The file contains the family of Henson McDowell and his descendants.
We begin with a hyperlinked Descendants Table which permits one both to jump to the people and county of interest or to view the genealogical structure of families. Hyperlinks to other McDowell family trees are included as appropriate.
Mary A. McDowell
Ollie E. McDowell - Crate Stone
Grace L. McDowell
Ruth C. McDowell
Nancy J. McDowell - Benjamim H. Ramey
Charles L. McDowell - Fannie Sexton
William R. McDowell - Elizabeth Sparks
Lydia A. McDowell
Martha J. McDowell
Peter L. Skaggs - Lucinda Marcum
Lydia E. McDowell - Levi Beecher Salyres
Edmund C. McDowell - Angeline Minerva Coldiron
Reginia Francis McDowell - George W. Melvin
Samantha McDowell - Spencer H. Lemaster.
James C. McDowell
Nancy E. McDowell - Calloway Scott King
Emma Sarah McDowell - John W. Stewart
Lily G. McDowell - Calloway Scott King
Margaret E. McDowell - Francis M. Baxter
Andrew Trumbull McDowell - Amanda J. Allaway
We note that Henson is listed with Abraham Burton and Dan Wilson and likely works on their plantations.
Following his departure from Pittsylvania County, Henson appears on the Botetourt Property Tax Lists thereby accounting for the fact that he is no longer an inhabitant of Pittsylvania as recorded in the above court case.
1773, District of Saml Lapsley - __son McDowell No goods found 0 Tithable, Page 13
We note that Botetourt County in the above time frame included land west of Virginia in modern West Virginia and Kentucky. In fact, in the 1775 listing above, we see that Henson lives in a district that encompasses Greenbrier River and Greenbrier County in modern West Virginia.
Henson appeared in the following Greenbrier County WVA (VA at the time) Property Tax Lists beginning in 1782.
On 14 January 1799, Monroe County was formed from Greenbrier County and Henson is found on the Monroe County Property Tax Lists after 1798 as displayed in the following table.
10 April 1799, Wm Vawter District (formerly Greenbrier Cty, now Monroe) - 1 H, Tax $0.12
3 April 1804, J. Alderson District - 2 H, Tax $0.24
We note that his final listing in 1805 is the year that he died. We also note that his final listing in Greenbrier and his first listings in Monroe County occur in William Vawter's District, thereby indicating that he hasn't moved but that county designations and boundaries have changed.
While a resident of Greenbrier County, Henson is exempted from road work in 1788 and then from paying tax levies in 1791.
The following deed from Joseph Siars/Sawyers to Henson exists. We do not know what happened to the land.
Mary McDowell [c1760 - Unknown] married Sherod Atkins [1759 Montgomery VA - c1816 Tazewell Co] on 13 March 1803 in Monroe County WVA.
We Sherad Adkins and
Hanson McDowell acknowledge ourselves bound unto John Page Governor of Virginia and his sucessors in the penal sum of one hundred and fifty dollars with condition that there is no legal cause to obstruct a marriage intended to be solemnized between the said Sherid Adkins and
Mary McDowell witness our hands and seals this 13
th day of March 1803.
Teste John Hutchinson
Before her marriage, she apparently had an illegitimate child. No other Mary McDowell lives in Greenbrier County during this time period.
Mary McDowell the Same as the next above.[for having a baseborn child]
GreenbrierOBA:220 Thursday 20 November 1783
On the motion of James Reid Gentleman Attorney for the Commonwealth in this County against Mary McDowell who was presented by the Grand Jury for having a base born child the said Mary being duly summoned & not appearing. Therefore it is considered by the Court that there be recovered against the said Mary [blank amount] and the Costs in this behalf expended to be discharged according to Law &C.
GreenbrierOBA:263 Friday 21 May 1784
The identity of the bastard child is revealed in
the Will of Mary's father Henson.
Elizabeth Atkins
John McDowell—KY
John McDowell [1765/1766 - 1840-1849] married Sarah Withrow/Witheroe/Witherow [1760-1769 - 1840-1849], the daughter of Robert William Witheroe and Elizabeth Evans, on 16 August 1788. Their marriage bond and marriage are recorded in Augusta County VA as follows:[
1788, August 13, John McDowell and Griffith Evans of Staunton, surety. John McDowell and Sarah Withro, daughter of Wm Witherow. Consent for daughter Sarah signed by Robert Withrow of Mossy Creek.
1788, August 16th, By Rev. Benj. Erwin; John McDowell and Sarah Withrow.
The original record of the second listing has been found and reads as follows.
A List of Marriages solemnized by the Reverend Benjamin Erwin from the 16th day of August 1788 to the 23nd of June 1789 to wit
16th August 1788 John McDowell to Sarah Withrow
Augusta Marriage Records 1785-1913
The marriage information appears a second time in the same record book on a list of marriage bonds without reporting Erwin as the person conducting the marriage.
John and Sarah had the following identified children.
Based on the marriage record, one would presume that John lives in Augusta County at the time of his marriage. However, he does not exist on any of the property tax lists of that county from the late 1700s. We note that the location of his father-in-law Robert Witherow is identified as "Mossy Creek." A Mossy Creek community exists in Augusta County and is located northeast of Staunton very close to the county line with Rockingham County. There is also a Mossy Creek Presbyterian Church located there that was formed in 1768. It is the only church in Mossy Creek that would have served to marry them and was established to serve the Presbyterian Scots who lived along Mossy Creek. However, Robert Witherow also never appears on any Property Tax List for Augusta County. A search of the Rockingham tax lists for the late 1700s also produces a negative result. So, where do John McDowell and the Witherows live?
We begin with John. He first appears in the Property Tax Lists of Greenbrier County WVA (VA at the time) as shown in the following table and then in Monroe County WVA (VA at the time) which is formed in 1799 from Greenbrier.
Table: Tax Listings of John McDowell
Greenbrier County
1786 - 1 WP, Tax £0.10.0
3 May 1787, William Hunter Cavendish District - 1 WP
1788 - 1 WP
1791, Jno Hutchinson District - 1 WP16
5 June 1792, Charles Arbuckle District - 1 WP
11 May 1793, Charles Arbuckle District - 1 WP, 1 H
3 July 1794, Isaac Estill District - 1 WP
27 April 1795, Isaac Estill District - 1 WP16
1 April 1796, Jno Henderson District - 1 WP16
24 March 1797, Jno Henderson District - 1 WP16
18 April 1798, William Vawter District -, 1 WP
Monroe County
10 April 1799, Wm Vawter District (formerly Greenbrier Cty, now Monroe) - 1 WP
25 April 1800, Wm Vawter District - 1 WP
13 May 1801, William Vawter District - 1 WP
6 April 1802, William Vawter District - 1 WP, 1 H, Tax $0.12
WP = White Male Tithable
WP16 = WP above 16
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
We note that his first appearance in 1786 on the tax listings is consistent with a man born in 1765 using the age of twenty-one as the tithable rule. For some reason, he is missing from the 1789 and 1790 tax lists. Is it possible that he has traveled to Mossy Creek in Augusta County? Furthermore, where is his father-in-law located? Surprisingly, the only tax listings that we have found for a Robert Witherow Senior are from Greenbrier County beginning in 1788, the same year that John marries Sarah Witherow. We present his tax listings in the following table.
Table: Greenbrier County Tax Listings for Robert Witherow Senior
14 May 1789, James Anderson List
23 December 1791, Jno Hutchinson District
6 June 1792, Charles Arbuckle District
14 May 1793, Charles Arbuckle District
3 July 1794, Isaac Estill District
22 April 1795, Isaac Estill District
30 March 1796, Jno Henderson District
It is important to note that Robert Witherow is listed in the same tax districts as John McDowell. Robert's sons Robert, William, Samuel, John, and James Witherow/Witheroe also appear in the Greenbrier tax listings in the 1790s and early 1800s with James Witherow showing up many times in court records of the period. Robert Witheroe Senior is discharged from paying taxes in 1792.
Jacob Peter, George West and Robert Witheroe in their Petition are by the Court discharged from the payment of Public and County Levys for the future on account of their old age and infirmity.
GreenOBB/2:598 Tuesday 26 June 1792
Given that John McDowell and his father-in-law Robert Witherow are together in the same tax district at the time of John's marriage and thereafter, what about Griffith Evans, John's security on the marriage bond?
It is likely that Griffith Evans is a brother — or certainly a relative — of Elizabeth Evans, the putative wife of Robert Witherow Senior. Griffith's property tax listings are shown in the following table.
Table: Tax Listings of Griffith Evans
Augusta County VA
1782 - 1 WP £0.10.0, 3 H @2/ £0.6.0, 10 C @3d £0.2.6; Tax £0.19.6
1783, Hindley or Smith Company - 1 WP; 4 H, 8 C
19 April 1790 - 1 WP
Greenbrier County WVA
1789, William Poage District
1790, No District Listed
16 April 1795, James McCoy District
25 June 1796, James McCoy District
12 April 1797, Joseph Hanna District
20 April 1798, James Hanna District
18 May 1799, James Hanna District
27 March 1800, James Hanna District
4 May 1802, Richard Williams District, Constable
13 May 1803, Charles McClung
Based on these tax listings, it appears that Griffith Evans is potentially moving back and forth between Augusta County and Greenbrier County in the 1789 to 1791 period.
An appraisal of the Estate of Griffith Evans dated Greenbrier February Court 1814 by Charles Arbuckle, John Mays, and James McLaughlin is available.[GreenbrierWB1:397] The sale list of his Estate dated 24 May 1814 was recorded.[GreenbrierWB1:486-487] Other than the year of his death, no other useful information is available in these documents.
What about the pastor at John's marriage, Benjamin Erwin? In Augusta County, we find only one listing: 1782, Dicky/Campbell Companies - Rev. Benjm Erwin, 1 Tithable, 1 horse. He does not appear in any further tax listings for Augusta County, but next appears in Greenbrier County in 1798 and 1799.
18 March 1798, James Hanna District
23 May 1799, James Hanna District
He also appears as a grantee in a deed in late 1797 which explains his presence on the tax listings.
John Beard and Jinnet his wife of Greenbrier County to Benjamin Erwin. 8 and 33 dollars. 307 acres in Greenbrier County at the end of the Droop mountain north side of Greenbrier River joining the land of Arthur McClure. Signed John Beard and Gennet Beard. Proved at October Court 1797.[KM Abstract]
GreenbrierDB1:691 31 October 1797
Although the filing of John's marriage record occurs in Augusta County while he appears on the tax listings of Greenbrier County, it's clear that his father-in-law Robert Witherow, his surety on his marriage bond Giffith Evans, and the pastor who marries him, the Rev. Benjamin Erwin, all show strong connections to Greenbrier County with weak connections to Augusta County. Furthermore, the Town of Staunton in Augusta County was the business hub for the frontier including the Greenbrier region which at that time was part of the great Augusta County regional area. Based on this evidence, we conclude that the John McDowell in Greenbrier County is indeed the man who married Sarah Witherow and the marriage was reported on the Augusta County records. That begs the question of who is his father?
There are numerous McDowells listed on the property tax lists of Greenbrier County in the late 1700s, some of whom could potentially be the father of the John McDowell presented above. However, we have shown
elsewhere that they are all the sons of a William McDowell born about 1710 who immigrates to the county and names all his children in a 1796 Will. His male heirs — none of whom are named John — match up with the property tax lists. That leaves only one male McDowell in the tax listings:
Henson McDowell. Indeed, we find that John is always listed very close to Henson in the tax lists as well as being in the same district. When Monroe County breaks off from Greenbrier, both John and Henson follow suit in William Vawter's District. Only Archibald McDowell, a son of the old William from 1710 is included in the creation of Monroe county, but his Will exists and John is not his son. Unfortunately,
Henson's Will does not mention John but that can be explained by John's departure to Kentucky following the 1802 tax list of Monroe County and the fact that Henson doesn't die until 1805, thereby leaving what little he has to his newly married daughter Mary. Furthermore, John's oldest son
William names one of his sons
Henson, likely not an accidental circumstance or coincidence since William would have known the elder Henson as a child. Whatever the case may be to explain his absence from Henson's Will, the circumstantial evidence presented here along with the Y-DNA match of John's descendants through him and then Henson to his grandfather
John McDowell—AM of Amelia County makes for a strong case that Henson is John's father.
Before turning to John's presence in Kentucky, we present several court cases involving John. With respect to the John Carlisle case, we note that Henson McDowell was the defendant in
a case with a David Carlisle as the Plaintiff.
The Petition of John Carlisle against John McDowell is dismissed and it is ordered that the Petitioner pay the deft his Costs in this behalf expended.
GreenbrierOBB/2:289 Tuesday 28 July 1789
John Carlisle against John McDowell the same [dismissed the petitioner not farther prosecuting].
GreenbrierOBB/2:312 Saturday 29 August 1789
Ordered that William White pay unto John McDowell two Dollars and twelve Censts for four days attend: a witness in behalf of said White at the suit of the Commonwealth.
MonroeOB1:93 19 August 1800
We turn now to the records for John McDowell in Kentucky. He and Sarah appeared in the following census records.
1820 Census Floyd County KY
John McDowell
1 male 10-15: [David Witherow]
1 male 16-18: [Jehu]
2 males 16-25: [John, Thomas?]
1 male 45 over: [John]
1 female 16-25:
1 female 45 over: [Sarah]
We discuss the assignment of the youngest male in the 1820 Census to David Witherow below. In the 1830 Census below, Jehu, his wife Sarah White, and several of their children are living with the elder John and Sarah Witherow. Note the match of the children's ages with the
1840 Census of Jehu.
1830 Census Lawrence County KY
John McDole Senior
1 male 0-4: [Jehu son]
1 male 20-29: [Jehu]
1 male 60-69: [John]
2 females 0-4: [Mary, Sarah]
1 female 5-9: [Jehu daughter]
1 female 20-29: [Sarah]
1 female 60-69: [Sarah]
1840 Census Lawrence County KY
J. McDowell
1 male 70-79: [John]
1 female 70-79: [Sarah]
A candidate for the male, aged 16 to 25, in the above 1820 Census is available; namely, a Thomas McDowell as shown by the following court record.
On motion by Atto of Thomas McDuell who stands committed to the Jail of this county for felony, it is ordered that the Jailor bring the body of the said McDuell before the court, with the capture and cause of his detention, and the said McDuell being brought to the bar on inspection of the papers produced in this case, it is ordered by the court that the said prisoner, be discharged hence without day, as the proceedings had herein were irregular and not warranted by Law.
FloydCircuit: Monday 4 November 1816, Page 390
On the other hand, we suspect that Thomas is not a son since he doesn't appear in any other Floyd or Lawrence County records. He is likely one of the young Thomas McDowells who appear in Kentucky during this time period and happened to have been passing through Floyd County and was arrested.
The female aged 16 to 25 in the 1820 Census has not been identified.
In Floyd County KY, John first appears in a court record dated 24 September 1810 involving a road. Subsequently, he appears in several other road records. Note that Peter Skaggs is the father of his son-in-law Lewis Skaggs who married his
daughter Nancy. Note also that a Nancy Woods is named in the second record. We report below on a court case involving her and the McDowells.
A Report of a Road opened from John Browns Mill to McDoles Camp on Blain is received and ordered to be recorded in the following words and figures to wit: I have opened the within road. John Back
FloydCourt:101 Monday 24 September 1810
A Report of a road opened from the ford of Blain to the county line is received. And Peter Skaggs is appointed surveyor thereof from his house to the county line, and it is ordered that the hands residing on Blain & its waters above said Skaggs do assist him to keep the same in repair according to Law.
John McDole is appointed surveyor thereof from Gilbert Barnetts to Peter Skaggs, and it is ordered that the hands residing on Blain from John Chafin's to Nancy Woods's inclusive do assist him to keep the same in repair according to Law.
FloydCourt2:181 Tuesday 25 June 1816
On the motion of Thomas C. Brown, Ordered that Jesse Barnett, Gilbert Barnett, John McDowel and Andrew Woods or any three of them do after being duly sworn view & mark the nearest & best way for a road from the ford of Blain to the County line in a direction to Greenup Court house & report to Court taking into consideration the conveniences & inconveniences that will result as well to the public as to individuals in case the same shall be opened.
FloydCourt2:17 Tuesday 29 March 1814
Richard Kezee is appointed Surveyor of the road from the head of Blain to McDowels Camp in the room of G. Barnette resigned and it is ordered that the former hands on Blain and those on the mud lick fork of [pond] do assist him to keep the same in repair according to Law.
FloydCourt2:18 Monday 23 May 1814
On the motion of James Wheelor by proxy ordered that Peter Skaggs, James Woods, John McDole and Benjamin Morris or any three of them after being duly sworn do view and mark the nearest & best way for a road from the ford of Blain to the first ford of Hoods fork & report to Court according to Law.
FloydCourt3:42 Monday 21 September 1818
A Report of a Road viewed from the first ford of Blain to the first ford on hoods fork is received and at is ordered that John McDole and his hands do open the same according to Law.
FloydCourt3:82 Monday 17 May 1819
A report of a road opened by John McDole is received and established as the public road
On the motion of John McDole, ordered that Richard Keezee, Elias Keezee, Meredith Edwards & Neri Sweatman or any three of them after being duly sworn do view and mark the nearest and best way for a road from the ford at the widow Woods's to intersect the Georges Creek road at the flat Lick in a direction to Shorts Salt works and report to Court according to Law.
FloydCourt3:96 Monday 16 August 1819
On the motion of James Wheelar, ordered that Neri Sweatman, Benjamin Helton, John McDowell and Benjamin Morris or any three of them after being duly sworn do view and mark the nearest and best way for a road from the forks of Big Sandy to Daisey Phillips in a direction to Edmond Wells's Mill and report to Court according to Law.
FloydCourt3:227 Monday 20 November 1820
On Monday 26 April 1813, a John McDole appeared twice as a juror in Floyd County.[Pages 211 and 213]
A court case from 1816 is interesting in that it involves John, his son William, and a Nancy Woods. The participation of the McDowells in this case is unclear.
John Den ex [dan] David Trimble Plaintiff against John Chaffin, Thomas Caine, Job. Cain, John McDole, Nancy Wood, William McDole, Clinton Chafin & Elisha Wellman Defts } In Ejectment. This day came the parties aforesaid by their attoney and on motion Nancy Woods was made a Defendant, who confesses the lease entry and actual expulsion, and agree to insist on the title only at the trial, and it is ordered that if on the trial of the issue the said Nancy Woods, shall not confess the lease entry and actual expulsion whereby the said Plaintiffs shall not be able to prosecute his suit against her further, that then no costs and charges shall be taxed for such non pros. but that the said Nancy Woods shall pay to the plaintiff his costs and charges thereon, and it is further ordered that if on the trial a verdict shall be given for the defendants, or if it shall so happen that the Pltf shall not further prosecute his suit against her for any other cause than her not confessing the lease entry and actual expulsion that then the lessor of the Pltf shall pay to the said Defendants all costs and charges to be taxed.
FloydCircuit:375 Tuesday 6 August 1816
John Den ex dem David Trimble Plaintiff against Richard Frenie, John Chaffin, Thomas Cain, Job Cain, John McDowel, Nancy Wood, Wm McDowell, Clinton Chaffin and Elisha Wellman Defendants } In Ejectment. This day came the Plaintiff by his attorney and it appearing from the return of the sheriff of this County that the Defendants in possession had been served with a copy of the conditional order made in this case at the October Term last of this court and the said tenants in possession the solemnly came not except Nancy Woods who appeared by attorney, Therefore it is considered by the Court that the said plaintiff recover of the said tenants in possession except Nancy Woods his Term of thirty years let/set to come of and in the messuage and land with the appurtenances in this declaration mentioned and on the motion of the said Plaintiff by his attorney it is ordered that the Commonwealths writ of Habeus facetious possessionum be awarded herein except unto Nancy Woods and it is continued onto her.
FloydCircuit:381 Tuesday 8 August 1816
Beginning in 1818, John and his son William are involved with members of the Witherow family who likely migrated with him from Monroe County (formerly Greenbrier) WVA. Based on these court minutes, it appears that an underage male David Witherow is being taken care of by John McDowell and we have assigned his name to the young male in the 1820 Census above. Note that Nancy Woods is again involved.
Henry B. Mayo and James H. Wallace Esqrs are appointed Commissioners to settle with the collection of the levies in this county that have not been settled with & the Clerk is directed to attend with the Books & paper. The Court proceeded to close the levy of 1818 as follows:
To David Weathero for ditto [his support] John McDole to attend to – $10.00
FloydCourt3:48-49 Tuesday 17 November 1818
Ordered that a subpoena issue against John McDole, Wm McDole and Nancy Woods to appear here next Court to shew cause if any they can why John Weatheo's children now in their custody as is suggested, shall not be bound out according to Law.
FloydCourt3:63 Tuesday 19 January 1819
John McDole appeared in court and made oath that John Weathero had taken to Virginia his children in his & Nancy Woods custody leaving David his son that is supported by the county & it is ordered that no further proceedings be had thereon.
FloydCourt3:65 Monday 15 February 1819
The Court proceeded to lay the Levy as follows:
To David Weathero for Ditto [Support] John McDole to attend to – $10.00
FloydCourt3:117 Monday 15 November 1819
The Court proceeded to lay the levy in this county for the year 1820 as follows, Viz:
To David Weathero for his support under the direction of John McDole – $10.00
FloydCourt3:232 Monday 20 Novermber 1820
In 1821, Lawrence County Kentucky was formed from Floyd and Greenup Counties and John McDowell was located in the new county as shown by the following tax table.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings for John McDowell Senior
1822, Commissioner Jeremiah Wellman, part formerly Floyd County - 1 WP, 2 Stud@ $100, TV $100
1823, Commissioner Andrew Chapman - 1 WP, 2 H, P1, P2, TV $580
1824, Commissioner Reuben Canterbury - 1 WP, 2 H, P2, TV $210
1825, Commissioner Strother F. Burgess - 1 WP, 2 H, P2, TV $300
1826, Captain William Moore - 1 WP, 1 H, P2, TV $165
1827 - 1 WP, 1 H, P2 $3 PA, TV $190
1828, Commissioner Jeremiah Wellman - 1 WP, P2, TV $80
1829, Commissioner Jeremiah Welman - 1 WP, 1 H, P2 $2 PA, TV $140
1830 - No Tax Book
1831, Commissioner William H. Burgess - 1 WP, 1 H, P2, TV $180
1832 - No Tax Book
1833 - 1 H - TV $40
1834 - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $40
1835 - No Tax Book
1836 - No Tax Book
1837 - 1 WP, 2 H, TV $250
1838 - 1 H, P3(150 A), TV $280
1839 - No Tax Book
1840 - 1 WP, 2 H $65, P3 $200, TV $265
1841 - 1 H $50, P3 $200, TV $250
1842 - 1 H $0, P3 $200, TV $240
1843 - 1 WP, 1 H $30, P3 $200, TV $230
1844 - 1 WP, 1 H $30, P3 $300, TV $330
1845 - 1 WP
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
Stud@ = Stud horses & rate of leasing or coverage
TV = Total value of taxable property
A1, A2, A3 = Acres of first, second or third rate land
PA = Value per acre
P1 = 100 A2, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain, Entry Name: H. Trimble
P2 = 50 A3/A2(varies by year), Lawrence County, Watercourse (Big) Blain, Entry Name: John McDowell or L. Skaggs
P3 = 200 A3, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain or Hoods Fork
The 1834 listing is likely a McDaniel and it's possible that the 1845 listing is not the correct John. He is listed as senior in 1837 and 1840.
In 1822, John appeared in a court record of Lawrence County and in subsequent records. Note that John was exempted from working on the roads.
The Commissioners appointed to lay out and view the road from the ford of Hoods fork near John McDowell to intersect the Floyd road near the forks of Sandy in a direction to Laurence County house which is received by the Court.
And it is ordered that a subpoena be awarded against John McDowell, Ambrose McKenisten, Sambrel Selaras, Benjamin Fugate & David Johnson to appear hear [sic: here] on the first day of the next September Court to shew cause if any they have or can shew why the same shall not be opened as a publick road.
LawrenceOB1:31 Monday 19 August 1822
Bill of Exceptions
Be it remembered that in the progress of this motion Moorehead produced title bonds from John McDowell as agent of David Trimble for the land on one side of Blain and they were all the title papers produced here insert them. It was then proved that a Mill dam was erected opposite the land claimed by virtue of the said bonds. It was proved by John [Haws] Esqr that the half of the bed of the said creek owned by a Thomas Owens by virtue of a purchase from David Trimble as well as the land operate to Mooreheads purchase who objected to granting of the writ of adquadamnum returned to the said Moorehead when it was proven that the other half of the bed of the creek was in the hands of the said Trimbles Survey and not [al_poted] of it was also proven that the mill house of the said Mooreheads was erected on the land of the said Owens on the opposite shore from the land purchased by the said Moorehead __ notice had been Executed on said Owens or his agents or upon Trimble or his agent notifying them of the application. The said Owens prays your this his Bill of Exceptions to sign and seal and make it apart of this record. Nimrod Canterbury Seal Linus Chadwick Seal James Wheler Seal
LawrenceOB1:35 Tuesday 20 August 1822
John McDowell is exempted from working on public roads in future.
LawrenceOB1:52 Monday 18 November 1822
On the motion of John McDowell Sr ordered that James Woods, Merideth Edwards, Neri Swetman and James T Doggs or any three of them after being duly sworn do view and mark the nearest and best way for an alteration in the road leading from Floyd Court house to little Sandy Saline where it passes over the land of Jonas Wheeler Jr and report to court the comparative conveniences and inconveniences between the old and new proposed way.
LawrenceOB1:65 Monday 17 March 1823
On motion of Judith Hylton and Benjamin Hylton, it is ordered that they be appointed Administratrix and Administrator of the estate of Jesse Hylton deceased and that William Groves Sheriff be released from said Administration, the said Judith & Benjamin having come into Court and entered into bond together with James White and Roderick Hylton as their security in the penalty of six hundred dollars for the performance of their duties, conditioned as the law directs, they having taken the oaths office. And it is further ordered that Aron Short, John McDowell, Neri Sweatman and Elisha Wellman or any three of them after being first duly sworn meet upon the premises and appraise the personal estate of said Deceasest.
LawrenceOB1:91 Tuesday 18 November 1823
On the motion of Allen Sparks ordered that James Wheeler, John McDowell, Walter Elam & William McDowell or any three of them after being first duly sworn do view & mark the nearest and best way for an alteration in the road through the lands of the said Sparks and make report of the comparative conveniences and inconveniences between the old and new proposed ways.
LawrenceOB1:198 Monday 15 May 1826
Unfortunately, we have been unable to locate a digital copy of the Lawrence Order Book 2, but we do have one record from it.
Lawrence Co, KY Annotated Abstracts of Circuit Court Records 1821-1873 FHLbook
10 Jul 1837 James STEEL vs Campbell GENT. Witnesses:
Sarah McDOWELL & Susan EDWARDS of Lawrence Co, KY.
We have found one record in Order Book 3 which likely involves John and not one of his descendants.
Ordered that the following persons, officers of the Election be allowed as follows:
To Jonathan James (Medical service) to Jno Mcdowell
LawrenceOB3:155-156 Monday 27 November 1843
We conclude our discussion by noting that the Witherows appeared a number of times in the Lawrence County Kentucky Order Books showing that John and the relatives of his wife moved from Greenbrier/Monroe County WVA to the same county in Kentucky. We turn now to his children.
William McDowell
William McDowell [1786 - 6 April 1859] married first to Sarah Jane "Jenny" Cains on 27 June 1809 in Floyd County KY and second to Susan Segraves/Seagraves [1790 - 18 January 1856], the daughter of Joseph and Patsey Segraves according to her Kentucky death record reported below. PMT reports her parents as James Skaggs and Susannah Moredock and marriage date as 25 February 1812 in Greenup County KY, but we believe that the 1812 marriage involves a different William McDowell. William had the following children.
Elizabeth McDowell [1821 - ] identified at PMT.
Rutha McDowell [c1834 - ]
William and Jenny appeared in the 1810 Census for Floyd County. The two daughters have not been identified.
1810 Census Floyd County KY
William McDowel
1 male 16-25: [William]
2 females 0-9:
2 females 26-44: [Jenny]
William and Susan appeared in the following census records. We have not found them in the 1820 Census.
1830 Census Lawrence County KY
Wm McDole
2 males 0-4: [Riley, James]
1 male 5-9: [Jehu]
1 male 10-14: [Joseph]
1 male 15-19: [John]
1 male 40-49: [William]
1 female 5-9: [Elizabeth]
1 female 10-14:
1 female 15-19: [Nancy]
1 female 30-39: [Susan]
1840 Census Lawrence County KY
Wm McDowell
1 male 0-4: [Henson]
1 male 5-9: [Lewis]
2 males 10-14: [Riley, James]
1 male 15-19: [Jehu]
1 male 50-59: [William]
1 female 5-9: [Rutha]
1 female 15-19:
1 female 20-29:
1 female 40-49: [Susan]
1850 Census Lawrence County KY
Wm McDowell - 61 M - Farmer - VA
Susan - 59 F - VA
Riley - 23 M - Com Laborer - KY
Lewis - 21 M - KY
Rutha - 16 F - KY
Henson - 15 M - KY
Diana - 2 F - KY
Meredith Chafin - 2 M - KY
On Wednesday 27 September 1809, a William McDole appeared at the Floyd County circuit court as a juror.[Page 58]
William appeared in the following property tax lists of Lawrence County accessed through 1850.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings of William McDowell
1822, Commissioner Jeremiah Wellman, part formerly Floyd County - 1 WP, 1 Stud@ $85, TV $80
1823, Commissioner Andrew Chapman - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $100
1824, Commissioner Reuben Canterbury - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $160
1825, Commissioner Strother F. Burgess - 1 WP, 2 H, P1, TV $140
1826, Captain Francis Pawasten - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $100
1827, Captain Francis Lawaster - 1 WP, 2 H, P2 $1 PA, TV $275
1828, Commissioner Jeremiah Wellman - 1 WP, 2 H, TV $70
1829, Commissioner Jeremiah Welman - 1 WP, 1 H, P2 $1 PA, TV $260, Total Children 6
1830 - No Tax Book
1831, Commissioner William H. Burgess - 1 WP, 2 H, P2, TV $275
1832 - No Tax Book
1833 - 1 WP, 1 H, P2, TV $250
1834 - 1 WP, 1 H, P2, TV $250
1835 - No Tax Book
1836 - No Tax Book
1837 - 1 WP, 1H, P2, TV $250
1838 - 1 WP, P2, TV $350
1839 - No Tax Book
1840 - 1 WP, 4 H $180, P2 $300, 3 Children between 7 and 17, TV $480
1841 - 1 WP, 2 H $75, P2 $300, 5 Children between 7 and 17, TV $375
1842 - 1 WP, 2 H $75, P2 $200, 4 Children between 7 and 17, TV $275
1843 - 1 WP, 2 H $50, P2 $200, 5 Children between 7 and 17, TV $250
1844 - 1 WP, 2 H $65, P2 $200, 4 Children between 5 and 16, TV $265
1845 - 2 H $55, P2 $200, 3 Children between 5 and 16, TV $255
1846 - 1 WP, 1 H $30, P2 $200, 3 Children between 5 and 16, TV $230
1847 - 1 WPV, 1 H $25, P2 $200, 2 Children between 5 and 16, TV $225
1848 - 1 WPV, 2 H $75, P2 $250, 2 Children between 5 and 16, TV $325
1849 - 1 WP, 2 H $60, P2 $250, 2 Children between 5 and 16, TV $310
1850 - 1 WP, 1 H $30, P2 $250, 1 Child between 5 and 16, TV $280
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
Stud@ = Stud horse and rate of coverage
A1, A2, A3 = Acres of first, second, or third rate land
PA = Value per acre
TV = Total value of taxable property
P1 = 50 A2, Lawrence County, Watercourse Big Blain
P2 = 200 A2/A3 mostly or 150 A or 300 A, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain / Tarkil, Laurel Blo / Hoods Fork, Entry Name: William McDowell
In 1829, William appeared in a Lawrence County court record.
The Sheriff of this County returned into Court the report of a Jury summoned upon a Writ of Adquodamnum against Enos Derryfield which is ordered to be recorded and is in the word and figures following to wit: We of Jury find for the Plaintiff ten dollars damage. Lewis Skaggs, James Booye, William McDowel, William Wetherow, James Woods, James Wheeler, Richard Kezee, John Senters, John McDow, John Chafin, Joshua Lawson, Neri Sweatman. And whereupon it is ordered by the Court that the damages awarded by the Jury be paid out of the next County levy and the said alteration in the road be established.
LawrenceOB1:349 Monday 13 April 1829
Note that a Witherow is on the list of jurors.
The Kentucky death record for William is extremely important and provides the following data:
Name of Deceased:
William McDowell
Color: White
Age: 73
Sex: Male
Occupation: farmer
Condition: M [married]
Time of Death: 28 July 1859
Cause of Death: [blank]
Name of Parents, or owner of Slaves:
John and Sarah McDowell
Place of Birth: [blank]
Residence: Johnson Co. Ky
Place of Death: Johnson Co. KY
Remarks: Not Known
Note that Lawrence and Johnson Counties in Kentucky are in the northeast corner.
The Kentucky death record for Susan McDowell exists.
Name of Deceased: Susan McDowell
Color: White
Age: 66
Sex: female
Occupation: [blank]
Condition: married
Time of Death: Jany 18 1856
Cause of Death: Consumption
Name of Parents, or owner of Slaves: Joseph & Patsy Segraves
Place of Birth: Montgomery Co. VA
Residence: [blank]
Place of Death: Blaine
Remarks: [blank]
Nancy McDowell
Nancy McDowell [13 September 1813 - Aft 1880] married Joseph Seagraves/Sagraves [1 January 1812 - 27 February 1875], the son of Joseph Segraves and Mary Anna Jones, on 13 September 1832 in Lawrence County KY. They are shown below in the 1850 Census. Her
sister Diana lives with her in the 1860 Census since their parents are dead.
1850 Census Johnson County KY
Joseph Sagrave - 38 M - Farmer - KY
Nancy - 37 F - KY
William - 16 M - Farmer - KY
Mary - 14 F - KY
Susanah - 12 F - KY
Zachariah - 9 M - KY
Sarah - 4 F - KY
Sylvester - 2 M - KY
Jemima - 1/12 F - KY
1860 Census Johnson County KY
PO Hoodstork
Joseph Segroves - 48 M - Farmer - KY
Nancy - 47 F - KY
Sarah - 15 F - KY
Silvester - 13 M - KY
James Mc - 10 M - KY
G. W. - 7 M - KY
John McDowell
John McDowell [1818 - 25 May 1853] married Nancy Matthews in 1835 in Lawrence County KY. Subsequently, he married Nancy Gibbs in 1837 in Lawrence County KY. They appeared in the following census record.
1840 Census Lawrence County KY
J. McDowell
1 male 20-29: [J.]
1 female 30-39: [Nancy]
We have not found him in the 1850 Census.
We have assigned John to the following property tax listings in Lawrence County although it's not clear that these are the appropriate assignments given the many listings for a "John" or a "Jehu" in the records.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings for John McDowell
1837 - 1 WP
1838 - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $7
1839 - No Tax Book
1840 - 1 WP
1841 - 1 WP
1844 - 1 WP, 1 H $25, 4 Children between 5 and 16, TV $25
1847 - 1 WPV, 2 H $60, 4 Children between 5 and 16, TV $60
1850 - 1 WP, 1 H $20, TV $20
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
TV = Total value of taxable property
John's death record exists and provides his birth year by calculation.
John McDowell
Age: 35
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Carter County
Place of Birth: Lawrence Cty
Wm & Susan McDowell
Place of Death: Carter Co. KY
Time of Death: 25 May 1853
Cause of Death: Consumpsion
Joseph McDowell
Joseph McDowell [c1819 - 30 March 1863] married Mahala "Alley" Debord [1824 - 1881], the daughter of Joseph Debord and Martha Prince, in 1840 in Lawrence County KY. They had the following children.
Jacob McDowell [31 May 1843 - 28 June 1911
MAUK/FG/KYDC] married Sarah Jane Castle [23 February 1849 - 14 March 1937
MAUK/FG] on 30 September 1866 in Lawrence County KY.
Susanah McDowell [c1845 - ]
Martha McDowell [c1847 - ]
Eveline McDowell [7 May 1847 - 20 January 1916
JOH/FG] married Joseph Fields [29 January 1841 - 16 April 1928
JOH/FG] on 28 March 1865 in Lawrence County KY.
Elizabeth McDowell [c1850 - ]
William McDowell [c1851 - ]
Joseph McDowell [c1853 - ]
Mary A. McDowell [c1857 - ]
Joseph and Alley appeared in the following census records.
1850 Census Johnson County KY
Joseph Debord - 62 M - Farmer - NC
Martha - 49 F - NC
Martha - 15 F - KY
Joseph McDowell - 31 M - KY
Aley - 26 F - NC
Jacob - 7 M - KY
Susanah - 5 F - KY
Martha - 3 F - KY
Eveline - 2 F - KY
Elizabeth - 1/12 F - KY
1860 Census Lawrence County KY
PO Louisa
Joseph McDole - 40 M - Farm Hand - KY
Mahala - 35 F - House Wife - KY
Jacob - 17 M - Farm Hand - KY
Evaline - 14 F - KY
Sarah - 19 F - KY
Wm - 9 M - KY
Joseph - 7 M - KY
Mary A. - 3 F - KY
Joseph appeared in the following Lawrence County property tax lists accessed through 1850.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings of Joseph McDowell
1841 - 1 WP
1842 - 1 WP
1843 - 1 WP
1844 - 1 WP
1845 - 1 WP
1846 - 1 WP, 1 H $15, TV $15
1847 - 1 WPV, 1 H $25, P1 $100
1848 - 1 WPV, 1 H $30, P1 $50, TV $80
1849 - 1 WP, P1 $50, TV $50
1850 - 1 WP, P1 $50, TV $50
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV= WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
TV = Total value of taxable property
P1 = 50 acres, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain
Jehu McDowell
Jehu McDowell [c1820 - 9 November 1853] never married. His birth and death dates are taken from the following death record.
Jahue McDowell
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Condition: Single
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Lawrence County
Place of Birth: Lawrence County
Wm & Susan McDowell
Place of Death: Lawrence County
Time of Death: 9 November 1853
Cause of Death: Consumption
Remarks: [blank]
Jehu appeared in the following Lawrence County property tax lists accessed through 1850.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings of Jehu McDowell
1842 - (Jehu), 1 WP
1843 - (John), 1 WP
1844 - 1 WP
1845 - (Jahue Jr) 1 WP
1846 - 1 WP
1847 - (Joseph) 1 WPV, 1 H $40 , TV $40
1848 - 1 WPV, 1 H $20, P1 $125, TV $145
1849 - 1 WP, 1 H $35, P1 $150, 2 Children between 5 and 16, TV $185
1850 - 1 WP, 1 H $25, P1 $150, 1 Child between 5 and 16, TV $175
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
TV = Total value of taxable property
P1 = 150 acres, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain / Brushy
William Riley McDowell
William Riley McDowell [c1826 - ] married first to Susannah Poplin Morley on 20 June 1853 in Lawrence County KY, second to Phoebe Poplin [1836 KY - ], and third to S. Laura Poplin [1834 - ]. He had the following children, although Jesse is a stepson.
Jesse Poplin [c1851 - 11 December 1878] married Rebecca Jane Ramey [4 February 1853 - 15 September 1941], the daughter of Thaddeus Mathew Ramey and
Dianna McDowell, on 11 May 1871 in Lawrence County KY.
Mary McDowell [7 July 1854 - 30 March 1856] listed at PMT but with no proof of parents.
Laban McDowell [12 August 1859 - /BirthRecord] apparently died as a child before 1870.
Chilton John McDowell [October 1863 - 28 June 1918] married Louisa Jane Caudill/Cordel/Cordle [June 1857 - ], the daughter of Abner C. Caudill and Mary Emily Justice, in 1886. She was first married to Meredith Griffith on 20 January 1876 in Lawrence County KY.
Ruth C. McDowell [c1867 - ]
Nancy J. McDowell [March 1870 - ] married Benjamin H. Ramey [June 1859 - ] on 3 March 1892 in Lawrence County KY.
Charles L. McDowell[August 1872 - 20 August 1941
EVER/FG/NCDC] married Fannie Sexton [1872 - 1932
EVER/FG], the daughter of James Harvey Sexton and Sidney Houck.
Emily Elizabeth McDowell [c1874 - ]
Manyerd Jackson McDowell [c1877 - ]
Riley and his three wives appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Lawrence County KY
Wm R. McDowell - 34 M - Farmer - KY
Susanah - 24 F - Housewife - NC
Jesse - 9 M - KY
Laban - 1 M - KY
1870 Census Lawrence County KY
Precinct 4
Riley McDouls - 43 M Farmer - KY
Phebe - 34 F - Keeping House - KY
Jesse - 19 M - Farm Laborer - KY
William - 9 M - KY
John C. - 6 M - KY
Ruth C. - 3 F - KY
Nancy J. - 4/12 F - KY
1880 Census Lawrence County KY
R. W. McDowel - 53 M - Farmer - KY VA VA
S. Laura - 46 F - Wife - Keeping house - NC NC NC
Isaac W. - 18 M - Son - Laborer - KY KY NC
Chilton J. - 15 M - Son - Laborer - KY KY NC
Nancy - 10 F - Daughter - At home - KY KY NC
Charles - 8 M - Son - KY KY NC
Elizabeth - 6 F - Daughter - KY KY NC
Jackson M. - 3 M - Son - KY KY NC
1900 Census Lawrence County KY
Charles McDowell - 28 M - Head - May 1872 - KY KY NC
Laura S. - 63 F - Mother - Mar 1837 Wd 1/1 - NC NC NC
Arvmuta E. - 17 F - Sister - May 1883 - KY KY NC
Benjamin Ramey - 40 M - B-in-Law - June 1859 m/8 - KY KY KY
Nancy J. Ramey - 30 F - Sister - Mar 1870 m/8 3/2 - KY KY NC
Harrison Ramey - 10 M - Nephew - Mar 1890 - KY KY KY
Laura S. Ramey - 2 F - Niece - May 1898 - KY KY KY
Riley appeared in the following Lawrence County property tax lists accessed through 1850.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings of Riley McDowell
1845 - 1 WP
1846 - 1 H $25, TV $25
1847 - 1 WPV, P1 $50, TV $50
1848 - 1 WPV, 1 H $20, TV $20
1849 - 1 WP
1850 - 1 WP, 1 H $40, TV $40
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
TV = Total value of taxable property
P1 = 100 acres, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain
William Isaac McDowell
William Isaac McDowell [December 1861 - ] married Sarilda E. Griffith on 2 October 1880 in Lawrence County KY. Many sources list his middle initial as "J" but his name is given as "Isaac" in one census record. The had the following children.
Emily Josephine McDowell [August 1882 -
HOL/FG] married Thomas Franklin Cantrell [September 1859 - 18 February 1928
Oley/Ollie E. McDowell [5 February 1883 (1885 in 1900 Census) - 31 January 1949
AUT/FG] married Crate Slone [1883 - 1936
AUT/FG]. She potentially was first married to a man with the surname Daniel.
Mary Alice "Mollie" McDowell [4 January 1888 - 18 February 1974
FOS/FG] called "Maw" by her grandchildren never married but had three children: Goldia [17 November 1909 ], father Wm. Kitchen, married Jarrett Cordle; Hazel [stillborn 1909-1921], father Samuel Moore; Gladys [6 August 1921 - ], father Dewey Everett Moore, married Henry S. Young on 13 September 1941; and Louisa.
Birdie Ellen McDowell [February 1892 - ] married Eulyses Boggs.
Grace "Gracie" L. McDowell [23 January 1893 - 1 March 1965
UN/FG] married first to David Nelson Collier [28 May 1861 - 22 November 1923] and second to John Barker [9 January 1900 - 6 October 1987
UN/FG] on 20 May 1926 in Huntington, Cabell County WV.
James Henry Sullivan McDowell [10 January 1896 - 13 November 1960
FOS/FG] married Sarah Jane Rice [29 May 1900 - 20 July 1992
Matie Mae McDowell [May 1900 - 1904] died at age 4.
Blance McDowell twin to Matie and stillborn.
William and Sarilda appeared in the following census record.
1900 Census Lawrence County KY
William McDowell - 38 M - Head - Dec 1861 m/18 - KY KY KY
Sarilda E. - 34 F - Wife - Mar 1866 m/18 8/7 - KY KY KY
Emily J. - 17 F - Daughter - Aug 1882 - KY KY KY
Oley E. - 15 - Daughter - Feb 1885 - KY KY KY
Mary A. - 12 F - Daughter - Jany 1888 - KY KY KY
Birdie E. - 8 F - Daughter - Feb 1892 - KY KY KY
Gracie L. - 7 F - Daughter - Jany - 1893 - KY KY KY
Henry S. - 4 M - Son - Jany 1896 - KY KY KY
Matie M. - 0/12 F - Daughter - May 1900 - KY KY KY
James McDowell
James McDowell [March 1827 - ] married first to Eva MNU and second at age 47 to Elizabeth Sparks at age 32 on 14 February 1874 in Johnson County KY.
James appeared on the following 1848 property tax list for Lawrence County KY.
1848 - James McDowell, 1 Voter, 1 White Male over 21
He subsequently appeared in the following census records.
1850 Census Johnson County KY
James McDowell - 23 M - Farmer - KY
Avey - 19 F - KY
1860 Census Johnson County KY
PO Hoodsfork
James McDale - 33 M - Farmer - KY
Eva - 27 F - KY
Martha - 5 F - KY
Nancy - 60 F - NC
1870 Census Elliot County KY
Precinct 2, PO Sandy Hook
James McDowel - 43 M - Farmer - KY
Martha - 15 F - Keeping House - KY
1900 Census Johnson County KY
District 4
James McDowel - 73 M - Head - Mch 1827 m/26 - KY PA PA
Elizabeth - 57 F - Wife - OCt 1842 m/26 6/4 - KY KY KY
Matthew L. - 24 M - Son - Jan 1876 m/0 - KY KY KY
Nancy A. - 21 F - D-in-Law - Mch 1879 m/0 0/0 - KY KY KY
Jesse A. - 22 M - Son - June 1877 - KY KY KY
Henry - 21 M - Son - Apr 1879 - KY KY KY
Emaline - 18 F - Daughter - Aug 1881 - KY KY KY
Lewis McDowell
Lewis McDowell [c1829 - 26 February 1876] married Nancy Jane Jones [February 1833 - 2 January 1914 /KYDC], the daughter of Rial M. Jones and Mary Goodan. They had the following children.
William R. McDowell [October 1850 - Aft 1910] married Elizabeth Sparks [November 1837 - Bf 1910], the daughter of Darkess Sparks.
Francis Marion McDowell [8 October 1856 - 14 January 1916
LIT/FG] married Sarah Ann Johnson [1857 - 3 March 1942
Mary Jane McDowell [1 November 1857 - /KYBirth]
Sylvester McDowell [c1860 - ]
Benjamin Franklin McDowell [May 1863 - 6 October 1920 /KYDC] married Elizabeth Seagraves [25 March 1870 - 7 August 1953 /KYDC], the daughter of William Seagraves on 9 August 1886 in Lawrence County KY.
John James McDowell [c1865 - ]
Sherman McDowell [c1869 - ]
Lewis and Nancy appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census 1860 Johnson County KY
PO Paintsville
Lewis McDole - 30 M - Farmer - KY
Nancy - 25 F - KY
Wm. R. - 9 M - KY
Marion - 6 M - KY
Mary I. - 4 F - KY
1880 Census 1880 Johnson County KY
Flat Gap
Nancy McDowell - 46 F - Widow - Keeping House - KY VA VA
Silvester - 20 M - Son - Laborer - KY KY KY
Benjamin - 17 M - Son - Laborer - KY KY KY
John James - 15 M - Son - Laborer - KY KY KY
Sherman - 11 M - Son - Laborer - KY KY KY
1900 Census 1900 Carter County KY
District 5
Benen Mconel - 37 M - Head - May 1863 m/13 - KY KY KY
Elezhets - 26 F - Wife - Mar 1874 m/13 5/5 - KY KY KY
Inae - 11 F - Daughter - April 1889 - KY KY KY
Plnra - 8 F - Daughter Jan 1892 - KY KY KY
Hubert - 6 M - Son - Sep 1893 - KY KY KY
John - 4 M - Son - Nov 1895 - KY KY KY
Walter - 2 M - Son - Sep 1898 - KY KY KY
Sherman - 16 M - Son - Aug 1886 - KY KY KY
Jane - 59 F - Mother - Feb 1833, Wd 8/5 - KY KY KY
1910 Census Carter County KY
Benjamin McDowel - Head - 48 M - m2/23 - KY KY KY
Elizabeth - 39 - Wife - m1/23 9/8 - KY KY KY
Pharoah - 25 M - Son - KY KY KY
Plura - 18 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
Hubert - 16 M- Son - KY KY KY
John - 14 M - Son - KY KY KY
Walter - 12 M- Son - KY KY KY
Nettie - 9 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
Cora McDowell - 5 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
Lucy McDowell - 2 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
Nancy McDowell - 74 F - Mother, Wd - KY KY KY
Edward Zarnes - 63 M - Boarder, Wd - KY KY KY
Henson McDowell
Isaac J. Henson McDowell [c1835 - ] married Julia Castle [c1837 - 9 July 1914] on 24 January 1855 in Johnson County KY with his name reported as Isaac J.H. McDowell and father William. Henson and Julia had the following identified children. Note that the six children match with the 1900 Census where she reports six children born with five still alive.
Lydia A. McDowell [20 May 1855 - /Birth Record]
Martha J. McDowell [c1858 - ]
Amanda McDowell [c1861 - ]
Sarah McDowell [c1863 - ]
Susan McDowell [c1865 - ]
Henry McDowell [c1867 - 22 April 1937 /KYDC] His KYDC reports that he was single, age 72, a coal miner, and the son of Hence and Julia McDowell living in Ashland, Boyd County KY at the time of his death. He died by a coronary occlusion.
Since Henry died having never married and Henson had no other sons — only daughters, no male exists to conduct a Y-DNA test.
We have found Henson in the following census record.
1860 Census Lawrence County OH
Aid, PO Campbell
Henson McDowell - 24 M - Farmer - KY
Julia A. - 23 F - KY
Lydia A. - 5 F - KY
Martha J. - 2 F - OH
Ancestry reports the surname in the 1880 Census below as McDorod, but it can be read as McDowell.
1880 Census Boyd County KY
J. H. McDowel - 44 M - Oar Digger - KY VA VA
Julia A. - 42 F - Wife - Keeping House - KY KY KY
Martha J. - 21 F - Daughter - at Home - OH KY KY
Amanda - 19 F - Daughter - at Home - OH KY KY
Sarah - 17 F - Daughter - at Home - OH KY KY
Susan - 15 F - Daughter - at Home - OH KY KY
Henry - 13 M - Son - at Home - OH KY KY
1900 Census Boyd County KY
Jacob Hall - 46 M - Head - 1854 Wd - VA VA UNK
Jane McDowell - 44 F - Boarder - Wd Oct 1855 4/3 - KY KY KY
Henry A. - 18 M - Son - April 1882 - KY KY KY
Wm M. - 15 M - Ad Son - July 1883 - KY KY KY
Eliza/Alizer - 13 F - Ad Daughter - Dec 1886 - KY KY KY
Julia - 60 F - St Mother - Wd 6/5 - KY KY KY
1910 Census Boyd County KY
Geyer Bridge
Charles Kitchen - 25 M - m1/2 - KY KY KY
Ora M. - 25 F - Wife - m/2 2/2 - OH UNK KY
Lula - 4 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
Charles H. - 1/12 M - Son - KY KY KY
Julia McDowell - 78 F - Boarder - Wd 8/3 - VA VA VA
On 14 November 1856, a Henson McDowell was granted 20 acres in Lawrence County on the watercourse of Rockhouse Br.
He appeared on a June 1863 Civil War Draft of Lawrence County, Ohio from the Aid Township at the age of 26 with occupation collier and born in Kentucky. A Henderson McDowell subsequently served as a Private in Company K, 173 OH INF and 183 OH INF. An "Army Widow" card for Julia McDowell, wife of Henderson McDowell, a Private in Company K of the 173 Ohio exists with the label "Dead" having died on 9 July 1914.
Diana McDowell
Diana McDowell [1848 - ] lived with her sister Nancy Segroves/Seagraves in the
1860 Census at the age of 13 due to the death of her parents. She lived with her brother Riley in the
1870 Census at the age of 22.
Nancy McDowell
Nancy McDowell [c1800 - 12 August 1853
BLAI/FG/KYDC] married Reverend Lewis L. Skaggs [1788 - 24 January 1857
BLAI/FG], the son of Peter Skaggs and Martha MNU, on 21 August 1812 in Floyd County KY. According to FG, he was born in Montgomery County VA and her first name was Martha.
The marriage bond dated 4 August 1812 for Lewis and Nancy contains the following note.[
Kentucky, Floyd County, 3 Aug 1812
Sir, please to let Lewis Skaggs and
my daughter Nancy have license and you will oblidge your friend.
William McDowell
It's not clear why William says "daughter" since it is his sister.
Nancy and Lewis had the following identified children.
James Clark Skaggs [1813 - ]
John Lloyd Breckenridge Skaggs [1814 - 1895
PARK/FG] married Mary Lester [1827 - 21 May 1853], the daughter of James Harvey Lester and Katherine Bishop, on 22 May 1844 in Lawrence County KY.
Peter L. "French" Skaggs [December 1814 - 26 October 1893
PINE/FG] married Lucinda Marcum [25 December 1814 - ], the daughter of Stephen Marcum and Elizabeth Sadler. She was first married to Benjamin Vinson [1818 - 1849];
Solomon Skaggs [1818 - 1875] married Mary Theresa Casteel in 1843.
Nancy Skaggs [November 1823 - Unknown] married Samuel Sparks on 11 December 1847 in Lawrence County KY.
Martha Skaggs [c1827 - 30 November 1841]
Mary Skaggs [c1828 - ]
Nancy and Lewis appeared in the following census records.
1820 Census Floyd County KY
Lewis Skaggs
4 males 0-9: [James, John, Peter, Solomon]
1 male 26-44: [Lewis]
1 female 0-9:
1 female 16-25: [Nancy]
We note that the 1820 census record is on the same census page as Nancy's father,
John McDowell
1830 Census Lawrence County KY
Lewis Scags
2 males 10-14: [Peter, Solomon]
2 males 15-19: [James, John]
1 male 40-49: [Lewis]
2 females 5-9: [Nancy]
1 female 30-39: [Nancy]
1840 Census Lawrence County KY
Lewis Skeggs
4 males 20-29: [James, John, Peter, Solomon]
1 male 50-59: [Lewis]
2 females 15-19: [Nancy]
1 female 40-49: [Nancy]
1850 Census Lawrence County KY
Lewis Skaggs - 62 M - Farmer - VA
Nancy - 54 F - VA
Nancy - 25 F - KY
Mary - 22 F - KY
Martha Sparks - 1 F - KY
Saml Sparks -24 M - Farmer - KY
Lewis Skaggs received a number of Kentucky Land Grants
Lewis Skaggs, 50 acres, 20 October 1824, Lawrence County, Blains Cr.
Lewis Skaggs, 50 acres, 24 May 1825, Lawrence County, Hoods Fk Blains Cr
Lewis Skaggs, 100 acres, 27 February 1834, Lawrence County, Big Blaine Cr
Lewis Skaggs, 10 acres, 8 October 1849, Lawrence County, S s Big Blain Cr
Lewis L.Skaggs, 50 acres, 3 October 1853, Lawrence County, Big Blain
Lewis L. Skaggs, 200 acres, 4 June 1856, Lawrence County, M Blain Cr
Lewis L. Skaggs, 600 acres, 21 April 1859, Lawrence County, Big Blain Cr
The death record of Nancy exists.
Nancy Scaggs
Age: 53
Sex: Female
Condition: Married
Occupation: Spinster
Residence: Lawrence County
Place of Birth: Unknown
John & Sarah McDowell
Place of Death: Lawrence County
Time of Death: 12 August 1853
Cause: Flux
Remarks: [Blank]
John McDowell
John McDowell married Jemima "Jenny" Ramey on 3 August 1820 in Floyd County KY. They had the following children.
Cynthia "Syntha" McDowell [1829 - Aft 1870] married Stephen Bailey [1828 - 26 April 1875], the son of John Bailey and Susannah Seagraves, on 4 March 1852 in Johnson County KY.
Daniel McDowell [1 January 1832/1831 - 30 April 1813
EDI/FG/KYDI (82 years old)] married Mary Jane Seagraves [17 August 1832 - 25 October 1918
EDI/FG], the daughter of Stephen Seagraves and Susannah Deboard, on 6 Janauary 1853 in Carter County KY.
Nancy McDowell [1839 - 1929
WES/FG] married Greenville Seagraves [4 December 1842 - 9 October 1911
WHIT/FG] on 20 September 1860 in Johnson County KY.
Elenor "Ellender" McDowell [c1840 - 8 January 1923 /KYDC] at age 24 married John Lewis age 23 on 28 December 1865 [Fee paid 27 December] in Morgan County KY. She died in Carter County KY. The informant on her KYDC claims that her mother was Nellie Hopkins/Haskins and father John McDowell.
Rachel McDowell [c1843 - ] had a son named David McDowell with Jay Hargus.
Archibald McDowell [13 May 1846 - 4 July 1934
BEE/FG] at age 19 married Rachel Davis [c1847 - 23 August 1930
BEE/FG/INDC] at age 17, the daughter of Levi Davis and Polly Lewis, on 15 September 1865 in Morgan County KY.
John and Jemima appeared in the following census records.
1830 Census Lawrence County KY
John McDole Junior
1 male 0-4: [John]
1 male 5-9: [William]
1 male 30-39: [John]
1 female 0-4: [Sintha]
1 female 5-9: [Diana]
1 female 20-29: [Jemima]
1840 Census Lawrence County KY
J. McDowell
1 male 5-9: [Daniel]
1 male 10-14: [John]
1 male 15-19: [William]
1 male 40-49: [J.]
2 female 0-4: [Nancy, Elenor]
1 female 5-9: [Sintha]
1 female 15-19: [Diana]
1 female 30-39: [Jemima]
1850 Census Lawrence County KY
John McDowell - 51 M - Farmer - VA
Jemima - 48 F - VA
Sintha - 21 F - KY
Danl - 18 M - Farmer - KY
Nancy - 12 F - KY
Elenor - 10 F - KY
Rachel - 7 F - KY
Arch - 4 M - KY
1860 Census Johnson County KY
PO Hoodsfork
John McDole - 61 M - Farmer - VA
Jamima - 57 F - VA
Nancy - 23 F - KY
Ellenor - 20 F - KY
Rachail - 17 F - KY
Archibald - 14 M - KY
1870 Census Elliot County KY
Sandy Hook
John McDowell - 71 M - Farmer - VA
Tinney - 69 F - Keeping House - VA
Rachel - 25 F - Keeping House - KY
Charles - 2 M - At home - KY
John appeared in the following Lawrence County property tax lists accessed through 1850.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings for John McDowell
1822, Commissioner Jeremiah Wellman, part formerly Floyd County - 1 WP
1823, Commissioner Andrew Chapman - 1 WP
1824, Commissioner Reuben Canterbury - 1 WP
1825, Commissioner Strother F. Burgess - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $50
1826, Captain William Moore - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $40
1827 - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $40
1828, Commissioner Jeremiah Wellman - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $30
1829, Commissioner Jeremiah Welman - 1 WP, 2 H, TV $50
1830 - No Tax Book
1831, Commissioner William H. Burgess - 1 WP, P1, TV $150
1832 - No Tax Book
1833 - 1 WP, 1 H, P2, TV $180
1834 - 1 WP, 2 H, P2, TV $140
1835 - No Tax Book
1836 - No Tax Book
1837 - 1 WP, 2 H, P2, TV $250
1838 - 1 WP, 2 H, P2, TV $250
1839 - No Tax Book
1840 - 1 WP, 1 H $10, P3 $200, 7 C $25, 4 Children between 7 and 17, TV $235
1841 - 1 WP, 1 H $25, P3 $150, 3 Children between 7 and 17, TV $175
1842 - 1 WP, P3 $200, 6 Children between 7 and 17, TV $200
1843 - 1 WP, 4 Children between 5 and 16
1844 - 1 WP, 1 H $10, P3 $150, 3 Children between 5 and 16, TV $160
1845 - 1 WP, 2 H $20, P3 $150, 3 Children between 5 and 16, TV $170
1846 - 1 WP, 2 H $20, 3 Children between 5 and 16, TV $20
1847 - (Senr) 1 WPV, 1 H $53 Children between 5 and 16, TV $5
1848 - 1 WPV, 1 H $10, 5 Children between 5 and 16, T $10
1849 - Not found
1850 - 1 WP, 2 H $50, P4 $200, 4 Children between 5 and 16, TV $250
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
Horses, mules, mares, colts
A1, A2, A3 = Acres of first, second, or third rate land
PA = Value per acre
TV = Total value of taxable property
P1 = 105 A2, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain, Entry Name: William Walthers
P2 = 50 A2/A3, Lawrencey County, Watercourse Blain / Hoods Fork
P3 = 200 A, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain / Hoods Fork
P4 = 100 A, Lawrence County, Watercourse S. Fork Sandy
Several deeds exist for John.
David Trimble of Greenup County to John McDowell of Lawrence County. $1. 107½ acres on Blain Creek. Beginning at the mouth of a Cain on the point of a ridge a little to the right of the road near Ambrose Holbrooks on a knot and Spanish Oak, thence S33W 59 poles to a White Oak and Black Oak, thence West 160 poles to Blain Creek, thence down the middle of the Creek with the meanders, then of to the crossing on the county road, thence continuing down the Creek with the meanders thereof about 150 poles to two Poplars on the east side of Blain near Sweatman's corner on the bank, thence with Sweatman's line S87E 50 poles to two White Oaks and bush on a ridge, thence S56E 98 poles to two White Oaks, thence S40W 98 poles to two Buckeyes, thence S30E 26 poles to a buck, thence S50E 50 poles to a buck, thence S15W 60 poles to a White Oak, thence West 50 poles to the Beginning.[KM Abstract]
LawrenceDBB:17-18 30 October 1830
John McDowell of Lawrence County to Larkin Wright of Madison County VA. $1. 50 acres on Blain Creek. Beginning at the upper end of said survey on a yellow Lynn, thence down the creek with meanders thereof to two Poplars on the east side of Blain near Sweatmans corner on the creek bank, thence with Sweatman's line S87E 50 poles to two White Oaks and a Buck on a ridge, thence S50E 98 poles to two White Oaks, thence W running with McDowells line to the crossing the Pan Bottom branch to a Spanish Oak and Poplar on the south side of sd branch, thence a straight line to the beginning. Witnesses: C. L. Sweatman, Neri Sweatman. Proved and recorded 17 July 1832[KM Abstract]
LawrenceDBB:111-112 7 March 1832
John McDowell to James Woods , both of Lawrence County. $1. 50 acres. Beginning at a Buck and Maple north side of a ridge near said McDowells plantation, thence running S63E 36 poles to a Maple and souerwood, N79E 16 poles to a Maple, S5E 36 ppoles to a White oak and Chesnut Oak, N88E 30 poles to a Maple, N 70 poles to a Hickory, N74/43W 110 poles to a Stake, S 107 poles to the beginning.
Tract 2: Beginning at two White Oaks standing on the bank of Hoods fork of Blain Creek opposite Ambrose Holebrooks lane thence down to the mouth of said Creek, thence down main Blain to a yellow Lynn standing on the bank of Blain, then from thence to follow the conditional line between Larkin Wright and said Woods to said McDowells line, thence following said line to the beginning. Signed: John (x his mark) McDowell. Witness: C. L. Sweatman[KM Abstract]
LawrenceDBB:130 8 December 1832
John appeared on the following road record.
On the motion of Stephen Wheeler, ordered that Meredith Edwards, Benjamin Morris, John McDowell Jr, and Neri Swetman or any three of them after being duly sworn do view and mark the nearest and best way for an alteration in the road leading from Lawrence Court house to the Floyd County line up Blain through the land of the said Stephen Wheeler and report to Court the comparative conveniences and inconveniencies between the old and new proposed way.
LawrenceOB1:62 Tuesday 21 January 1823
William McDowell
William M. McDowell [25 July 1823 - 21 November 1916 /KYDC] married Mary Catherine Bailey [17 May 1831 - 1880], the daughter of John Bailey and Susannah Seagraves, on 21 July 1846 in Johnson County KY. The middle initial for William and the maiden name for Mary are taken from the KYDC of Milton McDowell. Mary's middle name of Catherine was taken from the KYDC of her daughter Reginia. They had the following children.
Tilitha McDowell[c1847 - 21 March 1853] See death data below.
Milton McDowell [9 October 1850 - 5 March 1933] married Laura Alice Colvin [21 September 1859 - 30 March 1941], the daughter of John Colvin and Mary Davis.
Sarilda/Surrilda McDowell [3 April 1854 - 15 June 1913
BRAN/FG] married first to John Cook on 1 November 1877 in Elliott County KY and second to Richard Branham [18 July 1838 - 19 August 1923
BRAN/FG] in 1896.
Lydia E. McDowell [22 May 1857 - 1931
STAP/FG] married Levi Beecher Salyres [29 March 1860 - 30 July 1927
Martha McDowell [1859 - ] married Inman Castle [18 November 1855 - ], the son of William Israel Castle and Mary Jane Davis.
Edmund C. McDowell [15 August 1862 - 11 October 1937
BAR/FG] married Angeline Minerva Coldiron [11 March 1872 - 27 January 1944
BAR/FG] on 26 June 1897 in Morgan County KY. She was first married to Spencer B. Ison [19 March 1866 - March 1896
ANT/FG] on 1 November 1885 in Morgan County KY.
Reginia Francis McDowell [31 May 1865 - 26 September 1946] married George W. Melvin [28 April 1845 - 15 February 1932
Samantha McDowell [24 March 1868 - 27 October 1939] married Spencer H. Lemaster [22 June 1855 - 17 February 1922], the son of George Washington Lemaster, and Susannah C. Davis.
William and Mary appeared in the following census records.
1850 Census Johnson County KY
William McDowell - 26 M - Farmer - KY
Mary - 19 F - KY
Telitha - 2 F - KY
1860 Census Johnson County KY
PO Hoodsfork
William McDale - 34 M - Farmer - KY
Polly - 25 F - KY
Milton - 9 M - KY
Sarilda - 5 F - KY
Lyddia E. - 3 F - KY
Martha I - 6/12 F - KY
1870 Census Elliot County KY
Precinct 1, PO Sandy Hook
William McDowell - 47 M - Farmer - KY
Mary - 39 F - Keeping House - KY
Milton - 19 M - Farm Hand - KY
Sarilda - 16 F - Keeping House - KY
Lydia - 13 F - Keeping House - KY
Martha - 11 F - Keeping House - KY
Edmund - 7 M - At Home - KY
Ryina - 5 F - At Home - KY
Samantha - 2 F - At Home - KY
William Stephens - 29 M - Farm Hand - KY
1880 Census Johnson County KY
Flat Gap
William McDonil/McDowel - 55 M - Laborer - KY VA VA
Mary - 48 F - Wife - Keeping house - KY KY KY
Rejinah - 14 F - Daughter - Servant - KY KY KY
Sarah A. - 6 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
Edmon - 18 M - Son - Laborer - KY KY KY
Samantha - 12 F - Daughter - Servant - KY KY KY
1900 Census Johnson County KY
Magisterial District 4
Miles McDowel - 49 M - Head - Oct 1850 m/20 - KY KY KY
Alice - 40 F - Wife - Sept 1859 m/20 0/0 - KY KY KY
Milton - 8 M - Nephew - Apr 1892 - KY KY KY
William - 77 M - Father - July 1822, Wd - KY VA VA
1910 Census Johnson County KY
Low Gap
Milten McDowell - 59 M - Head - m1/30 - KY KY KY
Alice - 50 F - Wife - m1/30 - KY KY KY
Lara - 11 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
William - 86 M - Father - KY VA VA
Mary Cohen - 90 F - Mother-in-Law, Wd - KY VA VA
The death record of Talitha McDowell exists.
Name: Talitha McDowell
Age: 7
Sex: Female
Condition: Single
Occupation: Farmers Daughter
Residence: Johnson County
Place of Birth: Johnson County
Parents: William & Mary McDowell
Place of Death: Johnson County
Time of Death: 21 March 1853
Cause: Dropsy
Diana McDowell
Diana McDowell [11 February 1825 - 18 April 1896
RAM/FG] married Thomas Matthew Ramey [2 January 1815 - 13 July 1890
RAM/FG] in 1846 in Lawrence County KY. We have assigned her as a daughter of John and Jemima due to the Ramey connection. She also fits the census records for a daughter of
Jehu McDowell. She appeared in the following 1850 Census.
1850 Census Lawrence County KY
Thadeus Ramey - 36 M - Farmer - KY
Diana - 25 F - KY
Franklin - 14 M - KY
Saml - 13 M - KY
John - 10 M - KY
Susan - 9 F - KY
Jane - 9 F - KY
Wm - 7 M - KY
Perry - 6 M - KY
Owen H. - 2 M - KY
John McDowell
John McDowell [1825/1826 - ] married Minerva McGuire [c1838 - ] in 1849 in Lawrence County KY. It appears that they had no children.
On the same page of the 1850 Census as his father, we find John McDowell Jr.
1850 Census Lawrence County KY
John McDowell Jr - 24 M - Farming - KY
Manerva - 21 F - KY
1860 Census Lawrence County KY
John McDowell - 35 M - Farmer - KY
Mary - 32 F - Housewife - OH
Nancy Davis - 65 F - Boarder - VA
Wm McGuire - 4 M - Boarder - KY
1870 Census Lawrence County KY
Precinct 7
John McDowell - 47 M - Farmer - KY
Manerva - 45 F - Keeping House - KY
Nancy - 17 F - Without occupation - KY
William - 13 M - At Home - KY
John appeared in the following Lawrence County property tax lists up to 1850.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings of John McDowell Jr
1847 - 1 Voter, 1 White Male over 21
1848 - 1 Voter, 1 White Male over 21
1849 - 1 White Male over 21, 1 Horse, 30 Value of horse, Total Value $30
1850 - 1 White Male over 21
Note that his 1847 appearance in the tax lists matches with his birth year of about 1825 or 1826 and his being over twenty one by 1847.
We assign the following road record to this John given his youthful age and the fact that he is listed in the 1850 Census for Lawrence County.
Ordered that James Short, John McDowell, Thos Bishop, Geo Bishop, Sinzey Lester, & Wm Murphy be attached to Daniel Short surveyor to assist him to keep his road in repair.
LawrenceOB3:351 Monday 19 August 1850
Jehu McDowell
Jehu McDowell [c1802 - ] married Sarah White [c1804 - Bf 1870] in 1823 in Lawrence County KY. They had the following identified children.
Sarah McDowell [c1830 - Likely Bf 1880] married David Penix [1826 - 1877], the son of Isaac W. Penix and Sarah Davis, on 28 May 1852 in Lawrence County KY.
Nancy McDowell [c1832 or 1835/KYDC] remains unmarried in the 1870 Census.
Rebecca McDowell [30 January 1836 - 17 February 1911
WOOD/FG] apparently never married although Betty "Bessie" L. McDowell named as a daughter, age 34, lives with her in the 1910 Census.
Margaret E. McDowell [22 March 1841 - 2 April 1891
BED/FG] married Francis M. Baxter [August 1837 - ] on 14 July 1870 in Trimble County KY. After her death, he married Annie Whitaker on 28 September 1894 in Trimble County KY.
George Alfred McDowell [25 January 1850 - 21 March 1922
CAR/FG] married Sarah Jane Davis [13 August 1852 - 23 July 1913
CAR] on 26 April 1877 in Perry County OH.
Andrew Trumbull "Trumbo" McDowell [1 December 1853 - 21 April 1939
WOOD/FG] married Amanda J. "Jennie" Allaway [3 May 1866 - 27 January 1932
WOOD/FG] on 15 November 1885 in Lawrence County OH.
Jehu and Sarah appeared in the following census records. Note that Jehu, Sarah, and their children appeared in the
1830 Census with his father.
1840 Census Lawrence County KY
Jno McDowell
1 Male 0-4: [Thomas]
1 Male 5-9:
1 Male 10-14: [John]
1 Male 30-39: [Jehu]
1 Female 0-4: [Rebecca]
2 Females 5-9: [Nancy, Sydney]
2 Females 10-14: [Mary, Sarah]
1 Female 15-19
1 Female 30-39: [Sarah]
1850 Census Lawrence County KY
Jahue McDowell - 47 M - Farmer - VA
Sarah - 46 F - TN
Sarah - 21 F - KY
Nancy - 18 F - KY
Sidney - 16 F - KY
Rebecca - 13 F - KY
Emma - 9 M - KY
Margaret - 7 F - KY
Geo. A. - 4/12 M - KY
1860 Census Lawrence County KY
PO Louisa
John McDowell - 54 M - Farmer - VA
Sarah - 56 F - Housewife - TN
Nancy - 28 F - House Servt - KY
Rebecca - 24 F - Do Do - KY
Margarett - 19 F - Do Do - KY
Geo. Alfred - 10 M - KY
A. J. - 7 M - KY
Lavina Dooley - 7 F - Boarder Twin - KY
Palina Dooley - 7 F - Boarder Twin - KY
Sarah Compton - 7 F - Boarder - KY
1870 Census Greenup County KY
Precinct 1, PO Greenupsburg
John McDowell - 69 M - Farmer - West Virginia
Nancy - 30 F - House Keeping - KY
Rebecca - 28 F - Seamstress - KY
George - 20 M - Farm Laborer - KY
Trumbo - 16 M - Farm Laborer - KY
Paulina Duley - 16 F - Seamstress - KY
Virginia Duley - 16 F - Seamstress - KY
Sarah J. Compton - 16 F - House Keeping - KY
Elvessa McDowell - 1 F - KY
Jehu appeared in the following Lawrence County property tax lists accessed through 1850, sometimes with the name John instead of Jehu. Because of the many "Johns" that appear on the tax lists, it is possible that some of these assignments are incorrect.
Table: Lawrence County Tax Listings of Jehu McDowell
1823, Commissioner Andrew Chapman - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $50
1824, Commissioner Reuben Canterbury - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $35
1825, Commissioner Strother F. Burgess - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $50
1826, Captain Francis Pawasten - 1 WP
1829, Commissioner Jeremiah Welman - 1 WP
1830 - No Tax Book
1832 - No Tax Book
1833 - 1 WP, P1, TV $150
1834 - 1 WP
1835 - No Tax Book
1836 - No Tax Book
1837 - 1 WP
1838 - 1 WP, 1 H, TV $20
1839 - No Tax Book
1840 - 1 WP, 1 H $50, P2 $50, 5 Children between 7 and 17, TV $100
1841 - 1 WP, 6 Children between 7 and 17
1842 - 1 WP, 6 Children between 7 and 17
1843 - 1 WP, P2 $100, 6 Children between 7 and 17, TV $100
1844 - 1 WP, 1 H $25, P2 $100, 7 Children between 5 and 16, TV $125
1845 - 1 WP, 2 H $55, P2 $400, 6 Children between 5 and 16, TV $455
1846 - 1 WP, 3 H $65, P2 $300, 5 Children between 5 and 16, TV $365
1847 - 1 WPV, 1 H $15, P2 $70, 1 Child between 5 and 16, TV $85
1848 - 1 WPV, 2 H $40, P2 $150, 5 Children between 5 and 16, TV $190
1849 - 1 WP, 2 H $50, P2 $150, 5 Children between 5 and 16, TV $200
WP = White Male Tithable over 21
WPV = WP and voter
H = Horses, mules, mares, colts
A1, A2, A3 = Acres of first, second or third rate land
PA = Value per acre
TV = Total value of taxable property
P1 = 50 A2, Lawrence County, Watercourse Blain
P2 = 100 A (1843-1844) / 300 A (1845) / 200 A (1846) / 70 A (1847) / 150 A (1848-1849), Lawrence County, Watercourse Cuy Fork / Blain / Sandy
In the Lawrence County Grantee Index, a deed from
Lewis Skaggs to Jehue M. McDowell has been found. Skaggs is Jehu's brother-in-law.
Lewis Scaggs of Lawrence County to Jeheu M. McDowell of Lawrence County. $50. 50 acres by survey of 24 May 1825 on Rackoon branch of Hoods fork of Big Blain. Beginning at a Maple standing on the east side of Hoods fork then N20 E 34 poles to a Spruce pine, N19W 32 poles to a White Oak, N65E 28 poles to a White Oak, S64E 66 poles to 2 White Oaks, S51W 40 poles to a Stake, S71W 48 poles to a stake, thence N62W 124 poles to the Beginning. Witnesses: Walter Osburn, Hugh Boggs, S. L. Scaggs. Proved and recorded 22 December 1844.[KM Abstract]
LawrenceDBC:356 11 May 1842
Ordered that Casper Hinkle be appointed to superintend the opening the road as viewed and marked over the land of Wesley Berry &C that he call on Nlyper Garred surveyor & his hands, Jehu McDowell surveyor & his hands, Arthur Preston surveyor & his hands, Thos Spencer surveyor & his hands, A. H. Wheeler surveyor & his hand & John Borden surveyor & his hands to assist him to open the same according to Law cut smooth 15 feet wide and dig 9 feet wide where digging is necessary.
LawrenceOB3:306 Monday 18 December 1848
Ordered that Jehue McDowell be apppointed surveyor of the road in place of Edward Burgess and that he call on all the hands allowed Ed Burgess to assist him to keep the [blank]
LawrenceOB3:307 Monday 18 December 1848
Ordered that Casper Hinkle and Charles Spencer superintend to open the road as viewed and marked from James Balls old place to Michael Bordens Mill on Georges Creek, do open the same 7 feet dug instead of 9 feet as previously ordered, and that he call on all the hands on Georges Creek & its tributaries from the forks down to its mouth, be excluded from working the same and that he call on Nlyper Garred Surveyor & his hands, Jehue McDowell surveyor & his hands, Arthur Preston surveyor & his hands are also excluded, and that he call on Wm Miller surveyor & his hands above the fork of Georges Creek in a __ be those previously also Jackson Broadly & Wiley Berry & those on the left __ of fork of Georges Creek little Blain to assist him to open the same except Jackson Brady & Wily Berry.
LawrenceOB3:310 Monday 19 February 1849
Ordered that C. C. Kise be appointed surveyor of the road in place of Edward Burgiss Jahue McDowell and that he be allowed the same hands allowed said Burgiss McDowell to assist him to keep the same in repair according to law, cut smooth 15 feet wide and dig 9 feet wide where digging is necessary.
LawrenceOB3:352 Monday 19 August 1849
With the same condition on the name Jehu versus the name John and the interchanging that occurs within Lawrence County records, there is a court case of Jehu McDowell versus James Rose.
Jahue McDowell vs James Rose on appeal ordered that an alias issue herein the cause contd.
LawrenceOB3:308 Monday 15 January 1849
McDowell vs Rose on appeal Als & Contd.
LawrenceOB3:310 Monday 19 February 1849
Jehue McDowell vs Jas Rose als & contd.
LawrenceOB3:314 Monday 19 March 1849
Jehue McDowell Appt vs James Rose Appellee } On Appeal. This day came the parties aforesaid by their attos and being heard upon the evidence, it is considered by the Court that the Judgment of the Justice be reversed and that the appellant recover against the appellee the sum of $5.00 with his costs herein expended, also his cost before the Justice. The above Judgment to bear legal interest from the 18th day of August 1848 until paid.
John McDowell 2 days
LawrenceOB3:322 Monday 20 August 1849
John McDowell
John McDowell [c1820 - Af 1900] is identified as a son of Jehu via the
1900 Census of
Thomas McDowell — the son of Jehu McDowell and Sarah White — who reports John as his brother. We have found the following 1850 census record for a John which matches with the 1900 Census.
1850 Census Sacremento County CA
John McDowell - 30 M - Miner - KY
No other records have been found to date for John.
Mary McDowell
Mary McDowell [1829 - 5 August 1854 KYDeath (age 25 born in Lawrence County KY on Blaine)] married Layne Compton [1823 - 1895] on 29 November 1850 in Lawrence County KY. We suspect that the following census record belongs to her.
1850 Census Lawrence County KY
[List of Thomas Marks Family]
Mary McDowell - 23 F - KY
Her daughter Sarah Compton lives with her parents in the
1860 Census following her death.
Sydney McDowell
Sydney McDowell [1834 - 16 December 1853
JPC/FG] married William Harrison Dooley [1828 - 16 October 1873
JPC/FG]. After her death, he married Martha McKinster on 4 September 1855 in Lawrence County KY. Her death record exists.
Sydney Duley
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Condition: [blurred]
Occupation: [blurred]
Residence: Lawrence County
Place of Birth: Lawrence County
Jahue & Sally McDowell
Place of Death: Lawrence County
Time of Death: 16 December 1853
Cause: In Child birth
Remarks: With Twins
The twin children live with her father and mother in the
1860 Census.
Thomas Emmanuel McDowell
Thomas Emmanuel "Emma" McDowell [21 May 1839 - 7 July 1912
RIF/FG] married Louisa H. Clay [1840 - 1889], the daughter of James M. Clay and Nancy Mitchell, on 24 January 1861 in Lawrence County KY. They had the following children.
James C. McDowell [17 May 1861 - 17 May 1934]
Nancy E. McDowell [1862 - ] married Calloway Scott King on 23 September 1886 in Lawrence County KY.
Emma Sarah McDowell [25 December 1872 - 2 September 1951] married John W. Stewart
Lily G. McDowell [1875 - ] married Calloway Scott King on 6 December 1890 in Lawrence County KY.
John Mitchell McDowell [23 October 1877 - 7 September 1968
ALEX/FG] married first to Cathleen O'Brien on 30 December 1903 in Boyd County KY and second to Ella Wooten [February 1887 - 1 June 1961
They appeared in the following census records.
1860 Census Lawrence County KY
PO Louisa
Miles K. Sissen - 37 M - Farmer - VA
Sidney - 28 F - Wife - VA
Thos McDole - 20 M - Farmhand - KY
George Sissen - 10 M - KY
Sarah - 8 F - KY
Francis - 6 F - KY
Samuel - 4 M - KY
Charles - 2 M - KY
1880 Census Lawrence County KY
Falls of Blaine
Thomas McDole - 42 M - KY KY KY
Luesia - 40 F - Wife - Keeping house - KY KY KY
James C. - 18 M - Son - At home - KY KY KY
Nancy - 17 F - Daughter - At home - KY KY KY
Sarah J. - 7 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
Liley G. - 4 F - Daughter - KY KY KY
John M. - 2 M - Son - KY KY KY
On 6 August 1890, Thomas married Rachel Estrep in Lawrence County KY.
1900 Census Lawrence County KY
East Fork
Thomas McDowell - 61 M - Head - May 1839 m/10 - KY KY TN
Rachel - 58 F - Wife Apr 1847 m/10 - WVA VA VA
John - 23 M - Son - May 1877 - KY KY KY
John - 80 M - Brother Feby 1820 Wd - KY KY TN
APPENDIX I: 1805 Will of Hanson McDowell
Source: MonroeWB1:63-65
In the name of God, amen, I
Henson McDowel of Monroe County of Commonwealth of Virgina Farmer been weak in __ Body but of perfect Mind and Memory knowing that it is appoint for all Men (first) to die and have taken it seriously into consideration to Settle my affairs of Life I have therefore in the Manner and Form following (to wit) I would that my Body were Buried in a Decent Christian manner at the Discreation of my [blurred word] Executors, and that all my lawful Debts be discharged the remaining title I give on charge unto my Executors to be apply to the following purpose. In pursue as I have sold my Place lately to a certain John Tailor the price of which as the are paid in Annual Payments. I leave & Bequeath unto my well beloved
Grand Child Elizabeth Atkins to be appropriated to Clothe & Educate her in as ample a manner as my Executors shall think Necessary and if there yet should be anything remaining that it be given her, whe(n) she the said
Elizabeth is of Age. Bit if in case he(r) Mother
Mary Atkins should [Redued] I would allow her to be Relieved from Indigence at the Discreation of my Executors may Deem necessay and if the above
Elizabeth shold die in he(r) Infancy I appoint all if anything is left
to ye __ of the Body of my Daughter
Mary Atkins if she has more Children if she only survive she must of consequence be the [Possessed]. I do hereby constitute and appoint Conrad Keller and George Dixon of the Commonwealths County and Commonwealth above to be my true & faithfull Executors to this my last Will and Testament disannuling all other Will or Wills made or done by me Disclaiming & Disavowing the whole of them. Given from under my Hand & Seal this the 17 Day of May Anno 1805 or five.
Hanson McDowel (seal)
Teste: Richard Davis
John Taylor
William Davis
At a Court held for the County of Monroe the 16th Day of July 1805. The last Will and Testament of Hanson McDowel Decd was presented in Court by Conrad Keller and George Dixon the Executors therein named. And proved by the oaths of John Taylor and Richard Davis Witnesses thereto. And ordered to be recorded. And on the Motion of the said Executors who made Oath according to Law, Certificate is granted them to have Probate in due form on their giving Bond with Security. Whereof they together with John Taylor and John Porry entered into and acknowledged a Bond in the sum of five hundred Dollars Conditioned as the Law directs.
Test Isaac Hutchison DClk
Estate Appraisal – Page 66
Agreeable to an Order from the Worshipful Court of Monroe to us directed to appraise the personal Estate of Henson McDowel Dect after being duly qualifd have acted in the following manner (to wit)
6.0.0 — One gray Mare
0.2.0 — One Bell
0.10.0 — One small oven & Hooks
0.6.0 — Two Pleveres and other Iron
0.5.0 — One old shere and bother
0.4.6 — Sundry Iron things
0.18.0 — One great Coat
1.4.0 — Three Blankets
0.9.0 — One Bed tick and Fothers
0.4.0 — Five Bags
0.10.0 — Sundry old Clothes
0.10.0 — One Saddle and Levisingle?
0.3.6 — Two bags & a Pale
1.10.0 — Four Sheep & a Bell
James Graham Senr
Thomas Wiatt
Jonathan [Ruak]
At a Court held for Monroe County the 22nd Day of August 1805. The Inventory of Estate of Hanson McDowel Decd was returned and ordered to be Recorded.
Test Isaac Hutchinson DCMC
Estate Sales – Pages 218 and 219
At Monroe January Court 1813
This list of Sales of the Estate of Henson McDowell Decd was returned and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy Test Isaac Hutchison CMC
Agreeable to an order of the worshipful Court of Monroe County we the undersigned have on the 18th day of January 1813 proceeded on behalf of the said Court to title and state the amount of the administration of the Estate of Henson McDowell Decd as followeth, to wit
The acting Executor Conrad Kellor
$47.94 — To amount of the sale of personal property
169.04 — To amount of additional Sale Bills
$216.98 — Total amount of Debit side
Contra Cr
£2.6.3 or $7.71 — By amount of the Execution act
5.96 — Gibson Jarrells act
0.18 — General Court clerk ticket
1.57 — Monroe Clerk's not to Estate
1.21 — Jeremiah Reachs act
1.58 — James Taylors
12.00 — John Taylors
1.52 — Jonathan Roach
0.50 — Thomas Wyatt
00.00 — Archibald Woodram
[100.00] — Shuid Athesons Receipt
19.33 1/3 — "
1.33 1/3 — "
8.71 — Executors account for service
6.11 — Additional Cost to Clerk in consequence of recording this Settlement & the Sales of the Estate
$167.71 2/3
49.26 1/3 — due the Estate
Isaac Hutchinson
Alexr Dunlap
Saml Clark
At Monroe January Court 1813
This Settlement of the Estate of Henson McDowel decd was returned and ordered to be recorded.
A Copy Test Isaac Hutchinson
APPENDIX II: Court Cases of Henson McDowell
John Henderson Assignee of Michael Woods Plaintiff agst Hanson McDowell Defendant } In Debt. Alias Capias.
GreenbrierOBA:119 Saturday 22 March 1783
John Henderson Assee &C Plaintiff agst Hanson McDowel Defendant } In Debt. Pluries Capias.
GreenbrierOBA:131 Wednesday 16 April 1783
John Henderson Assee of Michl Woods Plaintiff agst Hanson McDowell Defendant } In Debt. James Davis who was returned Security for the appearance of the Defendant this day surrendered him in Court. Therefore the said James Davis from his undertaking in this behalf is by the Court fully discharged. And on Prayer of the Plaintiff the said Defendant is committed to the custody of the Sheriff of this County to remain in the Common Goal for Debtors, until he shall find Special Bail, or be otherwise legally discharged therefrom.
GreenbrierOBA:135 Tuesday 20 May 1783
John Henderson Assee of Michael Woods Plaintiff agst Hanson McDowell Defendant } In Debt. Came as well the Plaintiff by his Attorney as the Defendant in his proper person and the said Defendant acknowledgeth the Plaintiffs action. Therefore it is Considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the said Defendant One thousand three pounds the Debt in the Declaration mentioned, and his Costs by him about his said suit in this behalf expended, and the said Defendant and in Mercy &C. But this Judgment is to be discharged by the payment of Three pounds five shillings and the Costs. And by Consent of parties Execution of this Judgment is to be stayed for three months from this day.
GreenbrierOBA:138 Wednesday 21 May 1783
Same [John Stuart and Company] Plaintiff agst Hanson McDowell Defendant } In Debt. Common Order against the Defendant and James Davis Security for his appearance.
GreenbrierOBA:152 Wednesday 21 May 1783
The Same [John Stuart & Co] Plaintif agst Henderson & McDowell Defendants } In Case. Dismissed.
GreenbrierOBA:176 19 August 1783
On the Petition of Peter Saunders against Henson McDowell and John Milstead for five pounds the defn acknowledging the same to be just, therefore it is considered by the Court that the Petitioner recover against the said defts the said five pounds with Interest thereon from the 1st day of June 1783 until paid and the Costs.
GreenbrierOBA:382 Tuesday 19 July 1785
On the petition of Peter Saunders against Henson McDowell for £5.0.0 due by note, the deft acknowledging the same to be just, therefore it is considered by the Court that the petitioner recover against the said deft the said £5.0.0 with Interest thereon from the first day of June 1783 til payment and the costs in this behalf expended.
GreenbrierOBA:415 Thursday 21 July 1785
David Carlisle Plt against Henson McDowell Dft } In Debt. The same [By agreement of the parties this suit is dismissed and it is ordered that the deft pay unto the Plt his Costs].
GreenbrierOBA:391 Wednesday 20 July 1785
Ordered that the same [Mathias Keen] pay unto Thomas Marshall two hundred and thirty pounds of Tobacco for two days attendance and once coming and returning forty five miles, and to Henson McDowell one hundred and fifty pounds of Tobacco for six days attendance as witnesses at the suit of the same [Mathias Kissenger and John Hutcheson admrs of John Milstead deceased].
GreenbrierOBB/2:100 Wednesday 29 August 1787
Ordered that Mathias Keen pay unto Henson McDowell twenty five pounds of Tobacco for one day attending as a witness at the suit of Mathias Kissenger and John Hutchison administrators of John Milstead deceased.
GreenbrierOBB/2:104 Thursday 30 August 1787
Upon the Petition of Henry McDaniel assee of Hanson McDowell who was assee of Atkins against Archibald Woodram and William Daugherty, it is considered by the Court that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendants the sum of five pounds and his costs in this behalf expended. Plaintiff Costs $3.55.
MonroeOB1:381 20 January 1802
ALEX: Alexander Cemetery, Hebbardsville, Athens County OH
ANT: Anthony Ison Cemetery, Moon, Morgan County KY
AUT: Autry Daniels Cemetery, Sitka, Johnson County KY
BAR: Barnes Cemetery, Fairview, Highland County OH
BLAI: Head of Big Blaine Cemetery, Lawrence Count KY
BRAN: Branham Cemetery #1, Elliot County KY
BED: Bedford Cemetery, Bedford, Trimble County KY
BEE: Beech Grove Cemetery, Muncie, Delaware County IN
CAR: Carbon Hill Cemetery, Carbon Hill, Hocking County OH
DOC: Doctor Rice Cemetery, Martha, Lawrence County KY
EDI: Edison Cemetery, Grayson, Carter County KY
EVER: Everman Cemetery, Carter County KY
FOS: Foster Chapel Cemetery, West Jefferson, Madison County OH
JOH: Johnson Cemetery #2, Olive Hill, Carter County KY
JPC: Judge Preston Cemetery, Charley, Lawrence County KY
HOL: Holbrook Cemetery, Blaine, Lawrence County KY
LIT: Littleton-Carroll Cememetery, Fultz, Carter County KY
MAUK: Mauk Cemetery, Elliott County KY
PARK: Parker-Highland Cemetery, Parkerville, Morris County KA
PINE: Pine Hill Cemetery, Louisa, Lawrence County KY
RAM: Ramey Cemetery, Blaine, Lawrence County KY
RIF: Riffe Cemetery, Louisa, Lawrence County KY
STAP: Stapleton Cemetery Upper, Kerz, Johnson County KY
STF: Staffordsville Church Cemetery, Staffordsville, Johnson County KY
UN: Union Hill Cemetery, Chesapeake, Lawrence County OH
WES: Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Hilliard, Franklin County, OH
WHIT: Whitehouse Community Church Cemetery, Whitehouse, Johnson County KY
WOOD: Woodland Cemetery, Ironton, Lawrence County OH