Nan and her child Alfred, Yellow Jude and her children, viz, Sealy, Kello, and Eliza, and her last child, and their increase, to her heirs, also one negro man, a blacksmith.
Item, I lend unto my beloved wife, a negro man named Tom, a blacksmith, during her widowhood.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorothy Mason, all my lands lying on the south side of Wheeler's Mill Swamp, to her and her heirs forever. Also I give unto her the Negroes I sent to her that she has now in possession, and their increase, to her and her heirs forever.
Item, My will and desire is that the Negroes, stock of all kinds, and all other kind of my estate that I have not already given away, that my wife shall have one fifth part during her widowhood or natural life as above stated.
Item, my will and desire is that all my Negroes that I have not already given away, money, bonds, stock of all kinds, and every thing that I have not heretofore disposed of, shall be equally divided between my children, Henry Smith, Joseph L. D. Smith, Rebecca Smith, and Dorothy Mason, without an action of any part of my estate whatever, but if my Executors think proper to make sale of any part of the perishable estate, and it may be necessary, they may do it at private sale. The two old Negroes, Jerry and Lucy, his wife, my desire is that they may live with either of their family as they may make choice, and then that they may make choice to live with shall maintain them comfortable. I do hereby nominate and appoint my son Henry Smith and Daniel Mason, my whole and sole Executors of this my last will and testament, disannulling al lwills heretofore made by me. In witness whreof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eleven.
Laurence Smith
John Dawson
Allen Deberry
Codicil to the Will of Laurence Smith
Being low in health, but in sound mind and memory, thanks be to God therefore, I make an amendment to my will made the 31st day of July 1811. Wherein I have since purchased a tract of land known by the name of the Courthouse Tract, lying in the county of Northampton, which land I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorothy Mason, to her and her heirs forever. And in consequence of my giving my daughter Dorothy Mason, the above named land, I deduct out of her share of my will made the 31st day of July 1811, six thousand dollars, which is to be equally divided between my children, viz, my son son Henry Smith, Joseph L. D. Smith, and Rebecca Smith, which is two thousand dollars each.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Smith, fifteen hundred dollars, it being for the land that I sold, known by the name of Syke's, which land I had given to her in my will made the 31st day of July 1811. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of December one thousand eight hundred and eleven.
Laurence Smith
H. Edmunds, Jr.
Simon Braswell
Presley Prichard
Will was proven in open court at the June term of 1812, and ordered to be recorded, with Henry Smith and Daniel Mason qualifying as Executors.
E. Haynes, Clerk
Joseph Smith to Meritt Hill
This Indenture made the 4 day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six between Allen Deberry of Noampton County NC agent for Joseph L. D. Smith of Lauderdale County State of Alabama of the one part and Meritt Hill of said County of Noampton of the other part Witnesseth that I the said Allen Deberry agent as aforesd hath for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred and twenty one dollars to me in hand paid or secured to be paid the rect I do hereby acknowledge Bargained Sold and Conveyed and by these presents do Bargain, Sell enfeoff and convey unto the said Meritt Hill a certain tract or parcel of Land lying in the Said County of Noampton on Wheeler's Mill Swamp being part of the Lands called the Fulgam Tract, bounded as follows Beginning at a poplar in a Branch Kinchen Popes corner thence S64E 31 poles to a corner persimmon tree, thence S5½W 21 poles to a corner White Oak, thence S83½E 18 poles, thence S88½E 22 poles, thence S81½E 20 poles, thence S79½E 24 poles, thence S83E 12 poles to a pine, thence S58E 24 poles to a Branch, thence down the meanders of the Branch to high water mark of the mill pond and along the same and up the run of Wheeler's Mill Swamp to a corner gum in the mouth of a Branch, thence up the run of the same Branch to the first Stateion containing …
Will of Jane Smith
Northampton Wills Folder: Smith, Jane 1824, CR.071.801.39; NorthamptonWB3:310
Jane Smith Will
Decr 1824
Recorded on Page 310
In the name of Gold amen. I Jane Smith of Northampton County and State of North Carolina knowing that all men must die and wishing to dispose of my property that is has pleased God to bless me with do make this to be my last will and Testament. In Premis: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorothy Mason the following Negroes Viz Anthony, Hannah, Mariah, and Donaldson to her and her heirs forever – and also the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to be made out of the money due me that I have not herein after disposed of. Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Laurence Mason one Negro by the name of Jessey called Blacksmith, to him and his heirs forever - Thirdly, I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Rebecca Elizabeth Mason one Negro by the name of Mary Laurence to her and her heirs forever - Fourthly, I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Mary Jane Mason two Negros by the names of Airy and Little Jerry to her and her heirs forever - Fifthly, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Henry Mason three Negroes by the names of Briton, Zinney, and Little Jim to him and his heirs forever - Sixthly, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Joseph Mason one Negro by the name of Berry to him and his heirs forever and it is also my request that he should be put to some trade - Seventhly, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca S. Williams one Negro by the name of Jerry to her and heirs forever - Eighthly, I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Rebecca S. Williams one Negro by the name of Fanny to her and her heirs forever - Ninthly, I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Malinda William one Negro by the name of Viney to her and her heirs forever - Tenthly, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Lewis Williams one Negro by the name of Nat to him and his heirs forever - Eleventhly, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Laurence Williams one Negro man by the name of Solomon to him and his heirs forever - Twelvethly, I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Amanda Smith one Negro by the name of Madison to her and heir heirs forever - Thirteenthly, I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph L D Smith, Negros Lews, Winney, Davey, & Dolly, and two old Negros Isaac and his wife Judy, and the sum of one hundred dollars for the support of the two old Negroes to be raised out of my estate that I have not here given away and also all the debts he is owing me in bonds, accts. And in every other way he may be indebted to me whatsoever by his paying to my daughter Rebecca L Williams the sum of five hundred dollars, the value of a Negro Gentl(eman) by the name of Notice I had of said Rebecca and let him the said Joseph have - Fourteenthly, my will and desire is that should the(?) any Negroes that I have omitted giving away in this my last will and testament should go to my son Joseph L D Smith and I do give and bequeath the same to him and his heirs forever - Fifteenthly, my will and desire is that out of the balance of my estate, my debts due, should there be any after paying the specified sums herein before mentioned, & perishable estate my debts and funeral expenses shall be paid – and the balance to be equally divided between my two granddaughters Mary Jane Williams and Rebecca Jane Williams and I do give and bequeath the same to them and their heirs forever – and I do hereby nominate and appoint my Friends Allen Deberry and Howell Edmunds my executors to this my last will and Testament – given under my hand and seal this 7th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three
Jane Smith (seal)
Signed sealed and acknowledged in presents of
Henry Deberry
Drewry Deberry
Northampton County, December Court 1824. This last will & testament together with the Codicil thereto annexed of Jane Smith decd was exhibited to this Court & proved by the Oath of Henry Deberry one of the subscribing witnesses thereto whereupon Allen Deberry one of the Executors in said Will named was duly qualified as the Law requires, ordered to be recorded.
Test M. Harrison [CCC]
Codicil to this my last will and testament
The lands I have in fee simple in my will and desire is should be sold by my executors on such credit as they may think best – and I do hereby empower them or either of them to do the same and the money arriving from such sale should be equally divided among my grandchildren and I do give and bequeath the same to them and their heirs forever – given under my hand and seal this 7th day of May 1823
Jane Smith (seal)
Signed sealed and acknowledged
In presents of
Henry Deberry (his mark)
Drewry Deberry
Exr. Qualified
Delila McDowell vs. James McDowell
Civil Action Northampton County 1810 CR.071.325.25
State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Northampton County, Greeting, You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of
James McDowell you cause to be made the sum of fifty six Pounds one Shillings & 8 Int & which
Delila McDougell lately in our Court of Pleas and Quarter Session, held for the county of Northampton at the Court House in Northampton recovered against him for Debt as also the sum of five Pounds seventeen Shillings for costs and charges in the said suit expended, whereof the said
James McDowell is liable, as to us appears of record And have you the said monies before our said court, at Northampton on the first Monday in December next; then and there to render to the said
Delila McDowell her debt costs and charges aforesaid. Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.
Witness, Eaton Haynes - Clerk of our said court, the 6th day of September D. A. 1810 and in the XXX5 th year of our Independence
E. Haynes. CCt
[Left Panel on backside of Writ]
28 +
Delila McDowell
vs fi fa
Jas. McDowell
To Decr Court
Issd 16 th Septn
goods & Chattels
Excutd on all the property
that was to be found belonging
Jas McDowell & Sold for
Twenty three pounds 16/4
Cost paid also the
property sold that was Attached
formerly---J. C. Harrison
Balance due
forty nine pounds 16/7
J. C. Harrison
[Right Panel on backside of Writ]
Debt - £56.1.0
Ins. from the 15 th Mar 1808
Atto. Drew - 2.0.0
Juror Tax - 2.0.0
Clerk & Tax - £1.17.0
Ordered that the Sheriff sell
two Beds & Furniture & sundry
other Articles Attached by former
Js. C. Harrison
Goodson vs. Lewis and McDowell
Civil Actions Northampton County 1808-1809 CR.071.325.23
State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Northampton County, Greeting, You are hereby commended, that of goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Eliphus Lewis &
James McDowell you cause to be made the sum of fifty nine pounds ten Shillings which Nathaniel Goodsan lately in our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for the county of Northampton at the courthouse in Northampton recovered against them for Debt as also the sum of Eight Pounds Seventeen & Eleven pence for costs and charges in our said suit expended, whereof the said Elipus Lewis &
James McDowell is liable, as to us appears of record, And have you the said monies before our said court, at Northampton on the first Monday in June next, then and there to render to the said Nathaniel Goodson his debt, costs and charges, aforesaid. Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ.
Witness, Eaton Haynes Clerk of our said Court, the 7th day of March Anno Dom. 1808 and the XXX2 year of our Independence.
Ea. Haynes ClC
[Left Panel on Backside of Writ]
Nathaniel Goodson
vs fi fa
Eliphus Lewis &
James McDowell
To June Court
1808 issued 15 March
Test Boykin Shff
[Right Panel on Backside of Writ]
Debt - £59.10
atto Drew - 2.0.0
Clerks Fees - 2.0.3
P. Tax - .5.
John Nicholas Witness - 0.16.8
Stephen Winborn ditto - 0.15.8
Jason Bryant ditto - 1.0.8
Sheff Pritchard - 2.0.0
John Boon Witness - 2.16.8
Stephen Winborn do - 1.3.4
Jason Bryant do - 1.4.8
John Nicholas do - 2.0.8
Writ for James McDougall of Wake County
Civil Action Northampton County CR.071.325.26 1811
State of North Carolina
To the Sheriff of Wake County Greeting:
Whereas lately, at an Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for the County of Northampton a Writ of Subpoena was issued against
James McDougall commanding him to appear at our said Inferior Court on the first Monday in December last to give Testimony in Behalf of James Exum in a suit depending in our said Court, brought by William Amis against the Said Exum, which Subpoena was returned service acknowledged by the said
James McDougall, and the Said
James McDougall being solemnly called failed to appear, which default was ordered to be recorded: We therefore command you to Summon the said James to appear at our next Court to be held for the County aforesaid on the first Monday in March next, to shew cause if any he hath why the said James Exum should not have Execution against him for the sum of twenty pounds with Costs agreeably to an Act of the General Assembly in such case made and provided: Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ, Witness Eaton Haynes Clerk of said Court, the sixteenth day of January Anno Domini 1811 and in the thirty fifth year of our Independence.
Ea Haynes ClC
James Exum
vs Sci fa
James McDougall
To March Court 1811
issued 16 Jany
Not known in the County
J C Renchey
Recd this 19 th Feby 1811
J C Rencher Shff
Civil Action Papers of James McDowell
CR.071.325 Northampton County Civil Action Papers
Court Appearance Bonds
Date - People Bound - Witness
19 February 1789 - Corday Webb, Jesse Webb (cosigns),
James McDougall (cosigns) - Jonas Crump
14 March 1789 - John Thomas Webb, Jesse Webb,
James McDougall (cosigns), Epaphroditus Hilbee (cosigns) - __ Lockhart
4 June 1804 - Saml Brown,
Jas McDowell (cosigns) - Eliphaz Lewis
24 Sept 1804 - Robert Peebles,
Jas McDowell (cosigns) - R. Capell
7 Feb 1805 - Howel McLemore, Reuben Weston (cosigns) -
Jas McDowell Cst
22 Feb 1806 - Edmund Bailey, William Bridgers -
Jas McDowell cst
24 Sept 1806 - Saml Tarver, John Short,
James McDowell (cosigns) - Robert Ellers, Polley Jones
2 Sept 1806 - Frances A. Bynum,
Jas McDowell (cosigns) - P. Pritchard
25 Nov 1806 - James Sikes, Joseph Sikes, Richard Sumner (cosigns) -
Jas McDowell, P. Pritchard
25 Nov 1906 - James Sikes, John Allen, Richard Sumner (cosigns) -
Jas McDowel, P. Pritchard
25 Nov 1806 - Eliphas Lewis, Benjamin Lewis, James Winborn (cosigns) -
Jas McDowell
14 Jan 1807 - Malachi Burgess, Eliphaz Lewis, John Burgess (cosigns) -
Jas McDowell
23 Feb 1807 - John Winborn, James Winborn (cosigns) -
Jas McDowell
26 Aug 1807 - William Bridgers, Matthew Exum (cosigns) -
Jas McDowell
26 Aug 1807 - Hardemon Abington, Jerry Bittle? (cosigns) -
Jas McDowell
4 Dec 1807 - Thomas Futrell, Everitt Lassiter, Jonathan Under(?) (cosigns) -
James McDowell
Court Summons
Date Issued - Date of Appearance - Issued for Appearance of - Reason
1 March 1790 - March 1790 - Jesse Webb, Billison Tarver,
James McDowell - John Seat vs. Isaac Urich
3 Sept 1805 - Dec 1805 - Ransom Capell, James Barritt,
James McDowell - testify for plaintiff Richd. ? vs. William Peterson
2 Sept 1805 - Dec 1805 - Ransom Capell,
James McDowell - testify for plaintiff William B. Chatham vs. William Bridgers Jun.
19 February 1805 - Mar 1806 - Edmund Bailey,
Jas McDowell deputized to execute
2 Sept 1805 - Sept 1806 - Lawrence Smith, Harwood Bass,
James McDowell - Case of Peter Stewart, admr. vs. Frances Steward
19 November 1806 - December 1806 - Benjamin Lewis, Eliphaz Lewis - executed by
Jas McDowell
1 Sept 1805 - Dec 1805 - John H Daniel,
James McDowell, Ransom Capell - testify for plaintiff Allen Jones vs. Robert Fox
1 Sept 1806 - Dec 1806 - Ransom Capell,
James McDowell - testify for plaintiff John Lawrence & Robert Lawrence vs. Jeremiah Hilliard
8 Nov 1806 - Dec 1806 - James Sikes, John Allen - executed by
Jas McDowell
7 October 1806 - December 1806 - James Sikes, Joseph Sikes - executed by
Jas McDowell
12 November 1806 - December 1806 - James Sikes, Joseph Sikes - executed by
Jas McDowell
20 Apr 1807 - Mar 1807 - Eliphaz Lewis,
Jas McDowell - answer plea of debt with Governor £500
Court Papers
Date - Pertinence to James McDowell - Case
22 Apr 1801 -
Jas McDowell deputized to execute the case - same
28 Apr 1806 -
Jas McDowell witness - Debt note Richard Morriss to Ransom Capel
29 Aug 1807 - James McDowell cst - Judgement on a case
Dower of Anne Exum
North Carolina
Northampton County
Persuant to an Order of Court
We the Subscribers be summoned to lay off
to Anne Exum her Dower of her deceased
Husbands Estate we have laid off the same in the following manner to wit one third part of the Land which her Husband died possessed of beginning at the Head of (M)eady branch, (on) Taylors line down the said branch to the Mirey branch Thence up the said Branch to a sycamore Tree, thence to a hickory, Thence along a line of marked trees to a persimmon tree in said branch then along the branch to Benjn Dancy's line together with one third of the Mill & also one fourth part of the personal estate consisting of 3 negroes namely Pegg Phillis & Sam. Given under our Hands
this 21 Day of December Anno Dom 1791
James Dancy
John Wren
John Dancy
Jonas Teuil(?)
James Mcdowel
William Jones
Thos Parker
Benja Dancy
Anthony Moore
Michael Fulgham
John Moore
Benjn Tarver
Robert Snipes to Micajah Fulgham
This indenture made the first day of August 1791 between Robert Snipes of the County of Northampton & State of North Carolina of the one part and Micajah Fulgham of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Robert Snipes for and in consideration of the sum of eighteen pounds __ pence __ to him in hand paid by Micajah Fulgham at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and hath granted bargained sold and confirmed unto the said Micajah Fulgham his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County & State aforesaid beginning at corner gum in Robert Snipes line thence along his line to a corner oak, thence to a persimmon tree in a bottom, thence down the bottom to a branch thence down the branch to the run of the mill swamp, thence down the swamp to the first station, containing by estimation twenty five acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the said land together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Micajah Fulgham his heirs and assigns forever and I the said Robert Snipes for myself my heirs administrators executors and assigns do agree warrant and defend the same against the claims of all persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Robert Snipes (seal)
Northampton County September Court 1791
This deed was acknowledged and ordered to be registered
Teste E Hayes CCt
Registered December 16, 1791
Teste James Dancy PR
William Rowell to Michael Fulgham
This indenture made on 6 December 1791 between William Rowell and Michael Fulgham of the County of Northampton and State of North Carolina … William Rowell for and in consideration of the sum of thirty two pounds ten shillings current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Michael Fulgham before the execution and delivery of these presents have bargained granted sold aligned & confirmed by these presents do for myself heirs executors do grant bargain sell align & confirm to him the said Michael Fulgham his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the county and state aforesaid containing by estimation one hundred and sixty acres more or less bounded as follows – beginning at a pine, a corner between Peter Smith & said Rowell, thence down the mill swamp to a pine, a corner between said Rowell & Lawrence Smith, thence with Lawrence Smith’s line to the mill fork, thence up the long branch to Peter Smith’s line, thence with his line to the beginning, to have and to hold the aforementioned land bargained promises and his land said Michael Fulgham with all & singular the privileges of & profits & improvements thereunto belonging to or otherwise appertaining to him the said Michael Fulgham his heirs and assigns forever & the said William Rowell doth by these presents for himself heirs Executors assigns warrant and will forever defend the heir of the aforementioned bargained promises unto the said Michael Fulgham his heirs & assigns forever in witness whereof the said William Rowell has hereunto (set) his hand & seal the day & dates first written/
Wm Rowell (Seal)
Signed, sealed, delivered in presence of
John B Lockhart
John Davis
Northampton County __ Dec Court 1791.
This deed was ackd In open court & order to be registered.
Test E Haynes CC
Register January 9th, 1792
Test James Dancy
Peter Weaver to Michael Fulgham
This indenture made the fifth day of March 1793 between Peter Weaver of Northampton County & State of North Carolina of the one part and Michael Fulgham of the said county and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Weaver doth for and in consideration of the sum of forty pounds current money of Virginia __ in hand paid on or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof have bargained sold release & confirmed unto the said Fulghum & his heirs forever a tract of land containing one hundred and eighty six acres more or less in the County aforesaid lying on the mill swamp beginning on the said swamp thence East to a corner red oak 112 poles thence 20 degrees East 14 poles, thence the old part to __5E 128 poles to a great branch thence down the said branch S8_ 120 poles still on the S35_ 60 pole thence up the __ branch N40_ 30 poles to a corner then __ 100 pole to the swamp then up the swamp to the beginning to have and to hold the said premises with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Michael Fulgham and his heirs forever and the said Weaver doth for myself and my heirs forever disannul any claim right or title to the said land and premises, but will warrant and forever defend the same unto the said Michael Fulgham & his heirs forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & fixed my seal this day and date first written.
Peter Weaver Seal
Signed sealed & delivered Acknowledged in presents of us
John Gary
Arthur Jordan
Northampton County __ March Court 1793.
This deed Was duly acknowledged & ordered to be registered
Witness Ea Hayes CCC
Registered April the 4th 1793
Teste James Dancy P Register
Fulghams to Laurence Smith Deed
This indenture made the second day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Three between Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, & Nancy Fulgham of Northampton County & Matthew Fulgham of Wake County all in the State of North Carolina of the one part & Laurance Smith of Northampton County in the State aforesaid of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham & Matthew Fulgham for & in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred fifty dollars to them in hand paid by the said Laurance Smith at or before the ensealing or sealing of these presents, the receipt whereof the said Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham & Matthew Fulgham, doth acknowledge hath granted, bargained sold & confirmed & by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien infeeof release & confirm unto the said Laurance Smith his heirs & assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land & premises with the appurtenances, situated, lying & being in the County of Northampton North Carolina containing by estimation four hundred & seventy three acres the same more or less, bounded as followeth, beginning on a black gum in Wheelers Mill Swamp at the mouth of a branch Robert Snipe’s corner thence up the branch line 74 poles to a poplar, thence S27E 20 poles to a maple, then S25E 25 poles to a turkey oak in John Snipes line then along John Snipes Line S66E poles and a half to a persimmon, thence S4W 21 poles to two white oaks, thence S85E 20 poles, thence due E 20 poles, thence S78E seven poles to a turkey oak at the corn of the old field, then S80E 28 poles to a shrub oak, thence S83E 19½ poles to a pine, thence S58E 26 poles to a black gum & pine in long branch, thence down the meanders of the said branch 308 poles to Presley Pritchett’s corner black gum, thence up a drain S21E 20 poles thence S19E 34 poles to a pine Laurance Smith’s line, thence by his line N75W 128 poles to the run of Wheelers Mill swamp, thence up the meanders of said swamp 442 poles to the beginning. To have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land & premises with the appurtenances unto the said Laurance Smith & to his heirs & assigns to the only & proper use of behoof of him the said Laurance Smith his heirs & assigns to the only proper use of him the said Laurance Smith his Heirs & assigns forever & we the said Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham & Matthew Fulgham forever & our heirs, Executors, administrators, jointly & severally doth covenant promise to & with the said Laurance Smith his heirs & assigns forever by these presents that we the said Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham & Matthew Fulgham & our heirs jointly and severally the said tract or parcel of land & premises with the appurtenances unto the said Laurance Smith his heirs & assigns against all claims of all persons or person whatsoever lawfully claiming the premises or any part thereof, we shall & will ever warrant & defend by these presents. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals the day & year above written.
Mary Fulgham (her mark) Seal
Elias Fulgham (his mark) Seal
John Fulgham Seal
Nancy Fulgham (her mark) Seal
Matthew Fulgham Seal
Signed & (sealed)
Henry Peebles, Jurt.
Allen Deberry Jurt
Elias Elliss
Northampton County Crt. December Court 1803. This deed was proved by the oath of Henry Peebles & Allen Deberry & ordered to be registered.
Witness R. W. Greer (?) DCC
Registered 18th May 1804
Test Wm B Lockhart PR
Fulghams to Laurence Smith Mortgage
NorthamptonDB22:250 CR.071.40005
Know all men by these present that we Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham of Northampton County and Matthew Fulgham of the County of Wake of the State of North Carolina are held and firmly bound unto Laurence Smith of the County of Northampton and the State aforesaid on the just and full sum of Two thousand pounds Current Money of Virginia to be paid unto the said Laurence Smith his Heirs Executors administrators or assigns to which payment will and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these present sealed with our seals and dated this second day of December Anno Domini one Thousand Eight hundred and three.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas Michael Fulgham late of Northampton County died seized and possessed of a Tract or parcel of land in said County bounded as follows: Beginning on a Black gum in Wheeler’s Mill Swamp at the mouth of a branch Robert Snipes line thence up his line 76 poles to a poplar, thence S27E 20 poles to a maple then S35E 25 poles to a Turkey Oak John Snipes line thence along John Snipes line S66 E 29½ poles to a persimmon thence S4W 21 poles to two white oaks, thence S85E 20 poles, then due E 20 poles thence S78E 7 poles to a Turkey oak at the corner of an old field, thence S80E 28 poles to a shrub oak, then S83E 19½ poles to a pine, thence S58E 26 poles to a black gum and pine in the long branch thence down the meanders of said branch 358 poles to Presley Prichard’s corner black gum thence up a drane S21E 20 poles, thence S19E 34 poles to a line (in) Lawrence Smith’s line, thence by his line N75W 128 poles to the run of Wheeler’s Mill Swamp thence up the meanders of said swamp 442 poles to beginning containing 473 acres, being the same the said Michael Fulgham deceased intestate leaving no will and the presumption is that Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham, Matthew Fulgham, Polly Fulgham, Anthony, Edmund Fulgham and
Polly McDowell all have an interest or right in said land and the said Polly Fulgham, Anthony Fulgham, Edmund Fulgham, and
Polly McDowell are not of lawful age to convey their rights and titles to the said land and be it known that on the day and date of this obligation that Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham, and Matthew Fulgham, hath made a deed of conveyance to Lawrence Smith in fee simple – now if the said Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham, Anthony Fulgham, Edmond Fulgham, and
Polly McDowell – when they may come to lawful age a good and lawful right and title of the claim that they may have unto the said land unto Laurence Smith his heirs executors administrators or assigns and further that the said Mary Fulgham, Elias Fulgham, John Fulgham, Nancy Fulgham & Matthew Fulgham does keep harmless and quick possession of the said land aforesaid make Laurence Smith his heirs or assigns forever by themselves their heirs executors or administrators then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and power.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day & year above written.
Mary Fulgham (her mark) Seal
Elias Fulgham (his mark) Seal
John Fulgham Seal
Nancy Fulgham (her mark) Seal
Matthew Fulgham Seal
Witnesses Henry Peebles Seal
Allen Deberry Seal
Elias Ellis (?)
Northampton County for December Court 1803
This mortgage was proved by the oaths Of Henry Peebles & Allen Deberry and ordered to be recorded
Test. R. W. Freeaz (?) C.Ck
Will of William Smith
North Carolina
Wake County
In the name of God Amen
I William Smith of the State & County aforesaid bring weak of body but perfect disposing mind & memory blessed be God for the same. I calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the words following (to wit) … my soul I commit to the all merciful Father who gave it, hoping he will have mercy upon it in the great day of accounts for the sake of his dear son Redeemer or Lord blessed for ever and ever my body I give to the Earth from whence it came to be buried in a plain and a decent manner under the direction of my after named executors and of the worldly goods with which it has pleased God to bless me in this life I will & bequeath as follows: (viz)
Imprimis, I will & bequeath to my beloved daughter Viney Fulgham your Negro slaves, to wit Mornig, Jane, Jordan, & Danis to her and heirs forever and I lend to my said daughter Viney one Negro boy slave Dauson during her natural life or until her second marriage (at place) and after death or second marriage at my aforesaid daughter Viney, I will & bequeath the aforesaid Negro Danis, to my grandson Jesse Fulgham to him and his heirs forever.
Item 2, I will and bequeath to my before named grandson Jesse Fulgham one Negro boy slave Dauson to have the said Negro boy as aforesaid which he the said Jesse shall attain at the age of twenty one years, & until he attain such age, I give the use of the said boy to my daughter Viney Fulgham and in the event at the death of my said grandson before he attains the age of twenty one years, I desire that the said boy Dauson shall remain to the heirs of Mathew Fulgham, Viney his wife to them and their heirs forever.
Item 3, I give and bequeath to my grandson Edmund Fulgham one Negro girl by the name of Candis to him and his heirs forever.
Item 4, I give and bequeath to my grandson John Fulgham one tract or parcel of land lying upon Pumptney Creek in the affore county containing three hundred & sixty acres, more or less to him and his heirs forever.
Item 5, I give and bequeath to my beloved son Absalam Smith one tract or parcel of land lying part of the tract of land on which I now live beginning at a small red oak with pointer returning South 50 East eighty poles to a Hickory in the dividing line, between my said land and Deans land thence west 448 poles to a beach on the bank of Neuse River, thence up the various courses of said river to a stake on the bank of said river, thence east three hundred and seventy two poles to the beginning containing one hundred and ninety one acres more or less to have and to hold the said land to him the said Absalam & to his heirs forever and I furthermore give to my said Absalam two Negro slaves to wit Kade & Britain to him and to his heirs forever.
Item 6, I will and bequeath to my beloved son Joseph Smith 1 tract or parcel of land being part of the land on which I now live beginning at a beach & maple trees on the East bank of Neuse River returning thence East one hundred and ninety poles to a sweet gum near the main road on the bank of Powell’s Creek thence down the various courses of said creek to it’s junction with Neuse River thence up the various courses of said river to the beginning containing one hundred and ninety one acres more or less to have the said land to him the said Joseph and his heirs forever. I furthermore give(?) & bequeath to my said son Joseph one Negro man slave named Lapord to him and his heirs forever.
Item 7, I will and bequeath to my beloved son Laurence Smith one tract or parcel of land being part of the tract of land on which I now live beginning at a maple on the bank of Neuse River running then East one hundred and forty seven and a half poles to a pine, Rogers corner, thence North seventy four poles to a pine, a corner tree, thence East two hundred and twenty poles to a post Oak ??? Hardy Davis corner thence South seventy one poles to a hickory said Davis corner, thence South 22 degrees West thirty eight poles to a pine said Nance’s corner thence South 15 East eleven poles to a small red oak with pointer thence West 372 poles to a stake on the bank of said river a corner of the track give to my son Absalam thence up the various courses of said river to the first station, containing one hundred and ninety one acres more or less to him and to his heirs forever. I furthermore give to my said son Laurence two Negro slaves named Holloman and Kizzy to him and his heirs forever.
Item 8, I will and bequeath to my beloved son Henry Smith one tract or parcel of land part on the tract on which I now live including one dwelling house and improvements, beginning at a bank on Neuse River being the third corner of the land given so my son Absalam running thence down the various courses of said river ??? his on the banks of said river thence East four hundred and twenty two poles to a stake on the banks of Powells Creek thence up the said courses of said creek to a water Oak thence North Seventy one West thirty one poles to a pine Davis Corner, thence North 15 West ten poles to a Hickory being the 2 corner of the tract given to my son Absalam, thence West 448 poles to the first station, containing four hundred and fifty acres more or less to have and to hold the same with the appurtenances to him the said Henry to him and to his heirs forever reserving nevertheless a live estate for the use of my beloved wife in said land.
Item 9, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah, the tract of land including the dwelling house and houses as described in item 8 during her natural life and after her decease the same to go to my son Henry to him and his heirs forever. I furthermore give to my said wife Sarah one Negro man named Lewis to her and her heirs forever. I lend to the use of my wife Sarah during her natural life the following Negroes (to wit) Rincy, Bud, Jim, Benjamin, and Jenny and after her death I give and bequeath to my son Henry the five Negroes hereby loaned to my wife during her life with their increase to him and his heirs forever
Item 10, I give and bequeath to my beloved son Joel Smith one tract or parcel of land being part of the tract of land on which I now live, beginning at three burches on the bank of Neuse River, being the second corner of the tract given to my wife for life with remainder to my son Henry running thence down the various courses of said river to a beach and maple on the Bank of said river, being the beginning corner of said land given to my son Joseph Smith thence East with Joseph’s line one hundred and ninety poles to a sweet gum Joseph corner near the road on the bank of Powell’s Creek thence up the various courses of the said creek to a stake, corner of the land given to my son Henry Smith, thence West 442 poles to the beginning containing one hundred and ninety one acres more or less to have and to hold the said land to him the said Joel and to his heirs forever. I furthermore give to my said son Joel the following Negroes (to wit) Willis, Lucy, Nowell, and Elijah to him and to his heirs forever and after the death of my wife I give to my last son Joel our other Negro woman Olive and one Negro boy name Douerson a child of said Olive with her increase to him and to his heirs forever
Item 11, I lend to the use of my wife Sarah during her life an addition to the property mention in item 9 two Negroes to wit Olive and Douerson two horse creatures her choice four cows and calves her choice two sows and pigs all my stock of sheep except a here after mentioned fifteen hundred pounds of pork, eighty barrels corn, fifty bushels wheat, all my household and kitchen furniture, except two beds and furniture, all my farming tools, one still (steel) and still vessels giving thee use of my lard still and vessels to my jointly to still their fruit (this section is hard to understand though readable – it appears he is giving his wife the vessels and equipment to make and store the lard as well as their fruit)
Item 12, I give to my son Henry one bed and furniture two sows and pigs one horse two cows and calves to sheep.
Item 13, I give and bequeath to my son Joel one bed and furniture one horse two cows and calves two sows and pigs two sheep.
Item 14, I give to each of my sons Absalam, Joseph & Laurence two heads of sheep.
And lastly I desire that the balance of my property ___ given away shall be sold by my executor or a credit of not less than six months and after payment of all my just debts to equally divide between my wife and five sons to them and to their heirs. I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my friends Col William Hinton and Matthew Fulgham and my son Absalam Smith Executors to this my last will and testament recalling all others in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affirm my seal this 16th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty (AD 1820)
William Smith (seal)
Signed and sealed and declared In presents of
D L Baranger
John Edwards
Wake County February Term 1821
The foregoing last will and testament was executed into open court for probate and was duly proven by the oaths of William Smith, D L Barranger, John Edwards
Received and ordered to be recorded
B S King, CCt
Will of Michael Fulgham
In the name of God amen - I, Michael Fulgham of the County of Northampton & State of North Carolina being of sound mind & memory do make & ordain this my last will & testament
First, I recommend my soul to almighty God in full hopes of it future happiness & my body to the earth to be decently interred and my wholly estate I dispose of in manner & form following
Imprimis, I give & bequeath to my son Elias Fulgham his first choice of my three guns to him & his heirs
Item I give & bequeath to my son Matthew Fulgham his second choice of my three guns to him & his heirs
Item I give & bequeath to my son John Fulgham the last choice of my three guns to him & his heirs
Item my will & desire is that after all my just debts are paid that my loving wife Mary Fulgham should have the use of all my estate real & personal during her life or widowhood to maintain my children upon and at her death or marriage my will is that all my before mentioned estate be equally divided between all my children share & share alike
Lastly I do nominate and appoint Edmund Fulgham and Matthew Lomberton Executor of this my last well satisfying and confirming this to be my last will & testament signed with my hand & sealed with my seal this forth day of October 1784
Michl (X his mark) Fulgham (Seal)
Signd Seald & Delivd In presents of us
James Dancy
John Lowe
Henry Lowe
[back side of the will]
Richard W. Truar[?] proved the hand writing of James Dancy.
Michl Fulgam Will Dec 1802 - Recorded
Will of Amy Knight
Wake County Original Wills Folder: Knight, Amy 1842
State of North Carolina
Wake County
In the name of God amen.
I Amy Night of the state & county aforesaid being of sound & disposing mind & memory do make ordain & declare the following to be my last will & testament (to wit).
First, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Levina Night three Negroes named as follows: Cate, Clary & Tame with their futurenesses.
2. I give unto my daughter Levina Night all of my stock of horses, cattle, hogs & sheep together with all of my crop of corn fodder, oats, wheat, peas & potatoes together with all the provisions that I may have at the time of my death for my family or stock, I except one heifer out of my cattle. I give unto my daughter Levina Night my cart with all of my household and kitchen furniture except what I shall hereinafter disposed of. I lend unto my daughter Levina Night the land whereon I now live during her natural life.
I give unto my son Noel Night one Negro boy by the name of Dred to him and his heirs forever together with one feather bed & furniture and after the death of my daughter Levina Night I give to my son Noel Night all the land that I have lent to my daughter Levin Night.
I give unto my daughter Mary Earpe the wife of John Earpe one Negro girl by the name of Charlotte with her futurenesses together with one feather bed & furniture. Also one heffer.
I nominate and appoint my friend Sion Rogers my executor to this my last will and testament in testimony whereof I have herein to set my hand & seal the 13th day of November 1841
Amy Night (her mark) Seal
Jeremiah H. Buffaloe
Sion H Rogers
Micajah Hill to Amy Knight #1
This indenture made the 16th day of May 1808, between Micajah Hill and Amy Knight, both of the county of Wake and state of North Carolina. Witnesseth that the said Micajah Hill for the sum of 258 dollars to him in hand paid hath bargained and sold unto the said Amy Knight her heirs this a certain tract of land lying in the county and state aforesaid on the south side of the Neuse River. Beginning on the Mill Stone Branch at the mouth of a spring branch that runs from where said Knight formerly lived, now belonging to William Hinton, thence with said Hill’s line 170 poles to a branch called Riches Mill Branch thence down the various courses of the same to the Mill Stone Branch, then up the Mill Stone to the first station containing 70 Acres be the same more or less to h